Rennae's Tale

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#3 of Rennae's Tale

Rennae finds herself out of the frying pan, and straight into the fire...

Rennae's Tale

Chapter Three

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

5thAugust, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

Adrenaline flooded Rennae's body, as she spun about again, trying to find a way to escape - but these wolves, for that's what her terrified mind told her, had penned her in. There would be no escape - and the scariest thing was - they wouldn't wait for her to be dead before they started eating...

As Rennae lowered her head, then felt her dewlaps curl back she was adamant she'd do her best to take at least one of them down with her, before she fell. As they circled and darted in, testing her, Rennae snapped and lashed out at them with teeth and hooves.

As sharp yelp was head as Rennae's hind leg caught one in the shoulder, she heard and felt the sickening crunch of bones as it whine and limped away, before the others snarled. Rennae screamed, feeling one leap onto her back the sharp claws tearing at her fur as it struggled to hold on, then the largest darted forwards and Rennae choked as his fangs gripped from the underside of her throat and began suffocating her.

Struggling futilely, Rennae was forced to the ground, as the largest wolf bit down, his fangs piercing her neck and Rennae felt the warm blood trickling down her neck as the Wolf's grip intensified - before he snapped his head back and barked loudly. To Rennae's surprise, the other wolves backed off and crouched, their bellies on the ground.

_What...what's going on...what trickery is this..._Rennae's terrified mind whirled.

As she watched, the largest shook his head and snarled as one of the pack began to rise, forcing the bitch back onto her belly, before she rolled over showing the submissive pose. Satisfied, the Alpha, Rennae figured that much out, walked around before her, then stared into her eyes. Rennae was held transfixed by those intense golden orbs - that chilled her to her very soul. Unable to break the gaze, Rennae stood trembling, blood trickling from the wounds in her neck and the scratches on her body.

He looked at her, then dropped to his front knees, one leg stretched out as he made an odd and formal bow, his lips parting as he held the bow before her then spoke - his voice clean and human-like, but still retaining traces of the wolf.

"Hail sister, Therian..."


Did that.... Rennae shook her head, then frowned.

"Therian, I tasted your blood, I know what you are little sister, forgive us! We had no idea..." Spoke the Alpha, as he shook his head and stepped back again.

As Rennae watched, both surprised and terrified as she heard the other wolves rise, then pad around her to lay beside their alpha. He looked at her, then bowed his head, before he shuddered and as Rennae stared wide-eyed he transformed from his wolfen self to a human in a heartbeat.

In its place, stood a man, about six feet at least, his features unmistakably Native American. He was naked as the day he'd been born, a fact that wasn't lost on Rennae, but his beautifully muscled physique and appearance swept away her fears as she looked him over from foot to head and back again.

"Hail sister, I am Black Paw, Alpha of the Cnidarian Pack. This youngster here - " He gestured to the wolf to his left, who rose and yipped, then wagged her tail. "That is our youngest member, Leah Surefoot. To my right, is Vae Swiftrunner! I wish to formally apologise sister, we thought you were - well - prey... We're teaching Leah how to hunt in the pack."

Rennae backed away, shaking her head and trembling, causing the two younger, more submissive wolves to start quivering in anticipation.

"ENOUGH!" Snapped the Alpha, his voice cracking with power and awesome command that even Rennae felt wash over her and force her to stand. "I apologise sister, they're young and you were going to run...please don' is exceptionally hard for us to resist the urge to pursue."

Rennae shook violently, as she looked from one to the other then she swallowed and her body began shaking.

"She's going into shock - " Spoke Vae, glancing at her Alpha.

"What should we do..." Leah asked.

Whimpering and staggering back, Rennae trembled worse, her head weaving form side to side, as she fought the terror that flooded her. Barks, grunts and other cries were torn from her throat.

"Easy sister, we will not..."

"Wait for it - " Leah shook her head, then laid down, placing her muzzle on her paws.

"Easy, no one will hurt you, I promise on my word as Alpha of the pack..."

Rennae shook her head violently, her fear overriding her common sense before she uttered a piercing bleat, turned and fled blindly - straight into a thick oak tree with a sickening crunch before she fell and lay twitching on the ground.

"Is she..." Leah moaned, rising and taking a half step. Before Black Paw lifted a hand and stopped her.

He walked over to where Rennae lay, then he placed a hand on her throat and felt the rapid, but thready pulse.

"She's alive, lets get her back to the pack house - she needs to recover and there's a lot we need to tell her..."

"I'm not sure that's a good idea - " Vae murmured. "You know that Darald has been having some control issues with his wolf..."

"I gave her my word, nobody will harm a single hair on her head - or they'll face me!" Black Paw grunted, as he knelt down and scooped up Rennae as if she was just a fawn and lifted her up. "Come on pups, lets go get our clothes and the car."


Rennae reluctantly returned to consciousness, finding herself hobbled by tight leather restraints, laying on a pallet of straw in a large surprisingly warm cell like block. A cold cloth was gently touched to her forehead and Rennae winced and cried out as pain lanced through her head and into her mind.

"Easy girl," Come a sweet, innocent voice. "You've got quite a lump on your head! You hit that oak tree pretty hard!"

Rennae sniffed, but she could only smell the scent of peppermint and lavender.

'Oh, about that - " Come the voice. "It's designed to calm and make you restful - I'm Leah, Leah Surefoot - do you remember?"

Rennae blinked and struggled, then Leah sighed and placed a hand on Rennae's neck. "No, please don't struggle little one. You're bound for your protection - and ours. You're safe - as safe as we can make it of course!"

Rennae struggled again, then Leah sighed as she waited for Rennae to realise she was well and truly bound.

"Now, come on, you're safe! I promise... You don't want to get tranquillised, do you?"

Rennae swallowed, then weakly shook her head, then glanced around at the room. Uncertainty shone in her eyes, as she crudely measured it out to be approximately ten metres on a side, with a iron door to her left, which, Rennae assumed, was locked from the outside.

"I wouldn't try escaping - " Leah chuckled. "Those bars and walls also have bars - and they're filled with, no, you can't get out! Even if you could, there's Werewolves in this house do you_really_ think you'd get more than up those stairs?"

Rennae shuddered and let her head sink back onto her forelegs.

"No, I didn't think so..." Leah smiled, then gently stroked Rennae's neck. "I've never met a Therian before, so...forgive me if I seem over curious! You can - you know - talk, like we Were's, right?"

Rennae swallowed, then looked at the water bowl, before bleating softly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, you're probably thirsty! Here!"

Leah retrieved the bowl, then held it before Rennae's muzzle, watching as the Whitetail dipped her head and took a dozen deep drinks, before nodding. Leah put the bowl aside, then smiled and tenderly stroked Rennae's shoulder.

"Your fur, its so soft - just like a real deer!"

Rennae shuddered, knowing this thing who chattered incessantly and touched her, was an Apex predator and could turn her into a hot lunch in a heartbeat. Despite her best efforts to suppress her fear, it started to become noticeable.

'Hey, come on now - " Leah shuddered, and stroked Rennae's neck gently. "I told you, there's no need to be afraid, you're under our Alpha's protection! So...please, try to relax! We're going to look after you, well, I am! I'm Leah, Leah Swiftfoot - remember?"

Shuddering, Rennae twitched, then in a weak, muted voice she whispered. " name is...Rennae..."


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