The New Friend

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Commission for Etis

The next day, Yijun awoke to a feeling of utter heaviness. Her body ached and her breathing was slow and heavy. She felt like a rock, sitting at the bottom of the river.

She wasn't sure why she felt so peculiar, but as she sat up and began to stretch, the feeling shifted and faded, leaving her with nothing but the peculiar dull ache in her body. Part of her wasn't surprised at the sensation: she had spent a great deal of time with Etis over the course of the night, doing all manner of things. He had taught her a lot about her body. But that aching feeling wasn't just physical-- at least, it didn't feel that way. She could feel the dull feeling inside of her, in an unfamiliar place.

The young avian had momentarily forgotten where she was, originally. Something about the scenery was alien to her, but as her mind caught up with her body, the pieces began falling in to place. Her memory came flooding back to her, reminding her of yesterday's events. A chill shot up her spine and she could think of only one thing to do: find Etis, and talk to him. She had something reasonably important to discuss.

It wasn't a feeling of dread, per se, but a feeling of crippling anxiety. She was smart enough as a 10 year old to understand that if you ran away from home, someone was bound to come looking for you, and they'd bring the police with them. More than that, however, she felt guilty for worrying the people who had taken care of her for so long. Yet, Etis' wise words echoed in her mind. His idea that they couldn't be trusted had planted a seed of doubt within her and now, she needed him to quell her fears.

She slipped out of bed, fully aware that she was naked, and looking for her dress. She was in a cosy little bedroom, but her clothes were nowhere to be seen. It was at that moment that she remembered she had undressed in the living room. Assuming she was alone-- or at least, just her and Etis-- she made her way towards the living room, leaving the bedroom behind and briskly making her way down the narrow hallway.

The living room was eerily empty and quiet. The TV wasn't on, and there were no sounds from the kitchenette. A stab of worry spread through her at the thought of Etis not being here, and she scrambled for her dress, quickly tugging it on and looking for signs of his whereabouts. It was there, in that moment, that she found a piece of paper on the coffee table. From the distance where she stood, she could make out her name written on top, deliberately bigger than the rest of the writing. She sat down on the couch and picked it up to read.

'Yijun,' it read. 'I've gone out to get you some new ID and make arrangements for you. Please wait for me to come back. Make yourself at home!'

Knowing it was from Etis, Yijun let out a quiet sigh as a weight lifted from the pit of her stomach. The dread vanished in an instant and she felt a little better about her situation, though his remark about a new ID worried her somewhat. She didn't know what he meant, so she'd have to wait for his return.

In the meantime, however, he had insisted she make herself at home, and she'd do just that. She took the time to explore his apartment, eventually finding herself taking a shower and perusing his cupboards for some cereal. Once she was adequately clean and fed, her exploration became a little more thorough.

In truth, she was bored. She was never one to sit and rot her brain away watching TV, but she also didn't have any of her belongings-- not her schoolwork, nor any of her books to read. Etis seemed to have a few books of his own, but all of them seemed a little above her skill level. She was only 10, after all.

Instead, she turned her matters to her body. She was admittedly curious about Etis' remark before about her cloaca, hidden away beneath her feathers. Her curiosity for the unknown far outweighed her nerves about the situation, so she quietly adjourned to Etis' bedroom, hoping she could get some privacy there.

He said she was male, or at least her nethers were, and that fascinated her. She hadn't known what she was all her life, and whilst it didn't really matter now, she was still rather curious. She knew she was an oddity amongst men, but she fit in so neatly amongst women. She'd known a handful of other girls at the orphanage, and though they'd never had the discussion, Yijun had occasionally caught a glance at their nethers and seen similar things to her own: a mound, an entrance to be pushed into. Men, however, had something much different in comparison. She was left to wonder how Etis could pick out what she was so effortlessly, and the thought of whatever partners he may have had in the past brought a blush to her lips.

Sitting on the bed, she removed her dress and enjoyed her solemn nudity for a little while, spreading her legs apart and using her fingers to explore herself. After several minutes, she came to an inevitable conclusion: she was definitely an anomaly as far as male genitalia goes. She had no balls, for one, no 'low-hanging fruit'. She didn't have a penis, either: judging from her brief explorations with Etis yesterday, she assumed arousal spurred the penis to show, but no amount of pleasurable rubbing of her entrance brought one forth. She resigned to the idea that she had a hole, and nothing but that.

She couldn't deny that it felt delightful, though, to be touched to easily. Granted, she was positive it felt much better when someone else did it for her, but that didn't mean it didn't feel nice if she did it herself. Arguably, her fingers were not doing a lot of good, however: though she could slip her fingers inside, her feathered fingers were a little scratchy and she couldn't quite get deep enough to truly enjoy. If anything, all she was doing is teasing herself. She needed something a little more. Something longer, and thicker.

She rummaged through Etis' bedroom, recalling her time at the orphanage, a couple of years ago. Her and a number of other children had snuck into the room of one of the caretakers and found a rather odd-shaped toy that had made the caretaker quite angry when they'd found out. When Yijun and the others had asked about it, they had angrily and insistently told them that it was something to learn about when they were older. Much, much older. The memory was vivid in Yijun's mind, if only because she could remember the sheer fright she had for the caretaker in the moment, his wild eyes and snarling teeth.

Her thorough exploration of Etis' drawers eventually bore fruit in the shape of a lengthy, girthy implement. It was similar enough to what she could remember: it looked like Etis' cock, in fact. It was wide and tapered at the end, and at the base sat a sizeable knot, thick and bulbous. She guessed it to be 7 or so inches long, though she couldn't know for sure. She ran her hands over the surface of the toy and felt its smooth, silicone surface. It couldn't quite compare to the real thing, but it would do.

Alongside the toy, she'd found a clear bottle of liquid sitting next to it within the drawer. Her curiosity got the better of her she and she had dabbed some onto her fingers, smearing it between her thumb and forefinger. She was surprised at how sticky and viscous the fluid was, and it reminded her a little of pre-cum. An epiphany dawned over her as she quickly realised the use for such a delightful substance, and she readily oozed some of it across the length of the toy, smearing it in with a hand. She immediately regretted her decision, for her hand felt sticky and gross.

Slowly, she angled the toy down, shifting herself into a comfortable position with her feathery plumage resting against the headboard, her legs spread apart to reveal the juicy mound hidden between them. She pressed the sticky, tapered end towards her entrance and struggled to affirm her grip on the thick dildo, its slippery lubed surface making it difficult to find purchase. She eventually did, and she slowly pushed the toy into her. The tapered end of the silicone length pierced her entrance with ease and pushed into her without much difficulty, and she felt a brief stab of discomfort as an ache washed over her. She felt strangely needy, though she couldn't say why.

She took her time with it, slipping the dildo deeper and deeper, inch by inch, as she adjusted the relished the sensations accordingly, taking time to pause between each inch. The pleasure was undeniable, and she was keen to see exactly how deep she could put the toy into her. By the time it was halfway in, she found herself whimpering and moaning, her cheeks burning with a blush as her eyes lidded over. She couldn't resist the urge and quiver, her talons curling against the bedsheets as she stuffed the toy just a little bit deeper, sliding it inwards until the knot kissed with her mound. She rocked her hips up and down a little and clutched her feathered hand around the weighty circular base.

It couldn't quite compare to a dominant man-- or boy, in some cases-- but it was still quite enjoyable, and did more for her than her fingers did. The dildo was delightfully smooth, and there was no marks or bumps to speak of that could prove to be uncomfortable. She rolled her head back and closed her eyes, groaning from the delightful hum that seeped through her body and make her tremble and squirm. She slipped the dildo out, just a little, and then thrust it into herself again, her breath hitching in her throat. There was no denying how good that felt, to the point where she almost felt the need to cover her mouth to stop herself from moaning so loud. She couldn't even bear the thought of other people hearing her in that moment.

Though she initially hadn't noticed it, her fears had quickly been realised as the door slowly creaked open, a figure standing within the doorway, illuminated by the light from the window to the left of the avian. Yijun hadn't even noticed the figure at first, her eyes clothes and her body more focused on the thick dildo lodged in her entrance. It was the figure's shuddering sigh, however, that brought her attention to them. She snapped her eyes open and her gaze met with the person standing across the room.

It was a bat, of some sort, taller and clearly older than her, but nowhere near an adult just yet. If anything, she guessed him to be in his early teens, perhaps 13 or 14. He was dressed in baggy clothes, his top a sleeveless hoodie to allow his wingarms the luxury of moving freely. His green eyes were fixated on her, before they travelled down towards her crotch, noticing the thick dildo within her entrance. He didn't move, his eyes wide, his position uncomfortable. She didn't move either. But, eventually, one of them broke the ice.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Yijun cried, covering herself with the sheets and turning to grab a pillow, lobbing it at him with considerable force for a girl her age. "Get out of here! I'm..."

"Jerking off?" The bat remarked, chuckling awkwardly as he blocked the pillow with a hand. "Uh, yeah, I can see that."

Were the bat the same as he was 6 months ago, he might have been utterly terrified at the situation before him. His experiences with his own body and with Etis, however, had made him much more confident when it came to sexual encounters. Though the avian before him was a delightful surprise, in more ways than one, it wasn't something that could catch him completely off guard. Not anymore.

"You need a hand with that?" The bat slyly remarked and the Avian hid her face, groaning with a tone of what could best be considered as 'embarrassed'. She didn't say anything for a moment, eventually lowering the blanket enough to glare at him with her eyes.

"Who are you?!" She demanded, and the bat, once again, rubbed the back of his head, shifting on his feet.

"Vell," He introduced himself. "I'm a, uh, friend of Etis. I thought he'd be here, but I guess he's busy..."

"...Yes. He went out." Yijun slowly regained her composure, but kept herself covered, lowering the blanket enough to hold it around her chest like a regal woman. Vell's eyes fell upon her once again and she got the distinct impression he was undressing her with his leering gaze. Despite that, however, he made no advances towards her. Instead, he leant against the door frame and admired her, hands tucked in his pockets.

"Are you going to introduce yourself then?" Vell remarked, cool as a cucumber, and Yijun quietly cringed at how 'cool' this Vell person was attempting to be.

"Yijun. I...only met Etis yesterday." She remarked quietly.

"And got quite acquainted, I see," Vell pointed out, and she widened her eyes at him. "I, uh, found your panties in the living room."

Yijun's face burned even more and she wondered how the bat had even gotten inside the apartment in the first place. Then, it dawned on her that he likely had a key to the place. That meant that, on some level, he could at least be trusted. Admittedly, however, she still felt anxious around him, especially since he'd seen all of her body before even knowing her name.

"So, like I was you need help with that?" Vell leant forwards a little bit and his eyes twinkled, doing their best to smoulder in her direction. She stared at him for a moment, torn between letting him look or telling him to leave. Admittedly, her thoughts were encouraged by her own arousal. Much to her better judgement, she slowly lowered the blanket, and gestured him over. He strode across the room towards her and stood by the bed, looking her up and down.

"I..." She trailed off, glancing him up and down. "I wouldn't feel so underdressed if you were naked, too."

It was a pitiful excuse just to see his body, but he obeyed her regardless, tugging down the zipper of his hoodie and awkwardly slipping it over his shoulder and down his wingarms, clumsily attempting to wrestle them free from his wings. He was wearing nothing underneath, and considering the lengths he'd gone to just to take off his hoodie, she wasn't surprised. In fact, she could empathise with him, given her own arms that bore far too many feathers. She watched as he popped the button of his baggy jeans and let them fall down towards his ankles with ease, exposing his loose boxers. He gripped the waistband with his thumbs, watching her for a moment, before dropping those, too.

To Yijun's surprise, she was greeted to the sight of a humanoid member that swung between Vell's legs, unlike anything she had seen before. Tempted by her curiosity, Yijun squirmed a little and tossed the blankets aside, sliding the dildo from her entrance with a quiet moan and setting it aside so that she could scoot towards the edge of the bed and examine the member for herself. She cupped the balls in her hands, feeling the weight of their slightly fuzzy exterior, before her other hand reached for his cock. It was already semi-hard, though not quite at half-mast. She found herself experimentally tugging his foreskin back and bringing her mouth down towards his head, sticking out her fleshy avian tongue and smearing it against the smooth head. Vell sighed through his unique nose and reached down to stroke her feathery plumage, running his fingers along her head.

"Watch that beak," He warned. "You don't want to catch me with the end of it."

Taking his advice in mind, Yijun opened her mouth as far as she could and let the cock rest against the length of her tongue. She closed her eyes, driven by the peculiar taste of flesh on her tongue as she pushed her mouth down. Vell hissed through his teeth and she opened her mouth just a little wider, fearing that she might catch his cock with her pointed beak if she weren't careful. His hand curled in against her head and he slid his hips back, thrusting against her a little and humping her tongue. Her appendage wasn't quite as dexterous as she would like, so she resorted to just letting it rest there, allowing Vell to do as he wished.

"Mmh. Your tongue's pretty good, but you'd benefit from just putting a little work into it..." Vell suggested, sliding back a bit and angling his cock a little. "Push the cock up against the roof of your mouth, like so...hold the base with your hand and just push your tongue along the underside."

Glancing up at him, Yijun grabbed the base of his member with her feathery fingers and closed her eyes, bobbing her head down and feeling the smooth head of his cock gliding along her similarly smooth mouth, pushing against the roof of it as she applied pressure with her tongue, sliding it down the length of his cock. He groaned in approval, so she kept doing it-- she hadn't specifically asked him for instructions, but he must have sensed her curiosity and sought to teach her. She wasn't about to complain-- more knowledge was always good.

She began to bob and suckle at a steady pace, getting the hang of pleasuring his member and getting a feel for where to lick and slather. His remarks and pointers were helping to get him off, so it seemed, for his breathing grew heavier and his cock grew harder as time went on. She eventually eased her beak down, getting a feel for how far she should relax her jaw so as not to prick him with the tip of her beak, and soon enough, she was getting into a solid, steady rhythm. Sucking cock wasn't as difficult as she had first thought. His hand continued to stroke her head, but when it became clear that he was enjoying himself far too much, he eased her off of his cock.

"Mmh. You're getting the hang of it-- a natural, I'd say," Vell remarked with a smile. "But I don't want to cum just yet. You haven't had your own fun, after all."

"O-Oh...right." Yijun lowered her gaze and watched as Vell squatted down, getting onto his knees by the edge of the bed and reaching down to place his hands on her knees, just above her scaly lower legs. He slowly spread her legs apart and she squirmed a little, her eyes lidding and her beak twisting into a worried grimace.

"Um..." She began. "J...Just so you know, Etis said that I'm a...a boy down there."

"Oh," Vell sounded momentarily surprised, his head inches from her body. "...That's not a problem, is it?"

"Is it?" Yijun asked cautiously, and Vell smirked.

"I've been with both boys and girls," He pointed out. "It doesn't bother me."

"" Yijun felt a brief wave of relief washing over her, and she watched as Vell bowed his head down, and his lips met with her entrance. She quivered immediately when she felt the warmth of his tongue against her mound, and she found herself instinctively pushing against him. As if expecting it, Vell manhandled her legs, propping them up onto his shoulders and burying his mouth in against her body. His tongue was relentlessly, and he hungrily licked and slurped her cloaca. Some might have remarked that he was 'eating it', but in reality, he was keen to make her cum.

She didn't need to tell him he was doing a good job: her squirms and gentle, fluttering pants of pleasure were indication enough of her sheer arousal. The dildo had done a lot to get her going, but it was clear that all she'd needed was a good tongue to do the work. What she hadn't expected, however, was for Vell to have a long, prehensile tongue. After a few moments, she suddenly felt the tongue pierce into her, slipping into her tight passage and curling in around her velvety inner walls. She couldn't help but let out a restrained moan, her talons curling tightly as spikes upon spikes of pleasure shot up her spine, making her entire body tingle.

"D-Don't stop." She demanded, reaching down to grab onto his head with both hands, driven too much by desire and pleasure to think about whether she was being too forward or not. She found herself pushing his head in against her entrance, forcing him down. He didn't seem to mind, and his tongue continued to squirm within her, exploring ever possible inch of her inner walls as much as he could. The warm wetness of his tongue was probably the best part of it all, though his fleshy appendage massaging her inner walls certainly helped too.

She had already urged herself on considerably with her previous toying and fingering, and was already quite needy from sucking Vell's cock mere moments ago, so it was no surprise that she wasn't going to last too long under a new and delightfully orgasmic experience via Vell's dexterous tongue. Barely a couple of minutes after Vell had begun to lick and pleasure her, her body rocked with a climax that made her violently tremble, the whimpers escaping her beak the only warning Vell received before his tongue tasted the peculiar fluid of her orgasm. It wasn't quite cum, at least in the traditional sense, but it tasted peculiarly salty all the time. He closed his eyes and relished her essence, absorbing just a little bit of her life force as a quick 'top up', before he shut off the valve. Taking too much would have hindered her, and he was quite certain that she was supernatural in some way.

Suddenly, he felt a stab, and all of his tongue muscles contracted at once, causing him to cramp. He scrunched his eyes up and, thankfully, her grip on his head lessened, allowing him to pull back. He wondered if he'd just gone overboard with pleasuring her, but no-- he was sure something was at afoot here. He clutched his mouth as his tongue retracted and his own supernatural body immediately worked to counteract the peculiar feeling. After a few moments, the tightness of his tongue muscles eased up and he was met with a dull ache in response. In the meantime, Yijun had flopped backwards tiredly, feeling remarkably spent. If avians could sweat, she was sure she'd be drenched in it.

She poked her head up and frowned at Vell's unreadable expression, and she sat up, anxiously staring at him. Something was wrong, that much was clear.

"Are you okay?" She asked tentatively, watching as Vell experimentally moved his jaw up and down, sticking out his tongue and back again.

"Yeah. My tongue just went...really rigid, for some reason. It cramped up." He complained, and Yijun felt a chill run down her spine. She scooted backwards on the bed and Vell blinked at her, surprised.

"I-I'm sorry," She stammered, her mind flashing back to Chian, the Hyena whom she was friends with. "I didn't mean to, I--"

"Hey," Vell quick cut across her, climbing up onto the bed and scooting in beside her. "It's okay. I'm fine, see? No big deal."

Her breathing slowed and she steadied herself. She felt an arm around her shoulders and she instinctively leant into Vell's side, happy to have his warmth against her. It was strangely comforting.

"What was it, anyway? A little power of yours?" Vell asked quietly, careful with his words. She nodded in response.

"I don't know how it works," She began. "But before, someone tried to do things with me and he just...froze. Like he was made of stone."

"...I see." Vell was glad that it hadn't happened to his entire body. "Well, it's alright now. Maybe you just got a little worked up."

She slowly nodded in response and he gently stroked her shoulder. The tense atmosphere faded and they were left in a pleasant silence, either of them unsure what to say. Yijun found herself drifting her gaze down towards Vell's crotch, admiring his still erect cock. An awkward conversation didn't seem to deter him in the slightest.

"Do other boys like it when you put things in them?" Yijun asked rather suddenly, captivated at the sight of Vell's urethra, considering it just another hole in the grand scheme of things. Vell shifted.

"If you mean this..." Vell touched with the end of his cock. "Then it's a thing. They call it 'sounding', but I've never tried it. It's painful if you don't do it right, I've heard."

"Oh...I see." Yijun lowered his gaze.

"Most guys have a butt, though," Vell pointed out. "So...anal is pretty common. But since you don't have a dick, well..."

"I'd have to use one of these toys, right?" Yijun turned his attention to the dildo that sat across the bed, still covered in a sticky glaze of lube. Vell nodded in agreement, and Yijun quietly hummed, momentarily lost in thought.

The black-feathered avian slowly moved again, shifting until they lay across the length of the bed, in between Vell's legs. Yijun had every intention of finishing what she started, and Vell's cocky grin made it seem like he didn't mind what she did, either. Just as she was about to bow her head and get started, however, there was a quiet snicker from the door. She whirled her head around and her eyes lit up at the sight.

Standing in the doorway was none other than Etis, a small smile spread across his muzzle as he watched the two of them lewdly lounging together. Vell leant forwards and rested his arms on his knees, staring over at the vulpine as Etis strode across the room, tugging off his clothes as he went.

"Getting to know my friends are you, Yijun?" Etis teased, unbuttoning his clothes and tugging them down, much more comfortable in the nude than in clothes. He climbed up onto the bed and curled himself up atop Yijun's body, pressing his warm sheath against her behind. She knew he did he deliberately, but she couldn't help but giggle, a warm flushed feeling spreading across her cheeks.

"He wandered in when I was..." She trailed off, casting her gaze over to the dildo. Etis grunted in amusement.

"Using my things," He finished the sentence for her, kneading his hips into her behind. "And without asking me, too! Well, I suppose I'll have to get you to make up for it somehow."

"What would you want me to do?" She asked, though the knowing twinkle in Vell's eyes above her told her all she needed to know.

"You're a smart girl," Etis growled into her earhole, slipping his hips back and curling a hand around one of her hips. "You know."

He slowly tugged at her hip, forcing her lower torso to rise until she was on her knees, leaning over completely with her arms pressed down against the covers, her beak and face practically buried within Vell's crotch. She felt Etis' hands on her, but they were different somehow. They were less dexterous and more...animal-like. She wanted to turn her head and look, but her attention was instead brought to the pulsing, twitching mass against her beak. She slowly opened her mouth and let the cock slip into her mouth, resting against her tongue once more. She put the teachings that Vell had provided to good use as she felt Etis' crotch bump and push against her.

A tip began to prod her entrance, and she knew what it was, or rather, what it was supposed to be. However, when she felt the cock sliding down against her entrance, she could the tight prickling of something else: something spiky. She shuddered and pulled her head back, inevitably glancing back.

"What...?" She began, but her eyes widened at the sight of a large feline beast curled up across her back. If she had to guess, it was a tiger of some sort, but it bore no stripes: in fact, its entire body was covered in pristine white fur. Its thick, powerful muscles curled around her stomach and she felt the cock prodding her entrance, threatening to penetrate her at any moment. Then, all of a sudden, it did.

Yijun let out a quiet gasp when she felt the cock spearing her, spreading her mound and pushing deeper into her warm inner walls. She instinctively squeezed and clamped down, but she was surprised to find that there was no pain, no spiky points that jabbed and pricked at her. The penetration, in fact, was as smooth as any other member, and delightfully pleasurable: the cock had to be 6 inches or so, and it fit inside of her rather snugly, especially after trying out the dildo already. The deeper it went, the better she felt, until the entire length was in her.

It was when it pulled back, however, that she finally felt the discomfort. Her body instantly tensed as the first wave of barbs prodded her insides, and not always in a pleasurable way-- for the most part, it felt quite nice: they were poking harshly, but they were also massaging her. Some of them met her inner walls at odd angles, however, making her shudder and clench down harder than before. She felt Vell's hand atop her head again and knew he needed some attention as well. She resisted the urge to bite down and endured the discomfort as she plunged her head down. She wasn't sure where Etis went, but it was clear that there was no stopping the beast now that it had started.

Soon enough, the feline began to thrust with reckless abandon, plunging in and out of Yijun's tight cloaca as its front paws made sure to hold her tightly in place. The avian bowed her head down against Vell's cock, scrunching her eyes up as she felt pleasure from either side: the delightful taste and sensation of a cock in her mouth, along with the cocktail of pain and pleasure as the creature assaulted her delicate loins. There was no mistake that she was enjoying herself, but the discomfort at least made her eyes water.

"Mmh, that's it..." Vell murmured quietly, thrusting himself up against Yijun's mouth as his pleasure grew and grew. He would have liked to have fucked her himself, but Etis' timing was always rather punctual. That didn't mean he couldn't get a taste of the action later, however. For now, he was content with what she was currently doing: she was getting rather good at using her tongue, and he knew he'd be done in a matter of moments.

The feline creature, who Yijun didn't know was just Etis in a different form, continued to fuck her, his hips bouncing back and forth as his large balls swung and met with her behind. He figured she could do with a different change of pace, and he was admittedly feeling rather frisky: he rarely changes into anything but a vulpine, after all. The more he thrust, the better it began to feel, until he was snarling and panting into her earhole as she whimpered beneath him. He could feel every squeeze and clench around his cock, each vibrant spasm that told him she was enjoying this as much as he was.

Yijun didn't know how much more she could take, but her attention was momentarily swayed by Vell's laboured moans and gentle panting. She looked up at him and saw his flushed face, his parted lips and lidded gaze, and she had a feeling she knew was what coming. As if on cue, a warm and salty taste splattered across the back of her throat, and the grip around the top of her head strengthened, pushing her down a little onto the member, where it probed the back of her throat. She gulped dutifully, hearing Vell's pleasured moans and feeling his thumb gently stroking her feathers and flesh, fondly caressing her as an affirmation of how good of a job she'd done.

It wasn't over yet, however, but it was about the be. The feline, who had been screwing her inexperienced cloaca, began to pick up speed, humping back and forth as each thrust was accompanied by an audible wet slap. Yijun began to groan with a greater intensity as those barbs raked her insides, spurring her nethers to ache and demand more. She could feel a pressure forming within her as the barbed creature plunged into her, and that discomfort was soon outweighed by a sickening, intoxicating pleasure. She eventually pulled her head off of Vell's member and closed her eyes, relishing the sensations as she felt an inevitable peak forming.

Suddenly, it felt as if a dam had opened up inside of her, and a torrent of ecstasy washed through her system. Those wet sounds of the feline's thrusts suddenly grew all the more potent as she climaxed, and the feline above her buried himself down against her body, his thrusts slowing down. It seemed that he orgasmed just as she did, and the two of them experienced the pleasure together, Yijun's cloaca churning with cum and seed. It dripped out of her, meeting with the bedsheets as they nestled against one-another, with the feline atop her curvy body and Vell gently stroking her head.

After a while, Yijun's legs couldn't take it. The feline eased off of her when her knees began to wobble and she rolled, flopping down onto her side and curling up against Vell's body. She was tempted to look and see what the feline was doing yet, to her surprise, she felt dexterous hands curling around her waist, and she craned her neck back to see Etis purring and rubbing against her. Suddenly, it clicked, and her eyes widened. She could turn people to 'stone', so why shouldn't there be someone who can shapeshift?

"So Etis," Vell began. "What's for lunch? I'm starving."

"Mmh," Etis groaned. "I don't know. Let me just rest for a bit."

They lapsed into a silence for a moment, and Yijun sat between them, idly tracing her fingers across Vell's stomach.

"Can we get pizza?" She asked quietly, a trace of excitement crossing her features. "The foster home never let me have pizza."

"You're a foster kid too? What home?" Vell asked curiously.

"The one on Cumberland Street." She replied absently.

" the south?" He questioned.


Vell was momentarily lost in thought, and Etis curled his grip tight around Yijun's stomach.

"We can get pizza." He answered her, and she sighed, content. Maybe after lunch they could have some more fun. At least, she hoped so.

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"Where do you think you're going?" Reth froze on the spot and turned his head, seeing the glint of the lucario's eyes in the dark. Mere moments ago, his hands had roamed that lucario's body, from his paws to his cock and beyond, and Reth had...

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"Yo, Yijun." The young avian turned her head to greet the young hyena who had so eagerly jogged through the hallway to meet her, the other students parting to give way to him. The avian, with a wondrous black plumage and sharp, attentive blue eyes,...

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