Spring Break - New Year -

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#3 of Spring Break II

After dinner, Raine, Tyrone, Reuben and Nathan go to see Lillian in the hospital then Raine and Lillian get an unexpected belated wedding present.

Spring Break

New Year

Chapter Three

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

8thAugust, 2019

After dinner, Reuben cleaned up whilst Raine bathed Tyrone and Nathan helped her.

"Umma?" Tyrone giggled and splashed in the water.

"Yes Tyrone?"

"O umma?"

Raine smiled and nodded, then used a wet cloth to wipe over his muzzle and ears. "Go see Mumma, yes we will, but we got to get clean first!"

"Een!" Tyrone squealed and giggled again as Nathan tickled him.

"Dad!" Raine sighed in exasperation. "You're not helping!"

Nathan giggled himself, which made Tyrone giggle, then Raine tried to look all stern and dominant, before she burst into laughter as well.

"You're going to be such a bad influence on him!" Raine chastised Nathan.

"Of course, its a grandparents prerogative to spoil the grand children!"

Raine stared at him, before she pinned her ears and shook her head, before scooping the giggling Joey out of the bath and starting to dry him off.


Nathan sat in the back beside Tyrone's baby seat, the excited Joey giggling and squirming as Nathan made silly faces and tickled him. Reuben drove, Raine sat passenger and shook her head at Nathan's silly antics.

"I don't know whose the bigger child - " Raine muttered.

"I may have to grow old," Come Nathan's voice from the back seat. "Doesn't mean I have to grow up!"

"Got that part right - " Reuben growled, his eyes protected by dark polarised sunglasses.

"Dad, you can see, right?" Raine murmured.

Turning his head, Reuben gave her a deadpan expression. "I see everything..."

Both Raine and Nathan groaned at the bad pun.

"You won't be back..." Nathan quipped from the back seat.

"Hasta la vista, deerie!" Raine joined in.

"Alright, alright," Reuben snorted, then chuckled. "That'll do, lets not feed the growing mind of Tyrone with movie quotes! He needs encouragement and interaction, not a head full of pop culture references!"

"Don't listen to granddad Reuben," Nathan murmured to Tyrone, who giggled and grasped Nathan's right ear in a tight grip. "Ow..."

"He loves ears Dad - " Rained snickered. "Tyrone, let granddad's ear go sweety..."

"Pbbbt - " Tyrone sounded, then giggled. "O umma?"

"That's right!" Raine chuckled and nodded, then swivelled around in the seat and gently pulled Nathan's ear out of the tight grip. "We go see Mumma, won't be long now!"

"Umma!" Tyrone nodded and giggled.


Getting out of the car, Reuben helped Raine unlock the baby seat restraints, as Nathan lid the strap of the baby bag over his shoulder and Raine picked up Tyrone and cuddled him close.

"Umma?" Tyrone murmured, as he looked around at the lights and other things, his young mind couldn't encompass.

"Yes Tyrone, Mumma's in here tonight, but we'll go see Mumma and cheer her up, won't we?"

"Umma!" Tyrone giggled and began squirming excitedly.

"So much like you - " Reuben chuckled softly.

Walking into the hospital, Raine led the way as she knew where Lillian's ward was. Reuben and Nathan followed, until they all met up at the elevator.

"These things take forever!" Nathan groaned.

"I know what you mean, like trying to get Reuben excited outside rutting season, right Dad?" Raine smirked and chuckled.

"Hey!" Reuben snorted.

"Truth hurt?" Raine grinned, then kissed Reuben on the cheek.

With a snort, Reuben pushed the button again, as Nathan began giggling.


Quietly, they walked into the ward, then found Lillian's room. When she seen Tyrone, her eyes lit up and she held her paws out.

"UMMA!" Tyrone squealed, holding his own paws out to her.

Gently, Raine laid Tyrone in Lillian's arms, and she nuzzled the joey, who giggled and squirmed.

"You been good for Mumma Raine?" Lillian asked Tyrone.

"He's just like me, he's perfect!" Raine smiled.

Reuben began to cough, before Nathan giggled and elbowed him gently.

"Honey, you scared me half to death!" Raine suddenly burst into tears and cuddled Lillian gently, mindful of her injuries. "I swear..."

"Hey, easy with the water works!" Lillian laughed then winced and scratched Raine between the ears. "It was a simple accident honey, nothing to get your pretty tail in a twist about!"

"So, how you feeling honey?" Nathan asked, sitting on the edge of the bed. "They taking care of you? Anything you want or need?"

Tyrone giggled and nuzzled under Lillian's chin.

"Umma!" He nodded.

"Yes honey, Mumma's going to stay here tonight, I'll be home tomorrow! As for your question Nathan, the staff here are wonderful, but it'll be great to go home!"

"I almost forgot - " Reuben grunted, as Nathan turned to look at him and giggled. "Here honey, this is for you..."

From his pocket, he produced a folded envelope, then handed it over to Raine.

"Dad...what's this?" Raine asked, feeling something sliding around inside the envelope.

"Open it - " Nathan grinned from ear to ear.

Raine frowned, before she tore open the end of the envelope and tipped a golden key into her paw.

"A key?" Raine frowned.

"A key to a very special place..." Reuben began, then looked at Nathan, who started weeping tears of joy. "Lillian? I know you've been doing it tough, as has dear Raine - well, Nathan and I wanted to give you both a belated birthday present..."

Nathan nodded and used his paws to wipe his eyes.

"We bought you both a nice, new, modest sized home in a much better suburb...in the envelope, is directions to your new home, we hope you both enjoy it..." Nathan weakly got out.

Lillian stared, wide eyed, before she began crying and Nathan took Tyrone, as Raine also burst into tears.

"Dad..." Raine began.

"You both deserve happiness, and I'm sure you'll find this new home fulfils all your wishes...and Lillian? I know I've said it before honey, but - welcome to the family..."


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