Not Happening

Story by Picklessauce69 on SoFurry

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Coming back after a long drought with a commission piece

A squawk in the distance radiated out through the air. The forest around made even that sharp cry of distant birds sound distant and muted through the lush foliage that surrounded the small clearing. The leaves provided padding, sanctuary from the more distant world.

Within the enclosure of the clearing, a soft hum of noise filled the air around the leaves with insects and smaller creatures flitting through the high trees. The sound disturbed the nap of the only being in the center of the round of trees standing at the edge of a glimmering, still pond pooling after the heavy rainfall of the season.

Adalinda raised an eyelid, just enough to see the soft sunlight streaming through the thick cover of trees above. Her gaze shifted around the clearing, checking to see what had disturbed her slumber. Her lids were heavy, just barely lifting enough to see the light rushing down around her. For a moment, she squeezed her lids back shut as though that would allow her to slip back into the hold of sleep, but to no avail. The alertness of waking settled over her, breaking the ties to sleep.

"Curses," she hissed out, voice faint in the early moments of her waking. Distantly, on the edges of her mind, she could barely cling to the wisps of the dream she'd been having. She wanted to return to the fantasy of her dreamworld. The echoing of bodies slapping together and the wet sounds of a tongue digging into a wet slit still sounded around her mind, but she couldn't hold the image of the panther bearing over her anymore with the sunlight streaming into her slumber. "Curses," she repeated, softer this time like an echo of her annoyance.

A grunt left her lips, partially from annoyance and partially from the stiffness of her form as she started to move. The soft ground beneath had been a fine bed, given her traveling, but the dragon was growing stiff from constantly moving through the lush woods. A small, cursory glance over where she'd been laying showed all the grasses flattened beneath her form in the shape of her curvy hips.

She'd been on the move since the recent village had taken to devouring the ecli poppies that flourished around their valley-situated location. The flowers had a potent ability to affect sex drive which left even the rough self-control that the anthropomorphic society had behind for an almost-violent mating season. As a dragon, with a glistening pearlescent skin, so different from the feline population, she was a particularly popular target. The locals couldn't resist something new, so lean and sparkling in the falling night. Even now, days after leaving their territory, she could still smell the musk of the males and floral notes of the poppies clinging to the soft scales of her wings where they'd fluttered down into the soft fields in their ravishing. With a small shake of her right wing, small pieces of petals would still flutter out.

"I didn't mind all the fucking, but a girl needs to sleep-" she mumbled, really only to herself. With enough males in town, she couldn't even get a nap in between rounds. They'd find her curled up at the edges of the field and push her thighs apart, waking her with slick cocks already pistoning into her snatch. For several days, she lavished in the near-constant state of fucking. Her travels didn't always lead her to suitable mates with stamina that would sate her, so at first this village was almost fantastical. Her walls were constantly pulsing, still recovering from the last mating when another feline would break through the foliage around her, hungry for more. However, sleep grew less and less possible and meals were constantly interrupted by mewling lust.

So, she'd set out instead. Adalinda had been walking for a few days now, admiring the changing scenery from the open fields of blossoming flowers to a dense, jungle now at the foothills of the familiar mountains where she'd been born. However, after weeks in the sex-crazed village by the fields of orange poppy fields, her sex drive was dwindling and hungry, so every nap was infested with lusty dreams of the dark-coated panthers snagging her insides with flaring barbs and nipping at her neck.

"I need to find another settling," she thought, rolling up onto her butt with her tail flickering above the high grass. The pointed tip skimmed over the ground, catching the fresh, sparkling droplets of dew from the edges of the grass. It swung side to side like a lazy pendulum as her mind wandered.

As she mused, her long-nailed fingertips ran up over her form. In the light heat of the morning, the air felt cool over her thin garb covering her crotch with a long, simple loin-cloth while her breasts strained inside the simple fabric bound around them. She'd wound the simple beads and teeth she'd collected in her journey around her ankles. A cropping of loose hair hung between her horns in messy curls but it was kept short, running only partially down her neck in a tousled mane.

Her fingers ran up her side, tracing over the rigid, flat scales that covered her form except for her soft belly were it was thinner, smooth as skin. Her nail drew a line up to her breast, circling around the mass of soft flesh before she cupped under the hefty orb with a testing squeeze. Her lips parted, letting out a faint exhale but nothing more as her lids still heavy with sleep closed once more.

This time, it wasn't a dream, but her purposeful recall as her mind started to stir up the images of the panthers near the poppies. They were similar; all with a midnight black coat tinged with blue that caught the streaming sunshine as they moved. Their muscles were toned, but subtly melted into their monochrome form until their power was only evident in a grab around her wrist.

"You look delicious-" A rasping, accented voice crooned into her ear with the faintest touch of his nose against her shoulder. Adalinda shifted, pulling herself slightly away from the stranger, but his musk was already palpable in the air with a rich, hearty cloud in the air advertising his arousal. His teeth glinted with a grin. "I'd like a taste."

Adalinda's fingers cupped her breast harder, starting to knead and massage on the soft tissue while her thumb and forefinger curled upwards to find her stiff nipple shyly jutting forth. Her free hand slid down, brushing the cloth that hid her sex from view to the side as a nail traced down the edge of her mound, temptingly close to her slit. She breathed in long, slow breaths like this act was a meditation, at least for now. The air was thick with the chilled moisture of morning, providing a contrast to the rising heat of her own body.

"Why don't you come over here, hmm? Find some privacy?" The noise of the tavern came into sharp focus at his words, reminding Adalinda of the bustle happening around their tense exchange. His fingers now found her wrist, slowly looping all five digits to squeeze around her slender arm with a slight tug towards the back. She hesitated still, looking over the feline. He was ragged, but strong with a lean body with definition in the subtle bulge of his biceps and the gentle sculpting of his abdominals so they appeared, shadowy on his stomach. His hair was ungroomed, long and hanging down his back and curling over his forehead framing the glint in his yellow eyes. Typically, Adalinda might turn down such a coupling, but his voice. "Come, girl. Don't make me wait for you. I want a taste-" His fingers once again tugged, moving her closer to him. She let it happen, shifting her body weight enough to feel the heat of him radiating off while the bartender gave them a passing glance as though judging the appropriateness of their interaction. It sent a zip up her spine, being seen and judged for this closeness already.

Faintly, in front of her groin, she could feel that his bulge was there. It was sending off its own heat and the urge to press closer and feel it there, wanting her was palpable the more seconds ticked past, but Adalinda controlled her more primal urges and stayed with these inches between them. "I've not finished my drink-"

Eyes closed, but mouth slightly open; Adalinda let her head tip back enough to drink up the air above her and have her hair shift off her shoulders to lessen the flush of heat as she toyed with herself. Her fingers were pinching and tugging her nipple, working the nub into its full stiff appearance through the thin fabric around her tits. The fabric was a tantalizing buffer, giving her just enough sensation to want more, but muting it slightly every time she tweaked the nub.

At the same time, her other hand was hovering over her crotch. A single finger ran down the wettening line of her slit, gathering the natural lubrication building there before she pressed to her clit with a soft, swirling touch.


"I don't think I asked, pet." The panther's fingers squeezed tighter, indenting the soft skin of her wrist now. As his fingers shifted, faint white lines remained pressed on her flesh. A little hiss left the dragon's lips, but his voice rasped into her ear. He pressed closer, giving her the pressure of his bulge against her thigh. "I want you. I'm going to take you here in front of everyone if you don't come now. Would you like that? Fucked over the bar?" As he pulled back, his sharp teeth glistened, smugly. His nose twitched, drinking in the wisps of her scent on the air, knowing he was affecting her. For a moment, the dragon's instinct was to resist and to see how true the threat was. The bustle of the bar was loud and rising as the night grew longer. "Would anyone even notice?" A little part of her mind wondered, mischievously, but with the glint in his eyes and the firmness swelling his pants, she knew that the panther wasn't exaggerating.

Then, his hand gave another tug. "Come."

This time, Adalinda let him pull her away from the bar, leaving her ice cubes swirling in a thin layer of alcohol melting on the bar top. They moved together, weaving through the crowd with following eyes.

His fingers never left her wrist. They never loosened. He kept her following behind with a steady tug while his own feline tail switched and swayed with an excited anticipation. With every step, Adalinda felt the eyes of the other patrons following her, murmuring even. Their watching sent a shudder down her spine and heated her cheeks, but she still followed along with the tug of the panther's fingers.

As they passed through the threshold of the bar area into a slender hallway, the panther shifted to put the Adalinda in front of him in the tight space. He followed close behind her, tracking behind the swinging of her tail until they reached the end of hall where the dim space of a closed down kitchen welcomed them. Then, he smoothed his hands up onto her hips with a firm squeeze. She could feel the edges of his claws pressing into the bare scales above her hips where her loincloth hung loosely, offering minimal protection from his sweeping eyes.

"I'm going to take you, right here," he breathed, voice rasping and quiet in Analinda's ear before his crotch pressed flush to her ass. She could feel the bulge of him twitching in his own loose pants. His teeth brushed down the slope of her neck, nipping at the smooth curve above her collarbone. Analinda's breath was hitched in her throat, frozen between her own urge to defy this over-confident male and her own rising desire to be taken and used for whatever he had planned.

One hand found her hip and held her tight to him while his other pushed the center of her shoulders, pinning her down over the smooth worktop in the center of the room. The surface was still littered with pans left behind after the rush of cleaning the kitchen for the evening. Analinda's fingers intinctively grabbed for the edge of the table, readying herself to the amusement of the feline.

"So eager to be fucked. I knew you were just a toy, waiting to be chosen-" He hissed, voice increasingly throaty as a purr rumbled from his chest. His words brought a hot blush to her cheeks, burning across her skin. With a shake of fabric, his pants were on the ground and his bare cock sprung into the air, curving up towards her lower lips hidden behind nothing more than the curtain of her loincloth.

Without hesitation, the hand on her hip pushed the cloth away, exposing the curves of her ass and the wet folds of her cunt that already glistened with her own gathering arousal.

A sharp breath whistled as Adalinda drank in the air above her. Her fingers swapped to her other breast, yanking the fabric top down to let the bare orbs bounce into the air. Her chest above was flushed red with rising arousal while the pulse rushing through her ears with the beating of her heart grew increasingly quick. Her fingers, drenching in her own juices, rubbed over the soft folds of her cunt, circling around the swollen tip of her clit with every repetition.

"F-uck... why did I leave that town?" She murmured, absently to herself as her eyes stayed heavy and lidded, lost in her own memory. The world around her now, in the present, was utterly shut out. She didn't hear the birds tittering through the heavy foliage above; she heard the clunk of heavy glasses landing back onto wooden bar tables. She didn't smell the wet leaves of the fresh dew on the trees around; she smelled the oil gathering in the cookware of the kitchen and the musk of the panther grinding into her ass. She didn't see the rustling of the clearing's furthest entrance, a slight break in the heavy brush; she saw the shadow of the feline looming over her caught in the glistening of faded metal pans.

"Fuck, what an ass-" The panther's voice was softer, heavier now. He wasn't really addressing her, but the room at large. The hand on her hip shifted enough to inspect the fresh expanse of her ass now revealed. Easily, he pulled one of her cheeks to the side to expose the folds of her sex, glistening with her own leaking lubrication. "Someone wants to be fucked, hm?" His voice lilted up, amused with her own silent want.

Adalinda gave a soft growl in response, resisting her categorization as nothing but a horny girl in this situation, but the panther hunched over her, grinding his thick cock between her ass cheeks. His lips found her ear, nipping at the tender edges. "Do you want to be fucked? Or shall I leave you here? Naked and wanting in the kitchen of a bar, maybe the tender will come back for a refill?" His words only made the blush on her cheeks darker. The color, of deepening pink, spread down her neck in a sharp contrast to her white scales. His hips shifted, pulling his girth away until she mewled, faintly. "What? What is it, pet?"

"I want it."

"What do you want?"

"Your cock," her voice softened, fading off on the final word.

"What? Tell me."

"I want your cock," this time, more confidence imbued her voice. His hips moved, rewarding her with the heat of his cockhead pressing to her hole. The heat of him made her body tremor, shifting to press herself back against him.

"I want... I want..." Adalinda's voice was soft, mewling to herself in the clearing as she teased her fingertips to the opening of her sex. Her digits didn't dip in, timing herself to the memory running through her mind, but her form was straining, tensed with desire. Her fingertips trembled in place, fighting against her own willpower to touch herself.

Her eyes were clenched shot, willing her memory to hold the vision to her as she played, leaving her blind to the figure at the edge of the clearing now, just tucked against the backdrop of thick bushes. He was shaded by hanging tendrils of leaves, but the bulky tiger's eyes were trained on the dragon, watching how her body quivered on its knees with every stroke of her clit.

His own form was completely nude with his cock jutting up into the air, already hard and pulsing at the sight of the distracted dragoness, but he hung back to watch her. His eyes, bright in the morning light, were trained onto her, locked in place for the show.

"Unf-" With a grunt, the panther thrust forward, rolling his hips to drive his cock up into the squeezing tunnel of the dragoness's cunt. The hand on her back shifted, grabbing instead for the firm curve of her shoulder like a handle to yank her backwards onto his cock while his hips drove her onto the table so she was pinned in place for each thrust. Her fingers stretched to the edge of the tabletop, gripping to the curve of the wood as her knees weakened with every pounding thrust scraping up the length of her sex. His tip curved up, striking into the soft tissue of her g-spot with every thrust.

"Fuck-" The feline cursed, shifting to grab the dragon's asscheeks with both hands to spread them apart, exposing the pink folds where his cock pistoned into her. The dragoness could feel his eyes roving over her, inspecting what he was fucking. "Such a good little cunt, just waiting to be fucked-" His hips slapped into her ass, stinging and reddening her cheeks as he continued to slam into her.

"Mmf...Mmf..." Analinda's muffled voice pushed against her closed lips, whimpering as her digits thrust up into her cunt. She'd flopped forward onto one one arm for support while the other snuck up between her thighs to push into her cunt. Her two digits weren't a replacement for the cock in her mind, leaving her frustrated and wanting.

As she writhed, bouncing and shuddering atop her own fingers, the tiger at the edge of the clearing moved closer along the edge of the treeline until he stood behind her. His eyes tracked over her exposed cunt, watching her fingers pump in and out of her. As she shifted, moving to swap arms as the one taking all of her weight trembled with fatigue, the tiger moved over her until his cock grazed against her thigh and his stomach pressed against her backside with a sudden, surprising warmth.

"Oh!" A confused yelp left the dragon's lips, more like an exhale than a true sound. Her eyes popped open shortly after, seeing only the ground beneath her until her head swiveled over her shoulder. Then, she saw the tiger's stoic face, only a half-smile playing onto his lips as his bare cock pressed to her thigh. Wordlessly, Adalinda rolled her hips over, lining the wet folds of her cunt up with the prodding tip of his dick. Her eyes met his, finding him staring back unwaveringly.

His cock nudged to the opening of her sex, waiting there as she leaked her fragrant juices onto his tip. Sucking the air in through her nose, Adalinda could smell his musk gathering around her as his weight settled onto her, pushing her back into the grass she'd slept on. However, his cock still hovered just above her, touching without pushing into the heat of her until her own back arched, pushing herself to him and plunging the hot, thick length into her snatch.

As his tip sunk into her, instantly finding her walls clamping down on the girthy upgrade from only her fingers, the tiger let out a low growl that rumbled against the dragon's throat. Adalinda's lips fluttered with a moan of her own, finding the sudden heat and thickness of a real cock incomparable to her fingers minutes earlier. "Ooh-" Her hips rolled up against, urging him to take her by pushing him deeper into her once more. This time, the tiger took the hint. His hips started to rock, driving himself deeper with every thrust. His quiet demeanor didn't change though, focused solely on the sensation of his pointed cock sliding deeper into the girl's sex.

"What's your deal?" Adalinda murmured, pressing her hips up to meet his thrust now as he began to piston with a steady, unwavering pace. The tiger gave a soft breath in response, but didn't reply directly. Instead, his arms pushed down on either side of her head, steadying himself now over her with crushing his weight on top. The dragon pushed harder, meeting each of his thrusts and purposefully clenching her tunnels around him, demanding that he acknowledge more than her cunt in front of him.

At first, he held his silent pace, but after nearly a minute of Adalinda's focused distraction, his eyes met hers. "I live here," then, as if he was getting payback for her teasing, his hips shifted and he nudged the girl's legs further apart with his knee, forcing himself to buck deeper into her with each and every thrust forward. "Rare to see a female here."

Adalinda's eyes met the tiger's, studying his face with a sort of quiet amusement. Her cunt was, at the same time, clenching around his cock with a fierce arousal, but her mind was momentarily distracted by this character. Looking carefully now, noticing more than just his silence or his cock, the dragon saw that he was trembling. His knees shook against the grass and his muscles all strained. His throat, every few seconds, swelled with a hard swallow.

"Are you trying... to be gentle?" Adalinda guessed.

The tiger winced, looking like he'd been caught stealing. "It's been long time. The urge..." His hips gave a shake, momentarily bucking harder and driving his tip right to her cervix, but then his pace slowed again.

The dragon smirked, the edges of her eyes crinkling with the grin. "You don't have to be gentle with me." She paused for a moment before she raised her hands above her head, finding the small trunk of a new tree before she wrapped her hands tightly around it, mimicking being tied up, waiting for him. "In fact, you can be rougher with me than anyone before."

Her eyes met his again, focusing on him as she slowly nodded with a buck of her hips for emphasis.

For a beat, he just started back at her like he didn't know if he could trust what she was saying, but then his hands fell onto her hips, grabbing her roughly for the first time. His fingers clenched down onto the soft cushion of her sides before he lifted, turning her over so her breasts and knees pressed down into the ground beneath. His fingertips, roughly now, ran down the shape of her sides from the indent above her hips down her thighs where they flared with muscle. He grabbed her ass, pulling the cheeks apart to expose the soft, wet slit and the petite hole of her ass in one glance. A low, rumbling growl left his lips, rolling over Adalinda's ears before his cock found her sex again, thrusting in without hesitation.

His bucked into her, pumping in one, hard fluid stroke to drive himself right up to her cervix before he pulled back, smoothly dragging the pointed tip of his cock down her walls with his barbs faintly tugging at her. Then, without a beat in between, he plunged himself back into her with another growl rumbling out from his throat. "Little dragon might regret that-"

Behind him, his tail flicked madly side to side, but the rest of him was perfectly controlled. The muscles on his thick thighs were straining, holding himself behind her to piston into her exposed cunt. Beneath him, Adalinda's heavy tits pressed flush to the ground. The little strap of fabric around them did little to hold them in place now as she rocked against the earth, letting them escape so her bare nipples toyed against the tangled grasses. Her fingers scrabbled against the ground, working her elbows beneath her to provide more cushioning as he heaved her ass up to him, greedily taking her like she was nothing but a toy he found left behind: now his to play with.

As he found his pace, his speed picked up, but never slowed. His pistoned himself into her over and over again with a rhythmic slapping that echoed through the clearing before it was stopped by the thick foliage. His breathing grew harder, huffing out of his opened lips but otherwise he was quiet. He didn't coo to her, mutter curses of enjoyment, or stroke down her sides as she clung to the earth, steadying herself for his fucking. He only thought about fucking her. His hips were locked in a steady, rocking motion while his fingers curled onto her hips, pulling her ass up to meet every thrust.

Adalinda loved it.

After a minute, her mind started to go blank. She pushed her ass back to him, letting him do the work of keeping her aligned with the head of his cock while she tried to support her body as much as possible. The grass beneath her, sliding this and that way under her tits, was smearing the green stain of itself onto her glistening form to stain her scales, but she worked to keep her face from dropping against the ground. At the same time, her walls were pulsing, clenching with rhythmic pleasure of the thick girth inside her, striking against her g-spot with every angled entry.

"I doubt I will regret this," She muttered, more to herself than even the tiger. He was lost into the actions. His claws raked down her ass, using the meat of it to control where she sat in front of his groin. She could feel the skin, pulsing in the track under his claw marks, but she just pushed her ass back to him, eagerly welcoming more of his greed. His cock just continued to plunge into her, echoing out the slapping of their bodies together with a single-minded focus.

With every breath, Adalinda could smell the male's scent clouding around her; his thick musk only made her hotter. Her own rich scent filled his nose in turn, egging him on with every breath inwards, though he could only last so much longer. His cock was pulsing already, drooling with precum that smeared down her walls. As he prepared to cum, his claws ran up her sides, finding the divets of her hips to tug in like a handle. He held her tight to him, locking his hilt against her cunt as his tip pushed deep inside her.

Her own walls, at the tugging and prickling of his barbs holding her in place, were clenching and spasming. Her voice warbled out with a little mewl as her cunt clenched hard. Her legs stiffened, trembling at the knees as he started to spray hot cum inside her. At the same time, her own orgasm hit. Her body shook against the grass, but the tiger held her hips tight, keeping her in place to receive every drop of the cum dribbling from him. Then, his weight settled over her, pressing himself like a plug into her cunt and driving his barbs into her walls even more as he nipped at her throat, a soft purr barely audible in the base of his throat.

Adalinda, warm and tired laid into the grass, didn't notice when the tiger extracted himself, lopping off out of the clearing once more. He left her napping in the rising warmth of the sunshine with cum dribbling out of her wet slit exposing under her mused loin cloth. Her eyes stayed closed in a shallow rest for an hour before she woke again, finding the day now hot rather than fresh with the morning dew.

"What a vivid dream..." She murmured, turning up to see the tracks from claws on her thighs and the dried cum sticking to her thighs. "Or... not.." She rose to her feet this time, stretching until the aches in her joints were faded. Only then did she start her wandering once more, adjusting her simple clothing as she walked to cover her as minimally as the did. Her eyes trained to the sky, watching for the directions and the edges of the mountains to guide her towards the old, familiar villages of her own region.

As the sun continued to rise, Adalinda continued to walk. She weaved through the trees, using the jungle for some protection from the increasing heat of the sun. As she walked, her mind wandered forward to her next steps. "Where am I heading?" She asked herself, musing about the potentials. She could head in towards the villages at the base of the mountain or head up the rising cliffs to the edge communities which she'd never visited before.

"I could go to the islands..." She glanced out, into a distance that she couldn't see. The clouds were thicker over the coastline, hiding the distant islands from view. She'd never visited those communities either, filled with unique life. "I'd have to find a boat to take me..." She glanced down at herself, knowing she lacked any of the currency of the region. "I'm sure I could convince someone to give me a favor..." She smirked, nodding to herself.

"Maybe it's time to see something new..." She set herself towards the clouded skyline where the land met the rippling sea and started walking.


For nearly a day, Adalinda continued her walk. The sun reached its peak in the sky and began to fall once more until darkness spread like a blanket over the land. Only then did she find another soft spot to rest, snuggling into the leafy drops at the base of a heavy tree. "Tomorrow I'll reach the coastal town..." She calculated, watching as the fat moon took its own spot in the sky now, ready for its shift casting light over the land.

The dragon settled herself into the padded ground with a sigh. Her body was tired, happily so from a long day walking, so the relief on her legs and feet gave her a sudden burst of wakefulness. Her mind buzzed to life, still alert as her eyes scanned the darkness around her. As she looked into the shadows, she couldn't help but picture something there, something watching her that she couldn't see.

Her fingers started to trail down her front, tracing an invisible line for the unseen character's eyes to follow down the front of her form. First, she followed down her collarbone, tracing her way to the heaving tops of her hefty breasts. There, she slowed, circling the pink nub of each nipple, one by one over the buffering fabric of her skimpy top. She didn't touch them, but instead retreated to draw the tip of her single digit down between them, bypassing to the soft expanse of her silvery stomach.

Her eyes stared into the darkness, picturing another dragon standing there, but one with dark, jet-black scales so he melted into the nighttime around him. Her eyes drank in the open canvas of the night as her fingertips met to the dip of her belly and then the angles of her pelvis, drawing her towards the swell of her pubis.

"Mmm..." Her own touch sent a buzz over her skin, just slow enough to start her heart pumping faster. A flush began to spread over her cheeks and down onto the spread of her chest. As a digit dipped into the line of her slit, gathering her own building wetness. "You can watch me, stranger," her voice was soft, merely building the fantasy for herself.

"You can watch as I tease myself, tempt myself, but only until you can't take it anymore. I want you to watch until you're hungry for me, starving for a taste yourself. Then, I hope you'll pounce... come and take what's waiting for you," Her fingertips slid down the line of her sex to the the opening of her cunt. Her nail traced against her wet lower lips, skimming over the skin before she sunk the length in to the knuckle, curling it up in a gentle search for the g-spot.

As she sought out the textured spot on the wall, her hips started to rock slowly over the earth. She raised her butt from the grass just enough to allow for her hips to rhythmically move in time with the squeezing of her walls around the single digit and her own breath puffing out into the night.

Distantly, in the back of her mind, she pictured who would come forward out of the darkness. He was muscular, but lean with the dark leather of his wings flung out behind him as he strode forward. Unlike herself, he wasn't nude. Tight leather clung onto his ass and legs, sculpting the bulge in the front of them. He walked with a slow, careful purpose as his eyes washed over her. Even in the darkness, she knew he could see her body glistening a pale color in the moonlight, reflecting the night's dim light back to him. Her hips were moving, dancing with the slow, rising arousal in her gut. Her legs pulled apart further, spreading so he could inspect all of her from the mess of her hair rubbing against the base of the tree to her toes curling in the grass until her claws skimmed against the bottom of her feet.

Between them, her spread legs revealed the wet line of her cunt where her fingers dipped into her, slow and sensual. Unlike her mating earlier, this was incredibly slow. Her heart was the fastest part, pounding against her ribs. While her fingers kept their tender massage, dipping in and out of her while her thumb circled round and round over her clit. As her pace stayed, her hips struggled to keep their rhythmic grinding without little trembles. Her eyes struggled to stay open, to focus on her fantasy when her hips were quivering. Her heartbeat pounded in her ears with a steady thumping motion.

As the moon peaked in the evening sky, Adalinda writhed quietly in the grass, cumming around her fingers. Shortly after, she let her eyes close with her loincloth still spilling to one side and her legs spread wide up towards the moon. She slept deeply, tired after everything her day entailed. It wasn't until the next day, with the sun high in the sky, that she woke once more.


"Today, I'll reach the coastal town," she said upon waking. Already, she was eager to get on the move. After sleeping so long from the day before, once she awoke with the sun in full bloom, she got to her feet. As she walked, nearing the edge of the jungle, the foliage grew thinner and thinner.

Thick, heavy tree trunks began to thin into slender sticks the width of her wrist instead of two arms around while the thick grass that made a carpet under feet began to soften and shorten into grass more likely found in maintained yards. As she passed through the edge, where the ground grew into a rolling hill towards a distant, foggy coastline, she started to see buildings popping up in the distance with varying heights.

"Ah, there..." she murmured, almost to herself. Her eyes trained towards the front, searching out the details of the buildings in the distance while she wondered what and who would be by them. She walked towards them with wide strides with the heat of the sun bearing down on her shoulders, heating the flesh of her wings and sending warmth down her shoulders.

At the edges of the small village, Adalinda bumped into her first fur, a tall and slender gazelle gathering up grain from, what appeared to be, a meager crop square.

"You must not be from around here!" he said, in lieu of a greeting, with a hearty wave. As she grew closer, she noted the scruffy facial hair on his chin that aged his face considerably.

"No, I'm not, but I'm just passing through!" As she looked over the man, she realized he was wearing full pants with a loose shirt pulled over his torso. In contrast, her meager loincloth tied around her waist dangling free and loose over her cunt was a simplistic and slight covering. "Though, I see that I'll stand out for whatever time I'm here."

"That you may," he chuckled now, realizing that despite her appearance the stranger was intelligent. He gestured her over to the edge of his fence while his tool paused in its work. "You can easily snag something more fitting for the breeze here at the shop downtown. Have you any money?" He looked over her, as if realizing that she didn't have any place to store money.

Adalinda shook her head, "No, I haven't been in a city with currency in some time, my previous dwellings were very... barter-based." For a brief moment, the rough, trade system of fucking the innkeeper for a room for a week flashed through her mind, but she shook it away. "I'm sure I can pick up some kind of work though." She didn't key this gentle farmer into what she'd had in mind, but he nodded nonetheless, letting her vague answer pass.

"You can head down by the docks, there's more businesses there, surely someone will have some work."

"I was hoping to find passage to the islands, I'm not particular about which."

"The ships for this week already left, they'll be back in a couple nights, so you'd have to wait for next week's charter. Until then, you can surely find some work to occupy." He gave a small glance to the sun, tilting so in the sky, that Adalinda knew meant he needed to finish the day's work. She gave him a small nod and excused herself.

She started towards the small clustered buildings, looking for something that stuck out to her. In the dark line of a cluttered alley, Adalinda spotted a familiar marking of a tailor. She strode inwards, ducking to enter the doorway. She held her breath as she looked into the shop, hoping for a better pairing than the old, kind farmer.

As she rounded the corner, seeing a young, lanky cheetah leaning on the counter looking bored. A smile spread over her face, rounding into the room with her chin high. "Why, hello there." Her voice rolled out with a rumbling tone as his eyes flicked up from his hands, seeing instead her nearly nude body in the frame of the door. "Is this your shop here?"

"Uh, it's uh... I help, it's my family's-" His stuttering voice gave him away as much as his flushing cheeks did as the feline looked up at the dragon.

"Well, maybe you could help me nonetheless," she purred as she hit the counter, leaning over towards him as her tits pressed into the thin fabric strip that held them, straining against the binding. "You see, around here its seems my outfit is a bit out of place."

"Well," the cheetah coughed, recovering just slightly. "I think you look lovely, but I can see... I can see how it might bring more attention than you'd like."

"Oh you like it?" She stepped back now, giving a slow spin that put her entire body on display. Her tail lifted, letting him see the bare side of her draping loincloth where her ass was exposed. Her two, perky cheeks gave him a meager glimpse of her lower lips below before she turned so he saw her from the front once more, where the smooth expose of her stomach led up to her bulging breasts. "I thought it was a little plain nowadays." Her eyes met his, smiling slightly as she felt his eyes running down her body. She could see the blush building on his chest now, running down from his cheeks.

She moved back closer this time, running her claw gently over his palm. "I have a little issue though, I don't have any money. My previous home didn't use currency, we relied instead on a barter system-" She paused, catching his eyes as her lips hovered less than a foot from him over the space of the counter. "I often could find shop owners willing to let me... help them in exchange for what I needed." She looked down, moving her finger another inch up to his wrist, circling it on his skin before she met his eyes again.

"W-what do you need?" he sputtered out, though his mind wasn't really concerned with her wardrobe concerns.

"I don't know, what do you think would look best for a traveler?" She stepped back just a little from the counter, letting the flustered young man catch his breath while her full figure was visible once more from the swell of her breasts to the smooth curves of her hips. Behind her, as she held his eyes, her tail swayed side to side with lazy enjoyment. "What do travelers tend to wear here? Something that I won't get too hot in?" She started to run her fingers over her form, pulling his eyes over her body as she spoke in a slow, sultry purr. Her nails skimmed over the rise of her breasts, sliding down her side. "I need something with some airflow... something comfortable, but I don't want to be too skimpy."

She paused a moment, feeling his eyes roaming over her form as she stood out from the barrier of the counter, but after a long beat she stepped close once more and lowered the volume of her voice. "What do you think, can you help me out in return for..." Her voice trailed off as her eyes met his. Looking at him, holding his gaze on her face, the dragoness parted her lips, slowly biting onto the soft skin of her bottom lip. "...something in return?"

"I...I..." The boy stammered, swallowing audibly before he cleared his stammering. "I think we have some things that the shop doesn't need anymore." His eyes peeked down, momentarily looking over her breasts before he met her eyes again.

"Oh wonderful..." Her finger slid up his shirt, tracing up to his chin as she guided it closer to her with a single finger resting under his jaw. Once his mouth hovered inches from her own, the dragon let out a soft breath and lightly pressed her herself to him in a slow kiss. She felt the boy tremor, rattling the counter. As their lips stayed locked together, Adalinda pulled her knees up onto the counter, sliding herself into a kneeling position on the counter top. Her head hovered over the young man's now, pulled taller than him by the counter's boost. She tipped her neck further, practically drinking him in with the depth of their kiss. From this vantage, she could sneak her eyes open and see the bulge in the front of his simple, linen pants swelling.

Breaking the kiss, the dragoness shifted, wrapping her legs around the man's waist and using her feet to push him up to her. Suddenly, the heat of her uncovered cunt went flush to the front of his pants. He shook with the proximity. "O-o-oh!"

Adalinda, smirking to herself, pressed her lips down against the soft fluff of his jawline. "Would you like me to stop? I can service you in any way you'd like... perhaps you'd prefer I tidy the shop? Chop wood?" While she spoke, the dragoness started to run her fingers down the front of the man's shirt, dipping the edges of her nails into the waistband of his pants.

"N-No!" He blurted, instantly blushing underneath his patterned fur. The heat of his flush glowed a warm hue under his soft, summer coat. "Those tasks are... taken care of, it'd be a waste of t-time." He swallowed again with his heart hammering in his ears with every passing second. The dragoness could hear how his blood rushed; it brought a smug smile onto her lips.

"Very well, of course. I wouldn't want to be repetitive." Her body writhed, rubbing her groin against his stomach where the counter naturally collided their forms. Her lips found his again, this time with a quicker, rougher kiss. She lashed her tongue into his mouth, tasting the lingering smoke of a fire-roasted breakfast on his teeth before she broke their embrace. Her fingers ran down his front, stroking his abdomen through his shirt before her fingertips found the bulging front of his pants. Tenderly, teasingly; she started to stroke over his cock through the fabric, letting every touch be buffered by the light fabric. "Now, tell me, cheetah. I don't even know your name."

"Braun," he blurted, barely a beat of hesitation. He leaned into her touch with an arch of his back while shivers shook his spine. "My name's Braun, my dad owns the shop, Schneider Braun. He named me after our grandfather who built it." The young man was rambling, spewing words as they rushed into his brain because he wasn't focused on the work of his mouth, but on the soft touch of the dragon below his belt.

"I see, so you're just helping out..." Her lips were working their way up his jaw, pausing between words to leave soft imprints of her lips and nips from her canines as she moved. Every little contact sent another tremor down the length of the man's back, shuddering his hips and wriggling the package in front of her. Her feet, still wrapped around his waist, let the dragoness steady the squirming, pent-up man, but all his moving only made him more eager as she ground into her touch like a form of self-torment. Her head bent further, letting her lips work up his throat.

"Tell me, Braun. Do you often invite girls in? On the slow days, have you snuck someone into the store room and bent them over the crates of wool?" Her voice was low, halfway caught between a growl and a purr and sourced from deep in her throat so the words had a subtle vibration to every syllable. As she spoke, her fingers continued to toy with him, rubbing up and down the length of his captured cock, still locked inside it's fabric prison.

"N-no, never. I-I... I couldn't." Braun whimpered out into the air, tipping his head back as it that'd help him catch his breath or steel his self-control. His eyes quivered under their lids, rolling towards the wooden ceiling of the simple building.

"Really? Are you scared you'd get caught with your pants down? Balls deep inside some local snatch or are the girls here too simple for your tastes?" She smiled against his skin, slowly kissing the base of his throat. "There's a thrill, Braun, to fucking where someone might catch you. Every thrust is needy, eager. You have to finish, finish quickly before someone arrives! The girl, often, is nothing more than a hole to fuck, something hot to sink your pulsing cock into until you can cum and sneak back into position." Her voice grew thicker, lilting with her own arousal. She could feel the sunshine streaming through the simple windows in the front of the shop. The warmth of the reaching rays hit her back, warming the exposed line of her scales. She knew that the door was still unlocked, open for anyone in the village to stop in, hoping only for some fresh trousers and not this teasing display. With her eyes towards the back, focused on the quivering cheetah, she couldn't even watch for a peeping tom or an unaware arrival, she could only listen.

Every footstep on the weakly cobbled, dusty roads outside rang in her ears. She could hear the faint thump of heels hitting to the packed dust and the click of soles meeting to the sparse rocks that defined the trail. She waited for them to grow louder, tracking the build of volume until they began to fade in a constant wait for the time that the steps didn't grow fainter once more, but instead led the person right into this scene. It made her skin hot, thinking of a stranger finding them. Her ass was pointed towards the door, exposed in her kneeling position right up on the counter like another piece of merchandise to be inspected and taken home for a coin. Her cunt drooled, smearing onto the wood of the counter top.

"I love the thrill, Braun." Her fingers grew a bit faster while her feet squirmed against his butt, pulling him in tight against her body as she ground herself into his, just above his waistband like a torturous reminder that what he really wanted was right there, so close to the right alignment, but just out of reach. "I love knowing that someone might stumble in and catch me. What will they think of a dragon girl, fucking someone right in the middle of the town's shops in the high sun of the day?" She rubbed herself hard to his stomach, letting out a whimper of her own now as she coaxed their arousals in unison. Her scent was thick in the air, clouding the overstimulated cheetah's nose with her. He breathed in greedily, still rocking his head back against his shoulders.

Adalinda's lips parted, ready to speak once more when a small scraping sound came from the door, announcing that the wood was moving. She stiffened, freezing for half a second before she pushed forward on the counter and slipped behind it's edge, landing on her knees on the hard wooden floor behind, right against the cheetah's boots.

"Howdy, Braun. How's the week treating you?" A voice sounded, shortly followed by a thud of the door closing once more. Braun gave a half-choked reply, coughing as though to clear his voice.

"Business a bit slow?" The stranger laughed, interpreting Braun's noises as the sound of someone who hadn't spoken in awhile, losing his voice to disuse. The clunk of boots moving through the shop echoed in the small space while Adalinda found her nose against the front of the boy's pants where the bulge of his cock pulsed with impatience and the tip drooled pre-cum into the linen, marking his tip with a soaking dot. A smile spread across her lips, flashing at no one as the boy stayed laser focused on his potential customer. With a little shift, the dragon settled her weight onto her feet and pressed her back to the counter's base, steadying herself this way as her fingers found the clasp of his belt, unwinding it with a slow, careful precision to control its noise.

Above her, the cheetah's back was stiff and locked in place. His face looked out to the shop, but his eyes were clouded with distraction, silently wondering what the dragon intended to do down under the edge of their minimal coverage. At the same time, his guest seemed bothered, by the sounds of his wandering feet.

"Your dad was out working the pasture when I walked over here, I spotted him at your place," The stranger gave a little cough, clearing the dust of the road from his throat as his fingers thrummed on the wood of a display shelf. "You must be watching the shop for the day for him?"

Braun gave a silent nod that Adalinda saw from beneath, noticing where her lips had mussed his fur in a track down his throat from her saliva-wetted kisses. She smirked, parting his pants now, with the belt hanging uselessly open around his waist. With it, she could free his cock. The air rushed against his flushed, sensitive skin before her mouth plunged onto him, not hesitating a moment.

"Ugh-" Braun gulped, choking as her felt the hot flush of the girl's mouth close over him. "Y-Yuh-yeah! I'm watching the shop for the day. We're trying to get the root vegetables pulled up. It's hard work, we didn't mark 'em as well as we should have-" Braun's rambling was favoring him now, distracting from the wet sound of Adalinda's lips kissing to his base as she sunk her throat over his cock, letting it constrict around his intruding cock with a familiar ease. She relished the rush of their secrecy. His scent filled her nose, thick in that air. She could only wonder if this visitor could smell their arousal hanging in the small shop.

"Oh yeah, we did the same. You think the rows are easy, but it's like the seeds shift away and then to find everything you planted is a hunt. It's back-breaking, especially in the heat and on the knees!" There was a rustle of fabric, probably what the man had come in for lifting from the shelf, Adalinda mused. She sucked in a long breath, letting the musk of the male fill her nose while her legs spread open on either side of his own stance. The spread put her cunt on full display, though no one was angled to see it. She could feel the air of the shop against her lower lips, pulling them apart with her squatting position. It was belittling, exposing herself for this stranger, yet her blood ran hot and pulsed in her ears as she pressed her lips down around his girthy cock.

"You want to find replacements or get those repaired?" Braun's voice hitched slightly, catching in his throat for a half-beat. His knees quaked, resisting the urge to react to the rhythmic suckling of Adalinda's lips around his cock. The more he ignored her, the more eager the dragon was to break his stony self-control. Her fingers ran up his thighs, stroking along the soft hair of his legs while her lips sunk down to the base of his cock, sliding the hot suction of her mouth up and down the length of him without pause.

"Can we try and repair them? At least once more, I think they've got more life in them." There was the solid thud of footsteps against the floor, thumping just on the other side of the counter. Adalinda's breathing grew quicker, puffing out of her nose in hot, sweeping breaths that rushed over the exposed base of Braun's cock as she pulled backwards. The thunk of hands falling onto the countertop just above the dragon's head rang through her ears, making her cheeks burn hot over her scales. Her blush ran down her throat, spreading onto her chest and the tops of her swelling breasts.

"He's right there," she thought, mind clouded with lust. In teasing the boy, she'd worked herself up alongside him so now her blood churned through her body, roaring in her ears with every beat. The boy's cock pumped by her lips, the rhythm becoming second nature as her head bobbed over him. Her tongue swirled over his head each time she retracted, drinking up the droplets of pre-cum as they formed there and sending a zip of sharp pleasure up his body with each sweep of the sensitive tip. One hand, stroking his thigh, fell away from its job.

Instead, her digits stroked up her own thigh, finding the heat of her own cunt drawing her in. She could feel her wetness gathering, clinging in wet drops on her lower lips before falling onto the wooden floor in a sparse puddle that grew with the seconds, but before her fingers touched herself, she halted them. A small, quiet part of her mind hissed at her, stroking herself instead of dedicating herself to this young man she'd promised her service to. "Shameful for a slut to mind her own pleasure," she tsked, finding her own mind pushing her into submission as her fingers moved instead to her breasts, forcing her to use only her throat and lips to pleasure his cock while any glance down would find her breasts now bare. Her pink nipples, stiff as pebbles, jutted up into the air in the hopes of catching Braun's downward eye and distracting him.

"I see the tear, we can stitch around this and add a patch. Want us to pad the patch a little? Do you intend to wear these just for yard work? We can add some cushion for your knees..." Their voices still played over head. Braun's words were surprisingly steady, but looking up his form, Adalinda could see the quiet tension shaking in his knees and in his fingers gripping the edge of the counter instead of warbling his voice.

"Cum for me," she whispered, voice barely making a sound but with her mouth pressed to his skin, letting the words vibrate to his flesh. "Cum on my face, splatter me..." She sunk her lips back onto his cock, swirling her tongue in a repetitive circle over his cock head as she sunk her hot mouth in a squeezing embrace down onto him. Carefully, her teeth even met his skin, skimming every so faintly over the length of his cock before the soft heat of her lips ran back over the same, buzzing skin, replacing the sudden sensation with a new one.

Then, she pulled from his cock entirely, letting him bob in the air in front of her while the cool shop rushed against his flushed skin. She looked up, watching his mouth momentarily hang open before he caught himself. "How's that sound?"

"That's a great idea," The stranger instantly replied, tapping his knuckles. "Anything to make the work easier, huh?" His voice trailed off, but his conversation didn't cinch to an end, clearly this man wanted to chat. Whether avoiding work back at home or just longing for companionship, Braun wasn't escaping his customer so easily.

"That's for sure!" A hoarse laugh wheezed out of the cheetah, almost exposing the lust behind the sounds as Adalinda stuck out her tongue, using the tip to scoop up his cock and lead it back into the heat of her mouth which stayed hanging open, letting her hot breath wash over him while her lips hesitated. The position put him so close to feeling the pleasure of her entire throat hugging around him, yet locked him in the second of anticipation for beat after beat. His hips gave a small jerk, barely noticeable, but enough to thrust his tip against the warm, textured roof of her mouth. "Listen, I'll get these in for repairs right away, how about a discount on a replacement pair though so you can still get work done today?" His voice hung in the air, so clearly hopeful of ending the chatter.

"Oh, I couldn't let you do that. This shop does enough for us. I mean, how many times have you repaired Callie's dresses after she caught them on some tree?" He laughed, launching into a full story about his toddling daughter and her adventurous streak. The sound of his voice droned into the background for Adalinda, merely a humming reminder that someone was there, someone who could catch her suckling cock in the full light of day in a tailor's shop. She pushed her back harder into the counter, pulling Braun's cock into her mouth greedily, letting her lips smack into his base now with a rising impatience.

At the sudden increase of noise, Braun gave a throaty grunt and began rustling with fabric, knocking his knuckles to the counter top like an anxious fidgeter with no internal rhythm. His fumbling covered the sounds of the girl's lips smacking against his flesh, but it couldn't cover the new aggression of his buckling knees or the shake in his voice.

"Listen, don't let me keep you from your work-" Braun's voice cut into the man's story, a tense smile spread between the sentences. "I know that the field must be back home waiting."

A long beat of silence hung in the shop, even Adalinda paused, hearing the man's breath he was so close. She heard the whoosh of his exhale between the pounding of her own heartbeat as her lips paused, caught around the cheetah's pointed cock tip, tongue hovering from his flesh.

"You're right, wow. I am just avoiding the work, huh!?" The man let out a throaty chuckle, stepping back from the counter with a thunk of his boots. "Thanks for keeping me honest, can I pick up those pants at the week's end?" A few more words swapped between the men, but Adalinda couldn't focus anymore on the man. His boots were thunking off in the opposite direction, becoming softer once more until the door gave a thud closed behind him.

A single beat of silence rang through the shop before Braun's fingers clamped onto the edge of the counter and his hips swung forward in a full thrust, burrowing himself straight down the dragon's throat. Her head rolled back into the counter's base behind her, momentarily surprising her. Her shoulders went flush to the wood before she adjusted, steeling herself for another hard thrust as the cheetah, tormented and impatient, started a frantic face-fucking of the girl locked between his hips and the counter's hard base.

The sound of his cock thrusting into her mouth and throat rang through the shop with a wet echo: schluck, schluck... Adalinda's fingers reached up, grabbing to the counter's edge to steady herself as she held her lips open, accepting each hard shove of his cock right down into the throat, triggering even her own minimal gag reflex to constrict and struggle against the invader.

A heavy, panting breath left the cheetah, huffing with every jolt of his hips. His eyes were glazed, lost to the final release of his arousal as he pounded into the girl's mouth, relishing the hot suction of her lips and the gulp of her throat with every thrust. Yet, at this rash speed, the young feline couldn't control himself much longer. With a firm press forward and a flare of the barbs down his pointed cock, the boy shot a spray of cum. His orgasm painted the inside of her throat first, then dribbled onto her tongue as he retreated slightly.

Then, as his cock started to pull back from her lips, smearing thick globs of cum across her teeth and tongue, the back door of the shop directly behind his shoulder swung open and a larger, speckled cheetah stood in its frame: a grizzled copy of the youthful feline.

"Braun!?" The man chortled for a moment, watching as the young man pulled back and strung cum from his cock's tip to the dragon's open maw.

"D-dad!?" Terror shot down the cheetah's spine before she dropped, struggling to scoop up his pants.

"Are you fucking a whore in our shop? During open hours!?" The man's voice ran through the small building, setting Adalinda's cheeks on fire with a bright pink flush. She could see the man's eyes, even as they trained onto his son, they skimmed over her exposed body. Her breasts were free from their simple top, nipples hard and pink atop the heavy orbs bouncing on her chest while her cunt was spread and open between her wide knees, letting him see all she had to offer in a single glance. Her blush flamed down onto her chest.

"D-dad! No! She's not a whore! I didn't pay her! Ah..." He choked, for a moment realizing that this wasn't a good explanation. "S-she came in! She offered! She just needs clothes," Braun let out a strangled sound, realizing he wasn't capturing a good excuse in the spewing of words that was happening.

The older cheetah paused, letting out a low humming sound of though. Now, his eyes swept full from the cheetah to the stripped dragoness. He stared down at her, looking over her body without any hesitation. He inspected her like he would a cut of meat at the butcher, staring at every detail and humming to himself about the decision at hand. "This is a business deal then, hm?" He said finally, moving close enough that Adalinda could see the front of his pant's twitch with a potential bulge hidden under the linen.

Braun gave a small cough, nodding without a full word. He had gotten his pants up to his waist, deflated cock tucked inside and drooling into the fabric once more.

"Interesting..." The man stood right in front of the dragoness, staring down at her before he gestured with two fingers upwards. Slowly, with a wobble in her knees, Adalinda rose up. Her butt went flush to the counter as the cheetah shifted in closer, the purr rumbling in his chest catching her ears. "Is this true, ______?" His voice trailed off, waiting for her to fill him in.

"Adalinda," she murmured, lowering her blushing head for a moment. "It's true. I'm traveling from a barter-based economy, I don't have currency to offer, but I can't travel this town in my current garb-"

"This is your garb?" The cheetah grabbed the fabric hanging beneath her breasts that had been her top. He tugged it, making the heft of her tits shake atop her chest. His eyes watched them, drinking in the sight. "No wonder you are fucking my son beneath a countertop."

"I-uh-," she faltered, feeling the blush of her cheeks intensifying. Her cunt squeezed, feeling a pulsing ache of arousal that was unlike the intensity of any lust she'd felt in months. "Yes, this is all. I'm from a forest community, it's incredibly hot. I was hoping I could leave here with a simple option that'd be more fitted to your town and the islands, I hope to go there next." She found her voice now, meeting the man's eyes as she rolled her shoulders forward, letting both breasts mash together between them.

"Well, Adalinda, we hand spin every bit of cloth we use. We sell the highest quality clothing this side of the ocean. A simple blowjob for my son isn't going to cover a shirt, let along a whole set." He shook his head before he hooked his finger in the band of her top, using it like a rope to pull her towards him. Her body rocked into his, letting both breasts mash into his own shirt that was covered in the dust of the roads. "Would you like to work towards an entire fitting?"

Adalinda's cheeks burned so hot they almost ached. Her cunt was pulsing, clenching on the nothing inside her with a growing ache for more. "Of course, I don't want to belittle your quality... sir." Her head tilted down, chin towards the floor before her eyes swept up, meeting his gaze there demure eyelashes. A smile spread over his face.

"Braun-" He snapped, suddenly looking away from their tense moment to his son standing agape to the side. "Go repair the pants order." The sudden clatter of the young cheetah leaving rattled the shop, and then silence settled over once more. Then, the older cheetah settled closer to the dragon with one hand cupping the round curve of her ass with a testing squeeze. "I was hoping you'd be willing to invest-"

Before Adalinda could response, his hands turned her roughly, pushing her hips towards the counter top and heaving her ass upwards, using her own flesh as a handle. She bent over that rough wooden top with her head flopping over the other side, dipping towards the floor as he held her hips. Once she'd settled into place, bent over the top of the counter, she anticipated the rustle of pants shucking open and away. Instead, she heard nothing, but the hands on her ass cheeks tightened and spread them further apart. The air of the shop rushed against her cunt and asshole, telling her that she was utterly exposed. His fingers kneaded into the meat of her ass while his eyes roamed over her exposed holes like he was considering the cut of meat he wanted: shoulder or flank?

Adalinda's eyes lifted, staring towards the door with a new intensity. Now she was fully visible if someone strode in. The shop's owner stared for several more seconds before his fingers dipped in, stroking the smooth inner dips of her thighs. His staring only made her own impatient arousal more potent. Her cunt clenched, visibly blinking in front of his as his eyes studied her with a lazy patience. Finally, after nearly a minute, his fingers eased on her ass. He moved from behind her, silently walking to the door of the shop. With a flip, he dropped a plank of wood into place, essentially locking it while the small window's sign turned to expose "Lunch Break" to the outside world while "Open" pointed inwards, now null and void.

"Braun!" He hollered, summoning the cheetah back into the room. The sight of the dragon, spread and exposed on the counter, gave him a beat of pause. The girl's cheeks only burned hotter, knowing he looked over her entire form in a single beat before he looked to his father. "Yeah?"

The elder moved over, murmuring in a low voice to his predecessor. Adalinda strained, but she could only catch half-phrases and words unattached: " crew... right away..."

When he finished, Braun gave a mere nod and shuffled into the back once more. The dragoness waited, feeling the seconds tick past before hands once more rolled over the meat of her ass. "Now," the elder breathed, "my turn-"

Now, the telltale sound of fabric rustling filled the air before Adalinda felt the poke of a firm cock finding her cunt. He tugged her into place, shifting her ass down to his cock like an oversized fleshlight as she clung to the counter. Then, without a word, he thrust into her. His cock suddenly stretched her, filling the opening that had been needfully clenching on an absence for an hour, sending a moan rippling into the air. The dragon shuddered, pushing her ass back to him instinctively.

"Ah, I see you're well-fitted to being a whore," His fingers clenched into the meat of her ass, kneading her ass cheek as he kept her holes exposed, watching his own cock piston in and out of her yawning, wet slit. "You've been dripping on my floors and counter. I'll have to add cleaning to your fees, I can't have cunt juices leaking in this establishment. This place is upscale, no place for a common slut to be oozing." Every sentence came with a hard thrust, marking his periods with a burst of energy from his hips. His words had the dragon's cheeks burning, glowing pink across her scales as her cunt milked him, proving everything he was saying.

Every thrust rocked her, pushing her further over the ledge of the counter before his hands on her ass pulled her back to him. Her short cropping of hair rustled; her tits jostled. The sound of his hips smacking into her echoed through the shop, filling the long quiet space with an explosion of erotic noise. Besides their bodies clapping together, the cheetah didn't speak, just grunted with muffled concentration and enjoyment as he pounded himself into her.

"Come into my shop... begging for handouts, I'm gonna... unf... fucking work you."

With every beat of his hips into her own, Adalinda's cunt clenched around him. Her walls squeezed down, locking him inside her with an involuntary lust. Her eyes stayed forward, leaving only her ears and touch to tell her what happened behind the curves of her hips on the other side of the counter. She stared towards the shop's windows, seeing the shapes of others walking past in the afternoon light, starting to grow deeper and vibrant as the sun tilted to the horizon. Even with the door locked, an glance longer than a short beat into the simple windows would reveal her form thrust over the counter. Her heaving breasts were in plain view, swinging and slapping over the edge of the counter with every rocking thrust.

The cheetah held onto her ass like handles, using the soft meat of her to pull her onto his cock. Every thrust, the tip of his shaft dove into her, striking into the patchy spot of her g-spot before it sunk deep towards her cervix in the mess of her own building juices. His hands began to roam as his pace quickened, moving up from her ass to scoop up her tits, pulling the dragon's back into an arch as he drove himself into her, pistoning forward. Her body quivered with every thrust, caught between his cock and the counter. His fingers roved over her, roughly grabbing her tits before easing his fingertips back towards her ass. His nails, short and blunt from working, scraped down the shapely round of her rump, kneading into the flesh.

As his touch returned to her ass, his fingers pushed her cheeks apart while one foot kicked at her ankles. Suddenly impatient, he grabbed at her thighs, each hand grasping onto the tender flesh and heaving her up so her knees slid onto the counter. Her legs spread impossibly wide, opening her cunt even further as her ass dangled off the counter, held in position by his body weight pushing her forward. Now she was entirely open for him, letting him see every stroke his cock made into her cunt. The disappearing act of his point cock sliding into her drooling slit captured his attention; Adalinda could feel his gaze inspecting her with silent focus.

Now, with her body spread in front of him, the elder cheetah scooped his hands beneath the bend of her knees and started pounding. His pace reached a new peak, slapping into her ass with every passing second as the barbs on his cock began to flare, catching onto the sensitive walls of her cunt. Then, with a burst, cum roped out into her sex, coating her inner sex with strings of his seed. Without pause, he retreated, smearing his tip and cock clean on her downturned ass.

"Stay," he grunted as he moved from behind her. For a moment, his footsteps receded into the backroom, leaving the dragon dripping onto the edge of the counter. Her heartbeat was still racing, pounding through her ears while her cunt clenched and pulsed with incomplete arousal. Then, with the steady and familiar clunk of his boots on the wood floors, he returned. "Turn around on the counter," He demanded with an even monotone. For a moment, Adalinda wondered what was happening, what was planned; but her cunt was too eager, impatient, and hopeful for more to fight against her ego. Instead, she lifted her butt enough to carefully scoot in a pivoting circle until her ass and cunt raised towards the entrance to the shop and her eyes tilted up to the elder feline.

His cock hovered in front of her, glistening still. Her lips parted, eagerly welcoming the cock with a long, lick before he stepped back and shucked his pants back over the length. The dragon's cunt squeezed. "I-is he done?" She thought, suddenly only hornier than before. Instead, the door behind her upturned ass rattled against the wooden block, sending a jolt up her spine.

"A minute! A minute!" The shopkeep announced, glancing over at Adalinda with a smile. She paused, anticipating a quick direction of where to hide: under the counter or, maybe, into the backroom? Instead, he strode past and, as quick as she thought of a place to dash, he swung open the door and the thudding of several pairs of boots sounded through the space.

"W-what is happening?" Adalinda thought with a sudden burst of heat over her cheeks. She felt the read heat spread from her jawline up to the line of her cheekbones. The thump of the boots on the wooden floor thrummed through the counter with their proximity. Her body was buzzing with heat, feeling the eyes finding her naked, upturned ass.

Her entire form was on display. Her legs were still spread up on the counter with her knees pressing into the wood, keeping her thighs pulled apart. Her cunt still glistened and drooled with wetness, showing pink between her quivering thighs right in front of the approaching strangers' eyes. She only saw the backroom's sturdy door, unaware of who exactly was behind her.

"We've got some special product in," The elder feline introduced as the sound of feet came to a shuffling pause. Now, Adalinda assumed, they were standing behind her, hovering in a half-circle of safe distance from the out of place sight. "I thought I'd invite my most loyal customers for a special, on-the-house experience..." His voice trailed off into a throaty chuckle but his feet thunked forward until a warm hand smacked onto her ass. "Please, don't be shy! Consider it no different than eating my extra harvest!"

For a moment, his words fell into unresponsive silence, but then the shocked politeness broke away and the thunks of boots moving forward sounded out. New hands, larger and rough than the feline's velveteen digits found her ass. Instantly, the grip was strong and tight, holding onto her ass cheek like an apple waiting to be bitten. As quickly as one hand had found her, his other did. Another firm set of five fingers squeezed onto her other cheek, slapping his palm into the soft meat of her rump before he shuffled closer enough that she could feel the warmth radiating from his crotch.

"I think you oversell the gift that your extra squash are..." The man finally said, chortling to himself. A soft chorus of half-breathed laughs sounded after him. The hands on the dragon's ass slid up her thighs, tracing the shape of her form spread out in display on the counter top. "This a new shipment then? Giving it the best display spot in the shop, straight in through the door?"

The other men all snickered, the sounds of their feet shuffling closer echoed softly through the shop until another sliding finger found the girl's side on the indent of her hip, following the shape of her form up to her tit and filling his hand with the soft flesh. The first man shifted forward, rubbing his covered groin into her butt. The bulge of his cock swelling into the confines of his pants was already obvious as he rubbed himself into her. Her ass tremored, instinctively pushing back to the touch as she ached still for release.

The second pair of hands on her torso was joined by a third, moving rapidly to the swell of her tits. His fingers sought out the swollen nub of her nipple. Eagerly, he rolled the bud beneath the pads of his fingers as a mewl escaped the girl's lips.

"Toys don't talk," someone murmured, chuckling as the first man's bare cock pressed to the dragon's ass, rubbing into her smooth scales before his tip found the drooling slit of her cunt and sunk forward. Instantly, her walls reacted to this girth, clenching around him as though to suck him further into her. A slow curse rolled from his lips before his hips rocked, slapping their bodies together with an steadying rhythm. Already, her cunt was clamping down with every beat of her heart. Her clit was swollen so puffy and red that it jutted out between her plump lower lips, begging for touch that another hand (she couldn't even tell who this was attached to anymore) provided. Eager, probing fingers began to rub up and down the length of her sensitive clit, circling on the nub that made her hips quiver with each touch.

"She's a sensitive one-"

"Already a few fucks in today," the shopkeeper snickered. "A hoe that doesn't make it to the garden isn't worth owning, right?"

Their words had the dragon's cheeks burning. The color of her embarrassed flush ran down from her cheeks to her throat and down over the expanse of her chest, but she couldn't deny the reaction of her cunt. Even in her humiliation, alongside it rather, the pressure in her groin grew more intense.

"I'd say this is a good investment then-" The cock scraped up the inside of her cunt, revealing itself to be much thicker with each new inch that pushed into her clenching walls. "The damn thing's going to milk me." Adalinda's face burned, but her cunt dripped all over this stranger's dick with her juices leaking onto his base.

She felt like a new-fangled product, a toy for their pleasure. Her name didn't matter. Her story didn't matter. To them, she was nothing but an enjoyable plaything to be used for themselves. Every thrust of his cock proved it. He pumped in hard and fast, but the angle on the counter made the strike on her g-spot unavoidable with every entry. All the while, hands were roaming her form. Fingers tweaked over her pulsing nipples, working them into hard points while fingertips skimmed down her smooth scales, nudging up around the tender base of her wings and stroking to the divet of her lower back. They explored all of her, leaving nothing unexposed or private. She could hide nothing from them.

The thought made her cunt clench, locking around the thick dick inside her. "Damn, fucking tight," A hiss sounded out, finishing with a firm slap of his hand against her ass. "Stop milking my cock, I'm not done!" He chuckled, joined by the others. The cheetah's particular throaty laugh echoed in the dragon's ears as the only familiar voice. The others were all knew, all strangers staring over her naked cunt, upturned ass, and swaying tits. "You can rent her out, like the till machine-" She clamped down, muffling a moan into her closed lips, but the man buried inside her spasming cunt couldn't control himself as her orgasm squired around him. Cum splattered across her inner walls, adding to the oozing mess escaping her and gathering down the line of her thighs.

As quickly as the one cock exited, fingers found her cunt. Two digits sunk into her, roughly feeling out the textures of her insides and pumping into her. "I want to watch her contract." They worked over her sensitive cunt, pistoning two, then three, and then four fingers into her spreading and stretching walls until the pressure of her swollen nethers began to rise again. Her orgasm hovered in front of her again, all too quickly as another hand began on her clit with fresh focus, circling and swirling over the sensitive bud. She couldn't control herself with so much happening, so many hands on her. Under their watchful gaze, she shuddered with a hard orgasm, shaking against the top of her counter top until she nearly slipped.

"Careful, don't break my newest addition!"

"It's not stable here!"

Some hands retreated and a flurry of sounds filled the background of the shop, but that didn't pause Adalinda's wave of eager attention. Another cock shoved into the wet, sloppy mess of her cunt in the spasming finish of her orgasm. Without a pause, his hips began pistoning the slender, long cock right up to her cervix.

Then, hands grabbed her legs and ankles with the new texture of a coarse rope. They bound her bend legs into position, securing the mass of knots and ties to the counter top itself, securing her atop it like a cash register, waiting for customers.

"Should I leave this as a permanent fixture? Think it would improve business?" The cheetah laughed, giving a yank of one of their binds, testing the strength. Adalinda was secured, locked in position for the line of cocks to fuck her. She couldn't even tell how many were there. Four? Five? More? To her increasing embarrassment, her cunt just shuddered with anticipation around the cock buried inside.

Her own arousal only milked the newest dick to orgasm, but this time he pulled back, splattering the spread ass cheeks of her rump with ropes of thick cum. She felt them, hot across her skin, now a marker of her use other than the gathering, spilling ooze that escaped her cunt of intermingling juices.

Just as before, one cock leaving only brought her another. This one thicker, short and wide like a can. He pushed his fat tip to her cunt, instantly beginning to push her walls apart in a stretch.

The sudden push on her walls, spreading them open around the girth of the newest fuck pushed Adalinda over the edge. Her head rolled forward, hanging towards the floor with a low moan. Her walls clamped on him, squeezing and resisting the stretch as he sunk deeper and deeper into her cunt.

Hands found her ass cheeks, pulling them apart on either side of her body to open up the entrance of her cunt for him and giving everyone a show of her wet slit accepting this oversized girth. "Damn, anything could fit in there by now..." Their eyes roved over her, drinking in the sight of her sloppy, pink cunt spread. Her tight asshole above clenched in tune with her sex, attracting a spit-soaked finger.

"Your shop is now my favorite in town! I'm going to go home and rip the hems out on all my pants so I have an excuse to come back- " His chortling laughter washed into the dragon's ear as the man bent closer to scoop up her swaying tits into his palms. His fingers began kneading with a rough, yet lazy intensity like it was a stressball to toy with. As he did, the clapping of her ass as the pace of her cock pistoning into her sped up rang through the room. Every collision added to the growing red glow on her ass and thighs from their fingers and bodies touching her, bumping and grinding into her. Her entire body was hot and flushed with arousal, embarrassment, and overuse.

"Did you really think you were going to get a full traveling outfit with a little blowjob?" The cheetah crooned, hovering in her range of sight now. She could see his cock cupped in his fingers, idly hardening. "A simple suck, maybe you would have even fucked him, but that would have been so simple. What's another cock in a hole like yours, hm? An easy way to get what you need. What happens though when you need food? Passage to those islands? Is this your only way? Just a walking set of holes, moving from one fuck to the next?" The dragon's face was aglow with a hot blush, a shameful hue of red that blossomed on her cheeks and ran down to the tops of her tits. She couldn't ignore what he was saying, he was right. Her entire journey so far, every town had been full of some fucking, some cock pistoning into her stretching, drooling slit like it was right then. What else had she done? Nothing of note besides travel to the next lay.

Her face was so hot that when the cheetah grabbed her chin, raising her gaze to his with a smirk, his fingers left white smears in the glowing of her scales. "You'll earn your garb here, you'll serve your time as our fuck toy and then we'll pass you onto the next one. Though, you might be de-valued by then!"

Their laughter ran out along with the echoing sound of a smack against her upturned ass. Their hands grew rougher, greedier as the night grew darker and longer outside. Her body was abuzz with the action and constantly on the edge of another orgasm. The right angle as the thick dick inside her shoved deeper or a finger catching her clit the right way: she'd tense and writhe with the sudden explosion of another orgasm. As they did, orgasms crashing into her like oversized waves, she couldn't help but mewl and moan towards the wooden ceiling, but to the amusement and delight of the gathered men. Her noises only encouraged them.

Fingermarks in soft pink glowed across her tits and down the length of her ass. Digits stuffed their way into her tight asshole, only increasing the pressure on the cock buried in her cunt. The tip of the thick shaft inside her nudged to her cervix, bottoming out as his base ground into her ass. "Warm up that asshole for me, that's next. Spread it open-" The sudden wetness of spit dropped down against her asshole, wetting the fingers shoving inside.

"We'll help, line up-" Hands suddenly found her hips, grabbing onto her to control her as they pushed her stretched cunt down over the cock buried in her. Then, the cock retreated, shifting instead to line the tip up with her puckered ass. On either side of her nude form, they held onto her soft curves and pushed her back towards the tip.

The first ring of muscle flared open for a moment with a forceful breath of release from the dragon, her arousal made anything seem dulled and enjoyable, even as zips of pain responded to the sheer size of the cock now leaning against the second, tight ring of her rump.

The men holding her didn't care, they continued to push her hips back, using her like a giant toy.

Her mouth dropped open, letting out a long warbling moan as the cock pushed into her ass, filling and stretching her to a new level. The hands on her body started to roam, growing impatient just being assistants to this fucking. They roamed to her tits, kneading and tugging on the soft flesh and down to her ass cheeks. They were spread wide, letting everyone see as her ass spread out around the thick can of a cock.

Every new inch made her mewl, but his pace stayed steady, feeding himself into her with a half-restrained impatience.

"What a good ass, fucking tight-"

"I'll rent her from ya, double what a hem-repair costs?"

"Fuck, I'll buy it if I can keep it out in the barn with my other rakes and hoes."

Their voices overlapped, intermingling with the steady slapping of the cock pistoning into the tight tunnel of her asshole. Their laughter broke through her own moans, ignoring her really as they chatted. Every sentence reminded her that she was jut a tool to them, a toy. Her worth was right alongside a fresh garden tool. They didn't know her name. They didn't care. Her cunt was good, milking them of every drop of their cum and that was all. Her voice arched up, growing higher and higher in pitch as her orgasms grew closer and closer together. Fingers had found their way into her cunt, relishing how tight she was with her other entrance stuffed full. Her clit was under a persistent, swirling attack and lips found one nipple. Teeth scraped against her ass. Every part of her was open play, overstimulating every spot. She was constantly building to release, orgasming, or trying to breath through recovery in every second.

Her noises began to sound like a constant mewling moan. All the while, her face burned with embarrassment. She didn't want to be so needy, so striped of her ego and pride. She was usually half in-charge, always dominating from the bottom, always teasing and tempting, but not now. She was tied down, locked onto the counter top. They fucked her, hard and rough, however they wanted without a notice to her.

Grunting, the man finished. A hot shot of cum filled the dragon's ass as he pulled back, finishing with his tip pressed against the puckered hole so cum pooled against it as he moved away. Fingers pulled on her ass cheeks, keeping them spread for everyone to appreciate the view of her sloppy, stretched holes in the dim candlelight.

"What time even is it?" One asked. They all began to realize, collectively, that the night had rushed away from them. Rushed goodbyes and jokes started to swap between them as their boots shuffled towards the doorway. As quickly as their fucking had begun, it was finished. Adalinda was tied, held in place on the counter with her ass and cunt dripping cum and juices onto the floor while they all stood at the doorway, murmuring about the crops and harvest now as though she wasn't there.

After several minutes, everyone had departed but the shop owner. He greeted her once more with a hand cupping her ass cheek. "Fucking dirty dragon," He murmured, almost to himself before he began to rub his hands over her rump. Adalinda waited in a frozen silence, wondering if he'd untie her now. Had her bill been paid?

Instead, he started murmuring to himself. "I wonder what I can fit in that cunt, hmm? What else?" His eyes lifted past her, inspecting the bottles of tanner and product on the shelves. Their smooth, wide bottoms tempted him. "Should I stuff you with a bottle, leave you here as a new display case? A special warmer?" His fingers began to message her cunt, working his digits against her g-spot with a lazy focus, but with her engorged, oversensitive sex it was enough that she writhed and mewled in her bindings. "I'd love to return tomorrow and see the puddle you'd have made, milking around a thick bottle all night long, but..." He muttered something, dismissing the idea before his hands made a quick work of the ropes on her legs. Even with the ropes gone, she stiffly stayed for a long beat before starting to stretch, maneuvering herself back into a wobbling standing position with cum dribbling down her thighs.

"I have to lock up, I'll bring out a clothing kit for you." He gestured towards the door. Adalinda's eyes met his, momentarily confused, but he just gestured again with silent eyes. Her body was utterly nude. The stripes of cloth making her meager loin cloth and top were lost somewhere on the counter, probably dropped behind. Yet, she moved through the thick door once more, dripping a thick glob of fresh cum onto the cobblestone outside as the pale moonlight illuminated her form. Her scales caught the cool light, glistening down the length of her naked form.

In the silence of the night, Adalinda's ears turned and pivoted, searching for warnings signs of someone passing. Her body had all the marks of use from the indents the rope to the hot shapes of fingers and palms on her ass and tits. Anyone passing would see every inch of her not only nude, but used.

Sure enough, a distant thump of boots passing through the alley caught her ear. She turned, trying to tuck herself back against the shop's wall, but the stranger rounded the corner right as she turned, catching her ass as her scales glittered under the moon.

"Mmm, what is this? A little cunt throw out for the night?" His eyes searched over her form, noting every handprint and mark on her body. "Or for good? Used up?" His finger moved with unwavering confidence in a smooth, scooping motion through her lower lips, gathering up the glistening, leaking mess there. "Very used, unwanted, perhaps?" She turned enough to see him, the lewd stranger had bright yellow eyes that glimmered in the night. The wolf was clearly strong, muscular beneath a thick, black coat. His fingers ran up her form to her breasts, scooping up the heft of the pale orb. Usually, the mere assumption would have Adalinda's ego on high alert, but tonight she was weakened, deliriously tired and yet, addicted to the state of cloud-like arousal she was trapped in. She didn't complain as one hand found the front of his pants and shucked them open.

Without flinching, he heaved her up against the wall, pressing his hard, strong form against her to hold her tired frame up against the rough wall. Then, smoothly using the gathered wetness drooling from her, he slipped up into her cunt, sliding her down onto him right to the base. "Unf- Fuck..." His voice was low, rasping into her ear as he clouded her in his dark fur, nipping her throat. "Who knew I'd find a cunt waiting to be fucked on the way home, hmm?" His hips ground into her, pistoning his cock in and out of her wet, sloppy sex with an echoing slap.

The dragon barely believed it. This was her fifth, no sixth, cock of the night. She shook her head, unsure of the count. Her body buzzed with his touch nonetheless, clamping down on the cock buried inside her with half-moan. Her swollen, abused clit jutted out from between her lower lips only to be covered by the man's thumb. "I bet someone is sensitive after being used-" His touch instantly broke her silence, making her whimper into his fur. He only snickered, amused. His fingers fell away though, not focused on her orgasm, but on her hole.

His fingers scooped beneath her ass, holding her up against the wall and spreading her wide before he began to pound into her, slamming up to the hilt each and every thrust. His voice fell silent, replaced by a focused huff of breathing as he fucked her, using her like a discarded toy to get himself off. Within minutes, his cum spurted up over her stomach and over the mound of her sex. Then, she was on her feet against, dripping with a new load and he was striding down the road once more, doing his belt back up as he walked.

As he rounded the corner, he began whistling.

Adalinda turned to see the shopkeeper at the same time, a smug smirk on his face and a stack of fabric in his hands. "Here's the garb, maybe bathe first, hmm?" He looked over her, noting every smear of cum drying on her form. "You'll ruin it with all the cum." Then, he just shook his head and snickered. "You didn't even make him pay anything," His tongue clicked, as though disappointed, "silly slut."

Then, he just left. He walked towards his home in the rising moonlight as though nothing was amiss. Adalinda waited until it was utterly silent before she turned the opposite way. "I wonder if I can find... something," She whispered to herself, finding her legs bowed out as she walked, sore and stiff. The moonlight fell over her naked form, illuminating her for anyone peering through their windows in the evening as she walked, slowly towards the edge of town at the base of the mountain. She searched, sniffing at the air for the familiar marker of a hot spring.

Finally, as the moon reached a peak in the dark sky, she found a glistening, burbling pond of hot, steaming water. Without hesitation, she sunk her sore, dirty form beneath the surface, moaning as the heat enveloped her. Her head tipped back to the edge of the pond, finally looking up to the night sky of glimmering stars above her. Her night flashed before her eyes again, in snippets. It brought a hot flush to her cheeks, a shameful little glow of pink on her scales. She couldn't form it into a thought, not fully, but she wasn't really ashamed. She loved it, every second.

Her cunt clenched for a moment, pulsing still with the aftermath of her orgasms. She let out a long breath, cheeks still hot. "I can only hope none of them own a boat, I'll lose my bartering position..."


Resting in the shallow heat of the hot spring, with her fresh clothes resting to the side, Adalinda found herself slipping into sleep. Her head rested back against the edge of the pool, cushioned by the grass growing there. She napped, carefully for nearly an hour before she woke enough to realize and clambered out of the water onto that soft grass. Her nude form steamed in the night's cool air, but she was too tired to be cold. She fell asleep hard and fast, sleeping until the sun reached it's high noon position in the sky above.

When she finally woke, her body was stiff and chilled, but dry. She stretched, rolling in the grass like a sleepy cat as she worked the kinks out of her joints. She sat up slightly, enough to massage her fingers over the muscles of her legs after being bound so long the night before. Her scales her glistening, but clean of any more signs of the night.

"Will I have to do it all over again for the ship passage?" she mused, staring up towards the clouds above her. Her cunt gave a little pulse, as if to encourage this future. She only chuckled. "Maybe I should rest another day in this town," but before she could lay back in the warm grass, her stomach growled.

"Curses," she started to her feet. "I need food."


Nearly an hour later, the dragon was clothed in her new, simple outfit. The loose fitting linen cinched around her waist and the top billowed at the sleeves, letting the cool air flush out the heat with every step. She could smell food cooking nearby, wafting out from a cluster of stalls by the docks. She followed her nose towards them with her stomach growling more and more with each step.

Turning a corner, she saw them. Fish sizzled on open grill tops in front of her, glistening and fresh. Her stomach gave another growl.

"Hey, pretty lady!" Adalinda jerked, turning to the voice. Her eyes moved towards the source, finding herself looking across the bustling courtyard to another stall where bright, yellow eyes stared back at her: the wolf. She strode towards him, ego flaring and swelling with every step. Last night she may have been nothing but a plaything, but today she wasn't going to be taken so easily.

She reached the canine's stall, grabbing one of the sizzling kebabs keeping warm and taking a bite: "You owe me." Her eyes met his, holding contact as she continued to eat as though daring him to contradict her. He just laughed, "Very well, I think that's fair."

His eyes roamed over her, doing a full head to toe scan. "You clean up well," He paused, leaning across his stand to her. "for an alley slut."

She scowled, ignoring the way his proximity made her cunt suddenly squeeze.

"You're surprisingly confident for a fish salesman." She shot back, levelly. Her eyes moved past him and looked towards the sea, half-ignoring the grin that her comment triggered.

"Well, I have to do something to keep busy in between charters," he smirked, waiting until her eyes met his, though begrudgingly, before his grin widened, and he gestured towards a sleek, tall ship bobbing at the closest dock. "The Lorelei, ever lovely."

Adalinda stared towards the boat, clearly one of worth. It was beautiful, waiting to be taken out to the water. She grimaced, putting on a bland face before she looked at him once more, continuing to chew. "No one wants to hire you? Are you that bad at sailing?" She looked over the grill. "Did you catch these fish or were they just passengers?"

He laughed, a genuine, shaking laugh before he met her eyes with a lingering grin. "You know, I like you. To think, I thought you were just good for a fuck," his fingers grazed her hip, leaning across his booth. "Though, that was.. very enjoyable too." She shifted out of reach, trying not to react to the zip that shot up her spine at his soft touch. Suddenly, the light linen clothes felt hot and restrictive, but she ignored that.

"When is your next charter?" She asked, diverting their conversation.

The wolf leaned back, stretching his back with a thoughtful sigh. "Well, nothing is on the books yet, except for fishing excursions." He looked at her, following her gaze as it stared towards the foggy horizon where the sea faded out of the harbor and into the expanse of blue: the direction of the islands.

"Hoping to travel?" He prodded, ignoring her stealing another kebab with eager chewing.

"Hm? Mhm," she swallowed loudly, running her tongue over her teeth before she spoke. "I want to see the islands."

"It's a three day journey," He responded, half phrased as a question. She just shrugged, "I have no qualms traveling,"

"There's some pretty profitable herbs there..." The wolf said, vaguely. At first, the dragon didn't realize what he was saying, but then a small grin played up the edge of her lips. "I'm a practiced scavenger. It could be a beneficial trip-"

"Besides, I'm not doing anything but selling fish," The wolf's grin was audible in his tone, but Adalinda ignored his flirtation, looking instead towards the ship. "How soon can we leave?" The canine laughed again, snickering. He flicked off his grill, scooping up the kebabs still there and passing one over to the dragon, wordlessly. They both paused for a moment, chewing on the charred, smokey meat.

"We could go today," he said finally with a half-shrug. "Nothing keeping me here, I suppose." The dragon glanced over at him, a half smile on her lips. "Yes, let's get supplies." Adalinda found herself following behind the wolf now, tracking steps behind him as he headed into the local shops, gathering fresh food and salted meats. She ended up carrying the purchases, trailing behind as he produced coins from a pouch at his hip. It was rare, for the dragon to be in a soft partnership like this, not providing anything with every step or aggressively working for something.

As they walked, she inspected this near-stranger. In the sunlight, she could the definition of his muscle beneath his simple clothes, not unlike her own new linen garb, and his dark fur. He was clearly strong, arms rippling with strength, but he was otherwise slender. As he walked, his tail swung side to side, revealing the tight, rounded rump tucked beneath.

"This shouldn't be a bad journey," she mused, heaving the sack of goods higher in her arms as they rounded back towards the docks.

"I'm Fyn, by the way," the wolf introduced as their feet hit the dock.

"Adalinda," she countered, finding herself striding up beside the canine. The warmth of the sun made his black fur toasty. She momentarily leaned into his side. "Are you a trustworthy captain, Fyn?"

"I've never lost a passenger yet!" He met her eyes, smirking. "There's a first time for everything though, I suppose."

She scowled, following his lead onto the ship's deck. They began to unpack their wares, tucking them into the storage spots of the small, compact ship. There was clearly a buck area, enclosed off the deck, but little else to the vessel. In the back of her mind, Adalinda wondered where she'd sleep, or rather, where would the wolf sleep?

"If we set out now, we'll be out of the main obstacles before nightfall, should make for easier saling..." The wolf fell into the familiar rhythm of checking the ship for cast-off. Adalinda found a seat towards the front, where the sun streamed down onto her sore limbs, worn from a combination of traveling and rough fucking. She watched him work until he summoned her for help again.

Within a few hours of re-meeting, the wolf and dragon had pushed off the dock. The boat cut easily through the light waves of the harbor with Fyn's guidance. The sale swiveled into place, catching the afternoon gusts that would take them out to shore. "If we lose wind," he hollered to her. "You'll be on oar duty!"

She just scoffed, leaning back and letting the sun stream down against her scales. Suddenly here, with the sound of the chopping waves and the scent of the salted water around her, the dragon felt like she'd truly traveled somewhere new. She was about to see the islands that she'd long heard of, never escaping the mainland to see them herself. Her eyelids closed, only half buffering the intense glow of the sun, while she pictured the lush, clustered islands. She breathed in the salty spray of the ocean below and pictured the brilliant green of an untouched jungle.

As she lay, her journey caught up with her; she drifted off to sleep to the lull of the boat's movements.


"Ada, Ada..." Soft fingers ran up the dragon's side, following the curve of her body until her eyes popped open, finding the bright yellow of Fyn's gazing back, with his hand on her hip. "Hey!" she blurted, swatting at his touch. He flashed her a grin with his sharp fangs glinting in fading sunlight. "I knew I should have just fucked you in your sleep," her cunt gave a little pulse at the idea. His fingers pulled back from her form though. "We made it out of harbor, I hope you enjoyed your nap. You're a terrible first mate."

Adalinda scowled, ignoring his teasing. Her skin was flushed and warm, making her feel groggy all over again, but the nap had been refreshing in its own right. She watched the wolf saunter across the ship, back to the wheel even though she ship was coasting alone straight without the guidance. A smug grin moved over her lips as she rose, padding over towards him. Her fingers found his hips this time, slowly sliding her hands through the fur just beneath the bottom hem of his shirt. "I'm usually very good at mating, I must be out of practice." A little snicker escaped his lips at her remark, but the wolf stayed still, only turning his muzzle towards her. "I don't know how, considering your serviced the town yesterday."

She clicked her tongue, bumping her pelvis into his ass in a half-grind. "Shush, wolf. You don't know anything about me." Her fingers started to stroke the long, soft fur of his stomach while her lips tipped towards his ear and her breasts pushed flush to his back. "I came from a town overrun with lust, where a field of poppies released a toxin that unleashed every male's hidden lust without anything hampering it. For weeks, I endured a constantly barrage of cocks. This town couldn't even compete with your tired farmers cock, limp because their wife is too tired raising a flock of children to fuck them." Her fingers dipped into the waistband of his pants, sliding through the velveteen fur and then retreating. "No one wore these garments there, so restrictive and hot..." Her fingers ran up his chest over the shirt, the fabric buffering the touch just as she intended.

"Oh, but these garments are half the fun," he looked over his shoulder, catching half her face. "The pleasure is all in taking them off, slowly... oh so slowly, slower than you'd like..." He moved as if to turn towards her, but the dragon pushed his hands back towards the wheel. "Nuh uh uh, you have a boat to drive."

She stepped back from him, finding the small tie that kept her shirt tight on her chest. With careful fingers, she started to undo the tie. The soft click of her nails hitting together as she worked perked up the canine's ears; the pivoted towards her, listening intensely. "You see, the clothes slow everything down, but is that really what you want, Fyn?" She let the shirt pull open, showing the dip of her cleavage, but the wolf still stared forward, blind to her behind him. Grabbing the hem of the fabric, she started to shift it upwards, knowing he could hear the movement and crinkling of the shirt's texture as she moved.

It pulled over her head, freeing her jostling, heavy breasts once more in the fading sunset. Across the distant horizon, a brilliant orange hue bled towards the water as the sunset sunk down in front of them. Next, she went for her pants, letting only the rustling motions of the cloth and the click of her fingers tell the wolf what she was doing behind him. Unlike yesterday, her body was smooth, pristine with her scales glimmering in the warm light. The pale white of her own coloring reflected the sunset back with glints of purple and orange.

Dropping the clothes into a pile, tucked against the edge of the boat, the dragon approached him again, standing just behind him without anything touch. "You see, these clothes are a sneaky illusion, hiding what's beneath." Her fingertip, of a single digit, found his spine and slowly sunk down towards his tail. "They make it so much easier to tease you, simple men, because you can't wait to unwrap the present, see what's inside, but I can just as easily hide everything from you without them." She drew in a slow breath, letting the exhale rush against his ear as she stepped forward. Her nipples, just barely, skimmed over his back, muted by his own shirt.

"Did you feel that, Fyn? Or did you shirt buffer it all from you? Can you feel me here behind you? Feel my heat?" She stepped closer again, letting her breasts rest against him as her pussy hovered behind his ass, radiating heat. Her lips skimmed against the edge of his triangular ear. "Are you concentrating, Fyn? On me? Or on the sea?" Her fingers ran down his sides, finding his hips with a small squeeze. "You can't look away from our path, you have to focus." Her challenge, like telling a child about the silent game, only made ignoring her teasing harder. Her fingertips on his sides slid down, tipping forward towards the front of his pants which were tenting with the growing boner inside the linen. She let a nail skim beneath the waistband, tracking through the fur before she retreated again. She walked away from him, pulling the heat of her presence away as her voice grew a bit softer, more distance as she walked down the deck of the ship.

"I wonder, Fyn, if you thought you'd be fucking this entire boat ride, hard and fast like the alley last night. I imagine you did, that's why you were so eager to start a long journey, but I'm in control now. I'll make this as slow as I'd like. Perhaps I'll even torment you for three days without a single release..." The sound of her feet returning to him warned the wolf before she stood just behind him again, kissing the soft top of his shoulder. "I wonder how long before your tip leaks through those thin pants?" Her breasts went flush to his back again, this time pressing flat into him, letting him feel their mass while she nipped at the soft edge of his ear. "How long can I tease you before you lost concentration?"

"Do you want me to crash?" Fyn interjected, a laugh in his voice, though his voice was gruffer, tinged with something new now while his cock throbbed hard and impatient in the front of his pants. "Tempt me enough and I'll take what I want-"

The girl's fingers slide down, suddenly cutting quickly forward and grabbing the base of his cock with five fingers. She squeezed, nipping his ear. "Or maybe I'll take what I want." Her digits began to pump up and down his length, pressing the length of her nude body against him from behind as her eye gazed forward at the brilliant, bright sunset. The light and warmth of it, half hidden by the mass of the wolf in front of her only made the wrap-around more tantalizing. Her fingers rubbed over his head before pumping down to where his knot sat, squeezing at the small lump. At the same time, her hips started to grind, reminding him of what besides her hand was on-board. The scent of her, rich and musky, began to waft up into the air with the passing seconds.

"I want to torture you until you just whimper, like a little pup-" Her lips found his neck, kissing and nipping through the soft fur. Her breasts pushed hard into him, flattening to let her whole body go flush to him until she suddenly retreated, releasing his cock just as his back started to arch into her touch. Then, she moved back, letting the cool air of the coming evening rush against him. Then, with her hands freed, she found the underside of his shirt, peeling the cloth upwards and revealing the smooth expanse of his dark fur. His pants went next, untying and dropping to the deck to show off every inch of his toned form and the tight mass of his ass cheeks.

"That's better, natural..." Her eyes roved over him, drinking in the sight like he'd done to her the night before. Her fingers started on his back now, drawing tracks with her nails through the thick fur, rubbing into the knots she found at the blades of his back. She rubbed through the muscle, running her hands up and down his form like she hoped to memorize it. Then, only when his whole form began to relax and soften against her touch, did her fingers return to his groin, drawing down across his stomach to the base of his thick cock once more.

This time, she worked with more focus, pumping her soft digits up and down the length of his flared cock as her voice crooned in his ear. "I think I'd like to torment you for this journey, let you wait and fuck me on the beach of the islands I've never seen after days of edging, halfway to orgasm before I stop, let you relax again in the cold of the night. I'd love to see how much you splatter me after days of waiting..." Her fingers sunk down, squeezing against her base while her body, nude form ground into his naked backside, rubbing her front against his ass. Her breasts were hot against him, nipples stiff in the fur of his back. "I want to step off the boat and find you pouncing onto me, finally overcome with lust and tired of waiting."

Her teeth ran up the side of his sensitive ear, nipping as she went. As she worked over him, his back was arching, knees twitching with the growing tension in his groin. The wolf was utterly silent, nary a smart-ass quip from him as his eyes set out towards the darkening horizon and his mind focused on everything else but that sight. Every breath was full of the girl's scent, every movement pushed him against her warm body or peeled her away from him.

"I want to smell your musk after days horny, how thick and rich will you taste on the air? Can I torment you into a haze? Half-waking, half-too-horny-too-function?" Her voice was low, lazily narrating with a sensual pace that made Fyn's beating heart seem like it was over-reacting. Her fingers cupped around his tip, squeezing and picking up the pace as he started to twitch in her hand, though when the first drop of pre-cum leaked into her palm, she retreated, forcing his cock to relax for long enough to lose momentum.

"I told you, Fyn. I want to torture you. I want to step off the boat and be fucked in a new place-"

The wolf pivoted, suddenly turning as his strong hands grabbed onto the girl's sides and knocked them both back onto the deck of the boat, his strong form closing over top of hers. "Yeah, well, that's not happening..."


Rain splattered against the worn dirt path in front of the only figure moving in the closing darkness of night. Every impact of the heavy droplets sent a spray of mud up into the air, speckling marks of brown on the smooth, purple of the doll's ankles....

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Appreciation for Hot Showers

"Cam! I figured out what we can do to for mid term break! There's a Groupon!" For a beat, no sound returned the lion's call towards the back end of the apartment. Instead, only the sound of the aging heating system came back, clunking through the...

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Finding Home

With a sudden jolt, Malena woke up on a bed of padded grass instead of the soft cushioning of her expansive mattress. She rolled, instantly starting to rub at her eyes as they opened to full, unfiltered sunshine. "What is happening?" She murmured,...

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