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Commission for Etis

"Yo, Yijun."

The young avian turned her head to greet the young hyena who had so eagerly jogged through the hallway to meet her, the other students parting to give way to him. The avian, with a wondrous black plumage and sharp, attentive blue eyes, waved the hyena in greeting with her hybrid wing-arm.

"Chian. Good morning."

The hyena offered her a toothy grin and forcibly hooked his arm around the avian's own, half-dragging and half-leading her along towards her locker.

"Hey, Yijun, can you help me out with me homework at lunchtime?"

"Huh? Oh, sure, I guess..."

With a goofy grin, Chian patted Yijun's back and briefly bid her farewell, heading off down the hall. The avian watched her go with a sullen expression, her beak stretching into a subtle grimace.

It had been 3 months since Chian had so intently decided to be Yijun's friend, and the avian was now fairly certain she was being taken advantage of.

Yijun was a serene and graceful bird. She didn't particular like confrontation, and she had been an orphan since she was very little. Now at the age of 10, the fairly androgynous, almost femininely built bird was a popular hit amongst several people in the student body, though it wasn't necessarily down to her personality, even if she was inexplicably kind. It was more than likely-- though she wouldn't think so-- that her figure and her grades are what attracted people, and there was no-one arguably more slovenly, more manipulative than Chian Yuxang.

Originally a horrible bully, Chian had changed his tune halfway into the school year, turning his attention from the less-than-average nerds who sat at the front of the class to none other than Yijun herself. Captivated by her beauty and grades, he sought to worm his way into her affections and, surprisingly, it had worked. Yijun was too kind to turn someone down so coldly, and Chian was doing his best to be friendly. To that end, Yijun had, albeit slightly reluctantly, allowed the hyena to be friends with her, and the two of them hung out regularly. Unfortunately, Chian's doting ways and sharp 180 had worried a lot of people. Yijun didn't have as many friends as she used to, though she had to wonder if they were even her friends at all, in the end.

But Yijun wasn't stupid: Chian always came to her for help with his homework, and rarely for anything else. Though Yijun was kind enough to help him, she knew that all she was to him was probably a tutor that didn't charge, and nothing more. Though she was aware, however, she still couldn't be so cruel as to deny him. It wasn't about fearing his wrath, and just the pity she had for him in general.

Her first two lessons of the day had gone by fairly smoothly. She was far ahead in terms of knowledge and skill compared to her classmates, but she was modest about it, and she worked as diligently as any other student, putting in the same amount of effort. Chian didn't share many of her classes, and without him around, people were more courteous to her.

"The prom's coming up, Yijun," A boy reminded her as she stepped out of her literature class, books stowed away in her shoulder bag as she made her way towards the cafeteria. "Are you thinking of going?"

"Hmmm..." The bird was lost in thought for a moment as crowds of other kids begin to file in around them, all of them heading towards the cafeteria as well. "I'll admit that I'm not sure. I don't really dance, so..."

"Aww, but it'll be fun! You can with me, if you like!" The boy suggested rather eagerly, and Yijun couldn't help but giggle a little, a dainty little chuckle befitting a woman. She glanced at the blushing boy, a canine, from the corner of her eyes, her beak shifting into a faint smile.

"I'll have to consider it," She didn't want to reject him, nor did she want to accept. "I've got a lot of homework to do still, and Chian wants my help with things..."

At the mention of the Hyena, the canines face fell and his friendly smile stretched into a sullen grimace. With a vague reply, the canine inevitably parted with the avian as they entered the cafeteria, and the 10 year old wondered if she'd upset the boy somehow. Before she could really think about it, however, she felt a hand on her should and, to her surprise, Chian came into view, bearing his usually toothy grin and twinkling eyes.

"Hey Yijun. I'll get us some food-- wait here, okay?" He urged, and didn't give the bird much time to reply as he pushed her up near the wall, making her stand there for a moment. Yijun reluctantly agreed to his request and lingered, hand on her shoulder bag. She felt the gaze of others around her and she reached up, tentatively smoothing back the flowing plumage atop her head that ran from her forehead to the back of her neck in an array of feathers, much like a natural headdress.

Chian emerged sometime later with a couple of brown bags each, and Yijun presumed he'd requested them to-go. The faculty at the cafeteria were kind enough to package food when appropriate, for the students were allowing around the extensive campus during their hour-long lunch. That campus stretched towards the fields of grass beyond that stretched for at least a few acres or more, giving them plenty of room to relax or play sports. Yijun had a feeling that she knew where Chian was taking her.

There was a particular spot that Yijun liked to hang out, during lunch, though she hadn't really been there the past few months. On the far left of the fields was a row of trees and bushes, and should one go through them, they'd find another large field surrounded by trees, almost like a clearing. Yijun liked to sit on the incline of grass and dirt leading down into the secondary sield, where the length of the branches above provided ample shade.

The wind blew around them on that breezy summer day, making Yijun's delightful white summer dress flutter and billow in the wind. Brush a feather from her face, Yijun was firmly lead along by Chian, who brought her towards the trees on the far left the field, still carrying their lunches. He eased himself through and brought Yijun through with him, giving them the privacy of the other field. Very few people came here, and if they'd seen Chian making his way through, then they'd be unlikely to follow.

Chian let go of the avian when they stepped through, and Yijun moved to find a suitable spot to sit. She picked a nice-looking area to the right with plentiful amounts of shade, and she laid out the usual denim jacket she had over her body, sitting on it so that her dress couldn't get stained. Chian dropped the lunch next to her and she pried it open, taking out the sandwich hidden inside and nibbling it with her beak. It was a nice day. It was warm, but the breeze kept them cool.

"So, what homework did you need help with?" Yijun asked kindly, nibbling the sandwich some more as she turned her attention to Chian, whose gaze darted left and right, making sure no-one else was around.

"B-Before that," Chian began. "'re a girl, right?"

The blunt question chocked Yijun for a moment, before a delicate giggle crossed her beak.

"What sort of question is that?" She asked, without any degree of anger or resentment. Chian's cheeks visibly flushed and he looked away for a moment, before returning his gaze to her.

"," Chian continued, attempting to brush out his embarrassment. "Do you want to go to the prom with me?"

Of all the things Chian could ask, Yijun hadn't expected him to ask that. She shifted a little in her seat, taking another quick bite of her sandwich and chewing it thoughtfully for a moment.

"I'll...have to think about it." She skirted around the idea. Ultimately, she wasn't interested, but she knew she would feel bad for saying no. Despite Chian's forceful ways, she didn't want to upset him. At her reply, Chian's expression darkened slightly and his muzzle pursed into a thin line.

"Why?" Chian demanded, almost childishly. "Don't you like me?"

"I-It's not that, Chian..." The avian began. "I just, um...I don't even know if I'm going yet."

"But you must," Chian desperately insisted, reaching out to grab the avian's shoulders and twist them, forcing her to face him. "Yijun...I really like you."

"Chian...y-you're being a little too rough." The hyena was gripping her arms rather tightly, just below the shoulder. She could see the desperation in his eyes, and that made her a little wary of him, bordering on fearful. She didn't know what he was capable of, and didn't want to find out.

Chian glared at her intently, his cheeks flushed and his eyes ran up and down her body. He shuffled himself forwards and Yijun did his best to back away, though it was hard to do so with the hyena so forcefully grabbing her arms.

"Chian, let go of me." Yijun warned, her voice quivering a little as the hyena suddenly pushed her, forcing her down against the grass with the denim jacket beneath her. The hyena moved to tower over her, her form pressed into the grassy bank. He stared down at her intently with a look that could only be described as 'lustful', before he dipped his head.

Yijun tensed and turned her head to the side as the hyena pressed his muzzle to her cheek, running it down her feathered features towards her neck and peppering kisses along the contours of her flesh. He dotted his muzzle, licking gently against her collarbone before running back up towards her neck as she tried to fight back against him. She attempted to push her feathered hands forcefully against his shoulders, but he quickly dragging his hands up her arms and grasped her wrists, pinning them down against the grass and holding her tight. His grip was firm, almost to the point of painful, and she squirmed her legs beneath him, a scared whimper escaping her lips.

"You're so beautiful, Yijun..." The boy murmured, his hands greedily running along her sides and down towards the hem of her skirt. He shifted his legs, reaching a hand down to grasp one of her thick thighs and forcing it to the side, sliding his legs in between her own and pressing himself up against her in his loose shirt and trousers. He hiked her dress up as her feathered hands snapped down, attempting to force him off whilst holding her dress down at the same time. She was powerless under his assault, his greedy hands sneaking in under her dress and touching with her bare stomach. He stroked her tenderly, though his hands felt vile, until his fingers danced down towards her crotch.

"N-No...!" She half-pleaded, half-cowered, her hand wrapping around his wrist to try and pull him away as his hand sneaked in through the front of her panties, sliding down towards the line of her cloaca, the little entrance that signified that she was a girl-- at least, she thought she was. Avians were so androgynous that it was arguably hard to tell. The hyena seemed certain of her femininity however, and he probed her entrance with a middle finger, his mouth greedily running along her neck and gently nipping her flesh. He hungrily squirmed against her, kneading her cloaca with his fingers as he reached down with his other hand, desperate to unbutton himself.

Yijun attempted to struggle with a greater intensity, feeling her eyes sting with tears as she thrashed her legs beneath him, arching her back and trying to push him off. With a choked whimper, Yijun tensed and quivered as she felt Chian's finger finally probe her entrance, sinking into her shallow mound. She trembled against him as the digit sunk deeper and deeper, whilst the hyena let out a quiet, guttural moan, slathering the avian's neck feathers with spit.

As Chian's fingers sunk into her flesh and kneaded her velvety inner walls, his other hand wrestled with the button of his trousers until he finally managed to loosen it, tugging his trousers down to reveal his boxer shorts. He popped the button on the front of them, slipping a hand inside and tugging out his plump sheath and small, young ball sack. The tip of his cock was already poking out from his sheath, and Yijun soon felt the warmth of it on his inner thigh.

"P-Please, Chian..." She begged quietly. "Stop!"

"Yijun..." It was almost as if he hadn't heard her, or perhaps he chose not to. In either case, he continuing his molestation, his fingers roaming inside of her as the other pinned down one of her wrists to stop her struggling so much. Soon enough, he began to grow impatient. He wanted more. So much more. His fingers withdrew from her, a sticky film of substance layering over the top the fur on his digit, and he quickly replaced his finger with his steadily growing cock, the horny 10 year old prodding the end of his tapered tip against her entrance. Yijun's eyes widened, but she had no chance to stop him. In an instant, he thrust into her, piercing her inner sanctum and taking her virginity.

His cock slid into her, stuffing himself in a good couple of inches. His member, turgid and thick, twitched and throbbed with delight at her spasming inner walls, the tight clenching of her insides. Yijun was met with an overwhelming nausea, followed by a sickening discomfort that made her wince and squirm. That discomfort wasn't the worse thing, however-- it was the dull pleasure she felt beneath it that horrified her so. How could she gain pleasure from this?

Chian moaned into her neck, his hand moving up to grab her other wrist and hold her down as he gyrated and thrust into her, her legs forcibly spread to accommodate him as a quiet whimper escaped her lips. Chian was far from gentle: he knew what he wanted, and he aimed on taking it in any way he liked. His thrusts were slow, but harsh, ramming into her with every thrust until her insides ached and spasmed, growing numb with the force. Chian was continually meeting resistance inside of her, but it was steadily loosening as he pounded into her, until he could fit the full length of his cock into her, his pelvis meeting with her tight entrance.

Despite her complaints and protests, he didn't relent, his hips bucking back and forth. Yijun squirmed against him, her breathing growing heavy as she felt a peculiar sensation within her. It wasn't quite pleasure, nor was it pain-- it was like a pressure, that swelled and swelled the more he assaulted her, that grew heavier and more dense as time went on, until it was almost unbearable.

Then, with a sharp thrust, something inside of her snapped.

She cried out as a power surged through her, prickling the skin beneath her feathers. Her body trembled and the hands that clasped to her body suddenly loosened, before turning rigid. The hyena let out a chocked gasp and his body slumped, as rigid as stone. He no longer thrust and, for a moment, fear bubbled within her. What was wrong with him?

She reached up with her hands, pushing against him, and found him surprisingly easy to move when he wasn't forcing his weight down upon her. With a sickening shudder, she eased the hyena off of her body and he flopped to the side, arms and legs rigidly held in the same position as when he was atop her. She sat up, trembling a little as she turned her head towards him, reaching out to touch his body. His muscles were as hard as a rock, but she could feel the beating of his heart beneath his flesh. She looked up to his face to see his eyes wildly darting left and right. She didn't know what she'd done.

"C-Chian...?" She whispered quietly, and the most she got in response was a muffled groan from between his closed, stone-like lips. She shifted up onto her knees and leant over him, running her eyes over his body, moving her gaze towards his crotch. Her eyes lingered on his turgid member, the length of his relatively anatomically correct length, which was uniform from base to tip, with a peculiar shaped end that seemed to flare outwards. She traced a feathered finger along it, surprised to find it easily twitching against her touch.

She knew it was wrong. She had fought him off mere moments ago, but it was strangely different. It was as if there was a gnawing inside of her that told her to keep going, to take it at her own pace. With a sudden surge of empowerment, she cocked her leg over him and straddled his rigid form, as the hyena's eyes wildly darted up to her and down to her flowering dress, then back up again.

She rolled her hips back, sliding her body along his stomach and towards his cock. She lifted up her behind and shifted uncomfortably as she attempted to get the right angle. Eventually, the tip of his member pushed firmly against her entrance, and she slid her hips down, quivering with delight as her entrance stretched to accommodate him once more. She sunk her hips down, pressing until the tight ring of her entrance met with his pelvis, and she rocked her hips, lidding her eyes over and relishing the strange pleasure that hummed beneath the subtle discomfort.

The young avian behind to ride him, slowly at first, but quickly picking up speed. Her hips bound and gyrated atop him, her panties shifted to the side as her dress sat subtly over her tender, young body, hiding her lewdness from the world. The hyena quivered beneath her in his stone-like state, eyes wide and fearful as she rode his cock with all the passion she could muster, concentrating on purely her own pleasure. The more she bounced, the better it felt, until she was beginning to pant and groan with ecstasy.

As she bounced, aware that she was nearing an 'edge' of some kind, Chian let out a tiny groan beneath her, and she felt a vivid pulsing within her loins. At first, she thought it was her own body, but she soon realised that it was Chian himself, and the warmth of his cock meant that he must have orgasmed beneath her. She sighed and bowed her hips down, her body trembling as she felt an inexplicable pleasure within her, shaking her to her body core. A groan escaped her lips as she found herself climaxing shortly after him, a quaking moan escaping her beak.

She pressed down against him and bowed her head, her breathing slow and heavy. She couldn't recall a time when she'd felt such overwhelming pleasure before. But, as soon as that orgasm left her, she was hit with the reality of her situation. She had done something. Not only to him, but to herself. She stared down at Chian's stone-like body, his while eyes and the quiet, faint whimpering that could be heard from past his rigid muzzle. Fear swelled within her stomach, and all she could think to do was slide off of him, get to her feet, and run.

Leaving her belongings in the fields, with the hyena's pants tucked around his ankles, his limbs rigid and unmoving, Yijun ran. She sprinted across the grass in her bare talons, making a break for the trees on the far side of the field. Having explored the boundaries previously, she knew that it lead onto a busy main road that connected to the centre of town. She lived in the residential district on the other side of the city. She was sure that, with enough walking, she'd get there before the end of school. She weaved her way through the trees and appeared near the busy road as a car drove past her, whipping her dress around her body.

As soon as she turned to the path and starting making her way down the road, her body collided with another and she stumbled, staggering backwards but managing to keep her footing. She almost dared not raise her head, worried that the horror in her face and the panic in her eyes would stir someone to stop. Yet, she somehow felt compelled to raise it anyway, and she found herself staring into the most mesmerising cyan eyes.

"Are you okay?" They asked, and for a moment, Yijun was glued to the spot. She suddenly snapped back to reality and cleared her throat, briefly taking in the pristine white coat of the fox before her, aware of her own stark contrasting feathers and white dress. She offered him nothing more than a wordless curtsy, scared to even speak, worried she might let loose something she didn't plan on revealing.

"You look shaken. Why don't you take a minute to calm down?" His voice was gentle and soothing, almost mesmerising, as if he were peering into her very soul. She slowly nodded and he guided her towards the side of the road, where she squatted down and perched her behind on the pavement. To her surprise, he scuffled down to sit beside her. She soon found herself calming down, her nerves settling as logic came to drown out her irrational panic. Sure, she was still mildly freaked out, but she logically thought-- or perhaps hoped-- that everything would work out.

"You're...Yijun, right?" The boy asked, and for a moment, she tensed, glancing in his direction, so he quickly justified knowing her. "I see you around school."

She blew a sigh. So that was it. She nodded to him, resting her hands down on her stretched out knees. Though the road was busy most of the time, it was oddly quiet in that moment, allowing her time to relax and just listen to the sounds of nature around her...well, that and the busywork of the city in the distance.

"You're normally so calm. Is everything okay?" He asked her, and she offered him a kind smile, brushing her feathers back.

"Forgive me," She murmured quietly. "But...I don't really know you, so I don't feel comfortable divulging my problems."

"Oh...sorry," He toothily smiled in her direction. "Let's start again, then. I'm Etis."

He held a hand out for her to shake, and she was hit with the profound thought that he was charmingly mature for a boy who looked roughly the same age as her. With a childish giggle, she reached out and shook his hand, her feathered fingers brushing against his furred ones. She felt the warmth of his hand against her skin and then, in an instant, a prickle of electricity. It was brief, but enough to be noticed by her, and she instinctively drew her hand back.

"Well, you already know my name." She countered, attempting to brush the feeling from her mind, but Etis was watching her rather intently. It was making her anxious.

"I do," Etis continued. "...Do you want to go somewhere? Better than sitting on the road. I have an ap-- I, uh, live in an apartment nearby."

His suggestion had sound logic, though she knew it wasn't a good idea to be out late. She could stay at his for maybe an hour before she'd have to hurry back. A thought struck her that the school might be worried if she went missing like this, but she was almost too stressed to even consider a solution. She focused on what was in front of her instead.

"Okay." She agreed, albeit quietly. Etis rose and held out his hand, and she took it in her own, allowing herself to be helped up. He didn't linger his touch on her too long and let go as soon as she was steady on both of her feet. With a quick gesture, he guided her down the path.

They walked for several minutes in silence, and whilst Yijun felt it was awkward, she was glad for the quiet. It gave her time to think about what she was going to do.

They soon reached a block of flats and Etis lead her inside, guiding her up a few flights of stairs until they stood outside of a simple white door. Etis retrieved a key from his shorts pocket and twisted the lock, allowing them inside. She was greeted to a quaint apartment where all the furniture felt strangely homely, each of them worn and used. She moved towards the couch that sat in front of the coffee table and took a seat. Etis watched her closely for a moment before disappearing into the small kitchenette on the right hand side, appearing moments later with a glass of water. He handed it to her and she mumbled her thanks.

"So...I've invited you into my home, offered you water, told you my name...consider me a sort of unbiased stranger willing to listen to your problems," Etis encouraged. "You're clearly quite high strung. What's wrong?"

Though Yijun was completely and utterly unaware of it, Etis had been watching her for quite sometime now. Ever since he had interrogated a young adult man at a care facility a reasonable distance from his apartment, he had been keeping an eye on her, waiting for when her powers might awaken. It looked as if today was that day, if what had happened in the school fields was anything to go by.

Yijun pressed her beak into a thin line and set the glass down atop a handy coaster, clearing her throat and folding her hands over her knees. She could still feel the hum within her, the gentle tickle in her loins. She remembered how good it felt, but also remembered how vile it had been when it started. She shuddered.

"I-I was, um..." She didn't know where to start. "I was being...taken advantage of. It's horrifying in itself, but...what was more horrifying was that something inside me uncoiled, like a snake ready to bite its prey, and in an instant, Chian was..."

She shook her head and lowered her eyes, unsure how to describe it. The young fox probably thought she was crazy. Yet, when she turned her head to stare into his eyes, he was watching her intently, his gaze never faltering. He was listening so intently that he was almost leaning forwards a little. With an nervous gulp, she continued.

"He turned rigid, like stone...he stopped holding me so hard and just...he just stopped. I pushed him off and he just laid there, his arms and legs..." She shook her head again, sniffling a little. "It was horrible. Scary. But yet, I...took advantage of that weakness, that condition he was in. I don't know what came over me."

Etis silently thought about what she'd said. He knew what she was, but she didn't know what she was. He knew what she could be capable of, too, but he hadn't expected her to undergo similar cravings as Vell, Koen, and many others did. Etis had sat down with the other boys of Vell's foster home, quietly speaking at length with them. Whilst Vell's conditional need to collect 'essence' was down to his very supernatural nature, the nature of the other boys within the foster are not, and should not be, ones of sexual need. Something else was causing them to be so lewdly driven, and it seemed that-- at least, to him-- Yijun was under the same influence.

"It's okay. You're safe now," Etis assured her, uncertain whether to divulge the full details of her powers or not. "I promise I won't let anything happen to you whilst I'm here."

"That's kind of you, but...we barely know each other." Yijun reminded him, but Etis didn't waver.

"Regardless, I want to help you, so I will," Etis carefully picked his words. "Lets just say that I...empathise with what you're going through."

Yijun was a little too smart for her own good. She had an inkling there was more to this boy than met the eye, and now she was getting the feeling he was more than just ordinary. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat and he seemed to sense her anxiety, and quickly withdrew. His lips drew into a line that didn't bear any malice or irritation, but was instead an expression of thought.

"I feel like you're hiding something from me." Yijun commented rather sourly, and then scolded herself for sounding so venomous. She liked to be polite, even if she were only 10. There was no need for her to be bratty to someone so kind to her.

"Um...I guess I am, yeah," Etis admitted. "I know what you're going through because I have peculiar powers too. I didn't want to weird you out by approaching you, but I've been on your tail for the past couple of hours now."

"...Well, you've certainly succeeded." Yijun remarked, shuffling across the couch until she met with the arm on the far side, scooting as far away from Etis as she could. Though, ultimately, what could another 10 year old do to her? But, as she's already guessed, he's far from normal.

"It's okay. Relax," Etis insisted. "I just want to help. I have some other friends who all have powers in their own was through their caretakers that I heard of you. I wanted to make sure you transitioned well...I'd heard rumors you weren't quite into your awakening yet."

"Are you able to explain what you mean by that?" She tentatively asked.

"Hmm...more or less," Etis grimaced. "It is different for everyone...we're not identical in our powers and species, so you're different from me in a lot of ways, but...I imagine you felt it, didn't you? That surge of power when you turned that boy to stone?"

Yijun shuddered at the thought. Yes, she'd felt it. She didn't want to have to keep reliving the memory of Chian's fixed, terrified face, yet it still haunted her somewhat, even then. She tried to push it from her mind and focused her attention to Etis instead, who despite all accounts of being creepy, appeared warm and kind. His eyes told a thousand different stories in a single blink.

"Yes, I did. It felt good. I remember a word for it...intoxicating." She rummaged through her academic brain to find that single word, one that girls older than her would have had trouble plucking from thin air. It was a testament to her smarts, and perhaps to an overdeveloping brain.

"Right," Etis continued, glad that he could find common ground. "That was your awakening, that surge, as your DNA activated those dormant genes within you."

"Okay..." Yijun stared into his eyes, a little frightened. "So...what am I?"

"That's...complicated," Etis grimaced again, almost apologetically. "At best, the caretakers I've interrogated think that you're close to an Adarna, a bird of paradise from old legends and stories in the Philippines, though I'm surprised they even exist. They're said to have healing properties, as well as the ability to sing people to sleep or even turn them to stone."

"I suppose that does sound a lot like me..." Yijun trailed off. "Birds are naturally gifted at singing. Wait, what about Chian? He's turned to stone, and..."

"I'm sure he's fine. It'll wear off. More importantly...I don't want to completely destroy whatever idea you had of the home you have, but...they're probably using you." Etis pointed out to her, and she would genuinely be inclined to agree. She hadn't particular felt much connection or attachment with her caretakers, who often seemed to come and go and change jobs regularly. She was lucky to have the same person for longer than a couple of years at most. She remembered, fondly, the various other cubs who she lives with, including the surly teenagers that she was still quite close to.

"It's alright," She shook her head. "I...didn't want to say I had a feeling. I thought they were better than that. But I was never really that close to them, so maybe they were just using me all along."

She felt weird teary-eyed at the subject as she bowed her head, sniffling just a little. She heard Etis shuffling across the couch towards her, and she didn't feel so weirded out as she was before. She felt his hand wrapping around her shoulders and, despite being slightly taller than him, she found herself leaning into his side, pressing the side of her feathered head against his own. He gently caressed her shoulder with a hand and she felt a little better. There was a lot that a single hug could do for a person.

"I want to help you," He reiterated. "I have a friend who's sort of in the same boat as you. They might come looking for you, but they won't risk getting the police involved. They're on edge now, so they'll start looking deep into it."

"What can you do that an adult couldn't?" She questioned him, and he let out a faint chuckle.

"Who do you think pays for this apartment?" Etis countered. "I met some friends not too long ago. They're all holed up in a safehouse that I've got tucked away in the city. You should be safe there to do what you want."

"But...what about school, and my friends? Chian..." She trailed off, knowing better than to think of him. He was a bully who took advantage of her, forced himself upon her, yet she pitied him. It was a testament to her own kindness, if anything, but she knew she couldn't be a doormat forever.

"It'll be fine. We'll figure it out." Etis murmured quietly, and she sighed through the holes in her beak. There was nothing else she could do about it. At least, that's what she thought-- either Etis was good at convincing her, or she was too distraught about her whole world crashing down around her to really think about how she could handle the situation. It was much easier to let someone else take the ropes, in that instance.

She felt Etis' hand sliding lower down her arm and a familiar tickle in her body reminder her of a peculiar, carnal need that rushed through her body. She couldn't quite fathom what it meant. All she knew was that it touched every nerve ending, every fibre of her being ached to be touched, especially down there. As Etis' hand moved slowly down her arm towards her side, she found herself not resisting.

Etis was a natural lover, that much was clear. The way he seamlessly transitioned from consoling a young girl into caressing and touching her could give every womanizer a run for their money. The fox turned his head a little forwards her and pressed the warmth of his muzzle against her neck. She sighed quietly through her beak and briefly tensed, her mind flashing back to the sweating, panting hyena atop her from before. But, as quickly as the memory had surfaced, it felt forcibly pushed back from her mind, leaving her with nothing but an aching need to be loved. Etis seemed keen to give it to her.

As his muzzle kissed along her neck as his hand stroked her side, he moved his other hand towards her knee, curling it along the warmth of her black feathers, pressing against her thick inner thigh and sliding towards her crotch, slipping in under the dress. She found herself leaning forwards a little, instinctively squeezing her legs together a bit as Etis' fingers met with her damp panties, and he fumbled with them for a moment, shifting them to the side. His fingers met with her cloaca and she shivered.

"C...Careful," She whispered quietly. "I' was my first time today."

Etis didn't say anything for a moment as his fingers fumbled with her, and she trembled against him, strangely not feeling too sore despite the rough sex from before. As Etis' fingers kneaded her entrance, he suddenly froze and parted his lips, leaning his head back. She turned her head to shook him a quizzical, almost worried look from the corner of her eye.

"W...What's the matter?" She asked tentatively.

"Nothing, I just...uh..." Etis tried to find the words. "Don't meet many transgender people your age."

"Trans...gender?" The word was familiar to her. "But I'm a female."

"I..." Etis couldn't tell if he was going to be insensitive by saying it, but he came out with it anyway. "I feel as if you don't know, Yijun, but this..."

His fingers flexed against her cloaca and she shuddered in response, a little lost for breath.

"...This is a male cloaca."

Yijun blinked in surprise, and her first response was to open her beak and ask him how he knew that. Yet, she found herself shutting it again, and began to wrestle with the possibility that she might be a boy after all. Everyone said she was a girl, so that's what she assumed to be. If anything, she felt comfortable that way. She cleared her throat.

"R...Regardless..." She tried to find the words to explain what she wanted to convey. Etis shook his head and dipped his head down again, running it over her neck and up to her cheek.

"I understand," He assured her quietly. "You're a beautiful girl."

Yijun felt her face flush and Etis' fingers began to knead her again, probing and pressing at her entrance and swirling around dexterously, experimenting with her cloaca as his mouth continued to roam, peppering her with gentle, sensual kisses. After a few more moments of gentle caressing, he began to slip his fingers into her, starting with only one digit to begin with. He gently slid his index finger into her and immediately felt the tight cloaca spasm around his digit, clamping down and squeezing like a vice. Yijun couldn't help but gently moan from the peculiar pleasure, and Etis accompanied that moan with a quiet groan of his own, licking her neck with his wet fox tongue.

There was a certain electricity between them, a tension in the air that encouraged them to go further. Etis' free hand reached for her dress and began to hike it up, and she shifted and mooved to that it could he tugged from under her behind and up towards her stomach. He withdrew his finger from her briefly and pulled her dress over her head, the dainty thin strap that held the dress to her shoulders easily coming away as the garment was tugged over her feather plumage and pointed beak. Etis laid it gently to the side and quietly admired her naked body, her flat chest and utter lack of any top coverage, as well as her curvy young body and the dainty white panties that covered the dark black feathers beneath.

They slowly moved, Yijun turning to face him as he gently guided her to lay down, her head resting against the arm of the couch. He reached his hands down to pull down those panties, sliding them from her turkey-like upper legs and past her scaley talons, tossing them unceremoniously to the floor and admiring the rounded hole of her tight little cloaca. The 10 year old arctic fox-- though he was probably a lot older than he looked-- bowed his head and wedged his vulpine muzzle between her legs. She instinctively brought her knees together and quickly realising her error when Etis' head became sandwiched between her drumstick thighs. She mumbled a giggling apology and spread them again as he sunk his muzzle against her feathery mound, his tongue running down until it met with her entrance.

The sheer pleasure of his tongue against her cloaca was beyond anything she had anticipated before. She arched her back and a guttural groan escaped her lips, that one made her embarrassed to even call out, but Etis seemed to greatly appreciate her groans of passion, for his hands greedily squeezed her thighs and massaged her hips in response. He stuck out his tongue, slathering against the mound of her cloaca with his wet appendage, feeling it quiver and tense under his assault. It took everything in her not to reach down and firmly grasp his head with her hands. Even in the throes of passion, she needed to be a lady.

Etis, however, was a machine when it came to cunnilingus. His tongue began to probe and prod at her entrance, threatening to slip into her. After a few moments, however, it did, and he jammed his tongue into her, penetrating her cloaca for what was the third time that day. His appendage slipped around inside of her, tasting her inner walls, relishing the flavours of her arousal. Yijun arched her back again, another quivering moan escaping her lips as her talons curled with the unbridled ecstasy.

"E-Etis...!" She gasped out, and felt an orgasm fast approaching already. He'd been at it less than a minute, and he was already going to make her climax. She trembled against him and he refused to relent, causing her to snap a hand down to his head. With a restrained groan, she found herself pressing her legs together again instinctively, sandwiching his head between her inner thighs once more. Despite that, however, he continued, bringing her to her inevitable release.

With a gasp, ever muscle in her body relaxed, and she flopped down, suddenly unable to even lift a finger. Her cloaca quivered and spasmed, and Etis tasted the juices of her orgasm against his tongue. He suckled and slurped, making sure to milk every last drop of pleasure from her. Etis was, of course, absorbing some of her essence for himself-- he was admittedly selfish and wanted to know what the essence of a young Adarna tasted like, and he found it quite to his liking. As Yijun's orgasm began to fade, Etis pried his mouth from her entrance and slid up her body, taking off his T-Shirt as he went.

"You're..." She panted, unsure what to say. "I don't know how you did that, but it was..."

"Incredible?" Etis sounded almost cocky. "It's just years of experience. Don't worry."

"How old are you?" She narrowed her eyes at him, and he shot her a grin that looked as if it came straight out of a romance movie. The way his eyes sort of smouldered in the light almost took her breath away. She didn't want to say it was a crush, but it almost definitely was one.

"That's a story for another time," Etis countered. "We're not finished here yet. Aren't you forgetting someone?"

Yijun snapped her gaze down towards his body and watched as Etis expertly kept himself propped up with one hand, shimmying himself out of his shorts with the other, exposing the mounds of fluffy white fur covering his body and crotch, as well as the twin tails that curled around his back. He met some resistance when his shorts got stuck, but Yijun dexterously used her talons to unhook the shorts from his rear end, helping him to slide them down. Only the underwear remained, but Etis could take care of that on his own. It took little time for him to be rid of all of his clothes, completely exposing his naked body to her. This wasn't the first time she'd had a boy towering over her today, but this one was in a much better light.

She could feel it, the length of his knotted cock sliding up against her inner thigh, and she quietly admired the length of it and the exotic bulbous base that sat up against a pair of small balls. She was keen to see what it could do, but more than that, she was keen to satisfy him. Strangely enough, despite what had happened before, she wanted this.

Etis slowly rolled against her, grinding his cock up against her entrance and stickying up her feathers with his pre-cum. She quietly panted against him, talons hooked around his body as he gyrated against her rather sensually, working her up into the mood for a second round, though she admittedly didn't need much coaxing. After a few minutes of loose humping, Etis drew himself back a little deeper and the tapered end of his cock pierced her cloaca, pushing against her entrance and slipping into her within a matter of moments. Once again, she found herself arching her back, and Etis bowed down against her, pressing his mouth to her beak and giving her a gentle lick. She parted her beak instinctively and angled her head, and the two of them met in a sloppy, interspecies kiss.

It was clumsy, but nice at the same time. It was difficult for beak and muzzle to really get along, especially when it came to kissing, but Etis was doing a good job and rolling his tongue against hers as his cock rolled inside of her at the same time. He plunged down into her tight mound, shoving deeper and deeper until the fat, bulbous knot of his cock met with her pelvis, kissing the entrance of her cloaca with a slick, wet sound. She groaned against him and he moaned back to encourage her, their bodies pressed warmly together. He tugged back, slowly at first, before thrusting into her again, taking his time to knead her inner walls and make her practically tremble with lust.

He soon began in on a steady rhythm, his hips gyrating and his cock sliding in and out of her as she panted beneath him, the air around the filled with the sounds of their hot and sweaty sex. Each thrust was accompanied with a wet slap of his sticky knot against her mound, laced with the rhythmic panting of the couch, their occasional groans and their panting breath. It didn't take long for those moans to grow more and more intense, until the two of them were desperate to touch and love each other. Their bodies felt too far apart, yet they were as close as they could go.

Etis inevitably parted his lips from her and sunk his body down against her own completely, pressing the length of his chest against her own and burying his muzzle in against her neck as he brought his legs up, planting his feet against the cushions. He changed tact, switching from his steady rhythm into rapid, quick thrusts, pounding against her cloaca with only an inch or two as most as his knot mashed against her entrance, threatening to tie with her at any time. This was nothing like how it was with Chian-- for Yijun, this was beyond pleasurable. It was in that moment that she realised how much she enjoyed rough sex, the sheer carnal grunting and panting of a man, or a boy, atop her body, the way he vigorously thrust into her and bred her cloaca as much as he liked. There was something deeply spiritual and sexual about it, and she found herself irrevocably drawn into the moment, panting along with him.

She made sure to curl her legs around him, holding onto him tight as he bred her cloaca which was, frankly, technically not female, though she didn't care. She knew she was a girl, and that mattered enough for her to care little about what lay between her legs. It felt pleasurable in this instance, and that was enough. Etis began to moan into her neck with a greater intensity, a reminder of how close he could getting, and his thrusts began to grow irregular as he slammed down into her, desperate to push his knot into her tight, barely-used entrance. Yijun whined quietly beneath him, clutching to him tightly as he plunged down a final time and pushed his hips down with all his might. Her muscles eventually loosened and allowed his access, albeit with some difficult, and he tied with her in an instant.

Her body trembled and shuddered, and she felt the warm, wet pulsing of his cock inside of her, followed by Etis' quiet moans of pleasure. She could feel his knot swelling within her as he shot his load deeper into her tight inner walls, and her innards clenched around him in response, clinging dearly to him as he gently licked her neck. The two of them caressed one-another, both of them exhausted and spent-- or at least, Etis pretended to be.

"That was..." Yijun panted breathlessly. "Oh my god."

"Hmhm. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." Etis teased, sliding his hips back a little bit, tugging his knot just a little. "Do you want to go again?"

"Yes," Yijun groaned quietly. "God yes."

Etis chuckled and tugged back, kneading into her a little bit with his twitching cock, and Yijun sighed, relaxing back to enjoy the sensations. The day had started off poorly, and she had panicked, but perhaps with Etis' help, she might just get her life back on track again.

At least, she hoped so.

Table For Four

This was it. No backing out now: he'd come this far, after all. Sucking in a deep breath, Conan grasped the handle of the restaurant and stepped inside. The Nodding Owl was a small family owned pub and restaurant that was notorious for one thing,...

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Viral Attack: Eracervine

"Fang. Your dinner." A flap in the metal portion of the long, ceiling high window opened up, and the guardsman pushed through a small tray with an array of vegetables and half-decent food on it. Pandemonium wasn't known for its hospitality, but they...

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Thunk. The coconut landed hard on the rock and it's hard outer shell was pierced, albeit with some difficulty. With a tired groan, Chike heaved the coconut up and made sure to have the cracked side facing up as he carried it through the trees and...

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