Spyro and The New Chronicler chapter three

Story by Cloudline Dasher on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: If you are offended by the content in this story or under 18 then do not read further.

Summery and notes: well Ignitus reads Spyro's and Cyril's books. He finds out a useful power as a chronicler and all seems better. Except for one little problem.

Chapter three: Remembrance

Ignitus' eyes went wide at what he saw in Spyro's book. It was only a picture of Spyro and Cynder flying next to each other. The sky was night in the picture with the stars visible. What he didn't understand though was in the sky he saw another two dragons. In the stars to be exact. It looked exactly like Spyro and Cynder. One had a purple aura around the cluster of stars, and the other had a black but luminescent glow.

He studied the page to see if he recognized landmarks or the area around them. They were definitely not in the mushroom forest where the temple resides. He noticed land and cliff pillars that looked as if they were floating they were so tall. Ignitus grinned as he stated, "I see you are paying a visit to the Atlawa then I figure?"

Ignitus book marked the photo in the book and turned the page. Starting to read what it said.

Cynder and Spyro drowsily flew, not exactly knowing where they were going. Never actually remembering taking to the skies. Spyro looked over to Cynder to see she looked right back. A confused look on her face.

"You think this is heaven?" Spyro questioned.

"I... I don't think so. There is the Atlawa tribe down below." Cynder said motioning with her nose.

"Let's go down and see what is going on." Spyro said lowering himself to land at the Atlawa tribe entrance to the village.

They looked around and no one seemed to notice the two walking around. Spyro stopped as he saw Kane. The leader of the Atlawa.

"Kane, hello." Spyro greeted.

Kane did nothing but look over the tribe. Keeping an eye out as the tribe seemed to be rebuilding their huts.

"I think we might be.... ghosts..." Cynder said with her heart sinking.

"No, I... I don't know... maybe.." Spyro said unsure of himself.

Spyro walked up trying to give Kane a tap on the shoulder. It did nothing at first but then Kane shook vigorously.

"Kane are you ok?" A fellow Atlawa questioned his leader.

"Yes, just got a cold chill. Return to your duties." Kane commanded.

"Yes sir." The Atlawa replied returning to building with the others.

"He must have felt you." Cynder said.

"Yea, but I don't think we are dead. If we were, then where is Ignitus?" Spyro questioned.

"Maybe he is alive, or maybe we have unfinished business?" Cynder tried to make sense of everything.

"Or maybe this is another chance at life young dragons." Ignitus said reading the book as the words formed. Ignitus only guessed this was going on right this second.

"What was that?" Spyro said hearing a faint whisper.

"I don't know." Cynder said trying hard to listen.

"Wait..." Ignitus said as he couldn't believe what just happened. Ignitus started to raise his voice as he tried to connect with Spyro, "Spyro! Can you hear me?"

"Ignitus!" Cynder and Spyro yelled in surprise.

"Are we dead?" Spyro questioned.

"No, I do not believe so." Ignitus said trying to speak up.

"Then what is going on?" Cynder asked.

"I believe that you have been given another chance on life. If that wasn't the case, then your deaths would have been recorded." Ignitus claimed loudly.

"Then what do we do?" Spyro asked.

"Come to the Chronicler's cave." Ignitus stated.

"Why their?" Cynder and Spyro asked confused.

"Because the chronicler has passed his duties onto me and I am the new chronicler." Ignitus explained.

"Oh...." Spyro said still trying to grasp what was happening.

"I may not be able to see you when you get here, but I will keep peaking into your book to see when you get here." Ignitus explained.

"Ok, we are on our way." Spyro said looking to Cynder before taking to the skies.

"Good luck young dragons." Ignitus said before closing the book.

"Ok now, let's see just how far the guardians are from the cave." Ignitus whispered to himself starting to think, "How about Cyril's book this time?"

Just then a book flew up with in big print Cyril's name resided. Ignitus flipped to the current days page and began to read.

"How much farther?" Cyril questioned.

"It'll be a day or two before we get their, unless you don't want to sleep and make it a one shot trip?" Kira asked curiously.

"No, it'll be ok." Cyril said with a sigh.

"Kira, how is it that none of us has seen you before?" Volteer asked.

"Well I keep my distance. Also I am very stealthy." She grinned.

"But how come Ignitus's view portal never detected you?" Volteer questioned again.

"All dragons are magical, you know that. I just know how to tap into my powers better." Kira smirked happily.

Volteer and Cyril dismissed it as they continued to fly along toward the Chronicler's den.

"Kira, is there any place along this rout that could possibly be useful to us?" Terrador asked.

"Not that I know of. There is however a recon post for the sentry guards of Cheetahs if that is of any help." Kira stated.

"Isn't that where Sparx headed after the recon dragon announced Spyro was lost?" Terrador mentioned.

"Yes I suppose it is." Cyril stated.

"I believe it significantly beneficial to require the intellectual knowledge of Sparx. He may have some news of if Spyro has been spotted. Further more..." Volteer said being cut off by Cyril.

"You babbling idiot, your rambling again you yellow moron." Cyril said in his usual cold demeanor.

"Finish what you were saying Volteer." Kira said giving Cyril a mean glare.

"Well.... um... The Cheetah outpost has been scouting areas for Spyro and Cynder, we should check to see what they know." Volteer said trying to keep it short and without long words.

"Very well. We will stay there for the night if it's close enough." Terrador said with a sturdy voice.

"We should be there in an hour or two, no biggie." Kira said smiling.

An hour or two later (>.<)

Hunter and Sparx smiled and waved as they welcomed the guardians.

"Hello Hunter, Sparx. Have you possibly heard any news on Spyro and Cynder?" Cyril questioned.

"No, we have been searching for days and Sparx was going to head back to the dragonfly village to tell them of the loss." Hunter said frowning.

Ignitus cleared his throat as he attempted to see if he could speak with them as well, "Cyril, Terrador, Volteer, do you hear me?"

"IGNITUS!" Everyone roared in surprise.

"Good, you can hear me." Ignitus said feeling accomplished.

"How is it you are talking with us Mr. Ignitus?" Kira asked.

"Well I have been given the duties of the new Chronicler and it seems I can talk to anyone as long as it's in the present." Ignitus said taking a guess.

"Wait... Since your the chronicler maybe you can tell us if Spyro and Cynder is alive?" Kira questioned

"Yes, I have spoke with them." Ignitus chimed at his accomplishment.

"Really! Where are they?" Terrador demanded to know.

"They are on their way to the chronicler's or should I say my cave." Ignitus stated.

"Ok, the trip is still on then, we will be on our way to the chronic... I mean your cave Ignitus." Kira smiled.

"One more thing before I go, Spyro and Cynder seem to be in a little situation. They cannot be seen or heard by anyone at the moment. They apparently died but they have been given a chance at life again. That is at least what I am guessing." Ignitus explained.

"Um... That seems a little impossible." Kira said unsure to believe what she was hearing.

"Anythings possible." Volteer stated nudging Kira's neck.

"Yes. Spyro and Cynder have proven that on more than one occasion." Ignitus said, "I need to check on Spyro and Cynder, I will be going now."

"Goodbye Ignitus, glad you are alive." Terrador said smiling.

"Thank you." Ignitus said smiling too, "See you all later then."

Ignitus closed the book and pulled Spyro's back onto the podium, "It hasn't been long but I should check just in case. It's starting to get dark."

Spyro flew through the air trying to grasp what was happening. He looked over to Cynder and her face seemed unemotional. She didn't even look like she was giving any kind of thought.

"Cynder are you ok?"

"What.. oh yea sorry. I was just thinking." Cynder said still not giving a sign of emotion.

"You can talk to me." Spyro said trying to nudge her in the air with his wing.

"I.. was just thinking... what am I supposed to do after we get through this?" Cynder said finally showing emotion, Sadness.

"You could always come live with me at the castle and I guess we should get our own cave. At least that is what Ignitus once told me." Spyro stated.

"Why do you half to get your own cave, why not stay in the temple?" Cynder wondered.

"Ignitus once told me that the rooms were all needed. Every year dragon's bring their eggs to the temple for protection. Lots of poachers about and they need to protect them. The young dragons stay in the temple for a time growing up a little then their parents come and get them." Spyro said quoting what Ignitus had told him.

Cynder looked ahead as she gave a thought to herself, "I wonder if my parents are out their?"

Ignitus frowned as he read this in the book. He knew they were dead. And he knew why and how. He wasn't about to tell her either. Enough darkness had filled these young ones hearts and no more sadness needed to be spread.

Just as Cynder thought this about her parents, Spyro spoke, "I wonder what our parents looked like or if they are alive?"

"I was told by Cyril that I killed almost all the dragons. No one knew of many that survived." Cynder said lowering her head at the thought.

"Don't blame yourself ok? It's not your fault." Spyro said reassuring her.

"I know... I was under the Dark Master's control." Cynder said with a sad look on her face, "But... I can't help thinking that is just an excuse."

"So?" Spyro retorted.

Cynder shot him a surprised look as he said, "So what if it is? All you can do is protect this world and never do evil again. All is forgiven so why punish yourself? Apparently even the gods forgave you or you wouldn't be here with me now would you?" Spyro said trying to make the best sense he could.

"Thank... thank you Spyro." Cynder said with a small grin.

Cynder smiled as she flirted, "Or I could be just your prize for saving the world."

Cynder giggled as she flew. Giggling harder when she saw Spyro's blush.

"I wouldn't want anything else." Spyro said almost to low to make a sound.

"What was that?" Cynder asked not hearing what he said cause of the wind swooshing past her ears.

"Nothing, just getting a little tired and it's getting dark." Spyro stated looking to the sun dropping past the trees in the distance.

Spyro and Cynder lowered themselves to the ground. Their claws scratching the dirt as they slid a little coming to a stop.

"Were not going to be able to make a fire tonight." Cynder said sadly.

"But I don't feel cold." Spyro stated.

"Now that you mention it, I'm not either, and we haven't even eaten all day. I don't feel hungry at all." Cynder said still a little overcome by everything that's happening.

"It just solves our can't touch anything problem." Spyro said as he laid down, curling his tail around his body. Cupping his wings to his body like a blanket.

Cynder did the same looking around the woods. Feeling as if something wasn't right. In her gut it felt like she was being pulled in two. She let out a sigh and looked over at Spyro. Who was already fast asleep with his back moving up and down with his steady breathing. She kept her gaze on him, slowly closing her eyes, the sight of him helping her fall sleep.

Author: hope you all like this one. It wasn't much action and didn't have any juicy scenes but patients is a virtue I suppose.

Volteer: The pursuit of life, the adventure of the unknown and the feeling of being filled and overcome by emotion. Taking in so many things at once and feeling the intellectual drain of problems.

Cyril: Why do I even try... you just ramble on and on.

Kira: Hush, I like it when he rambles.

Cyril: You just like hearing his voice.

Kira: Is that a problem?

Cyril: as long as your not an ice dragon.

Kira: *Growls and attacks*

Cyril: *goes wide eyed* ahhhhh!

Spyro and The New Chronicler chapter four

Disclaimer: If you are offended by the content in this story or under 18 then do not read further. Author's note: Bahamut is a real mythical creature. I did not make him up. Type in Bahamut dragon in Google if your curious. Tiamat is a real mythical...

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Spyro and The New Chronicler Chapter Two

Disclaimer: if you are under 18 or offended by the possible content in this story then discontinue reading. Author's notes: just to let you know. In Spyro's book I wrote it in context to the game. It took me awhile too along with some added...

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Spyro and The New Chronicler Chapter One

Disclaimer: If you are under 18 and/or offended by the adult material in this story, then do not read any further. Enjoy! Words of interest: Prehensile: meaning tongue or penis, that is flexible enough to be able to grab objects, or...

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