Gabriel's Rescue - Chapter Two -

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#2 of Gabriels Rescue

Gabriel is taken by a human and is cruelly assaulted, abused and mistreated. Forced to do unnatural sex acts, Gabriel knows better than to resist or cry out - for often the punishments for his disobedience is far worse than what his 'patrons' will do to him...

Gabriel's Rescue

Chapter Two (revised, uploaded 6th August, 2019)

(c) Cederwyn Whitefurr

10th May, 2010,

All Rights Reserved.,

Gabriel finally collapsed into an exhausted, pain-riddled sleep, sometime that night - yet he felt as if he'd barely slept, before he heard the unmistakable rattling of his cell door, and knowing from past experience, that trying to plead for mercy - would only result in him being dragged from his cell, and the human keepers, beating the hysterically screaming young Buck into submission. Gabriel rose, his body still sending painful jolts along his nerves, then knelt on the cold floor, placing his paws in a splayed-finger gesture on the floor and hanging his head submissively. He had learned, that such a posture occasionally - but not always - would not result in a beating, but sometimes his keepers would punish him, often, for no reason, other than their own, twisted pleasures.

Two keepers come in, the third carrying a length of poly-urethane pipe - filled with sand and capped at both ends, which he tapped against his leg, making a soft but menacing thudding sound. Gabriel swallowed, tears welling in his eyes, but he remained in the submissive posture, praying that he would be spared a beating. Two keepers roughly dragged him upright, then slammed him bodily against the wall, making Gabriel whimper in pain. He drew a gasping breath, right before one of the keepers snarled and slammed a fist into Gabriel's tender stomach, dropping the buck to his knees and making him retch pathetically, as he gasped and tried to draw breath.

"Be grateful Buck," Snarled the other keeper. "You've been...requested - by a special customer, who has paid well for your unique - services..."

All three keepers exchanged looks and laughed, as Gabriel retched and his whole body convulsed, as he tried to vomit, but only a weak, choking gurgle come from his empty stomach and throat. They roughly dragged him back up, then shackled the sobbing young Kangaroo with cruel, tight metal shackles around his slender ankles, joined in the middle by two steel bars, linked with a light, yet strong metal cable. His arms were pulled back behind him back and tied with three loops of rope around his chest, which were then tightened almost to the point of preventing Gabriel from breathing - then his tail was clamped with a metal clasp, that bit deep into his flesh and it was yanked up until it was clicked into place on a tight three-piece girdle which was affixed around Gabriel's upper thighs and waist. Gabriel tried his best not to cry, let alone whimper at the painful restraints that bound him and made walking almost impossible, but his brown eyes sparkled with tears, and he was dragged down a dimly lit hall, and into a large, stone room. Gabriel's eyes widened in terror, as he looked around at the various instruments of torture and bondage - many of which, the terrified Gabriel had experienced first-hand. He was led into the room, then forced to a stop, and his keepers bound the now crying young Buck to two large clamps on the floor, pinning his feet firmly to the floor, by shackling a coupler over the restraints around his slender ankles. They double checked the restraints, then nodded to themselves and left, closing the door - leaving Gabriel bound paw and foot, his back to the door, and no idea what was to happen.

Instinctively, Gabriel began to wriggle and twist in the tight confines of the restraints, but his keepers had bound him too well. Already, his paws felt as if the blood had been all but cut off, and is tail ached terribly, forced against the natural bone structure and ligaments, into an almost excruciating position. He knew his vulnerable groin and anus were exposed - but there was nothing Gabriel could do, to prevent it. He merely squeezed his eyes closed and wept silently, praying that this 'master' would not be anywhere as endowed as the last one - as Gabriel was certain, he'd surely suffer terrible internal injuries, so soon after being so violently raped last time.

As the steel door squeaked open, Gabriel heard a soft grunt - wether it was in appreciation, or disgust, he didn't know. Heavy booted footsteps come closer and closer, then without warning, a Keeper grasped Gabriel by the ears and twisted them savagely, making Gabriel throw back his head and shriek in agony, before a tight leather muzzle was pulled over his muzzle and the straps tightened to an excruciating level, behind his ears. The keeper double-checked the bindings, then left the room, and Gabriel broke down - his self-control and reserves of strength disappearing, as he hung his head and cried in terror.

For thirty minutes, Gabriel hung in this cruel harness, each passing second bringing more and more pain, yet he knew better, than to try to struggle. Finally, the door opened again, and out of the corner of his eye, Gabriel watched a gurney being wheeled in - which was stopped near to him, and Gabriel sniffled and tried to stop crying, knowing his 'masters' often disliked it when he cried. His ankles were unshackled, then pulled apart, forcing Gabriel's legs apart, and the gurney was positioned beneath Gabriel, who sniffled and tried to look down, but the tight ropes prevented much movement of his head. Already, he was struggling to breathe, his heartbroken sobbing and grief choking his lungs and throat with phlem, making breathing so much more difficult.

Suddenly, a noose was slung about Gabriel's throat and savagely pulled upwards, until Gabriel was forced to stand on his toes, as he gagged and choked, the noose clawing tighter and tighter the more he struggled. Only with an extreme effort, could Gabriel force himself back up onto his toes, giving him a few precious seconds of air, before his weakened muscles gave out and he dropped back to the floor - and the noose began strangling him again. He heard ragged panting behind him, then out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a man slide his naked body onto the gurney, and using one hand to hold onto the strangling Kangaroo, the other holding his erect penis, he manoeuvred himself until his penis lined up with Gabriel's tightly puckered sphincter - then as Gabriel lifted himself onto his toes and gulped down a few hurried breaths - the human grinned and waited, before Gabriel dropped back down - and impaled himself onto the humans barely lubricated length.

Pain instantly lanced through Gabriel's already tortured groin, as he felt his weight pushing him down further and further, as the human lay beneath him and shuddered in sadistic delight.

"Oh, yes - that's a good buck - " Growled the human, as he grasped the girdle around Gabriel's waist and pulled him down even harder, burying his full length into Gabriel's young body.

Gabriel gagged and strangled, his paws convulsing and twitching as he struggled to break free - but there was no remorse, for the human pushed a button and the gurney tilted forwards slightly, pushing the humans length even deeper than Gabriel had thought possible. Just as Gabriel was about to lose his conciousness, the human pushed him upwards - sliding himself almost completely free, before Gabriel screamed and choked down more short, panting gasps - before the human grinned - and grasped the straps either side of Gabriel's hips.

"Master...please - please don't - " Gabriel rasped, his voice a weak croak.

With an angry snarl, the human seized the straps tight, then yanked Gabriel down violently, plunging his impressive length deeply into Gabriel's already tortured anal passage - and choking off Gabriel's oxygen once again. Each downwards thrust of the human, made Gabriel buck and convulse, even more so as the human intentionally held Gabriel pinned down longer and longer each time, the now hysterical buck thrashing wildly, as his lungs burned for a few precious gulps of air.

Gabriel began to wildly convulse, his tongue lolling from the corner of his mouth and foam frothing his lips, as the human watched and chuckled - before finally letting Gabriel push himself back up and choked down a dozen short, rasping breaths.

"Oh, a little excited - are we Bucky?" Chuckled the man, as he pulled Gabriel back down, this time more gently - and Gabriel bucked and struggled.

Cupping Gabriel's testicles in one hand, the human ran his palm along Gabriel's rapidly firming erection - Gabriel wept and squeezed his eyes tightly closed, feeling his arousal, and knowing there was nothing he could do to stop it. It was natural - a human mating him, always somehow got Gabriel aroused, and as he gasped and struggled, the human began sadistically caressing and rubbing Gabriel's testicles, and began masturbating the strangling Buck.

"Listen well, Joey - " Growled the man. "If you dare even think about coming, before I do - I'll make sure you never wish you'd ever met me..."

At the last, the man squeezed Gabriel's testicles tightly, making Gabriel buck wildly in the restraints and scream breathlessly - before the human pushed him back up and let the exhausted and tortured buck breathe again. Gabriel was beyond screaming, the agony from being taken so cruelly, conflicted with the sickening ache from his testicles, yet the feeling of the human masturbating him was another confliction, that Gabriel's frenzied mind could not comprehend.

Thankfully, after less than ten minutes of this excruciating torture, the human savagely buried himself into Gabriel's anus - and he screamed in pure lust - as Gabriel bucked and twisted, suffocating as the human ejaculated deep inside Gabriel. Mere seconds later, Gabriel uttered a piercing, strangled gurgle and his own white, ropey semen spurted forth, spattering the humans hand and chest. Gabriel fully expected to die - his eyes growing glazed and tongue lolling, as the emotions of being so brutally raped, yet the sweet release of his orgasm, conflicting with the suffocation, led Gabriel to an orgasm, he'd never before imagined possible...

With a final series of strangled gurgles, Gabriel lapsed into unconsciousness, mostly through lack of oxygen, then seconds later he was cruelly slapped across the snout and forced to breathe, as the human gave a few more short, sharp bucks against Gabriel's tortured anus - and then glared up at him.

"I'm going to let you out of this harness buck - " Gurgled the man, as he squeezed Gabriel's throbbing testicles in a painful squeeze. "Then, you're going to clean me off - with your tongue - do you understand me? If you don't do exactly - as I tell you - I'll kick your fucking head through your tender young ass-hole - are we clear?"

Gabriel, barely concious, couldn't make a sound, his throat felt as if it'd be rubbed with a metal file, and his lung shrieked for breath, all he could do, was hang there, impaled on the humans member inside him, and hope this would all be over soon. At last, the human pushed Gabriel back up, slowly pulling himself free, and Gabriel wept bitterly, feeling his tortured muscles trying to hold in the semen inside him, but a fair bit dribbled out through his weakened sphincter and then the human pushed himself and the gurney back - before he rose and slipped the noose from Gabriel's neck. Finally, Gabriel tried to draw great, convulsive breaths, but through his raw throat, only come a faint whistle of air. He was beyond agony - beyond almost all feeling, as the human released Gabriel's paws and unclasped his tail, which fell limply to the ground with a smack, then removed the tight leather muzzle, before unbinding Gabriel's paws.

"Now Buck - " Growled the man, as he held his still firm erection before Gabriel's nostrils. "Start licking, and if I even think I feel one of your teeth - I'll hurt you in ways you can't even begin to understand - I promise you!"

Gabriel retched and gurgled, then rubbed his throat with his aching paws, then immediately closed his eyes and with a fearful reaching out, took the humans penis in his shivering paws - and began obediently licking.

"No Buck," Grinned the man. "Suck it - suck it like you would your mothers tit - "

Gabriel whimpered, but obeyed, slowly flicking his tongue over and around the humans penis - and ever so gently, taking it into his muzzle, then pressing it to the back of his throat. Gabriel had learned how to please a master, and as he began swallowing and suckling, the human rested his hands on Gabriel's head and pushed Gabriel's head further and further down, forcing his penis into Gabriel's throat. Biting back an instinct to gag, Gabriel sniffled in fear and continued suckling, his tongue flicking over and around the humans length, paying particular attention to the flared ridge up near the head.

"Oh...good boy - " Gurgled the human, as he caressed Gabriel's ears.

Gabriel ignored everything, except concentrating purely on getting through this humiliating and unpleasant experience, as quickly as he could possibly manage. Minute after minute, Gabriel continued suckling this human, knowing if he displeased his 'master' in any way, it'd be reported to the keepers, and that's after his master had probably beaten him to within an inch of his life. Suddenly, Gabriel's eyes snapped open and he tasted the first precursors to a human ejaculation, and before he could prepare himself - hot, sticky semen spurted down his throat, as the human groaned and pressed Gabriel's head forwards, until Gabriel's nose was pressed into the pubic hair of his human master. Pulse after sickening pulse spurted forth, and Gabriel instinctively began swallowing, inadvertently further pleasuring his human master, as each swallow made Gabriel's throat muscles contract and ripple - sending pleasure beyond reckoning through his humans body.

Finally, Gabriel finished swallowing the sickening fluids and he licked the human clean from chest to groin, tasting his own salty semen, before the human roughly pulled him back up and cupped a soft, fleshy hand below Gabriel's chin, forcing him to look up.

"You were...quite pleasurable buck - I will remember you fondly. Maybe next time, you'll be more - appreciative, of your human masters, and what they do for you!"

Gabriel put every ounce of fake pleasure into his dry, rasping voice, as he gazed up at the human, then weakly bowed his head.

"Thank you master, for allowing me to serve you - " Gabriel whispered, his ears flat and eyes submissively lowered.

Without another word, the human dressed in a loose robe, then left the room, closing the heavy door behind him, leaving Gabriel to drop to his knees and clutch his stomach, as he began gagging, trying to purge his stomach, and wishing someone, anyone, would free him from this terrible existence.

To Be Continued

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