
Story by Picklessauce69 on SoFurry

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A commission for Technophile34.

Rain splattered against the worn dirt path in front of the only figure moving in the closing darkness of night. Every impact of the heavy droplets sent a spray of mud up into the air, speckling marks of brown on the smooth, purple of the doll's ankles. "It is a mess out here," a soft, electronically tinged voice murmured to no one. The doll, after months of living alone, surviving in the woods of this abandoned place, had developed the habit of processing her developed emotions and thoughts on the world around out loud even without a soul to listen.

On either side, rain smacked into the leaves of trees, sending a spray from the sides in addition to the downpour from above. Every droplet was dense, heavy with the water that hurtled down over Ostrov Kosti, and they splattered endlessly down onto the Gatomon doll, tinking against the plastic of her structure and soaking through her artificial mane and hair. "Long way home. This will take 23% longer than average in the r-rah-rain," her voice crackled, glitching under the strain of the day.

Her eyes were set ahead, steadily focused on the memorized path that she'd logged for getting her home, but internally the complicated system that allowed the doll's to learn and grow when placed with their owner had, in solitude, allowed this doll to develop the same. Her other senses and sensors were concentrated on tracking the space around her, ensuring no one was following, hearing the clunk and thwack of the doll she dragged with her.

Step by step, there were no sounds of anyone else. No other threats sounded around the animatronic, but the rain was unwavering. Every drop smacked onto her plastic exterior, slipping over the smooth, soft dermis that made her skin. Her ears, tiny microphones embedded in the sculpted ears atop her hair, were overwhelmed with the sound of the rain and her soft footsteps.

The long walk, in the pouring rain, left the animatronic quietly contemplating what a walk in the rain would be like with company, company that she hadn't ever known. Every doll she'd met in her time had challenged her, abusing her for salvaged parts or for fun in the aggressively power controlled society of the lost island. "I want to get back," she said instead, not entirely aware of the emotions developing in her system. Really though, a part of her felt, "I wish I wasn't alone."

Distantly, the sky shook with thunder radiating through the cloud cover that stole even the faint light of the moon in the falling evening. Other than the crackling of thunder, the only sound was metal dragging through the soaking dirt, a soft dragging scrape broken by the metallic clang of each rock and pebble lining the worn path through the wilderness that the lone doll took when she set off to scavenge the abandoned island. She hung a small pack over her shoulder, nearly dragging it on the ground as well as her arm stuck loosely to the port for her shoulder joint. With each step, the metal in the sack clanked and tinged against each other, almost sound like another layer of rain falling in the otherwise quiet wood.

Her other arm held firm, dragging the doll that she'd tangled with hours prior when hunting for repair parts in one of the factories: a rouge the bat model with one wing bent behind her from their fight and gashes coating her metal frame. In her memory files, she remembered, in recalling flashes, the site of the doll when she'd first noticed it's eyes flash to life in the quiet warehouse before it lunged out, wings flapping in an aggressive attack. But now, the doll was defeated. She was falling apart with each new stretch of land tugging on her form, straining the connections of each joint. Wires even smeared into the dirt from her gut, sparking weakly and then fizzling out under the heavy coat of rain water. Now, the doll is surely offline and set for salvaging. "I wonder, what would happen, if the others didn't attack..." The doll mused for a beat, rain falling around her soft voice. "But that can't happen. They will always bring pain-" Another part of her system, an ingrained understanding, flickered with her own desire to attack, crush, and destruct. The intense power dynamics of the robots left even the bottom rung like the Gatomon longing to impart their mark on the others.

The Gatomon, model 675 as marked by the lettered on her chest, lived in a dense forest space that hid her compound from the other dolls loose on the island, affording her some peace and quiet. She longed, with each steady clank of her feet moving forward, for that roof over her head to dull the thudding of the rain down over her form. Every single droplet sent a zip through her system, alerting of a stimuli. "I am damaged. I'll make it back, but I'll need repairs-" She flickered with a little beep, internally checking her battery charge. The charging fluid she'd had earlier would fuel this walk. "I'll need charging. Or another drink-" Her face scrunched slightly, displaying distaste at this idea. She tried to discard the thought, but the repercussions of utilizing the quick charge drink made her uncomfortably ashamed. "That process.... is distasteful-"

At last, through the streaming lines of water, she spotted her door tucked behind dense brush. "Ah, ho-O-ome-" Her voice didn't betray the excitement well especially with the frayed crackling of her speakers, but internally she ached and longed for the comfort of her base.

Her legs pulsed with a sort of excitement as she pushed her weathered form towards her destination, ignoring the whirring from her knee sockets as they strained to work against the dents that delayed each pivot of her pieces. Her jeans, torn over the marks from the other doll, were soaked through turning the classic blue to a dark indigo while her jacket muted some of the water from reaching her top.

Finally, she closed over the threshold of her little home, yanking the other doll as her knee strained, forcing her into a limp now at this final hike. The broken bat's white painted face dragged onto the ground, scraping away the smooth finish of snowy white and the contoured lines of her blue eye 'makeup' painted on over the spots where her eyes should flicker to an animated life, but for this doll they never would again. Her entire system was fried, offline permanently. "She is broken. Gone." The doll felt a pulse of something, not fear, but some realization that she didn't want to end up offline.

Maybe, at full operation, the factory could have fixed her, but this budget model with an outdated sponsorship deal would never have been fixed anyways. No matter what, she'd be set for the salvage bin.

675 pushed her heels into the wood floor, straining with her limping steps as she heaved the broken doll into the corner, letting the limbs slam and slide together, joints pulled out so her legs and arms could flop any direction without the constraints of natural movement. The bag of other parts she'd plucked in her searching thumped down beside the discarded body before the Gatomon heaved her weak, broken legs back to the door. "I hope the parts I need.... To repair... are here-" She glanced once back at the broken doll and the sack. She knew she needed to operate on herself, to repair today's damage, or she'd fail her next challenge.

Her arms pulled up with a mechanic whir, struggling as she pushed the heavy wood slats back into place, crossing a securing lock over it. Her ears pivoted atop her head, the sensors for sound flickering inside them as she strained for anything through the pounding rain.

"Did someone follow?" she considered, processing the sounds of the thundering pounding around the woods and the rain pattering against the roof, but the whirring of joints or the clanking of footsteps didn't reach her ears, so she considered the zone safe. "No. It's quiet. S-s-safe."

Satisfied that she was alone, the doll pivoted back around. The wear and tear on her form was even more poignant now, without the pounding of the rain and her zeroed in focus on getting home to distract her system. Exhaustion and low battery only emphasized the pulsing pain points where her form was degraded. Her legs moved slowly, straining to use the connections from her hips. Her arm, with each step towards the stove, loosened at the connector of her shoulder, pulling wires out between the pieces of metal. Soft, aching whines left her speakers as she computed the pain of her overworked system.

Adding more wood from the stack, she started to coax the stove's fire back to life, filling the room slowly with a sort of soothing heat that lessened the strain on her cold-shocked wires under the wet, heavy pull of her soaked clothing.

For a moment, she stood at the fire's edge, watching the orange curling inside the closed door and reflecting the colors of the flames back in her own screen-based 'eyes' while she tallied the damage to her system: her arm joint was severely damaged, pulling out to the wires that allowed her to control the complicated arm mechanics down to her fingers; her leg was also damaged, weakening the connection at her hip where the leg slotted into the rest of her form; and every small connection was strained, frazzled by the water pouring down and worn by the extreme use from the day. Even closing her fingers sent zips of drag weakening her motion.

As the heat of the fire started to combat the cold of the small room, the Gatomon strained to pull both arms to undo the buttons of her jacket. "A-ah," the bot's voice was crackling and glitching as she sounded the pain of escaping the jacket. Soft whirring left as her finger joints struggled to bent to push the buttons out of their holds, loosening the wet coat on her body until she could push her shoulders up, sending sparks out of her right arm socket as it worked to shrug the jacket down onto the floor in front of the stove. "I'll need to do repairs... I have severe damage-" Her voice cracked again, revealing the pain in her system through the logic of her words.

Her gaze shifted, looking down at the jacket, contemplating if she needed to adjust it flatter for optimum drying. She bent slightly, working the bend of her hips in an attempt to get down to the coat, but when the pain of her straining limbs shot up through her conductors she halted and straightened again.

She turned now, looking to where the Rouge model slumped into the wall. The doll's face had clunked onto the ground, leaving her shoulders jutting up while her legs and arms tangled, loose and disconnected. Her eyes roved over the other doll, studying where her ears had broken off. One of them was lost in the dragging journey back to the lodge, but the other still clung on, the thin plastic decoration to the metal body was dangling off, draping over her closed, cold eyes. Her wings were bent, but they still hung on weakly at their fused joints.

As she stared, studying and taking in every detail of the other robotic doll's destruction, she started to peel the wet layer of her shirt up over her form. The smooth of her flat stomach came into view first, exposing the tear into the cavity of her gut where the wires were escaping and tangling against her pelvic piece. With a straining tug, her shirt escaped over the straining rounds of her breasts, exposing the firm nubs of her nipples which were installed with a extra sensitive stimulus collectors to match the sensitivity of a human's nipples. The work of stripping only grew harder as she started to work out of her jeans, straining and aching to peel the denim away. The wet fabric clung to the smooth metal of her leg, clinging to the bend of busted knee.

She forced them down, stepping out of the jeans and standing naked in front of the busted Rouge model. Her eyes stared down blankly, just pausing. Her entire body pulsed with a deep ache that tingled down the lines and wires that transmitted her feelings. The bat bot just stared back up at her with dark black sockets where her eyes wouldn't ever flicker back up again. With the final kick of her leg, her leg slumped out of its socket, pushing oddly at her groin as she stumbled to stay upright on her disjointed leg. The longer she stared, pondering all the damage to the salvaged state, her arm couldn't cling by the wires any longer and it plopped out of the joint hole.

A soft sigh of indignation left her mouth. Exhaustion and exasperation hung over the doll until she gave a soft grunt of dismissal, deciding that her tasks for the day were done. She slumped onto the ground, landing atop a massive pile of worn blankets gathered from all the abandoned dwellings over the bot's time scavenging. The thick layers cushioned her aching from as she let her loose legs spill apart from each other, spreading to reveal the details of her groin.

Her good hand shifted, bringing her hands to the folds of her synthetic cunt, starting to rub over the bead of her clit. At first touch, a zip shot up her spine triggering little shakes of her frame. A little smile tugged at the corners of her mouth before her lips broke apart, letting out a soft 'breath.' She started to rub, ignoring the aching that came from her arm socket from the work of moving her fingers as the pleasure competed with the twinging of her sore joints. The ball joint that allowed her to move her arm was loose, sending signals of zipping pain. Her fingers worked steadily, pace set and unchanging on her sensitive pleasure sensor of the clit. The more she rubbed, she started to grow hotter, secreting a dribbling lubricant that prepared her cunt for sex, but instead now just smeared over her finger, dribbling into her piled blankets on the ground.

Internally, her body was tracking the sensations over her clit, tracking how it affected her internal pleasure sensors that'd trigger a full, overwhelming orgasm. She could see the stats reflected in her internal dialogue. Sensations flooded her system. The rubbing of her clit coupled with the pain and ache of her joints moving both worked to raise the tracking bar of the pleasure flooding her system.

As she rubbed, working over her clit as a way of giving in to the exhaustion of the day, her eyes tipped towards the other doll. The doll's dull eyes blankly looked back as she gazed at the shapes of the other model. The doll had bulging breasts that gleamed with a sort of straining softness built out of supple, silicon inserts into the animatronics build. She still wore a thin outfit pulled over her innermost form, but it was torn into stripes and her nipples hung out exposed through the fabric where a rock had caught into the cotton and scratched through to the plastic beneath. Her breasts sat perky atop her chest, nearly three times the size of the Gatomon's own chest.

All the while, her fingers were working on her cunt. Her fingertips dipped up into the moistening folds, massaging and pressing through to the nub of her clit with a focused, circling rub. Each movement, each repetition of the touching swirl sent another pulse up her spine, sending a shudder down her limbs. The doll's hips too pulled her gaze, the flare of the curvaceous shape made her scooting painfully over, forcing her broken arm to nudge to the crotch of the other doll, feeling the softness of her folds. The damage of the offline doll made her seem softer, even more arousing to the masturbating doll.

Straining and wincing, the doll rolled over, bringing her pulsing crotch up to the limp fingers of the other doll, starting to roll and grind her hips so that the other doll's fingers hitched against her clit in the same rubbing motion she'd done before. Then, her good arm was free to grab onto her tit, rubbing aggressively over the thick nubbin of her nipple. Now, with two entry points, her pleasure sensors were triggering harder, rapidly raising the bar towards her orgasm. But she wouldn't let herself reach 100% stimulation to trigger an orgasm. Instead, she worked at the same steady pace until she flickered at 98% or 99%, then she eased back to the other robot, letting her clit sit untouched as she calmed rapidly, feeling instead more of the pulsing pain from her aching leg, crunched underneath her as she focused instead on her masturbation.

Her hips were straining, whirring and clicking as she continued up her humping motion. The pain was shooting up her wires, transmitting waves of pulsating discomfort, but the pleasure was covering it enough, countering it and adding to the overall stimulation of the doll, leaving her twitching and whimpering as her bar rose and rose and rose, kissing to 99% before she sat back, fighting the urge to just send herself over the edge.

As she masturbated, the fire warmed the room, but the moisture of the rain outside leaked in through the worn wood, making everything misty and quiet inside the walls of her lodge. The more the grey cloud of mist made it inside, the more the doll pushed back into the thick covers behind her, pulling the broken doll towards the warm cover of the blankets as she used it's limp fingers like a toy, grinding into it as her free hand switched over to the other doll's breast instead, tweaking at a nipple, almost expecting some response, but when none came she continued to tug and tweak at the soft nub, pulling at it as she fought her own orgasm, working to keep herself from going above 99%, but her self control was weakening.

She tugged, trying to hold back the speed of her twitching hips, but the tug was too strong, yanking the soft cover of the nipple right off the other doll, revealing a spray of wires that'd connect the sensor to the bat model's internal system. Flashes of light came from the sparking, broken wires before they stilled, not powered any longer.

The surprise gave the Gatomon a jolt, but it didn't slow her overwhelmed system. Instead, she launched over the 100% level and started shuddering, letting out a controlled grunt as her orgasm squirted from her folds, dampening the covers beneath her and soaking the broken doll's digits. A moan in her lilting, female voice rang through the air, marked with an intelligible exclamation while her fingers dove into her deeper, trying to lengthen her time shuddering with the impact of a full orgasm. "Oooh!"

With her system still flooded, she shifted to the doll's other breast where the nipple was intact still. Her good leg flexed, pushing against the ground to move her aching, shuddering frame while her bad leg pushed weakly to assist to move her on top of the other doll. Her weight settled onto the bat, letting out a crunch. There she started her humping again, driving the sensitive track of her own genitals into the firm nub of the broken doll's tit. The firm catch of the other doll's nipple ran like a fingertip down the length of the Gatomon's slit, rubbing into her clitoris and triggering the sensors built in there. The soft cushion that made the breast more natural was bouncy and soft beneath the worn Gatomon's thighs even warm the longer she sat atop it and it pulled some of the heat from her frame, letting her put all her weight down onto the broken doll, using her even now in her offline state.

Now, she let her good arm move back to her own body, bringing her digit to the folds of her simulated cunt. Her warm, wet insides were squishy and soft the touch as she started to pound her digits up into her snatch, letting her nails drag down into the soft skin over the sensors buried inside her. She started with one finger, but rapidly built to two, working to spread her cunt out and push against the buried sensors along the tunnel of her hole. Her mouth hung open, letting out a steady strain of little mechanic sounds and recorded moans of pleasure as she fucked herself over the tit of the other bot's chest, leaking juices down over the curvature of the broken doll's frame. The weight of the living doll pushed down onto the ground, grinding her into the rough floor of the little lodge was tearing the bat apart even more.

Every little grinding motion peeled and tore the cotton away from her form, scratching the painted metal of her body. The Gatomon's good leg curled to support her, pushing and tugging on the broken doll's legs to keep driving herself over the nub of her nipple, grinding on her breast aggressively, driving that broken doll's form into the ground, being over her, mounting her.

"Unf-... Unf.... Rrfft-" The doll's voice started to crack with grunts of effort, straining against the pain of her broken form and the damage of the day. Her cunt was buzzing, tingling with the triggers on every sensor until she reached another orgasm, shuddering as her juices shot over the curves of the other bot's tit, oozing and dribbling down the soft form as she continued to bounce over the bot's form even through the release of her orgasm.

She continued to ride and grind, fingering herself madly as she pushed her body harder atop the other doll, crunching her wings and ears with her motion, smashing them into the hard count. Her eyes stared down at the other broken doll, watching where the soft dermis of her face was being broken off by the friction with the ground. Somehow, the sight of the destruction only made the height of her pleasure seem higher. The bat doll's life-like skin was tearing, revealing that plastic beneath as the Gatomon ground her harder into the cement peeling away at her appearance, driving her to hump harder and harder.

Bits of the plastic broke off, falling off onto the ground while she just ground madly, hurriedly, working herself to another orgasm. Her own body was straining, aching at every point. Her broken arm, hanging out at the socket, clinging on by the wires flopped and jiggled as she moved. Each time her arm flopped and pulled, pain shot through her system, straining the wires with more damage, but she still didn't stop. She wanted that orgasm. She wanted to feel that rush of pleasure of stimulation. Even if she hurt herself, even if she damaged herself more, she wanted that release. She wanted to cum and orgasm and feel nothing was that rush.

She kept grinding, thrusting madly, giving little sounds with each motion as she fought against the combination of pain and simulation that flooded her system. Her leg ground crooked into the socket of her hip, struggling as her arm did with every thrust she made onto the other doll's clit, but she just dragged the leg along with the motions of her hips and her other leg. Her hair spilled around her head, tangling and sloppy with the rain water still clinging and the mess of her juices smeared onto the strands as she tried to keep it away from her face, from her view of the crushed doll beneath her thighs.

Staring down at the doll, at the crushed portions of its face and the peeling paint of its makeup and decoration, the Gatomon reached another orgasm. Her sensors were buzzing, actually audibly sizzling with the intensity of her body shuddering and overloading with yet another orgasm that had her squirting over the defeated doll.

The entire unit shook, making the wires jutting out of her broken, right arm socket flop and send their sparking light shooting around in the dim, dusty light as her entire form twitched and tensed with the unconscious programming of her orgasmic display. The little flashes illuminated her form where the plastic coated internal system was revealed in little broken scraps that marred her coloring and the smooth finish of her form.

Her soft, synthetic vaginal walls squeezed on her fingers, pulsating with the rapid rush of her overworked system as they ejaculated, freeing the fluid she stored for orgasms. Her fingertips pushed against her walls, seeking out the sensors smoothly hidden into the soft insides of her form to only make her cum harder. She pressed her nails into the soft skin, digging her digits into the sensors, driving her orgasm up back over the edge. Her back was shaking, rocking her shoulders side to side and waving her hair as she quivered with the intensity on her system. Her voice arked towards the ceiling, ringing out through her little lodge, moaning with a squealing, delighted tone. All the while, her walls were clenching, spasming wildly as she rode through the results of her orgasm. Her fingers were locked inside the clenching squeeze of her cunt, as though they were trying to milk something out from her digits. "Oh! Oh! OoOoo!" The zapping little shudders of pleasure hitting her were punctuated only by the pinching of pain from her arm pulled from the socket, limply sitting against her and the twist of her leg, loosely sitting against the ball joint that was supposed to hold it together. The pain only made the sensations more intense, only drew out her orgasm, lengthening the squealing, shudders of her overwhelmed system.

As it rolled over her, overclocking all of her sensors, she butt squeezed, flexing and clenching to hide the little pucker of her asshole. Her voice, previously soft, belted up towards the ceiling with a long, wavering moans interrupted only by the crackle of interference as her speakers glitched. Her exhaustion by now was straining her entire system, but even so her powerful orgasm countered even her own battery drain.

Her head tilted back, voice ringing out towards the roof of her little abode as she moaned out her pleasure. Her thrashing motions adjusted her mangled leg, flicking the loose connections of her straining wires so sparks flared around the fusion while she rocked through the shuddering of her orgasm, still rubbing her nub against the broken doll as pleasure rolled over her entire body. Her rocking, her wild movements adjusted the doll beneath her making it roll and shift beneath her, almost like the offline bat was grinding back as she spurted her fem-cum over the soft silicon of her breast. Droplets of creamy white ran down the other doll's body, glistening on the plastic, but the doll was finally relaxing. Her head tipped back, letting out programmed panting as if she was trying to catch her breath while her system finally began to slow down. Then, the exhaustion caught up to her. Her limbs were heavy and weak without pleasure to drive them any more.

At last, the doll's battery was much too low to continue her games, and she was satisfied. Straining, aching at all her joints, the Gatomon pulled her thick, worn blankets around her form. The broken doll was tangled into the blankets still, but hanging mostly out, used and discarded by the operating doll.

Her juices were still smeared down the metal of her thighs and soaking into the fabrics beneath her, but for now she paused to just breath in the cool misty air around her from inside the piles of warm blankets. Her fingers and wrists were coated in her juices, dribbling it down to her elbows and stomach as she adjusted into the soft cushion and warmth of her blankets. Her hair was a tangled mess beneath her head, looping around the horn atop her head. Her breasts jutted naked out from her chest, hidden under the corner of the blankets. Her leg still hung out of its socket, twisted now to face the wrong way, but she was too tired and weak to adjust it. Instead, she used her good arm to tug her broken arm that escaped from its socket so that it was tucked under the blankets with her. Wires tickled into the blanket, fizzing slightly as they tried to connect with the right part of the robot, instead finding just the fuzz of the blankets. Her legs were still spread, weakly exposing the wet folds of her cunt, spread from all her finger-fucking. Droplets of her orgasmic fluid still clung to her faux skin of her cunt, glistening temptingly there to no one until she'd covered them up in her covers as well, hiding her away in the warm embrace of her scavenged blankets.

She panted, wiping her hair back out of the way of her eyes and realizing that she'd wiped her own fluids on her face now on top of having streaks of it over her own body everywhere else. She didn't care though. There wasn't enough energy left in her to deal with a silly thing like her messy form. Her eyes were dimming, showing her exhaustion while she leaned her head loosely to the side into the blankets. Overhead, the rain was still pounding down on the roof, but the doll was warm and safe inside, feeling peaceful all things considered. "Tomorrow, I'll have to do repairrrr-rrrss," she murmured, voice glitching and catching as she started to slump down, tiredly into the covers. "Tomorrow..."

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