A New Community...... Of Pokemon? chapter one

Story by Cloudline Dasher on SoFurry

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#1 of A New Community.... Of Pokemon?

Disclaimer: if you are under 18 or offended by sexual or violent/gory content, then do not read any further.

Chapter one:

Sophios smiled as he looked at the small Pichu chained to the wall. He finally managed to turn a human into a pokemon.

"I'm glad it worked, but I didn't put Pichu DNA in the concoction." Sophios stated.

Sophios sighed as he looked at the Pichu, "But I guess it's better than nothing, I better test it out on more humans to see if it wasn't just a accident."

Sophios pushed a button as chains pulled another human in.

"LET ME GO." The girl yelled.

"No, now drink this like a good girl." Sophios commanded as he shoved the tip of the bottle into her mouth.

She tried not to swallow but as she fought him, some of the potion slipped down her throat. She collapsed for a moment as her body tense up. Fur was beginning to form and a tail sprouted from the end of her spine. She groaned in agony as red fur turned her into a velvet color. After one tail grew, two, three, and four, until six tails were behind her. She began shrinking as ears sprouted into her head.

"A... a Vulpix?" Sophios questioned.

The girl continued to change as her body shrunk to the size of a Vulpix and finished transforming.

"Well, my guess would be that they turn into random pokemon." Sophios said half smiling, "This just means we can keep turning humans into pokemon and to our luck we may find a legendary one."

Sophios grabbed one of the seven cases of potions he prepared and rushed off to see Giovanni. The girl on the other hand was looking over her body, slowly crying.

"No... what did I do to deserve this?" The girl asked herself.

Sophios reached his boss's secretary outside his office.

"What is your business Sophios?" The secretary woman asked.

The Secretary was a blonde woman, well figured and wore a red velvet suit. She was nicely tanned, and was pretty much the boss's slave. She was loyal down to the last well nurtured hair on her head.

"I need to show the boss the potion I invented." Sophios stated.

"It better not be another failure, you know this is your last chance." The Secretary said buzzing him in.

"Thank you Mary." Sophios said with a smile running into the boss's office as Mary warned Giovanni why Sophios was coming.

"Mr. Giovanni, I have succeeded in turning a human into a pokemon." Sophios stated placing the box of potions on his desk.

"You do know what will happen if this doesn't work?" Giovanni asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes sir, you will use me to test your other scientist's inventions." Sophios said nervously.

"Good, now show me your product." Giovanni ordered.

Sophios pushed a button on Giovanni's wall, immediately changing Gio's book shelf around showing a human that was bound in chains.

"Who is this prisoner?" Giovanni asked.

"This is the guy that was stealing from Team Rocket." Sophios stated.

"Very good, I get to see our enemy suffer, and if I don't, I get to see you suffer." Gio said with an evil grin.

Sophios swallowed as he took a bottle from his case and tried to force it into the mans mouth. The man turned his head refusing.

"Come on, I don't have all day." Gio stated.

"Yes sir, I'll just give him the shot." Sophios said.

"No ill drink it." The man said.

"Good boy." Sophios said as he placed the bottle to his lips.

The man drank down and Sophios waited for him to change. Gio tapped his fingers waiting for something to happen. Sophios tapped his shoe and sweat beaded on his head as nothing happened.

"Well?" Gio asked.

"I... I guess it doesn't work on everyone." Sophios stated.

"Not what I want to here." Gio stated.

"I'm sorry." Sophios begged, "Give me one more chance."

"No, I told you it was your last chance." Gio grinned.

"What are you going to do?" Sophios asked.

"Drink one of your potions, and if you turn, then that will be your last chance." Gio grinned evilly.

Sophios frowned as he picked up another bottle. Sweat falling from his head.

"Go on." Gio commanded.

Sophios sighed as he began to drink down. Sophios Groaned in pain as he fell to his knees. The man chained to the wall laughed hysterically as he spit out what Sophios thought he swallowed. Giovanni laughed at this turn of events.

"HA, I haven't been this entertained in a long time." Gio snickered.

Sophios groaned as blue fur covered his form and a black fur like mask covered his face. His mouth protruded into a muzzle and a fuzzy blue tail spurted from his rear. He didn't change height, but instead spikes grew on his chest and the back of his hands that were turning into paws. Sophios's shirt turned into a yellow fur vest and his jeans shortened into blue shorts.

"I'm guessing a Lucario." Gio snickered, "Quiet rare indeed."

Sophios panted and collapsed as he blacked out and finished transforming.

"Well it worked, and I will get my scientists to reproduce your work, but you will go in my personal collection." Giovanni said.

Gio grabbed a ball from his drawer and threw it at Sophios. It shook several times before pinging. Gio grabbed the ball before turning to the man chained up.

"Thanks to you I lost a scientist that probably changed Team Rocket forever, but on the other hand, you gave me a Lucario. You may go free." Gio said pushing a button.

The man immediately was released and the man rubbed his wrists as he turned to leave. The man didn't care why, but he was free and was sorry for Sophios even if he was evil. He ran as soon as leaving the boss's office. Mary began to call security but Giovanni stopped her.

"Let him go."

"Yes sir." Mary replied.

The man stopped as he sighed, feeling guilty, "I'm only free cause of that guy, even if he was trying to turn me into a pokemon."

The man turned around and ran inside, he looked around before finding blueprints to the building on the wall.

"Good thing Giovanni likes to show off his work." The man whispered before pointing at the map.

Gio's personal collection was on the bottom floor. The man pushed a button on an elevator and waited. The man froze as a grunt walked up next to him.

"Hello." The grunt greeted.

"Hi." The man answered.

"My name is Manny, nice to meet you." The grunt said holding out his hand.

"Nice to meet you too, my name is.... Um... Nero." The man said making up a name.

"I've never seen you around, you must be one of the newbie's, you don't even have your uniform." Manny pointed out.

"I'm actually here by Giovanni's request, I'm supposed to meet him in his collection room." Nero said making it up as he goes along.

"Oh, your lucky, not many get to go down their. It's rumored that he keeps pokemon locked in small cages and they are treated as if they are just museum pieces." Manny said. "Heh... but I guess that is just silly gossip."

"I don't know, Giovanni has done many bad things." Nero said.

"SHHHH... don't ever call him by his name, or talk bad about him." Manny said whispering nodding his head toward the camera.

"oh thanks." Nero whispered back.

Just then the elevator doors opened and the two walked in.

"You do know this elevator only goes to the first floor?" Manny asked.

"Wait, I thought this was the first floor." Nero questioned.

"No this is the second floor, but out side there is a hill that leads up to the second floor. It's very confusing." Manny said with a chuckle.

Manny pushed the 8th floor while Nero pushed the 1st floor button.

"Once you get on the first floor, just take the elevator over." Manny stated.

"Oh, thank you so very much." Nero said with a smile.

"This guy is very kind, but a little slow, he is pretty much helping the enemy." Nero thought to himself.

Just then the doors to the first floor opened.

"Well this is where I get off." Nero said waving.

"Good luck, and don't let the boss scare ya too bad." Manny said as the doors closed.

"I wont." Nero said pushing the button to the other elevator.

Nero sighed to himself, his heart was slightly racing. "If everyone here is this dense, this may be easier than I expected." He whispered.

The elevator opened and Nero stepped in, pushing the basement floor button. The doors closed and the elevator dropped at a steady pace. The doors opened and Nero saw a hallway with display cages, some were empty but most were full. As he walked down the hall he saw different pokemon.

"Bulbasaur 1st pokemon... Ivysaur 2nd pokemon..." The pokemon were in order.

Nero smirked as he started running toward 448 Lucario.

"This is way too easy." Nero said to himself.

Little known to Nero, cameras was following his movements.


"ZzZzZz.... *snort.*" The security guy snorted and grunted as he leaned further back in his chair. As Nero ran past on the security cameras.


"four four six... four four seven.... Four four eight." Nero stopped to see Lucario leaning against the wall with his face in his paws.

"Sophios." Nero called out.

Sophios looked to be astonished.

"What the hell?" Sophios said.

"I'm here to break you out of here." Nero claimed.

"Why?" Sophios asked.

"Why would you question that, just tell me how to open the cages." Nero said.

"Ok, there is a button back at the elevator that will open all the cages, but at the end of the hall there is a panel that only opens one, if you open all of them though we will have a better chance to escape." Sophios stated.

"Very well then." Nero said starting to run.

Nero cussed after taking off, it was a fucking long hall after all. First he needs to run by four hundred and forty eight pokemon to press the button, then go back for Sophios then come back to the elevator and leave. Several moments later Nero slammed his palm on the button, sending out around four to five hundred pokemon loose. Nero ran pale as he noticed none of them were too pleased to see a human, but then again the ones that saw him press the button were immediately at his side. Nero smiled as he neared the pokemon.

"Listen, if you can tell the other pokemon I'm here to help them, then we can all be free, will you pokemon help me?" Nero asked.

"Bulba.. Scyther... Cyndiquil.." The pokemon yelled out.

"Ok then." Nero smiled running for Lucario.

As Nero ran he yelled out, "Pokemon, tell all the pokemon to protect me and attack any grunts they see."

The pokemon nodded and ran in every different direction. Nero stopped as Sophios ran up to him.

"Ok, there is a hatch where Giovanni loads the pokemon, everyone can escape from their, we just need to blow it up because only Giovanni can open it from his office." Sophios pointed out.

"OK POKEMON, Please tell ALL the pokemon to follow us." Nero said as he turned to run.

It was a stampede behind Nero and Sophios as they ran toward the hatch.


With all the noise from the monitors the Security guy woke up, to be alarmed at all the pokemon going alert. He spilt his coffee as he aimed his hand to his the alarm button. Which sent the whole building into a red alert.

"WHAT IS THAT?" Nero asked yelling over the sound of the siren.

"WE SHOULD HURRY, THAT'S THE ALARM" Sophios yelled almost barking cause of his Lucario form.

Just then they came across the hatch.

"OK, USE AN ATTACK TO BLOW IT UP." Nero yelled to Sophios.

"I DON'T KNOW HOW." Sophios stated.

"TRY." Nero said back.

Sophios sighed as he leveled his arms with his chest and closed his eyes. He steadily breath as his hands began to get warmer. Nothing came out though. Just then a aura ball formed in Sophios's paws and exploded in his face, blowing up the hatch door and damaging himself. Smoke flew everywhere but as soon as it cleared Nero ran over to Sophios, picking him up and running. All the pokemon Stampeded behind him, running in every which direction trying to get away, but all seemed to always follow where Nero was headed. A Rapidash ran along side Nero tapping his shoulder with it's side.

Nero got the gesture and threw Lucario across Rapidash's back and jumped on afterward. They ran for hours, trying to get as far away as possible. They reached the Viridian forest where all the pokemon, and Nero stopped for a rest.

(Fyi, Giovanni's base is in Viridian City.)

Nero pulled Sophios's unconscious body off of Rapidash, and laid him down. Most of the pokemon were still following Nero's lead.

"Everyone... I need you all to find your own home, I can't be responsible for so many pokemon." Nero said to all of the pokemon.

"But you are responsible for us, you saved us." A Slowking said walking up.

"No, I just freed all of you." Nero stated.

"Yes, and now our lives is in your hands, we all trust you and will follow you." Slowking stated.

Nero sighed, "Fine, I will figure something out tomorrow. For now I need help making a camp."

Immediately a Hitmonchan started picking up sticks and branches while a Venusaur used razor leaf to slash leafs out of the trees making a blanket of soft leafs. Nero was surprised at how organized all the pokemon were.

"You know they are only like this because of you." Slowking stated.

"No... that can't be." Nero said.

"Yes, you may not realize it, but you now run an empire of pokemon." Slowking pointed out.

"So how many are their?" Nero asked.

"Fairly over a thousand." Slowking answered.

"Oh my god... really?" Nero said shocked.

"Yes, Giovanni always had around two or more of each pokemon." Slowking stated.

Nero sighed as he picked Sophios up and laid him down on the blanket of leafs. A Charmander lit the wood that Hitmonchan put together and made a fire. Many of the other pokemon did the same. The whole forest was beginning to look like one giant camp site. Usually pokemon wouldn't do this type of thing, but if Nero was doing it, then they were to follow.

Nero was too tired to care at the moment and only wanted to sleep.


From the Author:

Dairu: I hope everyone likes this story. It's pretty much PG at the moment. I'm not quite sure what couples I'll make.

Sophios: couples?

Manny: Wait... wasn't that guy Nero?

Nero: .... *sighes*

Spyro the Colliding Worlds - book one - chapter nine

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