Spyro and The New Chronicler Chapter Two

Story by Cloudline Dasher on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: if you are under 18 or offended by the possible content in this story then discontinue reading.

Author's notes: just to let you know. In Spyro's book I wrote it in context to the game. It took me awhile too along with some added part I put in it for Ignitus.

Chapter 2: Terrador?

Ignitus awoke, his claw and stomach slightly sticky from the pawing he had recently done earlier. The pictures of what he had done about reading Volteer's private moments. Ignitus just sighed and looked at the orb that resided in the middle of the cave. It shown the exact date and it was the day after he read Volteer's book.

Ignitus looked around and called out, "Terrador."

A book with Terrador written on the front flew up to him. He opened the hard cover and began to read the events immediately after the death of the Dark Master.

"Everybody is safe and I have news that Spyro and Cynder defeated the Dark Master." A Dragon stated to Terrador.

"Very Well, everybody can go back to there respectful village now." Terrador said to the dragon whom called out above everyone and told of the fortunate events.

Ignitus skipped a page and started to read again.

"It's good to be back in the temple, but it's a shame that Ignitus isn't with us anymore." Cyril stated.

The three remaining guardians lowered their heads in sadness for a moment and Ignitus gave a sad look as he whispered, "I wish they knew I was the chronicler."

"Let's throw a party, it will be for Ignitus that gave his life for everyone, and also for Spyro, Sparx, and Cynder who saved all of us." Terrador stated.

"That is a spectacular, splendid, superb, extraordinary idea." Volteer said with a smile.

"You can even invite your little damsel in distress Volteer." Cyril grinned.

Volteer blushed as he only said, "Yea."

Ignitus questioned himself slightly, "He didn't say Spyro and Cynder was dead, I wonder if they know they are missing?"

"Too bad we don't know what happened to them." Terrador said with his deep voice.

Ignitus sighed at himself answering his question, slightly getting his hopes crushed.

"Maybe you three should check with the Chronicler?" a female voice said softly.

"Kira!" Volteer said gleefully.

"What about the Chronicler?" Terrador stated.

"Well he does keep track of the history of everybody, why not just ask him?" Kira asked.

"How do you, a civilian dragon nonetheless a mere dragon of speed know of the Chronicler?" Cyril retorted.

"I'm a smart girl." Kira snickered.

Cyril gave a small confused look when she answered, getting slightly angry.

"So what is it, you going to ask him?" Kira questioned almost commandingly.

"Of coarse, it's better than sitting around, do you know where he resides?" Terrador questioned.

"Yes, I wouldn't of brought it up if I didn't know." Kira giggled.

"Kira, I don't want... to seem rude, but... it makes me question how you obtained this knowledge?" Volteer asked not wanted to make his new mate mad at him.

"Ok my static draggy, I have been keeping an eye on the purple dragon, ever since he crashed Skabb's ship and it freed me. I have kept tabs on him." Kira pointed out.

"So you've been stalking him?" Cyril scowled.

"No, just want to return the favor to him." Kira said retorting.

"We will follow you then, we will hold off on the party." Terrador stated.

"Guess they will find out soon enough I'm the chronicler." Ignitus said to himself still reading.

Ignitus sighed after seeing that was all that was in Terrador's book for the moment. He closed the book and called forth another, he decided it was useless to read Cyril's since it pretty much said what he was going to do in Terrador's book. So he decided to check Spyro's book next. Just to see what happened.

(fyi Spyro and Cynder still have the shackles from the game connecting their necks.)

"Spyro." Ignitus called out, Spyro's book coming before him floating in air.

Ignitus lay the book on the pedestal and scanned through the book right when Spyro and Cynder reached the Dark Master's gates.

"Are you ready for this?" Spyro asked.

"I'm scared." Cynder replied.

"Just stay close to me." Spyro stated heading into the large castle.

Spyro and Cynder walked closer, getting a long look at the Dark Master. His voice echoing as it sounded of pure evil. Spyro swallowed as they listened to his words.

"At long last my guests have finally arrived. Please.... Come in." Malefor said, "Such determination to get here... it seems we share other qualities besides that of our color."

"No, I'm nothing like you!" Spyro retorted loudly.

"Do you think so? Hmm... we'll get to that" Malefor said with a hideous purr.

"Don't listen to him Spyro. Don't listen to anything he says." Cynder pleaded to Spyro with a stern voice.

"You look so weary. Allow me to make you more comfortable." Malefor stated removing the shackles that attached Spyro's and Cynder's neck, "There. That's better isn't it? It's the least I can do for you Cynder. After all, you've done so much for me."

"YOU USED HER!" Spyro yelled out.

"I used her. She used you. What does it matter really?"

"What does he mean?" Spyro asked Cynder.

"What.... he doesn't know? Go on, tell him. You mustn't leave him in the dark." Malefor verbally pushed Cynder.

"Tell me what?" Spyro questioned to anyone that would answer.

"How she lured you into the well of souls... how she tricked you into freeing me."

"You're lying!" Cynder snapped at Malefor.

Malefor tilted his head slightly as he replied, "Hmm... I find it peculiar... how you've chosen to remember things."

Ignitus growled as he yelled at the book, "MALEFOR you dirty little lizard."

"Let me assure you. It was you who freed me. Spyro. And you who brought me back." Malefor chimed, "And Cynder we have to thank for that. Hahaha." Malefor chuckled.

"Cynder? Is it true?" Spyro asked.

"No... I don't know... I don't know anymore..." Cynder replied sadly.

"Oh, I think you do. But perhaps you need a little nudge..."

"CYNDER!" Spyro yelled out.

Cynder flew up in the air, her wings spread, darkness covered her body as Malefor swayed her back to his side.

"Hahahahahahaha!" Malefor laughed.

"Cynder. No!" Spyro pleaded as Cynder began to circle him.

"Ignitus should have warned you..." Malefor beckoned, "You are alone here, young dragon. You have always been alone."

Ignitus pounded his claw into the book, "I knew you were evil and I knew you were low, but this is ridiculous even for you Malefor."

"Still, here you are... trying so desperately to save this miserable world..." Malefor said calmly, "refusing to accept the role of the purple dragon."

Ignitus snarled unable to contain himself as his claw accidentally tore the page out of the book which just replenished itself magically, "DAMN... That Malefor."

"I'm sure you've been told I was the first of our kind... but I assure you, there has been many." Malefor said trying to pursued Spyro to his side, "It has been the duty of our predecessor's to resurrect the destroyer and the Golems of the deep... to bring about the great cleansing. This is the true nature of our kind."

"Malefor you are so delusional." Ignitus panted trying to calm down grinning at the fact that he died.

"Your destiny is to destroy the world." Malefor said as Cynder flung Spyro against the wall.

"NO! I don't believe that!" Spyro pounded the floor pushing himself up.

"Of coarse you don't. But you have fulfilled your destiny nonetheless." Malefor roared. "In my time, I was stopped... prevented me for completing my quest. But you... you have carried the flame... be it through your will or not. And soon, the world will be destroyed, you along with it..."

"No...." Spyro pleaded.

Cynder edged closer slowly making Spyro edge back. Cynder bolted, hitting Spyro with her tail. Spyro guarded with his wing. Refusing to even move.

"FIGHT BACK!" Cynder commanded, "Why wont you fight back!"

"Because you've left me nothing to fight for." Spyro said sadly laying on his side.

Cynder lowered her head the pain inside her leaving and forcing the darkness out. Once again returning to Spyro's side, "There's always something."

"Argh! So be it! You've made your choice so you shall suffer the same fate!" Malefor roared returning the shackle to Spyro's and Cynder's necks. Binding them together once more, "PREPARE TO DIE!"

Malefor flew up into the air soon followed by Spyro and Cynder. Hovering over a volcano the face Malefor.

"You with me?" Spyro asked flapping his wings.

"I'm with you." Cynder replied.

And so, Malefor shot the first shot. A giant fierce fireball flew forward. Forcing Spyro and Cynder off to the side, dodging the attack. Spyro and Cynder darted closer, getting up in between Malefor's wings as both Cynder and Spyro shot of their attacks. Spyro mainly stuck to fire while Cynder used her own fury of poison and shadow attacks.

Malefor roared out shooting vast amounts of convexity. Spyro and Cynder all that they can to dodge it. Malefor curled up blasting out a large static boom. Sending Spyro and Cynder back. Dazing them slightly as he flew back. Malefor shot, hitting Spyro with a purple convexity fury. Making Spyro spiral backwards pulling Cynder be the bond that connects them.

"Now's our chance." Spyro called over to Cynder.

And with a sonic boom, Malefor shot down below and came roaring up right in front of Spyro and Cynder. Malefor bit at them, trying to crush them in his teeth but they both dodged slipping in opposite directions. As the chain pulled them back together they both used their own attacks. Making Malefor roar out in pain. Malefor fell and Spyro and Cynder flew up higher into the sky. Then appeared Malefor once again, "It has Begun!"

Spyro and Cynder looked across the shattering lands as volcano's erupted and the land crackled. The planet was crying in pain. Including the inhabitants that hid down below. The Destroyer barely visible. Crawling half alive into a volcano in the belt of fire, sealing the planets fate.

"Oh no! We're too late." Spyro stated.

"Welcome to the end of the world." Malefor said calmly but satisfied.

Fire could be seen, crackling over the entire surface. Lands parting and waters boiling. All being destroyed. Malefor's castle unable to keep itself in the air any longer, fell. The air being cupped around it forced Spyro and Cynder to it. Malefor just hovering over it. Malefor landed and the battle pursued. Spyro and Cynder managed to pick themselves up and dodge Malefor's every attack. Spyro grunted as he began to use his ultimate attack. Convexity to lower Malefor's strength and do as much damage as possible.

"Watch out!" Spyro called tugging on the chain, pulling Cynder out of Malefor's attack.

Spyro and Cynder waited on the ground and dodged right as Malefor stomped, trying desperately to crush them. Spyro and Cynder began to combine convexity to do a final pounding attack. Spyro and Cynder came crashing down, sending Malefor flat on the ground. All could be heard was Malefor's dieing roar before all went white. When Spyro and Cynder could see again they realized they were still falling. The castle fell right in the middle of the volcano the Destroyer crawled into. Making things heat up rather fast. Malefor surprisingly survived and flew up from under the castle. Spyro and Malefor began a barrage of Convexity attacks. Fighting convexity with convexity. Trying to decide whose is stronger. Spyro busted through Malefor's convexity and he let out a dieing roar as he hit the floor. Malefor tried desperately to get up but Cynder shot out her own attack holding him still as Spyro darted forward. Ending Malefor's reign once and for all. (Hopefully)

The castle had burned up in the fall and now all that remained was Spyro and Cynder, falling into the volcano. Malefor yet again miraculously shows his ugly mug once again and slams Cynder and Spyro against the wall as the fall. Their claws scrapping the walls. They pushed him back as they did a charge into Malefor's chest, pushing them all deeper into the volcano. They reached the bottom, a purple barrier of rock.

"You cannot defeat me! I am eternal." Malefor claimed.

Malefor shot convexity being matched with Spyro's and Cynder's convexity. Both forming and building a ball of power.

"Please, you can defeat him." Ignitus said hopeful even though he knew the outcome. He continued to read inpatient to see what happened.

"Just... Hang... On!" Spyro said pushing Malefor's convexity back.

They succeeded and threw Malefor against the ground. Malefor stood up and Suddenly see through purple dragons spawned. About five or six of them surrounded Malefor.

"What is this!" Malefor yelled.

The purple see through dragons attacked, all of them repeatedly attacking Malefor, pulling him through the purple rock.

"I hope that helped them." Ignitus stated remembering that little incident.

"Noooooo...." Malefor yelled.

Proof of Malefor's demise was proven as Cynder's and Spyro's chain disappeared, no longer being stuck together. The purple rock started to glow and attack the planet once again. All seems like it was too late for the young dragons.

"Spyro, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Cynder said sadly.

"Don't be. It's over now."

"So this is it...." Cynder questioned sadly.

Ignitus peaked his attention as he began to read his own words in the book.

"Spyro, when a dragon dies, he does not truly leave this world." Ignitus stated, "His spirit lives on, binding itself with nature, offering hope for the future..."

"I know what I need to do. Just get out of here Cynder." Spyro said almost commandingly.

"Spyro, no... You don't have to do anything. Let's just go"

"Where Cynder? There'll be nothing left! The world is breaking apart." Spyro said lowering his head, "But I think I can stop it. I think I'm meant to."

"Then I'm with you...." Cynder said with sternness.

Nothing else was said as Spyro spread out his wings and started to glow. Making the purple rock copy his actions. All going white in the world for a brief moment. Only thing that could be heard was Cynder, "I love you..." It was almost a whisper but Spyro definitely heard it.

The world glows purple and the planet comes crashing back together. Making it look like nothing had happened. The other guardians looked out and saw the planet reshape itself, knowing what Spyro had done. They saved everyone.

Ignitus breathed heavily as he hesitantly turned to the next page.

Author: I hope you like it. I thought I would leave yall hanging in the suspense this time. What will it be next time on Spyro and The New Chronicler

Spyro and The New Chronicler chapter three

Disclaimer: If you are offended by the content in this story or under 18 then do not read further. Summery and notes: well Ignitus reads Spyro's and Cyril's books. He finds out a useful power as a chronicler and all seems better. Except for one little...

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Spyro and The New Chronicler Chapter One

Disclaimer: If you are under 18 and/or offended by the adult material in this story, then do not read any further. Enjoy! Words of interest: Prehensile: meaning tongue or penis, that is flexible enough to be able to grab objects, or...

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A New Community...... Of Pokemon? chapter one

Disclaimer: if you are under 18 or offended by sexual or violent/gory content, then do not read any further. Chapter one: Sophios smiled as he looked at the small Pichu chained to the wall. He finally managed to turn a human into a pokemon. ...

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