My Friend's Brother Wants Me

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Commission for Rethex on IB.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Reth froze on the spot and turned his head, seeing the glint of the lucario's eyes in the dark. Mere moments ago, his hands had roamed that lucario's body, from his paws to his cock and beyond, and Reth had solemnly hoped that he might have been able to get away with his lewd act. He was wrong.

The 16 year old didn't move from his seat, nor did the 9 year old growlithe move from his spot. Between them, the air grew thick with tension, but Luuk's gentle snoring from his bed broke that quiet silence. It was a wonder that he hadn't woken up, but Luuk always was a bit of a heavy sleeper.

A growl sounded through the air, sending a shiver up Reth's spine. He knew what that growl entailed: it was a dominant warning, a reminder to heed Heike's command and answer him. Reth could do naught but stammer, trembling a little on the spot, aware that he was in trouble what he'd done.

"Get over here."

The gruff, albeit groggy, voice pierced through the silence, its tones low and laced with hidden intentions. With a nervous gulp, Reth padded across the room, tiptoeing around the various toys that lay strewn around the floor. He lingered by the edge of the bed and the lucario shuffled forwards, grabbing him roughly by the arm and yanking him up onto the bed.

Reth was tugged mercilessly towards the pillows and he pressed his head down against them as a hand roughly pushed down against his chest, making sure to hold him there. He couldn't quite make out the details of Heike's features in the dark, but he could definitely feel the warmth of his body, and even his hot breath lightly grazing his cheek.

"So, you thought that you could fuck my paws in the middle of the night without me noticing, did you?" The lucario murmured quietly, his hand curling around Reth's pyjama top, gripping it tightly.

"S-Sorry, Heike, I-I--" Reth tried to explain, but a hand slipped up over his mouth, and he let out a muffled whimper. He could feel the lucario's muzzle grazing his cheek, trailing along up towards his ear. The growlithe's face flushed when he felt the lucario's teeth bit his ear dominantly, and his body trembled under Heike's sheer alpha-esque personality.

"You're such a fucking degenerate," Heike murmured. "Now my feet are all sticky and gross, thanks to you. How're you going to pay me back for that?"

Reth couldn't really reply, considering the hand clamped so firmly around his mouth, but he did his best to respond in a series of quiet muffles, and he heard the lucario chuckle in response, apparently amused by his reply. He felt the hand that had been around his chest sliding down, reaching towards the hem of his pyjama top and slipping beneath. The hand dragged up Reth's body and towards his chest, and a thumb grazed over the nub of the growlithe's right nipple.

The lucario dexterously pressed his thumb and forefinger together, pinching the nub between his digits and making the cub tremble beneath him. Reth arched his back just a little and reached a hand up, shakily grasping it around Heike's wrist. It wasn't an attempt to pull him off, but it was instead a form of security for him. The lucario ignored his little muffles and made sure to relentlessly pinch and squeeze the nipple between his fingers, as his mouth returned to Reth's ear and he bit down on it again, gnawing it a little between his teeth and giving it a few vicious tugs.

Reth had never been so mercilessly dominated before. To have a single person lord over him so overwhelmingly to the point where he was powerless to resist them was unlike anything he'd ever fathomed before, though he was only 9, so perhaps it was to be expected. The hand that slowly pinched and probed his nipple eventually stopped, trailing back down the growlithe's body and towards his stomach. His fingers trailed across the fuzzy, cream fur of Reth's belly, before he hooked two fingers into the waistband of the cub's pyjama shorts and slipped his hand inside.

The young boy tensed immediately as the teen's hand grazed over his flaccid humanoid member, the digits deliberately aiming for the end of his foreskin, where a little bit of cum still lingered, leaking from his member. The digit that met with the end of his cock rolled around in a circular motion for a moment, before trailing back up and member, smearing the seed across Reth's cock. The hand dipped soon after, trailing towards the boy's tiny balls and rolling them around in his significantly larger fingers, before the hand dipped even lower.

It was, at that moment, that Reth pressed his legs together and tensed, unsure where Heike's hand was leading. The 9 year old might have been smart enough to know how to hump his friend's brother's paws, but that didn't mean he knew anything about the 'pidgeys and the beedrils'. The digits that sunk down were momentarily trapped between his squeezing inner thighs, but when the lucario dipped his head down and grazed his canine teeth along Reth's neck, the growlithe loosened his grip, allowing Heike access to what lay beneath.

Heike quickly changed tact, apparently dissatisfied with the current position. His hand moved from Reth's mouth, leaving the growlithe cub momentarily panting. His hand, however, was soon replaced by the lucario's mouth, and Reth's eyes widened as Heike forced upon him a passionate kiss. The cub squirmed beneath the older body as the lucario's tongue probed his teeth, attempting to push past them.

"Lift up your legs, you little whore." Heike murmured between his violating kisses, and Reth, still feeling so incredibly dominated, complied with his demand, hiking his legs up and intentionally spreading them as the teen's digits wormed their way down lower inside the 9 year old's pyjamas. Reth's eyes widened when he felt the lucario's fingers sliding between his cheeks, probing with his tight little asshole. The digits prodded roughly against his ring, sliding along his entrance, before a single finger forced its way inside of him.

Reth grunted briefly against Heike's lips as the finger slipped into him, sliding deeper and deeper into his behind. Reth's innards spasmed and squeezed down considerably against Heike's finger, but the lucario didn't relent. Reth opened his mouth to let out a moan of discomfort and pleasure, and the lucario saw an opening to molest him further. He forced his tongue into the boy's mouth and smeared it against the cub's own, and Reth trembled beneath him, eyes watering from the discomfort in his loins. He closed his eyes and Heike continued to kiss him, his firm hands keeping the squirming boy beneath him still.

They sloppily exchanged saliva, albeit a little clumsily, as the lucario's digit buried deeper into Reth's behind, until he had sunk in to the knuckle of his finger. He flexed his digit and Reth suddenly trembled beneath him, arching his back and quivering against Heike's body. It didn't take much for the lucario to realise he'd hit that sweet spot in the boy's body, so he continued to flex his finger over and over, causing the cub to whimper against his lips. Heike was having the time of his life, but he was far from done.

He continued to slide his finger back and forth, experimentally curling his digit here and there to gauge Reth's reaction, before he eventually pulled back, aware that too much all at once would have Reth finishing before Heike had even started. He parted his lips from Reth's whimpering, panting muzzle and admired the boy's flushed expression in the dark, his eyes already adjusted to the light. Satisfied that the cub was ready, the lucario leant back and withdrew his hands, sliding them up Reth's body.

"Isn't this what you wanted?" Heike muttered quietly, firmly grasping the cub's pyjama top. "To be fucked and abused like this? It's what you signed up for."

"N-No..." Reth whimpered quietly, and he gasped as the lucario's powerful hands ripped his pyjama top in half, a resounding shredded sound cleaving through the air. Reth was about to protest, but the hands moved to his hips and violently flipped him open, causing the growlithe to become momentarily disoriented, his chin resting against the pillow. A pair of rough hands tugged at his pyjamas from the back, yanking his arms back to slide the top from his body. Heike tossed them unceremoniously to the floor beside his bed, before his hands met with Reth's pyjama bottoms and yanked them down, exposing the 9 year old's supple ass and jiggling, boyish cheeks.

Reth shifted to try and get up, his legs tugged around as the lucario yanked off his pyjama pants, leaving him completely in the nude. As he raised himself up onto all fours, he felt a mass pushing down on top of him, and felt the length of the lucario's body against his own. The pointed spike, that most lucarios bore on their chest, was thankfully too high up to pierce Reth's body, and instead grazed dangerously against the crease between his shoulder and neck. Reth had much more to focus on, however: in particular, the pulsing, throbbing mass that he could feel between his cheeks.

He couldn't tell how big it was, but he knew, somehow, that Hike had an impressive cock. He could feel it's turgid length grazing up and down his ass from above, and even felt the fat, bulbous knot pressing against his cheeks a little bit. It was a reminder of what he was up against, and his punishment for being so eager to use the lucario for his own personal gain.

"You ready to get fucked, kid?" Heike huffed quietly. "You've got such a nice ass, it'd be a waste not to use it."

Reth shook his head, but it was clear that Heike was not taking no for an answer. The weight atop Reth's body increased significantly as the lucario pressed the full weight of his teen body against the boy's back, and Reth's knees couldn't hold Heike's weight. He inevitably crumbled, laying back down against the bed as he pressed his legs together, hoping that if he kept them closed then Heike couldn't use him. He was wrong.

Heike let out a groan of delight as his fat canine cock slipped down between Reth's clenching cheeks, briefly using him as a sort of fleshlight, his member sliding up and down. He eventually tugged back and began to hump a little harder, and the air quickly filled with the wet slippery sounds of his pre-coated cock thrusting between Reth's clenching cheeks. Heike's heavy panting was a testament enough to his incredibly stamina and sheer 'horniness', and that's what worried Reth the most. He quivered as he felt the cock slide back slowly for the final time, and he tensed when he felt the tapering end shoving its way between his cheeks, guided by a firm grip.

Heike fumbled about for a moment, angling his cock back and forth, until the thin tip of his member eventually met with the boy's tight ring. Because his tapered end was so thin, it slipped into Reth without difficulty. Now, however, the 9 year old had to endure the might of the rest of Heike's cock. With the lucario firmly in position, he thrust down, being anything but careful.

The thick cock pierced Reth's behind and stretched his virgin ring in an instant, and the boy's muscles clamped down immediately, desperately squeezing and trying to push the member out. Heike groaned with lust at the sheer pressure around his length, and for now, the worst of it was over: the lucario's cock was relatively uniform in length-- that is, up until the knot. The teen sunk down, aided only by his own pre-cum, as Reth whimpered and quivered beneath him.

"You're so fucking tight..." Heike muttered, reaching down to firmly clasp a hand back over Reth's mouth to keep him quiet, as the chest spike grazing his neck once again. Heike sunk his cock deeper and deeper, shoving every thick, throbbing inch into the 9 year old's behind, until his knot kissed with Reth's spasming red ring. The teen rocked his hips for a moment, delighted at the sheer sensation of the cub's spasmed, periodically clenching ass around his cock.

Without warning, Heike tugged his hips back, physically trembling as he withdrew about halfway from Reth's behind, and the growlithe scrunched his eyes shut, a stab of discomfort sliding up his back and making his entire body prickle, each nerve ending alight and attentive. Then, Heike thrust down again, meeting with Reth's ass in a loud clap, his knot squishing against the cub's behind. A groan escaped Heike's lips and Reth was left to wonder if the lucario even cared who heard him now.

"Mmh..." The lucario huffed. "Haven't had an ass this tight since Luuk..."

Reth's eyes widened at the prospect of his own friend being lewded in secret for so long, but the one emotion that rang true in Reth's mind was a fervent jealousy. He was too young to feel ashamed of it, but he thankfully couldn't express his jealousy anyway, with the hand clasped over his mouth. Heike tugged back again and began to thrust, guiding himself into a steady, rough rhythm.

It had started out slow at first, and perhaps it was out of pity that Heike was taking his time, but he was quickly beginning to gain speed. In a matter of moments, he switched tact from slow and gentle thrusts into brutal, rapid pounding, his hips hammering back and forth as his fat balls and thick knot slammed against Reth's behind, each thrust met with an audibly wet slap, accompanied occasionally by Heike and Reth's moans alike, though some of them were muffled.

Reth wanted to cry out, but he was unable to. It had been difficult enough to accommodate Heike in the first place, but it was even more difficult with him so mercilessly abusing his behind, his hips pistoning back and forth, the knot ruthlessly pounding against his already sore ring. Beneath all that discomfort, however, lay a hidden sliver of pleasure that was growing more and more intense with each passing second, threatening to inevitably encapsulate the discomfort completely. Perhaps it was the way he was so violently abused and fucked, or perhaps it was that sweet spot inside of him that the lucario's cock was expertly rubbing again. Whatever it was, all that Reth knew was that it was beginning to feel good. Really good.

Heike's vicious humps and thrusts were finally beginning to bear fruit, as each audible slap grew wetter and wetter with every other thrust, the pre-cum readily oozing from Heike's behind. Reth began to tremble and huff beneath the lucario as Heike began to pant and groan of his own accord to, their rough and passionate sex filling the room with the fervent sounds.

"F-Fuck, I'm gonna bust..." Heike panted out, running his mouth along Reth's ear. "You want my cum, don't you bitch? You want me to fucking tie you?"

Reth whimpered in response, muffled and restrained, unsure if he really wanted it or not. Whether Heike misheard him or chose to ignore his uncertainty was unknown, but regardless of his answer, he began to pound harder and faster than ever before, his hips slamming down against Reth's abused behind, the knot forcing down against his tight entrance until the 9 year old began to let out muffled little yelps with each thrust. It was clear that Heike wasn't going to stop until he tied with Reth's cute little ass, so the growlithe did his best to try and relax, hoping it might help.

To his surprise, it did. As Heike thrust down for what had to be the hundredth time, Reth's tight, once virgin ring stretched to accommodate his thick, bulbous knot, and in an instant, Heike tied with his brother's friend. A guttural, carnal groan escaped the lucario's lips and he yanked his hips back, thrusting for just a little longer. The tightness of his knot inside Reth's behind caused his thrust to pull the growlithe's hips up a little bit, inadvertently tugging on Heike's knot at the same time. Reth could feel the knot swelling within him, stretching his inner walls as it reached an optimal peak.

Heike let out a final sigh and his entirely body relaxed atop Reth's body, and the cub felt a warm pulsing within him, followed by an even more intense warmth. Heike's cock was so length, so thick and sizeable, that Reth could even feel those throbs in his belly, and a pleasured little whine escaped his covered lips, his body tingling from the humming warmth that spread throughout his body. The lucario panted atop him, tail wagging to and fro, apparently rather spent.

With that, Heike rolled the two of them around, until Heike was laying flat on his back with Reth atop him, legs spread apart to accommodate the knot still stuck in his behind. The two of them had been so engrossed in their sex that they hadn't even noticed the silhouette of the figure sitting up in the other bed, and it wasn't until they turned around that they finally noticed it.

"W...What're you two doing?" A croaking voice echoed from the other side of the room, and both Reth and Heike trained their eyes on the figure, watching as it slipped out of bed and padded across the room. Both of them knew who it was, of course-- the only other person that had been sleeping in the room was Luuk. Heike realised he was sort-of caught here, but there was nothing he could do about it now.

"Um...Luuk, it's not what it looks like," Heike began. "...Okay, it's what it looks like."

Luuk glazed his tired eyes over the two of them and quickly put two and two together. He rubbed his eyes for a moment and, to Reth's surprise, didn't look that concerned.

"Really?" Luuk groaned his disappointment to his brother, who growled in response.

"Instead of whining, why not join in?" Heike suggested, and Luuk shifted on the spot for a moment, before he yawned and reached for the hem of his Pyjama top.

"Okay." He mumbled tiredly, and Reth wondered if he was really up for it or not. He watched as the riolu tugged his T-Shirt over his head and dropped his pants to the floor, revealing a similar sheath to Heike himself-- thought it was obviously smaller, but still as hot.

Luuk climbed up onto the bed, physically standing on it and he stepped over Reth's body and stared down at him, his little sheath swinging left and right. He was position perhaps a few inches above the growlithe's form, with Heike resting beneath them.

"I'm disappointed in you, Reth," Luuk mumbled darkly. "If you wanted to fuck my brother, you should have just told me. Instead, I find you in this...position."

"S...Sorry." Reth whimpered quietly, and Luuk sighed through his nose.

"I guess you'll have to be punished." Luuk remarked. The riolu clearly got his mean streak from somewhere, and the source was still firmly embedded in the growlithe's quivering ass.

The riolu shifted on the spot briefly, squatting down just a little as he grasped the base of his sheath between his fingers. He posted himself over Reth's face and the growlithe instinctively parted his lips, expecting to suckle on the sheath or similar.

"Already opening your mouth? Good boy. Now, just hold still..." Luuk quietly remarked, and Reth waited, a little confused. He was expecting Luuk to squat down just a little more so he could lick the sheath, yet the boy never did. Instead, the 9 year old riolu stood there, and the room fell into silence, but for the quiet breathing of the trio.

After a moment, Reth tasted something on his tongue, something that had dribbled from Luuk's sheath. He soon realised what it was, but before he could protest or pull his head away, the two brothers had made their move.

Reth struggled as he felt a hand on the back of his head, forcing it upright as the riolu squatted down further, shoving his plump sheath up against Reth's mouth. The growlithe struggled and whimpered as a steady stream of piss sloshed into his mouth, trickling down his chin onto his chest. He was forced to swallow, his eyes scrunching up as the two boys held him tight, forcing him to take it.

"That's a good boy," Heike muttered. "Just drink down all your friend's piss. I'm sure he's very appreciative...aren't you, Luuk?"

"Oh yeah," Luuk replied quietly. "It's always good to have a portable urinal."

The sheer humiliation of it made Reth's cheeks flush, and he was powerless to stop them as they forced him to gulp mouthful after mouthful of the riolu's piss. It almost seemed to be never-ending, but the riolu didn't have a particularly large bladder, considering his age. Eventually, that steady stream slowly petered into nothing but a trickle, and the riolu tugged his head back, admiring Reth's flushed expression and wrinkled nose, his eyes watering from having to gulp for so long.

"What do you say when someone gives you a gift?" Heike reminded him, and Reth whimpered.

"T-Thank you, Luuk." Reth muttered shamefully, and Luuk quietly chuckled, looking pleased.

"Good," Luuk replied. "Now for your other punishment."

Reth watched, wide-eyed, as Luuk turned on the spot, teetering briefly on the mattress until he was facing away from Reth, his cheeks on display. He shuffled backwards and began to squat down, and Reth stared upwards as Luuk's behind descended, until his ass was mere inches from Reth's muzzle. The Riolu grasped both of his cheeks firmly in his grip and spread them apart, revealing the cute pink pucker hidden between them, the entrance occasionally tensing and clenching together before relaxing again. He lowered his behind further and further, and though Reth shook his head defiantly, Heike's head on the back of his head held him firmly, forcing his muzzle to press against the pucker.

"Give it a good lick, now. Maybe sure to taste every inch of it." Luuk demanded, and Reth was forced to obey. The growlithe felt his cheeks burning with shame as he parted his muzzle and stuck out his small tongue, forced to lick his friend's asshole. He slathered, from the bottom to the top, as Heike's hand held him there firmly, his other hand moving towards Reth's crotch. The cub tensed when he felt Heike's fingers meet with his little cock, which was surprisingly half-hard, though give the pulsing, knotted member in his behind, it was bound to happen.

"That's it..." Luuk muttered quietly, rolling his hips back and forth across Reth's muzzle as he felt that small, warm tongue slathering and suckling his tight ring. Reth had no idea what Luuk was just as lewd as his brother, but he guessed that it must run in the family, or something of that nature. He didn't want to keep this up for long, but it seemed like Luuk wasn't going to stop until he was satisfied, so he was forced to continue.

The fondling of his cock eventually stirred Reth's tiny cock to harden, twitching and pulsing under Heike's assault until he grew to full mast, aching and twitching. A little huff of pleasure escaped his lips as he felt the digits wrapping around his tiny cock, and Heike began to pump his member rather rapidly, jerking the young boy off whilst he keld the cub's held firmly to his brother's quivering ring.

"Keep going." Luuk demanded, his own member at half-mast and steadily growing, and he soon began to masturbate himself, removing one hand from his cheek to wrap it around his own cock. He furiously jerked his cock, until the knot began to form at the base of his member, trapped within his sheath. Reth began to huff and pant with pleasure, though it wasn't because he was licking his friend's asshole-- rather, it was the furious pumping of his cock that was making him squirm and writhed, his innards periodically squeezing around Heikie's cock that still remained firmly inside of him.

They continued like that for some time, each having their own role to play in their lewd threesome. Luuk was beginning to pant with a greater intensity, the combination of his own masturbating hand along with Reth's fervent licking bringing him closer and closer to an inevitable release. Reth, however, was considerably closer to climax than he was: as his insides squeezed around the lucario's cock, he could feel that member warmly pulsing within him, which probed against his prostate and stirred him closer and closer to his climax.

It only took a few more plentiful jerks, but soon enough Reth was panting, squirming and writhing against Heike's body as little breathy moans escaped his lips, and his body trembled violently. A sheer, overwhelming ecstasy rolled over him and he groaned with delight, relishing the sensation as his cock throbbed and pulsed. He orgasmed, tiny dribbles of seed oozing from the end of his member and collecting around the tip of his foreskin, which was quickly and clumsily scooped up by the lucario's pumping hand. Heike slowed his hand a little bit and dragged his digits down, peeling back the cub's foreskin a little to admire the cum oozing from the end of his member.

Reth wanted to do nothing but lay back and relax, but the riolu above him demanded he continue, the pressure against Reth's muzzle increasing as Luuk pushed his ass down, the boy wildly panting. Reth could hear the slick sounds of the riolu jerking himself off and assumed he was getting close. Forced to continue, Reth lazily slurped his tongue over the already spit-covered ring, pursing his muzzle and probing the sphincter with his tongue.

"Oh god...yes...keep going...!" Luuk demanded, his hand wildly running over his member as Reth dug his tongue a little deeper, attempting to penetrate the riolu's behind, and after a few moments, Luuk shuddered above him, pushing his hips down. His knees and legs trembled, and thought Reth couldn't see, he could definitely feel the riolu's orgasm as cum oozed down onto the growlithe's stomach and crotch, as well as some of his chest. Luuk groaned and panted tiredly, keeping himself squatted down for a little longer, before it grew to be too much and he was forced to move.

The riolu shifted and laid down against the bed as Heike turned, rolling onto his side and curling an arm around Reth's body. The three of them lay there, panting tiredly, unsure what to say. Perhaps the silence was necessary. Reth didn't particularly want to comment on what just happened, either, nor did he want to say anything out of line.

Wordlessly, Luuk shuffled closer to Reth and rested his forehead against the growlithe's own, curling an arm around the boy's side and hugging into him. The growlithe was sandwiched between the two of them, and after a few moments, he heard their breathing slow into long, deep breaths. He squirmed, but neither of them stirred. They'd fallen asleep, and so quickly, too.

Unable to move, Reth laid there and eventually fell asleep as well, the 9 year old nestled between his friend, and his friend's brother. As sleep took him, a single passing thought crossed his mind.

Maybe this would all work out after all.


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