Locker Room Tales

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#4 of Locker Room Tales

Patrick, Ebony, Chester and James head up to the mountain lack for a weeks worth of camping and relaxation, but things don't exactly go to plan...

Locker Room Tales

Chapter Three - Camping Trip -

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

3rdAugust, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

Ebony slumped on the cafeteria table, holding his black furred head up with one paw as the other weakly shovelled food into his mouth.

"Hey!" James snickered. "Chuck, did you have to break Ebony? What _did_you do to him last night?"

"Uh....what?" Come the slow drawl from the Clyde, as he frowned and looked at the assembled friends. "What happened?"

Chester rolled his eyes and shook his head slowly as James burst into laughter.

"Feeling a little under the weather today Ebony? A little sore in the saddle?"

"I don't want to talk about it - " Ebony's weak mumble come.

"Um...someone broke something?" Chuck grunted, as he scratched at the back of his head.

"Never-mind stud!" James grinned, slapping the Clyde on the back. "I'm both shocked and amazed!"

"Shaddap - " Ebony moaned, then winced and rubbed a paw over his rump self-consciously.

This elicited much laughter from the Stallions, except for Chuck, who sat there staring and confused at what they were laughing about. Finally, the joking at Ebony's expense done with for the moment, Patrick joined them and took a seat.

"So, with the break coming up - I could use some down time! Whose up for going up to Blue Lake for a week's vacation and camping? Clear skies, beautiful surrounds, deep lake to swim in..."

"I'm down for that!" James nodded. "Count me in!"

'I'll go - " Chester spoke up. "Ebony?"

"I got nothing planned..."

"Gasp! I don't believe it! Ebony's little black book - "

"Not so little - " Patrick snickered. "Thing must be like a damn Encyclopedia set"!

"Hey!" Ebony retorted, then winced and resumed eating.

"Chuck?" Patrick asked. "You want to come with us?"

"Sorry, got to get back to the farm - its planting season and they need me."

"As a horse to pull the plough - " Ebony muttered under his breath.

"Ebony!" Chester snorted, then poked him in the ribs with his elbow.

"Okay, so we got myself, Ebony, Patrick, Chester, you coming?"

"Sure, why not - will do me good to get away from the high society expectations of my parents, I'm in."

"Awesome!" Patrick grinned its a date, everyone write it down and we'll hit that place hard and fast like last year at Spring Break!"

"Please don't bring that up - " Ebony moaned.

":Why? I thought it was hilarious, by the end of Spring Break, you almost had to be carried out in a wheelchair!"

'It wasn't my fault..." Ebony murmured.

Once again, this was met with hilarity and chuckles at Ebony's expense.


As promised, a week later they pulled into their assigned camping spot, and Ebony was the first out of Chester's expensive SUV, Ebony stretched and tilted his head back, drawing deeply of the fresh mountain air.

"Time for relaxing later colt - " James admonished him. "We need to get firewood and get the tents set up and the SUV unpacked, hop to it!"

"I'm a Freisan!" Ebony snorted. "The epitome of equine good looks and - "

Ebony squealed, as Chester gripped him by the nape and twisted it slightly.

"Here, you're one of us, and you're going to do your share!" Chester grunted, then let him go.

"Oh, let the mare have her fun!" Patrick snickered. "You're always so hard on her!"

"Who you calling a Mare?" Ebony shot back, then laughed with the rest of them."

Taking a moment, they all looked out over the calm waters of the lake, before setting to their pre-assigned tasks. Before sundown, they had the tents set up, the SUV unpacked and the fireplace situated in the middle, three large logs serving as a chair for them to sit on.

"Ugh, roughing it with a bunch of uncivilised Colts - how will I survive without my shampoo and hair dryer and my nightly showers!" Ebony moaned theatrically.

"You'll survive colt," Patrick snickered. "Might even toughen you up a bit!"

"I'll die without my conveniences!" Ebony moaned, then theatrically swooned causing James to grunt and catch him.

"You'll live, I'm sure, besides, it'll do you the world of good to get away from all this high technology, don't want yourself to go to fat and wasted potential, do you?" Patrick laughed. "A sexy young Freisan turned into a butter ball!"

"I'd never!" Ebony sulked. "I'm proud of my shape, we Freishan's have a reputation to live -"

"Down to!" James snickered, and everyone burst into laughter.

"Keep it up - " Ebony shot back.

"Hell, could a mare even get it up?" Patrick grinned. "What an interesting concept! A challenge for you all - see who has the sexual stamina of our feral ancestors!"

"Excuse me?" Ebony snorted.

James chuckled and shook his head, then ruffled his mane with a hoof. "Can we disqualify Ebony?"

"Hey!" Ebony snorted. "That one time wasn't my fault..."

Patrick and the others burst into new laughter. "Took hours to clean the room after that Ebony - why didn't you tell us you were so pent up!"

"I wasn't pent up!" Ebony squirmed in embarrassment. "James just...did that thing where he..."

James blushed and gripped Ebony's muzzle, silencing him. "Shush you!"

Ebony's ears flattened and he snorted, before shaking his head.

"I reckon I could outlast the lot of you!" Patrick snorted, lifting his Palomino head to look up at the sky. "Us Palomino's being the studs we are!"

"Oh, please, I'd give you a half hour head start, and you'd still lose!" James playfully teased.

Chester looked down at his muzzle, then snorted at both of them. "A Palo and a Paint? Really? This is the competition I'd be up against? I'd barely get it up and you lot would be flat on your backs snoring from exhaustion!"

"Is that a challenge I hear?" James grinned. "From the Thoroughbred no less! Someone finally take that fir tree out of your ass Chester?"

"Oh, har har har, such wit!" Chester growled, then snorted. "You two are some hybrid horse, me? I'm the genuine article, my ancestry goes back over three hundred years of award and cup winning Thoroughbred's!"

"Award for being the biggest ass-holes?" Patrick grinned. "Brashest and loudest stick in the mud's?"

"You're_so_ witty!" Chester snorted disdainfully. "I'll accept the challenge, so, whats the reward when I win this ridiculous macho contest?"

"Ebony!" James grinned, then slapped Ebony on the back.

"Wait...what?" Ebony squealed, his ears flattening and eyes widening.

"I accept - " Chester grinned, then leaned over and cupped Ebony's chin in his paws, before staring down his muzzle at Ebony. "It _has_been a while..."

Looking from one to the other, Ebony blushed and hung his head, before walking over to the icebox and retrieving a carrot which he started eating.

"Poor Ebony, he's going to get broken - " James snickered.

"Chuck already did that!" Patrick grinned.

"Still amazes me..." Come the unbelieving sniff from James.


That night, replete with a stew that Ebony had made on the campfire, more than a few cans of beer each, Ebony leaned back and let rip with a tremendous belch.

"Impressive!" Others commented. "Better that end than the other, we'd not have heard it!"

"Oh, har har har!" Ebony snorted, as he poked his tongue out at Patrick. "We playing the machismo game or were you colts all talk?"

Patrick stood up, a little uneasy on his hooves, before he dropped his jeans and kicked them off, then sat down and let himself hang out.

"Oh, that's cute!" Ebony squealed, looking at Patrick's penis. "Does it come in an adult size?"

"Keep it up Ebony, I'll shove this down your throat!" Patrick snorted.

"Promise?" Ebony squealed, flagging his tail from side to side.

"You're incorrigible!" Patrick laughed.

Next, Chester unbuckled his belt and then his expensive designer trousers, sliding them down his deep brown thighs and taking them off. As he sat down, Ebony squealed and giggled.

"Oh, Chester you naughty boy! I've seen bigger wicks on a candle!"

"Keep it up Ebony, and I'll make you think Chuck bred you!"

"Your turn stud!" Ebony giggled and gestured at James.

"Prepare to be ashamed, the lot of you!" James stood up and dropped his jeans, letting it all hang out in the cool night air.

"Ooh, can I have it?" Ebony teased playfully. "It's like a half sucked tic-cat!"

With a snort, James flipped Ebony off and looked at the other three half-dressed stallions. "Hmm, Ebony's only got two holes, how will this work at teaching him his lessons?"

"Hey!" Ebony squealed. "Besides...I still got two paws!"

"Shush foal, the Stallions are talking!" Patrick grinned, and slapped Ebony on the shoulder.

"Fine..." Ebony huffed, then bit the carrot in half.

"To make it fair, I say we use Ebony's muzzle - at least she might feel it!" Chester suggested.

"Oh, har har!" Ebony snorted.

"Oh my, been some time since I've had the pleasure of that!" James grinned.

"Alright," Chester looked at Ebony, who dug through his jeans until he produced a coin. "Heads is mine, you and me James, lets flip for it!"

Ebony flicked his thumb, spinning the coin up above their heads, and watched it land. "Tails!"

"Now, you and James, Patrick"

"Tails - " James called out, as Ebony flicked the coin.

Ebony watched it spin up and back down, glimmering in the firelight.

"Oh, bad luck - heads it is!" Ebony snickered.

"Now, Patrick and myself, I'll go heads again, thank you Ebony." Chester spoke calmly.

A third time, Ebony spun the coin, and when it landed they all crowded around to look.

"Tails! Hahahahaha - Patrick's the lucky winner!" Ebony squealed and clapped his paws together.

"Oh, thanks a lot..." Patrick blushed, then ruffled the back of his head, scratching his mane. "How we doing this..."

"Let me show you!" Ebony grinned, then knelt before Patrick, gazing up at him and taking Patrick's leathery scrotum in his paws and gently caressing the firm orbs within.

"Fuck..." Patrick gurgled, as Ebony began licking and nibbling his way up the velvety sheath.

"Not yet..." Ebony grinned, then with one paw, began gently stroking Patrick's sheath, watching as his gentle touch soon brought Patrick to full arousal. "MMM, smells delicious..."

Ebony slicked his ears back, nostrils flared before he wrapped both paws around Patrick's engorged member and opened his muzzle, gently taking it inside his mouth.

"Damn you Ebony...stop..." Patrick gurgled, as he twitched and his tail flagged.

"Hah!" James snickered. "One thrust and done?"

Chester snorted. "He's not that, care to make a little side bet?"

Ebony grinned and looked up at Patrick, before he closed his dark eyelids and began suckling with eagerness and enthusiasm. Ebony's head slid from the flaring penile head down past the medial ring and back as his throat muscles worked overtime and his salivary glands filled his muzzle.

"Fff....." Patrick gurgled, his legs quivering.

"Two minutes!" Chester called out, watching the clock. "I'm impressed!"

Ebony's tail flagged wildly, as he continued suckling like a nursing foal, before Patrick whinnied and gripped Ebony's ears tightly with his paws.

"Urk!" Ebony gagged, as Patrick ground his hips forwards and began wildly ejaculating down Ebony's throat in a dozen strong spurts.

"Woo -" James snickered. "Two minutes twenty-five seconds - a new record!"

"Fuck...Ebony - " Patrick grunted, as his erection wilted and he stepped backwards, sliding himself from Ebony's quivering muzzle.

Swallowing, Ebony shuddered and looked up. "Not...bad..."

Chester shook his head. "How do you do that? I've tried, I can't suppress my gag reflex and the taste!"

Ebony accepted a drink of water, which he gulped down and handed the bowl back. "It' acquired taste..." Ebony coughed. "Round two anyone?"

Ebony blinked, as James tapped him on the rump, then as Ebony turned around, he had a firm patchwork coloured penis slap him on the nose that stood proud and upright.

"Eager, I like it!" Ebony giggled, then licked his lips and swallowed again.

James grinned then cupped Ebony's chin in his paws. "If you're talking, you're not helping me win this wager!"

Ebony snorted, then tossed his head as James tapped him on the forehead and rested one paw on his hip.

"Time!" Chester laughed. "Five bucks says James won't beat your time Patrick!"

Ebony blinked as James slid himself into Ebony's warm, inviting muzzle, the younger Stallion closing his eyes and starting to excite his throat muscles.

"Damn..." James gurgled, as Ebony opened his eyes, tipped the Paint a wink and started slurping harder, his broad tongue curling as he swallowed the saliva that built up in his muzzle.

Patrick sneaked up behind James, who was obvious as he succumb to Ebony's eagerness and gifted muzzle, then he tipped a wink to Chester who shook his head and snickered.

Lifting Jame's tail, Patrick slid one paw around Jame's hips, then hilted himself into the Paint in one smooth stroke then gripped his hips.

"MMMmph!" Ebony grunted, eyelids smashing open as he had the full length of the Paint rammed down his throat.

James whinnied loud and long, his head thrown back as he grunted and shot his full load down Ebony's throat in six quick spurts.

"Fuck you..." James grunted as Ebony snickered and swallowed, then looked up at James who panted and shuddered. "That's cheating..."

"One minute five seconds!" Chester laughed hysterically.

Leaning his head over Jame's shoulder, Patrick grunted and caressed the panting Stallion's hips. "You're not as nice as Ebony...but you'll do..."

James snorted and as Ebony began suckling again, James's knees turned to jelly. He was being bred by the larger Stallion, whilst in turn being orally pleasured by Ebony.

"I wish I had a camera - " Chester laughed, as he sat on the log watching them going at it.

"Shut up Chester!" James grunted, then tilted his head back as Patrick snickered and bit down on his right shoulder. "Gah.,..easy!"

"Yes, I know you are..." Patrick growled, as he ground his hips against James, then shuddered as he twitched and gave the squirming Paint his seed in strong pulses.

"Ooh...." James gasped. "I'd forgotten how..."

Ebony snorted, flattening his ears, as despite all he tried, he failed to get James off again, so he carefully pushed himself backwards and gripped James length in his black paws.

"A minute..." Ebony coughed, then laughed weakly. "I was expecting to have to work for it!"

"Patrick cheated!" James grunted, as Patrick snickered in his ear, holding the smaller Paint tight.

"So - one challenger left..." Ebony grinned, looking at Chester, who raised an eyebrow.

"I think not!" Chester snorted. "I have no wish to provide you colts with mindless entertainment!"

"Aw, don't be like that Chestie!" Ebony winked, listening as James whinnied again and Ebony turned to watch Patrick's lips curl back as he drive himself t the hilt inside James again. "Hey! Don't break him! Save some for me!"

"Ebony, I swear - you're incorrigible!" Chester growled, then shook his head.

"Me?" Ebony laughed, then his tail swished from side to side. "I'm sweet and innocent, I swear it!"

Ebony placed a paw over his heart, trying to look all hurt and offended, but he was met by six eyes that stared incredulously at him.

"Okay, fine, I admit it - I'm a whore - and a damn good one too!" Ebony giggled helplessly. "I should go into it professionally, I can see it now! For rent, one exceptionally studly Freisan can be yours for an hour or a night..."

"Entrance at rear - " James grunted, then moaned as he gripped his length in his paws and then stroked it twice, as Patrick bit his shoulder. With a loud, deafening squeal, James ejaculated in forceful spurts, as Ebony watched and shook his head.

"I must be losing my touch - such a waste of good salt and potassium and..."

Ebony squeaked as Chester clamped his muzzle shut. "Trust you to remember the composition of equine semen from our biology classes..."

"Mphjushgh!" Ebony muttered, then giggled deep in his throat.

"Quite..." Chester snorted, then released Ebony's muzzle.

' trying to choke me or something? That big paw of yours..." Ebony sulked. "Patrick, darling...can you not break James please? On the first night!"

"I'll try not too..." Patrick snickered.

Ebony shook his head slowly, then retreated to the cooler and retrieved himself a large bottle of fresh spring water which he thirstily chugged down as only Ebony could - as in unscrew the cap, upend it and drain it dry in two seconds flat.

"Eek!" Ebony squealed, dropping the container and clasping his head.

'What?" Come the frightened calls.

"Brain freeze!" Ebony shrieked in pain, as he clutched his head and moaned helplessly.

"Hear that?" Chester nickered. "Ebony's apparently got a brain! Who'd have thought it?"

Three voices joined in a chorus of hysterical laughter as poor Ebony dropped to his knees and moaned helplessly.


Locker Room Tales - Chapter Two - Patrick and Penelope

Locker Room Tales Chapter Two - James and Penelope © Cederwyn Whitefurr 2ndAugust, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Patrick grunted as he slowed his gallop then come to a trot and finally a brisk walk before he placed his paws on his hips and began...

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Locker Room Tales - Chapter One -

Locker Room Tales Chapter One - Ebony and Chuck © Cederwyn Whitefurr 3rdAugust, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Ebony sprawled on the bed, his dark brown eyes staring blankly at the textbook that lay before him. His ears slicked back as he rubbed at...

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Locker Room Tales - Prequel - Hung-er Games -

Hung-er Games © Cederwyn Whitefurr 2ndAugust, 2019 All Rights Reserved. It was boisterous in the locker room, as over thirty studly, masculine males moved around either undressed, dressed or clad just in towels moving too or from the showers from...

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