Trainer Turned Lover

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Commission for Azil34

"Number 405 to the orientation room. That's number 405 to the orientation room, please!"

A young, nervous 10 year old dragon slowly rose to his feet, clenching his hands into fists to stop them from trembling. He had every right to be nervous: this was his first time going through orientation. A tall and slender silver-scales dragon, equally anthropomorphic in stature, was sat in the chair next to the boy's own, and the figure reached out to pat the cub's shoulder encouragingly.

"You'll do great." The man murmured, and the boy looked a little less anxious. The man was his father, and he was always very supportive. Sucking in a deep breath, the dragon boy strode forwards, his combination of cream and gold scales shimmering under the bright lighting.

The boy, known to many as Aurum, had wanted to be a pokémon trainer ever since he was 5 years old. Ever since he had grown old enough to understand the world around him, he had been fascinated with pokémon of all shapes and sizes. That fascination was encouraged by his father's own supportive attitude as well as the adult dragon's job: he was a rancher, particularly for pokémon considered as livestock. Primarily specialising in Mareep, the adult man had coaxed his son regularly into hanging around whatever pokémon he had on the farm, and the majority of them took a shining to the budding, curious little boy without much effort. It was that friendship with pokémon at such a young age that had urged Aurum into taking the trainer's exam.

Trainers were a common theme in the world. They were afforded priority healthcare at any pokémon centre, were allowed to perform battles in the middle of the street and take on gyms, and most of all, were given permission to journey around the continent. Without the trainer's passes, he would have to apply for permits to move across countries. Because of its benefits, the trainer's exam had a strict vetting process and required someone to know most, if not all of the laws to pass. Aurum had studied hard for a whole year, passed the exam...and now, he was finally here.

Wrapping his hand around the handle of the door, Aurum pulled it open and stepped inside, quietly closing it behind him. He was standing in a fairly bland room, with grey walls and plush, blue carpet. A small desk sat at the far end with a chair on either side, and a man sat at the desk, his canine features lined with age. With a wrinkled smile, he gestured the boy over.

"Another young applicant..." The man murmured, a file in front of him. "Such a vigorous youth we have today. You did well on the exam, too!"

Aurum wordlessly took a seat and immediately drew his attention to the pokéball that sat on the desk, it's metal sheen reflecting the sterile light above. Aurum resisted the urge to reach out and touch it, and instead opened his mouth to speak.

"Is that your pokémon in there?" The boy asked, and a chuckle escaped the man's lips as he poured over Aurum's documents, before raising his head to meet his awe-struck gaze.

"First, let me ask you a question," He began, ignoring Aurum's question. "Have you been around pokémon before?"

"Uh-huh," Aurum fidgeted his hands on his lap, getting the feeling the exam was far from over. "My dad owns a farm. We shear a lot of Mareep there."

"I see," The canine's smile stretched wide again, and he slowly rose to his feet, taking the pokéball in hand. "Let's see how you fare then, shall we? Follow me."

He moved around the desk and strode towards the door, and Aurum quickly rose from his seat to follow him. As he stepped out into the lobby, he caught sight of his father sitting in the waiting area, and the adult dragon offered him an encouraging thumbs up. Aurum could do nothing but offer a sheepish smile in return as he followed the aging canine down an adjacent corridor, leading into what looked to be an expansive field area.

Aurum didn't need to ask what he was doing here, for there were already others who were nearby, training with pokémon of all shapes and sizes. Aurum tried his best not to stare as he turned his attention to the canine in front of him instead, who looked the boy up and down. Aurum had dressed himself appropriately: a pair of shorts sat around his waist, and a T-Shirt covered his chubby belly. Atop his head sat a small navy blue cap, and a shoulder bag sat slung around his left shoulder, though at that moment it was completely empty.

"I'm sorry." The canine chuckled apologetically, and the golden dragon frowned.

"What for?" He asked, watching as the canine raised his head and tossed the pokéball to the floor, after pressing the button in its center. The pokéball shuddered for a moment, rolling on the spot, before it suddenly snapped open and a blinding light filled the area. The light formed a shape, and after a moment or two, the pokémon revealed itself.

Aurum stared, mouth agape, at what had the be the biggest Eevee he'd ever seen in his entire life. It stood almost halfway up Aurum's body, it's fluffy brown and cream coat pristine and free of dirt and grime. The Eevee stared up at him with wide, black eyes, its mouth momentarily parted, before it turned its attention to the canine instead, facing away from Aurum completely. Aurum ashamedly looked down the Eevee's body, and his eyes widened at the sight of a fat ballsack swinging between the pokémon's legs, hanging as low as its knees. Aurum's cheeks flushed and he quickly looked away.

"This is Altair," The canine introduced his pokémon as he bent down to pick up the pokéball. "He's a little stubborn, and hard to handle. Whilst an obedient pokémon is crucial to being a trainer, the trainer in question also has to have the confidence to command pokémon for him in battle. I want to see how you fare with getting his pokémon to listen to you."

If Altair was really as stubborn at the man claimed, then Aurum knew he had his work cut out for him. He grimaced down at the Eevee, who turned on the spot and beamed up at him with a knowing twinkle in its eye. It also seemed to be equally aware of this difficult challenge, but there was something else in that gaze that Aurum couldn't quite place. With a frown, he cleared his throat.

"U-Um...sit?" He began awkwardly, and the Eevee's long, pointed ears momentarily flattened as he tilted his head. The canine resisted the urge to laugh.

"Whilst appropriate, I think you're better off attempting to get it to use a designated move," The canine suggested. "Try 'Sand Attack'."

"Alright," Aurum nodded, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "Altair...uh, use Sand Attack!"

The Eevee stood on the spot for a moment, eyes twinkling, before he suddenly turned and kicked back with his hind legs. Aurum caught a brief flash of the Eevee's jiggling balls, before his vision was obscured with the dirt and sand beneath their feet and he coughed and hacked, covering his face with an arm. He could hear the instructor's restrained giggles, and Aurum felt even more embarrassed. He couldn't tell if he was doing well or failing abysmally.

"Well, that's one way of doing it," The canine chuckled. "You're doing well. Altair doesn't normally listen to people on the first try. You must have a natural affinity for pokémon, young man."

"You really think so, mister?" Aurum's eyes widened at the thought and the canine's muzzle curled into a fond smile.

"Why don't you try and get to know Altair a little more whilst I look over your paperwork? If you run into trouble, just come back inside and speak to the front desk." It was not customary for instructors to leave people alone, but the canine had a feeling Aurum would do just fine. Besides, Altair was harmless anyway. He turned and walked off, leaving the dragon to have to much-needed alone time with the Eevee before him.

Aurum blinked down at the Eevee for a moment, before he squatted down on his heels and reached out, gently patting along Altair's head. The Eevee dipped its muzzle lower and pushed up against his head, clearly enjoying a little affection, and the act made Aurum giggle, albeit only a little.

"You're not so bad..." The dragon mumbled, running his pudgy digits over the Eevee's fur and up to its ears, rubbing them between his thumb and forefinger. They were delightfully soft. As he continued to pet the Eevee, the pokémon grew a little more frisky, desiring a little more attention in other parts of its body. Eventually, its intentions became clear when Altair cocked up a hind left to display the length of its fat sheath and balls, that swung effortlessly between its legs. Aurum, however, didn't want to touch them, knowing better than to do such things. That seemed to irritate Altair, if only a little.

Eventually, the Eevee trotted forwards and nipped the dragon's T-Shirt. Aurum frowned and then gasped when the Eevee tugged hard on the fabric, caughing him to stagger forward on his flip-flops, stumbling a little. He slowly rose to his feet, but the Eevee held onto him a little more than he would have liked. Eventually, however, Altair let go, if only to bit down on the hem of the shirt instead.

"What is it?" Aurum asked quietly, a little nervous. "What do you want?"

The Eevee couldn't exactly tell him in any sort of format he'd understand, so Altair instead kept tugging, yanking and pulling on his T-Shirt as the dragon boy resisted. Eventually, Aurum resigned to being pulled allowed, and he allowed the Eevee to take the lead as he was mercilessly pulled from one direction to the next.

Altair dragged him across the fields to a set of doors at the far end. Aurum wondered how Altair knew they were there, but he guessed that the Eevee was quite familiar with the exam hall. The Eevee lead him to one of the doors and, upon the pokémon's insistence, he was coaxed into opening it. Beyond the door lay a dark and cold room, and Aurum wondered what it was normally for. As he stepped inside, the Eevee shut the door behind them, encapsulating the room in a quiet, eerie darkness.

"Um, maybe we should go..." Aurum suggested, yet found himself taking a tentative step forwards. The thin light from underneath the door was the only illuminating he had, and it did little to display any sort of detailed structure of the room. From what he could tell, however, there was a set of shelves at the back. As he stepped forwards, he tripped on something against his foot and stumbled, toppling forwards onto his front. He let out a quiet 'oof' and rolled onto his behind, trying to fumble around with his feet for the location of what had tripped him, but there was nothing there.

Illuminated by only a sliver of light, the Eevee stood before him, its twinkling black eyes looking him up and down. Aurum sighed and sat up a little more, rubbing the back of his head. He began to shift, intending to haul himself to his feet, but the Eevee suddenly bounded forwards and placed its forepaws on his shoulders, keeping him down. Altair was a lot heavier than he appeared and Aurum was forced to prop himself up with his hands, frowning in confusion at the Eevee before him. What was this pokémon trying to do?

Altair slowly eased off of him and curled its head around his shoulder, purring against his neck as the head dipped down. Aurum chuckled awkwardly and reached out a hand to stroke his head, watching as the Eevee nuzzled his chest, down to his stomach. He tensed, however, when Altair's short muzzle met with his crotch.

"H-Hey, wait a minute..." Aurum stammered, shifting uncomfortably as the Eevee's teeth bit down on his shorts, tugging this way and down whilst its front paws nudged against his inner thigh. The dragon boy wasn't sure what to do-- his 10 year old brain couldn't comprehend what the Eevee was doing. He was forced to sit there awkwardly, wondering when Altair would ease up. It would be a bad thing if his shorts were broken or ruined. He couldn't even imagine the embarrassment.

Suddenly, his shorts loosened. Somehow, Altair had successfully unclasped the button that held his shorts up, and it took little effort for the feral Eevee to bite his zipper and yank it down, parting the shorts. Aurum's cheeks grew flushed and he reached out, intending to zip himself back up, but Altair nipped at his fingers to keep him at bay, the tiny sharp pricks of Altair's fangs against his scales enough of a deterrent. Aurum cautiously watched as the Eevee nuzzled down against his underage package and the dragon looked more and more uncomfortable. It was nice, but he knew it shouldn't happen. He was smart enough to know better, even at his age.

"You shouldn't do that..." Aurum warned, but the Eevee ignored him completely, nipped at the waistband of his underwear and tucking his muzzle under the fat of the dragon's slightly sagging belly. Altair was surprisingly efficiently at pulling at clothing, and the dragon found himself surprised to see the Eevee pulling his underwear out at the front, exposing the length of his humanoid cock. Aurum was at half mast, much to his own embarrassment, and the length of his cock easily pulsed upwards and slipped out from the waistband of the underwear as the Eevee tugged it back. Aurum shifted again awkwardly, watching as the Eevee tugged and tugged, keeping the waistband at bay as its gaze snapped up to the dragon's face. Aurum could make out the glint in Altair's eyes, even in the darkness.

"You want me this?" Aurum cautiously grabbed the waistband from the Eevee's mouth and tugged it underneath his balls, exposing his cock completely. His heart was pounding in his chest as embarrassment and intense curiosity washed over him. What was he going to tell the instructors? Worse yet, what were they going to say if they found him? The thought of losing his trainer's licence almost caused him to tuck his member back in, but Altair was faster than his young logic. Before the dragon could reach down to adjust himself, the Eevee's small muzzle was already pursed expectantly over the head of the dragon's cock.

Aurum was only 10. To say he was on the cusp of his pubescence would be an uncertain statement, to say the least-- he didn't know, and he certainly hadn't asked his father about it either. He hadn't even touched himself down there before. Yet, the way the Eevee's lips were pursed over the end of his member was so warm and inviting, so delightfully intoxicating, to the point where a stab of pleasure shot up his spine. That alone made him hesitate, and he gulped, his lips parting as a shaky sigh escaped his lips. His fears of failing the orientation were drowned out by his young curiosity and eagerness to see where this pleasure would lead. He was a simple boy, with simple needs-- pleasure was but a catalyst for him.

Altair knew this, or at least seemed to. At the sight of Aurum's flushed face and parted lips, the Eevee dipped its head down lower, sinking against the head of his cock and slathering his wide tongue along the head of his humanoid member. That alone made Aurum shudder violently, a quivering moan escaping his lips as his entire body trembled. A fervent pleasure washed over him and made his very eyelids flutter, and the Eevee's eyes widened as a thick, affectionate spurt of pre-cum arced against the roof of his mouth. Altair already knew that the boy was going to be a lot of fun, but this? This sealed the deal.

The Eevee pushed his mouth deeper, teasing every quivering, throbbing inch. Aurum had to be 7 inches or so, if he had to guess, and he was keen to get every single bit of it that he could. It was clear, however, that Aurum was not only new to sex, but knew to sexual pleasure in general. The way his cock throbbed so powerfully in Altair's mouth was proof enough of his inexperience, and the way the boy's hand quivered atop his head made it clear he wasn't even going to last long. The Eevee wondered if he could even manage to take the entire length before Aurum orgasmed.

The dragon huffed quietly, closing his eyes and thoroughly relishing the sensations that coursed through his body. It was addicting, this sensual feeling, and he could feel a pressure within him growing harder and firmer as the Eevee's warm, inviting tongue slathered and sloshed over his length. Another groan escaped his lips, and he couldn't stop himself from rolling his hips up, just a little, his chest quietly heaving. Something was stirring within him, and it was proving unbearable.

His quiet, intense moans were indication enough for the Eevee, who pushed its head down further against his length, taking roughly three quarters of the cock before Aurum's climax washed over his young body. His cock visibly pulsed and throbbed, thick spurts of seed shooting from the end of his turgid member and and coating the Eevee's mouth in sticky, gooey seed. Altair didn't waste a single drop, pursing its lips around Aurum's length, gulping each mouthful dutifully. Aurum's balls tucked firmly up against his body as he had his first orgasm of his young life, resisting the urge to press his knees together. Yet, no sooner had that orgasmed arrived that it faded away, leaving Aurum was nothing but a low, gentle hum of pleasure that set itself deep within his bones.

Aurum quietly panted, his mind foggy, before clarity returned to him and he snapped back to reality. He soon realised what he'd done, and where they were, and he nervously tucked his cum-soaked member back into his pants, staggering to his feet as he yanked up his shorts and buttoned them up. He looked down at the Eevee, who offered him nothing but a happy smile. There wasn't a trace of their sin on Altair's body. With a sigh relief, the dragon ashamedly made their way to the door and opened it, quickly stepping out before he was spotted.

That little act would change his live forever. He just didn't know it yet.

x x x

After the Eevee's clear lust, Aurum had been ultimately scared that Altair would act up again and inevitably cause him to fail the orientation. Miraculously, however, Altair had been nothing but obedient since their little lewd session. It didn't matter what Aurum asked of him, the Eevee complied without hesitation. This not only baffled the canine instructor, but also some of the other new trainers who were having trouble keeping their temporary pokémon in check.

When the orientation was over, Aurum passed with flying colours, and he was given his very own trainer's licence. With that, his dream had been realised, but he didn't plan to make use of the licence just yet. His father had made it very clear that he was still too young and inexperienced to travel the world, but Aurum's pouting had forced the adult's hand and allowed him to take the exam, at least. The licence was one that he could keep for life, there was no retakes, no renewals: his father promised that, when Aurum turned 16, he could go on his little adventure. Until then, he was encouraged to stay a kid for a little while longer.

When it came time for Altair to return to his pokéball, he had protested, and rather violently at that. No-one could calm him down but Aurum. It became clear, in that moment, that the once stubborn and promiscuous Altair had finally find a platonic friendship in the young dragon, and the instructor was more than happy to give the Eevee to Aurum as his very first pokémon. The dragon was more than overjoyed. After a short celebration and a longer journey home, Aurum and his father returned to their small Mareep ranch out in the countryside.

2 weeks had passed since that fateful encounter, and Aurum had been stepped in his own thoughts ever since. It didn't matter what he distracted himself with, the shame of his lewd encounter with his new partner pokémon hung over him like a shroud, a looming figure of doom that he couldn't shake, no matter how hard he tried. He had grown up under the expression assumption and education that you were not to 'touch a pokémon's no-no parts', and they were not to touch yours in kind. Yet, he had succumbed so easily to Altair's advances when he had only just met him. That along was enough to make him pause.

For 2 weeks, he had agonised over whether he should ask his father for guidance or keep it to himself, but he could eventually take it no more. He needed to tell him what had happened.

Aurum tip-toed down the stairs in nothing but a pair of shorts. It was always warm in the country, and though his father said they could walk around in the nude, Aurum at least preferred to put on some pants. He didn't have the luxury of a slit like his father, and the thought of his member hanging out, especially now with Altair living with them, was a little embarrassing.

"Dad?" He called out. "You here?"

When he was met with no response, he assumed, probably correctly, that his dad was out in the fields tending to the Mareep, as was his normal custom. Aurum knew where to find him, and Altair was out playing in the fields. With that, the young dragon stepped out the front door and made his way towards the expensive barn that sat along the main road to the property.

He could already tell that his father was inside, for the barn door was open, and he always kept it shut. The Mareeps were going through their tender phase, where their fluffy coat was at its peak. It would only be another week or so before they needed to be sheared. Aurum guessed his father was just checking in on them at that moment, so he might as well go inside and talk to him.

Once he neared the door, he knew something was amiss. Call it intuition or just plain luck, but Aurum found himself stopping by the door, pressing the side of his head to the barn door and listening intently. He could hear grunting. Quiet, pleasured grunting...and the wet slaps of flesh against flesh. Curious, he poked his head around the door, and his eyes grew wide at the sight before him.

There, in one of the small pens that the Mareep were kept, stood his father, hunched over in his typical naked form. It wasn't that that worried Aurum, but rather who-- or in this case, who-- he was hunched over. Inside the pen was a Mareep, one that had been on the farm for quite some time, as most of the Mareep had. His father's hands were clutched firmly around the thick, pillowy mounds of wool on the pokémon's body, and his hips were thrusting. Not just anywhere, either, but right into the Mareep's behind.

Aurum was lucky that his father was facing away from him somewhat, or he'd be in trouble for getting caught. As he watched his father fuck the pokémon at a slight angle-- enough for Aurum to see his pistoning hips and the sight of his dad's turgid cock sliding in and out of the Mareep's pussy, anyway-- He was left with a profound revelation. Though his dad had said it was wrong to do naughty things with pokémon, here his dad was, doing the very thing he'd warned his son against. Aurum felt a brief mixture of childish anger, followed by a calm serenity, as if a weight was lifting off his shoulders. If his dad did it, then that meant it was okay for him to do it, too.

The young dragon retreated from the door, backing off. He didn't need to see anymore: it was a little embarrassing to watch his father have sex-- even the sounds of his quiet grunting and the wet slaps of his hips against the Mareep's behind were enough to make his cheeks flush. He turned and headed back down the path towards the house, filled with a new sense of determination. He knew what he wanted to do now.

Making his way back into the house, Aurum moved through it towards the back door that lead out into the rest of the fields beyond, and from the kitchen window he could see Altair bounding across the fields under the sun, chasing various butterflies that fluttered around the bushes on the right hand side of the property. Aurum stepped out onto th back porch and descended the steps, quickly making his way over to his partner pokémon.

"Hey, Altair," The dragon briefly greeted him, glancing across to the dense bushline before back again. "...You having fun?"

The Eevee's bright eyes and wide smile were indication enough of his enjoyment, and he trotted around on the spot, relishing the warmth of the sun above them. He hopped up onto his back paws, leaning forwards to plant his front paws against Aurum's stomach, looking up at him expectantly. Aurum cleared his throat, casting his gaze back towards the house. Despite knowing it was fine, he didn't want his father to see him doing anything untoward. The bushes seemed like a suitable place to do something. He nervously eased Altair off him and made a beeline for them, pushing himself into the bushes.

He'd been here before, when he was younger, but rarely visited it since. There was a small clearing in the bushes that he had hidden in one time and it had proved quite effective: at least, his dad hadn't been able to find him for a good 30 minutes. At that time, Aurum had only crawled out when his father started to panic. That was quite some time ago now-- he was sure his dad would manage a little while without having him in his line of sight.

The clearing was just big enough for him to sit down in, and Altair soon appeared through the dense foliage, head tilted to the side in curiosity. Aurum gulped and anxiously reached out a hand, coaxing the Eevee closer.

Altair obeyed him instantly, of course, and that made it all the more easier for Aurum. The dragon stroked along the Eevee's head, running his scaled hand down the pokémon's back and towards his tail. It was thick and busy, but what Aurum was intending to touch was far below that. His hand slipped towards Altair's thigh and around towards his stomach, before he dipped it further back, and his digits inevitably met with the Eevee's plump, swinging sheath.

As soon as Aurum's fingers touched with the pokémon's groin, Altair froze, and he turned his head slowly to look at Aurum in the eyes. The dragon cleared his throat awkwardly and didn't even some close to meeting that gaze. A wicked, toothy smirk spread across the Eevee's lips for a brief moment, before he turned, shifting to face Aurum head-on and pressing his paws against the dragon's chest again, forcing him down.

"O-Okay..." Aurum cautiously didn't argue, laying on his back as he felt the Eevee pad around his body, moving and shifting until the pokémon stood facing away from him, its behind nestled firmly against his chest. Aurum reached down and shimmied himself out of his shorts, exposing himself completely. He felt a little embarrassed, but he had started this. He should at least commit.

The Eevee admired Aurum's flaccid, humanoid member as the 10 year old cub reached down, tucking it fingers around the length of his floppy cock and holding it idly between his fingers. He watched, and felt, the Eevee scooting forwards, and soon felt the mass of Altair's fluffy sheath against his thumb. He shifted his hand away a little and felt the sheath rubbing up against his own cock, causing his loins to stir and his member to suddenly rapidly harden. The blood eagerly pumped to his pubescent member and Aurum allowed it to throb weakly against his stomach, leaving it unattended so that Altair could do what he wanted.

Satisfied, the Eevee prodded the tip of his sheath against the dragon's slowly hardening length, grinding his fluffy housing along the length of Aurum's cock every so often before experimentally forcing the tip of his sheath back against the head. After some coaxing, the elastic ring that kept his sheath so neatly closed off stretched, accommodating the head of Aurum's cock. The dragon gasped as he felt the length of his member sliding into a warm orifice, but he knew it not to be the Eevee's supple mouth, nor his ass. Instead, it was his sheath, and Aurum's cock slid down until his frenulum touched with a twitching mass.

The Eevee greedily bucked, pushing his hips forwards and gyrating sensually against Aurum's cock, coaxing his own member to stiffen and harden. At first it was just a small, tapering tip, but Altair's cock steadily grew, until his twitching member soon began to reach half-mast, every thick inch of his pulsing canine cock growing more and more with each pleasured hump. Once he'd reached full mast, his knot began to swell and stretch his sheath even more, and Aurum's cock met with the bulbous base, feeling every vibrant throb.

Despite being at full mast, his knot formed and aching to be tired with something, Altair continued to thrust, sliding his hips back and forth as he plunged himself against Aurum's thick length, effectively frotting with him at a unique angle. Aurum's quiet breathing and occasional moan was indication enough of how much he was enjoying this, so Altair intended to keep going, curious to see exactly how long Aurum was going to last.

The young dragon reached out, holding onto the Eevee's hips as the pokémon thrust down against his cock. He felt the warm member sliding against his own, the tightness of Altair's sheath and a delightful pleasure that swam through his system. It took everything in him not to squirm, but he couldn't restrain his little whimpers of pleasure. Each buck of Altair's hips sent spikes of pleasure up his spine, making him quiver and tremble. It was just like the first time. It had barely been a minute, and he could already feel something rising within him.

Soon enough, he couldn't stop himself bucking his hips, letting out delicate gasps of pleasure as he felt a pressure within him forming, and the familiarity of it warned him that he was close. They'd barely been at it longer than a minute or so, but Aurum's inexperience, coupled with the Eevee's eagerness and natural affinity for pushing all of the dragon's buttons, had already brought him so close to the edge. His fingers tug in against the Eevee's behind and Altair seemed to sense his trainer's impending climax. However, that didn't mean he was going to stop. If anything, he picked up speed.

"A-Altair...Oooh..." The dragon rolled his head back, toes curling against the grass as a sudden, powerful climax rolled over him, making all of his muscles tense at once before suddenly relaxing. His cock throbbed and spurted a thick load once more, coating the Eevee's inner sheath with his seed. There was already so much of it from a 10 year old boy, enough for it to start leaking out of Altair's sheath with ease, oozing along Aurum's cock and pooling a little around the dragon's pelvis. Aurum lazily stroked the Eevee's hips, groaning and panting quietly to himself in pleasure. His orgasm has been as intense at the first time. It was to intoxicating that he never wanted it to end. But, as with all good things, it inevitably faded, leaving him with nothing but the embarrassment of his lewd act and his tired muscles.

Aurum was done, but Altair was far from finished. He slid back, admiring the gooey, sticky mess that Aurum had made of his sheath, before he turned himself on the spot to face him, looking down at the dragon's exhausted features and closed eyes. The Eevee stepped forwards and smeared his pre-soaked cock against Aurum's snout, dragging the length of his cock along his scales until his sheath met with the boy's lips, deliberately smearing cum onto them. Aurum snapped his eyes open and stared up at the Eevee, who shot him nothing short of an innocent smile. Altair dragged himself back again, resting the tip of his cock against the dragon's lips.

"Y-You want me to...?" Aurum spot quietly, parting his lips a little bit. He watched as Altair rose himself up fully onto all fours, letting his cock dangle downwards as he squatted over Aurum's snout. The dragon stared up at him and watched, with an open mouth, as Altair descended downwards, sliding the tip of his tapering canine cock into the boy's mouth.

Aurum had never tasted cock before. This one, however, was covered in pre-cum and a little bit of cum, giving it a strange taste of salt and flesh. Aurum wasn't completely opposed to it, but it wasn't exactly tasty. Aurum wasn't that good at math and couldn't get a clear measurement on the Eevee's cock, but he was pretty sure it was in the realms of 'big'. As Altair pushed down, his firm length slid against the 10 year old's tongue, and eventually reached the back of his throat. Aurum resisted the urge to cough, feeling the Eevee above him purr with delight at the warmth of his mouth. Without hesitation, the Eevee tugged up and began to thrust.

Altair tried his best to be gentle, but it was clear that the more important thing on his mind was getting to cum. His thrusts were measured and did their best to be gentle, but they were occasionally forceful and carnal, plunging down into Aurum's mouth with still an inch, and his knot, to spare. Aurum reached up and held onto the Eevee's hips for security, his eyes wide as his partner pokémon fucked his mouth so ruthlessly. He'd never experienced anything like it before. It was strange to be so easily manhandled and used, but there was something arousing about it that he couldn't quite put his finger on.

It didn't take long for the Eevee to start panting rather vigorously, his plunging hips inevitably bearing fruit in the form of sweet, sticky pre-cum that coated Aurum's mouth in a thin film. The dragon boy had a feeling he should keep his teeth out the way, and kept his tongue still, letting the Eevee do all the work. Altair's hips pistoned up and down, his balls swinging to and fro with each thrust as his tail flicked left and right.

Suddenly, without warning, Altair orgasmed. There had been no indication, no quickening of breath or gentle moan. All that was there to give him a heads up was a final, forceful thrust that probed the back of his throat, threatening to plunge down into it, following by thick, heavy spurts of cum that clogged his airway. Aurum attempted to breathe and found himself unable, and began to swallow instinctively instead, his eyes watering a little from having to so quickly gulp down what he could. The Eevee practically nestled atop him, purring with delight as its inflated knot twitched and throbbed with each sharp convulsion of his cock, each heavy spurt.

Aurum couldn't quite take the whole thing. He reached up and lifted the Eevee's hips off of him, sliding the cock from his mouth and turning his head to the side, spitting out what he could and gasping for breath as Altair's cock spurted the last of his climax onto the grass. Aurum gasped for air and wiped his mouth, taking a moment to steady his breathing and wonder just what they had done. He would have normally felt ashamed. Instead, he was pleased. He knew it was okay to have sex with his pokémon now, and he'd be lying if he said he didn't enjoy it. The pleasure of busting a nut alone was enough to pull him in.

"Ah...well, that" Aurum didn't know what to say. Scratch that, Altair couldn't even talk, though Aurum was sure he understood the language. The Eevee tilted his head at him, and the way Altair lidded his eyes made it clear he seemed to find Aurum's flustered expression very endearing.

"I, um...I need to pee." Aurum quickly changed the subject and got to his feet. He peeked over the bushes towards the house and hesitated, wondering if he could make it. He quickly pushed the idea to the side and instead turned to the bushes around him. He didn't come here often, so it wasn't like anyone would notice, right?

The dragon moved to a little more secluded area of the bushes in the tiny clearing and squatted down, breathing slowly as his flaccid humanoid member hung limply between his legs. The strain of his legs was a lot, but his young body could handle it. After a moment or two, he began to feel the trickle running up his urethra, and in a matter of moments, he began to urinate onto the grass.

As soon as he had started to piss, the Eevee suddenly ducked in under his squatting down, shimmying along on its back underneath him. Aurum let out a cry of surprised, but he couldn't stop the flow now that it had started. He was forced to watch, with flushed cheeks, as the Eevee deliberately scooted in under his steady stream of clear urine. The stream easily splashed down into the Eevee's open mouth and the pokémon gulped it down effortlessly, reaching up with his front paws to lightly bat and push at the scaley ball sack that hung just behind the cock. The mere act alone stirred the boy's cock and he grew just a little bit hard from that, but his main focus was on emptying his bladder.

The trickle died down pretty quickly, leaving Altair's facial fur damp with piss, a twinkle in the Eevee's eyes. He knew what he was up to. Of that, Aurum was certain. It looked as if Altair wanted to go for another round, but just as the Eevee raised his head, his mouth inches away from the cock, Aurum heard a voice.

"Aurum! You out here?" His father called from the house. "Lunch is ready! Get on in here, okay?"

"Okay!" Aurum called from the bushes, so as not to worry his father. He cast another glance down at the pokémon before he rose up, giving the Eevee a shot of his asshole and taint as he padded over towards his shorts, tugging them on.

"C'mon, let's go inside." Aurum insisted, and he ducked in under the bushes and made his way out, the Eevee in tow.

As the two of them walked, Aurum couldn't help but wonder exactly what he was going to do about the promiscuous pokémon beside him. One thing was for sure, however: their sexual escapades were far from over.

My Friend's Brother Wants Me

"Where do you think you're going?" Reth froze on the spot and turned his head, seeing the glint of the lucario's eyes in the dark. Mere moments ago, his hands had roamed that lucario's body, from his paws to his cock and beyond, and Reth had...

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Table For Four

This was it. No backing out now: he'd come this far, after all. Sucking in a deep breath, Conan grasped the handle of the restaurant and stepped inside. The Nodding Owl was a small family owned pub and restaurant that was notorious for one thing,...

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