Spyro the Colliding Worlds - book one - chapter nine

Story by Cloudline Dasher on SoFurry

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#9 of Spyro: The Colliding Worlds

Disclaimer: if you are under 18 or offended by the adult situations in these stories, then do not continue.

Author's side note: this chapter will be so major story development, last chapter was only sex.

Chapter nine: Night and Day

With Dairu, Cynthia, and Leia:

"What in the world are you three doing?" Maria asked stepping into Dairu's, Leia's, and Cynthia's tent.

Dairu jumped startled, pulling his member and knot painfully out of Cynthia with a pop. Which forced Cynthia awake and screaming with tears rolling from her eyes. Leia rushed to Cynthia's side as Dairu started stuttering, "Um.., we were just..., um..."

"You were just having sex." Maria stated.

"Um..., yea..." Dairu admitted with sweat dropping from his forehead.

"So I guess you've had sex before since your so calm and not freaking out?" Cynthia assumed.

"Yea, well not with a guy at least, my dad thinks I'm all innocent and that I don't know anything, but I'm more than he thinks." Maria pointed out.

"Oh?" Leia said surprised, "So you have a mate?"

"Yea, if yall don't mind, I would like to bring her along, her name is Sam." Maria said smiling.

"We don't mind, is she a Wyvern?" Dairu asked, his member slipping back into it's hiding place.

"Well actually, She is a Bat..." Maria said blushing immensely.

Just then Sam walked into the hut followed by Avron, Volteer, and Shasha.

"Are you all ready?" Volteer asked.

"Yes, everyone is ready." Dairu was the first to reply.

Dairu paused for a minute to look Sam over. She stood five foot nine and she has a purple bundle of hair between her five inch ears. Unlike most bats she has a four foot tail with a spear like tip on the end. Her wings are connected to her arms, and her fangs protrude from her mouth, making them visible for her enemies or anyone that looks at her. Her fur is a light brown and the underside of her wings are a black color. The back of her right wing has a long noticeable scar.

Dairu left the tent immediately taking to the air, followed by the rest of the gang. Cynthia had recovered from Dairu pulling his knot from her treasure, and managed to keep up with Dairu. Leia took her place atop of Shasha instead of Volteer, so it would make it harder to hear Volteer's insistent rambling. Sam flew next to Maria which flew along side her half brother Dairu. The adults led the way one or two hundred feet ahead of them.

Dairu smiled to himself as he thought, "One big family."

Cynthia smiled thankful Dairu was happy, she didn't say anything even though Dairu was thinking out loud again.


Back at the temple:

"Hunter, your back." Terrador said happily greeting him.

"Yes, and we should have several reinforcements coming to help, they just needed to get supplies and gather their brethren." Hunter claimed.

"Hello, I'm Miskio fellow fur." Miskio said offering a paw, smiling at Hunter.

Hunter took his paw as he replied, "Thanks old one, it's been awhile since I've seen a wolf."

"And it's been awhile since I've peacefully talked to a different specie of fur." Miskio said chuckling.

Hunter laughed before looking around, "So where is Cynthia, and everyone?"

"Well Ignitus and Cyril went for a walk, and Dairu, Cynthia, Leia, and Volteer went to the Wyvern tribe to send for reinforcements." Terrador explained.

"What will we do if the Dark Master comes before everyone is reunited?" Hunter asked.

"I guess we will just half to hold them off." Miskio said sarcastically.

"I don't like the sound of that." Hunter said half afraid.

"Don't worry, we have the legendary Spyro here to protect us." Cynder said grinning as she nuzzled her lovers scaly purple neck.

"Hehe, yea I defeated him once, I can do it again." Spyro said to everyone.

Everyone fell to the floor as the earth shook.

"HURRY, OUT OF THE TEMPLE." Terrador yelled to everyone.

Everyone ran feeling the temple crumble and the roof collapsing. Dragon statues crumbled and cracked, and the ground split in two under the foundation of the building.

"HELP..., MOMMIE..." A little male wolf pup screamed crying.

Miskio immediately ran back in the temple aiming to grab the pup.

"NOOOOOOOOO." The mother of the pup yelled as the building collapsed in on Miskio.

It seemed to be the end for both the elder and the pup. The mother fell to her knees knowing both her leader and baby was dead. Tears matted her fur under her eyes as she felt like the life was being sucked from her body. Clouds of smoke lifted from the rumble and cleared by the wind and rain that soon followed. Everyone's hearts sank as they saw their home in ruins. Ignitus and Cyril saw what happened and along with Terrador they tried to dig out Miskio and the pup in hopes they some how survived.

"They..., they can't be alive..., if.., I could have used my powers...." Spyro said beating himself up.

"Spyro..., you're a hero and saved many lives, you can't save everyone." Cynder said trying to comfort her purple love.

"Cynder is right buddy." Sparx said patting Spyro on the back.

"Sparx, where were you?" Spyro asked still with tears falling.

"Sorry, I went to see if the other dragonflies would help." Sparx stated.

"THEIR ALIVE." Cyril screamed pulling Miskio's broken body and the pup from the rubble.

Miskio being a furry had the added strength to curve his body over the pup, forcing the rubble to rest on his body, protecting the pup. The pup's mother quickly grabbed her baby as she eagerly kissed Miskio's cheek.

"Thank you Miskio, thank you so much." She cried kissing him again.

"No... *coughs.* problem...." Miskio said resting on his back where the guardians had laid him.

"Miskio, will you be alright?" Ignitus asked, worried.

"No.., but it's alright, I am old, and was near death anyway. If I was younger I could have survived but that isn't the case, half my bones are broken and the rest are cracked, I am dying." Miskio said with another cough, this time with blood.

"This isn't good, he has internal bleeding." Cyril claimed.

"No, it's ok, just.., make sure to ask Dairu if he can become..., lead...leader..." Miskio said turning his head up to the clouds, rain matting his fur and washed away the blood from his muzzle, "Anisa, I will rejoin you soon."

Just then Miskio's heart stopped, ending his brief life. His soul leaving to the neither realm, where he returned to his beloved.

"Who..., who is Anisa?" Ignitus asked the wolf tribe, hoping they would know.

"Anisa was his lover." The female mother of the pup that Miskio saved, "Anisa was my mother and Miskio is my father. Both..., both are..." She paused crying.

"It's ok...." Cynder said now trying to comfort the female anthro wolf.

Everyone fell silent, sad they had lost the wolf tribe leader and a great friend, but happy that was the only thing lost, a comrades life.


With Dairu and friends:

"This rain is getting pretty bad, the earth stopped rumbling but it's starting to thunder, is it safe to fly in this weather?" Cynthia asked curiously.

"Yes, we have a thunder dragon with us." Shasha stated, knowing the capabilities of Volteer.

"I am old, I wont be able to protect a group this large, we better land." Volteer stated.

The rain and clouds turned red as green fiery rocks fell from the sky.

Even though Dairu was young, he remembered this storm, so did Cynthia.

"This was the same storm the pulled me into the furry world." Dairu stated.

"Yea me too, except their isn't purple spheres opening up." Cynthia stated.

Cynthia had spoke too soon, trees and landscape disappeared along with purple portals. Everyone froze as a portal the size of the temple opened up about two miles away, a large being stepping through that had to be a half a mile tall. It was the Dark Master.


Back at the temple:

"What is that?" Hunter asked pointing.

"That is the Dark Master's portal." Ignitus stated.

Everyone either gasped or stared with astonishment. The purple portal vanished and a large demon that stood on two legs appeared. It's body was totally black and it's eyes burned a green fire. It's midsection was ice and water. It's chest was magma and rock. It's legs and arms were lightning, and it's head tail was rock. The Dark Master's entire body had a smoky black veil that circled up and down his form.

He started to speak and the world shook slightly as he spoke, "I am Malefor, the Dark Master, SPRYO YOU WILL DIE."

Malefor growled lifting up a hand, a ball of green rock form as he threw his arm, aiming where the temple's ruins remained. Totally annihilating whatever was left. The dragon's had picked up the wolves and carried most on their back what they couldn't carry with their hands. Spyro went straight for the Dark Master, shooting the elements at the large beast.

Dairu built up his courage after seeing Malefor turn his attention to the purple dragon. So Dairu started aiming his efforts on The Dark Master's back. Dairu fell from the sky surprised, that he was spitting something green along with his fire. Making a potent poison that kept the Dark Master's skin keep burning long after it landed on him. Dairu caught himself in the air smiling at his new ability, covering Malefor's back with his fiery sludge attack. Maria join in next, seeing what the Green sludge was doing when it mixed with fire. She coated Malefor's body with sludge that immediately ignited as Ignitus, Spyro, and Dairu spat their fire attacks at him. Malefor screamed with pain as he tried to swing at all the dragon's that flew around him. Cyril joined in the fight blowing ice at his lava chest, while Volteer aimed his lightning attacks at Malefor's water stomach. Malefor swung his arms hitting Ignitus, sending him into the ground.

"IGNITUS." Spyro yelled as he saw his fire mentor tumble to the ground, and just like in his vision, Ignitus seemed to have lost his life.

Spyro growled as purple covered his body, growing to half of Malefor's size as he flew above his head, just a purple mass of energy shaped as a dragon. The rest of the group landed as they watched Spyro. The purple dragon sent beams in shapes of dragon heads through the heart of Malefor. Making the Dark Master scream out in pain as he began to trip and tumble backward. The wolf tribe and all the dragon's scattered, trying not to get squished. Time seemed to slow as Spyro hovered over Malefor's weakening body as he shot one final blow. Cynder screamed as he saw Spyro enter the lava of Malefor's chest.

"RUN, HE'S GOING TO EXPLODE." Terrador yelled to everyone.

Everyone ran for their lives as Malefor's chest grew and bulged. Malefor's screams and pleas deafened the group as his heart slowed. With a mighty eruption the earth shook once more, and Malefor's body sent rock and debris as he exploded. Everyone was caught in the waves of the explosion and were sent flying through the air, and into the ground.

"Oh..., what a headache..." Cynder panted trying to stand up.

Cynder's heart skipped as she thought of Spyro, tears rolling from her eyes as she took to the air, searching the land for Spyro.

"NOOOOOOOOO" Cynder cried seeing Spyro's body.

She flew down landing next to him, lifting up his head as she looked at his lifeless body.

"God no..., Spyro.., please don't leave me...." Cynder pleaded.

"*cough* o.. *cough* ok..." Spyro said lifting his head to lick Cynder's nose.

The skies cleared as the storm passed, but seconds later it darkened once more, and a dragon appeared falling from the sky. It was an adult purple dragon. The dragon's eyes popped open flaring red as he landed sending ripples through the ground as he collided catching himself.

"Spyro...., must..., die." Malefor said almost whispering.

Spyro forced himself to his feet as he shot a ball of fire at Malefor.

"Spyro..., you need to rest.." Cynder pleaded to him.

"I can't, not while he is alive." Spyro said taking to the air.

"Need some help?" Kane asked as several of his men threw spears at Malefor, which he just burned them with his fire.

"Thanks Kane." Spyro said to him before aiming his attacks at the Dark Master once more.

"Don't forget tha Manweersmalls." Mole-Yair stated

"We wont." Cynder said smiling taking off to help Spyro.

All the dragon's and all the Manweersmalls, and the Atlawa, and everyone circled Malefor.

"You all think because you outnumber me, that you can defeat me? Several weaklings cannot defeat a purple dragon." Malefor said with his fiendish voice.

"Yes, but you forget one thing, we have a purple dragon too." Sparx said standing next to Spyro.

"HA, that tiny egg of a dragon. I will squish him." Malefor said before shooting an array of fire, ice, earth, and lightning all at once at Spyro.

"NO." Cynder yelled jumping in front of Spyro spreading her arms.

Cynder closed her eyes waiting to be hit, but she never was hit.

"Looks like we got here just in time." A mysterious Cheetah stated.

"Arion, you made it." Hunter said greeting his friend.

"Yes, an I brought allies." Arion pointed.

Several dozen furs of all different types came walking toward the group. Malefor growled as he backed up. The furs were led by a wizard.

"DADDY." Cynthia smiled flying into Garjist.

"I will get my revenge, I will come back with an army of my own." Malefor stated before opening a portal.

"NO, YOU WILL NOT ESCAPE THIS TIME, AMAROSK KIRON FIRON." Garjist yelled slamming a staff into the ground forcing the portal Malefor had created.

"You will pay for that mortal." Malefor said growling.

Malefor jumped several hundred feet up into the air, slamming the ground with his front claws, cracking the ground all the way to Garjist. Cynthia flew up, carrying her father with her.

"Thanks Cynthia." Garjist said thanking his daughter.

"Enough." Dairu yelled rushing toward Malefor.

"I don't think so young dragon." Malefor said opening his maw, swallowing Dairu whole.

"DAIRU." Leia and Cynthia yelled at the same time with tears running down their cheeks.

"HAHAHAHA..., I should just eat all of you, I am quite hungry after all." Malefor stood their laughing.

Malefor started panting and breathing hard. His limbs went weak as he fell to his knees.

"What's happening to me?" Malefor asked as he looked down. His stomach was rotting from the inside out. Dairu had shot loads of acid fire inside his belly, making him rot and burn at the same time. Cooking his flesh as his organs died.

"I..., will be back." Malefor grunted before collapsing.

Dairu roared blowing fire acid, exploding from the Dark Masters belly. Everyone cheered as they seemed victorious. For now if he doesn't actually come back that is.


Author's note:

Dairu: I may have one more chapter just to tie up loose ends and show my readers what happens to all our friends.

Volteer: wait..., is Ignitus dead, no one checked him?

Shasha: I don't know, I guess we will see.

Cyril: *cries and sniffles* Ignitus......

Malefor: I hate happy endings.

Spyro: our home is gone, and Ignitus is dead...... what in the world.

Cynder: Spyro, be optimistic.

Spyro the Colliding - book one - chapter eight

Disclaimer: If you are under 18 get out now, if you are offended by the content in this material then do not proceed. Chapter eight: Apparent Lack of Strength Back at the temple: Miskio groaned as he awoke, his bones cracking as he stood...

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Spyro The Colliding Worlds - book one - chapter seven

Disclaimer: I do not own the Spyro characters but I do own some of them that I myself created. Also if you are under aged or do not like the things that may occur in this story series then DO NOT continue. Chapter 7: With Shasha: Shasha...

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Spyro- The Colliding Worlds- chapter six

Disclaimer: I do not own the Spyro characters but I do own some of them that I myself created. Also if you are under aged or do not like the things that may occur in this story series then DO NOT continue. Chapter 6: Back at the temple with...

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