Appreciation for Hot Showers

Story by Picklessauce69 on SoFurry

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A commission for the lovely, hardworking Sexy_Mare! Congratulations and good job on your hard work. I hope this commission feels like the reward and treat you need! I put a lot of work into making it the full fantasy!

"Cam! I figured out what we can do to for mid term break! There's a Groupon!" For a beat, no sound returned the lion's call towards the back end of the apartment. Instead, only the sound of the aging heating system came back, clunking through the piping. He grumbled, rolling his deep amber eyes down into the steaming froth of coffee in his mug with a long breath.

Then, a thump came from down the short hall, and a leggy panther appeared, rubbing sleep out of his eyes while long hair spilled onto his forehead. "What, are you a forty year old mom? Groupon? Really?" The feline adjusted the bulge centered over his crotch with a slow yawn that revealed rows of gleaming teeth before he settled into the seat across from the lion with a lazy, self-assured smirk.

"Fuck you, Cam. I'm just trying to save us all some money for extra booze-" The lion gave a little hiss of annoyance, setting his phone back onto the counter dismissively. His avoided his friend's eyes, pouting boyishly.

"Todd, Jeez. I'm fucking with you. What's your Groupon for-"

"It's-" Before he could finish, Cam interjected with a shit-eating grin.

"-group pedicures?"


"Oh sweet, someone snagged that Groupon offer I put out for my open weekend," Freyja mumbled, half to herself as she glanced up from her laptop in the bustling coffeeshop. Her bright orangey hair was mused from thoughtful fidgeting and she smoothed it while glancing around the cosy space.

Usually, the small, mountain-side town where she currently resided stayed quiet, but right after the nine to five jobs let out her caffeine-filled haven would momentarily fill with those hoping to curb the afternoon slump with espresso.

The goat let out a soft sigh, rolling her head back on her shoulders. "After two days without a hire, doing administrative bullshit, it'll be so nice to just get outside-" Usually, the young woman avoided the bore of sitting around all day by being self-employed as a mountain tour guide. After all, her species gave her a natural light-footedness fitted for scaling up the paths of the nearby range and the fluffy of her thick, bright red hair seemed to give people a natural confidence in following her into the woods. At the very least, they could see her easily!

Her favorite trips were the camping trips where they hiked to the peak and lived within the woods for a weekend or more, moving each day to a new site and exploring the natural hideaways of their mountainside. The fresh air, the movement... it was all so much better than a cramped and increasingly noisy coffeeshop. Plus, everyone seemed more relaxed in the woods, more free. It could make for some memorable trips. She smiled a little to herself, wondering what this trip ahead would hold.

With a clunk, she closed the lid of the laptop and settled her arms atop the closed top, eager to plan out a trail for the group of college roommates who had booked her services. She tilted her mug up and back, taking the final swig of lukewarm coffee before she rose to pack her things. She'd been hoping to end her the stale week of being laptop bound with a discounted trip and she'd gotten her wish. "Let's just hope it's a good group!"


"So, what is this thing we're doing again?" A jet-black wolf ran his fingers through his long mop of hair with a slightly shrug towards Todd, the lion who was ushering everyone's towards the jeep towards their break plans. At the question, the feline gave a long groan and ran a frazzled hand through his tangling orange mane.

"Jackson, for fuck's sake-" Cam gave a long sigh, flicking his longer slender tail as he moved towards the trunk of the car with a backpack thrown over one shoulder, making the muscles of his biceps pop under the thin fabric of his top. The panther's deadpan voice was impossible to read as humorous or serious. "For the eighth time, it's a camping trip... We have a guide, he takes us up the mountain to camp sites, we hang out..."

"So we're just exercising consensually for seven days?" Luca gave a long groan, suddenly looking up from his phone screen fast enough that his mane fluttered before settling back along his long neck. "You know this is my only break from football? Right? You know that?"

"It'll keep you in shape then, stop bitching," Todd shook his head, shoving their bags into a tight stack in the small trunk of the overfilled jeep. His heels dug into the dusty ground as his arms popped with sharp definition hiding under thick fur. "I'm not your mom. You didn't have to come."

"You said we all had to come because you pre-paid and we had to pay you back..." A voice from inside the car interjected. Todd leaned slightly, giving the weasel a glare from behind the growing stack of bags.

"That's how Groupon works okay! You could have paid for it and then stayed home, Tanner!"

"That sounds like a great deal!" Cam snickered, rustling through the loose curls atop his head before climbing into the passenger seat. "Lighten up though, it'll be fun. We'll just get hammered and hope our guide is a cool guy to drink with-"

Tanner rolled his head, squishing into the center set of the Jeep packed with over-caffeinated, mildly hungover seniors, as the skinniest of the apartment he was used to being shoved between Jackson and Luca.

That didn't make it any more fun.


"Got my trail map! Got my swimsuit! Got my sun spray!" Freyja gave a little turn around her sparse apartment before she nodded to herself and headed towards the door with quick, light steps.

Her backpack was already hoisted up onto her shoulders and hips with the securing strap straining over and beneath her heavy breasts, squishing them out even more prominently like a socially acceptable form of bondage. Otherwise, her outfit was simple enough to not accentuate her figure, but she paused a moment anyways.

She wore tan shorts that left most of her legs bare to the soft chill in the air while her top was just a loose button-up partially tucked into the waistband of her shorts and left open enough to hint at the crease of her cleavage where her fur thickened slightly to a velveteen plume. The constant exercise left her legs strong and toned, but her body had a softness over the rest of it, a grabability that she never minded. She skimmed herself from her hiking boots to her loose, wild coif atop her head and gave a nod.

"I'm ready to go!" She did a little bounce in place, grinning eagerly with excitement to get out on the trail for a week. She loved knowing that by the time she returned home, she'd be aching for a real shower. It always felt renewing to escape to the mountainside. Plus, if all went well, it'd be a freeing trip.

"My group should be at base camp any minute too!"

The goat doe headed the short drive towards the base spot that offered information on other, shorts hikes using the main paved trails. For most guides, this acted as the meet-up point and a car park because it was official and easy to GPS to.

Freyja checked her car pass in to ensure she wasn't ticketed in the next week and then hiked the slight incline up to the trailhead, settling onto a rock's smooth top as she watched the cars pulling into the lot and the parties leaving them, trying to guess which group was her five.

A few minivans pulled up, hauling out pairs of thirty years olds in puffy vests, but Freyja didn't look to them for more than a beat, shaking her chin. "Nope, they already have dinner plans for tonight with Skinny White Chardonnay on the menu..."

A quiet, humming Prius pulled to a light stop, off-loading a college aged group in cargo shorts and tied flannels, but Freyja just twitched her chin in a little no. "They hit the peak for the 'gram and go down again. They don't need to camp-"

Then, a bright yellow jeep pulled up with the paint scuffed and hidden under sprays of mud from taking the long road around where the local hot spot for cheap liquor hid on an unpaved road and the doors opened to let loose five tall, well-built anthros.

"That'll be my boys..." Freyja murmured under her breath, watching them with building interest as the tall lion started to haul the bags out. His muscles tensed and popped as he tugged out their rucksacks while the bright mess of his mane popped against the backdrop of the crisp, blue sky, but then a panther lithly slid out of the passenger spot. The darkness of his fur almost made him shine under the glistening sun and his definition was clearly a bit more subtle.

His fangs caught in the afternoon sun with a soft pop of white before he brushed loose hair out of his eyes. "Ooh... purrr..." the goat murmured, feeling growing excitement tingling through her gut for her next week. "He's purrr-ty."

The excitement only grew as the back row escaped releasing the lanky, but toned wolf first before a slender weasel with long, short, scruffy hair and a heavy-built horse with rich chestnut fur sparkling in the fading light.

"Wow... I would have done this hike for free..." Freyja thought, licking over her lips. For half a second, her professional guide hat slipped off and she felt herself sizzle with excitement between her rounded thighs, but with a little shake of her head she re-focused. "Let's just hope they aren't shy..."


"Hey there! Are you Freyja from the Groupon?" Todd asked, voice soft as he approached the lone goat girl. She looked comfortable and official there at the trailhead, plus she'd watched them approach like she expected them.

"The Groupon? What are you a grandma, Todd?" Luca snickered, punching his friend on the shoulder, but the feline just shot back a glare before turning back to the goat doe. "Sorry," he muttered. "Now I really hope you're the right person or that was even more annoying-"

"I am! Freyja here!" She gave a little wave, jostling her tits in place within the caging hold of her backpack straps. "You boys all ready to hit the trail?"

As she jumped off the rock, she felt her breasts start in their jiggling dance with passion now from the motion. They moved, constrained by the straps pulling over them from her backpack with a firm rippling that seemed to pull all five sets of eyes down to them by force. For a moment, her voice she faded out as she felt their stares momentarily roam over her body with a hot skim. Her excitement blossomed into a tingling down her stomach as she felt their studying. "No one forgot anything right? Fresh socks? Tequila? Condoms?"

None of them were listening until 'condoms' then five sets of eyes suddenly popped back up into her line of sight, wide-eyed and frozen.


Freyja chuckled, nodding as she thought to herself what fun this week could be. "Just making sure I've got your attention! I don't want to lose anyone on the first day, bad for business!"

They went around the little circle now, introducing everyone as Freyja did the small speal about the map paths she'd worked out, safety, and setting up camp. Towards the end, she looked up to the tall horse who still seemed slightly frazzled from being caught staring. "As we go, just tell me if you need anything, I'll do whatever it takes to make my customers happy-" She let her voice slow into a drawl as she spoke, insinuating more than a rest break mid-hike or offering trail mix.

The tease brought a little color to the soft fur of Luca's face before she turned towards the trail and they set off, easing up the slope of the mountain in the afternoon warmth. Luca didn't start following until the back of the group, waiting for the blush coloring his face to fade.


By the late afternoon, dusk was steadily painting the sky a soft shade of peach as Freyja lagged towards the back of the group now under the guise of watching for anyone falling behind, but in reality the slope towards their site for the night gave her a look towards the clenching, working muscles of five shapely asses-- she couldn't resist.

"Just a bit further! You're doing great there in the lead, Cam!" She looked up towards the panther, watching how his tail undulated with every step, revealing a little more of his ass each time it peeled away from his body. His tight jeans were like a painting over the body beneath, cupping his ass beneath the denim without obscuring a single curve.

Just in front of her, moving slowest, was Tanner whose slender frame lacked the bulging muscles of the lion or horse just ahead, but his long legs didn't break from their pace the entire way up the hill, maintaining an unwavering stamina.

"Mmm... I hope this hike didn't wear them out too much.." Freyja thought to herself, scheming how she'd turn this hiking trip into something a little more exciting. Her eyes swapped through the five again, appreciating all the little details in each of the males that made them enticing to watch.

At the front of the pack, Jackson pulled up by Cam, the two dark haired furs leaning together. "So, uh... our guide is sorta hot-" Jackson murmured, his voice a rich and dark murmur towards his friend.

"Damn, yes. Those hips?" Cam shook his head, licking over his lips with a throaty purr. "I don't know why she had to stop leading.. I was enjoying watching her ass move. Why did you think I was leading? Not for the thrill of the hike!"

"Ah man, who's got dibs then?" Jackson gave a little flash of fang, smirking.

"We both know you've never respected dibs a day in your life, this is a battle-"

"A seduction battle?"

"She's going to be in my sleeping bag tonight, no doubt-" Jackson winked, talking in a low deadpan. He wasn't being cocky, but unwaveringly confident. His long, thick tail started to sway as he thought of it, loving the challenge of competing with the silver-tongued panther.

"Just you wait, she's going to pick the one with the better tongue-"

"That's what you'd think, until someone feels a knot on their g-spo-"

Mid-sentence, Jackson was cut off by the appearance of the short, curvy goat doe at their sides. "Heya guys! Surprise!" She gave a little giggle, gesturing towards a smaller path off-shooting into the woods from the main incline which continued up in the exposed open rock as it curved up the side of the increasing incline. "Goats can catch up quick! We're very agile-- along with having incredibly sharp hearing!"

Without another word, she skittered ahead, waving towards Todd, Luca, and Tanner to follow her towards the small space that'd be their grassy camp that night. Cam and Jackson just exchanged a glance, grinning with sharp, glittering fangs.


Shortly after finding camp, a small fire flickered in between the hikers as Freyja settled onto a log herself cupping her tin mug of instant coffee. The spreading of the heat in her gut while the night cooled around them was heavenly. Her nose twitched, drinking in the scent while she sapped the heat through the sides of the mug and stared across the flames at the dark-furred wolf.

Jackson's mug rested on his knee, barely remembered as his eyes roved over the tips of the flames towards the goat doe. Her curves were captured by the fading light falling behind her. He imagined the soft give of her body, at her sides, where the soft bulge of her hips acted like handles for a firm grasp. In the soft light of the setting sun and the heated orange hue of the fire, Freyja's hair was even bright and the blue of her eyes popped in the contrast to the orange warmth of her gentle curls. With her backpack off, her breasts were relaxed on her chest, but she'd somehow slipped another button off her top, leaving the glimpse into her cleavage deepen in the warm light of the dancing fire. The entire package made her look ethereal and even more enticing, like a girl stepped out of a fantasy image.

"Mm... how can I get you?" The wolf mused, meeting her eyes in the soft light. The bright hue of her blue met the deep haze of his golden, staring right into each other's gaze without shyness. His teeth pulled at his lip for a moment, fidgeting before his gaze sharpened to tell her he noticed her staring back. Without fully looking away, he pulled his mug up with a long drink at the cooling coffee.

"Mmm.. he has the airs of a dominant one, but dominant enough to do something?" Freyja mused to herself, holding the stare for a beat longer before she pulled her gaze away. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched the flicker of confusion start across Jackson's dark features while she set her mug onto her spot, leaving it waiting on the log's edge.

"Settle in boys, I'm going to go freshen up at the bank-" Her finger flicked, giving them a direction, but then she just headed off without letting herself have another look back at the brooding wolf, wondering if Jackson would be smart enough to follow along.

For a second, he wasn't.

He sat at the fire, pouting into the heat. "Huh, what if she goes to bed now.. I'll miss my chance. I'm not gonna be a creep and just... go over to her sleeping, that's... that's too rapey for this. That's a porn trope-" But suddenly, his inner monologue stopped and he looked up to catch the last little beam of light on the curves of Freyja's calves before she turned towards the shadows of the trees on the edge of the clearing.

"I'm a dumb motherfucker-" He growled to himself before hauling to his feet and plodding towards where she'd gone.

Second after she knew she'd slipped from sight, Freyja slowed her pace, meandering along the line of the trees at the edge of the little stream. She walked purposefully, but slow so she wouldn't slip from sight again, until she felt the faintest touch on her hip.

"Freyja-" Jackson breathed, fangs glinting as he huffed a warm breath into the crisp air. "Am I... misinterpreting?"

The goat doe grinned, stepping closer towards the full chest of the black-furred anthro. She tipped her chin up, meeting his eyes unabashedly. Now, closer up, her eyes were even brighter and more striking. "You'll have to tell me your interpretation first-"

Jackson started to smile, feeling the heat radiating off from her body, not yet touching him but so close. He could smell the pine that seemed to cling to her hair and the warmth of the coffee lingering on her lips. "Well, it seems to me like you might be hoping for... some relaxation after a day on the trail-" He started, moving a bit closer, but not yet closing the distance between their bodies. He could almost feel the shape of her curving hips at this distance, like the heat of her washing towards him was enough to preview how she'd feel pressed flush to his form. His fingers lightly skimmed over the edge of her shorts along the shape of her hip, barely making contact as he waiting for more clarification, for her to advance this game forward.

Freyja held his eyes, smirking with the passing seconds, but she didn't want to give up the game just yet. Instead, she tipped her head a bit to the side and put on her sweetest, lilting tone, "Mmm... like a foot rub?"

For a beat, Jackson felt his heart skip thinking he'd been reading her signals wrong, but the glint in her eye caught him and the curl of her lip before he smirked and leaned closer. His lips skimmed the edge of her rounded ear before finding the soft, velveteen fur of her neck with a lingering kiss followed by a soft nip along the line of her jaw that only hinted at the sharpness and power in his glinting fangs. "I'll throw in a foot rub too... after-" He whispered, voice hot against her neck.

Now, her hips closed the space between them, pressing the heat of her stomach and thighs to the bulge of his crotch. Suddenly, the night air on Jackson's back felt particularly cold in comparison with the heat of this girl's body hugging to his front. With permission silently granted, his fingertips curled onto the soft sides of her hips and pulled her in tighter until their bodies were flush in the fading light.

"If I made a joke about Groupon right now, would you make me stop this?" Jackson murmured, slowly working one hand up the girl's side towards the heavy orbs of her breast while the other held firm on her side. The doe just gave a soft, short giggle in response. "Very likely. Don't risk it or Cam will win your little bet-"

"So you did hear that, huh?" Jackson felt his cheeks heat beneath his fur, but his gruff voice rasping into her ear didn't betray any lack of confidence. Instead, his sharp teeth were toying down the line of her neck, nipping and kissing in equal proportions as the soft, tender skin grew hot. Every brush of his teeth was a silent reminder that in this scenario she was prey, he the predator. The goat girl wouldn't admit it quickly, but she loved the power play of the tall, muscular panther toying with her.

Freyja's hips started to grind, pushing herself to the hardening lump of the canine's cock trapped beneath his jeans. She loved how it twitched under the fabric, so honest and eager even while its own was playing it cool. "I am well-practiced in hearing whispered plans to seduce me, it's shocking how horny camping makes people-"

"Freyja, it's because it's boring-"

"Not when you fuck all the time-"

Jackson grinned, pushing his bulge harder against the softness and heat of her thighs and starting to shuffle her back towards the firm support of a tree. "You make a very fair point, but I'll need to be convinced."

The doe tipped her head to the opposite side, exposing the expanse of neck that hadn't been peppered with love bites yet as her fingers ran up the soft fur of the canine's neck, tangling into the hair behind his ear. Her bright eyes met his, smiling at him with the wrinkles at each edge while her hips dared him to continue. "I'm very persuasive when naked-"

"Good to know-" Soft fingertips moved from Freyja's hips to the button of her shorts, freeing them and urging the fabric down the curves of the goat girl's form. Then dropped to the soft grass beneath, leaving the girl's cunt covered only with a thin pair of panties. The shape of her cunt was barely hidden in the thin cotton which hugged around each puffy lip of her sex and captured her slit in the shadows of the creasing fabric.

Freyja helped him continue, shuffling her shirt up over her stomach while Jackson mirrored the motion though his jet black fur barely contrasted with the night fading in around them. Without her top, her breasts jostling into sight with her creamy fur popping against the hues of the falling night. Only a simple scooping bra held them in place with her nipples hovering just hidden behind the edges of the cups.

"Mmm..." Jackson let out a soft moan of appreciation, scooping his fingers beneath the spilling edges, squeezing his fingers over her half-covered breast. His fingertips instantly started to press inwards, kneading the soft meat of her tit like fresh dough.

At the same time, he moved back closer to her, this time pulling her body until their bodies were flush again as his lips found hers rather than her soft neck. This close, the fabric between them seemed impossibly thick muffling the touch between them. As his tongue roamed over the lingering taste of campfire coffee on her lips, his free hand curled into the soft, bouncing hair that filled in around her curved horns. His fingertips pressed to her scalp, pushing her into the kiss as his hips started to grind forward into her, growing more impatient by the second.

Freyja tipped her head up into the kiss, moving her fingers instead to his freshly exposed chest. In the dark, the tips of her digits searched for the contours of his form with a soft, roaming touch before she cupped around his waist and tightened their clasp even more, yanking him in against her. Her nails curled in, scraping at his lower back through the thick, long coat of fur.

With a soft thump, their shifting bodies found the rough trunk of a tree behind Freyja's ass, trapping her between the course wood and the soft firmness of Jackson's toned form.

Now, with something else to use, Jackson's fingers found the smooth wrist of one of the girl's hands, tugging it above her head to one of the branches lingering just above them. "Now, wouldn't it be delicious to just... tie you up here and leave you horny and dripping..." He whispered into her ear, voice thick and low. A shudder raced down the girl's spine at the idea, realizing that Jackson's hesitation was only in ensuring consent, but after... he wasn't so timid at all.

His voice rasped into her ear as his fingers pushed her wrist into the bark just enough that the roughness contrasted to the soft pressure of his lips on her throat once more, leaving red bites tucked under her supple fur. "Maybe I could even share you that way, let Cam get his wish too, try out how effective that rough tongue is after all. I mean, as long as he's okay with sloppy seconds-" A little chuckle left his lips, airy and confident once more. "Because I'll be having the first ride of this trip,"

"Oh the first? Think there's more to come?" Freyja piped up, smirking at him in the dimming moonlight.

"I can tell now. I can read you, little guide. This isn't so out of character, is it? Being a coy, little slut?" His teeth nipped at her lips, pulling her into a short, deep kiss before they popped apart. "I think you like the game, finding out if this tour will house someone to sate you... watching from the trail head as the cars arrive, wondering which one will be your group to take up into the mountains and toy with. How often is it that you're the one being toyed with instead?" Jackson's voice was graveling, just rough enough that it sent shivers down Freyja's spine with every sentence. All the while, his opposite hand was kneading into her tit, thumb rubbing over the top of her nipples just tucked beneath the edge of her bra.

"Mmm, well I do the guiding all day long, sometimes we want to pass the reins off..." Freyja countered, laughing softly into another pressing kiss before Jackson nibbled his way down her throat again, seeking for the tender spot where he'd already passed. Now she could feel his rock-hard bulge rubbing over her swelling clit, and the hitch in her breath must have revealed it, because the rocking of his hips didn't change direction now but stayed focused, rubbing over the covered nub over and over again as his rasped into her ears.

"Very well, pass them over, pet." Jackson's hot breathed rushed over her ears as he released her breast and shucked his pants open, tugging the belt from the waist before they dropped towards the ground. Then, all too quickly to suggest an ametuer, he rigged the belt up over the drooping branch that hovered above them and tugged her wrists no together into the loop of leather. It bit into her wrist, just enough to reminder her she couldn't squirm away before both his hands moved to her breasts now, freed from holding her captive against the rough tree. "Now you're mine to play with... and share if I think it'll be fun..." His lips pressed into her, tasting her before he stepped back enough to let the cooling air contrast the heat of his form while he looked over her.

"What a sight..." He murmured to himself, slipping out of his pants entirely now and shucking the boxers down next while his eyes roamed over the goat doe. Her body was curvy and soft at every edge with full, curvy hips and a cute pudge to her stomach. Her breasts were straining in her bra, attempting to escape with gravity alone while her panties were mused to the side from his grinding, nearly exposing her slit hiding beneath while a growing patch of wetness colored the front of the pale blue fabric. "What a sight indeed. I can only imagine what I'd do if I'd stumbled onto this gift in the wilderness..."

As he stripped, playing the dom, Freyja's eyes tracked over him too. In the moonlight, his muscles popped out like soft shadows. The contours of his form caught the light just enough to see the shape of his abs down the length of his torso leading to the long, thick shape of his cock now bear in the evening light. His hair spilled over his forehead, but his eyes shone brightly out looking back at her.

"You're so excited, little goat. It's like you think I'm going to play with you, but I could just... leave you here for a bit and go top off my coffee, I could use a warm-up..." He glanced around, snickering softly. "Maybe another hiker would pass by, give you a taste of how I'm going to use you-"

"So much talk..." Freyja drawled back, smirking. "So little action-"

The wolf gave a little gasp at her comeback, grinning as he moved back towards her form. The heat of his form once more closed over her body, this time with his cock rubbing unconstrained over the thin fabric of her panties. His fingers curled around her form, unclasping the hold of her bra before it fell towards the grassy ground beneath and he sought out her silky, inverted nipples unhindered by the fabric. "So sassy..." He mumbled into her neck, kissing along the smooth curves of her soft throat. "I wonder if can fuck it out of you-" This time though, without waiting for another reply, his other hand tugged her panties to the side, stretching them out of the way of her wet, hot cunt before the tip of his cock pressed to the leaking hole of her sex.

He paused a single beat, feeling the heat radiating off of her sex before he plunged forward pushing himself into the tight grasp of her pussy. "Mm-"

"Oo-" Freyja's head tilted back towards the tree, mewling softly as her cunt clamped down on the girth inside her, squeezing gleefully down on this thickness spreading her wide around him. "Oh, yes... Finally, so much talking. I wondered if you'd ever get to it and fuck me."

Jackson bucked into her harder, in lieu of responding, before his lips pushed into hers to muffle any other smartass remarks she felt like making. Then, his hips started to work into her. Every thrust pushed her butt back into the tree, imprinting the grooves of the wood softly into her sex while her panties acted as a minimal barrier from the rough texture. Her sex yawned around him, stretch to fit the girth of his long cock. The oozing of her leaking juices helped, slickening down the inches of him pumping into her until steady slaps of their bodies colliding started to echo out into the air, radiating into the otherwise silent woods around.


"Where the hell is Freyja?"

"-- and Jackson?"

Back at the fire, the four remaining in its amber glow finally realized that two had been missing for nearly half an hour. Their ears tilted and flickered, searching for the noise in the woods to answer the question. Distantly, muffled by the wind and the thickness of the foliage, the sounds of gasping breaths and colliding bodies echoed out from the darkness.

"Are they..."

Cam leapt up from his log, "Dammit! They ARE fucking!"

Todd glanced at him, bewildered at how quickly he connected the sounds. "Was there an invite I didn't get or...."

"No! He was bragging, being all smug about fucking the guide!" Cam groaned, pacing away from the glow of the fire. "No fair! I didn't even get to talk to her."

"And he did?" Tanner met Todd's eyes across the fire with a stare of confusion.

Todd was looking down now, starting to wonder if he'd been missing queues that could have let to his hips producing the steady, increasingly loud thumps coming from the nearby trees. "I booked the Groupon and everything... shouldn't I have gotten dibs?"

"It doesn't work like that!" Cam rolled his eyes, moving towards the woods with his ears perked high to catch the notes of Freyja's voice lilting up with a little moan.

Back in the cover of the trees, Jackson's fingers closed over the mound of the girl's sex, seeking out the nub of her clit with steady, shifting flicks. His hips pushed her up against the tree, pounding into the heat of her cunt. "Fuck... you're so tight..."

"Then stretch me-" She shot back, whimpering between breaths as her cunt clenched tighter, only making Jackson thrust harder to push through the squeezing of her edging sex. Every motion forward rocked her into the tree. The scrape of the roughness behind her only made her clench harder and lean into the binding of his belt on her wrists, letting the tree lock her in place in front of his pounding cock rocking up into her.

Intermingling panting washed through the air as Freyja's approaching orgasm had her clamping down harder and harder, forcing the canine to push through her squeezing muscles while his inflating knot only made him thicker to fit inside. The bulge at the base of his cock continued to pop in and out of her, striking to the soft, plushy patch of her g-spot with every thrust sending her voice pitching upwards.

"Ai! Ai! I'm going to-" Freyja's voice broke with a sudden gasp. Her eyes froze partially open while her hips froze and then started to tremble, shaking over the girth of his cock ramming up into her depths.

Jackson pushed through the clamping of her orgasm, fucking through the shuddering, spasming of her walls as his own knees wobbled with increasing impatience. Just as Freyja's body started to shake, rippling with the rush of relief moving through her, Jackson yanked back, freeing his knot from her with a pop before streams of cum arched through the dark air and splattered down the fur of her soft stomach. The glistening droplets of cum rolled over the contours and little folds of her stomach, decorating her with a sparkle of the mess catching the light while Jackson huffed soft in front of her, catching his breath.

"Mm... the sight has improved-"

Freyja snickered, rolling her eyes before she pulled on her wrists to lift her legs and tug at his hips with her feet. "Now back, more-"

Jackson gave a laugh, shaking his head. "I can't, but... I can go back to the fire if you want, let the boys know there's... just a beautiful view in the moonlight over here-"

Freyja snickered, but nodded, spreading her legs so the mess of cum continued to ooze and leak over the mound of her stomach and onto the soft flesh of her cunt. "Tell them to hurry over, I'm warmed up now-"

Jackson snarled softly, catching the grin sparkling in her eyes before he gave a last rough nip to her lips and pulled away. He walked and shucked on his pants at once in a signature college sort of move before he faded into the darkness.

Then, Freyja could only feel the cool night air on his breasts. Her nipples were stiff, pronouncing themselves atop her bare breasts. As the seconds ticked past, her ears strained to hear the soft murmur of voices from the campfire.

"What is he telling them?" She thought, giving her wrists a little tug. The belt was surprisingly secur. She could pull out with some effort, but it'd take work. She felt a breeze rustle the hair on her neck while her cunt started to drip its own juices onto the soft grass beneath her. The chill of the night somehow only made her seem hotter, emphasizing the heat radiating out from her cunt.

Then, a faint whistling caught the air. Footsteps sounded in the leaves ahead of her while her eyes searched through the failing light for which of the remaining four boys was coming-- if it wasn't even from her group!

Her eyes searched in the darkness, trying to pinpoint someone, but she couldn't until a sudden heat pressed to her cunt as fingers curled over the mound and the distinct rumble of a purring feline filled her ears. "Couldn't see me, could you?" Cam murmured, voice like caramel compared to the sharp, rough grate of Jackson's.

Cheeks heating, the goat doe shook her head. "Nuh uh, still barely can-" His eyes caught hers in the darkness, but otherwise she couldn't see much of him. She could, however, feel his fingers massaging the wet mess of her tingling cunt. A single digit stroke into the folds of her sex, teasing to the opening without dipping into her.

"So, Jackson advertised freeplay here, is he being dramatic?" Cam purred into her ear, pressing his warm, bare chest into hers while his lips hovered inches from hers. His breath smelled refreshingly minty-- he'd prepared before heading over here to her, that's why it'd taken an extra beat for anyone to appear.

"Mm, he isn't, though if you're not sure you want this sent one of the other boys, I'm all warmed up already-" Freyja shot back, hoping to tease the cat into a little more heat. His voice gave a little hiss of distaste at being voted out before his finger plunged up into her.

"Trust me, you don't want one of the others... You've already started down a peg, you might as well step back up now."

The goat rolled her eyes, snickering at the youthful confidence, but even as she did the finger inside of her was moving with adept skill. The finger found her g-spot quickly and started an unwavering press that only moved enough to massage the spot while his thumb worked over her clit. She could already feel a fluttering in her gut as he manhandled her. "Big talk-" She spat out, finding her breath catching in her throat as his rough tongue rasped along the edge of her sensitive ear.

"Mm, see, you're all tied up here, so really there's not much you can say," Cam rumbled into her ear, moving to the other side with a little nip along the soft skin of her ear. "Maybe I want to warm up... or maybe I just want to torture you, after all you made me hike seven miles today."

Freyja felt her lips spread into a smile, despite her cheeky attitude. His fingers were still working over her insides with unwavering simplicity that was making her toes curls into the soft grass and sent tremors up her legs.

"I think these here-" His free hand ran over the smooth surface of her horns, "-seem like perfect handles for a little fuck toy..." A little mewl left her lips, revealing just how much she liked the idea. Cam's fingers stretched up, loosening the pull of the belt on her wrists and instead ushering her towards the soft grass beneath. His fingers stroked through her hair, fidgeting his hips until the hard, jutting length of his cock lined up in front of her plump lips.

Freyja let out a soft breath, breathing in the rich musk of the post-hike feline before she parted her lips and leaned forward, letting him sink in atop the slickline of her tongue. A soft gasp escaped from above while the scrape of a hand finding the side of the tree followed as Cam steadied himself there. His other hand found the curve of her sturdy horn, pulling her further onto the thick length of his barbed cock. The barbs teased over her tongue and lips, tickling the sensitive skin as she pumped herself down over his length right up to the fuzzy base of his pelvis.

"Ooo..." A moan left his lips while the constant rumbling of his purring chest sounded in the background. Freyja started to move back, returning to his tip with a small lick over the rounded head. Then, she plunged back over him, protecting the slick skin of his shaft from the bite of the crisp night. Her lips clenched tight, creating a suckling vacuum over his shaft.

The feline arched his back, pushing his hips into her mouth as one hand tugged on her horns, pulling her mouth over him again and again. A long hiss escaped his lips, rolling into the air with half-muffled curses as Freyja kissed to his base and pulled back, leaving strings of saliva tying her to his cock.

"Mmm... you're too good at this-" His face tilted down to her, watching how her plump lips caught the moonlight from the sheen of her own spit slick on his skin over them. She pulled back, leaving a soft kiss atop his tip. "It's from being born with built in handles-" With a wink, she reached up, grabbing at his arm to pull the hand on the tree back to her other horn before her mouth slipped back over him.

Another moan slipped for his lips before he started to yank her by the steady horns atop her head, pulling her greedily down the length of his cock while the hot, slink insides of her mouth pumped over his cock.

Freyja gave into his tempo, trying to keep up so the push to his base wouldn't make her gag at the base of his length but instead that she could gulp down and suction the tip of his length down into her throat each time. The panther was gasping, clutching at her head until he suddenly yanked back and joined her on the grass.

His warm body moved over hers, easing her smoothly and dominantly onto the soft ground beneath the fallen leaves of the tree above. His fingers slipped from her horns and moved down the curves of her body, steadying himself before he thrust into the heat of her cunt, sliding in on the lubrication of her romp before.

They moaned together as she clamped down on his shaft, clenching down with a gutteral squeak.

"Someone got impatient," Freyja teased, but Cam just gave a soft hiss in response, grabbing her horns again and slamming himself up into her hard enough her smug grin burst apart with a squeaking moan.

"Jackson told us to use you, little doe," he smirked over her, kissing her with half-curled lips. "You'd better believe I'm going to fuck you right into the grass."

"Mmm... I dare you to try-" She shot back, pushing her hips up to meet his thrust, plunging him deeper into the hot heat of her cunt. He hissed in response, clutching hard at her horns as he struggled to control himself in the face of her spasming walls.

Gripping hard to her, he continued on, pounding into the heat of her cunt as the dark night stretched on later and later. The moon rose over them, casting a sharp shadow of their writhing figures onto the ground beside. Their clashing game of dominance swapped back and forth, testing Cam's patience until he finally broke, nipping hard onto the edge of the doe's ear as he rolled her forward onto her stomach, heaving her ass towards him doggystyle and slamming back into the hot heat of her cunt.

"You're such a little tease, constantly toying with me... Testing me. You think I won't fuck you?" He bent over her, fitting her ass right into the curve of his waist as he hilted into her. One hand held her horn, pulling her head back as he pounded into her and the other grabbed the meat of her asscheek, yanking her back with the fistful of flesh. "I should have invited Tanner with to plug your sassy little mouth-"

"If only you had, I wasn't done with yours earlier. Someone got impat-" Before she could finishing her sassy little comeback, Cam slammed into the hilt, barbs flaring as he edged towards orgasm. He yanked at her, tugging her back onto him like a giant toy for the final thrusts towards his explosion.

Every thrust his barbs pulled on her, digging him deeper and deeper into her cunt. The goat didn't even try to urge him otherwise, just pushed her ass back against him, tilting towards the edge herself, bleating openly.

"Ahh-" A sudden, low hiss marked the end of Cam's self-control. Strings of cum shot out into the hot tunnel of the girl's sex, pumping into her as his barbs yanked on her inner walls, locking him deep into her to deposit every drop against her deepest edge.

Panting, the feline didn't get far past his orgasm before realizing, with dismay, he'd finished before the goat. He could see her, teetering on the edge as she clenched and trembled. Without a word, he eased out of her, bending down towards the glistening folds of her cunt with his rough tongue and lapping up into the sensitive folds. His nose and cheeks went flush to her ass, diving into the softness of her form to reach her clit from behind as his thumb sought for the tight hole of her ass, easing into the ring of muscle right when she started to tremor from the rough, textured lapping tongue on the sensitive nub.

"Ai! Oh! Fuck!" She yelped, bleating a little line of unintelligible curses before she spasmed with a sudden orgasm, but instead of pulling back satisfied, Cam just continued his lapping, pushing her into the ground so she wouldn't squirm away.

The goat shook, arching her back and yelping, squealing with the intensity of the orgasm tearing through her. The instinct was to escape the overwhelming sensation, to pause it, but then the orgasm would slip out of grasp and Cam knew it. His tongue didn't stop, just kept lapping with the same unwavering consistency while his finger curled down into her ass, rubbing on her walls and giving her something to squeeze around as a second orgasm followed closely behind.

Voice petering out, Freyja finally felt Cam pull back, easing away from her quivering thighs which a smug expression as she laid against the grass. "You little shit-" She hissed out at him.

"What? I didn't want you to think I was a selfish partner or anything, finishing first-" Cam gave her a grin, his face a mess of smeared juices sticking his fur every which way off his muzzle. "Plus, I didn't want Jackson thinking he somehow won because you picked him for warm-up."

"Ooh, fiery competition, huh?" The goat girl rolled over slowly, slumping into the cool earth and letting the air lap at her hot form while she caught her breath. "What is the scene back there, did Jackson promise everyone a play?"

Cam laughed, lightly running his fingers over the soft fur of her legs as he leaned into the trunk of a tree. "No, no. He tagged me in privately. Technically, I had dibs-"

"Dibs is a sick concept you know, women aren't the passenger seat of a car-"

Cam rolled his eyes, "Fair, fair, but it's not like they meant anything since you plucked Jackson from the fire pit."

"So jealous..." She snickered back, grabbing his arm and nodding towards the chilling water of the creak. "Come wash me off?"

"Tongue bath wasn't enough for you, huh?"

"I think that did more harm than good-" She rolled her eyes at him, leaning into his strong arms as they padded into the water. The crisp, mountain run off washed away the clumps of drying cum, but it didn't do much to soothe the clinging scent of sex from either of the furs.

For a few minutes, Freyja enjoyed the heat of the panther's embrace against the cold water, leaning up into his chest and kissing at the tickling whiskers of his cheeks. "This is why I love the mountains," she murmured, leaning her back into him and playfully swishing her butt against his thighs. "So simple everything seems."

"Well, you can always come live in our apartment, fuck all five of us... Simple as the mountains-" Cam flashed her a bright, toothy smirk. She splashed the cold, crisp water up onto his face and shook her head.

"You're all little shits."


Groggy and worn-out but drying now, Freyja plodded back towards the fire that was by now just hot embers. For a moment, Cam joined her as she stoked it slightly, sliding another log on to burn through the night before she spotted the quiet lump of Jackson lounging within his sleeping bag. "Night, Cam" she murmured, giving him a final little wave as he headed to gather his pack.

She moved towards Jackson, unfurling her own pack beside his as one of her dainty, plump feet nudged to his thigh before his eyes met her, glimmering with recalled mischief.

For a second, the girl just smirked over at him before leaning in a stealing an alcohol tinged kiss from his muzzle. Then, leaned over against his ear, she whispered. "You owe me a foot rub-"

The wolf tipped his head back towards the moon and laughed.


The next morning at breakfast, Tanner, Todd, and Luca were all impossibly cheeky and fidgety around Freyja as she moved around the fire, sizzling eggs in her small fold-out pan. At first, her instinct was to call out their ogling, knowing they heard her romps before, but instead she chose to toy with them.

She moved around the fire, bending low to toy with the hot embers of the flickering fire as her sleeping shorts rode high on the curves of her ass, jiggling right in front of the three men seated together on the log. She made she to use a short stick, forcing her to bend low and stretch each time she adjusted the fire.

Peeking around her thigh from below, she could see three tents pitching in the front of their loose sleep pants. "Boys," she said, standing and turning to the sight of synchronized crotch covering. For a second, she eyed them all, letting their panic build that she'd noticed the boners, but then just she gave a sweet giggle. "How many eggs each?"

Jackson and Cam woke last, almost like they were worn out more than the other three. Once they joined them at the fire, the tension only worsened, but Freyja was nothing but amused. Todd was making silently eye conversations with Jackson, looking at her and then him and flaring the wideness of his eyes: "Did you fuck? Was it good? Can I try?"

Tanner tried instead to sidle up to Cam and whisper it out of him, getting him a fresh cup of coffee and asking him casually, "So, sleep good?"

But neither of the boys dished, so Freyja just started the hike further up the mountain like nothing had happened, but she did wear her shortest shorts over her bikini bottoms-- knowing that midday pit-stopped at a waterfall. So, when she took to the front of the pack to lead the way, her ass was winking in and out of the hem of her shorts while they hugged to the meat of her juicy bottom half.

"She's killing me," Todd hissed to Luca, both of them fidgeting with the tightness of their jeans with every half mile.

"Knowing she's down to fuck means I can't ignore the hotness now. I could before, out of respect, but... it's like she knows..." Luca groaned, watching how she suddenly noticed an untied lace and bent, slowly over with her ass popping towards the sky to tie it in the center of the trail. Her pussy was outlined in the fabric, practically visible with the sheer tight grasp of the shorts over her lower lips while a slice of each asscheek jutted from the bottom hem, begging to be grabbed.

"No way. We didn't say a thing!"

Freyja just walked ahead, smirking to herself. "Jesus, boys are dumb."


"Pit stop!" Freyja threw her hands in the air, gesturing towards the rumbling stream of the waterfall cascading from the mountain into a bright, blue circle of water. "This is called Bullfrog's Drink because back in the day there were lots of frogs who'd chill here because it's the best water source, but now... it's just a really awesome swimming hole!"

She dumped her backpack, facing the waterfall as she peeled her shorts down the round of her ass, instantly catching five sets of eyes on the curves of her cheeks as a teeny bikini bottom covered onto the crease of her crack and her slit itself, but nothing more. The creamy fur of her butt was on full display before she turned around, gesturing to them. "Come on in, the water will feel refreshing!" Now facing them, she pulled her t-shirt up, freeing her jostling, heavy tits with nothing but the string bikini straining around the bulging forms of each orb. Her nipples were already captured in the thin fabric as the little blue triangles strained over the heft of her breasts.

"You guys coming?"

Tanner coughed, turning away with his eyes popping forward. He gave a little wheezing cough, covering his mumbled commentary towards the other boys. "Fuck, I'm going to if this show continues-"

The boys all dropped trough, striping into boxers as they moved towards the crisp water. Luca leapt in first, eager for the cold to soothe him. Freyja moved in quickly, loving how the water made her float, weightlessly after the tiring hike and her limited sleep the night before. She laid back, letting herself float atop the crystal clear water as the fabric of her suit grew more and more see-through as it soaked through.

"It's like she's wearing nothing-" Luca whimpered, biting his lip as he tried to both look at her and not be caught looking.

"Luca?" Freyja called, voice soft and lilting. "I think I've forgotten how to float, will you help me? You can touch in the center right?"

Luca shuffled towards her, feeling his cock twitching to life even in the chill of the water. As she moved closer, the heat of her body started to wash out in the chill of the water, inviting him in closer. "W-what do you want me to do?"

The goat doe snickered, paddling towards him on her back. "Just put a hand on my back and help me float... so I can get the hang of it again." She peeked towards him, loving how his snout was wrinkled with nervous anxiety and his green eyes glimmered as he moved towards her. She could feel his hunger for her even before his quivering fingers touched to the small of her back, gingerly. For being such a big, tough football guy, he was timid as anyone.

Freyja grinned, tilting forward slightly, just enough the her foot stroking along his spine as she shifted in the water. "Oh, a little more support!" She squeaked, feeling a little quiver race down his leg from her touch before his hand pushed to her back now, keeping her up. "I feel it now, that's better."

She tipped her head back now, letting him support her lightened weight in the water. She looked up towards him, smiling as their eyes met. For a moment, she forgot where the other four were, enjoying the moment now with Luca, the charmingly meek chestnut stallion. She shifted, letting her finger skim over the contours of his abdomen, which was sharp and stacked with more muscular build than either of the others.

"Luca, how are you liking the trails?" she murmured, keeping her voice soft so he leaned in closer to hear.

"They are good, fun! It's a good workout! It's good, because, uh, you know. I play football, so this will keep me primed-"

"Oh I could tell you played something-" Her fingers ran over his chest again, this time inching a bit higher on the upswing and a bit lower towards the line of his boxers on her way back into the water. "What position?" Her fingertip, as she spoke, just barely skimmed beneath the upper edge of his boxers, but not a hair further. Then, it retreated right back up over the definition of his abdomen.

"Uh, defensive linebacker-" He gave a little cough, shivering with her ghostly, fleeting touch just above the line of his boxers. In the cool water, the hot surface of her finger was only more pronounced against his velveteen fur. His cock was rock hard under her butt, but he hoped she floated far enough away towards the surface of the water she'd never know.

"Mm... you must be used to taking a beating then huh?" She curled a bit now, bumping her stomach into him and forcing the hand on her back to shuffle to try and keep her up. His fingers skimmed over her ass, momentarily pushing into the soft shape of her curved bottom.

"I'm pretty tough-" Luca gave a little cough again, fidgeting. In the back of his head, he was silently panicking, knowing that this moment was giving him this raging boner, but also knowing that the moment that this moment ended, Frejya might move enough to see said boner, so he was trapped in a loop. "You know, it's worth it... to be strong enough to support girls like yourself when they demand... float lessons-" He coughed, stumbling over his words.

Freyja smiled coyly, recognizing the attempt at a flirt at least. She pushed herself closer, letting her breast brush over his chest, the warmth of her sharp against the cool water. "Could you pick me up? I'm pretty heavy..." This game, the teasing and flirting, was testing her own patience, but she loved the buzzing eagerness that it stirred up.

Luca gave a nod, squinting. "No doubt. Easy. I can bench 300 pounds."

"Do it! Do it!" Freyja shifted, tiling to a paddling position now so that her legs could brush to his, coming dangerously close to skimming against his boner until he grabbed onto her hips, pulling her up rather aggressively, out of fear that she'd get too close and feel something. "Put me on your shoulders! We can play that... that game!"

"Chicken fight?"

"Yeah!" She clapped, making her breasts dance in her little suit. "Chicken fight! Come on! I need an opponent!"

Luca gulped, lifting the girl up and squatting enough to help her onto his shoulders where the heat of her cunt, buffered only by a little swimsuit, now pressed against his neck and the musky aroma of her sex was inches from his nose. Freyja wiggled into place, making sure he could feel the definition of her lower lips hidden behind his neck while her thighs squeezed her steady atop him. The smell of her now clouded around him, like a haze that he couldn't escape.

Tanner and Todd jumped into action to square off. Tanner, the smallest, clambered onto his friend's shoulders, approaching with trembling hands. His slender legs were nearly hidden under Todd's thick mane as they stalked forward in the water towards the goat and horse duo. Freyja didn't hesitate, grabbing at him when they came in range, trying to win by toppling him off Todd's sturdy shoulders.

Instead, they tousled. Tanner and Freyja locked arms, grabbing for each other's elbows while Luca and Todd struggled to stay upright in the water. They wobbled side to side, tipping their riders to and fro, this way and that way.

In the madness, just as she'd quietly hopped, Freyja's little triangle bikini slipped out of place, sliding beneath the heft of her tits instead of over them, letting them bounce freely against Luca's head when she slipped off his back. "Ahh!"

"Freyja!" Luca helped, spinning to help only to find himself staring into the bare, exposed expanse of her tits. "Ah... I..." The goat just laughed, shaking her head and finally just kicking over to him and curling her legs around the stallion's waist while his springing boner pressed between them, hot against her stomach. She could feel Luca's entire body shudder at her sudden touch.

"Ever fucked on a mountain, Luca?" She whispered into his ear, coyly glancing at the other boys. Jackson and Cam were less shocked by this turn, but then both smirked from their lounging at the water's edge while Todd and Tanner stared unabashedly at this sudden turn of events with their cheeks darkening rapidly by the second.

"Uh... no..." He stammered, hesitating a moment before he even grabbed her ass to support her clinging to him in the water. His fingers kneaded timidly into the soft meat of her skin. The goat girl's soft form was hot against the cool water, only making him want to feel her against him even more. "Want to try?"

She leaned in, pressing her bare breasts against the warm expanse of his chest as her lips pressed to his neck, leaving soft, hot kisses against his damp fur while she whispered up towards his flickering ears. "Would you mind if I invited your staring friends? So maybe they don't just sit there and drool at me?"

"Uh.. uh no.... No, do whatever you want..." Luca's eyes were wide, still shocked at what was happening to him. His mind was struggling to keep up with the sudden touch of her body to his, let alone her words.

Freyja just snickered, turning enough to gesture for Tanner and Todd to come closer. "Help your friend, I'm a heavy girl... maybe you can... support some bits, help keep me warm in the cold, cold water?" She smirked at them, pushing her ass towards Tanner as soon as he was close enough so his hands instinctively grabbed for the hot meat of her rounded rump. The weasel's fingers were strong with long nails scraping through her fur as he grabbed onto her.

"Mm... that's much better, now.. Todd?" She looked towards the lion who was shyly hanging back just out of arm's reach. She flashed him a glimmering little grin, stretching a toe out in the water until she nudged to his boner hidden just behind a thin layer of fabric. "Don't want to play?"

"I-- I didn't want to... Overwhelm--"

Freyja just snickered, shaking her head and gesturing him closer, which he now obliqued. She leaned towards him, "Tell me something, Todd. Are you feeling a little shy?" She whispered now, almost making the moment private. The feline gave her a wide eyed look, like he wasn't sure how to respond until she just nodded. "Why don't you go soak up the sun? I think I might need you all to myself later, hmm?"

He flushed, but didn't seem to take insult at being uninvited. Instead, he nodded and vigorously moved back towards the edge of the water. Freyja nodded, watching him go for a moment before she pressed back towards the firm chest of the horse. "Sometimes, you can just tell someone isn't ready for so many bodies."

Luca gave a little cough, rolling his hips guilty to rub his raging boner into the soft heat of her thighs. "Todd's too nice-"

Tanner pushed harder to Freyja's backside now, sandwiching her between the heat of them both. "He might even be a virgin, honestly. He'd never do anything vaguely questionable... and it's rare for a girl to be completely sober at a party, so...."

"That's very noble of him," Freyja murmured, mind drifting back towards the horse and weasel grinding against her now in the crisp, cold water. Her cunt was soaked under her bikini bottoms, oozing with rich, natural lubricant as she squirmed her mound against the bulge of the horse's thick length. "I've ended up with the... less noble pair, hmm?"

Tanner gave a surprised squeak, shaking his head behind her with a whisper of hair swishing. "No-no! Not at all! We just.. We know when we're wanted."

Freyja snickered, rolling her ass back into his grinding, groping grasp. "Very astute, Tanner."

Luca ran his hand up her side suddenly, grabbing onto the bare breast that was rubbing into him and bobbing in and out of the surface of the water as he stared down towards her. "You've been teasing us all day-"

"Oh? Me? Have I?" Freyja made her eyes wide as coins as she looked up towards the bashful horse. "I would never, ever, on purpose do such a thing."

"I think you're lying to us," Tanner murmured, his voice lowering and tickling against the back of her throat as he ground his bulge into the crease of her asscheeks. Freyja shivered with the tickle of his voice, leaning back to expose her neck to his soft, exploring lips for a moment. Right away, the sharp edges of playful teeth found her soft skin, nipping towards her ears. "You've been riling us up on purpose, dancing around in tiny shorts..."

"If I had, what would be the punishment?" Her legs wrapped harder around Luca's waist, pulling him in tight so that she felt his heartbeat throbbing through his bulge. Her eyes met Luca's for a brief second, glancing down towards her waist with a silent invitation while Tanner curled his fingers up her free side, exposing her other breast to the chilled bite of the water. "I think you'd have to satisfy us both, now... because we can't wait any longer." Another sharp, little nip found her throat, surprising her. She'd underestimated the lanky weasel.

At the same time, Luca's hands found the sides of her itty bitty bottoms, peeling them down the length of her legs-- which she unwound from him long enough to expose her hot sex under the crisp, clear water-- before flinging them towards the bank. His own bottoms he just shucked down enough that his cock sprung free, pressing to the heat of her thighs, hiding from the lapping water's cold temp.

With her ass now exposed completely, Tanner's fingers grabbed hard on each cheek, as though he owned her. He spread her wide, rubbing the hot length of his own cock, already free, against the heat of her body, nudging towards the tight pucker of her ass hole. "Think you can fit a horse in one and me in the other?" He whispered in her ear, smirking through the words.

Luca was much more shy in presentation, but his cock was so thick that the tip nudging to her opening already required that the goat doe shift her hips wider to let him part her lower lips and nudge against the hot hole.

"If you break me, they'll be no more fun and games on this trip! Just hiking!" She warned him. Tanner snickered, tickling against her ear. "Very well, we'll just get close to breaking you." His fingers tightened on her breasts while Luca moved to her hips instead, holding her up in the water so he could properly grind his tip to the leaking hole of her cunt. Tanner followed his lead, lining himself up while his fingers held her asscheeks far apart, exposed to the crisp water and the probing of her cock.

Then, with another sharp nip at her throat, Tanner pushed forward and Luca followed suit. The sudden girth of two tips pushing into her, fighting for space inside her, burst Freyja's smirking lips apart with a gasping moan. She couldn't maintain her flirtatious sass now, not with Luca stretching her cunt out around him while Tanner pushed against her inner walls, only making her feel fuller.

"Oooh..." Luca whinied out alongside her, relishing the hot squeeze of her around his first inch. It only stoked his hunger to bury himself inside the petite, curvaceous goat girl. His hips rolled forward hard, forcing himself deeper and deeper into the tight, hot clench of her sex.

On the bank, Cam and Jackson glanced at each other, both silently pondering if they'd been jipped on the better arrangement with a quirk of their brows, but Todd stayed off towards one side, watching with a fiercely shy hunger flickering in his eyes as he idly rubbed at the bulge in his shorts.

"Jesus-" Freyja cursed, sucking in her lips as she clutched her arms up and around Luca's neck, clinging to the the strong, built equine as Tanner thrust up into her ass, piercing himself into the tight, spasming tightness of her second entrance. Her hips were already shuddering, knees wobbling in the water as they eased up into her, stuffing her. Luca grabbed for the bends of her knees, doing the work of holding most of her weight up in the water while Tanner grabbed onto the small pinch of her soft waist, using it as a handle to pull her down onto him. "God, you're big-" The doe whimpered, leaning her head towards the soft fuzz of Luca's snout. He snickered, nuzzling into her with a wash of hot breath down her neck. "It'll all fit in there though, you're sucking me in like a vacuum."

She blushed, clenching on him at the statement.

"I thought you might be a bit of a size queen-" Luca snickered softly, still coy and sweet as he held her legs tighter and shoved himself another inch up into the clenching, spasming tunnel of her cunt. "But you're squeezing so tightly, you're making it hard to fit!"

"I can't help it! I squeeze when it feels good!" Her voice was in broken, rasping breaths, coming out more like a gasp while Freyja clung onto the horse. Her hips were quivering, but the boys were keeping her steady between them, letting her just submit to the shuddering of every sensation that ran down her spine.

Tanner had himself bottomed out in her ass, now starting to thrust slow and steady into her. Each time he drew back, her ass would squeeze back tightly, forcing him to stretch her out again with every thrust, pushing his cock in against the wall the separated him from Luca. They were both fighting for space inside her, filling her up to capacity as she trembled and shook between them.

"F-Fuuck..." She shuddered, mewling. Her head tilted back, catching a soft nip from Tanner's glinting teeth.

"Is this what you envisioned when you were trotting around in those little shorts?" Tanner hissed into her ear, voice thick with arousal. A little tremor raced down her spine as he pushed up into her ass. Every squeeze, every shake radiated down the length of both their cocks, teasing the males on either side of her. Luca's breath grew hotter, heavier as it rushed past her cheek. His cock was nearly hilted inside her, pulsing and throbbing with every second trapped in her squeezing walls.

The scratch of Tanner's nails grabbed her tits, kneading them roughly now as he inched closer to his edge. His thrusts grew quicker, shorter, but with an unwavering pace. His stamina on the hike was proving to be a fair example. Freyja, trapped between them, was shuddering at the lip of orgasm. Every thrust from Luca ground against her clit as the space between them closed shut and he pushed up, nudging into her g-spot, as his cock stretched her wide around his thick girth. At the same time, Tanner's cock was pistoning back and forth, stretching and tugging the sensitive muscles of her rump as his girth strained against Luca's with only her inner walls parting them.

"Unf... Unf..." Freyja's voice arced upwards, lilting into little yelps as her body jostled between them, bouncing easily with Luca's strength like she was nothing more than a doll. Her thighs were quaking, struggling to keep control while her inner walls were locking tight, spasming as her orgasm rolled over her.

Only then, as her entire face went red with the wash of her peak, did she notice Jackson lounging at the edge of the water, watching her with half-lidded, almost sleepy eyes. Catching her eyes, he smirked, winking as she let out a yelping little cry and came around Luca's cock.

"Mmm..." Luca let out a rumbling moan as she massaged the length of his cock, but he still wasn't finished; neither was Tanner. The weasel reached up, grabbing the handle of Freyja's horn before he started to pound up into her harder, impatiently driving himself into her ass.

"Luc' no fair, you got to feel a proper orgasm. I think you should swap with me-" He jested, massaging one of Freyja's tits with one hand while his other held her horn and pulled her head back, exposing the soft flesh of her throat to soft nibbling kisses. "Freyja, what do you think? Of being a little toy we all pass around?"

By now, the high heat of the afternoon was on its downward arch and the chill of the water was moving from refreshing to chilly, but otherwise, Freyja didn't have any complaints. She gave a weak nod, gesturing to shore. "On land... It'll get cold-"

With a little splash, Tanner eased back, but Luca just grabbed her butt and sunk her further onto his cock while he clutched her tightly, securly to him before starting forward with slow, water-laden steps towards the grassy beach. Every step was a tiny bounce atop his length, and the goat doe fresh off an orgasm was just whimpering at the possibility of a second.

"You going to share now?" Cam called from the shore, letting out a breathy, feline snicker that sent a little quiver down Freyja's spine. The memory of his rasping tongue shot through her mind, making the next shuddering clamp of her cunt all the harder down on Luca's girth.

"Hey now, not yet! When we're ready for a break!" Tanner gave a playful hiss, flashing his short, pointed teeth, but the panther just shot back his larger, glittering fangs. Jackson, still lounging as though slightly disinterested, gave a small pat atop the smooth rock his back rested against. "This will be toasty warm and flat-"

Luca carted her over, jostling her atop his length with every step, but somehow he maintained a graceful control transitioning them from standing to a languid lay atop the smooth, warm stone that let Freyja sit atop his lap.

"Mmm.." She let out a shuddering moan, moving enough to free the oozing mess of her own cum from around his base before she sunk back down into a hilted position. Tanner quickly followed them, grabbing onto the girl's raised rump.

Jackson shifted over, passing a long, studying stare over the doe's body before he settled on another stump a few feet away, closing his eyes once more. Freyja gave a little squinting stare towards him, but Luca and Tanner pulled her focus back as they thrust up into her in unison.

"OooOoo!" She squeaked, leaning over onto Luca's chest with a mewling moan.

"You don't think we're done with you do ya?" Tanner murmured into her ear in his gruff, cooing voice. She shuddered as his breath tickled behind her neck and he pushed himself deeper into her ass. "We're going to wear you out, little guide-"

"You're just... mmff... trying to get out of hiking more-" Freyja shot back, voice crackling with the sounds of her fading orgasm still lingering in her words. In response, the boys both pushed into her firmly, silently countering as a weak moan escaped her parted lips.

With growing intensity, Freyja struggled to keep her moaning muffled within the little clearing. Every thrust and shudder inside her made her more and more sensitive until her second orgasm had her leaned back into Tanner, relying on the sturdy expanse of his chest to keep her partially upright as her thighs spasmed and squeezed her tightly onto Luca's thick girth inside her.

Yet, they weren't tired. They weren't finished with her. Tanner's steady, teasing voices crooned into her ear, teasing her for thinking this would be an easy little game, reminding her that she'd been teasing them all day long, tempting them, building the hunger until now. So they were going to sate themselves.

Luca, the opposite, was nearly silent. His only word were little curses and gasping mumbles of pleasure, but his body was so firm. His cock stretched her out with each and every thrust, silently saying the same things as Tanner.

By her fourth orgasm, Freyja was just a quivering mess between the two, whimpering delightedly into Luca's shoulders as he clutched her hips, moaning himself now. His muzzle pushed to her shoulder, softening the sound as his cock shuddered inside her.

Tanner, noticing Luca's sudden new tension as he edged on orgasm, started to pound even harder into the girl. His slender hips were flying, shoving himself to the hilt with every motion and pulling back to the tip, over and over while Luca's cock started to spew strings of thick, gooey cum into the girl's tunnel.

Then, when Luca was fading down, Tanner came. Freyja's body was caught between them, both clutching onto her, holding her in place as they pumped and emptied themselves into her insides. The muffled grunts of their finishes sounded in her ear before she shook with the final, weak orgasm her body could handle.

For a few moments, the trio didn't move. They just heaved breaths out into the fading afternoon air, but finally Tanner gave a little chuckle and eased himself backwards, freeing a dribbling mess of cum from the goat's ass. "Well, we best hit the trail again, huh?"


Teasing aside, the group decided to take an afternoon nap before they moved any further. Freyja, despite her practice, would have been hard-pressed to walk another mile before some sleep. The moment her pack unrolled into the soft grass, she was out with the dangling strings of her bikini wrapped around her thigh and mid-section, exposing her naked form to the cooling air.

The others laid out their spots too, eager to at least close their eyes for a bit. Even Jackson, Todd, and Cam, who had missed the fun laid out in the fading sunshine and slipped into a gentle sleep.

A couple hours later, in the soft golden light of nearing darkness, Freyja woke. But as she rolled in her pack, trying to move onto her back from her stomach, she found her hands stuck between her legs and her knees couldn't move further than a slight lift keeping her trapped face down towards the ground with her butt raising towards the cooling air.


"Mm... someone's awake?" A rough yet chocolatey voice crooned, suddenly paired with a fleeting warm touch down the smooth curve of her naked back.

"Jackson?" She shot back, feeling a sudden zip of excitement as the sensation of his finger left her, making that stripe of her thin fur suddenly feel the cold of the night air even more. Her eyes opened wide, straining through the fading light, but the dark wolf stayed towards her back, not letting her catch a glimpse of him as she felt a tug on her wrists, pulling them further towards her ankles by the ropes caught around.

"Shouldn't a veteran hiker know not to sleep in such a compromising way? So deeply too, you must have been so... tired." His voice was so soft, making her strain to hear, which only made her focus lock onto him more. Her senses were all searching for him, waiting for the next signal when he touched her hips, just a moment of warmth before his fingers slid down over the curvature of her ass. "You never know who could find you like this... such a position... an offering really."

Freyja's ears were flickering atop her head, locked onto his words. His fingers stroked over her ass again, this time curling down the line of her rump towards the lower lips of her cunt, skimming down the wet slit. "But you see, everyone else is asleep. It seems a little nap wasn't enough. You wore them all out except for me... so I'm bored, Freyja. I need something to play with-" His voice broke for a moment before Freyja felt the sudden heat of his large, flat tongue lapping over her clit. Instantly a shudder raced down her spine. She thrashed slightly, straining on the ropes, but they held firm, locking her in a sturdy doggystyle position.

"But, I think first..." His breath was washing out against her thighs, so hot and so close to the aching, eager folds of her sex, but he didn't touch her again. "I think first you should get a taste of your own medicine. To feel so eager you're bursting. To be teased." He chuckled, softly. "Maybe we'll even get lucky and a new visitor will find us-"

Freyja's eyes, adjusted now, could see enough in the dimming light to realize that he'd moved her sleeping pack too so that she was tied closer to the main path with her ass jutting up towards the blind curve that rounded further up the mountain. She could see, off a ways, the forms of the other boys sleeping while Jackson rose, sliding a hand up her back till he could run his fingers through her hair, gripping just enough to tell her he was in charge. "What do you think, little doe? What would you do if another group came around that bend? Someone in the cast of darkness? You couldn't see. You don't know. How could they resist you like this? Offering up your ass like a gift. It'd boost anyone's morale-" He continued to circle her, letting a hard slap land atop the soft meat of her ass, echoing into the coming nighttime.

"Better yet, maybe it'll be another guide. They can come, have a sample of the little goat girl, but you'll never know. Maybe, next time at the lodge, they'll grin at you funny, a little extra gleam in their eyes, but you won't know for sure."

"How would you like that? Being offered up. See, you're mine now, Freyja. I found you, trapped you like the little prey you are... but I want to share you. I want to see you used." His fingers with stroking down the small of her back, just grazing the top curve of her ass before they lifted away again, tormenting her. Already, her skin was buzzing with life as she ached for another touch. Her cunt was aching, almost painfully clenching around nothing inside of her as she dripped sparkling droplets of need onto the ground, catching the last rays of fading sunshine.

Jackson rounded towards the front of her, sliding onto his knees beside her as his fingertips found her stiff nipples grazing the ground beneath. "How popular is this trail, Freyja? Will someone come find you here?" His voice rasped into her ear, teasing her as he kneaded her tit, tweaking the stiff, pink nipple.

"U--uh.." Her voice caught on a airy breath, nearly a moan. "It's pretty popular, but it's getting late..."

"Well, I hope for you someone comes soon or this will just be torture..." Jackson stood, finally moving into enough light she could see his shit-eating grin before he wandered back towards the pool, fading into the shadows of the trees to lounge back on his own pack, either truly napping or just watching.

Without his touch distracting her, Freyja could really feel the ropes now. They were tied tight, but not painfully so, but she could feel the grain of the ropes, the strength in them. She twisted slightly, moving against the bonds. She found her legs could spread, but that another anchor point held each foot from moving too far. She could only get more exposed, not less.

As minutes passed, the sounds of the forest seemed to become louder than ever. Freyja's cheek pressed to her bedding, listening for footsteps half hoping she'd hear them, half praying she wouldn't.

Her cunt ached, squeezing and clenching down on nothing, but her hands were tied too low, she couldn't even reach herself. Instead, she spread her legs further, as if the cold of the air could calm down her aching arousal.

Minutes passed. Her breathing seemed louder than ever before.

Every pass of wind sounded like footsteps down the hill.

It was like she was utterly alone in the woods.

Even Jackson's breath and fidgeting on his pack was gone, silent.

Her tunnel clenched. Nothing.

The falling night air sent a chill down her spine, but her cheeks were still flushed with heat.

The sound of an owl made her jump, but then silence fell again.

"How long has it been?"

Her juices dripped out onto the soft ground beneath, pooling on her bedding.

A little scuff of dirt moving sounded out from the hill. Freyja stiffened, listening. "Is it a person?" Her ears flickered side to side, trying to catch another sound. Again, she heard the little scuttle of rocks and dirt sliding over each other. Then, the distinct crunch of a foot fall.

Suddenly, she was more aware of her nudity than before. She could feel her asscheeks pulling apart with the spread of her legs, exposing the stretched hole of her ass and the oozing wetness of her cunt. Her tits hung beneath her chest, heaving and skimming the bedding beneath her. She felt cold and hot at once, holding her breath as she listened.

Distinct, approaching footsteps started now, growing closer. The boots fell softly, but the slipping dirt down the angled path gave away each move.

But, as soon as they'd grown close, they began to fade.

"D-did they not notice me!?" Freyja suddenly thought, not sure if she was relieved or sad. Her cunt was clamping wildly, like it wasn't understanding why there was nothing filling her.

Then, crunch. The sound of dirt pressing beneath a heavy book. Then, the whispering snaps of branches moving. The footsteps grew closer again, angled down the hill before Freyja suddenly felt hot hands on her side. She gasped, letting out a breath at the stranger's touch. For a moment, everything froze. She held her breath, waiting for the stranger's response, wondering how he'd take this naked goat offering in the woods. "Is it even a 'he'? I have no idea...." Freyja realized.

Fingertips softly slid down the girl's hip, tentatively moving towards the tempting round of her asscheek. Now, Freyja could hear the stranger's breath softly above her, long, tense breaths that whispered out into the air.

"Please.. Please..." Silently, Freyja hoped the stranger would use her, take her, do whatever they wished. Her cunt was aching, throbbing and squeezing with every beat of her heart and she couldn't take more of this waiting, but she didn't want to ask this stranger to fuck her, to plead for someone she couldn't even see, didn't even know.

Soft fingers slid down the curve of her body, curling up towards her slit. "Mm-" He sighed, softly the voice sounding male to Freyja's perked ears. "Little goat.. All alone in woods?" He whispered, voice gruff and firm now that his fingers pressed up into the hot heat of her cunt, finding how wet she was.

Then, with a sudden clatter, she heart his jeans dropping with their belt towards the grass. Then, the heat of his tip slid against her hot, wet mess of a cunt. Then, a sudden yank tugged on the rope on her hips, pulling her back towards this stranger as he plunged himself into her. Her cunt gaped wide, straining to stretch around the size of this man, whoever he was. He thrust in, without pausing, right up the hilt as his tip pressed to the deepest point of her cunt. Then, his hips ground into her as if he could bury himself further. His hands grabbed the rope on her hips, steadying her ass in front of him before he started pounding. The sounds of his hips smacking into her echoed out up into the air, radiating out in the silence. Freyja just slumped forward, whimpering with the satisfaction of finally clenching around something.

Then, a little light flashed around her and the chime of a video call.

"Look what I found in the woods, a fucking slut all tied up... just waiting here."

A voice crackled back out of the phone, "Fuck, man. You were getting firewood, but that... that's better-"

Freyja felt her cheeks flushing hotter, burning to know that someone somewhere else was now watching her cunt get pounded, another face she didn't know. He yanked on the rope, pulling her down to swallow his cock again before more voices came from the phone, all taking a look at her being fucked, being used.

"Shit! What the hell? You lucky bastard!"

"That's it! I'm coming too! Which trail!?"

Freyja's blush started to spread down her chest, heating her entire upper body with a rosy hue of embarrassed pleasure as she heard footsteps in the distance, the other campers pounding down the dirt trail with a speedy purpose. Their voices rang through the night air, chattering with excitement about the slut in the woods.

"Fuck, you feel loosened up, you been in service here for a bit, eh?" The man's voice was gruffer to her, not like the giddy voice he used on the phone. His words brought a hot blush to Freyja's face, burning her skin under the soft fur. One hand freed the rope on her waist, grabbing her asscheek instead, smacking into the soft meat. "Who knew that a fucking scout reunion could go so well, hm?" His other hand joined the first, spreading her asscheeks to look at the tight pucker of her asshole, still gaping from Tanner. The sudden rush of the chilled air rushing over her exposed skin sent a zip up her spine, quivering her shoulders against the ground. "Mmm. Stay down, pet. You're mine for the taking."

With a sudden splat, spit dropped onto her exposed hole, lubing her up just enough for a probing digit, digging into her with an eager roughness unlike any of her boys. Only a stranger, completely unattached could so roughly prep her, feeling his way deeper into the wall's of her asshole with a thick finger.

"Fuck, yeah..." His cock suddenly slipped from her cunt as he made his decision, slamming down into her ass instead, fucking her down into the ground as voices rounded the corner. "Fuck-"

Footsteps grew louder, overlapping with each other as dirt skittered down the mountain in a miniature wave.

"Jesus, he's not shitting." Freyja struggled to place all the voices, to differentiate them enough to even count. The darkness, now a full blown night sky, didn't help. She couldn't see a thing, but saw flashes of light from phones illuminating her spread ass behind. The blindness only made her wetter, hotter. She strained to capture the details of their voices and footsteps, to try and count them and characterize them, but she simply couldn't.

Without hesitation, they descended onto her. A thick cock appeared in front of Freyja's lips, hovering until it's owner grabbed onto her horns and shoved her down his length with a gutteral moan. The thickness pushed her mouth open wide, straining her jaw as her tongue slurped against this strange shaft.

Fingers stroked down her back, leading their way to the soft skin of her ass before grabbing a handful, starting to roughly knead and grope her cheeks further from each other. The motion Hands curved down her sides until they found fistfuls of tits to knead up against her chest. Slender digits found her cunt, curling up into the leaking heat of her sex as the original discovered thrust into her ass, pounding her with abandon.

"Fucking slut, waiting in the woods-"

"What a treat. A little girl here, just tied up and waiting-"

"God damn, don't break her before I get a try!"

A yank pulled her hands harder behind her back, tugging her back onto another cock that slammed into her cunt. The original shifted, mounting her from the top so he was plunging himself down into her ass over and over, stretching her wider than Tanner had even left her gaping with every thrust.

Freyja could barely concentrate on everything happening as her horns were like handles, letting the canine in front of her pull her lips right down to his swelling knot with each and every yank, using her head like a fleshlight as her hot tongue swirled around his cock, slurping around him. Behind her, the first male was still pounding into her gaping asshole while another sunk himself, hot and twitchy, into her dripping cunt. Every hole was stuffed with males to spare as hands washed over her body, roaming over the exposed expanse of velveteen fur. Her breasts were grabbed, tugged, kneaded while her nipples were tweaked out to their stiff, full length. Everything was layering together, growing more and more overwhelming by the second.

"Mmm-" Her lips buzzed with a moan, sucking harder on the canine in her mouth. He thrust into the suction and motion of her voice shuddering around him. "Oh yeah, fuck... You make a good toy." His fingers gave another tug on her horns, pulling her nose right down to his pelvis. A cloud of musk surrounded her head, basking her in the smell of need around her.

A sudden yank pulled her hips back towards the cock behind her, plunging him deeper into her cunt until his tip scraped deep inside her, twitching madly already. A chorus of overlapping chuckles and moans radiated out around her, all overlapping. "I can't even tell how many are here... how many are lined up to fuck me..." The idea sent a shudder down the goat's spine before her eyes flicked up, catching the glint of something past the shape of the canine's thigh.

In the distance, she realized, she could see Jackson propped up, smirking with his fangs catching the moonlight. "He's enjoying this... watching me trapped here like a pit stop for any pervert hiking past-" Another quiver raced down the girl's spine knowing that Jackson could easily spook off this pack, send them back to their camp with their snapshots and their stories, but before they all had their turn.

"But he won't. He's loving this, relishing this... Every mess they make on me, in me..." Her pussy clenched, squeezing hard enough on the quivering cock inside her that he spurted with a sudden burst of hot cum, oozing into her sex before he was unceremoniously pulled backwards. "Move it, move it. My turn, we all saw your orgasm face-"

Along with the oozing mess of cum, now another cock thrust into her, somehow feeling bigger, thicker than the one before. Freyja's lips shuddered with a moan, massaging the cock in her mouth with the shake of her voice.

As the night darkened, going on towards the darkest peak of midnight, they started to blend together. Any chances Freyja had of figuring out whose voice was who's, whose cock was who's were lost as orgasm after orgasm turned her into a slumped mess, covered in cum in varying stages of drying. Her ankles and wrists grew more and more tender with every impatient tug on the ropes that moved her closer and closer to the thrusting cocks buried inside of every hole she had to offer.

"Fuckk... I think I'm screwed out-" A tired voice whimpered to a chorus of chuckling and agreement.

"She milked every drop out-"

Another slap thumped into her ass, shaking the juicy meat of her rump before they started to move back towards the trail.

"I almost want to take her with us-"

"The best sex toy ever-"

"No one's going to believe this even happened-"

"Best reunion ever."

Their chuckles and chattered moved up the hill, growing more and more faint until Freyja couldn't hear them anymore and the only sound was the woods around and the pounding of her heart in her ears. Her lips hung apart, letting out her panting breaths as a single fingertip found her spine, sliding down towards her ass.

"Jackson?" she whimpered, voice weak and raw from hours of moaning and mewling.

A throaty chuckle responded. "Mm, did they wear you out? The tireless guide?" His fingers found her ass, spreading her soft cheeks apart to inspect the mess left behind. His eyes found her slit just glistening with a combination of her cum and theirs. Globs of white glimmered like pearls on her pussy lips while a steady line of juices dripped out of her onto the ground beneath.

Her asshole gaped open, filled with a creamy filling of cum that stayed frozen, half-leaking from her as she kept her ass raised up towards the sky. Jackson gave a tug on her wrists and pushed her legs to their furthest spread. "Now that you're all broken in... I think you're ready for the finale."

"Finale?" She mewled back, voice soft, but admittedly curious. Freyja couldn't help it. She loved the pull of exhaustion on her limbs and the throbbing, pulsating pleasure that was still beating through her used cunt.

"Oh yes, a grand one even-" Jackson's rough voice tickled her ear before a sudden new touch landed onto the goat doe's rump. The hand was soft, pressing with a thick downy layer of fur that touched to the velvet of her tush. Her head gave a little, curious tilt. Confusion flooded her tired face until a soft, shy voice escaped into the night. "You're looking rather sloppy, Freyja-"

"Todd?" Freyja's mind had not connected another touch in this rowdy night to the gentle giant lion that she'd teased in the swimming hole yesterday, but now his fingers were running up her back, reaching easily to her shoulders every time, skimming over the round of her shoulders as though he was waiting to grab on. Then, as she pushed back towards him, Freyja felt why Jackson considered the shy, maybe-virgin to be a finale: the length of the cock she felt rubbing to her thigh was long enough to be closer to her knee than her pelvis until it started to twitch to life with his touch.

Todd fingers, on this upstroke, did latch over her shoulder this time, pulling her back towards the tip of his stiff length now. Even stretched out, Freyja could already feel his tip spreading her lower lips apart from each other as he pushed towards the heat of her cunt. "Earlier..." Todd gave a shy cough. "I don't like to make the others feel bad-"

Freyja could only laugh, a weak little giggle into the soft, sloppy grass under her as the lion grabbed her and pulled her back onto his massive cock. The thickness spread her out, but her greedy cunt she clung onto him, almost sucking him back into her. The veins of Todd's shaft rubbed down her walls as he tried to work himself into her, pushing her legs as far apart as they could go, giving him all the space he could get to open up the gaping hole between her thighs.

Then, he just started to pound her. Even after hours of fucking, countless cocks and leaking lubrication from orgasm after orgasm, he wouldn't fit inside her. Not right away. Every thrust worked another segment into her, pushing her body further, stretching her wider. The size of him was making her entire body work. Her buttcheeks and thighs clenched with every thrust, sucking him in deeper as he pulled out against the muscles of her cunt.

Every thrust ground against her g-spot, pressed to the sensitive walls of her sex, and brought her closer and closer to tipping over the edge of another orgasm. As he started to pick up his pace, finding the rhythm of his hips slamming into her, Freyja couldn't do a thing but clutch to the rope holding her wrists and mewl into the grass. He was stretching her so wide, pushing her to the point right between pain and pleasure. Her entire frame shook, quivering with the nearness of her orgasm, hovering just out of reach until she felt a sudden warm touch on her clit, rubbing over the swollen nub as Jackson's soft muzzle nudged up against her breast, finding a nipple with his teeth. "Don't think I'm not getting my taste tonight too, little doe," he crooned up to her, only making her next shudder even harder against the dirt.

His finger continued to tease over the button over her clit, keeping a steady, unwavering pace even as the goat started to tremor and squirm with every passing moment. Todd's speed was unchanging as he worked himself into her, pounding his massive length into her over and over again, working towards hilting himself inside the hot heat of her sex. The two elements, the teasing inside and out, were pushing Freyja quickly to the edge once more. Her knees were shaking, straining to her binds as she moaned up into the air.

For a moment, she even wondered if her scouts could hear her, wondering if they thought about who was taking a turn now on the little cock-stop on the trail.

"Fuck, Todd.... Faster... Faster... You're teasing me-"

"I don't want to hurt you, Freyja."

She moaned, shuddering as she strained to push her butt towards her, longing to shove that thick, long dick of his right into her stomach. "You won't please. God. Todd. Please, fuck me. Harder. Fuck me-"

Her lips hung open, panting with a shuddering, shaking desperation as they both teased her. The two in the group with clearly the most self control were tormenting her now. She was sensitive, raw even after a night of strangers, and now they were teasing her, inching her up towards an orgasm she wasn't sure her body could even handle.

Sweat was gathering along her hair line, running in little rivets down her back as her thighs shook, every muscle tensing and shaking with the closeness she had to the edge. The heat that flooded her body was nearly unbearable. "Jackson, come on... I'm so close- I'm edging... Jackson..."

"Mmm, as hot as your pleading is, I can't help you. It's the grand finale, some impatience is required, non?" His long, flat tongue ran over her nipple, sending another shaking moan out of her lips before his teeth found her neck, starting to nip his was up towards her lips. At least the tangle of their tongues muffled her moaning, cursing voice as Todd pounded into her, making her cunt slurp up around him with every withdraw, but he still couldn't hilt inside her, still hadn't stretched her wide enough to take it all.

Freyja ran her tongue over Jackson's teeth, feeling the fangs that covered her nipples in tiny, tender bruises and left love bites down her throat. The taste of him, like coffee and smoke filled her mouth, while the smell of musk hung in the air like a cloud. Every breath smelled masculine, needy and it only made her hotter.

Todd held one hand on her shoulder and the other on a horn, pulling her hips back to meet him and arching her back so he sunk down into her, hitting each and every spot that sent a shudder down her spine as he did. His cock was twitching now, beating with the pulse of his heart inside her. Precum ran out of his tip like it was a hose, leaking out of her and adding to the puddle underneath her used, dribbling cunt.

Her sex was tensing, clamping on him and forcing him to push and pull against her muscles, only sending the tremors up her spine with more power. Every breath the goat took was a wheeze, edging on orgasm and fighting to control herself as her limbs tried to just shake and squirm away from the intensity of sensation of her raw body. Every spot: her clit, cunt, and nipples were tender to the point of pain. She was so overwhelmed, worn out, and used that her instincts were to escape the sensations, to pull and push away from Todd and Jackson's teasing, but then her orgasm would just pause her, right on the edge before relief, she'd be frozen in a state of horniness that wouldn't release her, but torture her.

So, instead her legs were locked with thighs shaking constantly like a vibrator on Todd's pelvis and her fingers held onto her own rope bonds until the knuckles faded to white under her fur.

"I can see how badly you need it, pet. How badly you want to cum, but you can't stop until you finish Todd. You see, if he fucks you through an orgasm, you'll just need another one... and another... but you can't take anymore, can you?" His finger circled over her nipple, sending a jolt like lightning down her spine. Her sensitive, sore teats were rock hard under his touch. "You are so sensitive, so raw.... Another orgasm would be torture, wouldn't it?" Jackson's voice sounded so sweet, but the glint of his fangs were pure torment, mischief cloaked in charm. His lips met hers, almost lazily, tasting the sweat on her upper lip.

"Tell me, do you want to cum, Freyja?"

"Oh god, Jackson... yes... Yes... I need to. I can't take it anymore. I can't. I need to cum. I need to finish-" Her voice broke with a moan as Todd pushed himself into her straining cunt. She felt like she might just burst open. "Todd, fuck me. Fuck me. Please. Push me into the ground and fuck me. Pull my horns off my head, whatever it takes to ram that beast inside me-" Her voice shook with the roughness of her throat. Cum still clung to her teeth, pooling on her tongue from the blowjobs before and the scent of sex was inescapable, but all she needed was a solid twenty seconds of Todd hammering her into the grassy ground beneath her and she'd go over the edge, she'd finish.

The lion tightened his grip on her shoulder, curling his nails down into the soft meat of her before his fingers fully wrapped on her horn, giving a testing tug. "A-are you sure, Freyja?"

"Todd!" She moaned, pushing her ass towards him desperately, slightly begging.

Finally, finally he listened. His massive, thick length of meat started to pound into her, this time with all the power the massive linebacker had to offer. His hips were pistoning into her, pulling her back onto him like she was nothing more than a doll filled with air. His girth split her pussy, spreading her into a open, gaping hole as her voice cracked into the air. Her thighs seemed to go flat to the ground as the ropes that held her strained on her, holding her trembling body in place as finally, finally her orgasm broke over her.

Relief broke over her in the form of spasms. Her cunt contracted, starting to rapidly clench and release on Todd's pistoning length. His cock began to twitch with a new persistence as the beat of his heart through the rod sped up, matching her in orgasm. Together, in a final chorus of curse words, the two came.

Freyja's body slumped into the grass as she finished, limp with exhaustion. The only thing holding her form up was the knots on her wrists and ankles, which Jackson circled around, releasing as she tiredly draped over the earth. Todd, gingerly pulled himself back, panting into the night air before he found his friend's face with blushing cheeks. "S-should we clean her up?"

He waved a hand at the goat girl, already sleeping a death-like nap.

Jackson smirked, teeth glinting.

"No, no. This... This will be a fun surprise for the others-"






Freyja suddenly opened her eyes to a glistening bright morning sun, a late morning sun that blistered down onto her bare, naked body as Cam perked up from between her thighs, his sandpapery tongue retracting back into her smirking lips. "Why hello, thank you for breakfast-"

The goat girl gave him a look, eyes flared with mock anger before she met the other eyes staring at her. "Does anyone else want to admit to lewd acts this morning?"

"Admit to them? Nah-" Tanner shot back, snickering at her cum-stained fur as their guide hobbled, weakly with her thighs jutting out far apart into the cold morning water of the pool. Between the chill and the water itself, Freyja exited refreshed and cleaner, dripping naked on a rock before she dressed.

"So, today is the hardest hike I hope-" Tanner teased, smirking.

"Why would you want that?"

"Well, because you seem like you might need someone to carry you, bounce that fat little pussy right up on my shoulders-"

"You're not the one I'd pick to carry me-"

"Oooh!" A chorus of laughter responded, bringing a tired grin to the goat's face before she wiggled a finger at Cam. "You know, sir. You started something..." The panther returned to her thighs, smirking as his pink tongue unfurled once more, but now the other's meandered over. Jackson's teeth found her neck again while Luca's long fingers groped over her breasts. Lips nuzzled to her ears, murmuring, whispering as Cam's tongue started to lap over her clit and his long, wide digits curled up to her sensitive g-spot.

"That's a good, little pet... breakfast service-"

"I heard you fucked the entire mountain last night,"

"Freyja, don't you feel naughty? Knowing that you let anyone fuck you last night? That you were used, fucked raw? Waking up naked in the grass, covered in drying cum-" Her cheeks grew hotter with their words, everyone's voices overlapping, letting each other think between their teasing statements.

"Spread your legs, pet. Offer yourself up like a good little slut-"

"Or do we have to tie you up again? This time on your back so you can see who's burying their cock in you."

Their teasing sent heat down her cheeks, even sending a splotchy blush over her chest, hidden under her fur as Cam's constant, unwavering oral was starting to make her thighs quiver, edging towards orgasm. But Todd and Luca swooped in, looping their hands under her knees on each side, spreading her legs wide she she couldn't squirm away from the tongue on her clit. Instead, she couldn't do anything besides moan and squirm under the five boys' gaze.

"Ooooh- Fuck!" She gasped, yelping as her cunt clamped down at his finger, quivering and shaking in place on the smooth, sunny stone. Jackson bit at her lip, running her teeth over the edge of her ear. "Cum for us pet, let us watch you shudder in pleasure. I love watching how your legs tremor... How your thighs quake when you're about to cum and you're holding back. Don't hold back, let it wash over you. Cum for me. Cum for Cam. Cover his tongue-" Jackson's chocolatey voice sent shivers down her spine and her cunt squeezed hard, locking the feline's finger stiff inside her until she relaxed with a breath, but she wasn't there yet.

"Are you shy now, Freyja? Now that the sun's up?" The goat girl quivered, hearing his voice, but also the buzz of the forest now alive. Instead of the night air, this was filled with birds and footsteps far off the distance. The heat of the sun made the entire moment sensual, hotter and calmer than the frantic, animalistic gleam of the moonlight. Her nose was still catching the musk of the crowd, but also their natural sweat, intermingling with the cloudy scent of sex.

If she focused, ignoring Jackson's teasing and the rush of her own voice, she could hear the steady swipe of Cam's tongue, the roughness of his feline tongue catching on her swollen clit, teasing her with an unwavering concentration as he drank up the rich flavor of her leaking juices.

"How does it feel? Being spread again? How are your wrists, your ankles?" Jackson's voice oozed into her ear, smooth and full of himself. "Are you still sore? Can you still feel the gaping from all those cocks last night? How many do you even think it was? Do you know? Or did you lose count, little slut?" Freyja's cheeks were burning. Her eyes were half-lidded, trying to avoid the eyes of the other three who were there, barely hearing Jackson's whispered torment, but she knew they could hear, knew they knew what she'd gotten up to last night. They were all smirking at her, quickly, hiding it to some degree, but she was still putty to their hands, held in place all spread and helpless as they brought her to the edge of another orgasm and left her teetering there for their amusement.

"And yet, after all that, you're still not done. I can see how you're grinding... so needy-" Jackson nipped at her ear, running his fangs down the soft, thin edge like a reminder that he was the predator. "You're practically smothering poor Cam, pressing to his face like that. In fact, Tanner, maybe you should... keep those hips still-"

With his instruction, the weasel helped, pinning her in another spot so she couldn't coax Cam any faster, couldn't speed this up. She was locked in place, held at their mercy for which there was none. Cam's tongue continued lapping at the same speed, rasping over her sensitive nub and wriggling his finger, pressing into her g-spot with every thrust into her.

Her hips still tried to move, pushing up as her thighs quivered under Luca and Todd's hold, but they were all stronger than her, they kept her pinned in place easily. "No no no, don't rush it, pet. Don't hurry this up. It's better if you let it build, force yourself to wait for it, wait for that big explosion. You don't get to cum until we let you, until we walk you right up to release-" Jackson ran his muzzle against her neck, affectionately nuzzling before he rasped back into her ear, whispering. "Besides, I love watching you like this. I can see every tremor, every shake. You're so bad at controlling yourself or maybe you like putting on this show, letting everyone see how your knees clench tight and your thighs shake when you clench. I can practically feel you on my cock just watching-"

"Would you like that right now? To have a cock instead of just a finger? It's not big enough for you is it, you little size queen. You like a cock that will rip you in half. You act so tough, so demanding in your little bikini bottoms and shorts, flaunting that body, but in the night you just want to be shoved into the ground and fucked raw. I know it, I've seen it."

"You like being put back in your place."

Freyja wanted to give a witty response, a retort back to the smug dominant, but her lips were just hanging apart, dumbly whimpering as her orgasm built deep inside her, low in the back of her gut as she quivering atop the warm surface of the rock, straining against the hands holding her thighs and hips in place. She felt it building, demanding to be released. All the tension in her body was building up that singular moment...

Then, at last, she couldn't take it anymore. With an arching of her back and a mewling bleat towards the sky, Freyja's hips jerked upwards. Her butt shook, muscles spasming as she came, squirting against Cam's chin as she locked down, squeezing hard and cumming around his digit buried inside her.

As the orgasm crashed over her, her legs stayed spread, letting everyone see the winking and squeezing of her cunt as she cursed up towards the beaming sun, finally letting go. Her head tilted back, mouth dropping open with a long, warbling call as her eyes caught Jackson's, catching just enough of his smirking face to feel her face growing hotter with a blush as her orgasm took over. "Ooooooh.... Fuck! Fuck!" Her thighs pushed against the grasp, trying to squeeze in on Cam's face and lock him there, pressing to her clit as she trembled through the seconds of her spasming finish.

When she finished completely, weakly panting, Cam looked up with a smirk and a glimmering wetness of cum on his lips. With a long lick, he swallowed the last taste of her and flashed his own fangs smugly, "Okay, now, want your breakfast?"


At long last, the familiar parking lot came back into view with the boy's Jeep in the same spot, like no time had passed at all. Freyja gave a little stretch, momentarily looking up towards the sky as the college students all gave her a last hug, some more cheeky than the others.

She knew Jackson and Cam had each slipped little cell phone numbers into her pocket, scrawled on the cardboard of a cigarette box and a gum wrapper respectively, but the others just wished her the best with dumb, happy smiles. The goat felt her back aching, worn out and sore from the time in the mountains. She watched them all load up into their car as she loosened her boots up, letting her ankles breathe in the crisp, afternoon air as a raccoon by the lodge caught her eye. He looked her over, eyes bright with recognition while he was nothing but a stranger to her.

For a moment, she gave a little wave, but when he kept staring the goat diverted her eyes, watching the Jeep pull away with the five boys packed back into their seats and their bags ceiling high in the trunk space.

At the lodge, a coyote joined the raccoon, murmuring with sly smirks on their lips and worn scout badges showing on their jackets, nothing more than mementos, probably, but Freyja couldn't help but feel her cheeks growing hot as she headed to her car, pussy throbbing once more.

"You know, I'm really... really looking forward to a proper shower," she said, sighing and drinking in a final breath of crisp air. "-A long, hot shower... and a nap... and maybe a week just... doing computer stuff-"

Finding Home

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It Helps to Be Cute

"Uh, what..." Sleep still hung in a heavy blanket over Argol as he tried to lift his eyes up under the glare of the sun above, not buffered by the usual protection of his room back home. A hand rubbed up to his eyes, trying to force the lingering...

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School Is Important | [Non-Canon] - Kezhon/Ravenna

"Ugh...." Ravenna cupped her chin in her palm, feeling her fingers growing ever warmer against her face where they pressed in to hold her eyes up in some semblance of paying attention. Idly, one long, painted fingernail picked at the stickers plastered...

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