Table For Four

Story by Birdpup on SoFurry

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Adult story about a dude on a date with a dragon with three heads.

This was it. No backing out now: he'd come this far, after all. Sucking in a deep breath, Conan grasped the handle of the restaurant and stepped inside.

The Nodding Owl was a small family owned pub and restaurant that was notorious for one thing, and one thing only: hosting blind dates. For as long as they'd had the restaurant open, they accepted applications for blind dates, and they would pair up applicable people randomly, seating them at specific tables. All of it was part of a promotion: you got a free seat reservation and a discount off your meal. It was that incentive alone that attracted a great number of people, though not all of them enjoyed their company.

Stepping into the restaurant, Conan awkwardly lingered by the pedastal where a waiter normally sat. The young, early 20's canine had picked out the best garments he had in his wardrobe: form-fitting jeans, appropriate footwear, the best shirt he could find, grey and sleek, tucked into the waistband of his pants. He had rolled up the long sleeves, giving him what he hoped to be a rustic vibe, the appearance of someone who could relax, but was confident in himself. He wasn't. He really, truly wasn't.

A waiter approached not long after and with a smile and a quick gesture, asked him his name. He gave it in full and they checked him off a list, leading him towards a table marked '23'.

"Your other half hasn't arrived yet. Don't worry, they'll be here soon," She winked at him, before holding up her clipboard expectantly, aiming for the corner of whatever was on it. "Any drinks?"

"Uh...j-just water, if you have it," He immediately realised what he sat and put his face and muzzle in his hands. "Of course you have it. What am I saying...?"

"It's okay," She laughed and patted his shoulder. "Your nervous. Relax, and I'll bring you a glass of water, okay?"

"Thank you." He mumbled as she turned to leave, and he groaned inwardly, resisting the urge to curl up into a ball and roll his way out of the restaurant.

If it hadn't already been painfully obvious to everyone within a 5 mile radius, Conan was a stranger to the dating scene. Having just graduated from university, he was settling into a well-paying IT apprenticeship and needed some spice in his life. He had heard about the restaurant through the grapevine, though that 'vine' in particular was bearing far too much fruit, metaphorically speaking. The Nodding Owl was so well known that even those several towns over were aware of it's open arms welcome to blind dating. For Conan, it felt like a perfect opportunity: good food and potentially good company.

Once his water was brought to him, Conan had to wait another 10 or so minutes for his date to show up. Conan had tentatively kept his eyes peeled for what his date might be. A dashing young man? Someone strong and muscular? Whatever the case, he was nervous. When he finally saw the sight of someone at the front of the restaurant, he was frustrated to find he couldn't see who they were. He could see the woman, however, and he read lips well enough to see her mouth the number 23. His stomach twisted into knots. His date was here!

What was coming towards him, however, was unlike anything he had seen before.

Towering at 8 foot tall, with a sculpted chiselled body, the figure came over. It bore three sharp, jagged draconic heads sitting atop longer than average necks, and two of them were bickering to one-another whilst the third shrank away from them, looking decidedly embarrassed to be with them. The three-headed dragon, a rare and astounding species, exuded confidence as they followed the waiter to table number 23. Conan didn't know whether to stand, sit or run. He was both intrigued and horrified at the same time.

The waiter flashed him what could best be described as an apologetic smile before turning to the Dragon and asking them what they wanted to drink. The head on the far left, or rather Conan's far right, who had previously been arguing answered immediately, and the other two didn't seem to protest. With that, the waiter left them and the creature turned to face him. Now that they were closer, Conan got a better look at them.

Bearing grey and black scales, the three-headed dragon's heads all seemed to bear strikingly different personalities. The one to Conan's left was the most shy of them, and could barely look him in the eye. The one in the middle looked uncomfortable to even be here, but the one on the right was hungrily taking him in, eyelids batting as if they were courting a suitable husband, like a femme fatale. With a gulp, Conan awkwardly gestured them to sit, and the dragon slipped into the seat. It creaked under their weight and Conan took in their body whilst they weren't looking.

They were practically god-like in terms of the peak male body, with rippling muscles that barely fit into the snug T-Shirt they were wearing, thick calves fitting into shorts. Conan didn't quite want to think about what they looked like underneath yet, but he did notice that they bore no visible wings, which was quite odd. They reached for the menu and the middle head looked down at it, whilst the shy one looked around the room and the distinctly feminine one admired Conan from across the small table.

"Aren't you a just a peach?" The feminine head spoke, and their voice was almost distinctively female. Conan felt as if their gaze was going to burn a hole right through his pants and he squirmed uncomfortably in his seat.

"You're scaring the boy. Quit it." The middle head snapped, and the two snarled at one-another before the middle head turned his attention to Conan. "Some ground rules before we begin. Are you listening?"

"Y-Yes, sir." The middle head had quite the gruff voice, like a football coach or a trainer who'd had one too many clients for the day. If Conan had to fit his personality to a word, it'd definitely be 'tough', or maybe even 'tired'.

"All three heads are different. That there's Tiran," The head jerked in the direction of the shy one. "I'm Tex, and that's Titania. Collectively, refer to us as Triple T, or just Triple, whatever's good."

"Got it." It was easy enough for Conan to keep up. He got the impression though that Tex had given one too many people the ground rules before and some of them hadn't listened.

With a satisfied grunt, Tex turned his attention back to the manu, and Conan found himself looking between the other two heads. He could empathise with Tiran quite considerably, since he was also feeling particular awkward and shy in the moment.

"Not what you expected, sugar?" Titania asked, as if she'd read Conan's mind. "We did leave the gender part of the form blank, since...well..."

She didn't need to say, and the canine nodded, awkwardly adjusting his collar. It felt really tight all of a sudden.

"I-I don't mind," Conan began. "You...seem nice."

"Nice!" Titania exclaimed, turning to Tex in the middle. "First compliment of the evening. Relish it, honey. Plenty more where that came from."

"I'm practically over the moon." Tex drawled in response, not peeling his eyes away from the menu.

"You could at least be a little more courteous to our date. It is Tiran's turn, after all."

"I am being courteous. Do you see me not biting his head off?" Tex snapped in response, and Conan shrank into his seat a little. The canine cast his gaze down at the menu awkwardly, but when he raised it, he found Tiran looking at him. When their eyes met, The shy head's gaze faltered and he glanced away, if only for a brief moment.

"H...Hi." Tiran eventually said, and Titania and Tex lapsed into silence, letting him speak.

"Hey." Conan shyly responded with a toothy, sheepish grin, his ears twitching a little as he picked up the sounds around the restaurant.

"You look, um...nice." Tiran ran his eyes briefly up and down the canine's body, and if his cheeks could visibly blush, Conan guessed they would have.

"Thanks! You, uh..." Conan didn't know how to compliment him without complimenting all of them, really. "You look nice too."

"Aww. Are you going to have boy talk next? Warn me so I can vomit not." Tex remarked with a gruff chortle of amusement, and Titania snapped his head towards his, biting at one of his horns. The two heads wrestled and snarled at each other, but Tiran acted as though they weren't even there.

"So, are you from here?" Tiran asked nervously. "We're from out of town. Just in the little village to the west. Ilonghetty."

"Oh! I've been there, it's a nice place," Conan was decent enough at small talk to manage this, though ignoring the other two heads was the hard part. "I was born in this city. Work here, too. Or, well, just started."

"Sounds good. Is your" Tiran asked apprehensively, glancing to his two 'siblings', Conan supposed they'd be called.

"I suppose so, even if the work isn't all that challenging at the moment. It pays well too, plus I get some certificates and...well, it's a lot." Conan didn't want to feel like he was waffling on. Tiran looked unsure what to say next, so the canine thought it might be best to take the initiative. Before he could say anything, however, the waiter appeared once more, looking between them with a wry smile.

"Have you figured out what you want to order?" She asked them, and an awkward silence fell over them as the three-headed Dragon looked to Conan first. The canine cleared his throat and glanced down at the menu. He hadn't had much time to look.

"U-Um...the rump steak, if you've still got it." He managed to make out, and she nodded knowingly at him, scribbling it down. She didn't bother to ask him his extras were: he looked anxious enough. She turned, instead, to Triple T. The middle head was already revving up to give his order.

"Same as him, but tack on a side of fries, if you can." Tex spoke, and the other two eyed him. Conan watched them with a certain degree of curiosity, and a mixture of surprised: he had expected Tex and Titania specifically to squabble over the meal, but Titania hadn't so much as widened her eyes at his suggestion.

The waiter pursed her lips and didn't comment, noting that down as well. With a smile to the two of them, she backed out and left them in peace. A silence fell over them once more. There was a burning question on Conan's mind. Despite being anxious to say it, his desire for knowledge far outweighed his nerves.

"If you don't mind me asking," Conan began, and all three heads focused their attention on him, making him squirm in his seat. "I've noticed that you sort off...pick and choose your roles equally. Titania handles drinks, Tex handles food..."

"Ah," Titania smirked. "An observant eye. You're a keeper."

Her remark made his face blush and the canine lowered his gaze, but she cleared her throat to answer him nonetheless.

"Though we have our own minds, our body is one. We don't all need to eat, because we all feel the same hunger. Same for thirst, too, so we divvy up the roles, usually. We all have similar tastes in food and drink, and I have a bit more knowledge on wines, whilst Tex enjoys eating. He's a bit of a glutton."

"Rude." Tex remarked quietly, but Conan found himself fascinated by the three of them. Their eyes returns to him and Conan realised he might have looked a little strange. He smoothed his features over, but Titania had noticed. She offered him nothing but a silent, lidded gaze.

"S-So, uh, what do you do for work?" Conan asked tentatively. Tex raised his eyes from the menu to meet Conan's gaze, almost as if he were piercing his soul.

"Call centre work," Tex responded, Tiran giving him a sideways glance as a hand flexed out, grabbing the glass and bringing it to Titania's maw. "Having three heads means you can do the voice work of three people. We get paid well for it."

"Oh," Conan didn't want to say that he assumed that's what their line of work was, but he had honestly hit the metaphorical nail on the head. "That's pretty cool."

"It's not. Work fucking sucks." Tex drawled quietly. A hand reached up and idly brushed Tex's cheek with the back of their palm. In that moment, Conan noticed that Tex wasn't exactly a gruff, tough 'male' that he had assumed before, but instead a mixture of the two personalities between him. He had the voice of a middle-aged man, but his mannerisms, the way he moved his hands, were all quite feminine. It was odd to see, yet interesting at the same time.

"So how old are you?" Titania asked as their hand set the glass down, and Conan felt his face warming.

"Only 22." He replied, realising he was quite young to be on the dating scene. Titania hummed her approval and he could feel her eyes drinking him in again, even if he wasn't looking right at her.

"We're 38." Tiran quietly pointed out, and his reveal of their age caused Tex to let out a quiet 'tch'. Tiran shyly lowered his head in response.

"Cat's outta the bag now, but whatever," Tex grunted. "Some women like older men."

"Some women like older women, too," Titania pointed out. "But we're not here for that."

Conan glanced between the three of them and quickly realised that, with them all having their own personalities, they also had their own sexual interests. He could only assume, from Titania's previous comment, that Tex wasn't really interested in men, but Tiran was. Titania was clearly into the idea of men, especially young ones, considering the way she had silently undressed him with her eyes several times that night already.

They sat there talking for a while until their food was brought to them, and as Conan quietly ate and spoke to them in between chewing, Titania and Tarin spoke on their own almost non-stop, keeping Conan involved in the conversation as Tex ate in silence, chewing down the meaty steak without so much as a grunt. He'd completely tuned out of the conversation.

One of the first questions to have passed Conan's lips was how a three-headed Dragon could even come to exist. Though Triple T couldn't offer a detailed response, they assured him, at the very least, that was all natural. Breaking the ice in such a crude way had opened up a great number of avenues for conversation, even going so far as to coax out Conan's reasons for going on blind dates in the first place.

"I'm honestly surprised you're so inexperienced," Titania remarked as they pushed their plates aside, finished with their meal. "Any man would be lucky to have you. You're so cute!"

Conan found himself grinning from cheek to cheek at the compliment, but he couldn't help but be embarrassed. He was, admittedly, unsure how he could be such a catch with his awkwardness. Their conversation lapsed once more into a quiet silence, and a thick tension began to hang in the air.

"I'll, uh...I'll pay the bill," Conan insisted. "You probably had to take the bus to get here, so..."

"No, we'll pay." Tex insisted, much to Titania's surprise, who blinked over him. When the waiter came over to give them their bill shortly after eating, Tex didn't hestiate to hand over a debit card to be charged. Conan wondered why Tex in particular was so intent on paying, but he didn't dwell on it. It was already time to leave.

The two of them rose, lingering by the table for a moment to collect their things before heading towards the door. Triple T grabbed their card before leaving and they stepped out into the cold night air. They stood by the entrance, a little off to the side so that they didn't block anyone from getting in.

"I...I had a great time tonight." Conan smiled up at them, and the heads exchanged a glance.

"Us too. Well, I did..." Tiran responded, and Titania nodded in approval. Tex neither nodded or shook his head, but considering how pleased Titania appeared, he could only guess that was a good sign.

"You said earlier that anyone would be lucky to have me," Conan continued, feeling his cheeks warming as he spoke. "...I think the same could be said about you three."

Tiran's eyes widened and he mumbled something under his breath, averting his gaze. A hand suddenly reached up and cupped under Conan's chin, but it didn't look like Tex was doing all the motor controls this time around. In fact, Tex was looking away with a rather surly expression as Titania bowed her head down, a faint chuckle escaping her maw.

"Do you want to go back to our place?" She asked Conan quietly, and the canine's cheeks felt flushed. He wasn't into women, but...

"S-Sure." He found the words escaping his lips before he could stop himself, and with a smile, Triple T grabbed him by the hand and lead him down the street.

Though the journey took half an hour, the two spoke at length, getting to know one-another better. Conan found himself rattling on about his childhoodm, and the various stories therein-- he was an only child to a loving mother, but had no father to speak of. Titania had lewdly suggested he had daddy issues, and that had elicited a chuckle or two.

As the conversation developed, Conan realised that the three-headed dragon's intentions were far from pure or platonic, though that shouldn't be surprising considering how they met. He couldn't tell who it was who had control of the body in the moment, but their hands seemed to be unable to stop touching him. At least, it had been light: a hand on the left, then on the knee. As the journey progressed and they were nearing their destination, those hands were a little more adventurous, daring to slip along the canine's inner thigh, and sometimes even attempting to sneak up underneath his shirt. Conan had done his best to squirm and pry them off, but his poor resistance only seemed to encourage them.

When the bus finally shuddered to a halt outside Triple T's street, they quickly disembarked, standing in the dark underneath a lamp post as the dragon fumbled in their pocket for the keys. Once they found it, they lead the canine down the pavement and along a narrow tarmac path towards a 4 story high apartment complex. They went in through the bottom and avoided the stairs going up entirely, instead heading towards a door on the opposite side of the room, marked as '02'. The dragon slipped a key into the lock and gestured the canine inside.

The room was pretty quaint, albeit lacking in content. It had a minimalist rustic vibe, but there wasn't much in the way of ornaments: it was more than a studio flat, but less than a fully-fledged apartment. Conan spotted a small hallway to the side leading to two doors that stood opposite one-another, and in the main living room, on the right, was the kitchenette, separated from the rest of the room by a long counter.

"Take a seat. Do you want anything to drink?" Titnia asked as they strode across the room towards the kitchen, whilst Conan moved into a seat on the plush couch that seemed more fitting for a middle-class family home.

"Um...just water's good, thanks." Conan called over, and after a few moments, they appeared with two glasses in hand. One was clearly alcoholic, but the other was just water, as requested. They set them down on the nearby end table before moving into a seat beside the canine, relaxing back against the cushions and putting an arm long the back of the couch.

The four of them seemed to be sharing a lot of silences that night, but this one had to be the worst. It wasn't because they didn't get along-- far from it, in fact. It was the sexual tension that hung in the air that made Conan nervous. He fidgeted in his seat and slowly felt the arm, that had been draped across the back of the couch, moving to rest on his far most shoulder.

The hand around his shoulder pulled him in a little, and Conan found himself pushing up against Triple T's side, with Tiran being the closest head to him. Titania cleared her throat loudly and their body shifted, turning a little to face him. Their other free hand moved towards his inner thigh, his fingers grazing the seam of the canine's jeans.

Conan shifted a little against the three-headed dragon, and that hand brushed a little closer towards his crotch, touching with his bulge. He knew their intentions, though he would be lying if he said he wasn't apprehensive. He didn't exactly have sex a lot, so inexperience was the one thing holding him back.

"Don't be nervous," Titania purred, and Conan realised that she was likely the one taking the reigns at the time. "You don't get to do this often, huh?"

"Y...Yeah." Conan muttered, squirming against Triple T's touch. They bowed their heads down-- well, at least two of them did. Tex seemed disinclined to join in, but given his expression that could at best be considered a mixture of frustration and dismay, alongside embarrassment.

"That's okay. We'll take it nice and slow for you, baby. Now...which head do you want to kiss first?" Titania asked, the hand moving from Conan's thigh to firmly grasp Tex's chin, forcing the dragon to turn towards him. "I'd suggest Tex, since he's a baby when it comes to kissing boys."

"You make me kiss him, and I'll bite him." Tex argued, and Titania growled in response.

"You will not." She demanded, and Tex grumbled in response, attempting to wrestle his muzzle free from the grip of what was effectively his own body.

"I don't want to make him uncomfortable." Conan meekly pointed out, but that only made Titania chuckle.

"Trust me, he's fine. Aren't you, you little baby?" She teased Tex, who was beginning to look more and more flustered. He peeled his lips back briefly to snarl, but the hand around his chin didn't relent.

"Just a peck. He'll love it." Titania insisted, and Conan looked decidedly awkwardly about doing it. He slowly leant forwards and pressed his muzzle against Tex's struggling lips, sticking out his tongue just slightly to slide it along the dragon's maw, where his lips are. Tex grunted in response and Titania giggled to herself. The hand eventually released Tex's chin and the head pulled away. Surprisingly, he had no comments to make: he kept his mouth shut and avoided looking at Conan completely.

"Look at him, all blushing!" Titania cried out in a mixture of laughter and surprise, before she dipped her own head down, trailing it along Conan's cheek. "Now it's our turn."

Conan was about to ask what she meant, but he quickly found out the line of thinking she was taking. The three-headed dragon moved, suddenly pushing Conan down against the length of the couch, and Triple T shifted to move over him. Conan quivered as he felt Titania's mouth trailing his neck on one side, whilst Tiran's muzzle nudged with his cheek on the other. Conan turned his head to bump his muzzle against Tiran's snout, and the dragon parted his lips, sliding his fleshy tongue against the canine's muzzle.

With a quiet groan, Conan parted his own mouth and reached a hand up, curling it around the back of Tiran's neck as his other hand shifted to do the same to Titania. The female expertly peppered little kisses and licks along Conan's exposed neck whilst the canine brushed his tongue against Tiran's own. The three-headed dragon kept themselves propped up with both hands, and Tex awkwardly sat between them, attempting to avert his gaze. It was clear from his flustered expression that he could feel everything that they were feeling.

Another quiet moan escaped Conan's lips as one of their hands moved down his body, grazing across his side and towards his hip. It paused for a moment, before the digits curled around the fabric of the canine's shirt, clumsily pulling it free from his jeans, where he had tucked them in. Once it was free enough, a hand snuck in under Conan's shirt and ran up his body, stroking along the fur on his stomach.

"Is it true that canines like having their belly rubbed?" Titania asked between kisses, and Conan pulled his head back for a moment to awkwardly chuckle.

"U-Um, I guess so." He admitted, and he felt those fingers digging against his flesh, vigorously patting his belly. Conan's cheeks soon grew flushed from the treatment, and he inevitably started wagging his tail between his legs. Titania giggled to herself, her hand continuing to pat and stroke, before the hand retreated. Conan wondered why, but he soon found out when Triple T's fingers met with the button of his jeans.

He didn't expect things to escalate so fast. Only half an hour ago they were sitting across from one-another in a restaurant, and now the three-headed dragon was unbuttoning his jeans, trying to get into his pants. Conan wasn't sure if it was too much or not, though he'd be lying if he said he wasn't intrigued by what they might do.

The heads pulled back-- or at least, two of them did-- and both hands moved to the waistband of Conan's jeans, tugging them down past his hips and towards his knees, exposing the tight briefs that the canine wore. Titania stifled a chuckle and resisted the urge to comment on his childish underwear, bearing a prominent bulge, and the hands reached up to pull those down too.

Conan visibly shuddered when his canine cock was exposed to the air, under the light of the ceiling lamp above. His little plump balls sat under an obviously erect cock, the knot already formed at the base. His cock pulsed against his stomach, twitching wildly from the mere situation Conan was in. He could see them staring down at his cock, either admiring or judging it. Tex was visibly grimacing. Conan hoped it was a suitable size for them, given he was average length at 6 inches.

"It's...cute." Titania remarked.

"It's h-hot." Tiran corrected her, quickly looking away as Titania shot him a coy smile.

"What do you think, Tex?" Titania teased, and the middle head could do nothing but grunt. He was in the worst position for male company.

"Meh." Tex grunted, knowing better than to make a mean comment about the canine's body. With a chuckle, Titania lowered her head, dragging her snout along the canine's knee and up towards his thigh, whilst Tiran anxiously lowered his own head too, moving it towards the canine's twitching, knotted cock. Conan watched with wide eyes and bated breath as their snouts moved closer and closer, until the warmth of their lips pressed against the sides of his turgid, throbbing length.

A quiet groan, restrained and breathy, escaped Conan's muzzle as the two dragon heads stuck out their tongues to lick his cock. Each of them bore a different feel: Titania was teasing with her tongue, trailing along his length, but never going all out. Tiran, on the other hand, was considerably shy, his eyes constantly flicking to make sure Conan was enjoying himself. The force of their tongues alone coaxed Conan's cock to stand upright, his knot swelling and pulsing.

"H-Hnn...that's nice..." Conan muttered quietly, his breathing slow and heavy as he watched the two dragons run their mouths over his length, sliding from knot to tip and coating every inch of his cock in a film of slick saliva. Titania dipped her head down as Tiran slowly raised his, and Conan's eyes widened as Tiran parted his maw and swallowed up the length of the canine's cock into his mouth, the member gliding along his tongue towards the back of his throat.

"Come on Tex, you can join in too." Titania teased, a hand reaching up around the back of Tex's head. The middle head struggled for a bit, before his head was forth down under the power of what was effectively his own hand, albeit controlled by someone else. The hand forced him down underneath the canine's balls, and with a grumble, Tex's snout was forced up against the man's taint. Conan tensed and wondered what Titania was up to, but he was surprised to feel the warmth of a tongue against his taint, sliding up to his balls. He couldn't help but groan again, and Titania giggled.

"Good boy..." She purred, though Conan couldn't tell if it was to him, or to Tex himself. The three heads assaulted him from all manner of angles, licking and kissing, slurping and suckling. Tiran bowed his head down low on the canine's cock whilst Titania teased his knot, with Tex underneath nudging and licking his balls, albeit with some annoyance. It was all proving to be a little too much for Conan, who hadn't exactly been on a date for several years.

It didn't take long for the gentle pleasure that body his body tingle to reach an inevitably peak, and it was at that point that Conan found himself squirming and whimpering, his breathing growing heavy with each suckle and slurp. He could eventually take no more, but all he could offer as a warning with a quiet, breathy gasp.

In an instant, he orgasmed. His knot swelled powerfully and thick throbs pulsed along his cock as little spurts of seed shot out, splattering against the back of Tiran's throat and oozing down his tongue. Tiran looked considerably flustered, a moan escaping the dragon's lips as he closed his eyes and seemed to relish and taste and sensation. Conan could feel the tongue worming around his sensitive, climaxing cock, intent on scooping up every last drop of his seed.

His orgasm faded as quickly as it had arrived, leaving him quietly panting with pleasure, overcome with sensitivity. His body hummed with bliss and he rolled his head back, his chest heaving and his breathing eventually slowing down. His ears picked up the sound of a sickening slurp and he peeked down to see Tiran removing his mouth from the canine's cock. The knotted member flopped lewdly against the man's stomach, coated in spit and the occasional bit of cum.

"That're incredible." Conan muttered, and Tiran looked away, a small smile playing upon his lips. Titania had released Tex's head and the dragon raised himself up, look nauseous and angry. He turned to Titania and opened his mouth to speak, before closing it again. The female head shot him something similar to a smirk, before her lidded gaze turned to Conan instead.

"Well, you've had your fun...and I hope it was worth it, because now it's our turn." She purred. Their body slowly rose and Conan scooted back a bit on the couch, sitting up as he watched the three-headed dragon retreat. They reached for the hem of their shirt and pulled it upwards, wrestling it around their three heads as they undressed.

Conan's eyes immediately fell to their sculpted body, their rippling muscles hidden beneath tender black and grey scales. They were hot. Really, really hot. If Conan had to pick a body type that he really enjoyed, this would probably be it: close enough to bodybuilder to be not, but not exactly created from steroids. Their muscles flexed and tensed as they moved, their hands slowly trailing down towards the shorts they wore. Conan fixed his gaze on their crotch, watching as Triple T pushed down their shorts to reveal themselves.

Conan blinked in surprise when he realised there was nothing there. Their crotch was a flat bump, but then he remembered they were a reptile. It was a little dim with the light above them, but he could just about make out the outline of a slit. As they drew closer, it became more and more apparent. The three-headed dragon, now naked, moved to relax upright on the couch, and Conan slowly shuffled forwards, kicking off his shoes and pants and crawling down onto his knees on the floor. He scooted himself between their powerful legs and looked up at them from that position. All of them bore a different expression. Bemused, intrigued, angry, resentful, shy...the three of them were a cocktail of emotions.

"Enjoying the view?" Titania teased, and Conan felt his cheeks warm. He looked down Triple T's body and down towards the slit, and he tentatively reached out, trailing his finger down the length of the entrance. He felt the dragon's muscles tense and he glanced up, noticing Tex's frustrated expression.

"Do we have to do this?" Tex whispered with a clear tone of irritation.

"Of course. It's Tiran's turn, remember? Let him enjoy this-- we don't complain when it's your turn." Titania pointed out quietly.

"Of course you don't complain, you're into girls."

"Yes...and Tiran doesn't complain either." She countered, and Tex clamped his mouth shut, quietly grumbling to himself. Titania flicked her gaze back down to Conan, who was looking between them and their crotch.

"If you're wondering, the internals are both." She referred to, of course, their reproductive system. Conan quietly wondered how they were able to have a working vagina and cock at the same time, but he decided to ignore and logistics of it for now and reached his fingers down again. He pressed his thumb and forefinger around the edges of the slit, parting it with the strength of his digits and admiring the pink flesh beneath. Slowly, he bent his head forwards, gently pressing his muzzle to the entrance and lashing out his tongue to slid it up along the slit, from the bottom to the top.

"O-Oh..." Tiran groaned his approval, and Conan felt their body quiver under the warmth of his tongue, under his sensual licks. He pressed his mouth a little firmer to the soft scales, settling his hands around their hips and stroking their slightly curvaceous body as his tongue slathered up and down. With each lick, he could feel the slit parting slightly under the force of his tongue, which allowed him to taste their inner walls, even if it were only a little. He glanced back up at the three of them, momentarily retreating to speak.

" are we going to do this? I..." He trailed off. Ultimately, vagina didn't really get him going, and he'd just cum, after all.

"You'll see." Titania purred, and Conan looked back down at the slit, greeted to a surprising sight.

Before his very eyes, the slit slowly parted, revealing not one, but two wedged ends. With each passing second they pulsed to life, sliding out from the slit covered in a peculiar film of sticky fluid. The two cocks, sitting side by side, were thick and turgid, reaching half-mast from Conan staring at them alone, and the canine inevtiably couldn't sit back and watch anymore. He brought his head forwards, grasping one cock in his hand as he pressed his lips to the other.

The substance on their cocks was flavourless, but sticky, and he could only assume it was like pre-cum or something similar. He ran his mouth down the side of the cock, where it seemed to bear pleasurable ridges. It was primarily uniform in length for the most part, but the base thickened with some sort of knot, though it didn't quite well like a canine's cock did. He dragged his mouth back up to the wedged end, a familiar edge to it similar to a humanoid cock, with a slightly tapering end that finished in a rounded point, a little narrower than the average human cock. Conan clumsily slathered his tongue around the cock whilst his other hand loosely pumped and stroked the second one, his fingers growing sticky with the peculiar substance.

"Such a good puppy. You really know your way around a dick, huh?" Titania mused as Tex quickly grumbled under his breath, his flustered expression making it clear he could feel every thrum of pleasure. Conan couldn't resist taking one of the cocks into his mouth, bowing his head as a good portion of the length slid along his tongue and probed with the back of his throat. He felt a hand on the back of his head, giving him an affectionate stroke, and he was secretly thankful they didn't force him down further. He'd never deep-throated before.

"So eager, too," Titania remarked, with a hint of surprise in her tone. "Do you want to go a little further? I've got an idea in mind that would benefit all of us."

Conan peered up at them for a moment, before sliding his mouth from the member, feeling the other twitch excitedly against his palm. As he withdrew, the three-headed dragon shifted, leaning forwards and sliding their arms under Conan's own. They guided him up, hoisting him up onto the couch and onto their lap, where he straddled them. His own knotted member sat snugly between their pair, twitching and pulsing.

"Have you ever done anal before?" Titania asked, and Tex snapped his gaze towards her, eyes wide. She ignored him completely, her eyes fixed on Conan, and Conan alone. The canine looked little embarrassed.

"," He began, shifting awkwardly, aware of their nakedness and close proximity. "I've tried a few toys, though..."

"Oooh. I see..." Titani's eyes twinkled knowingly as their hands reached down, clasping firmly to Conan's rump. "Do you want to try?"

Conan glanced from Titania's smug, teasing expression to Tiran, who was looking more and more nervous by the second. He couldn't tell if Tiran was really enjoying himself or not, or whether it was all Titania's doing. The canine apprehensively nodded and felt those hands on his behind lifting him up a little onto his knees. One hand slid down, briefly sliding a digit between his furred cheeks before moving down towards their cocks. They grabbed one turgid length firmly in their grip, the other hanging a little to the side as they guided Conan's behind down.

"Y-You're not gonna use lube?" Conan anxiously asked, and Titania chuckled.

"Honey, we make plenty." She assured him, but he wasn't convinced. He soon felt the warmth of a cock sliding between his cheeks, whilst the other prodded his ass cheek, dragging across his fur. He felt the wedged end meet with his virgin asshole, prodding and poking as it pierced his flesh, stretching his ring and sliding into his behind.

They were big. The cock had to be 8 inches or so, and for a young canine virgin like him, it was almost too much. As soon as those ribbed sides of the cock hit his sphincter, however, he found his innards spasming with overwhelming pleasure, and he couldn't help but moan. The deeper his hips sunk, the strangely better it felt, but he was keenly aware of that discomfort that lingered underneath all the delicious pleasure.

"How's it feel?" Titania muttered quietly, and Conan couldn't help but shudder a little, leaning forwards and placing his hands on the three-headed dragon's shoulders to steady himself. Conan couldn't even manage a response. The most he could conjure up with a quiet groan and a shaky nod of his head. Triple T's hands moved to Conan's hips as Titania smirked, and Tiran moved his head forwards, running his maw along Conan's neck.

Slowly, the three-headed dragon pulled its hips back, sliding the cock from the canine's behind before pushing forwards again, plunging into him almost a good three quarters of their cock slipped into him, the other member hanging to the side, idly twitching and oozing pre-cum. They began in on a steady rhythm, hips gyrating as they thrust and plunged into the canine's behind, whilst Conan slowly and surely bounced on his cock, the force of Triple T's thrusts along with gravity aiding his movements.

It didn't take long for the four of them to throw their nerves of misgivings aside and get into it-- well, three of them well. Conan and Tiran began to share quite a few passionate kisses, enjoying the company of one-another as Titania panted and watched them with a lidded gaze to the side. Tex, on the other hand, was looking thoroughly flustered and irritated, sitting between them with a hard to read expression and squinted eyes. He looked as if he were trying his best not to moan or enjoy himself, but he was no doubt feeling the pleasure of Conan's tight virgin inner walls squeezing around their cocks.

"You're so big..." Conan muttered quietly between the thrusts, his body humming with pleasure, his cock standing on end again. His insides clamped and squeezed like a vice, clinging around every throbbing inch of the thrusting member, whilst the other grazed and humped his ass cheek. He hadn't expected his first time to be so hectic, nor so extreme, but he found himself quite enjoying it. The discomfort still lingered, but the pleasure far outweighed it.

"That's it..." Titania murmured huskily, and Conan felt their fingers tightening around his hips, the thrusts growing a little heavier, their breathing turning a little deeper. Conan didn't know how long the dragons might hold out, but he guessed that it might not be that long at all. Suddenly, he didn't feel so bad about orgasming quickly before.

Suddenly, their thrusts became more extreme. Rather the slow gyrating of their hips, the little inches back and forth that they initially moved, the three-headed dragon began to lift their hips up off the couch, using the back cushions to steady themselves as they plowed deep into Conan's behind. The canine held on for dear life, gripping firmly around their shoulders as a quiet gasp escaped his lips.

"We're gonna c-cum..." Tiran warned between his loving kisses, and Conan rested his head against the dragon's own, his breath coming out in short, heavy pants from the mere physical exertion along. His innards squeezed like a vice with every hard thrust, each plunge of the cock prodding a deep, sensitive spot within him that made him gasp and shudder.

After a few more thrusts, the three dragons moaned in turn-- albeit with one as less satisfied as the others-- and Conan felt a warmth spreading within his stomach, a sharp twang of pleasure shooting up his spine from the sensation. He turned his head, looking back at his body and spotting the other cock that was lazily grinding against his ass. He could see the thick, vibrant strings that shot from the end of it, splattering onto the carpeted floor as the other cock painted his insides with thick, sticky cum.

The hands that gripped his hips curled in around his body and hugged him close, and the canine rolled forwards, nestling himself against them. Tex grunted and suppressed a comment, and Titania and Tiren bowed their heads to equally purr and stroke their snouts against the canine's shoulders, caressing him the only way they knew how.

Their orgasm slowly faded, leaving nothing behind but the gentle hum of their post-sex bliss and the quiet of the living room, devoid of anything but their quiet, steady breathing. Slowly, they eased the canine off of their cock, and Conan rolled, flopping onto the couch beside them. He rubbed his face blearily, unsure what to say. He turned his head to them to find two of them looking at him, each with a different expression.

"I've know, done it with a three-headed dragon before," Conan remarked quietly. "It was...nice."

"I told you we'd be getting compliments all night," Titania remarked smugly, chuckling to herself. "Alright Tex, you can take over."

"Thank god," They all suddenly stood at once, and Conan blinked up at them, surprised. "I'm gonna take a shower."

Triple T strode across the room, the heads whispering to one-another, before they paused by the hallway and Tex turned his head, looking at Conan with a single beady eye.

"Uh...make yourself at home." It was the best he could manage for hospitality, and they strode across to one of the doors, stepping inside and closing it behind them. Conan sighed through his nose and looked around the room.

He'd say the blind date had gone well. Not everyone could say they'd gone on a date with a three-headed dragon, after all. Slowly, Conan stood and made his way to the kitchenette.

He was going to make himself right at home.

Viral Attack: Eracervine

"Fang. Your dinner." A flap in the metal portion of the long, ceiling high window opened up, and the guardsman pushed through a small tray with an array of vegetables and half-decent food on it. Pandemonium wasn't known for its hospitality, but they...

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Thunk. The coconut landed hard on the rock and it's hard outer shell was pierced, albeit with some difficulty. With a tired groan, Chike heaved the coconut up and made sure to have the cracked side facing up as he carried it through the trees and...

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Tell Me

With a sigh, Josiah closed the fridge door shut and placed the carton of milk on the table. Cereal sounded good right about now. It was the middle of the night, but that didn't matter to him. The over 6 foot tall canine was used to staying up late,...

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