Spyro and The New Chronicler chapter five

Story by Cloudline Dasher on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: If you are offended by the content in this story or under 18 then do not read further.

Chapter five: Bahamut and Tiamat

Bahamut left his post at the pier of his palace. Preparing himself for battle as he attached many articles of armor to his body. Which blended in with his body being the same metallic color as his scales.

"Master, MASter..." A small imp yelled hysterically running in.

"What is it you idiot?" Tiamat growled out.

"Bahamut's forces are preparing for battle." The imp stated cowering in fear.

"Good, they will have the chance to see the Destroyer in all his glory." Tiamat stated.

"You mean you finished it?" The imp questioned

"Don't question me you imbecile, of coarse I finished it, I also have a back up plan if all else fails." Tiamat snickered.

"What is your back up plan master?" The imp bravely questioned.

"I have used my dark magic to make an heir to resurrect the Destroyer every year of the dragon." Tiamat eagerly explained.

"How would they even come close to matching your power though master?" The imp said trying to butter up his master.

"You retard, I thought of that. I have given them all the elements including my own invented power of convexity." Tiamat grinned evilly motioning a servant to go prepare his battle suit.

"Convexity master?" The imp asked.

"It's a special power that allows the random creations of energies within the body." Tiamat explained.

"I.. don't understand master." The imp stated.

"Of course you wouldn't you imbecile." Tiamat said madly slamming his tail down making the imp fall to the ground, "Now go before I make you my next meal."

The imp didn't need another hint before he ran out of the castle. Tiamat ordered his chief of his battalion to prepare the troops for battle.

"This will be the ending of a new world." Tiamat grinned, "Muahahahahaha."

"Sir, we have discovered a black magic that has distorted time." A small Platinum dragon stated.

"What? How..." Bahamut questioned angrily.

"Our best dragons describe it as a purple dragon." The Platinum dragon stated.

"Very well, tell them to disrupt it, somehow." Bahamut ordered.

"Ok master, but their seems to be distortions throughout the time line of purple dragons." The Platinum dragon claimed.

"Cancel that then, I will take care of it myself. Just prepare the outstanding forces for battle." Bahamut demanded.

"As you wish sir." The dragon said rushing from the room.

Bahamut stomped over to a cauldron. Looking in seeing exactly what his guard had told. Purple dragons and they all were on the year of the dragon.

"I don't have time for this. This should take care of this for now." Bahamut said to himself pulling vile from the shelves, drinking them down and spitting them into the cauldron.

Smoke rose from the cauldron as he coughed slightly, "If Tiamat is creating evil with those purple dragons, at least they will half an option to good, just as every one should have."

Bahamut rushed from the room and the cauldron began to stir the images. It showed a slate of stone writing itself. Stating of Spyro the purple dragon, and the belt of fire. The cauldron faded as all was set and the fate was left to a single purple dragon.

"Skip a couple pages Kira." Ignitus stated, "try to find Bahamut and Tiamat fighting."

Kira did as she was told and flipped through the pages. Pictures of war and bloody verses was passed until Bahamut's and Tiamat's names came up again.

"Bahamut, you will never win against me. I am the true good and you are just holding this planet back." Tiamat roared.

"No, what you ask for is too much. What makes you think the new world wont just end up the same?" Bahamut stated.

"Then the Destroyer will remain, and the world will keep restarting until all evil is gone." Tiamat growled.

"Listen, evil will always exist. All we can do is make this world the best it can be." Bahamut begged.

"NO.... This world killed my mate." Tiamat roared in anger.

"I know brother, but that is no reason to act this way." Bahamut tried to reason.

"Shut up!" Tiamat roared rushing at Bahamut.

Bahamut dodged but his wing was clipped by Tiamat's horn. Bahamut growled loudly with pain as blood trickled from his wound.

"Brother, I don't want to kill you." Bahamut pleaded.

"Do you expect I want to do the same? But I will if it means perfecting this planet." Tiamat growled throwing a fireball at Bahamut.

Bahamut only deflected it with his wing. The platinum metal reflecting it back at Tiamat. Hitting him square in the chest. Sending volts of pain through Tiamat's body.

"Hehe... I suppose I've underestimated you brother." Tiamat snickered.

"You always have underestimated everything in this world." Bahamut retorted.

"What exactly does that mean?" Tiamat questioned humoring his brother.

"Where there's good, there will always be evil. Why do you think all your followers are only evil, none have good in their hearts. If they do, they are just scared of you." Bahamut stated circling his brother, "I know you can sense it."

"NO...." Tiamat roared rushing at his brother, no longer wishing to listen.

Tiamat rushed forward charging blindly with rage. Bahamut barely had to try to dodge as he jumped out of the way, "You let rage and hatred fuel your powers. I see now why you powers of perception fail you."

"No, I gave up that power, for another." Tiamat roared.

"Brother.... or birth-parents gave us that power." Bahamut stated sadly, "No wonder you have fallen into darkness. You cannot see the pain you have caused."

"It was holding me back!" Tiamat roared as he shot a few fireballs at Bahamut.

Bahamut shot out his own fire. Colliding with Tiamat's fire and causing explosions at each others. The many species of dragon and other creatures could be seen killing each other. Clashes of metal and arrows from the furry tribes could be heard.

"Brother, just look around you. We would be at peace if not for your blindness." Bahamut tried to reason once more.

"No... I... even what I'm doing is evil, what makes you think I'm going to stop what I'm doing and repent, it's too late for me." Tiamat said sadly.

"It's never too late. Just call off your troops." Bahamut pleaded once more.

"NO.... I've done too much!" Tiamat yelled as his body glowed purple and he tried releasing his invented power of convexity.

"Brother... that is dark magic..." Bahamut said surprised.

"HAHAHA! You will taste my wrath before I release the Destroyer." Tiamat roared out.

Bahamut knew this was the end if he didn't stop him. He tried reason but failed. He decided it was time to end his brothers reign. Bahamut's body also began to glow and gold dragon heads began to spew from his body. Each colliding with the purple heads that spewed from Tiamat's body. Every so often though a head would pass each other and strike Tiamat and Bahamut. Being evenly matched took it's tole on the two. Bahamut could feel his energies lower, but also could feel the pain of his troops that watched the two parish. Suddenly the two exploded sending blinding lights over the entire land. The troops stopped to watch as their masters destroyed themselves. All fell calm as everyone looked to Bahamut's and Tiamat's lifeless bodies.

The two chiefs of Tiamat's and Bahamut's troops confronted each other in the mix of battle. The troops awaited their orders.

"Our masters are gone, I wish to know our reason for fighting if we are to continue?" The platinum dragon stated loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Our master is gone, the Destroyer cannot be brought to life without a powerful dragon like Tiamat. So I guess we will leave you in peace and return to our land." A powerful Ape stated that used to be Tiamat's chief of his battalions.

"We part ways then." The Platinum dragon stated, motioning the troops to retreat.

"Kira go to the part about Bahamut being resurrected." Ignitus stated.

Kira once again flipped pages and found an interesting entree about Bahamut.

"Look at this picture." Kira said showing the guardians.

"That looks like Bahamut in the stars." Terrador stated the obvious.

Ignitus grabbed the book surprised at what he saw, "In Spyro's book I saw the exact same thing."

"You did!" Kira questioned.

"Yes, I suspect however Bahamut resurrected himself, Spyro will be given the same chance. Go on, keep reading." Ignitus almost commandingly said.

Kira took back the book and continued to read.

"What is this place?" Bahamut questioned.

"This is the Chronicler's lair." The Chronicler answered.

"The Chronicler?" Bahamut asked curiously, "Why haven't I heard of you?"

"Because, technically I am dead and my lair is hidden." The Chronicler exclaimed.

"Why am I here, I thought I died?" Bahamut demanded.

"I was told by the ancestors to give you a chance at life once more." The Chronicler explained.

"No, I do not deserve a second chance more than any other being that fought for good." Bahamut said in a valiant looking stance.

"Bahamut, you were always pure at heart, that is why you have been given this chance." The Chronicler stated.

Bahamut gave the Chronicler a stern look as he calmly answered with all seriousness, "What will everyone think if I just show up? Dragons and all kinds will be wondering if I was acting in dark magic. Even if I accepted and disappeared how would I protect good, and how would I do it?"

The Chronicler thought for a minute before answering, "You don't half to accept."

"Very well, I don't believe it right for me to come back unless I was absolutely needed." Bahamut said before his face turned from seriousness to a questioning look, "Unless.... Tiamat has survived?"

"Well.... Tiamat will not exist in either realm. He gave his soul to create the purple dragon." The Chronicler claimed.

"I see... I guess I will stick around to see what happens." Bahamut stated.

"So you will accept the offer?" The Chronicler questioned.

"No, If it's all the same, I just wont pass over and will stay here." Bahamut said with his stern voice once more.

"You have too much good for you own good in your heart." The Chronicler chuckled.

"Is that a problem?" Bahamut asked.

The Chronicler took a few steps around his cave before saying, "Actually, yes. You cannot stay here, your soul will degenerate. You need to pass on or live on."

"I cannot leave my people without leadership and I cannot stay without people expecting me to claim power over everyone." Bahamut sighed.

The Chronicler looked up, acting as if he was listening for something. Before Bahamut could ask him, The Chronicler spoke, "The ancestors have given you a third option. You can become the new Chronicler if you wish."

"The Chronicler?" Bahamut questioned.

"Yes, you will stay here in this cave, looking over the histories of all to come." The Chronicler stated.

"Um, is that all I half to do, will I be able to see what's going on in the world and react to it?" Bahamut asked.

"Yes, well... you can't leave the cave, but you can speak with whomever you wish just by finding their book." The Chronicler stated.

"Very well, I accept." Bahamut stated.

Kira stopped reading as she looked up, "It just keeps skipping years to important dates from here on out."

Ignitus curious about who was the Chronicler that currently passed the job on to him asked, "How about seeing who he passed the job on too?"

"Ok." Kira said knowing where he was going with this.

Kira skipped almost all the book until she started reading aloud again.

"Be welcome friend. I have long been expecting you...." Bahamut The Chronicler stated, "A new age is beginning... with each new age. A new dragon is chosen to chronicle the many triumphs and failures of that age. This has been my duty for many millennia"

Bahamut the Chronicler flipped through his own book, showing pictures of all that he helped along the way. Bahamut looked to the dragon before him before continuing, "and now, Ignitus, I pass this honor to you."

Ignitus and all the other guardians couldn't believe of what they were reading. It was practically showing what Ignitus has experienced days before. Kira continued to read curious of what happened.

"and... what of Spyro? Is he..." Ignitus questioned.

"Hmm... that is the question, isn't it?" Bahamut said closing his book and opening Spyro's, "You see, each time a dragon dies, a new page is written in this book. I've done my best, but I can't seem to find any trace of Spyro."

And with that Bahamut glowed as his soul left for the other plain. Ignitus's body glowing gray as he became the new chronicler.

"Well, young dragon... where might you be?" Ignitus the Chronicler stated.

Kira closed the book, looking to Ignitus, "So is that what happened?"

Ignitus nodded his head, "Yes, but after that I started reading, and eventually I found out Spyro and Cynder was outside the Atlawa tribe. They were ghosts, but have a chance at life again."

"So what happens, do they travel here and just tell you they want their chance at life?" Kira asked.

"I don't know exactly. I was hopping to find out from Bahamut's book, but I guess that isn't happening..." Ignitus took Bahamut's book from Kira and placed it firmly on the shelf where it belongs.

Ignitus looked to Kira and the other guardians before letting out a sigh.

Author: well another chapter for my readers.

Sparx: DAMN IT! Still no sex.

Spyro: SPARX! Language.

Sparx: ahh I don't care anyway *flies off into the distance*

Volteer: Ignitus... I heard that you read about mine and Kira's moment together... what in ancestors name were you thinking?

Ignitus: I.. I.. icon_redface.gif

Spyro and The New Chronicler chapter six

Disclaimer: if you are under 18 or offended by the contents in my stories then do not proceed. Chapter six: lonely Gaurdians "Spyro? Are we just going to fly straight their?" questioned Cynder. "Yea, are you getting tired already?" asked Spyro...

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Spyro and The New Chronicler chapter three

Disclaimer: If you are offended by the content in this story or under 18 then do not read further. Summery and notes: well Ignitus reads Spyro's and Cyril's books. He finds out a useful power as a chronicler and all seems better. Except for one little...

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Spyro and The New Chronicler chapter four

Disclaimer: If you are offended by the content in this story or under 18 then do not read further. Author's note: Bahamut is a real mythical creature. I did not make him up. Type in Bahamut dragon in Google if your curious. Tiamat is a real mythical...

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