Spyro the Colliding - book one - chapter eight

Story by Cloudline Dasher on SoFurry

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#8 of Spyro: The Colliding Worlds

Disclaimer: If you are under 18 get out now, if you are offended by the content in this material then do not proceed.

Chapter eight: Apparent Lack of Strength

Back at the temple:

Miskio groaned as he awoke, his bones cracking as he stood up.

"My old bones ache, I don't know how long I have in this life." Miskio said sighing as he stretched.

"Are you dying?" Ignitus asked startling Miskio.

"Don't sneak up on an old wolf, may end my life right here and now." Miskio said panting.

"You didn't answer my question." Ignitus said worried.

"Everyone dies Ignitus, I know Dragon's live to be thousands or more years before finally dying, so I don't expect you to be comfortable around death, I have led my people against menacing odds, and I have lost dozens of wolves to protect our very existence, I have come to know death as just a reward for living your life." Miskio said trying to comfort the dragon with his kind, yet honest words.

"Your very wise, but you STILL didn't answer me, are you dying?" Ignitus asked losing his patients somewhat.

"I don't see why it's important, but yes, I am dying, my old age is catching up with me, I am eighty four years old, that is the expected age for an old wolf as myself." Miskio said stretching a couple more bones.

Ignitus looked to Miskio's tribe then back to him, "But what will become of your people?"

"I have already decided, I want Dairu to become the leader, he is far more stronger than any wolf and will out live anyone of us, he will be a great leader." Miskio stated.

"But, wouldn't that leave Dairu in a saddened state sooner or later, seeing member after member of his tribe die after thousands of years, it would be madness." Ignitus pointed out.

"I suppose, but that is Dairu's choice, I will ask him to be the leader, if he doesn't accept then my daughter Leia will take over the tribe." Miskio informed Ignitus.

"I see, well I hope everything works out for the best." Ignitus said being optimistic.

Ignitus looked over to his mate, Cyril was still asleep and to the looks of it, he was having a REALLY good dream. He would give a soft moan every once and awhile. Ignitus was just hoping Cyril wouldn't roll over and everyone see his hard on, or for him to speak in his sleep. Even with his scales being red, Ignitus was blushing, from what they had done a couple nights before.


With Spyro:

Spyro yawned heavily before memories of the night before shot into his mind. He now remembered why his arm was tightly wrapped around Cynder's waist and why Cynder had a happy calm peaceful look on her maw. The night before he had lost his virginity to a beautiful dragoness, and had the best night of his life. He blushed as he realized his hard on that was pressing against the silky sheets of Cynder's bed.

"Afghh..." Spyro yelped almost choking on his own spit as he heard Cynder.

"Morning handsome." Cynder said smiling as she slowly lifted her head.

"Mor.. *coughes* morning Cynder." Spyro said with a blush and an awkward smile.

"What's wrong Spyro?" Cynder asked with a worried look, "You don't regret last night do you?"

"NO...." Spyro almost yelled out, "Never, I'm just never been touched before, I've never had someone touch me to give me pleasure, the closest thing that I have had that comes anywhere close to that was a hug that my parents gave me."

"What are you saying, was it too much for you?" Cynder asked more worried than anything, and half sorry for coming onto him.

"No, I love you, and I wouldn't trade last night for anything." Spyro stated before pulling Cynder's maw into a prominent kiss.

Cynder meeped as she slightly went wide eyed at the kiss before she returned the kiss. Her eyes slitted as she laid a claw on Spyro's cheek deepening the kiss as much as she possibly could. Spyro panted through his nose as he lifted his body breaking the kiss. Showing his morning wood, followed by a blush.

"My oh my, someone woke up horny." Cynder said with a smile still laying down.

Spyro yelped as he felt Cynder grab his legs keeping him in place, Spyro looked back with wonder, curious at what she had planned. Cynder had rolled onto her back and pulled her head under Spyro's belly.

"OH..., CYN..der...." Spyro moaned feeling Cynder's tongue licking up and down his shaft.

Cynder just smiled at his moans as her prehensile tongue wrapped around his meat. Messaging up and down forcing pre from the tip which landed on her cheek. She grinned moving her tongue back in her mouth before tasting the pre that was left on her face.

"Someone wants to make a mess, I should just clean it now shouldn't I?" Cynder asked playfully.

Spyro nodded panting, with a glazed over look as he met her eyes under him. He lifted his head back with a mighty moan as he felt the tip of his member squeezed by her maw as she bobbed her head up and down. He meat being warmed by her maw and heated by the friction. Her tongue was like velvet covering his cock. Even though subtle and gentle, he was overwhelmed by pleasure. Even though lost in bliss, Spyro managed to spread out his right wing and run the clawed tip of it through Cynder's wet needy pussy lips, forcing her to give a muffled moan and making her bob her head more fiercely. Spyro jumped followed with another moan as he felt Cynder's right front claw push a finger into his tail hole. Causing him far more pleasure than pain. He had never tried anal and couldn't believe the pleasure he was receiving. His wing went harder onto Cynder's pussy, pushing in against her g-spot. He could only get about an inch or so in but she was bobbing her head like mad with the more pleasure she got. Spyro's head tilted downward as he could feel his orgasm near. Spyro groaned feeling Cynder slow on his cock before speeding up her claw thrusting in and out of his tight tail hole. Making him moan ever so more. Cynder cried out feeling her orgasm first overwhelm her body, squeezing and trying to force Spyro's wing out, spurting her cummy honey out across her soft bed sheets.

"AHHHHHh..., shit.." Spyro didn't even realize he cussed as his balls exploded sending his sweet tasting seed into her muzzle, forcing her to swallow before she could gag. Cynder just smiled with the after glow of her body continuing to convulse and with her tummy full of Spyro's cum. Spyro panted and pulled off and laid next to his love, smiling at her and watched her form as she continued to squirm and convulse long after her orgasm.

"Oh..., gawd...." Cynder said whimpering.

"That must have been one intense orgasm." Spyro stated grinning slyly.

"M..mhmm..." was all Cynder could say as her back was forced to arc and move back and forth, cum leaking out and down her swollen sex, trickling across her anal hole and down her tail. Leaving a wet spot on her bed. Her body relaxed but she was forced to moan as her lips were brought to one final kiss. Spyro's loving tongue licking at the roof of her mouth. The sensitivity being almost too much for her as her body gave several more spasms.

Spyro broke the kiss licking her cheek as he whispered, "I love you Cynder."


With Dairu:

Dairu moaned as he awoke to something moist and warm around his cock. He looked down to see both Leia's and Cynthia's tongue lapping at the tip of his member.

"Ahhhh..., Wh.., what are you two doing?" Dairu asked moaning.

"Well turns out Cynthia is in heat and I decided I wanted in on some fun." Leia said with a grin before going back to licking Dairu's shaft.

Dairu didn't say anything else as he felt the loves of his life suck and lick his shaft. Cynthia's tongue moved down to Dairu's sac and licked his orbs lovingly, feeling the salty taste on his scales. Leia on the other hand used her sandpaper like tongue to lick up Dairu's rigged member. Dairu panted and gasped as he felt Cynthia move even lower and her prehensile tongue darted in rimming his tail hole. Forcing an even louder moan from his muzzle. Dairu looked up at the two realizing they had draped a tarp over the opening of the tent so no one could see, and he just laid his head down to the side, enjoying the attention he was receiving from the females. I good trail of pre seeped from the tip of his hard on. Which Leia happily suckled down her throat. Leia stopped and pulled Cynthia's muzzle up, making Dairu whimper from the loss of pleasure and shock went through his body and his arousal sky rocketing seeing Cynthia and Leia kiss, their muzzles locked in a tongue fight. His poor member throbbing in the air as he watched the show. He decided to get up and join in the cuddle fest which he was immediately pushed back to his back.

"Who said you could get up?" Leia asked grinning seductively.

"Sorry..." Dairu replied being totally submissive.

"Your mistress's are going to make you our pet for the day." Cynthia said smiling.

"Oh, good idea Cynthia." Leia said giggling.

"Yes Mistress." Dairu said blushing from the idea.

"Good boy." Leia said spreading her legs over Dairu's muzzle, her pussy a couple inches from his face, "Now get to work pet."

Dairu did as he was told and licked at her pussy, smelling her scent mixed with Cynthia's heat. His member throbbed almost painfully begging for released and he gave a loud muffled moan as he felt Cynthia over his body, pushing down taking his member into her cold icy pussy. It felt intense smelling all the aroma's in the air along with a cold pussy squeezing his cock. Dairu did his best to keep some of his attention on Leia's wet pussy. He groaned at her taste, which tasted strongly of fruit. Leia's head lay tilted back which Cynthia turned her head into a kiss while she moved up and down onto Dairu's long seven inch cock. Barely being able to take the knot which was growing with his nearing orgasm. Leia bucked her hips rubbing her clit as she thrusted against Dairu's tongue, wanting more and more, which little known to Dairu he was paying a lot of attention to her g-spot which forced her to the edge. Leia screamed out with exploding pleasure as Cynthia reached around groping Leia's breasts, giving a moan of her own as she rode Dairu's cock harder and harder. Dairu moaned drinking down Leia's cum as she spurted more and more down his throat, continuing his lick to get more of her taste.

"RWRAAAAWR..." Dairu yelled out spewing his dragon seed deep within Cynthia's drenched twat forcing her over the edge also as he tied them together with his knot.

Leia weakly tried to move, laying down next to Dairu as he rolled so all three were laying on their backs. It was a love sandwich with Leia cupped to Dairu's back and Dairu cupped to Cynthia's front with his cock stuck in her frozen cunny.


With Avron:

Avron awoke and had told his Wyvern messengers to go out to all the Dragon's allies and ask for their aid. Now he was on his way to see his son before he had to head back to the temple. Avron came to the tent moving the tart.

"Eep..." Avron gasped closing the tarp before Cynthia, Leia, and Dairu saw him.

Avron's heart was slightly racing as he couldn't get the picture of his son and two women covered in cum out of his mind. He finally dismissed the thought though by chuckling and saying, "Dang, he is one lucky dragon, I give him that."

Avron just shook his head as he headed to go see Volteer and Shasha.


With Volteer and Shasha:

Their wasn't many more free tents so Volteer and Shasha had to bunk with Avron. During the night however, Volteer had managed somehow to get his arm wrapped around Shasha and she was moaning in her sleep.

Volteer groaned waking to noises, and jumped realizing that he was on his side with his stomach pressed up against Shasha's and the tip of his member running through Shasha's pussy lips. Volteer began to slowly get up but his interest was peaked as he heard his name, "Oh..., Volteer..., fuck me..."

He turned his head to her smelling her scent. He immediately knew the smell, she was in heat. His member throbbed painfully and sighed to himself, "Well..., I may not get this chance again."

Volteer stepped forward to Shasha but stopped as he thought to himself, "What am I doing? I can't just take her in her sleep."

Volteer almost jumped through the roof of the tent as he heard Shasha, "What's wrong Volteer?"

Her question was answered as she looked under him. She grinned as she rolled on her back stretching and looking over at Volteer as she said, "I see someone smelt me in his sleep."

"I'm so sorry, I'll just leave you." Volteer said with his heart speeding.

"NO..., please..., please don't leave." Shasha said saddened, "I've..., been alone for most of my life, it feels good to be around more dragons."

"Ok.., I'll stay." Volteer said sitting down, blushing as he remembered his member throbbing between his legs.

"How..., how about I take care of that for you?" Shasha asked standing up.

"What? No we barely know each other." Volteer said.

"Look, I'll be honest, I just want to get rid of my heat, and come one, we ain't getting any younger." Shasha said being frank.

Volteer looked down at his member, and blushed, "O...ok.."

Shasha smiled as she moved toward him, licking his cheek, "I promise, you will enjoy this."

Volteer swallowed and panted with his heart. He was clouded by his arousal and the intense scent that was lingering across his nose. Volteer went wide eyed as she pulled him into a kiss, loving the mere touch of another. She lost herself as she totally gave in and pushed against the kiss, almost making Volteer fall backwards. Volteer yelped against the kiss feeling his member tightly squeezed by her claw. Volteer then pushed her away breaking the kiss.

"This may be out of place, but I am attracted to you, and I feel something, like I'm pulled to you, I even feel like I have butterlings in my stomach." (Butterlings are a type of butterfly but have the characteristics of a faerie dragon.)

"I know the feeling." She said moving closer, "I love you too."

"Love? Do you mean this feeling is love?" Volteer questioned.

"Yes, I do believe we are in love." Shasha replied.

Volteer's heart skipped as he pulled her back into the kiss closing his eyes. Shasha went wide eyed by the surprise, but soon relaxed returning the kiss. Volteer sighed against the kiss feeling Shasha once again grip his throbbing meat. Making him thrust against her claw. Shasha's maw released from the kiss, trailing his neck as she licked, giving the base of his scaly neck right above the collar bone a hard bite. Leaving imprints of her teeth before she licked them away forcing moans from Volteer's mouth. Volteer grunted as he pushed Shasha to her back forcefully.

"My, my, aren't you the dominant one?" Shasha snickered.

"You know it." Volteer said grinning becoming more confident around her.

Shasha moaned out as she felt Volteer's rock hard cock spread her pussy lips open. Stretching her walls. He went slow not knowing if she was a virgin or not. Shasha just panted and moaned the more he moved until he hilted, realizing she surely wasn't a virgin, either that or she lost her hymen in an accident, or masturbating. He groaned more as with instincts he sent electricity through Shasha's pussy lips. Making her body shiver with pleasure. Shasha's wings spread across the ground as her back squirmed against to floor. Volteer bit down into Shasha scaly neck, and licking just as she did. Rocking the two bodies as they mated. Volteer leaving loads of pre inside her tunnel making it extra slippy, helping him thrust faster and faster into her cunny.

"Volteer...., FASTER...." Shasha screamed out, feeling her orgasm near.

She could feel Volteer's knot spreading her open extra wide as it prodded her pussy. Giving extra jolts of pleasure along with the electricity pulsing through her body. Volteer couldn't hold on much and slammed in and out of her with sheer velocity. Making a wet popping noise as his knot popped in and out of her treasure. They both screamed out in sheer delight as he started spraying his seed inside her cunny, stretching her walls and his knot locking them together and also pressing against her g-spot, making her body burst with her orgasm.


Back with Avron:

Avron's heart just raced again as he neared his tent and heard moans and shrills coming from within. He just sighed and shook his head, leaving the two alone and leaving to wait at his daughters hut, to make sure she was ready. He only hoped his daughter wasn't with someone.


With Maria:

Maria grinned as she packed her pouch that was pressed firmly against her side. She tightened the strap on it making sure it wouldn't fall off her in mid flight. She eagerly filled it with meat, and a variety of pretty stones that she had collected that carried magical properties for Wyverns.

"Maria?" Avron said entering her hut.

"EEP...." Maria yelped turning around, surprised at the intrusion, "What is it daddy?"

"I was just wondering if your sure you want to go with them?" Avron asked.

"Yes, and weren't you the one that said I should go with them?" Maria asked curiously.

"Well um..." Avron coughed remembering what just happened in the other tents with Volteer, Shasha, Dairu, Cynthia, and Leia, "Yea, I am just worried."

"It's ok father, I will be ok, I'm a big girl now." Maria stated.

"Father? I'm dad not father, and I know you're a big girl, but you are still my life and I love you." Avron stated nuzzling Maria's neck.

"And I love you daddy, but you can't keep babying me." Maria pointed out.

"I know, also while your traveling with Dairu, see if you can't teach him to shoot Acid breath. He is half Wyvern after all." Avron said.

"I will daddy. Now I'm all packed, I just need to go get Dairu and his friends and be on our way." Maria said leaving the hut.

"WAIT....." Avron yelled holding out a winged hand.

"What's wrong daddy?" Maria asked confused.

"Maybe you should give them more time to rest?" Avron stated nervously.

"They said we would leave in the morning and it's already two, we need to get going." Maria said walking toward Dairu's tent.

Avron sighed as he thought, "Well, she has to learn about the birds and the bees somehow."

He laughed somewhat as he thought this but couldn't help feeling disturbed slightly.


Ignitus, Miskio, the wolf tribe, Cyril, and Terrador:

"Ignitus, when do you think Dairu and everyone will be back?" Miskio asked not knowing the terrain.

"They should be back in a couple days, if not more." Ignitus claimed.

"That is if the Dark Master has not spotted them, but I suppose Ignitus could use his masterful perception portal to give a look see if they are alright." Cyril claimed.

Terrador looked at Cyril confused, this was the absolutely first time he had ever heard the ice dragon give a compliment about anyone except himself. That is without putting them down somehow. He just kept quiet, ignoring that little detail.

"Well it would give my heart ease if I could know if they are alive and well." Miskio stated.

"Very well then." Ignitus said standing up, heading to his little green circle that was filled with liquid, "This may take a minute."

Miskio was astonished as the water in the pool churned as Ignitus closed his eyes. He seemed to be deep in thought and focusing very hard. Everyone jumped as Ignitus started coughing and a blush formed on his scaly skin, he jumped hitting the wall behind him.

"IGNitus..., are you ok?" Cyril asked rushing to him.

"Ye..., yes..." Ignitus replied standing up.

"So did you see them?" Miskio asked.

Terrador once again was astonished by the reaction of Cyril. He had never seen him act this kindly to anyone. He just dismissed it, he had once gotten into Cyril's business, and ended up frozen to a wall. So he just sighed and walked off.

"Um..., yes..., they are alright but they are um.., resting at the Wyvern tribe." Ignitus claimed, "If you all don't mind, I am..., um..., going for a walk."

Ignitus left the temple, walking through the mushroom forest like he did at least three times a week to train or just enjoy the scenery.

"WAIT UP!" Cyril stated trying to keep up.

"What are you doing?" Ignitus asked.

"I want to know what you really saw." Cyril stated.

"Well...., actually when I looked into the seeing pond, I saw um..." Ignitus paused with a blush, "Dairu had both Leia and Cynthia in um..., in a sexual position."

"Oh..., I see, and that bothers you?" Cyril asked.

Ignitus just stood their, wondering why it startled him so. He himself has had multiple partners at once, but he couldn't help be astonished.

"I guess it's because they are so young...." Ignitus said trying to reassure himself more than Cyril.

"It's ok, young ones seem to keep surprising me these days, just look at Spyro." Cyril claimed.

"Cyril, ever since we um..., mated you haven't said anything mean about anyone, and have been giving multiple compliments, I even heard you compliment Volteer this morning to Miskio." Ignitus stated smiling, "What's going on?"

Cyril blushed as he looked deep into Ignitus's eyes as he said, "Ignitus..., I should have told you this, but you were my first, male or female."

Ignitus's glare froze, he was left stunned, "but... you are older than I am...."

"I know, but I just haven't had that special someone...." Cyril said with a sigh.

"But your at least four thousand years old, how in the world can you go that long without someone trying to grab you?" Ignitus asked bewildered.

"I've just never had interest, I've always just pushed everyone away, when I took the position of ice guardian, I thought that would be my purpose in life." Cyril said lowering his head.

"What made you give in to me? What makes me so special that you would want me to be the one?" Ignitus asked curiously.

"Cause you are the one I fell in love with, I have known you for a thousand years ever since we sealed away the Dark Master. I love you Ignitus." Cyril said pushing his head against Ignitus's neck.

Ignitus pulled Cyril into a hug, feeling loved, comforted, wanted. By the ice dragon that has kept him such close company for a thousand years. Now they became so much closer. Cyril jumped a little as he felt Ignitus's strong arms lead him to his back, bringing him into a kiss. Ignitus's member pressed up against Cyril's icy rod of a cock. Ignitus's tongue wrapped around Cyril's equally long prehensile tongue. Making the kiss erotic and wet as their heat and ice breath left steam leaving their maws. Ignitus pulled back, his cock leaving a trail of pre down Cyril's cock as it made it's way to his tail hole. Cyril panted and moaned feeling Ignitus's fire cock push into him, making a hot rod heating his icy insides. Ignitus on the other hand broke the kiss unable to concentrate because of the pleasure her received from the cold tunnel that incased his member. It felt like he was thrusting into a pile of snow. Which was immensely pleasurable to the both of them having the opposite elements mix with each other. Cyril moaned, just letting his head fall back, enjoying every minute he had with his lovable fire king. Ignitus reached a claw down gripping Cyril's cock, forcing pre from the tip as he started to jerk away at his meat. Still thrusting his own cock deep within Cyril's hole. Cyril screamed out in ecstasy feeling his cock jerked and his hole spread wide, feeling his orgasm near closer and closer, barely able to hang on. Ignitus plunged all the way in and his knot popping in and out of Cyril's tail hole, making him moan louder each and every time. Cyril Screamed out with a red bliss on his blue face as he started ejaculating on Ignitus's chest and stomach. Unable to hold it in any longer. Cyril's own knot growing bigger in Ignitus's claw as he squeezed. Ignitus let go as he rammed his cock as far as he could into Cyril's ass, feeling Cyril's cock bounce against his stomach with each thrust, plunging in one more time tying each other together as he started filling his prostate up with his lava like gooey cum.

"I..., I love you Ignitus." Cyril said still feeling Ignitus spewing seed into his rear.

"I love.., AHHhh.., you too.., my ice prince." Ignitus replied relaxing his body atop of Cyril's exhausted body. Feeling their cum sticking them together.


Author's notes:

Dairu: ok, didn't I tell ya, LOTS of sex.

Volteer: ok, I half to admit, that perplexed and exhilarated any senses I had ever experienced.

Cyril: You said it Volteer.

Ignitus: *bites Cyril's neck* I love you

Cyril: I love you too *returns the bite to the neck.*

Maria: ..... Um....... I walked in on Dairu, Cynthia and Leia just now... WHAT THE FUCK were they doing?

Avron: *slaps his forehead.*

Spyro The Colliding Worlds - book one - chapter seven

Disclaimer: I do not own the Spyro characters but I do own some of them that I myself created. Also if you are under aged or do not like the things that may occur in this story series then DO NOT continue. Chapter 7: With Shasha: Shasha...

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Spyro- The Colliding Worlds- chapter six

Disclaimer: I do not own the Spyro characters but I do own some of them that I myself created. Also if you are under aged or do not like the things that may occur in this story series then DO NOT continue. Chapter 6: Back at the temple with...

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Experimental Escaped DNA Pokemon chapter three

Disclaimer: I don't own pokemon and if you recognize any characters then most likely they aren't mine. If you are under 18 or don't like this sort of content in stories then do not read further. Chapter three: Artificial Emotions Buizel and...

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