A Marriage Blossoming - PttP 4

Story by Picklessauce69 on SoFurry

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#36 of Power to the Players | Nick and Skye

The next continuation of our favorite furry love story is a big boy and my proof that I'm not dropped off the earth.

I'm still here, hustling to throw money at my student loans. Let me know what you think of the honeymoon in the comments~

"Genchi jikan wa 9: 00 Am de, tenki wa genzai watashitachi o yoku shori shite iru Hanedak?k? e y?koso. Min'na ga hik?ki kara orosa reru to, 28-do no gaiki de tomadoudeshou," the small screen inset into the seat in front of the two went black as the speakers above them crackled to life, disturbing the half-nap that Skye was having with her chin rolled against Nick's shoulder for support. The furry tip of her ear flicked at the foreign sound.

"Okay, our measly Japanese lessons did not help with that!" Skye mumbled, voice still thick with sleep as she rocked up into a sitting position. She rolled her shoulders back, pushing her breasts forward against the confines of her t-shirt as she stretched out the stiffness from the hours of flying. Without the distraction of sleeping, Skye's dry mouth and eyes came into focus; she gulped, grimacing slightly. "Oh boy..."

Nick snickered, rocking his neck as if it would simply shift the kinks out from their long flight. The whirr of the plane's engine still roared in the background in the space between the announcements. His hands moved over his pockets and the seat's edges, checking for all his belongings.

With another short crackle, another voice reiterated the same message, in accented English: "Welcome to Haneda International Airport where the local time is 9:00am and the weather is currently treating us very well. You'll find a balmy 28 degrees outside once we get everyone unloaded from the plane."

The plane's wheels touched to the runway, rushing forward as everyone started to fidget and gather their belongings after the long ride across the ocean. The sparse few of over-paranoid hellspawns put their paws together to clap for the touchdown of the plane. Skye and Nick looked at each other, untangling their sloppy cords wound together during their movies and gaming through the long flight with long eye rolls. "I can't wait to stretch my legs completely," Nick muttered, heaving his overstuffed backpack out from under the seat in front of him onto his knees.

"I'm just happy we actually made it," Skye let out a long sigh, realizing that they were an entire day behind schedule after their half day delay at the airport back in the US. "This is going to be a jam-packed six days-" For a moment, the tiredness of their journey showed in her eyes, but her lips curled up into a smile nonetheless. Nick steadied his bag with one arm, wrapping the other around her shoulders with a small squeeze. At the front of the plane, the first class passengers were starting to spill out onto the walkway.

"Good thing we'll have that very fancy suite to crash and recuperate in, right?" Nick flashed a smirk, knowing that the suite had been a project for Skye's dad.

Skye perked up, slapping Nick's arm softly. "You never did tell me why that was such a big deal!"

Nick nodded, starting to chuckle softly. "It wasn't that big, but Max called me and asked which suite I thought was best- there was one that overlooked a park with a koi pond, but the room itself wasn't as nice-" he waved his hand, realizing he was straying from the topic at hand.

"Anyways, your mom wasn't convinced about us needing a luxury suite in Japan. Apparently, she thought if we were, and I quote, "just going to run around with cartoon garbage," then we didn't need a fancy place to stay in. She thought we should have picked some place classically romantic." Skye started to nod, rolling her eyes. "Of course she did, but we really didn't need some overpriced room-"

Nick cut her off, shaking his head. His hands settled back down into his lap from his air-quotes. "You dad would not budge on it being a honeymoon suite, you know how he can be."

Skye just chuckled knowingly. For a moment, she saw her dad in her mind, pouring over Japanese hotel websites in search of the perfect suite. She couldn't help but smile. The line of people in front of them had started to rise, shuffling towards the doors of the plane. Skye and Nick were still stuck a way back into the belly of the plane, holding their bags on their laps as they waited for their turn to sneak off. "My dad was too generous..." She shook her head, still smiling. "Between the suite and the spending money, he made this trip possible."

Nick wrapped his arms around Skye's shoulder, squeezing the top of her arm. "He really did, and you, I guess, for agreeing to marry me in the first place." She snickered, turning to him with a small kiss before they rose, wriggling into the tight flow of traffic off the plane.

"You have that book Kaylee recommended, right?"

"Yep! Do you have my headphone splitter?"

"In my pocket!"

Step by step, the newlyweds made it off the plane and into the expansive airport where they shifted to stand side by side once more as they looked up towards the signs. Once again, they found that their crash course in Japanese wasn't going to help them much. Thankfully, the airport still had English lettering running beneath the foreign characters.

"To baggage claim!" Skype announced, holding Nick's hand as she darted down the long airport hallway towards the exits and bag claims. Finally arriving, Nick just followed along, marveling at the small taste, a heavily commercial glimpse, into their destination through the airport. Tokyo- the gaming, anime, geek hub of the world was before them, and he couldn't wait for all the touring to start.

"Are you coming?" Skye looked over her shoulder, meeting his eyes with her own warm, amber eyes. They were sparkling with excitement, completely hiding her exhaustion from the flight. The new city, the stops they wanted to make, and the entire aura of adventure was like a shot of espresso. They couldn't be tired yet. Nick just grinned, bobbing his head, squeezing her hand, and picking up his pace.

The two rushed, hand in hand, down to the baggage claim area where people and furs alike were starting to pile up as they waited for their bags. The buzz and noise of the room rose up around them. Skye's eyes locked onto their assigned belt, searching for the familiar sight of her bag which was hand-painted to depict Spider-Man launching himself across a skyscraper scene while a tiny Tony Stark waited impatiently at a helipad on the opposite side of the bag with his eyes trained down on a watch with a disapproving pout. It had been her wedding gift from her earliest GameStop coworkers who all pooled in to hire the artist. "I just hope they didn't scuff it too badly!" she murmured, ears and tail both flickering with pulsing energy as she waited. Even tired from all the flying, Skye's nervous energy still worked her form into a sort of fidgeting dance in place from foot to foot with her thick, bushy tail flickering side to side.

Nick, on the other hand, kept his eyes ready for the small tag bearing his name on his otherwise plain bag. They both wobbled side to side, fidgeting and impatient to get from the airport into the real fun.

"There it is!" Skye lunged, spotting her bag spilling onto the circling claim machine. Her tail was just a flag behind her, for a moment, as she lunged forward through the crowd towards the start of the claim. She grabbed for the top handle, heaving it up and over with a surprising amount of strength. Nick knew that all her fluffy fur hid the muscle well, but it still surprised him sometimes how much stronger she was than she appeared.

Nick's bag followed behind, slumping onto the moving band as Skye worked on swapping her international SIM card into her phone, using the top of her oversized, hardcase bag as a tabletop. "Ah ha! We're connected!" Instantly, her phone began to chime and sing with the treasure song from the iconic Zelda games. "...and we're bombarded..."

"What is it?" Nick rolled his bag over, joining her in time to see the piles of text messages appearing. Her ears were sticking straight up, surprised.

"It's our every-lovely housesitters," Skye realized with a wilting relaxation of her triangular ears, watching Kaylee's name flash on the screen with each new message arriving.

"Woah, you have so many games. We're never going to leave the apartment."

"What the fuck, did you stock the fridge specially for us?"

"How did you remember my favorite ice cream was the black raspberry vanilla only from Berry's Creamery?"

"I'm not going to eat ELEVEN cartons of ice cream in a week."

"I ate one already. Fuck."

"Holy shit. There's so many plushies."

"The plushies are plotting to kill me."

"I'm scared."

"I found pizza rolls in the freezer. I'm going to eat all your food. I hope this is okay."


"fUcK what's the wifi? I got booted. I lost the password. I'm going to die of boredom without wifi."

"I found it. Nevermind."

"I just realized you're literally over the ocean and can't see any of these. I'm sorry for your phone."

Skye rolled her eyes, snickering at her longtime friend. "Maybe she shouldn't have watched the apartment for us," Nick bemoaned, laughing as he did. "Put that thing on silent and let's go." He ushered her towards the door, listening to her softly snickering as her fingers taped over the screen, scolding her friend for her interruption. Their bags rolled along beside them as they headed down towards transport, summoning the Uber driver that would take them to their hotel.

"We can't check in yet, but they'll watch our bags," Nick explained, leaning into Skye's side in the back of the cushy black ride. As they eased away from the airport, more of the city came into view, only tempting the eager tourists more. Their driver, thankfully, just looked at their hotel's name on their phone and nodded, heading that way. They were thankful to not have to try and communicate the address in the native language out of fear of ending up in the wrong place.

While they drove, Skye mapped out the way to Akihabara, their first destination for shopping in Tokyo. They hoped, once bag-free, to get onto the train system instead of relying on the expensive Uber driving to get everywhere.

"Oh, I think this is it!" Skye's eyes went wide as she thrust her furry face against the class of the sleek Uber. The sun streaming through the window made the white of her face fur seem to blow out completely so she glowed. Nick glanced up, watching as the intricate facade of their hotel fell into the frame of the car's window. Their driver paused, pulling to a stop in the front loop of the lodging. "Woah, it is nice..." he mumbled to himself, eyebrows tipping up as he strained to see the top of the building as the car rolled to a stop. "It's probably the best hotel I've ever stayed in..."

The tires halted, and their driver jumped out and hurried to the back to release their bags out from the trunk. Skye leapt out right behind him, straining her head up to look at the skyscrapers that stretched up towards the bright, morning sky. "Woah..." she breathed, spinning to meet Nick's eyes as he stepped out of the car. He chuckled, watching her childlike wonder of the new city jostling her in place.

"Are you ready to embrace your otaku self?" Nick asked, grabbing his bag and nodding deeply to the driver.

"Arigat?gozaimashita!" Skye burst, thanking their driver with an oversized smile as she collected her bag and started towards the door of the hotel. "Yes! I'm so ready! Anime, manga, electronics; I'm ready!"

They dashed into hotel side by side, briefly conversing with the concierge in simplistic English. He tucked their bags behind his desk, assuring them they'd be in their room when the two returned from their exploration. Freed from their bags, the two darted back out into the street and, relying heavily on Skye's GPS, made their way to the closest station that could ferry them over to the shopping district.

The whole time, Skye's fingers intertwined with Nick's, clutching and pulling him along with every new step. As they moved onto the sleek transit, Skye leaned into his chest, minimizing the space they ate up on the bustling system. "This is a little more efficient that transit back home, huh?"

He just rolled his eyes, snickering as they watched through the windows. "Don't even joke about that." She snickered at him, rubbing her soft ears into his chest as she snuggled back into him and watched as they hurled towards their destination.


"Can I have this one too?" Skye spun around, framed within the tight walls and shelves of the shop. Her eyes were sparkling with excitement while her arms were filled with boxes and crinkling baggies of anime charms and stuffies. Her newest addition was an oversized Ryuk plush balancing atop a shiny red apple. "I need it!" Her hair was loose around her face, tousled curls falling around her round, grinning face.

Nick just laughed. "Anything you can carry! But no cheating!"

Skye's eyes widened, fingers straining around all the goodies clasped in her hands. Her nails bent in, clutching to the edges of her packaging. "B-but, there's just so many small things!" She turned, tipping her head to look up at the shelves rising high above her head as if she was staring up at the trees in a magical forest. Her eyes glimmered with pure delight, tinged with confusion as to how she'd carry everything she wanted. As she did, her long hair spilled down her back. Nick just watched, already carrying the plushies he'd picked out to add to his expanding collection and smirking.

The red panda was clutching to everything that called to her, using the curve of her stomach to press everything in against her so it didn't drop. All her goodies tucked under her boobs and beneath her arms so she could cart it all up to the front. Nick just followed behind, rolling his eyes with amusement as Skye watched the clerk steadily fill a bag with all her purchases.

"That was only our first stop!" Nick teased, snickering as they walked out. With a bag already heaved up onto her shoulder, Skye just met his eyes with a smirk that reached up and crinkled the edges of her own eyes. Her nose bounced up with flair: "I've only just begun, and I won't be stopping soon!"

They exited back into the street and the hum of all the people bustling side to side rose up around them. Nick held their bag in one hand, clutching Skye's furry digits between his own with his other. When his fingers shifted, he could feel Skye's wedding band now nestled on her finger where before she'd never worn jewelry. Everytime it nudged his finger, a flash of confusion followed by warm affection colored his cheeks. "Nothing's changed," he thought, feeling her tugging him down the street towards another window display filled with wide-eyed anime characters. "Yet," his finger bumped to the smooth ring band, "It's changed, just enough."


"New rule!" Nick's voice burst from his throat with only a bit of genuine panic. "If it is bigger than half your height, we cannot take it home! We are not buying another suitcase to take home a life-sized and, may I say, graphically concerning Ban the Fox Sin! That thing is pornographic!"

Skye's eyes went wider, sparkling as she tilted her face into the massive body pillow, nuzzling to the digitally rendered abdomen covered only with a little apron. "Yes, but... I like it." Her finger stroked down, giving it an almost loving caress. "I might even love... him."

Nick just shook his head, making the arm full of bags he carried shudder. "No. Just no. It's a rule now."

Skye pouted, but she settled the pillow down with a final, lingering look. "Fine!"


"Mmm, look at that-" Skye's tongue appeared for a moment, lapping over her teeth with obvious hunger. Her eyes were trained through the window of a little shop, drooling over the array of brightly colored sushi there. "Sushiii." The red panda's tail was lashing, hunger glimmering in her warm eyes.

"I've never had sushi," Nick said, giving it a look of mild disgust. The fish sitting in the window, bathed in ice, didn't look as appetizing as the photos of steaming ramen just further down the block. Ramen was now a staple for the human, since Skye had bullied him into eating it once. "Let's stick to ramen and steak, please?"

Skye gave him a withering look, though her stomach gave a gurgle of excitement at the mention of her favorite food. One hand rubbed over her hungry stomach while the other fished into her purse, pulling out the opened package of a soft green Kit-Kat, pulling another one of the matcha-chocolate flavored cookies with her sharp teeth. "You have to eat sushi in Japan, Nick."

"Uhh, I'd prefer not to eat raw fish and seaweed-"

"Nick!" Skye's mouth hung open, momentarily holding her cookie with her teeth and balancing it on the edge of her sharp teeth. "What are you saying?!"

"Why would I want to eat raw fish?"

"Nick! You have to try sushi in Japan!" She shook her head, pulling him towards the cozy-looking ramen spot in the distance. "Before we leave, you will try sushi!"


"I'm so full-"

"-and tired."

Nick and Skye slumped together against the wall of the elevator. Their arms were heavy with bags stuffed with plushies and candy alike; goodies for themselves and all their family and friends back home. Their stomachs were equally full, warm and sloshing with ramen broth. Skye's tail drooped onto the ground, as if she couldn't even hold it up.

"Will we be publically shamed for not fucking the first night of our honeymoon?"

"I mean, we technically did fuck on the first night of our honeymoon," Skye reasoned. "At the airport." She was nodding, relishing the technicality. "Plus, we both know that our friends are all 50% virgins still and 50% nympho-maniacs so we're either winning by a lot or losing intensely no matter what we do-"

Nick thought of their friends for a moment, picturing them as they'd been during the last local comic convention specifically with a curt nod. "Yeah, we'll be fine."


High, high above the city of Tokyo, the sun began to show on the very edges of the horizon. The planes, headed back towards the West, skimmed through the upper cut of cloud, through the earliest pink tinges of the sun's color crossing over the land. The moon still hung high in the sky, a sliver of brilliant yellow on the edges of the pale grey sky. As minutes passed, the sun continued to stretch and wake up. As it did, the reach of the pinks and purples of its rising began to spread across the sky. The color kissed to the skyscrapers that rose out of Tokyo's concrete jungle and began to sink like molten glass over the city. The color spread, tinting the pale grey, turning to white, as the moon gave up its shift for the evening.

The sunrise sunk over the city, brightening the soft gray of clinging night into a milky blue that eased the world into waking. Already, all around the city, cars were zipping through the streets. Commuters and taxis would rushing to action, flowing through the veins of the city, but the hotels were mostly still quiet. Tourists were still sleeping off the excitement of the days before except for the lone travelers, the businessmen who populated early, free breakfasts buffets only to get a coffee.

The sun settled into its post for the day, kicking up its leg on the desk and throwing a brilliant glow across the sky. The angle was perfect now to truly douse Tokyo in light. One hotel, reaching into the sky with a beautiful facade mimicking the architecture of an older Japanese era, had tall glass windows, mostly cut off from the sun by thick, heavy curtains.

Yet, the glowing heat of the sun found a way in. A slit between the two curtains, not yet close enough to trap the sun out, let the glowing ray of sun stream in. It cut across the desk and over the carpet and pinpointed on the side of the bed onto the closed, lightly furred eyelids of the sleeping red panda with her arms clutching a strangled pillow and her long, red hair tangled around her face. As if it had nowhere else to be, the sun shone directly onto her closed eyes.

Skye's eyes, even closed, could feel the warmth and brightness of the sunshine pouring through the small slit in the curtains. There was no way to resist the jolt awakeness of natural sunshine. Instead, she let her eyes flutter open, shifting to divert her gaze away from the most directed beam of light. Carefully, she disentangled her legs from the heft of Nick's calf crossing over hers. Except for the leg escaping formating, he still lay stock still, straight as a board with his hands crossed over his chest. She just rolled her eyes with a breath of amusement, "Corpse..."

Carefully, on the pads of her feet, the tired girl rose onto the smooth flooring of the suite. She padded with the soft thump of her weight on the floor to close the curtains completely, letting Nick continue to slumber and recover from the long, first day before. As she walked, she adjusted the oversized t-shirt she wore as pajamas, pulling it back down over the curve of her ass after it'd tangled around her stomach in the night. Her attention diverted across the suite, to the wooden shutter that closed off the attached bath.

"Mmm, no better way to start a day..." Skye murmured to herself, voice still heavy with the raspiness of sleep. Her heavy footfalls moved her through the bedroom and onto the cool interior of the onsen bath, utterly private without the traditional need for gender-separated regions, yet still capturing the style of the classic Japanese experience.

The bathroom was tiled in a crisp, matte black until a soft, wood panelling took over. Skye paused in the doorway, admiring the sheer size of the wooden tub while sunlight poured through the massive window just above. With a flick of her tail, Skye cranked on the water, letting it start to fill the large basin as she cleared away the signs of sleep in her eyes and pulled her t-shirt off over her head, freeing her bouncing tits into the warmth of the sunlight coming through the window.

The rush of the water filling the tub was, for a few moments, the only sound that filled the room. Skye closed her eyes, letting the sound lull her into a half-asleep waking stage with a long, deep breath.

Then, she collected her phone from the other room and flicked off the water. Her foot raised, furry toes bent and pointed, touched to the water with a test before she sighed, "Oh, that's perfect..." One leg sunk in first, matting her fur beneath the water down to her skin before she sunk her entire form downwards, whining softly as the hot water washed over her and the steam filled her nose.

She rolled back, stretching her legs out in the water until her toes touched to the smooth wood on the opposite side of the tub and her neck fit against the wall to support her head. The water lapped over her boobs, barely able to cover their rounded size. In the heat of the water, Skye relaxed against the support of the tub's wall and raised her phone. The soft electronic beeps of Tetris filled the quiet room as she rested, relaxed and hypnotized by the falling blocks.

As the steam of the tub started to fade, the water cooling past its initial rush of heat, Nick started to stir back in the bedroom. Even with the curtains adjusted, light still snuck into the dark fortress of sleep and started to ease him back to the land of the living. His eyes fluttered open in the dim room, squinting towards the window before he rolled to find the space beside him empty.

Skye, with her eyes locked on the oncoming red brick, didn't hear the creak of the bed as Nick rolled off the mattress. He appeared at the doorway, smiling at the sight of the steaming red panda submerged in the water with her phone clutched in one dry hand. Her shoulders pressed back into the edge of the tub with her heavy breasts right at the top of the water, partially submerged in the warmth, yet jutting out the top.

"G' morning."

Her eyes flicked up, a smile flashing across her muzzle at the sight of the human. "Why hi! Finally! I would have come and gotten you, but I couldn't leave..." Her hand swished through the water, "It's so cozy!"

"Are you coming in!?" Skye urged, sitting up so that her breasts popped out of the water, bobbing fully on top of the warm bath water like bobbers. For a moment, the human almost made a joke about boobers, but he didn't want to get uninvited from the tub. Instead Nick grinned, silently peeling away his bottoms and stepping into the water opposite of the panda. Instantly, the heat rushed up against his skin in a sharp contrast to the very slight chill in the quiet room. "Oooh," he sighed, sinking down into the heat as he nudged up towards Skye's butt against the base of the tub. She wriggled in towards the middle of the tub, grabbing at his thighs. "Isn't this amazing?"

Nick sighed, rolling his eyes back slightly. "This would have felt so good yesterday." He stretched his toes forward, nudging them against the confines of the tub as he felt the aches from the first day of walking around. The red panda's fingertips ran up his legs, nudging to his stomach as she crossed the distance of warm water between them. Her nude, wet form was even warmer than the water as she pressed in against him, nuzzling at the edge of his chin. "Yesterday we passed out," she gave a little nip. Nick chuckled, sliding his hands down the curvature of her back and pulling her in tighter to him.

Even in the hot water, her skin beneath her thick layered fur was a rush of warmth beneath his fingertips as he stroked down her back, following her spine and the natural slope of her backside. A soft, happy sound escaped her lips at the touch, melting her into his chest further. She leaned in, resting her head against his shoulder while her pelvis straddled over one thigh. "Now it'd be really hard to leave the tub," she murmured, nosing against his neck with her softly furred snout. She kissed at his neck only as much as she could reach without moving from beneath his stroking hand. Peeking downwards, Nick could see her eyes were nothing more than happy slits, like a cat basking in the sunshine.

Nick could feel Skye's bare breast against his abdomen. The soft give of her tit flattened against him while the other sat up against the water level, letting him see the nub of her stiff nipple through the steam of the water. Still stroking her back, Nick's opposite hand found the soft orb of her breast, pressing it up against her chest as his digits massaged over the soft flesh. A little mewl escaped her lips, echoing once in the otherwise quiet room.

"Think we should make up for yesterday?" Skye whispered, nudging her lips against Nick's ear as she shifted, pressing the warmth of her crotch against his upper thigh, letting him feel her. He smirked, nodding before he met her lips. As they kissed, Skye's soft form pressed harder against him, grinding onto the top of his thigh with lapping waves of the water around them. Her motions were slow, but eager. Nick could feel the slight quiver in her thighs as she ground into him.

Breaking their kiss, Skye let out a soft, panting breath against Nick's chin. "Mm-" Her fingers found his chest, slowly sliding down over the contours of his chest as she fidgeted, shifting to let herself roll further so her shoulders pressed back against Nick's chest, giving him a top-down look at her chest. The droplets of water clung to her fur, slowly riveting down between the valley of her ample bosom. Her head tipped back, kissing at his neck until he kissed her again while his hands ran down her chest, cupping the heft of her tits.

"Mm, lower-" she murmured, barely audible in the quiet of the morning as his fingertips skimmed down her soft stomach to the line of her plump lower lips. Her hips bucked, eagerly pushing the mound of her sex up out of the water as his fingers found her clit. The water rushed between her legs, drawing his eyes to the curve and tip of her form. Slowly, his touch focused on her clit, circling over the swelling nub right at the edge of the water.

His other hand returned to her chest, scooping up one of the heavy orbs and letting his fingers find her nipple. Her head lolled to his chest, happy mewling sounds escaping the girl's mouth as he worked.

Outside, the world continued to wake up. By now, work was in session in all the surrounding office buildings and the streets had reached their usual capacity for the day, but in the quiet, onsen bathroom the only sounds were the huffing of breath and the splash of water hitting the edge of the tub with every movement of the pair inside.




Nick's fingers were buried inside the red panda, curling up inside her lower walls, but the squirming, bucking motions of her hips were growing more and more impatient, jerking towards the surface with his touch. When his fingers eased back, circling over her clit, she shifted and pulled away only to turn around, facing him once more.

A little grin danced on the girl's lips, showing off the glint of her teeth for a moment before she eased back away from him. Without her, the air of the room suddenly felt chilled, rushing against Nick's bare chest. Skye moved wordlessly, rising up out of the water. The droplets rushed down her chest, following the dip of her breasts and cascading down over her stomach. Without the water as a veil over her form, Nick could see every inch of her full chest and her lower lips, clit swollen and pink peeking between them.

Watching him, Skye eased back onto the edge of the tub, raising one leg onto the side to steady herself as her legs spread wide open. The motion pulled her sex apart, revealing the folds of pinky flesh of her snatch. Her head tilted, spilling her wet hair to one side as her ear flicked, silently impatient.

She bit her lip, squirming forward before her fingers started to run down her form. Her fingertips grazed down her chest, avoiding the swell of her chest for a moment and then diverting, running over the top of the swollen shape. Then, they traced in, scooping up the heft of her soft tits and lifting them to form a tight crease of cleavage on her chest.


Her thick eyelashes tipped down, halfway watching her new husband and half watching herself as she pulled her breasts up, massaging them against her chest. Her eyes flicked up, meeting Nick's frozen gaze with a slight, coy smile. His breath was halting, coming in small bursts as if he was forgetting to inhale at all. Beneath the water, partially obscured in the veil of the liquid, his cock was stiffening, hardening ever more.

Skye's fingers slowly let her boobs down again, letting them ripple with the motion before her fingers swirled over one nipple, her middle finger coaxing the stiff nub firmer and firmer before repeating it on the other breast.

Over and over, her fingers continued to swirl through the motions, grabbing the entire weight of her breasts and pulling them up to her chest, working and massaging the soft tissue. Then, she'd release them, letting them jostle and shake on her chest as she teased the sensitive nipples, increasingly mewling at her own touch. This tease, this show for Nick was also a slow, sensual form of torment for herself, teasingly staying locked in the same region while the rest of her body ached to be touched next.

Only when she felt her blood coursing through her ears and the pulsing of her impatient cunt couldn't be ignored, Skye let her fingers sink lower. They skimmed over her stomach, following the track of the water that had long rushed down off her form. She stroked down her thighs, softly whimpering before her legs spread wider, revealing every inch of her groin. Spread, exposed, the pink of her cunt was glistening, now not with the water from the tub, but with her own arousal building and leaking down onto her thighs without being washed away.

Nick fidgeted, cock pulsing with impatience of his own. He tried to rise up, close the distance, but Skye's head gave a tiny shake, a minimal denial delivered with a small smirk. He settled back into his spot across the tub from her, barely two feet away, but so far.

Skye's soft moans started to fill the room as her fingers touched down. With a familiar exploration, she spread her lower lips with one hand, letting her pinky stroke along her thigh as it did. Then, the other hand began to rub in a steady circle over her cunt, focusing on the nub of her clit perched at the top. Airy moans started to come with every breath, echoing back in the bathroom.

"Oh... Huh...Unh..." Her head tilted back slightly, mouth falling open as her hips started to roll and track the motions of her fingers, meeting her touch on her clit with every repetition. Now, with her entire body writhing, her breasts were shaking, bouncing atop her chest with every rock of her ass on the smooth edge of the tub.

Nick watched, frozen with his mouth hanging just slightly open, aching for the moment she'd led him join her fun. His eyes were locked onto her, watching her entire form quiver. Only one foot sat in the tub any longer, but the flicking and shuddering of her toes were sending ripples across the entire surface while the rest of her was up in the steam-warmed air, exposed.

Her muzzle hung open, letting out the streaming of whimpering moans that left now with every moment, jostling her breasts as she fidgeted and squirmed. If Nick pulled his focus back, he could see the quivering of her thighs from her own touch, shuddering the muscles beneath her soft fur.

With a moan, Skye's fingers pulled away from her clit, moving to her lips for a moment as she suckled on the velvety digits, soaking them through before they returned, this time finding the opening of her sex with one hand with the other returned to her clit. Now, her fingers sunk down into her cunt. Nick watched as they disapeared into the warmth of her sex.

"Oh... Unnhh..." Her whimpering moans were echoing, filling the room with her sounds while the steam made the scent of her arousal thicker in the air. Every breath he took smelled like Skye's want in the air. Even with his eyes closed, all he'd hear were here mewling moans echoing in the air alongside the wet repetitions of her fingers sinking into her cunt. Watching her, seeing every shake of her body's reaction as her ass and thighs quivered along with the clenching of her cunt; Nick couldn't focus on anything but the girl tempting him. Finally, Skye's eyes met his with her signature, mischievous grin spreading her lips. Then, her fingers lifted, one digit hooking towards him with the silent invitation: "Come here-"

Nick closed the distance between them in a second. While Skye was nearly dry, Nick was wet and hot from the bathwater slick on his skin. His cock flung water against Skye's soft thighs as his tip found the hot puddle gathering in Skye's lower lips, her own leaking lubrication coating him before he plunged into her, replacing her fingers.

Skye's moan filled the air, echoing back louder than the others as her hips rolled up to meet him. Her fingers ran up his sides, pulling him tighter to her with her nails on his back. "Ooh, yes... Come here-"

Nick's hands curled around the girl's sides, steadying her on the edge of the tub as he pushed into her, sinking up to the hilt right away and stretching her quivering walls around him. She clenched down, squeezing onto him right away with a long moan. "Fuck-" Skye breathed, pushing her hips up to meet him, whimpering still as her ass rocked up to him, grinding his cock deeper into her and meeting with his thrusts.

"Ooh!" Skye's voice cracked up louder, repeating in the bathroom as his cock plunged deeper, only finding she squeezed harder on him with every thrust. Nick's own breath rushed out in a moan as he met Skye at the edge of the tub, using her raised height to thrust into the sensitive g-spot with every thrust, holding her waist as he did so she didn't rock into the cool tile of the walls.

Their airy moaning rushed up into the air, intermingling with the sound of the water lapping to the edge of the tub with every thrust up into the heat of her cunt. "Oooh!" Skye mewled, meeting Nick's eyes as her lips hung open, panting. Her head rolled back, pushing her chest out to him as she panted and mewled with every thrust. Nick's eyes tipped down, watching himself disappear into the heat of her cunt as her hands cupped up her heavy breasts, raising them up to his lips as he kept her steady on the tub.

The sounds of their slapping hips started to ring out through the bathroom, echoing back off the tile along with the whimpering and mewling of Skye's voice. It wasn't long before Nick's cock was twitching, drooling with precum with every thrust into the girl's hot snatch.

"Nick, Nick...Nick" Skye's eyes, heavy with arousal, met his with an open-mouthed moan. "Cum with me? Cum?" She shook, legs shuddering atop the smooth tile as she tried to stay still as her orgasm started to crash into her. "Cum! Cum with me!" Her voice crashed, shaking with a moan as her cunt clenched tight, milking around the cock buried inside her.

Nick's own followed, his cock jerking with the first burst of cum inside the panda. Her breathing moaning didn't stop as he came, nor didn't the spasming tightness of her cunt, hugging and clamping down around him as their orgasms crashed onto them.

As the human finished, Skye still mewled into the air, only starting to catch her breath as he eased out of her, bringing a line of cum that strung between his tip and the blushy, swollen slit of the panda. She leaned her head back into the cold tile of the wall, panting to catch her breath as Nick sunk back into the water, going cool now. His breathing slowly steadied as Skye stretched out her legs, escaping the tub and moving towards the shower opposite them: "Now we have to bathe all over again~"

Nick smirked, trailing after her with his hands outstretched for the rounded underside of her ass, wiggling towards him from behind the shower's glass door. "Careful, otherwise you'll be doing it all over again-"


"You know what that means?" Nick's voice overlapped with the end of the crackling voice on the train's intercom. They were now both successfully showered, cleaned up for the day ahead and on the transport system once again. Tucked in front of him, flush to his chest, Skye raised a brow and met his eyes: "You understood that?!"

Nick laughed at the idea of him understanding the rapid fire Japanese. "No. Not at all, but I know what it meant."

Skye's eyes drooped in a deadpan look of disamusement. "Oh?"

"Next stop: Pokemon Center!"

As Skye rolled her eyes, the train rolled into their station, but she wasn't surprised. The two planned this stop as the kickoff to their second day. Just for the occasion, the red panda dressed in an all-pink ensemble with a short, flared skirt with her long, thick tail escaping from beneath and a matching, cropped tank top with the wide-eyed face of Jigglypuff staring out from the swell of her breasts. The rounding of her massive tits, captured beneath the fabric, made the Pokemon's eyes look even larger, stretching over the expanse of her chest. Tall, pale pink stockings stretched up her legs in a true kawaii fashion. Her fur was smoothed and flattened beneath the tight socks, showing off the shape of her slender legs. Her long, loose hair was tamed, ever so slightly, with a matching pink tie holding it loosely out of her face in a small ponytail atop the rest of the loose, fluttering curls. Nick, too, wore a matching t-shirt emblazoned with the three classic starter Pokemon choices in preparation for their key stop of the day.

They'd been watching the stops, counting down to theirs so that they didn't have to rely on rapidly translating the announcements. Sometimes there was a helpful addition in English, but only for the major stops, which they'd found yesterday could leave them suddenly floundering.

The doors flung open, revealing another bustling, busy street. Once more, the newlyweds clutched to each other's hands. To her side, Nick was already babbling more to his new wife about their next destination. "This is Japan's largest Pokemon shopping center." To all sides of them, tall, gray buildings rose up to the sky while buses and cars alike rushed past on the road. "Inside it is the first Pokemon-themed cafe, where we have a 1:00 reservation-" Nick fidgeted, freeing his phone from one pocket of his cargo pants. "Which gives us 45 minutes to find our way inside and up to the cafe."

They let the flow out of the train and into Tokyo station lead them forward towards the sidewalks. They hurried along with the rush of people exiting the busy stop, all the while with Nick spouting out his excitement and research.

"It actually only opened in 2018, so it's a relatively new stop on our grand Tokyo tour-" His voice cut out as the rounded into the doors of the tall, notably plain building. Once inside though, it was obvious it was time for Pokemon. Greeting them, centered through the doors, was a massive, sleepy Snorlax with a Pikachu and Mew perching on its shoulders.

"Oh. My." Nick looked at Skye with eyes rounded with a childish glee. She just smirked, nodding. "Go, go! I'll take your picture!" The adult, a newly married man, a professional who paid taxes and helped run a business, leapt in front of the Pokemon statue with the bounce and visible delight of a six year old hyped on cheap sugar. His thumbs thrust into the air, grin cracking open the center of his face. "I'm in heaven!"

Skye dutifully captured the moment, still snickering. To their side, the frosted glass of the Pokemon Cafe waited for them, but their reservation was still nearly half an hour away. Instead, they diverged over to the display case with all the past games behind protective glass.

"It's my childhood!" Nick exclaimed, grabbing his wife's soft hand with a squeeze. Her tail swished behind her, waggling with shared excitement. "It's my whole entire childhood in a single display!"

Skye laughed, "If you take this long at this one display case, then we're never finishing in the shop itself-"

Nick's eyes shifted, just enough to see around the display to the shop beyond that was stocked floor to ceiling with Pokemon plushies. The floor was filled with display buckets filled with exclusive Pikachu plushies.

"Look at them all!" Nick's eyes and mouth dropped open, staring forward. Skye dashed forward, scooping up the Pikachu in a traditional outfit, exclusive to the shop. "We need them all!"

In a sudden spree of shopping, the two lunged for all the cutest of the plushies, filling their arms and basket before their reserved timeslot for the cafe arrived.

"I have to buy them all! To keep the FNaF plushies company!"

Across the world, back in the upstairs apartment of Skye and Nick's home, the gray and blue leopardess was frozen in place, eyes wide looking over her shoulder at the shelf stuffed with Five Nights at Freddy's characters. "Liya!" she hollered into the other room for her new friend, not pulling her eyes away from the Golden Freddy that had locked its fabric eyes with hers. "Did you move this plushie?!"

"What?" Liya's voice was pure confusion. "What the fork are you talking about?"

A chill ran down Kaylee's spine, shaking her in place before she dashed the rest of the way out of the office and pulled the door shut behind her, blocking the plushie from staring down the hallway into the bedroom. "It's not real. It's just my imagination... It's just a trick of the mind-"

Skye picked up a Pikachu, looking up with a distant expression of thought: "I hope those damn plushies aren't spooking Kaylee too much..."


"How can I eat this!?" Skye looked down at her plate and the sweet, innocent eyes of Pikachu made out of rice and carved vegetables sitting in the middle. Nick met her eyes from across the table with his own look of horror at the equally adorable appearance of his plate. "This just feels wrong..."

Skye looked back at her plate with a growl from her stomach, "... and yet..."

She picked up her fork.

Pilkachu starred up, frozen in place (because he's made out of vegetables).

"I'm sorry-"


"I can't believe I murdered Pikachu-" Skye let out a long sigh, shaking her head. The two were strolling down the street now, passing by clustered otaku shops dedicated to intense fandoms for every anime, manga, and games. Skye was on the hunt for doujinshi; self-published manga books, as they headed towards another reservation.

They held hands, weaving in and out of the shops that attracted them and perusing the vending machines that sold anything and everything they might need. Nick was carrying a drink, already purchased from out of the automated machines.

"Oye!" Skye yelped, suddenly checking her phone as an adorable cashier bagged a bundle of her slender books. "We're late!"

They dashed, heading the rest of the way towards their reservation to where a huge window revealed the insides of the cafe which was overrun with fluffy dogs. "I'm gonna die," Skye squeaked, looking in at the tiny, feral puppies running around the small cafe. "This is cuter than the Pikachu!"

For the next hour, Nick watched with a mild lack of understanding as Skye bathed in the love and tongues of tiny, fluffy canines all on their feral, four legs. She was utterly delighted, just sitting on the floor and leaning into the seats as the puppies came to her.

As a puppy raced up, sticking its stinking tongue into Nick's crotch before slurping up to his chin, Nick just sighed: "The things I do for love."


"Okay, now something for you, because I know you hated that a little bit." Skye said, giving a last longing look towards the puppies through the window as they left the Dog Heart cafe. "Oh?" Nick countered, not knowing they had a specific plan, but yet he wasn't surprised that Skye had a secret itinerary.

"We're off to Eorzea Cafe!" The red panda skipped up, making her short skirt flutter along her thighs. She looked over one shoulder, tossing the loose tail of her hair back as she grinned, wrinkling her muzzle. "It's this way!"

"She could be an anime girl..." Nick thought, watching the way her tail flicked her little, pink skirt up with every step. It never showed too much, but the idea of her ass hidden just under the fabric was tantalizing. Bouncy and full of energy, the girl bound forward down the street, oblivious to Nick watching her form, admiring with a sort of disbelief that she was his wife!

"Come on!" The red panda waved her hand, gesturing into the building. They stepped into the threshold, revealing the Final Fantasy-themed cafe. The center had a cluster of Moogle statues dancing and drinking. Skye grabbed Nick's hand, pulling him in. "I know it's not your favorite game, but it's so themed!"

They were seated with Skye still eagerly explaining and pointing out every detail that made her note the place for a visit. She ordered them a snack of dragon eyes korokke and several game themed drinks, eagerly waiting until the elaborately themed goodies came to the table.

Skye sat across from Nick at the table, fidgeting with her phone to capture the space while her foot rubbed gently up and down Nick's calf.

"What's next on the grand itinerary?" Nick asked finally, watching as Skye's face filled with a smirk.


Hand-in-hand, the human and red panda pair arrived at M's Pop Life: Toyko's biggest adult, sex shop. The multi-storey building stretched over seven floors into the sky, high above their heads as they stood on the sidewalk, cranning their heads up towards the fading, afternoon sky.

"Woah... I can only imagine how much stuff is in there!" Skye breathed, looking at her new husband with bright, wide eyes of excitement. Nick was already feeling heat in his cheeks, the threat of a blush at the mere idea of the seven-story sex shop stocked with who-knew-what from Japan's sexy side, but Skye grabbed his hand and pulled him inside.

Once inside, they rode the elevator up to the top floor of the shop, exiting into a showroom stocked with clustered toys on shelves upon shelves. "Should we find a little something new?" Skye asked, smirking a little. Her tail, only looking thicker than ever in the cramped space, swung behind her with a seductive excitement. Nick's cheeks were growing warmer, a blush starting to color his skin, but Skye just pulled him in towards a display of soft vibrators. "Will you find something you want to use on me?" She purred, leaning into his side so the soft tissue of her breasts pushed into his side. "Maybe something cutsy, fitting for a sweet, wittle anime girl?" She met his eyes, making her own big and droopy. Her hand raised, making a 'paw' by her cheek with a little pout that only lasted a moment before she continued to smirk. She plucked up a smooth, bulb-like vibrator with two small nubs that molded to the body. "This is cool!" Her eyes flicked across the space, scanning the great expanse of sex toys. There were truly so many options.

The longer they stayed in the store, noticing no strange kink-activities or robed women ringing bells of shame, the more Nick continued to relax until following Skye through the aisles felt natural and normal. She pointed out different toys, babbling about their tech or their color for awhile until she noticed the blush had faded from the human's cheeks. "Feeling a little better?" She crooned, taking his hand with a squeeze, "Now we can really shop."

She swung by a few shelves, snagging an oversized pink wand with an outlet cord running off its end. "I have some ideas..." She grinned at him, pushing her huge tits into his chest once more. "Do you think you'd want to use this on me? A loud, buzzing torture device?" She giggled a little, biting her lip as she met his eyes. "I bet this toy would be good for multitasking... maybe we can secure it somehow, let it buzz and buzz on my clit while I do something else, something for you..." Her eyes flicked down to her breasts before she pushed her arms together, making the crease of her cleavage even more intense beneath her t-shirt. Nick couldn't even see the warm flesh of her breasts, but his mind flickered with the memories of her boobs clinging to his cock. "I did pick all the activities today, maybe tonight you can be in charge-"

Nick's urge to fidget and blush was rushing back, slightly, at Skye's teasing, but there was only one other couple even on the floor and they were wandering far from them. He let out a breath, shaking his head. "One of these days..." he sighed, but he leaned into the display of wands, inspecting the heft of the models as his mind started to run back to every video he'd ever seen of adorably petite girls sitting on chairs with a wand massager jutting up between their legs, settled right against the swollen pink of their clit as it buzzed and buzzed and buzzed.


With a wand in hand, the pair moved up a floor to another section dedicated to cosplay and lingerie. On the walls, there were Polaroids upon Polaroids of other women and some men modeling the garb. A small sign in choppy English told them that modeling for one of the photos would earn them a discount, a hearty one in fact.

Skye's eyes went wide, looking over the expanse of costumes, all looking more and more skimpy than the last. She started with the crisp white and black of the classic maid. With the help of a shop associate, Skye disappeared into the back changing room as Nick waited by with their wand and lube selection.

"H-hello? I heard someone might be a little weary from traveling?" Skye's voice wafted out from the changing room before she appeared, framed in the doorway. One hand held a wooden tongue depressor up in the air while her eyes found Nick with a glint. "Do you need to be checked out?"

Skye had changed into the nurse's outfit. The little white skirt rode high on her hips, revealing the long expanse of her legs from the front and revealing a sliver of her ass on the back. The top had flared sleeves, forming a stern looking collar on the side of her neck before the massive cut-out for the chest let the crease of her cleavage show, lifted by the tightest part of the top with a shiny red accent. Her hair had been piled atop her head with a loose bun to the side of a tiny, clip-on hat decorated with a fat cross.

"If you're not feeling well, I can take care of you-" Skye purred, grinning as she bouncily walked towards her husband, dropping the little wooden tool right at his feet. "Oh no!" she squeaked, noticing it and turning around before she bent to the floor. Her rump lifted up, skirt fluttering upwards as her ass filled Nick's view.

He gulped, dropping the box for their wand onto his lap. "It's guh-ood."

Skye snickered, moving towards the attendant once more, posing for the Polaroid photo that'd earn them their discount. She raised one leg, popping it up while she held the tongue compressor outwards, towards the camera.

"I married a damn anime girl," Nick thought to himself, watching her giggle at the sight of the camera. Every swish of her tail threatened to expose her whole ass to the entire shop, but Skye was in her element.

She disappeared into the dressing room again, appearing this time with a sealed package already inside a bag: "A surprise," she told him simply, smiling a coy, tempting smile that told Nick nothing.


"Dinner now?" Nick asked as they stepped back onto the street, now with a big, paper bag. Skye nodded, grabbing onto Nick's arm once more. She led the way, using the GPS on her phone to get them towards another themed location, but this time while they walked, instead of chattering about anime and games as they hunted through the many clustered shops, Skye's soft voice was musing about their after-dinner plans.

"Do you want to be in charge later? I can be the submissive, quiet girl. You can do anything you want to me, I-I'll be very good!" She leaned into him, letting him feel the rubbing pressure of her tits once again while her voice rasped in his ear, hushed from passersbys on the public street.

"Do you want to watch me play with myself? Sit back on the chair, I can put on a show for you... a live porno just for you." Her fingernails ran down his arm so lightly it sent a zip up the human's spine. "I can show you how to make me cum, over and over again until you want to try yourself or maybe, maybe you don't want me to cum? I can bring myself to the edge over and over again, never crossing that line... Do you want to see how my pussy clenches up close? Watch how close to relief I can get without taking it?"

They turned a corner, still heading towards dinner as Nick's cheeks burned a muted red of blush and he carried their bags in front of him, trying to disguise the boner that was inhibiting his normal range of motion. Skye's soft voice sounded so innocent, yet her ideas were streaming out, an erotic stream of consciousness that was like torture to the human.

"Maybe you want to tie me up? Leave me waiting on the bed, dripping and impatient while you play a game..."

"Careful now," Nick said finally, voice thick. "I might have to seek revenge if you keep this up-"

Skye smirked, flashing him her predatory fangs as one hand squeezed on his arm. "Very well then, maybe I'll just keep talking..."


By the time the two reached dinner, Nick's jeans had become a prison. His cock was rock hard inside, tucked up at the waistband so he didn't show the bulge as they opened the door of the dark red and black vampire-themed cafe. Though there was a coffin in the center of the room, as horny as they were, the deadly theme almost seemed to be erotic instead.

This time, Skye sat beside Nick in their booth, snuggling into his side as they perused the menu. Her fingers, as they read, drew circles on his thigh, tracing some invisible design of meaningless swirls as they picked out their courses, ordering drinks and food together in their choppy, translated Japanese.

"Hey Nick..." Skye breathed, tickling his ears with her lips once their gothic waitress had slipped off.


"What if I sucked you off here? Ducked under the table? How fast do you think I could? Would they be back before you finished?"

Nick's cheeks flared right back into a pink blush. He shook his head. "There's not even a long table cloth, don't you dare."

She smirked, letting her fingers started to stroke over the bulge of his cock caught in the fabric of his pants. Her little smile was utterly self-assured. "Mm, how about a handjob then? Could I just squeeze you? Feel you against my palm?" Her fingernails scratched softly over the denim, tracing his trapped dick, tormenting him.

"You must be one of those sex vampires-" Nick muttered, "Feeding off sexual torment and energy."

"Hey now," Skye laughed, sliding her hand back to a more PG region of his thigh. "I'm too hungry for such jokes, I need real food."

"Well, then don't get us kicked out of the restaurant!"


"Oh my goodness, that food was actually so good!" Skye let out a happy sigh, letting the hum of the elevator racing up through the hotel fill the air. Nick nodded his agreement, "Yeah, but I'm most excited for dessert-"

Skye met his eyes, instantly grinning. She raised one brow into a playful arch: "Oh?"

"Oh, yes."



Knock, knock, knock-

Nick, sitting on the edge of the bed in their suite, looked up with surprise as a rap came on the bathroom door. "Skye?" he asked, waiting for her to open up. "Why would she knock?" he thought, raising his brow. His knees shifted, fidgeting with growing impatience. They'd been back at the hotel for awhile now, they'd settled in a bit, but then Skye had given him her mischievous grin and disappeared into the bathroom with the bag from M's towering shop. He was left waiting on the bed with his imagination racing about what she might have in mind. His eyes fixed on the door, curiosity swelling.

Instead of responding, she gave another knock. "Huh-hello?" she called out, voice soft and cutesy as it lilted up in tone. He could her the little clack of shoes on the smooth floor of the bathroom.

"Come here!" Nick responded, fixing his eyes on the door she hid behind. With a little clink, the door moved out of the way, revealing Skye as she walked out into the bedroom.

"Hello, professor!" Skye gave a tiny wave, ducking her head down in a shallow bow as Nick saw the outfit she'd picked out from the massive sex shop. The girl wore a short, pink pleated school girl's skirt with a duo band of white on the bottom of the hem. The skirt was unlike any regulation uniform though, with the hem rising high on her thighs, barely covering her modesty. The pleats made it stand out, flaring from her form slightly. The round of Skye's plump ass only made the skirt lift even higher in the back. She shifted for a moment, glancing back towards the door and giving Nick a brief glance at the back of the pleated garment as it lifted high on her butt.

On top, Skye's heavy breasts were squeezed into a short, white crop top with a matching pink collar and bow. The bow settled over the center of her covered breasts while they stretched the fabric, straining it until the bottom curvature of her tits showed, peeking out under the at-capacity shirt. Nick could see where the fabric was thinning, stretching to contain the size of her chest.

As she walked, Nick noticed little pink pumps on her feet, making her long legs appear even longer. Her hair, too, had been changed into two loose pigtails on either side of her face. "I-I'm sorry to disturb you in your private time," Skye continued, voice soft and lilting. "B-but I really need to practice more for the big test-"

"The big test?" Nick, blushing slightly, couldn't pull his eyes off the sight of the girl in the classic cosplay. Already, he felt a twitch inside the front of his jeans. Skye's form was so far from the typical, slender Japanese girl always seen modeling these outfits, yet she seemed to do justice to the ideal in a totally different way. Her breasts were too big, bursting from the top, but somehow that only made her seem more tantalizing: the student who was just developing too fast, tempting too much. The skirt flared over her butt, giving her bouncy ass space while it showed her long, toned legs. The outfit gave so many places to peek beneath, yet it didn't show anything too unscrupulous.

"Y-yes! I have a big English, oral exam on Tuesday... I really could use some help-" Her eyelashes gave a small flutter as she walked towards him, letting him watch every step. Her long leg would stretch, pulling her forward with the stride while the landing of her feet would make her breasts, clearly bra-less, bounce and jiggle inside her shirt. Her nipples, hardening already, were spots visible in the white top. "Do you think you could help me practice for my oral?" Her usually devious face was shockingly innocent looking, meeting Nick's gaze with an unwavering expression of naivety. Her long, painted black lashes gave a small flutter. "Pretty please?"

He just grinned, shaking his head with disbelief. "O-of course, you can practice with me, but I can't just tell you everything to do."

Skye stopped in front of him, pausing with her legs just slightly spread at the edge of the bed he sat on. The skirt hid it from view, but he knew the soft mound of her sex was just in front of him, within reach. Her eyes met his, seemingly innocent. Nick's fingers raised slightly, touching to the soft fur of her leg low by her knee. He slowly petted upwards, letting his touch roam just beneath the shem of her skirt before he retreated once more. "Why don't you show me what you know so far, hmm? Then, I can help you" he said finally, settling back.

The red panda gave a little nod, biting at her lip as her fingers gently touched his knees. Her fingers were resting so gingerly on him, he barely felt her touch through his jeans. Her nails skimmed up over the denim, letting him feel just the slight pressure of her touch as she moved towards his waistband. That light touch alone sent a zip of excitement up his inner thigh, as though the skin was waking up with a tingling excitement for what came after. Gently, her fingers tugged at the buttoned fly, freeing the button and parting the two sides of the denim closure.

With the sharp sound of the zipper, she tugged his pants out of the way, finding the secondary barrier of boxers still there. Her lips pressed together, the bottom jutting out in a faint pout. "Mm, okay..."

Her fingers changed directions, once more skimming over his thighs with a soft touch as she grabbed for the waistband, undressing him from his jeans with slow, steady motions. As she pulled his jeans down his legs, guiding them all the way to the floor, she bent at the waist and let her breasts press into his knees. The heft of them, even through the little shirt, settled onto Nick's knees temptingly before they raised up and bounced in the air once more.

Without jeans, only the boxers remained with their own small button closing the fly. This one Skye pulled open, pulling apart as wide as she could before her soft, velvety fingers fished inside, guiding his stiffening cock into the air. "Oooh," she breathed, gazing at his shaft with wide-eyed appreciation before her fingers curled around the base with a testing squeeze. Before she continued, she slowly lowered onto her knees at the edge of the bed, settling in front of him with her face leveled with his crotch. For a second, her rounded eyes tipped up, meeting his stare with a coy bite of her lower lip.

Then, her hand fully grabbed onto him, drawing a testing stroke up towards his tip. The soft velvet of her furred fingers massaged over him, coaxing a soft exhale from the human. Skye's whole focus was on the cock in front of her; her eyes lowered back to her task. Her fingers started to stroke over him, focusing on the lower half of his length as her lips lowered over him. Her digits were so warm compared to the air of the room that Nick couldn't resist pushing towards her hand.

A little grin on her lips, Skye lined her muzzle in front of his cock. First, nothing but a hot breath rushed over his tip. Then, her tongue extended, slowly circling over the most sensitive head. The heat and moisture stroked over the sensitive skin at once, sending a jolt up his spine.


Her tongue guiding the way, Skye sunk her lips down onto the top of his cock, slowly sinking her hot muzzle down along the length of him, licking along the underside of every inch as her heat engulfed him.

"Mmph-" Nick grunted, feeling his toes curl down against the carpeting. "V-very good."

"Mm!" Skye gave a happy chirr, buzzing her lips with the vibration of her voice around his cock. Her eyes tipped down, focusing as she slowly lowered her mouth down towards his base. Her hand, still curled around his base, cupped around him to guide and aim him into her mouth as she moved.

Sliding down, her head tilted to the side, letting his head rub into the soft inside of her mouth before she pulled back, running her tongue up the underside of his cock head as she dismounted with a soft smack of her lips. The sounds of her mouth working over him were lewd with wet slurps that echoed softly through the hotel suite. Her eyes flicked up, momentarily meeting his stare down at her with a little smile before she lowered the heat of her mouth over his entire length again, enveloping inch after inch into the warm squeeze of her lips. As she moved, the loose pigtails her hair was tied in flopped forward, swinging slightly forward and emphasizing the motions.

Her eyes tilted closed, letting her focus more on the sensation of him sliding into her mouth. With every downward stroke, her tongue guided him up into her mouth, lifting his cock up as she sunk her lips around him again. Her lips were so smooth and soft again him, hugging to the stiffening rod of his cock. Wet sounds of her lips working around him and his tip finding the back of her throat continued to fill the room with rising volume as she sucked down his length. Her lips neared the base, letting him dip into her throat before she retreated. As she pulled back, leaning her head away from his crotch, a string of saliva strung from his tip to her lip. The spit glistened in the air for a moment, before it disappeared as she sunk back over him.

Her pace was slow, luxuriating over every inch of him as her lips and tongue worked together down his length. Every stroke down, she pressed her lips down towards the base until her throat clenched on his tip and she pulled back, letting her mouth part open to hold his tip on her tongue inside the washing heat of her breathing, and her head tipped, rubbing him into the inside of her cheeks and over the soft surface of her tongue. Then, it all repeated, pumping her hot mouth down over him again. The unwavering repetition coaxed Nick's cock harder and harder, defining every vein as he stiffened to his maximum length. He could feel the blood pulsing through his length with increasing pressure.

Looking down from the bed, Nick just leaned back to watch the show of the girl sucking him off. Her long lashes obscured her eyes as she turned down, focusing on his cock, but he could see every inch of her mouth as it opened, letting her long tongue out to slurp down his length and around the round of his cock head. Her long hair hung down in those loose, cute pigtails on either side of her full, heavy chest still covered in her little top. Then, when her eyes tipped up, he saw the warm amber of her eyes fixed on him, watching his reaction as she licked up the line of his cockhead. Soft, happy whimpering escaped her lips as she worked, cutely accenting every move.

With a steadily increasing speed, Skye continued to drop her muzzle over the entire length of his cock, carefully fitting him in between the rows of her teeth. Her fingers tightened on his base, holding him steady as his shaft slid deeper into her mouth between her teeth. The heat of her mouth was intense, encompassing every inch of him while his cock pressed into the ridges on the roof of her mouth.

At the same time, her tongue was running up along his cock while it was trapped inside the heat of her mouth. The tip seemed to trace up and down the length of him while the flat center and surface of her tongue pressed flat and would rush against him, undulating as her lips pulled back and forth along the lower third of his cock. With little huffs, the girl's breathing puffed out through her nose with washes of hot air over his crotch.

She eased back, keeping her lips hugging tightly around his skin as she did before pulling off with a slurping pop of her lips breaking off of him. Her long tongue curled, wrapping around him and then diving back down the length of his cock.

"Ah, Skye-" He gave a little grunt, letting his eyes roll back slightly. His hips bucked up as a tremor ran down his thighs as the panda crooned around his shaft. She relished the sensation of his cock in her mouth, feeling every tremor of his body in her mouth down the length of his shaft.

The red panda's own knees were giving a little tremor as her own arousal grew with a buzzing tingling in her groin. For now, she ignored herself, focusing on guiding Nick's cock through her lips, steadily working over him with her tongue and lips while she held him steady with her fingers on his base. She continued to drool, leaving him wet with her saliva and glistening each time she pulled back, stringing them together with clinging bits of spit.

With her steady work, Nick's cock was trembling, flexing and spasming as his arousal continued to mount, but he wouldn't be cumming soon. He didn't want to rush Skye's performance, plus he had more in mind for the submissive school girl. He rocked back on the bed slightly, pushing his hips up so he pushed deeper into the heat of the girl's mouth. Skye shifted, letting him thrust into her throat before she eased back, rubbing the tip of his head into the soft inside of her cheek. She eased back, using to the flat of her tongue to guide the girth of his cock up into the ridges on the roof of her muzzle. Then, she continued to suckle lightly, providing just enough suction to pull the heat of her cheeks in against his cock as he rubbed into the texture of her muzzle.

He twitched, shuddering against the comforter of the bed as his thighs clenched, fighting the urge to buck up into the heat of her mouth. "Ugh..." he whined, sliding his hands up Skye's soft shoulders, scooping up the tails of her hair. He tugged, ever so lightly, as though testing her reaction as he used her hair like a handle to encourage her down the length of his cock. Skye, in response, gave a little purring rumble that vibrated down the length of his shaft as her lips pressed down deeper, gulping around his tip.

Nick smirked, loosening his grip on her hair, watched her slide back up the length of his dick with her lips tightly hugging around him. Then, with a tug, he pulled her back up towards his base, relishing how her tongue dragged along the sides of his cock inside the closed heat of her mouth.


Again, his grip loosened and Skye sunk backwards, rocking her weight back towards her feet on the smooth hotel floor before he tugged again, guiding her in a lean forward. Her tits swung forward, jostling the fabric of the tight top clinging around them. Her lips sunk down, dragging the wet heat of her lips and tongue back over the inches of his dick, kissing to his base with the tightness of her throat clamping down around his tip.

Nick's lips popped apart, letting out the hard breaths of his growing arousal. His breath came out in short huffs, rushing over Skye's head. She gulped around his cock, sliding back as he loosened on her bright hair. Her eyes rolled upwards, catching his gaze as she scooped her tongue around the precum drooling from the tip of his cock. "How am I doing?"

The human chuckled, grinning. "Very good, but-" His eyes suddenly lowered to her breasts straining the little white top. "I don't know if you're using all the available assets and that's... simply irresponsible." Nick shifted, rising from the bed and pulling his cock away from her lips. For a moment, a long string of saliva clung to his tip, stretching away from the girl's muzzle until it broke.

Nick rummaged into their bags, returning with the hefty pink and white wand, the matching accessory to the schoolgirl's ensemble. With his other hand, he heaved their lube onto the bed beside his seat. "When working towards a goal, you should always use every tool you have available..." Nick's hands were unwinding the toy's cord, finding the nearest outlet and stringing it over to them as he spoke.

He returned to his spot, leaning down to the waistband of the red panda's short skirt. His fingers skimmed down her exposed stomach before tucking into the band, holding it open enough to slide the head of the wand down inside the double layer of the girl's skirt and panty, settling the oversized head against the front of her cunt where the little pink nub of her clit would sit. Then, his hands rose up, following the sides of her soft stomach before he found the edge of her short top. Slowly, his hands continued to rise up her form. His thumbs diverged from the rest of his fingers, cupping on one side of the girl's chest as his wrists pushed the small shirt up higher and higher on her chest, freeing and exposing the heavy mounds of her tits.

The two hefty orbs bounced free, held by his grasp as his thumbs curled in, rubbing over the soft, stiff nubs of her nipples. "You haven't been using these at all... Just sitting here, ignoring them..." His voice was soft, a mixture of shyness and arousal adding a quiet rasp to his words. His stiff cock nudged into the center of her stomach, sliding up through the soft fur until he felt the extra soft, thick fur that grew between her breasts.

His hands, still cupping on either side of them, squeezed her tits up around his cock. The warm fur and flesh hugged his cock, gently stroking every inch of him at once. "You should learn to focus better on using everything available to you... If you want to make me cum." With a small click, Nick turned the wand on with the small buttons jutting out of the top of her waistband. With a jump, the soft, rounded head began to buzz wildly against the top of Skye's sex, sending a jolt through her body as her clit was subjected to the dull intensity of the wand's first setting. "Oo-oh!"

"You see, I'm not going to turn this off until I cum," Nick explained, giving the wand a small nudge until Skye's eyes popped open wider and a moan peeled out of her lips; he'd found the right spot for its head to sit squished into her crotch by the clutching fabric of her panties and the firm hold of the skirt's waistband. "-and the longer you take, the higher I'll put the setting."

Nick's ass settled into the bed, comfortably fidgeting himself into place with his legs spread wide so Skye could rest on her knees between them. With the wand whirring between her legs, the red panda already started to quiver. A small shake raced down her legs, quivering the muscles of her thighs. Her chin ducked in towards her chest, letting her lips lower to the rounded head of Nick's cock once again. Now, her hands replaced Nick's on her breasts, hugging them up tightly around him while his hands grabbed her hair once more, rubbing the scalp at the base of each ponytail.

Hot, washing breaths crashed into his sensitive cock head as Skye tried to find her breath again. Her fingers clutched to the underside of her own boobs, pressing them up and around Nick's shaft as his tip pushed up towards her lips. Her head ducked down, letting her grab his head in the heat of her mouth with a swirling, circle of her tongue before his cock pushed down into the cleavage of her chest again. Her mouth waited, ready at the tops of her chest as she bounced her breasts around him, swirling her tongue around the edges of his head with each repetition with her extra drool escaping onto the mounded tops of her tits where her shirt bunched up.

With every second that passed, Skye found her tempo and her focus began to lock in. The strong buzzing of the wand still filled the back of her mind, making her clit stiffen and tingle, but she could almost ignore it save for the tremors that raced down her thighs.

Nick watched her, relishing the bouncing sight of her big tits squeezed tight, jiggling on either side of his cock as only the tip escaped between the tight line of cleavage. Skye's eyes tilted up, watching Nick with doe-like eyes as she bounced her breasts around him. He held her gaze, watching the slightly purse of her lips as he snuck one hand forward, flicking the wand to the next level. Skye spasmed, shuddering as the sudden intensity raced down her thighs. Her hips quivered, moving as if to jerk away from the sudden increase in stimulation, but the wand was still there, pressed to her body by her panties and skirt: inescapable.

Her voice crackled with a whining moan, breaking her lips apart as her wide eyes squeezed into little slits. "Ooooh-" she gasped, whimpering with a gaspy little cry. The bouncing of her breasts on his cock grew faster, her fingers clasped together in front of her nipples as she locked him between the hot, fuzzy orbs and her lips waited for every appearance of his head, letting her tongue rush over the sensitive tip. Her lower lip was shuddering, quivering with the whimpering, moaning sounds escaping with every exhale as the toy between her thighs continued to buzz unrelentingly.

Every downwards motion, Skye's tits bounced into her pelvis, flattening and squishing into him before her hands pulled them up, mashing the soft skin around his cock. The heat of her completely enveloped him along with the sounds of her whimpering moans and the muted buzzing of the toy tormenting her beneath her little skirt. Her scent, the musky aroma of the girl's building arousal reached Nick's nose, starting to cloud around the bed in their suite. Every breath he took, he could tell how much the rumbling was teasing the girl.

With another moan, Skye dropped her head, locking her hot lips around the head of his cock, running her tongue around and around the edge of his head as she continued the shallow bouncing of her tits, massaging them around him as she suckled at the most sensitive itch on top. Nick felt the pressure of the blood rushing to his cock rising. His hips were shuddering, jerking up into the heat of her soft tits now with every of her of her motions. His hands cupped her head, pushing her warm mouth down towards him. Knowing he wasn't going to last much longer, Nick notched the wand up another level, watching as Skye's entire body shuddered. Her thighs were shaking, just a constant quivering of the muscles as she mewled around his cock. Almost a steady stream of whimpering was buzzing her mouth around him, turning her into a toy herself as her started to soak through her thin panties. The little pink cotton garment couldn't contain the leaking wetness of her cunt.

"MmMrrrmmm-Ooo!" Only the muffled version of Skye's whimpering moans were escaping, but her voice was constant as Nick plunged towards orgasm. His hips were pumping now, thrusting up into the squeezed heat of her tits and then into the wetness of her mouth. He couldn't control himself anymore. She'd been tormenting him for almost an hour. He couldn't put it off any longer.

With a final, hard spasm between her tits, Nick's cock jerked with a spurt of cum right into the soft surface of Skye's tongue. She pulled back, letting him splatter the underside of her chin before he continued to drool between the crease of her tits. The big globs of creamy cum ran between her breasts, clinging to the soft, thick fur that padded around his tip.

With a little cry, Skye pushed her hips towards him, mewling as the toy continued to buzz madly between her thighs. Nick jerked forward, flicking it into the off position before he grabbed for her hips, pulling the girl off her knees with a long kiss. He broke from it panting, catching his breath from his own orgasm.

"What else do you have in that bag of wonders, hmm?" he asked, starting to run his fingers along Skye's soft hips. His cock would be out of commission for a bit, but with Skye's quivering form, he didn't feel like pausing until he could fuck her to her own finish. Her eyes met his with a twinkle.

"Oh, so many options-"

They heaved the bag of goodies onto the bed, pulling out a plump, colorful dildo of soft, squishy silicon and a slender, chilled glass dildo along with little packets of tingling clit gel and flavored cream for spreading over nipples. Nick's eyes ran over the options, wondering what to use next, but his attention was being pulled in multiple directions.

Skye pressed closer to Nick's side, rubbing her chest into his shoulder as her fingers found the hem of his t-shirt, still on. "This isn't fair, now..." she mumbled, voice soft. "Up! Up!" Eagerly, she started undressing him, peeling the fabric up over his head before tossing it to the side. Her fingers trailed up his chest, following the shape of his form as his shirt crumpled onto the floor, discarded. Her thighs were still shaky, hips writhing and grinding into him with impatience as Nick peered over the different toys, struggling to focus enough to pick one out.

"Troublemaker-" he scolded, voice playful.

The human shifted, pressing Skye's soft, furred form down against the bed. His breath rushed against her shoulder as his hands ran over her stomach. Little tracks showed through her fur, capturing the movements of his fingers as they stroked and caressed over the soft skin. He scooped up the fabric of her shirt, bunched around her armpits, and peeled it up over her head, fully freeing her tits into the air. His head bent over her chest, running small, nibbling kisses up the soft mounds of her chest, nuzzling his way up to her neck as she leaned back into the soft cushion of the hotel bed. Her eyes were drooping partially closed, relishing her sense of touch instead.

"Where to start... Where to start..." Nick's voice rasped into the red panda's ear, tickling the little, fluffy hairs that puffed out there. His hands roamed over her stomach, gently squeezing at her hips and running down over her soft thighs, flicking her short skirt up out of the way so his hands could reach all the way to the little waistband of her panties. His nails ran along the band of her panties, teasingly. Two fingers gingerly ran beneath the tight band on either side of her body only to pull back, letting it snap gently back into place. Then, his fingers whisked down her thigh, stroking along the soft inner fur.

"Where should I start with you?" he murmured, kissing the soft divet of her collarbone.

"Stop teasing!" Skye complained, but her face was bright with amusement and arousal. "We've already started! Don't keep teasing me!"

"Oh, but teasing you is the best part!"

Nick grabbed for the chunky wand vibe again, flicking it into the on position while drawing it up the girl's leg. The buzzing on her knee and thigh acted like a warning, preparing her engorged clit for what was coming. Her fur danced around the strong vibrations, twisting and curling away. The moment the head of the wand pressed into her sex, lining up flush to the barrier of her panties, Skye's head fell back into the bedding with a long, warbling moan.

The red panda's hips flexed up, pushing towards the vibe before crashing back into the bed, rolling away from him as her sex clenched tightly around nothing. "Oooh!"

"What's our orgasm record again?" Nick asked, voice liltingly sweet even as he started to trace the cool head of the glass toy up the girl's thigh, slow and teasing. "Shall we try to beat it?"

Looking up, through heavily lidded eyes, Skye noticed some of her own mischief reflecting back to her, twinkling in the human's bright stare. She whimpered faintly, biting her lip. "I d-don't remember what it was."

"Maybe six? Ten? Twenty?" Nick let the smooth, cool dildo run against her thigh, warming it on her own body heat. He grinned, loving how the girl squirmed on the bed beneath him. Her breasts jutted out atop her chest, jostling with every little shift of her weight. Carefully, using his pinkies while his hands still clutched to his tools, Nick snagged the thin band of her panties once more on either side of her hips, peeling them down her legs.

Skye's butt lifted, letting him pull the fabric away easily as he watched her pussy slowly come into view, revealed from behind the thin, pink cotton. Her legs' stretch pulled her lower lips apart, revealing the pink inner folds and her glistening wetness. With a flick, her panties flew towards the floor at the end of the bed, already forgotten as Nick returned the vibrator to her clit, now bare without a protective barrier.

Skye's voice peeled up towards the ceiling, mewling out. "OoOoo!" Her fingers tightened in their grasp of the comforter, twisting it in her grasp. "Fff-fuck!"

Nick chuckled and rolled the vibe slightly to the side of her clit, letting the intensity of it fade for a moment as the cold dildo rubbed against her innermost thigh, tracing inwards towards her slit. The cool surface of the glass toy was warming against her fur, but it still had a zip of the chill it stored as it nudged up to the opening of her sex. The smooth surface grabbed the girl's leaking lubrication, growing slick as the human guided it up and down the line of her cunt.

Skye's form writhed against the bedding, twisting as her arms stretched up over her head to tangle her fingers properly into the tightly tucked comforter to steady her. Her legs trembled, stiffening and relaxing in waves at the knee joints as the rumbling of the wand worked over her sex. Her hips were bucked, squirming up and back in undulating waves while her breathing grew harder and harder.

Nick, tucking himself between her squirming legs and juggling the two in either hand, drew the dildo against the opening of her sex, slowly easing it forward into her wet, leaking cunt. The smooth, hard toy slid in easily, stretching her walls just enough as her own arousal wet the way.

With her head rolled back, Skye couldn't see past the mountain range of her own tits, heaving atop her chest with every panting breath. Yet, she could feel the rumbling buzz of the toy between her thighs, engorging her sensitive clit and the firm girth of the slender glass sliding into her. Instantly, her walls clamped down, relishing the ability to squeeze down on something inside of her and soothing the urge to be filled up. Her legs shuddered, spreading apart further as she tried to withstand the intensity of the wand toy. The sensations were utter pleasure, but they came so swiftly with such power that it was impossible to hold still and let the pressure build. Her lips burst apart, a moan rushing forth: "Oh God! I just-" she squeaked, voice cutting off as Nick's wrist started to steadily undulate, thrusting the smooth toy into her now with repeating circulations.

Already, Nick could feel the squeeze of her walls clamped onto the toy, making every movement harder. Sitting below her, tucked between her knees, he watched the clenching of her sex up-close, witnessing how the waves of pleasure hit her. Her thighs would shudder, quivering every muscle as her legs kicked, flinching against the bedding all while her cunt clamped tight, rocking through a pulse of pleasure.

Unwaveringly, as Nick worked the smooth toy in and out of her, the wand was buzzing and buzzing without a pause or fluctuation. Skye's voice only grew louder and more varied as he continued to fuck her. Her little exhales had become full moans, gushing out of her mouth with a whimpering tint while the strong buzzes caught her with a lilting upwards squeal.

From below her, Nick watched the smooth toy feed into the opening of her sex, spreading the folds of her sex open to expose the bright, wet pink inside. Glistening drops of her wetness gathered around the girth of the toy, clinging to its sides with increasing mess.

"OooOoo! Nnff... fff..." Skye's voice cracked, whining as the toy and wand's sensations melded together. She couldn't distinguish which one she felt distinctly across her cunt, but they were both overwhelming her system, accessing the sensitivity of her clit from inside and out.

Skye's fingers twisted into the blanket, tightening and clutching to the fabric while her toes writhed down towards the edge of the bed. Her thighs were shuddering, pressing around Nick's sides as he sat between her, forcing her legs to stay spread for the toys even as her first orgasm hovered in front of her. The overwhelming arc of her first finish had her back arched up high enough that Nick could see the space beneath her as her ass ground down into the bed.

She squealed, clamping on the toy wildly before Nick retracted it, watching the amount of thicker, glistening white gather on the side of her first orgasm. The human steadied his grip on the wand, easing it off her sensitive clit for a moment before Skye met his eyes, panting. "Ready for number two, then?"


"Mmf-" Skye grunted, rolling in the tangle of sheets on the bed. Her hair was in a nest around her face, half obscuring the sunlight sneaking through their curtains once more. Her eyes fluttered open, suddenly hearing the sound that had roused her again, this time louder.

Knock, knock, knock



Skye jolted up, gathering the edge of the sheet over her bare breasts. "Uh-uh... sleeping! Still here!" she shouted, yanking the sheet with her as she let her long legs stretch off the bed, heading towards the door: "We're still here! No cleaning, please!" She made it all the way to the door before Nick was awake enough to even half comprehend the noise.

"W-what's happening?"

"Housekeeping is here!"


Together, with a growing panic, "STILL HERE!"

"Oh!" A little voice sounded through the door. "Come back later! Sorry!"

Skye let out a long sigh, turning back towards the bed with her sheet dress running behind her like a second wedding dress. "Oh boy... what time is it if the housekeeper is here?"

Nick groaned, rubbing his eyes as he inspected the clock: "Almost noon."

"Oh my gosh!" Skye yawned, stretching out her stiff form. They'd crashed after their long night of play, clearly forgoing alarms. The red panda shook her head in disbelief as she padded into the bathroom to shower off for the day.


"Well, now that we've had lunch," Nick chuckled, curling an arm around Skye's waist. "What shall we do with our brief and fleeting afternoon?" Skye gave him a withering glance, though a smile played on her lips. "Today: the arcades!"

Another jaunt on the transit system later, the newlyweds walked hand in hand into one of the largest Tokyo arcades: a multi-floor building of photobooths, VR, and classic arcade games for them to explore.




Glancing to the side, the two met eyes with spreading grins. Instantly, they lunged towards the coin machines, feeding in their bills for piles of the coins that'd fuel an afternoon with games. They instantly jumped towards the machines, losing themselves to the additive, childish delight of beeping, simplistic boxy arcade games.

"Hey, hey! Look at that!" Skye's voice suddenly jolted Nick out of his game, pulling his focus to the screen flashing with the death of Pac-Man. "I got to 145!"

Nick's eyes went wide, "Jesus Christ. I married a master nerd."

"What?" Skye laughed, smacking playfully at his arm. "That's a new record for me!" Skye swatted at him with the fluffy mass of her tail, shifting over the where he was playing instead. "I bet you couldn't beat that!"

Nick just shook his head, "I couldn't! I don't know how you did that!"

"I've been playing Pac-Man in my basement since forever! My dad's hit level 150 before!"

"What?" Nick's eyes bulged open. "How did I beat him at Street Fighter then?"

"Pac-Man is its own beast," Skye responded, rolling her eyes. "You can't just transfer the skills of Pac-Man to such a lesser game!" she snickered, grabbing his hand: "Come on, little gamer pleb. Come race me."


"Wow, a parking lot-" Nick's monotoned sarcasm earned him another swinging swat of Skye's thick tail. "Hey now! Don't disrespect the inspiration of Jet Grind Radio!" Her eyes skimmed forward, inspecting the location that had inspired the game.

"I played that game so much in elementary school..." Skye looked out at the signature stairs that mirrored the surfaces her character had grinded down. She shook her head, grabbing for Nick's hand.

"I know a little, nerdy teenaged Nick played this game... Did you ever picture yourself there in Tokyo?" She pivoted towards him, letting the hand holding his graze against his thigh. Her eyes met his as she bit lightly at her lip. "Did you ever think about this city? Imagine you'd be here someday with a beautiful girl?" Her fingers pressed to his jeans, roving over to the front to rub over his groin through the fabric. His cheeks were warming, coloring with a hue of pink. His eyes darted up and down the street, instantly checking for watchful eyes as Skye's toying paused their walk.

"H-hey now, don't torture me just because I teased you-" he pleaded, giving her a weak smile. She just giggled, letting her hand swing away from him again as they continued down the street. Her hips were swinging, popping her butt side to side with every step with a pep that worried Nick. "Someone's in a very good mood-" he thought, knowing all too well that sometimes her good moods translated into an urge for mischief.

Nonetheless, he trailed behind her, letting her lead them into another game-themed cafe for a snack.


As quickly as the two had fallen asleep their second day, the newlyweds found themselves facing their final evening in Japan. The rest of the trip had flown past in a flurry of tourism and temptation. Much to their delight, the couple found themselves accomplishing every little thing they'd hope to see and do in Tokyo, save for one thing; Skye had a final bucket list item.

"What do you think," Nick introduced, walking back towards their hotel in the distance with the red panda trailing along beside him. "Have we done it all in Japan?" Behind him, the sun was sinking towards the edges of the horizon in preparation for the evening's sunset.

Skye met his eyes, grinning with a flash of her sharp teeth. "Truly, we've somehow stuffed everything into our shortened trip-"

"-and then some!"

"Yes!" she giggled, smacking at his rump with her fluffy tail, "But I do have one more surprise in mind."

"Oh?" Nick asked, voice echoing as they suddenly stepped into their hotel's open entryway.

"Mhm, which..." She glanced towards the small arcade embedded in the hotel's ground floor. "I actually want to leave you here for a bit, so I can... do my thing." She dug into her pocket, gathering all her leftover coins with a little grin. "Don't come upstairs until you spend all these?" she asked, dumping the jingling pile into Nick's open palms.

"Ok!' Nick chuckled, confused, but knowing that Skye's surprises always ended well, plus, he wasn't going to turn down his last chance at the country's expansive arcade games. He lingered for a moment, watching the red panda's figure disappear towards the elevators before he headed into the ringing, beeping haven of the darkened arcade.

Once the coins were all sunk into machine slots, Nick started his way up towards the room. "I wonder what she has planned..." he mused, picturing a romantic dinner in their spacious suite. "That seems like something she'd do-" He jabbed the elevator button, still musing to himself.

"That almost seems too simplistic though... It's our honeymoon-" He was tapping one foot, racking his brain as the elevator rose. By the time it rang for his floor, he didn't have any better guess what was waiting behind the door. He gave a small knock, warning her before he slotted his key into the door, letting it swing open.

Inside, framed by the open door, he saw Skye, utterly naked atop a heavy table. She laid flat on her back with her long hair spreading around her face like a frame while her naked form was topped with an array of sushi. Two, small clusters atop her heavy breasts sat on little platters of leaves to hold the crafted sushi in place atop her jiggling breasts.

Down the length of her form, her stomach held most of the rolls, arranged as if she was a regular, smooth table with the garnishing flairs resting above her belly button. The chopsticks and dishes for each rested to the side of her ass, waiting for him to arrive for dinner.

"Hungry?" she asked, giving a coy smile as each of her breasts raised the spread of sushi balancing atop her breasts. Resting just above the mound of her sex was a small, accenting cherry blossom.

Nick was frozen for a moment, just staring at the sight, a Nyotaimori, he'd later learn. For now though, it took him a few seconds to even realize that their door was still open with him standing just outside, letting anyone in the hallway stumble onto this scene. He shuffled inside with a burst of motion, shutting the door with a click. "H-how? What? How did you do this?"

Skye gave a soft snicker, "I told you I'd get you to try sushi, and this is how..." While she spoke, she barely moved, careful to keep the food steady.

"H-how do you even do this? Did the hotel put this on?" He glanced around, as if he expected there to be a waiter coming out to busing the food onto his wife. Skye rolled her eyes. "Shush, it's rude for the table to talk! Eat!"

Nick flushed, giving the room once last nervous sweep before he took a seat at the table. His eyes rushed down her form again. Usually, she wasn't so still, so perfectly displayed to him. He could see her curves and the swell of her chest atop this table. His eyes ran down towards her sex, tucked between her thighs. He could see the smallest peak of her clit between her lower lips, but her legs weren't spread too far, keeping her straight as a platter down the length of the tabletop.

Then, he actually looked at the sushi. Atop Skye's naked form, the little cuts of bright fish and rice seemed more appetizing than ever. His fingers plucked up his chopsticks, gingerly plucking up on of the rolls from her stomach and raising the sample up to his mouth.

For a few bites, he dutifully continued to try, sampling each of the different cuts and types of fish before he held one up to Skye.

"You know, this isn't too bad-" Nick paused, chewing through a piece of seaweed with only a faint wince. "I guess I could be talked into it again; as long as it's served off you-"

"Can I try one?" She met his eyes with a slight smirk, silently opening her mouth for him. He settled the sushi piece onto her tongue, grinning at her happy little sounds as she chewed, but she still didn't break fully out of her submissive silence.

Nick's eyes raced back down her form, finding his eyes more drawn to the mound of her cunt than the sushi above. "What if something besides sushi looks... better?" he asked, letting his chopsticks graze through her fur down towards the folds of her cunt. Skye gave a tiny shake of her shoulders, a minimal shrug.

Nick gently ran the tip of his chopsticks to her thigh before he replaced them with his fingertips, stroking up the soft curve of her inner thighs and gingerly nudging her legs further apart so he could see the spreading of her cunt.

He moved to the end of the table, leaning up until his lips could reach the soft spread of her lower lips. Gingerly, her legs pulled a bit further apart, giving him the space to press his lips to her cunt, running his tongue up the length of her slit. Skye's voice warbled out with a little moan, but she tried to stay still, fighting the urge to squirm.

His fingers spread her sex open, exposing the pink, sensitive folds of her cunt as his tongue swirled up around her clit. Still, Skye tried to stay still, to preserve the sushi still balancing on her stomach and breasts. This gave her only her whimpering voice as an outlet for Nick's teasing. Everytime his tongue lashed around her clit, her stomach would rise with the tensing of her back, flexing all the food up into the air higher without sending it toppling off.

If he looked up the length of her body, he could see the tufts of the sushi's garnish flaring out off her form leading up to the swell of her heavy tits, still balancing their little leaf-plates off of them. Every time Nick's tongue ran up her sex, her breasts would shake with the heaving of her chest.

"Are you s-supposed to have dessert if you didn't finish your dinner?" Skye asked, voice quivering with a moan.

"It's my honeymoon! I can do anything!"


Skye's thigh bumped into Nick's as she scooted next to him. They sat side by side, shoulders and thighs flush together as they looked up towards the park unfolding out around them. Dozens of trees were growing out of the short grass all around the park, reaching up towards the sky with their dark, deep brown branches while soft, pale pink cherry blossoms blanketed and filled the sky above them.

The entire horizon was fuzzy with the flowers while the air was tinged with their sweet smell, covering all the smells from the city and replacing it with a dancing, floral aroma that was stronger in waves as the wind shifted and blew the scent into their upturned faces.

Skye's fingers intertwined with Nick's, resting on his thigh as they sat in silence, watching the branches dance in the air and sprinkle their flower petals down onto the pavement. Beneath the branches, hundreds of people milled through the park, posing for photos, and directing each other's eyes to the best clusters of flowers, but Skye and Nick barely paid attention to the people moving through the park. Instead, they just stared forth at the sight and breathed in the sweet smell that they'd never really recreate.

The entire week had been exhausting, but every second was stamped in their memories already alongside the other years of their relationship leading up to their marriage. "I can't believe that the hot girl at GameStop is my wife," he finally said, thinking back to the day, texting the entire way up to the door the day he planned to ask her out. Skye squeezed his hand, leaning into his side without taking her eyes off the sight of the swaying branches filled with flowers.

"I'm so glad you didn't chicken out." Skye's mind ran back to that day too, but from an entirely different perspective. A small smile played on her lips as she remembered the foggy memorization of that day.

"Yeah, this game will work on his system, if it doesn't he can bring that receipt in and return it. Don't you worry," Skye smiled, watching the little old woman head out the door with her grandson's birthday gift. "Those interactions are some of the best," she thought to herself despite that it was a rarity in the busy, downtown GameStop location. Without a customer in front of her, her hands fell into the typical fidget, tidying the space behind the cramped cash wrap while her mind raced back to the morning.

"When did you finally come to bed last night?" her fiance asked, voice already grating even in their second interaction of the day. Skye pulled her towel a bit higher, yawning as she tried to brush through her wild hair. "I dunno, probably two or three-"

"Did you win your game?" His voice was monotone, not really interested.

"You can't win an open-world game-" Skye fought the temptation to roll her eyes instead focusing her attention on her own face as she got ready instead.

"What's the point then?" he muttered, but his voice faded in volume, not really asking. Skye was so glad, too, because she didn't know how she'd explain it to him, again. The thrill and joy of exploring someplace exciting and magical, where there weren't any taxis honking or rich parents telling you to consider your first impression. First impressions were made by the size of your sword in an RPG.

He left the bedroom, letting her get ready for work in peace. The routine fell over her, letting her mind wander out to the upcoming game releases and her Destiny strategy for later.

A small cough brought Skye back to the cash wrap, bringing her attention to the couple waiting. She apologized, smiling as she ran through their purchase. As she did, the bell on the door rang, announcing another visitor. She glanced up, seeing a regular. A human she knew was patient and deeply steeped in the gamer world. Her attention fell back to these new customers, Nick didn't need any help in the shop.

"God, these two are cute-" Skye thought, watching the hyena and leopardess leaning into each other as they waited for their purchases to run through. Their love and affection for each other was palpable in the air. "I bet he doesn't ask her why she likes video games-" Skye thought, bitter for a moment. "He, obviously, actually plays with her-"

She slipped into the backroom, looking for the game they needed as the pang of bitterness passed over her. For a moment, she imagined having a partner who loved games like her. "Someone like Nick?" She stared at the storage shelves, letting that thought hit her. Her mind ran through their conversations before. He was always so patient, never making her feel rushed when he was stuck behind an idiot in line. He always said something when someone was blatantly rude to her, writing them off. Every game she knew, she'd played and loved, he knew. He'd talk to her about them for as long as she wanted, as much time as they had before a line formed!

"God, imagine..." Suddenly, the image of her night before flashed in her head. She pictured her home with someone beside her on the couch as she played. The TV stayed the same, running the single-player exploration, but the ping of Pokemon on a handheld Nintendo device ran beside her. The couch wasn't empty. The sound was on, streaming into the room instead of silent because someone was already sleeping, leaving her alone. She smiled with a little zip of excitement. "That just seems... fun."

She fidgeted, grabbing down the game and then letting the random idea take over her. "What the hell, why not, right?" she said aloud in the empty store room before darting back to the desk, handing over the new game and tucking everything else she held onto the lower shelf of the cash wrap.

She smiled, watching the couple go only to have her field of view filled with her next customers who were NOT in love with one another. "Give me strength," she muttered to herself, putting on her customer service smile.

Minutes later, she finally had another friendly customer, the familiar human face that she'd watched come into the store before. She pushed her earlier thoughts out of her mind, instead noting her engagement ring on her finger. "You're just being overly romantic," she thought to herself, focusing instead on the actual interaction.

"Just refilling that-"

"That's all?" She looked down at the register, peeking at his face for just a moment. He looked different than normal, stressed somehow. "It's nothing," she told herself. "He's just running errands, this isn't a thing-" She glanced down at the little shelf beneath the cash wrap, feeling the slightly cool air in the room rushing against her denim with a new level of cold. "You're being silly!" she told herself, meeting his eyes instead.

"Well, actually there's on other thing-"

Skye waited, almost holding her breath.

"Would you like to go out sometime? Get some dinner together or something..."

"Yes!" Skye thought, but the words didn't leave her mouth. Instead, she just stared silently down at the register, noticing her hands on the keys with her ring sparkling on her finger. Instead of "yes" she raised her hand, showing the ring like an excuse: "Sorry, I'm engaged..."

She watched his face fall, focusing on the transaction instead, but she couldn't fight off the image from earlier, of someone actually joining her for her games, for her life, really.

"Skye?" Nick glanced over, meeting her eyes as she focused back on the present. "You drifted off there."

Skye smiled, meeting his eyes. Instead of crestfallen, like in her memory, he looked utterly content. His smile reached all the way up to edges of his eyes. "Have I ever told you about the day you asked me out? How I remember?"

Nick shook his head, raising his brows with surprise. "No, actually-"

"Remind me sometime, I'll tell you all about it."

She leaned back into his shoulder, breathing in the familiar scent of his shirt as she watched the flowers again, "We've come so far since I deflowered you at our local GameStop-"

Nick snickered, blushing under his stubble. "The sex hasn't even been the best parts-"

"Is that love then, ya think?" she smirked, looking up to him with a smartass grin. "I mean, the location is a total upgrade." For a moment, she just smiled, but the memory of that day came back again, this time with a pang of guilt.

"I still don't love how our relationship started though-" she paused, glancing at the pavement for a moment. Her voice lowered to a soft murmur. "I wish I had just met you first, you know? Not having to... cheat-" She winced a little at the word, pouting.

"It wouldn't have been the same, I think it was good that you already had that relationship, though. I think it helped you to know what you wanted, what was missing."

Skye grabbed his arm, wrapping her arms around him with a small squeeze. "You're probably right. I'd like to think we'd have just gotten together, but I think I did need to know what it was like... being with someone just for the relationship, the romance, the convenience-" Again, her forehead wrinkled with a wince. "I'd never been engaged to a friend before you. I guess I see now why everyone shacks up with their best friends-"

"Careful now, if you start saying best friend too loud someone is going to be very angry about their title-" Nick interjected.

Skye's eyebrows went up with surprise and confusion, picturing the yellow-furred canine. "She's across the world!"

Nick shook his head. His eyes were huge circles that flicked to the side, as if checking for someone there. "She'll know."

"Fine!" she snickered, rolling her eyes, but she nuzzled into his side. "I'm so glad it turned out like this, a little guilt is worth this life."

Nick smiled, his own too tinged with the slight bitterness of their origin. "I promise I'll never give you another reason to cheat. You're the most important person in my world." He turned to her, finally focusing on her eyes instead of the blossoms around them. His hands clasped onto hers, cupping them between their laps.

"I waited a long time to find someone like you. I was waiting for her, the woman that I was meant for. Everyone told me that it wasn't going to happen on my way to work or at the local GameStop! "You won't stumble onto your soulmate," but I knew I would. I knew that person was out there. When I did meet you, I still waited until I had the balls to even ask!" He paused, breathing in for a beat with a small smile. Skye's warm eyes were locked on his, listening.

"If there's ever a disconnect between us, if for any reason you feel like you did with him, just talk to me. You are the best thing in my life, Skye. After everything so far, this is still just our beginning. I want our story to be so long. So, so long. I want us to Fast & Furious this love story. I want to have a five and a six and seven. I want people to stop going to the movies because the horse is dead and they are just still kicking it for sequels."

Skye was laughing, but her eyes glittered with moisture. "I love you so much, Skye. You are the one I was waiting for. I can't wait to see where we go next."

The red panda didn't say anything back. She didn't have to. Instead, she kissed him once, a long kiss as cherry blossom petals fluttered down onto them from the branches above and clung onto their shirts. Then, they just clasped hands, not wanting to break the spell as they headed out of the park and back towards their hotel.

"I sure hope the GameStop kids didn't wreck the store while we were gone..." Skye finally said.

Nick laughed, "Oh, it can't be as bad as what we've done to it."

"You're right. Maybe we should just schedule a late night cleaning anyways after we get back... To make sure everything is as it should be."

"Maybe we should..."

Not Happening

A squawk in the distance radiated out through the air. The forest around made even that sharp cry of distant birds sound distant and muted through the lush foliage that surrounded the small clearing. The leaves provided padding, sanctuary from the more...

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Rain splattered against the worn dirt path in front of the only figure moving in the closing darkness of night. Every impact of the heavy droplets sent a spray of mud up into the air, speckling marks of brown on the smooth, purple of the doll's ankles....

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Appreciation for Hot Showers

"Cam! I figured out what we can do to for mid term break! There's a Groupon!" For a beat, no sound returned the lion's call towards the back end of the apartment. Instead, only the sound of the aging heating system came back, clunking through the...

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