Tell Me

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Commission for Etis

With a sigh, Josiah closed the fridge door shut and placed the carton of milk on the table. Cereal sounded good right about now.

It was the middle of the night, but that didn't matter to him. The over 6 foot tall canine was used to staying up late, considering the amount of children he had to take care of on a daily basis. Thankfully, they were all fast asleep now, so he had the night to himself. He reached for the box of cereal, before his black-furred hand reached for another cupboard and he retrieved a small bottle of pills. Caffeine supplements. He dished out one into his palm and reached for his glass of water, tossing the pill into his mouth and taking a swig of the lukewarm beverage.

His eyes glanced over the microwave and he recognised the time to be 1am. He rolled his shoulders tiredly and slumped into one of the available seats around the small dining table that sat in the corner of the kitchen. He shook out some cereal from the box, poured milk over it, and then began to chew, momentarily lost in thought.

It had been a fairly uneventful weekend. No-one was at school on Saturdays and Sundays, so all the children were in the foster home for the next couple of days. It was currently Saturday night-- though, it was technically early Sunday morning-- and everyone had spent the day doing as they pleased. One of them had even brought a friend over, a boy that Josiah was quite familiar with. He was called Etis, so he said anyway, and he seemed pleasant enough. But there was something about him that Josiah couldn't shake.

He was strangely...mature for his age. He was younger than his friend Vell, who was 13. At 10 years of age, Josiah had expected him to be quite excitable and boyish, but on more than one occasion, Josiah had seen the wisdom in his eyes that stemmed beyond his age and a peculiar maturity to him that left him rather complacent and, well, quiet on most occasions. It was peculiar to watch, but whenever Josiah caught him in the act, the fox's demeanour would change, albeit only subtly. For a while now, Josiah had chalked it up to his own attention to detail, and wondered if he were perhaps reading too much into it. Yet, it had happened on multiple occasions. It was far beyond a coincidence now.

As if he'd heard his thoughts, Etis suddenly appeared in the doorway of the kitchen. The dim light overhead that lit the kitchen up easily picked up the silhouette of him standing just by the door. Josiah raised his head to see him, still chewing through his cereal, and he made a gesture for him to come in. Etis hesitated for a moment, before stepping into the kitchen, clad in nothing but a pair of boxer shorts. Josiah could only guess that he slept like that.

"What're you doing up so late, Etis?" Josiah asked him, and Etis leant up against the side of the table, tapping his fingers against the surface.

"I don't know," Etis admitted quietly. "Just felt like stretching my legs a little."

"Hmm...well, okay. Don't stay up too late." Josiah thought nothing of it. There were plenty of boys and girls in the foster home who didn't sleep well. He pushed the thoughts to the back of his mind and focused instead on the food in front of him. He had expected Etis to leave and go wandering around the house, but he instead lingered, his fingers idly tapping on the table, over and over. He was following a relatively steady rhythm and, to Josiah's surprise, he began to feel strange. Maybe it was because he'd stayed up so late, but his hands began to feel sluggish. He blinked blearily and rose to his feet, pushing his cereal to the side. His knees felt weak, his muscles sagging with every step.

"Mmh. I don't feel so good, so I think I'm going to..." He began, but couldn't even finish his sentence. His knees crumpled beneath him, and his vision darkened into nothingness before his body even hit the floor.

x x x

His senses began to return to him in a trickling motion. He felt his fingers first, twitching and twisting, and he willed the rest of his body to move. His muscles refused him for a few moments, before they eventually began to comply to his demands, and his legs began to move. He sucked in a deep breath and it took every ounce of his willpower to lift his head, but it became rapidly easier to control his body over time. Eventually, he could open his eyes, and he was met with complete and utter darkness.

He twisted his head slowly, looking around the room. He could make out the outline of a bed in the dark, the features of a wardrobe and mirror standing opposite him. In the mirror, he caught sight of the thin curtains that sat behind him, letting through the dimmest of moonlight into the room. Josiah eventually came to recognise what was in the room, and the realisation dawned on him: this was his bedroom.

As if he'd been waiting for him to finally understand where he was, Josiah felt a hand on his shoulder. He tensed and felt the trail of fingers run along to the base of his neck and around to his other shoulder, before the figure finally came into view. Josiah narrowed his eyes when he caught the outline of the figure: short, with sharp eyes and white fur. He knew who it was immediately.

"E...Etis? What's the meaning of this?" Josiah demanded, his voice a little sluggish, but it was quickly returning to normal. Etis admired him from a moment, keeping his distance, before he began to pace and move.

"I need to ask you a few questions," Etis began. "But first, we'll need you in the right frame of mind."

In the dim moonlight that seeped in through the window, Josiah watched as the boy raised a hand, and the object between his fingers caught a glint of the light that filtered in through the cracks of the curtains. Josiah could make out a sharp point, thin like a needle, attached to a longer implement. He didn't have to squint too hard to realise that it was a syringe. Fear washed over him at the thought of being injected with an unknown substance and he shifted, attempting to stand. It was then that he realised he was bound: his arms were tied behind his back, and his ankles were tied to the legs of the chair by what felt like cable ties. He was stuck. He peeled back his lips and snarled like a dog, but Etis surprisingly didn't flinch. Instead, he expertly whipped out his hand and the syringe sunk into the flesh on Josiah's neck.

"W-Wait..." It was Josiah's turn to be afraid, and he trembled as he felt the mixture seeping into him. What was it? Poison? Some horrible concoction that would make him wish he was dead? It was only then that he was coming to the realisation that Etis was far more than he appeared. He wasn't just a simple boy. In fact, was he even 10 at all? Panic surged through Josiah's body, but it was quickly drowned out by an unfamiliar, almost groggy feeling.

"What did you just give me...?" Josiah asked, feeling his body begin to tingle. He felt weird. No, he knew this feeling-- it was desire. Lust. He hadn't had this feeling in a long time, not since he was just a kid, pining for affection from his girlfriend. He had been so into her...he'd wanted her so bad that his entire body had hummed with need. This was the same feeling. He squirmed in his seat and tried to push the urges down, but they surged back up. Why now? The only thing he could do was assume that it was the injection to blame. Had he been hit with some sort of aphrodisiac?

"Something from your good friends as Haxxen Industries." Etis told him, and Josiah raised his head, his brow knitting down into a look of confusion.

"Haxxen...what? What're you talking about? I've never heard of that place." He insisted, but Etis didn't seem to believe him. The fox moved a little closer and reached out with his hands. Josiah felt Etis' fingers meet with the waistband of his underwear, and he realised in that moment that the majority of his clothes had gone, but for his undergarments. He squirmed in an attempt to resist, but being bound tightly made it impossible to stop Etis from tugging his underwear down, curling it around his athletic rump and down towards his legs, exposing the thick sheath that sat between his inner thighs.

"What are you doing?" Josiah spoke, barely above a whisper, as Etis' fingers met with his sheath, delicately grazing the flesh and fur. Of course he knew what the boy was doing-- he was an adult, and he wasn't stupid. He had hoped, however, that it wasn't true. He knew it was wrong. He knew he could get in trouble for it. But every ounce of him screamed out for more and he was finding it harder and harder to resist its call.

His body reacted to the touch as any man would. With the fingers grazing his sheath and gently swirling around the tip, his loins began to stir, and it only took a matter of moments for the tip of his anatomically correct member to poke out from the sheath, his housing pulsing and twitching with the obvious arousal he felt. Josiah heard Etis' quiet, brief chuckle, and felt the fingers against the tapering end of his canine cock. He felt the digits deliberately swirl around and slide down to stroke the available inches of his steadily growing length. Etis was teasing him, he knew that. Yet, he found himself lolling his tongue and panting regardless, like an obedient, predictable dog.

"Alright. If you don't know that, then I'll try and ask you a question," Etis continued. "What do you know about the children here?"

"T...They're just kids...?" Josiah stammered out, but the answer was, again, not good enough for Etis. He felt the fox's hand wrap firmly around his cock and he stroked his length up and down with his young-looking, delicate fingers. A groan escaped Josiah's lips and he resisted the urge to thrust up, to hump the hand, though he didn't have much room to do so anyway. His brain felt strangely foggy and he was unable to really piece together a coherent thought as that hand vigorously and easily masturbating his cock, until the pre-cum readily oozed down his length and onto Etis' fingers.

He wanted to resist, but he somehow managed to wonder, perhaps wrongly, if he were being rewarded for giving good answers, rather than being punished. If that were the case, then he should be enjoying it. If he were to reflect back on that moment, he might have scolded himself for so readily justifying the boy's actions, and his own. But, in that moment, all he could think about was blowing his load.

As in on cue, he felt a pressure within his loins building, until it almost became unbearable. When he started to pant and groan, however, Etis removed his hand. Josiah was left panting and whimpering, his knotted cock throbbing wildly in the air. He looked up at Etis pleadingly, who only regarded him with cold eyes and an empty smirk.

"Are you going to tell me what I want to know?" Etis asked calmly, and Josiah squirmed again in his seat, his face twisting from pleasure to frustration. He needed to cum. He wanted to. The hazy fog in his mind seemed to thicken, but it never completely covered his thoughts entirely. If he focused hard, he could formulate some sort of response.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Josiah insisted, and yet, Etis still grimaced as if he were lying to him. The fox paced for a moment as Josiah felt the slow ache of his loins dying down, until it was nothing more than a quiet, pleasurable hum that reminded him of how aroused he was. His cock still stood to attention, the knot pulsing every so often as his member twitched, engorged with blood.

"You do. But you won't tell me. Don't you want me to finish you off?" Etis pined and Josiah struggled in his seat, attempting to, somehow, shuffle forwards and nod his head at the same time. Yes. He desperately wanted to be relieved of this pressure that threatened to suffocate him. His cock ached to be touched, to be stroked.

"Yes. Please..." Josiah muttered, looking down at his cock and back up again. Etis admired his desperate face for a moment, before he leant forwards, gliding his fingers effortlessly along the underside of his turgid length and back up towards the tip. From there, he curled his fingers around the cock and Josiah let out a groan of approval, rolling his head back. He tightened his grip for just a moment, squeezing encouragingly, before he removed his hand once more, much to the adult's dismay.

"Then tell me what I need to know. What do you know about the children here?" Etis demanded, and the man squirmed, gritting his teeth. Josiah knew something. Of course he did. However, it was in his best interests not to say. He could handle the arousal, for now, even if he so desperately wanted to cum.

Etis watched him for a moment, folding his arms and pursing his muzzle into a thin line of irritation, before he cocked up a leg and planted his paw atop the man's knee. Josiah hesitated and blinked over at Etis' cold gaze for a moment, gulping nervously. Slowly, the fox leant back, balancing perfectly on one foot as the other pressed firmly against Josiah's crotch. The canine let out a quiet sigh of pleasure as he felt the warmth of those pawpads and toepads against his cock. Etis curled his toes deliberately, squeezing the digits around Josiah's cock and making him groan and shudder.

"I don't know w-what you mean!" Josiah insisted, still refusing to say what he knew. Etis grunted and pouted a little, sliding his paw up and down as Josiah soon felt te pressure building again. Etis hadn't given him much time to cool off since the last time, so it was easy to coax him towards the edge again. However, just like the first time, Etis had no plans to make him reach orgasm. Instead, just as Josiah was nearing his peak, he removed his paw and left the man panting and begging for release.

"Tell me what I need to know, and you'll get your reward." Etis reminded him and the man groaned in frustration, clenching his teeth as he squirmed in his seat, struggling to release himself from his bonds so that he could just, well, cum.

Etis moved forwards, closing the small distance between him and the man, and Josiah watched with wide, wild eyes as the fox clambered up onto his lap, sitting on the edge of his knees with his legs spread on either side. Josiah's eyes hungrily ran down the boy's body as he silently scolded himself for lusting after someone that looked like a cub, even if he was fairly certain now that the boy was no ordinary child. Etis still bore his own underwear, much like he had seen him before he passed out, which he was now certain was down to Etis as well.

"I have ways of making you talk," Etis murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "Do this body? Do you want it?"

"Y...Yes." Josiah found himself saying it before he could stop himself. Yes, he wanted it. He knew, in his heart of hearts, that he desired the boy. His eyes had adjusted to the dark, and even if he couldn't really make out any defined features, he could still see the outline of the boy's lithe, boyish frame, his flat hips and thick thighs, and the bump of his package hidden beneath the underwear.

"Then you can have it. I'll let you touch me..." Etis told him. "...But only if you tell me what I need to know."

"F-Fuck..." Josiah muttered quietly, rolling his head back as he weighed up his options. He was so fucking horny...maybe it was okay to spill the beans, right? Who was going to know, anyway? This boy looked pretty harmless...surely they couldn't trace it back to him.

"O...Okay. Okay," Josiah muttered. "I know a few things. B-But not much, I swear."

"I'm listening." Etis replied, rolling his hips forward and pushing his loins up against Josiah's own, encouraging the man to moan under his breath.

"The foster's just a front, I think. I don't know. Nnf...Fuck..." Josiah groaned again as the Etis pushed up against his member, encouraging him to be a little more loose-lipped. "They just hired me to look after the kids. And the kids are...weird. Different. Strange. I don't fucking know, but they're all special or something."

"Mm. I guessed as much," Etis murmured under his breath, before he reached out to cup a hand under Josiah's chin. "And tell me, Josiah...Who is your employer?"

He didn't want to say. He really, really didn't want to say. But the pleasure and the arousal was too great. He needed to cum, and he wasn't going to get it by not talking-- Etis had made that perfectly clear. He squirmed in his seat as Etis deliberately pushed against him, attempting to get him to talk. It was working, perhaps far too well.

"I don't know. W-What I mean is, I don't know his name, or the company. They reached out through a recruiting agency, said they'd pay me under the table...that's all I know. I'm sorry." Josiah winced and hoped to god that his answer was enough to satisfy the boy's curiosity. Etis frowned, but he didn't heave off of him. Instead, he pressed a little closer.

"Mmh. Is that all? What happens if you get in trouble, Josiah? Who do you call?" Etis asked him leisurely, and Josiah gulped, a little anxious with the boy's head so close to his own. He shifted awkwardly in his seat, his cock still wildly twitching. He just needed to spill the beans and get it over with. Then he could orgasm and finally be let go. At least, he hoped so.

"I have an emergency number. It's in my phone...y-you can check, if you like." Josiah insisted, and with a hum of approval, Etis slid from Josiah's body and padded across the room. A light shone from the bed and Josiah realised that his phone must have been laying there from earlier, when he'd gotten out of bed.

"I see, I it is. Thank you, Josiah-- that was very helpful." Etis spoke like a femme fatale of sorts, even though he was just a young boy. The thought of it sent a shiver down the man's spine. Etis turned towards him, his smile illuminated by the dim glow of Josiah's phone.

"Is there anything else you can tell me? Anything at all?" He asked, padding forwards and sliding a hand along Josiah's leg, along towards his inner thigh. Josiah groaned quietly under his breath, eyes lidding over. What more could he say? Now that he thought about it, however, there was one other thing he could tell him. If it meant getting touched, then he'd say it.

"W-Well, there might be one other thing..." Josiah began as Etis leant forwards, listening intently. "I heard chatter from some of my other colleagues about a special boy in another home."

"Another home? So there are more of them, hm?" Etis questioned, and Josiah nodded, feeling the sweat form on his forehead.

"I don't know how many, but...this boy is apparently quite special. A bird of paradise, they said." Josiah managed to say, and Etis finally seemed pleased with his response. He leant back and admired the man for a moment, before a pitying sigh escaped his lips.

"Well...I suppose that's all I'm going to get out of you," He smirked. "I might as well give you your just reward."

Josiah's eyes widened and a smile spread across his face as Etis moved closer again, getting down onto his knees in front of the man and wrapping his fingers underneath Josiah's knot. He moved his head forwards and his lips pursed against the pre-soaked tip. He rolled his tongue up and swirled it around the tip of Josiah's cock, and the man groaned in utter delight.

Etis bobbed his head, plunging his mouth down until his muzzle met with the base of the man's cock, pressing against his knot as his tongue swirled around. It was evident on Josiah's face that he didn't need too much coaxing to orgasm, having been left on the brink for so long. His chest quickly began to heave as his throaty moans grew more and more intense. Part of him feared the other kids might hear them, but the rest of him didn't care. He wanted to cum.

With a long, pleasured sigh, he climaxed. Thick ropes of cum jetted into the back of Etis' throat and the fox gulped quietly, absorbing the man's life essence and a degree of energy from him with each plentiful spurt and respective gulp. He bowed his head a little lower, using his free hand to glide his fingers along the swelling knot, before he eventually pulled back, smacking his lips and admiring the twitching length as it neared the end of its orgasm. Josiah panted tiredly, dribbles of cum oozing from the tip of his cock and down his member, and Etis slowly rose, his eyes twinkling with mischief and wisdom.

"Thanks for the information, Josiah. I'm sure you can figure out how to get yourself off the chair." With a wink, Etis tossed the man's phone onto the bed and retreated, heading towards the bedroom door and hovering by it for a moment, the door ajar.

"Oh," He continued. "And if you want more later, perhaps...neither me or Vell would mind it. Leo and Koen, too."

His little suggestion had Josiah's eyes almost bulging out of their sockets, and he stared, mouth agape, as Etis left him with a parting smirk and quietly left the room, closing the door behind him with a quiet click.

Josiah hung his head forwards, staring down at his cock. The hazy fog in his mind had cleared, leaving him with nothing but a feeling of dread and a mixture of embarrassment and anger. He'd submitted so easily to just a young boy, been so intent on cumming that he was willing to spill the beans on his entire job and operation. He shook his head.

When his employers find out what he'd done, his days would be numbered. He didn't lie: he didn't know who he was working for, but their cloak and dagger way of hiring people definitely made them dangerous. Josiah shuddered again.

He hoped this wouldn't come back to haunt him for quite some time.

I Want My Friend's Brother

"Alright, goodnight boys." "Night, Mom." "Goodnight, Mrs. Hampshire!" With that, the door clicks shut, and the three boys, albeit one teen, are left in darkness. There is a shuffling of clothes and fabric in the dark as the three of them begin...

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The Invisible Admirer

"Woah, when did you get a Nintendo 3DS?" "Huh? Oh, one of the caretakers let me borrow it..." In the confines of Vell's care home, the young bat sat with his friend and secret lover, Etis, the pair of them cross-legged on his bed. It was yet...

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Meeting the Family

Something wasn't right here. Of that, they were certain. Sara and Floyd, two middle-aged Luxrays who were the proud parents of a young Luxio, watched from the window as their darling child bounded down the path and towards the pavement. He waved...

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