The Firm

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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A young College Intern gets an offer he can't refuse...

The Firm

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

8th August, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

James was nervous; beyond nervous, as the BOSS, so he was referred to by the other employees, had summoned him, telling him to bring the latest revenue projections for the company. Tugging at the black tie that complemented his white shirt, the timid Whitetail made what he felt was the march of the damned towards the boss's office.

Others watched him, rising from their cubicles, as he passed, his hollow clopping footsteps almost muffled.

"He's in for it now!"

"Poor Intern - they never last..."

"I hope it'll go easy for him..."

All these voices blended together, as the increasingly terrified Whitetail marched towards the frosted glass doors. They felt like they were a million miles away and his hooves were being slogged through thick, viscous mud. Yet before his self-confidence could be reasserted, he felt the icy cold grip of the door handle in his paw.

Swallowing what felt like a planetary body that'd lodged in his furred throat, James drew a quavering breath and opened the door. Instantly, the freezing cold blast of the air conditioning chilled the sweat that trickled down his back and he stepped into the office.

"Sir - " Stammered James, as he clutched the folders to his chest and felt like he wanted to sink into the floor.

A high backed executive chair with its back to him faced him, as it slowly turned, revealing inch by inch, the most feared and respected creature to work for the Firm. It was a grey and black mottled Timber Wolf, a blue-tooth headpiece clipped to one ear. In his paw he held a coffee cup that looked like a midget in the massive furred paw that held it, and as the hazel eyes locked on the terrified brown ones of the deer, he felt himself wilt to insignificance under those intense predatory orbs.

Gesturing with his free paw, the Wolf nodded twice, then his gruff, harsh voice rang out loudly.

"I don't care what it takes, get it done, and get it done NOW!"

Touching an index finger to the earpiece, the Wolf sat the cup down with a loud thud on the corner of his desk, then clasped his paws before him.

"Ah, Mr Kenderson - " Come the growl as the wolf stood up, towering over the diminutive Whitetail and holding out a massive paw. "You're our new intern I believe, welcome!"

Timidly, James took the paw, noticing his own was dwarfed by the Wolfs, who squeezed hard and firmly. James had to fight to resist the whimper of pain, as he nodded, not knowing what else to do.

"Yes, sir - the revenue projections, as you asked for - sir."

Taking the folder, the wolf sat back down and opened it. His eyebrows raised as he quickly scanned the documented pages.

"Revenue projections, floor plans, did you get a design group in to assist with this?"

'No, sir - " James murmured, intimidated by the massive Wolf before him, especially those large fangs that shone through when he spoke.

"Cost analysis...outstanding work, you sure you did this, yourself?"

"Yes, sir. I've been studying hard at college, and this gave me the opportunity - I hope you're not angry with me, sir, for going over the assigned expectations. I didn't mean to overstep my bounds!"

Going through it again, the wolf shook his head, absorbing the information that the terrified Whitetail had produced.

"Incredible...absolutely outstanding..." Muttered the wolf. "I'd expect this sort of effort from a ten year veteran - and all this, from a mere intern!"

Taking a shuddering sigh of relief James managed a weak smile.

"Sir, thank you, that means...a lot to me."

Standing, the Wolf grinned at the Intern, as he began walking around the large, ornate desk.

"Sir?" James squeaked, backing up until he bumped against the wall, then nervously looked from side to side.

"I think you have tremendous potential..." Murmured the Wolf, as he leant against his desk, reaching up to unclasp his tie and loosen the buttons of his shirt in a casual manner. "I'm tempted to contract you here and now...truly, that was fine work youngster - I'm not_easily_ impressed!"

"Thank you...sir - " James murmured, his hooflets starting a nervous staccato against the wall.

"There's just a matter of a minor formality..." Grinned the wolf, as he laughed and stood up, then walked back around his desk and opened a drawer.

"Sir?" James stammered.

"Oh, just some paperwork and...a little extra something..."

"I don't think..." James began.

"Nonsense, if you want to work for this firm, its a per-requsite I'm afraid!"

James blinked, watching as the Wolf's eyes glinted as he winked at James. Standing back up, the Boss moved over and leant back against the desk. In his large paw, he held out two foil wrapped packages. Fearfully, James looked down, then back up and his ears flattened as his eyes widened.

"I think you got the wrong impression, sir - " James squeaked nervously.

"I politely beg to differ - I've seen the report from HR, they're_quite_ thoughrough in the screening process..."

"I...I thought if they knew I was..._what_I was..."

"I see much potential in you, young Stag, now, enough chit chat - pass this final interview, and the job is yours for the offering. There are many benefits to be had..."

James sniffled in fear, then he nodded and looked around. Before he realised it, the Wolf bent him over his desk, one large paw pinning him there as the other fumbled with the stag's belt and then his trousers. They slid down Jame's thighs, as the wolf grinned and there was the soft hiss of his own belt then the quiet purr of his own trousers. With a soft lick to the trembling Stag's head, then wolf grinned and muttered.

"Do please try to be quiet..."


Forty minutes later, there was a loud cervine squeal and a heavy crash from the office, followed by a grunt from a distinctly wolfish throat. Some of the staff exchanged glances and a few others giggled and nodded, before quickly turning back to their work.


James crept meekly out of the office, his shirt unbuttoned and belt hanging unbuckled, as he wobbled over and pressed a quivering paw against the wall, panting and shuddering. A young Otter walked over then handed the panting stag a paper cup with water and two small green coloured tablets.

"Take these - they'll help - " Whispered the otter, then dropped them into Jame's paw.

Frowning, James threw the tablets into his muzzle, then washed it down with the water as he began hobbling back to his assigned cubicle. He felt his phone start vibrating in his pocket, before he shuddered and slid it free then looked down at the screen.

_Mother_Flashed at him.

"Oh...great - " James gurgled.

James was still trembling, as he held his phone to his ear. His rump ached and he knew it'd be days before he could sit properly, without discomfort. He sighed and tried to compose himself.

He pressed the green symbol with his thumb, then a feminine voice answered.

"Hello mother - " James tried to put a level of calmness back into his voice.

"James, oh honey, how are you, its been so long and - "

James held the phone at arms length letting his mother babble for about ten minutes.

"Mother? I... just called to let you know-- the... the interview... um... it went better than expected-- really well, in fact. Yeah-- my boss found a position for me. No, he's going to pay for my college tuition, whats left of it!. I start tomorrow. It pays really well, even if he's going to be riding me hard."

"Oh, honey, that's wonderful news, wait until I tell your father, he'll be so ecstatic..."

"N-no, Mother... he's an okay guy, but I guess he expects great things from me which is why he chose me as his assistant... Yes mother, I know its not what was expected - but he's told me it comes with a lot of perks... He's a wolf, a Timber Wolf, no, he's great, honestly! Made me one of the boys... I'm sure it'll be good for me, even if he's a hard man-- uh-- to work under, but he said I show a lot of promise... yes mother, I love you too, goodbye...."

James hung up and pocketed the phone again, resuming his slow, weak hobble back towards his desk, where someone had thoughtfully placed an inflatable doughnut pillow, and a card lay on his keyboard.

"Hi, glad to have you aboard, if there's anything you need, call extension #384, ask for Cassie. I'm from HR, don't let that fool you, we're all an okay bunch! We're all here for you, and welcome to the firm!"

James gingerly sat down, then rested his head on his paws and shuddered.


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