Hoppers Tale

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#13 of (ZOO) - Hoppers Story

Hoppers Tale - Epilogue - Hopper was adopted by Katy, a human who works alongside him at the Animal Sanctuary. Secretely, she and Hopper have been lovers for over four years, but they both never speak of their unconventional relationship, nor has either of them confided in others, that Hopper's is half Feral, half Anthromorph.

Hoppers Story

-Epilogue -

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

5thAugust, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

Hopper moaned and trembled in his sleep, the young hybrid Whiptail tormented by terrible nightmares. Katy lay snuggled up against him, woken from her deep, exhausted sleep by his trembling and cries. Carefully, she gripped his paws in her hand, holding them gently as she leaned close and kissed his furred cheek lovingly.

"Hopper - wake up honey!" Katy whispered.

Hopper's eyelids snapped open and he struggled wildly, before his rational mind reasserted itself and he trembled, then turned his head to look into Katy's eyes.

"What..." he blinked sleepily, then yawned and shivered.

"Another nightmare honey, but its alright - no one will hurt you, I promised, remember?"

Hopper nodded, then as Katy released him, he rolled over and fell off their low bed, before grunting and climbing back to his feet. Idly, he scratched at his right hip, then yawned again and shook himself from ears to feet, before crawling off towards the door.

"Whee do you think you're going?" Katy asked, sitting up in bed.

"I'm hungry and thirsty..." Hopper replied, but stopped as if fearing he was in trouble.

Katy slid from the bed sheets, noticing the strong musky scent of them and she chuckled. Indeed under her care and careful gentle persuasion Hopper had come a long way in trusting her - but still had moments where his natural fear shone through.

Naked, Katy walked over to Hopper, then stroked his neck gently. He turned about, then placed his small black paws on her belly and looked up at her, then smiled nervously.

"Did you enjoy yourself last night Hopper?" Katy asked him, as she knelt down, holding his small paws in her larger hands.

"I did, I can not lie to you Miss Katy - " Hopper stammered, then hung his head.

"Hey! None of that, you know better!" Katy smiled and kissed Hopper gently on the head. "its been what...seven years, since I first met you? We've been partners - secretly - for four of those years, you don't have to think of me as Miss Katy! I'm Katy, remember?"

Hopper nuzzled against her naked belly, his whiskers tickling before he shyly licked from her soft, tender belly up to her breasts as he sniffled and nodded. "Sorry..."

Katy shuddered, then caressed Hopper's back, sliding her hands down his flanks before she scooped him up and Hopper gasped, then rested his paws on her shoulders and gazed into her eyes.

"You want too - " Hopper began.

"No, my dear sweet Buck, no, we need to go shower okay? Then we can go have breakfast, I'll make you your favourite!"

Hopper blinked, then nuzzled against Katy's throat, as she carried him to the shower and set him down on the vanity, where he sat, tucking his slender tail around his right hip and holding it in his paw. Katy adjusted the shower, then when it was just right, she turned back to Hopper and scooped him up again, sliding her hands under his rump and feeling him place his short, thin feet either side of her hips.

Stepping into the shower, Katy carefully crouched and placed Hopper's feet on the ground, before she took the soap and started lathering herself. Hopper watched her, as Katy looked down then crouched and began scrubbing Hopper from throat to tail.

"Hey!" Hopper squealed and struggled. "I'm not a joey, I can bathe myself!"

"You never do a proper job, I want to get you cleaned up. Besides, you can't wash your back, can you?"

"No..." Hopper admitted.

"Besides..." Katy smiled, then lifted him up and carefully placed Hopper in a specialised sling she had gotten made, before lifting his chin and kissing him lightly on the nose. "More fun to pleasure my dear, sweet Buck in the shower, than the bed!"

Hopper blinked, then looked up at her, as a shy smile spread across his furred lips. "You..."

"If you like Hopper, you're such a sweet, gentle Buck, you know that?" Katy smiled and stroked his cheeks with the back of her fingers.

"Just how many Buck's have you mated?" Hopper teasingly asked, feeling his confidence grow each day he spent with Katy.

"Hey, what sort of question is that!" Katy laughed, then shook her head as she began sensuously stroking Hoppers cloaca with her fingertips. "Never you mind!"

"Why..." Hopper gasped and shuddered, Katy's fingers quickly working their magick and bringing the young Wallaby to arousal, his S shaped penis engorging and flicking eagerly.

"Why? Why not do...this..." Katy smiled, then slid her hands around his sling covered hips and pulled him forwards.

Hopper gasped, feeling himself slid into Katy's warm, eager depths and he shuddered, placing his paws on her belly as she began carefully thrusting her hips back and forth sliding him out then back in again.

"Uh..." Hopper squirmed and moaned, his paws clenching and unclenching on her wet, soapy skin.

"Feels lovely, doesn't it Hopper?" Katy smiled and leaned herself backwards, pushing her groin and hips firmly against Hopper, who gasped and trembled helplessly as he was driven even further than normal inside her.

Hopper grunted and panted, quickly overwhelmed by the emotions he always felt when he mated with Katy. Katy smiled and ruffled Hopper's ears, then he squealed and began to tremble as Katy blinked and held him close, feeling the young Whiptails orgasm sluicing into her body.

"Oh, Hopper - " Katy grunted, holding him tight and close, as he squirmed and mumbled incoherently just below her breasts. "No honey, I promise you, you don't have to be afraid...there's no chance of us conceiving honey, I know, I made enquiries with a Vet, so its perfectly fine to make love with you Hopper."

"You...sure?" Hoppers low, gasping squeak come, as he rested his head between her breasts and looked up, his body still trembling.

"I am!" Katy smiled and caressed his neck tenderly. "We're perfectly safe Hopper, now, just deep breaths, nice and relaxed..."


Hopper looked at the kangaroo mix before him and clumsily held the spoon, before he sighed and lifted the bowl and began eating. Katy watched him, the delicate way Hopper ate, whilst she stirred her oatmeal with a spoon.

"Ready for a day at the sanctuary today Hopper?" Katy asked, as she sipped her coffee.

"I think so - " Hopper nodded. "That Whiptail who I...I - "

"I know honey, its alright - yes, we couldn't release her, she wouldn't have survived even though her injuries weren't that bad. You'll be pleased to know her - your - Joey, is happy, healthy and thriving. She's almost as tall as you now!"

"I never meant - " Hopper stammered.

"Honey? Trust me, I was scared and concerned at first, but I know why you bred to her - she was in season and being, well, being what you are - instincts are still very very strong. You never had well - you never were taught how to suppress those instincts and emotions, so its not technically your fault! Besides, she's doing well and so is your daughter!"

Hopper shuddered and pushed his breakfast bowl away, ashamed and guilty at what he'd done with that Feral doe. Katy reached over and placed her hand over his paw, then gently squeezed it.

"You want me to pack some of that for lunch today?" Katy asked him, sensing by his body language, what troubled him.

"Yes please - " Hopper whispered, as he carefully slid off the chair and went to find his lanyard and name badge.


At the Sanctuary, Hopper tried to keep out of the way at the best of times, being so small it was easy for him to accidentally get underfoot or be run into in the hallways. Most of the time, he spent in Katy's office, laying on the couch and dozing off and on. He was woken with a fright, as Katy slammed open the door.

"Hopper...we...need you, now..." Katy panted, then dashed off.

Hopper blinked, then slid off the couch and began hopping down the hallway, finding when he was in a hurry, it was quicker to hop than to walk.

His nostrils twitching, he followed Katy's perfumed scent to the Emergency Room, where he stopped just inside the doorway and heard the terrified grows and squeals of a Marsupial.

"Hold him!" Someone yelled.

"We're trying!"

Hopper crept over, nervous and afraid, as he caught a quick glance of the injured Kangaroo that trashed and struggled on the cold examination table, before there was a hiss and Hopper winced at the sound of the auto-injector.

"Hold, hold...alright, he's under..." Someone sighed. "Gods, what a mess - look at the poor thing, an arrow through the..."

Hopper crawled closer, then squealed as one of the Nurses turned about and shrieked, dropping the tray of instruments as Hopper scared her half to death.

"I'm sorry!" Hopper wailed, as he turned and bolted.

"Oh for the...we good? Can you make sure he stays under whilst - I'm sorry, I thought if he come and helped...somehow..."

A mask was strapped over the sedated Buck's head, and oxygen filled his lungs, as they looked at the cruel hunting arrow that'd been shot through his abdomen.

"Alright staff - this is a tough fight, we don't know the extent of the injuries and..."

Katy moved away, to go find Hopper...


She found him where she'd found him the first time, curled up in a dark corner of the locker room, clutching his tail between his legs and his paws wrapped tight around his shins as he was curled up piteously, crying his heart out.

"Hopper, oh my dear, sweet mate...come on, don't cry so..." Katy whispered, as she come over, then crouched and cuddled Hopper close to her chest. "You didn't mean to get in the way..."

"how...that..." Hopper wailed piteously. "How could..."

"Humans can be very cruel honey, I'm sorry I didn't think, and you saw that - he's hurt, badly and we honestly don't know if we can save him!"

"Can you...please, try?" Hopper sniffled, looking up at her.

Katy nodded and used her thumbs to wipe away Hopper's tears. "They will love, I promise..."


Hopper was beside himself with grief and stress, so took himself outside to the enclosed enclosure, where he sat beneath the tree and watched the kangaroo's and wallabies either resting, eating, or at play with each other. It wasn't long, before he heard the soft, guttural cough, and his head lifted, as the Whiptail doe he'd bred all those years ago, hopped towards him, another - almost as big, following.

"She's grown so much - " Hopper moaned softly.

He crawled to his feet, then crouched and flicked his ears, greeting the doe with a guttural grunt and a few soft barks, before he clutched her close and nuzzled her neck, as she nuzzled his in return. With that, their bond was reaffirmed and she clasped him by the shoulders then started grooming his ears as Hopper giggled and squirmed.

Hopper frowned, then pulled away from the Doe, who growled and clucked at him.

"No..." Hopper moaned, shaking his head and shuddering. "I...I can't..."

Confused, the young Doe clucked at him and crawled closer, as the Older one began chastising Hopper vigorously.

"You don't understand!" Hopper wailed. "It...its not who I am, _what_I am..."

"Hopper? Oh, there you are!" Katy called, as she walked towards him, carrying a small bucket.

Both Doe's grunted and quickly hopped towards Katy, who smiled and gently ruffled their ears, before she poured some kangaroo pellets into her hand and held them out for them to eat.

"Hopper? What's...oh..." Katy moaned, as she seen Hopper's penis flicking against his belly, before he whimpered and turned away.

"Don't look at me!" Hopper sniffled in guilt and shame.

"I never...she's in season, isn't she?" Katy moaned. "Oh, Hopper, honey - I never thought..."

"It's...the joey - my - Joey...she's come into heat and..." Hopper wept. "Katy, please help me, I - I can't...it's wrong to breed to my daughter!"

Gently, Katy walked over, then crouched down and scooped the sobbing Hopper into her arms and carried him out of the enclosure, him clinging to her neck tightly, resting his head on her breasts as he sobbed helplessly.

"I know honey, come on, I'll take you back to my office, get you a nice drink and get you calmed, okay?"

Hopper sniffled and nodded, as he nuzzled Katy again and held her gently.

"It's...the scent - I can't describe it, but its so strong and..."

"Shh, honey? Come on, be brave for me, please?" Katy whispered.


Carrying him back to her office, Katy lay him down on the couch, then gently stroked his belly until he settled.

"Hopper? I'll be right back honey - going to go get your drink, okay?" Katy told him, as she moved to the door.

Hopper sniffled, but remained on the couch until Katy returned about ten minutes later, carrying a large bottle with a latex teat attached. Hopper frowned, then shook his head.

"I'm not a Joey..." Hopper sniffled.

"Trust me, just drink it, okay?" Katy asked, as she sat on the couch, then pulled Hopper so he was partially sitting, placing him between her legs, his head resting just below her breasts as she cuddled him close and gave him the bottle.

Hopper began suckling, holding the bottle between his slender black furred paws. Katy smiled, then watched as he quickly drank about half of it, his eyes growing heavy. Taking the bottle and teat from him, she gently wiped his muzzle with a cloth, then caressed his belly.

"We have a surprise for you Hopper..." Katy murmured.

Sleepily, he blinked and looked up at her. "A surprise?"

"A very special one..." Katy smiled wider and nodded. "Penny, please bring her in..."

hopper blinked, as another staff member come in, cradling a pillowcase in her arms, as she smiled and looked at Hopper.

"Hello Hopper, how you been doing?" Penny asked, as she crouched down, then placed the pillowcase on Hopper's belly. "This is Jess, she's an orphaned Eastern Grey Kangaroo Doe...and we'd like it very much, if you promised to raise her for us? All our carers are overwhelmed with orphan's..."

"I..." hopper stammered. "You...mean it?"

"We do Hopper, you'll be a beautiful carer for her - she's been fed and toileted, she's really sweet and gentle, settled in beautifully - now, you'll have to feed her every six hours, but - well - as you can speak with her...we think you'll make a wonderful adoptive parent!" Penny smiled, then gently placed Hoppers paws on the makeshift pouch.

"I don't know..." Hopper stammered.

"You'll be fine, with us to guide you Hopper," Katy smiled. "Penny? Thank you, I mean it..."

Hopper peeled back the pillowcase, then gently slid his paw in, before he squealed and giggled, as the orphaned joey reached up and grasped his paw with her little ones, then her large brown eyes looked up at him.

"I can...really...?" Hopper murmured.

"Yes Hopper, she's all yours - raise her, care for her and be gentle with her! She will grow up and you'll get to experience the joys of parenthood..." Katy laughed, then kissed Hopper between the ears.

"She's...beautiful - " Hopper stammered, gazing into the Joey's eyes.

'Yes, she is..." Katy smiled. "You'll be a wonderful surrogate Hopper, I'm sure..."


Gabriel's Rescue - Chapter Two -

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