Tied Up

Story by Picklessauce69 on SoFurry

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The winning auction piece for Maleckai

"What exactly are we doing?" Krista spun around, facing her Rhzn with a raised brow. Her long hair spun with her movement, settling back against her shoulder blades as her fingertips stretched out to her sides with their painted nails blue against the pale sky.

The dark dragon opposite her winked one of his bright, red eyes, chuckling. "That's for me to know and you to find out, huh?"

Krista, the smaller of the pair, gave a small huff as her bright, blue eyes rolled back. "You think you're so funny-" She shook her head, turning back to face the expanse of the hiking path in front of her. The wide dirt path wove up the side of a gentle incline, sparsely sidelined by trees, but leading into a forest up ahead where the foliage cover grew thick and cloaked the space inside from view. For now, a well-angled glance would still expose the cars parked below in the small lot specifically for hikers here.

For a few beats, she let the sound of their boots stomping forward rise up in the air. Each footfall sent a bit of dust up into the air along with the crunch of rocks beneath. With each step, her long, smooth orange tail flicked in a wave behind her both for balance and out of boredom. From his spot behind, watching her walk, the jet black dragon could watch how her slender hips swung her ass from side to side over the dirt path.

Adjusting to her side, slightly, Rhzn could watch her full bosom bounce in place with every step. Her little black tank top didn't do much to contain the jiggling orbs through the fabric tried, straining around her tits and clinging to the form of her sculpted upper body. He'd urged her out of the house only an hour prior, disturbing her from her dedicated work to come hiking.

"Where are we hiking to? Don't we have a strict peaks and waterfalls only rule when it comes to hiking?" Krista gave another playful whine, glancing over her shoulder at the tall male. He just flashed a familiar, toothy grin back, the same face he'd been giving her since high school when he dragged them into mischief. Behind his smirking face, his own, long black tail swished side to side raised high above the dust.

She shook her head, tossing her long dyed black hair off her neck where the heat was prickling over the skin. Once again, she faced the path stretching out before them. "Overgrown child-"

Rhzn made a low churr in the back of his throat as he laughed, matching her stride so that one hand cupped over the girl's ass, squeezing the warm flesh through her tight, athletic pants. Her tail flicked against his ankles, silently scolding him. He let out a happy growl in the back of his throat as he shifted his grasp over her ass, squishing the soft skin.

"Maybe I brought you out here to do unspeakable things I simply can't do in the city limits-" Rhzn grumbled, voice gravely in the back of his throat. His fingers ran along the underside of her asscheek, tracing the round shape of her rump. Krista just chuckled, continuing her walk. His idle groping was nothing new. "Uh huh, sure-" she dismissed, rolling her eyes again. "You just delight in getting me off the computer. Something about that sadism thing you've got going on-"

Rhzn smirked, shouldering the backpack strapped over his folded wings a bit higher. She made him laugh, but she didn't have a clue yet what he really planned. His shoulder shifted, feeling the weight of the backpack pushing down on him. It's wasn't hugely heavy, but it was heavier than a single water bottle and a granola bar. Krista didn't need to know that. Not yet.

He let her stride ahead, watching how her asscheeks flexed with each long stride and her hair swung loose and wild side to side. The trail grew skinnier, running away from the parking lot and deeper into the wooded park. As they passed into the slightly cooler, shadier slope where the trees grew more frequent, his fingers returned to her rump, grabbing at the plump cheek with a firm squeeze. The steady thump of their boots hitting the ground echoed out around them, intermingling the the soft sounds of birds twittering in the distant trees overhead. His touch made Krista's skin buzz with life, always reacting to his affection; but she just continued her walking, focused on where she'd place her next step on the increasingly uneven path.

Idly, Rhzn's fingers continued to roam over Krista's form as they walked. His fingertips traced up the smooth curve of her back, running up to the exposed flesh of her shoulder blades. His nails skimmed along the outline of her bones beneath while his fingertips pressed in to feel where the sun had warmed her skin."How about a little flash, hmm?" he purred, leaning in against her swooped back ears with a slight nuzzling.

Krista's smooth cheeks warmed instantly, dotting with a rosy blush. Her eyes flicked over one shoulder, back towards where they'd left the car parked among a scattering of others. "We're not alone out here!" she protested, giving him a sharp look.

Rhzn smirked back, licking over his muzzle. "Exactly, we're not-"

Krista's eye widened in surprised protest. "No!" she whined, but her voice was still light and playful. Her cheeks glowed with an embarrassed little blush at the thought of being caught by the other hikers somewhere in these woods. Her ears strained to hear footsteps, but only the birds and the wind in the branches sounded back to her. "Still," she thought to herself. "They are here, they could appear at any second!"

She gave a little shake of her head, as though shrugging, and pivoted to walk backwards, jutting her chest in her small tank top up towards the dark dragon. Her tits puffed out, arms lightly on her hips, but the gesture was a silent agreement, a fold. Her little blush still glowed.

He grinned, drinking in the sight of her full chest straining inside the small black tank top. Breathing in through his nose, he could smell the girl's faint musk intermingling with the earthy scent of dirt and pine in the air around them. Her tits were free inside the little top, jostling even now with her slow steps backwards. The smooth, pale tops of them created a creasing dip of cleavage where they mashed together, constrained in the top.

His raised a finger, tracing across the smooth, exposed expanse of her upper chest, letting his nail skim over the skin near her neck and down towards her tits. His eyes held hers as he did, purposely taking his time stroking over her skin.

He wanted her to feel the seconds ticking past, the time since she'd done her furtive security sweep in all directions growing, expanding. The slightly tingling worrying that someone might be watching grew, making the smaller dragon's cheeks heat warmer.

The blush on the pale spot of her face grew once more, swelling to a brighter red, but her gaze struggled to pull away from Rhzn's smirk. He loved to watch her face change, ever so slightly. First, stubbornness clung on; her lips had a slight pout. Second, she'd soften to him; amusement would make her eyes heavy, rolling at him. Third though, she'd anticipate it, start to want a part in his little game, and her lips would part, impatient and interested. He waited until he saw the shift, the slight slack in her lips as her breath hitched, waiting for his touch and yet, worried about being caught.

Then, when she was nervous and blushing again, he swept his fingers down between the line of her breasts and pushed the fabric away. Her tits bounced into full view, freed as the fabric dropped beneath them, propping them up into the air. Her nipples, the same shining blue as the horns atop her head, were stiff in the faint chill of the late morning air.

"Fuck-" he cursed in a breath, barely audible. His hand lifted again, scooping up the soft meat of one tit, squeezing around the supple flesh. "There's no better sight than a boob, freed in its natural environment-"

Krista, still blushing furiously, just scowled with a playful sparkle in her eyes. "Yeah yeah, happy now?" She moved her arms up, as if to re-adjust her shirt back up to cover herself, but the other dragon clicked his tongue.

"What do you think you're doing?" An edge grew to the dominant's voice, flexing his command. He growled softly, low in the back of his throat while his eyes met hers, sharp and red. The girl paused, mouth slightly open. "W-what?"

"Nuh uh uh. I want to see them-" His fingers swapped to the other tits, massaging the supple skin and relishing in the bounce beneath his touch.

"B-but what if someone comes, Rhzn!?" she countered, voice rising with a slight squeak. She'd stopped her backwards walking, staring at him with her blush flooding down onto her chest. The red speckled above her chests, blossoming into a full coating that broadcasted her shyness.

"Maybe they'd see too, you'd make their day-"

"Rhzn!" she squeaked, surprised and embarrassed even now with no one hearing him. He just chuckled at her adorable shyness, always the introverted one. He released her tits, watching them bounce in place with a bemused grin. Then, his fingers found her ass, pushing her hip to turn her back towards the trail before he landed a solid spank down on one cheek. "Let's get a move on, girl-"

Krista felt the heat of her own blush on her cheeks, running down onto her chest to flush to pale skin with red. But, she also felt the heat spreading to her groin. Her inner walls clenched at the air on her tits and the dominating edge in Rhzn's voice. It sent a jolt down her spine to hear him switch on the commanding tone. Even now, with just her tits exposed to the open air, she felt her sex clenching with a building edge of excitement. What if another hiker came? Her ears twitched atop her head, rising to try and hear more than just the woods around.

"Next show me that ass-" Rhzn added, hanging back now. He watched each step clench her ass, shifting her pert, rounded cheeks in her tight pants. She gave a little shake of her head, as though dismissing his command, but the dragon raised his voice. "Show me-"

Krista's fingers gave a little shake with excitement as she tilted her body forward, pushing her ass out as she tucked her fingers into the tight black fabric of her pants, peeling them down the curvature of her ass slowly. The rounded, plump shape of her ass slowly came into view, exposed from the supple top down for a second before she yanked the pants back over, swallowing her rump back into the dark fabric.

"Now now now..." Rhzn's voice grew thicker, heavier. He strode behind her, letting his fingers spread over her ass through the fabric while his opposite hand ran up her soft stomach, cupping one of her exposed breasts. "What happens when you don't listen to me?" His voice was thick, throaty. Against her ass, Krista felt the slight bulge of his cock swelling inside his own pants.

"Hey now, I thought we were hiking!" Krista tilted her head back so she could see him, finding his bright red eyes fixed down on her naked chest. Her voice was playful, but tinted with her apprehension.

"Mmm, no, I told you to wear clothes for hiking. I didn't tell you everything-" As he spoke, his fingers tugged lightly on her nipples, relishing how they stiffened beneath his touch. Her little body quivered back against him, hot and squirming.

"So you have a plan?" Krista pushed her weight back into the bigger dragon, fully feeling the shape of his cock swelling inside his pants, pushed to her ass. Her cunt pulsed at the reminder of his dick so close, stiffening for her. Her body fit against his own, dwarfed slightly by his height and size. His fingers massaged her breast back into her chest, tweaking the nipple to a stiff peak.

"Of course, what fun is a regular hike?" he crooned, rumbling his voice in her ear. As he spoke, he nudged her towards the side of the dirt path, pushing her front down towards an oversized stone until she flopped towards it, catching her hands on the textured surface. His slight force, the pushiness, and his manhandling already had her heart picking up, rushing blood past her ears with a thrumping sound. His foot pushed against her own, nudging them further apart. "However, that plan requires you to behave-"

Krista felt a jolt through her cunt again, clenching at his firm voice. She already felt wetness gathering between her lower lips, soaking into her panties. The fabric clung a bit tighter to her, sticking to the wetness gathering there.

Rhzn pushed her shoulder down towards the rock, sliding his hands both to her hips. His fingers curled into the tight fabric of her pants, letting the waistband of her panties stay smooth against her hip. Then, fluidly, he pushed the tight pants down. They peeled over her flesh, steadily revealing the expanse of her rounded ass cheeks while her little, black cotton panties stayed clinging to her form, hiding the mound of her pussy where it would show between her thighs. Flush to her skin though, the fabric showed the exact shape of her pussy through, even the swollen nub of her clit tucked back in the shadows between her legs.

He pushed her pants down past her knees, bunching the fabric there before he stepped back to admire the sight. Her long hair spilled down to one side, partially obscuring her face as she bent forward to lift her ass to him. On all sides of her, the forest expanded out. The trail curled in far to one side, running up further into the woods. A sharp orange against the landscape of green, the dragon's pert ass jutted up into the air with her tail raised to fold up and over her shoulder, leaving her on show for him: "Good pet-"

Each cheek was plump and rounded, creating the gentle fold of skin where her ass sat against her upper thigh, begging to be grabbed. Then, tucked between the soft flesh, the little strip of black from her panties covered her cunt, tantalizing close to being exposed.

Looking closely, he saw a dot of wetness gathering on the fabric as she soaked through with rising excitement. "For all your complaints, you're enjoying this," he chuckled, stepping forward. "Like always."

Krista just blushed darker, keeping her face tilted enough to see one direction of the path, as though that might let her spot someone in time to cover herself. The air on her upturned ass and the slight chill of the rock her breasts pressed down into reminded her distinctly that she was out in public, exposed in the wild.

Rhzn moved back beside the girl, running his hands down over the smooth flesh of her ass, now exposed. A single finger tucked between her cheeks, rubbing on the patch of wetness right over her cunt's opening. "Someone likes the risk of being caught... What do you think would happen?" His finger pushed at that fabric, slightly pushing it up into her cunt, gathering more wetness in the cotton. Now, her musk was thick in the air, overpowering the natural smells of the trees and leaves.

He bent low, letting her voice rasp into her ears. "What about being caught makes you so hot, Krista?" His nails skimmed down the shape of her ass cheeks, scooping up the soft flesh with a squeezing grope. "Is it the idea of being used? Shared? Do you think I would step aside and let someone else sample this?" His fingers tightened their grip on her ass, clenching hard with ownership. She shuddered in place. The blush on her cheeks only grew hotter, spreading the pinky glow all the way down to the tops of her tits. All the while, her cunt dribbled a bit more into her panties, soaking into the cotton.

"Maybe I would..." His tongue ran over the soft edge of her ear before he nipped at her throat, letting her feel the heat of his body pressing over her. "Maybe I like the idea of someone else using my toy, adding to the mess I've made? Appreciating my plaything-" His voice deepened to a low growl that thrummed through her ears.

His fingers shifted to her other asscheek, squeezing hard on the supple flesh before he grabbed the back of her shirt and pulled her back up into a standing position. "Why don't you kick those pants off?" his low voice rumbled, tickling against her ear as his hand ran down to her ass again, skimming his fingers over her bare rump.

Krista, with her cheeks hot, wriggled her ankles out of the tight pants still clinging to them over her boots, leaving only her panties covering her lower half. Rhzn bent, scooping up her pants before he gave her ass a nudge. "Let's keep up the pace now, I need a good spot-"

"For what?" Krista prodded, letting her legs spread wide into a hiking stride. She glanced back at him with her tits bouncing atop her chest. "What are you looking for? What are you thinking?" Rhzn just smirked, nodding back towards the trail. "Careful, someone might spot you-"

With a little squeak, the shy dragoness looked back forward, walking with her arms partially covering her chest as though that would help with her bare ass out behind her. For several minutes, they continued up the path, finding the trees growing thicker and thicker on either side of the thinning dirt path. They still hadn't encountered any of the other hikers, but there had been cars in the lot. Surely, those furs must appear sometime at least on their return hike back to their rides.

Each minute that passed, Krista grew more and more nervous, antsy with worry about them appearing, spotting her nude form striding up the path. Rhzn hung back from her, relishing in the sight of her nearly nude, ass clenching with her steps and tits bouncing. At the same time, his gaze wandered out on either side of the path, searching for the support he needed for his real intentions on the trip. He needed some space and a proper tree. He shouldered his pack a bit higher, adjusting the weight once more as the perfect spot came into view.

"Ah, Krista-" He gave a little singsongy call, stepping up to curl his arm around the dragoness, pulling her into the heat of his side. His fingers rubbed up the smooth expanse of her side, nudging into her shirt still bunched beneath her tits. "I've found the perfect spot-"

Together, they stepped just off the main path, squeezing past the snapping branches of a bush before the foliage thinned in a grassy patch, probably used for a feral deer's bed some time ago. Pine needles fell and padded the smooth spot beneath a heavy tree with branches stretching out over head. "Now, let's see-" Rhzn nudged the girl forward, letting her pause when her palms found the rough trunk of the tree. The dainty, orange dragon felt her heart racing in her chest, cunt leaking with a quiet, building excitement. When Rhzn's fingers slid down her side, slipping his fingers into the band of her panties, she pushed her ass back and out to present him. Her cheeks spread from each other, exposing the black band of her thong.

"Mmm-" Slowly, taking his time, the alpha peeled the panties down, revealing the wet, pink slit of Krista's cunt bit by bit. Her juices, leaking into the cotton, clung to the fabric with stringy white webs as the fabric broke away from her skin. "Already so wet," he crooned, rumbling with a low, happy growl as he tucked the panties away into his pocket. He tugged her top away next, guiding the straps off her shoulders so that it fell down over her nude body. Dropping his bag to the ground, he paused to undo her boots, freeing her socked feet onto the pine with a gentle crunch.

Then, she was utterly nude in the woods. The path stood only a few feet from them. The bush they passed through provided minimal, if any, protection from anyone passing. This wasn't the spot the dragonness would have chosen for a furtive fuck, but she stayed facing the tree with her ass presented, earing straining for clues to where the other furs might be or to what Rhzn was doing.

The bag zipped open, freeing the dom's assortment of goodies from inside. Only then did the scene start to come together. With adept fingers, stroking over her skin between every step, Rhzn started to loop a bonding rope around each ankle, then her waist and chest, surrounding her tits with looping knots. With each additional loop, where the rough texture of the specialized rope pressed into her skin, Krista grew hotter. The anticipation, the build up of a rope scene was slow, subtle, but the wind was kissing her skin, brushing past with every gust as a reminder that they were exposed in the open. The knots and ties were all little reminders of her submission and her lack of control. Each new tie was another knot she couldn't escape without help.

"Someone could see us here," she mewled, plaintively, wondering if perhaps Rhzn didn't see how obvious the path was from where they were.

"Oh, really? Huh-" His tone was almost even, almost mocking her. He cinched her final tie and pivoted to the tree branch above. He worked with focused speed, not quickly, but without wasting time thinking about his next steps. He created a loop over the branch, doubling and tripling its support before he nudged Krista into place.

"Y-you're going to suspend me?" A little tremor raced down her spine, excited and apprehensive at once as he smirked, nodding. Carefully, he hoisted her up by her binds, bending her legs back so that her stomach faced the ground, her her ass and cunt exposed between her spread thighs. Adeptly, he extended a pop-out spreader bar, integrating it into the binding of her ankles so that her dribbling cunt stayed in complete view.

Then, finished, he stepped back. The dragoness spun slightly in place. Her tits jutted off her chest, squeezed by the ropes while her long hair hung back against her shoulders, tipped down her back by her bent position. The wind whisked past, sending a light chill up the girl's spine. "W-what if someone comes?"

Rhzn smirked, stepping close enough to stroke down her cheek. "Mm, well maybe I'll let them have a turn, hmm?" He flashed his teeth, grinning. His fingers skimmed down her back, touching every inch of her nude form before he found her asscheek with a short slap. "After all, I was always told that sharing my toys was best... Even if they are my favorite-" His touch ran over her asscheeks, pushing them further apart to let him inspect her cunt and asshole together. His breath came in a ragged exhale. "In fact, maybe I should even let it slip that there's a little treasure hunt in the woods, hm?" She heard the click of his phone unlocking, but her face was turned towards the path. She couldn't see him. She only felt his hand on her asscheek, keeping her spread wide open.

"W-what are you doing?" she stammered, burning with embarrassment, but a little chuckle was all that responded. Rhzn adjusted his bag again, spreading out a towel beneath the girl, just beneath her stomach so if she strained down she could see as he lined up a bottle of lubricant, a heavy rechargeable magic wand, a rounded ass plug, and a silicon dildo. "In the interest of sharing toys-" he remarked, catching her eyes on the spread. His fingers found the wand, lifting the heavy vibrator up.

He stepped back, ensuring he didn't touch so that Krista felt only the air and the wind on her skin. Then, gently, the wide and rounded head of the wand nudged to her cunt. It was still, not yet turned on. Krista's own breath huffed out, noisy above the quiet of the woods. That wand was loud. Thinking of the noise of it, the announcement it would send through the woods that someone was there, the blush on the dragon's cheeks only grew stronger.

She heard Rhzn's nails on his screen, tapping. "I mean..." His voice sounded out, light and cheery. "Is there anything better than a jaunty Saturday hike?" Behind her, out of her line of sight, the alpha dragon held his phone, skimming it over the bright forest around before he panned down to the cunt spread before him, lips spread out around the head of the wand settled against her.

Then, with a flick, the toy jolted to life, buzzing to her swollen, aroused clit. Despite her attempt to control it, a moan launched from the girl's lips, echoing out into the woods and thrumming through the phone's speaker.

"I'll be sure to leave the woods just as I found them, at least for a bit..." Rhzn chuckled into the phone's speaker. "If you catch my drift-" Then, with a little click of his fingers on the screen, the video zipped off to the online space, uploading to the local kink site within seconds. Krista's cheeks were burning. What had he done? Who had he sent it to? Was it public?

The idea of others seeing her here, tied up and waiting to be fucked sent a shudder down her spine, but her cunt clamped down at the thought. Her skin burned with heat, flushed with swelling arousal. Rhzn shifted, holding the rumbling wand to her clit as his pants shucked open, nudging the head of his hard cock to her dribbling cunt.

Without fanfare, using the girl's own leaking lubrication, the dragon shoved himself forward into her cunt. Her body swung slightly, bouncing against him before one hand pulled her back onto his cock like an oversized fleshlight. His own soft moan exhaled into the air before he started to pound into her, using her roughly, quickly after the building impatience of teasing her thus far.

"Unf... Mmph.." His voice huffed out in grunting moans, hushed beneath the roar of the buzzing vibrator. Krista's own voice was broken, warbling with pleasure even as she tried to keep it hushed out of the risk of discovery. They were so clearly off the path, she struggled to convince herself they'd be hidden even if she was silent. The slapping of Rhzn's hips pumping up into her began to join the chorus of noise, echoing out into the otherwise quiet woods.

"Fucking hot... so wet... didn't even need lube-" he grunted, letting the spasming of her clenching walls milk his cock with every thrust. His cock pushed into her with a rapid, steady pace, slapping right up till Rhzn's balls swang into her. The suspension made it easy to pull her deeper onto him, hilting himself with every thrust as she leaked dribbling juices down around his base.

It wasn't long before Rhzn grunted, shoving himself deeper into her before his cock jolted with orgasm, thrusting through his own orgasm. His filled her clenching cunt with cum, pulling back to let the final strings spooge around the outer lips of her cunt.

"Now, I think that should tell everyone you're mine-" Rhzn grunted, smirking as he smeared his cock clean on the girl's rump. Then, with another length of rope, he tied the wand to her stomach, keeping it pressed flush to her clit even as he did the bonds. "I wouldn't want you to relax too much before someone finds you-" The buzzing hummed on in the background, announcing her presence.

He moved now in front of her, bending to kiss the girl's muzzle once, roughly before he stepped away. "I think I'd like to go see the peak now, maybe someone else will give you some company-" Krista's cheeks were burning, thinking of being left alone like this, anyone could find her, use her... But, her cunt just clamped down at the thought, forcing out globs of the cum left inside her.

"I'll send some other hikers down here, hmm?" he smirked, giving her a final, long look before he strode back to the path and turned to continue up.

Krista panted, thinking for several beats that he'd appear again, rapidly with that shit-eating grin spread over his face, but instead, the forest around her went silent except for the sound of the vibrator pressed to her clit buzzing rapidly. Even as the rush of his pounding faded, the vibrator didn't let up. The constant buzzing had Krista's clit swollen beneath its silicon head. She tried to catch her breath, to let herself listen for someone coming, but she couldn't truly relax.

The buzzing was unrelenting, keeping her heart racing as she shuddered against her binding, pushing against the spreader bar as her instincts tried to clench her legs tight and escape the merciless buzzing.

Instead, she heard a crunch of boots falling on the path.

"Rhzn?" she murmured, voice barely above a whisper as she strained, spotting instead a lean panther frozen on the path with his eyes locked onto the suspended dragoness. He stared for a long beat. Krista's cheeks grew hotter and hotter with each second, burning her cheeks pink while her cunt shuddered, secretly hoping he'd come explore.

"Holy shit!" he finally blurted, yanking his phone out as the instinct hit. The camera flicked to life with a flash of the light by the lens, telling Krista she was, in fact, on camera. It only made her burning cheeks pinker knowing that. The panther approached, talking into his camera:

"I was just hiking. I just found this chick like... hung up!"

"She's fucking naked... spread.. Fuck-" He rounded around her backside, eyes roving over her body without pause. "She's full of cum! She's been fucked-" The free hand, not controlling the roving camera, dropped onto one of Krista's fat cheeks with a tentative squeeze. She couldn't help it, she moaned at the touch, shuddering against the buzzing torment of the wand. "Fuck..." The panther cursed again, suddenly shucked open his pants. Krista heard the zzt of the zipper dropping before she felt the heat of another cock push to her sex, easily sliding in on the mess of cum already leaking out of her. The barbs on the feline flared, pulling on her inner walls as she clamped around him, milking him with the spasming of her sex.

He thrust deep into her with fast, jolting thrusts. His phone swung through the air, flashing its beam of recording light around as though he had forgotten to record continuously. "Fuck... yeah... Fuck..."

Krista's cheeks were burning, realizing this total stranger was fucking her, using her like nothing more than a hole. Yet, her cunt was clamped around him, spasming on the verge of orgasm before he yanked out, spurting cum already over her ass and back. "Fuckkkk..." he groaned one more time, once again tilting his phone towards her ass. "Fucking hell!" Then, as quickly as he'd cum, he dashed back to the path as though afraid he wasn't supposed to join in. Krista was left panting on the verge of her own orgasm and covered with his hot cum. She felt it oozing down her ass, intermingling with her own leaking wetness.

Once more, the waiting began. Her ass was spread wide by the binding bar, letting her feel the breeze rush over her flushed, hot sex. All the while, the vibrator continued to buzz in its torturing hum, keeping her right at the edge of orgasm.

"Mmm..." she mewled, whining. "Fucking A! Where is someone?" she thought, dying for the release of a proper orgasm.

As if on queue, the thunking of heavy boots, this time more than two, sounded from the path!

"What the hell?" Krista twitched at the voice, turning her head to see a cluster of three males: a lion, a tiger, and a bear.

"Oh my!"

"Fucking hell are we in a porno?" The bear instantly fumbled for his phone. "I'm gonna fucking go live right now-"

"Go live?"

"Yeah! Like a stream!" The chime of the phone echoed out. Instantly, Krista's cheeks were burning, embarrassed and hot all at once. "Touch her!"

The three descended, intermingling enough behind her that Krista struggled to keep their differentiated. She felt hands roaming down her back, scraping with rough fingertips down towards her ass cheeks. Two fingers tweaked one of her nipples, leading to a full grope of her tit where it was squeezed by the binding rope.

"This is the best day ever-"

A cock pushed to the girl's sex, poking at the opening of her cunt before finally sliding in.

"Oooh," Krista's moan rang through the woods now, uncontrolled. She wasn't so shy now, but desperate for the release of an orgasm. Her cunt clamped down on the cock inside her, almost instantly spasming with the girth of something to squeeze around.

"Oye! She's fucking me-"

"God damn-"

"This is hot-"

A hand clamped on one tit, massaging the orb towards her chest while her asscheeks were pulled apart, spread to expose her tight asshole as someone found the stash of toys beneath her. The tip of the smooth ass plug pushed to her hole while a spurt of cold lubricant jolted out against the skin.

"Film this, film this-" Krista moaned again, knowing they were recording her, broadcasting her fucking to the world, but she couldn't control herself. The cock inside her was thick, spreading her out around it as she clamped down on his dick. Then, they started to push the plug into her rump, adding to the pressure of her groin.

"We were just out for a hike when we found this... this sex slave hanging here, free use, yah!?" The dick inside her slipped out, seemingly pushed out of the way for someone else's turn because another cock, longer and thinner shoved into Krista's sex right up to her cervix, instantly bottom out inside of her.

Her voice echoed out again, almost covering up the noise of more steps on the path. These paused, not approaching any further. Krista tried to look, but her hair had been spun, mussed in front of her view towards the backmost portion of the path. She couldn't even see who stood by and watched as she was spread wide, fucked by three strangers in the woods.

Their hands roamed over her, grabbing and squeezing every bit of her, especially between their turns fucking. Their impatience only grew, giving Krista less and less time with the same cock before they traded, shoving another dick into her. The plug filled her ass, giving the cock in her cunt even less space, spreading her out more and more.

She shuddered with her first orgasm finally, mewling up into the sky as someone announced he had 200 viewers on his stream. That only fueled her shameful orgasm, moaning towards the treetops.

Then, with a little click, the vibrator tied to her cunt clicked off, dead.

"Oye!" With the vibe dead, the trio pulled it off of her, exposing her swollen, engorged clit to their wandering hands. "Fucking-A. I've never seen a girl so wet-"

Their slapping, fucking hips continued on her, swapping and sharing until they'd each shot a load of spunk over her back, adding the the drying streaks already running down her sides towards the earth below.

With a pat at her side, the lion muttered: "Good job-" as he passed, following the others to finish their hike.

Krista could only hang there, blushing with shame as she realized she'd cum on some stranger's live stream, letting her spread cunt spasm on camera for them just for relief. She hunt there, panting into the air with her cunt beating with the pace of her heart.

The seconds stretched out now, running into minutes. Without the vibrator, time moved a bit faster; she caught her breath, but then the waiting was truly tense. "How long have I been here? Where is Rhzn?" Krista fidgeted, trying to look at the upper path again, struggling to toss her hair to the side, finally peering through the sloppy spray of her long hair to see the path empty.

"Wasn't someone watching there?" she thought, suddenly unsure. Her ears flicked, catching the sound of feet, faster and lighter: a runner.

"What the-" A soft, feminine voice sounded. The footsteps grew closer, soft touch running down Krista's back. "A-are you okay?"

Krista's cheeks burned, realizing the lithe runner was worried. "Y-yeah... I'm good. I-I like this-"

"You like, being tied up in the forest? Being touched by just anyone?" The woman's soft touch continued now, roaming down the dragon's soft form up to the swell of her tits where she circled over the swell of each orb. "You like being used like a big toy? A fuck doll?" The voice was so sweet, but every sentence brought a fresh wave of blush to Krista's cheeks. "Y-yeah..."

The touch roamed back down her body, skimming down her back until nails scraped down her ass, pushing her cheeks apart to see the swollen pink of her slit and clit and the stuffed hole of her ass.

"Mm, well you've been busy, hm?" The woman chuckled softly, bending for a moment with a crunch of leaves before Krista felt the soft, smooth silicon of her dildo pushing to her cunt. She moaned even at that touch, pushing her ass back with a flinch of her torso. "Mm, you like that? Want to be fucked?" The woman's fingers flexed, pushing the dildo an inch forward, letting the smooth tip spread the girl's cunt around it, but then she retreated. "Do you?"

"I-I do! I want to be fucked, p-please-" Krista's cheeks were burning, wondering if Rhzn was tucked somewhere where he could watch, certainly he would. His protective instincts wouldn't let him just leave her, would they? That would mean he could see her now though, letting a stranger dominate her.

The dildo pumped forward, sinking into the girl's cunt. She mewled towards the sky, clamping down on the toy, but the woman didn't pause. She just repeated the motion, starting to pump the toy with adept control, leaning over the dragon's body as she did. "You're like a toy here, waiting to be played with, hoping someone gives you the time of day. You like it though, dirty... dirty..." Her fingers found Krista's tit again, massaging up to her nipple with a soft, controlled touch.

"Do you like strangers touching you? Inspecting you?"

Krista's head bounced, shyly agreeing.

"Mmm, well, you're certainly a mess now, but mmm... you're very hot... so tight, you must hike sometimes without getting fucked-" Her fingers ran down the girl's sides, stroking her curves. "You're sloppy though, just wet and dripping-"

"Do you want to cum again?"

Krista moaned, nodding her head. "Y-yes please, please..."

The woman shifted, keeping the dildo pistoning in and out of the girl while her fingers found Krista's engorged clit. Her long nails were manicured and sharp, spreading her lower lips open to expose the actual focused buzzer of her clit. That, she began to rub, swirling over it with a steady, unrelenting touch.

Already swollen, already fucked; it didn't take Krista long to be shuddering on the verge of orgasm. She moaned towards the sky, shuddering. "Louder... louder... moan... let it out," the woman coached, watching how the dragon shook on her ropes bindings, loving how her breasts heaved with her mewling moans.

Surely Rhzn was somewhere he could hear her, hear her echoing moans through these woods. Krista mewled out her orgasm as it hit her, shuddering as the dildo continued to piston into her, working her straight into a second burst of pressure.

Only when her moans had gone sharp, high-pitched and yelping did the woman relent, dropping the dildo and sliding her fingers to Krista's mouth to suckle the soft skin clean. Then, she headed back onto the trail, stepping right back into her run.

Then, silence stretched out again. Krista's cunt ached, pulsing with a happy, tired beat of her heart pulsing through it. It wasn't long before a familiar face swam into view, soft fingers sweeping her hair out of her face. "Why hello there, pet-"

Krista blushed, relaxing at the sight of him.

With a thump, Rhzn's backpack landed at Krista's side once more. His hands ran up over her sides, rubbing the flushed skin. "Well, someone has been... used-" His finger slid into her cunt, squishing through the sloppy mess of cum before he started the work on the ropes once more, freeing the suspended dragoness knot by knot once more. By the time her feet touched the ground, free of the rope on her ankles, the girl was yawning.

Rhzn worked fast, re-filling his bag with every piece he'd hauled into the woods before he curled an arm around the wobbling dragoness, helping her slide back into her tight pants and the stretch black tank she'd arrived in.

Then, finally, they started to make their way back to the car. Krista's boots felt heavier than last time with her legs pushed slightly apart, feeling the leaking cum between her legs. Before they reached their car, they passed a man, kitted with a pack and a sturdy walking stick. He glanced at Krista's face with clear surprise.

Instantly, she flushed. Had he seen someone's posting about her? Had they included her face?

"Jeez, I thought this hike was intermediate! Am I gonna finish it before nightfall?"

Relief flooded the girl, "Oh.. Yeah! As long as you don't get tied up anywhere!"

A Marriage Blossoming - PttP 4

"Genchi jikan wa 9: 00 Am de, tenki wa genzai watashitachi o yoku shori shite iru Hanedak?k? e y?koso. Min'na ga hik?ki kara orosa reru to, 28-do no gaiki de tomadoudeshou," the small screen inset into the seat in front of the two went black as the...

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Not Happening

A squawk in the distance radiated out through the air. The forest around made even that sharp cry of distant birds sound distant and muted through the lush foliage that surrounded the small clearing. The leaves provided padding, sanctuary from the more...

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Rain splattered against the worn dirt path in front of the only figure moving in the closing darkness of night. Every impact of the heavy droplets sent a spray of mud up into the air, speckling marks of brown on the smooth, purple of the doll's ankles....

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