Spyro The Colliding Worlds - book one - chapter seven

Story by Cloudline Dasher on SoFurry

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#7 of Spyro: The Colliding Worlds

Disclaimer: I do not own the Spyro characters but I do own some of them that I myself created. Also if you are under aged or do not like the things that may occur in this story series then DO NOT continue.

Chapter 7:

With Shasha:

Shasha awoke with a yawn, stretching her body across the ground, her arms stretched as if reaching for something. She looked up into the sky, then to the lake.

"They must have slept for the night, or they should have been here by now." Shasha said to herself looking to the lake.

Shasha whimpered to herself, feeling her heat send aches through her body.

"Damn it, why does the Dark Master half to come back alive in spring." Shasha sighed looking at her moist needy pussy.

She ran a claw through her treasure, moaning slightly as she whispered to herself, "That Volteer fellow sure was cute."

Shasha whimpered as she pushed her middle claw into her hole, feeling her folds squeeze her fingers, she began to dream as she pleasured herself, "Volteer, I need you."

She didn't know him, but he was handsome, and she sure was horny. She laid back onto a tree as she pushed a second claw into her damp pussy. Moaning Volteer's name, "Volteer..., lick my pussy."

Shasha moaned loudly as she pictured Volteer's long tongue sending electric shocks through her pussy. Her sandy golden scales glimmering in the morning sun. Shasha was slowly gaining speed, her heat and lust skyrocketing the closer she became to her orgasm. In her mind Volteer's tongue licked up her pussy, in her tunnel and scraping her g-spot. Shasha screamed out as her orgasm claimed her thoughts, her mind fantasized that her juices that were now exploding from her cunny was splashing across Volteer's muzzle. She almost fainted as she pulled her fingers from her drenched pussy lips. Bringing her claws to her muzzle and licking at her juices.

"That..., that didn't.., last as long as I wanted.., wanted it too." Shasha said panting, her chest moving heavily up and down.


With Dairu, Cynthia, Leia, and Volteer.

They had been awake for about thirty minutes and had breakfast. They were flying through the air again and Leia was wide awake and happy on Volteer's back, she was in pure bliss after what happened the night before. She didn't even care when Volteer rambled now and then about the weather or whatever he was talking about. Volteer was trying his best not to ramble too much, but his mind was rather clouded at the moment. He thought all the adult dragon's were either males or dead, but now his hopes were brought back to life with Shasha. He absolutely could not believe that their were more dragon's out their that survived the Dark Master's attacks. He was purely happy, maybe their was a chance for him to find love after all. His heart warmed as he saw the lake from his dream.

"Why are we going down their? I don't see the Wyvern tribe." Dairu asked curiously.

"I had a vision, an adult female dragon wanted us to meet her here at the lake." Volteer answered.

Seconds later the three dragon's landed and Leia jumped off, and looked around.

"So where is she?" Cynthia asked looking around.

"Their she is." Leia said pointing across the lake.

The four walked around the small lake to the dragon.

"Hello again Volteer." Shasha said happily.

"Hi." Volteer said smiling.

Volteer's heart was racing, unable to speak for once in his life.

"What's wrong with Volteer?" Cynthia whispered to Dairu.

"I think he is love struck." Dairu said openly and sarcastically, seeing the blush on the large yellow dragon's face.

"Oh he is love struck, huh?" Shasha said with a big smile.

Shasha smile seductively as she walked closer to Volteer, and licked his cheek. Volteer's heart jumped faster than lightning as he blushed fiercely from her loving tongue.

"WE... we ..we..., need to go..." Volteer said stuttering.

"Awww..., too bad you are right, I was having fun." Shasha said giggling.

"I like her, she shares my love of flirting with guys." Cynthia said jokingly.

"What guys?" Dairu asked jealously.

"Only you baby." Cynthia said smiling with her tongue stuck out at Dairu.

"Ok let's go everyone." Shasha said to everyone, taking to the air.

Volteer grunted slightly blushing still, smelling her heat. Him and the little ones flew next to her.

"So where we going?" Shasha asked.

"Wyvern tribe." Dairu answered first.

"Tell me, are their any more dragons other than thyself?" Volteer asked hopingly.

"Yes, but not in this world, not that I know of anyway, I came from Vala'Charish."

"What is Vala'Charish?" Leia asked, "Is it another parallel world?"

"Yes, my world borders this one along with several others. We live beside creatures called humans, we provide protection while they use technology to give us peaceful lives, everyone has a job and it is fairly easy to have an easy life. That was until the Dark Master came and ruined it for us." Shasha explained before growling.

"The Dark Master? What was he doing in your world?" Volteer asked afraid.

"Well several decades ago we thought he was just a newcomer and we welcomed him freely, but after he formed an army of bandits and other vile villains that roamed the world, he explained to me that his world banished him to the underworld for his punishment, but they accidentally sent him to Vala'Charish instead." Shasha stated.

"So this whole time he was making havoc in your world instead of spending eternity in his prison." Dairu said frightened.

"I should known better than to have allowed that spell to be done so hastily, it wasn't ready." Volteer said cussing himself.

"Wait, you were their when they imprisoned him?" Cynthia asked.

"Yes, I was but I was one of the many that created the spell that in captured him." Volteer stated.

Volteer sighed as he looked ahead, checking the landscape to see how far they were to the wyvern tribe.

"We are almost their, just a couple more miles." Volteer stated.

"So tell me, what exactly happened in your world, Shasha?" Dairu asked curiously.

"Well the Dark Master created an army of apes, dragons, and humans. They didn't care for the laws and definitely didn't care for anyone but themselves. After they sent their first attack, the humans and dragon's easily fought them off, but no matter how many times we fought, we slowly began losing numbers and they seemed to never lose anyone." Shasha said with sadness in her voice.

"So you were able to fight him off?" Volteer asked surprised.

"Yes, but just by barely, our technology helped us but the only reason we finally lost was because someone on the inside of the fortress turned, and destroyed the shield that protected the city, that was when we started losing our people." Shasha said starting to get really sad.

"Ok that's enough for now, we are here." Volteer said aiming his flight path to a small village below.

Several Wyvern's waved to the dragon's that neared, smiling with a welcoming face. Somehow everyone seemed safe being in this friendly town. Everyone looked around at all the cave like tents, many four times larger than the wyvern's that laid inside them. Dairu's heart raced, he knew this place, he was crying as memories poured back to him and he passed out from the stress.


The reason Dairu passed out:

Dairu started to dream, recalling horrible and also pleasant memories, that had been hidden in his memory because of the heartache that it caused.

"Daddy, what are you doing?" Dairu asked walking up to him.

"I'm cooking dinner for the three of us." Dairu's father stated.

"Avron, how much longer till the food is done?" Dairu's mom asked.

"Just a couple more minutes." Avron said with a goofy smile.

Avron was like a type of dragon, except that his wings were attached to his arms and he had fur coating his body. His tail was ten foot long with a diamond like spear on the tip. Avron stood on his back legs mostly, using his front limbs to cook or whatever else he needed too do.

"Daddy I'm hungwee." Dairu said pulling on Avron's wing.

"Don't worry, it will be done soon, want a taste?" Avron asked pulling a spoon full of deer stew and lowering it to Dairu's muzzle.

"Slow down little one" Dairu's mom said from where she was sitting.

Dairu groaned as that memory ended and another shot into his mind, the air was twisting and turning, and the night of when he fell into the world his tribe resided ran through his mind. He screamed out his mother's name as he cried, looking up at Avron as he carried the little red dragon.


Several hours later:

"Wake up Dairu." Cynthia pleaded.

"Please wake up." Leia said crying.

Dairu groaned holding his head, making sure not to his horns as he pushed against the ground to stand up.

"Not too fast Dairu." Leia said afraid of his condition.

"What happened?" Dairu asked with a throbbing headache.

"You passed out as soon as you looked around the Wyvern tribe." Cynthia explained.

"Where is Volteer and Shasha?" Dairu asked.

"They went to be alone, we have this entire tent to ourselves." Leia said rubbing Dairu's scaly neck.

Dairu stretched his body and his headache faded along with the pain of the memories.

"What were you dreaming about Dairu?" Cynthia asked worried.

"I..., I remember my father now, I don't know if he is my father, but that is what I called him." Dairu stated trying to keep the memory of him in his head.

"Your father? What did he look like?" Leia asked curiously.

Dairu's heart skipped as a figure entered the tent and Dairu stuttered, "Li...,like that." Dairu pointed.

Avron entered the tent looking at the three young ones.

"Hello, my name is..." Avron started to say before getting cut off.

"Daddy..." Dairu said crying as he hugged Avron's stomach.

As soon as Avron heard the word daddy he cried along with Dairu, "I thought you were dead, you looked so familiar but I didn't think it could possibly be you Dairu."

"I didn't think I'd get to meet either of my parent's, where is momma?" Dairu asked hopefully.

"I'm sorry...., your mother didn't make it, after that night I lost you, I also lost her as well...." Avron said sadly, "But, how? Where have you been for so long?"

"I fell into another dimension and was raised by a very kind wolf tribe." Dairu explained.

"How did you return though?" Avron asked another question.

"Cynthia fell into my world and used a book to transport me, her and my tribe here to this world." Dairu said with his heart filled with happiness.

"Mr. Avron..., does this mean Dairu's half Wyvern?" Cynthia asked tilting her head in wonder.

"Yes, he is half Wyvern." Avron smiled down at Dairu.

Dairu wiped the tears from his eyes looking at his large father.

"So do I have any brothers or sisters I should know about?" Dairu asked playfully.

"Ac... Actually..., you have a half sister." Avron said looking for Dairu's reaction.

"REALLY? I want to meet her, where is she?" Dairu asked over anxious.

Avron smiled seeing his reaction, "I'm glad your taking it well, follow me and I'll show you her."

Dairu, Cynthia, and Leia closely followed, being quiet for the most part because of everyone being asleep in the town. The moon gave everyone light for them to walk, not to mention torches throughout the town that made it easier to walk.

"Dad, did you find another mate after my mom?" Dairu asked.

"Yea, I knew she was dead because I was the one to bury her lifeless body, but I know she would want me to be happy, and being the leader of the wyvern's, I had to have an heir to my throne." Avron stated.

"You're the king of Wyvern's?" Leia asked shocked, "Does this make Dairu a prince?"

"Yea, and since Dairu is my first born, he will take the throne, that is if he wants it, he will half to prove he is worthy since he is a dragon half-breed." Avron pointed out.

"I don't know, I've just been carefree for a long time, other than everything I've read in the temples, I don't know anything else." Dairu stated belittling himself.

"Come on now, don't say that about yourself, all you need to do is protect the village and make sure everyone learns how to deliver messages like our ancestors have." Avron said with a grin.

"I don't know though." Dairu said with a scared look on his face.

"Like I said, you don't half too, just give it some thought." Avron stated before entering a tent.

Everyone followed and as soon as they entered they saw a young wyvern, just about a year younger than Dairu was warming herself by a fire.

"Who are they, father?" The young wyvern asked.

"This is Cynthia, Leia, and your half brother Dairu." Avron said smiling hoping she would take it as well as Dairu did, "Oh this is my daughter, Maria. I named her after Dairu's mother."

"Why would you name yours and your mates child after a woman that used to be your mate?" Cynthia asked confused.

"Well Maria's mother isn't my mate, and she was only to carry my child so I could have an heir to my throne." Avron stated.

Maria sighed blowing a puff of green smoke from her nose.

"What's wrong Maria?" Avron asked.

"I told you, I don't want to be queen and I don't like the idea of me being born ONLY because you needed someone to take your job." Maria asked almost ready to cry.

"I'm sorry Maria." Avron said with his head lowering.

"It's ok Maria, no matter what our parent's intent of having a child, I believe it is the child's choice for why her life is important." Dairu said speaking not only to cheer her up, but he was speaking the truth.

"Thank you..., Dairu...." Maria said wiping away her tears.

Dairu slowly neared her, wrapping her arms around Maria's body, giving her a warm hug.

"I wanna hug." Cynthia said smiling rushing over to hug the two.

"ME TOO." Leia said playfully running over for a big group hug.

Avron couldn't help but smile at the four, "well you three go back to your tent, we all need to get some sleep. Tomorrow I will send wyvern's to all the allies that fought the Dark Master last time, and I will send my daughter with you and your friends so she can train with the guardians."

"Is that ok with you Maria?" Dairu asked making sure she wasn't being forced.

"Yup, I would LOVE to get to know my big strong brother." She said playfully as everyone laughed.


Author speaking:

Dairu: I hope you all enjoyed that little twist in the story.

Cynthia: .... WAIT.... I'm in heat and it didn't even say I was in the story.....

Dairu: I know, but I got into the story and you will half to wait for the next chapter.

Leia: No sex? That sucks just a little bit don't you think?

Shasha: I don't mind. *she said smiling to Volteer.*

Volteer: Me either *Volteer grinned as he looked back at Shasha smiling.*

Dairu: XD next chapter is definitely going to have tons of sex in it.

Volteer: Wait what?

Shasha: I think he means the little ones.

Dairu: Yea.... Um.... I'll let you think that....

Spyro- The Colliding Worlds- chapter six

Disclaimer: I do not own the Spyro characters but I do own some of them that I myself created. Also if you are under aged or do not like the things that may occur in this story series then DO NOT continue. Chapter 6: Back at the temple with...

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Experimental Escaped DNA Pokemon chapter three

Disclaimer: I don't own pokemon and if you recognize any characters then most likely they aren't mine. If you are under 18 or don't like this sort of content in stories then do not read further. Chapter three: Artificial Emotions Buizel and...

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Spyro- The Colliding Worlds chapter five

Disclaimer: I do not own the Spyro characters but I do own some of them that I myself created. Also if you are under aged or do not like the things that may occur in this story series then DO NOT continue. Chapter five: Miskio the wolf tribe...

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