Locker Room Tales - Chapter Two - Patrick and Penelope

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#3 of Locker Room Tales

M/F, Locker Room Tales is a series of short viginettes from the viewpoints of a group of Stallions were were best friends growing up, and this continued through high school, and now into their adult lives at College. Patrick has had his heart set on a young Red Deer Doe, one of the cheerleaders, for some time - but he lacks the self confidance to ask her out on a date - little does he realsie, she's got self-confidance in abundance...

Locker Room Tales

Chapter Two - James and Penelope

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

2ndAugust, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

Patrick grunted as he slowed his gallop then come to a trot and finally a brisk walk before he placed his paws on his hips and began puffing, his broad nostrils flaring and made sticking to the back of his neck.

"My 90 year old grandmother could have run faster!" Come the resentful words from the Kangaroo, who clicked off his stopwatch and looked at the timer.

"Coach Blacktail - its hotter than Satan's ass after he's eaten Chilli - " Patrick grumbled, as he stumbled off the track and headed for the drink table.

"You think that time would win you any accolades?" Snapped the Kangaroo as he looked at the stopwatch again.

Downing a few drinks in quick succession, knowing he shouldn't, Patrick upended the water cooler over himself, drenching himself from head to hoof.

"I'm doing my best!" He argued, before blowing water out his nostrils.

"You'll need to do a lot better - " Grunted the Coach as she began walking off. "Hive me another six laps for backtalk, then hit the showers!"

"Oh, great, thanks..." Patrick moaned.

His eyes swept across the field to where the cheerleaders were, before he locked his gaze on them and grinned lopsidedly.

"Now Patrick - " Come the stern rebuke.

"On it sir - " Patrick muttered as he trotted out to the track again and started jogging, slowly increasing his speed as his nostrils flared and he filled his large lungs.

Soon he was back to galloping, as only an Equine can, his breathing coming easily and hooves thumping on the ground as he imagined himself in a major race. His pace began to pick up as he breathed quicker then flew past the cheerleaders his eyes tracking a young Red Doe he'd had his eye on the last semester. Tipping her a wink as he flew past, he exerted himself, trying to prove his masculinity and machismo to her.

Before he realised it, the four laps were done, and the Kangaroo Coach snapped his stopwatch and did a double take.

"Damn son, you put rockets on your hooves? That's the fastest I've seen you ever run - if you can keep that pace going, you're in with a real shot at the state championships, hell, maybe even the finals! Alright, go ht the shower, I can smell your stink from here!"

Puffing and blowing, Patrick clopped off down the tunnel towards the male lockers and the showers. Peeling off his sticky sweatshirt, he dumped it into the laundry chute then slumped down on to the bench seat as he tugged the tight hoof boots off.

"Coach riding you like a rented mule?" Come the low, quiet voice behind him.

With a violent start, Patrick looked over his shoulder at the diminutive Falabella, who sighed and pushed a broom along.

"Gods damn it Chris, you scared me half to death - don't you _ever_make noise?"

"Not if I can help it - " Come the quiet chuckle.

Leaning on the broom for a moment, Chris looked at the sweating, panting stallion.

"What I'd give - to be a big, strapping stud like you! You must be pulling all the girls from this whole state! How do you find time in your busy sexual schedule for course work, study and track practice?"

"Oh, you're funny!" Patrick snorted. "I'm not the sexual machine you think I am! I wish I was, Ebony on the other hand - how _he_ever finds time to work on his studies..."

"He worries me, I genuinely feel he's going to flunk if he doesn't bow down and get serious!" Chris muttered. "I hear things -"

"I'm not surprised, truly, its disheartening how many people overlook you - our outright treat you like you're invisible!"

Picking up his broom, Chris sighed and shook his small head, his ears slicking back. "It is what it is - can't be helped."

"It's wrong and its - whoa, is that _me_that smells like week old roadkill?"

"It's not my place to comment - " Chris whispered. "But if I was someone else, then I'd say you're way past time for a shower and soap - and to change the deodorant you use. Don't you use the special stuff designed for we anthromorphs?"

"I woke up late this morning and was in a hurry, so borrowed a human friends stuff - guess it doesn't quite work on us too well, does it?"

Staying upwind, Chris chuckled softly and shook his head. "You done in here? I need to clean up..."

"Sure, thanks for the pep talk Chris, I mean it - if there's anything I can ever do for you..."

"I am content enough, but - thank you - for your kindness."


Patrick showered scrubbing a the back of his sweaty mane with his hooflets and the soap, ensuring his golden coat and silver mane was as clean as he could manage. Stepping from the shower, refreshed and feeling much relieved, he threw on a loose sweat shirt and pants from his locker, then slammed it closed - finding Christopher standing beside him, casually leaning on the lockers.

"Gods damn it!" Patrick swore, involuntarily stamping a hoof on the floor with a loud clop. "I swear, you just materialise from thin air!"

"Maybe I'm a ghost!" Chris nickered in laughter, his voice high pitched and melodious. "Anyway, someone dropped this off for you...seems you might have an admirer lover boy!"

Taking the envelope from Chris' small paw, Patrick frowned and looked at it. Turning it over, he seen no name apart from his own on the front so he tore it open and took out a pale, almost gossamer like piece of lavender paper. A faint scent wafted to his nostrils and he held it closer, inhaling the sweet lavender smell.

"Oh..." Patrick moaned softly. "How'd they know lavender was my favourite..."

Watching on, Christopher chuckled and resumed tidying up the locker room.

Opening the letter, Patrick began to read.

Dearest one,

You don't know me, but I've been quite the admirer of how the sun sparkles of your golden pelt, your gait is like watching a running dream, forever unobtainable. I do not believe in unobtainable dreams, so I've put pen to paper...

_"_What's it say?" Chris grinned as he climbed onto the bench seat and stood up, trying to look over Patrick's shoulder.

"Hey!" Patrick squealed, clutching the letter to his chest. "What it says is none of a little Stallion's business!"

"Spoilsport!" Chris nickered, then clambered back down and wandered off.

To express my heart-set emotions for you. I do not even know your name! No, do you know mine, but I am sure you can guess - you horses are known to be quite the smart ones after all. I was wondering, call it brash and forward of me, if you would like to meet me after classes - say, 7pm under the great oak in the quad? I'm sure you'll know who sent you the letter and who will be waiting - please don't keep me waiting, will you?

It was signed off with a stylised cloven hoof print.

"She can't possibly mean me!" Patrick murmured.

"Who?" Chris called from the other side of the lockers.

"Are you really that sharp of hearing?"

"Yep, I may be small, but I got good eyesight and excellent hearing - we're not likely to fight off a predator you know! I'm...what? All of three feet two inches in height? I swear, you large breeds could step over me and barely even notice - especially that damn Shire - what did they feed him as a foal?"

"Ah, dear Chuck - he's big alright, I don't just mean his height... Ebony's told me some stories..."

"Ebony? Hah, I 'm surprised that mare hasn't tried to hit on me! Might be interesting actually...think I should try it sometime?"

"Oh, you're such a tease!" Patrick snickered. "Ebony and you? Really? He'd roll over and smother you in your sleep honey!"

"I'd ride that little filly long, and hard - see if I don't!" Chris grinned, then sat on the bench, dangling his little legs and hooves. "So, you going to accept this mysterious invitation, or are you going to tuck tail?"

"Never let it be said I'd tuck tail - I _chase_tail..."

"Sure...males usually, isn't that right stud?"

Patrick snorted, then flattened his ears and laughed shyly. "Yes..."

"Go have fun my friend, enjoy - who knows - she might be the one for you, you never know!"


That night Patrick stood under the great oak, nervously dancing from one hoof to the other, a bunch of roses clutched in his trembling paws. As he heard the quiet clip clop of hooves, his heard leapt up into his throat.

"Oh, hello - " Come a shy, demure voice.

Turning about, Patrick's eyes widened as he stared into the deep brown eyes of a beautiful young Red Deer Doe. She was dressed in a light floral dress that accentuated her beautiful lithe form perfectly.

"Oh, um, hi!" Patrick stammered, then mentally kicked himself.

Holding out the flowers, she took them from him and when her fingers touched his, he jolted as if struck by a static spark.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't hurt you, did I?" She asked, gently touching his wrist with her fingers."

"No, I'm...I'm just a bumbling fool, don't mind me, miss, uh..."

Holding out her paw, she smiled up at him, her tubular ears flicking forwards. "Penelope, but please, call me Penny - everyone does!"

Taking her paw in his, he shook it gently, then let it go, watching as she buried her nose in the roses, then to his surprise and shock, she bit the tender budding flower of one of them and began chewing on it.

"I..." Patrick stammered, then laughed softly.

"Oh, I'm sorry - its, they're beautiful - it's a bad habit of mine, I've always loved the taste of roses, especially sweet, fresh ones like these!"

Chuckling, Patrick linked her arm through his and began walking.

"So, tell me a little about yourself Penny, I've been noticing you in the cheer leaders group for some time! You're very good at it."

"Thank you, I'm trying out for the cheerleader's squad, its a lot of hard work, dedication and doing that whilst juggling my coursework..."

"Urf, I know that pain all too well!" Patrick laughed softly, watching as Penny nibbled delicately on another rose.


For hours, they talked over a lovely spaghetti dish at an Italian restaurant that Penny suggested. Patrick picked up the tab, as it was expected of him, and they caught a mid-evening moving, Penny snuggling in against him as he held her close with an arm over her shoulder.

Finally, they made their way back to the campus, before Penny took his paws in hers, standing on tippy hooves and kissing him on the velvety nose.

"I had a lovely time Patrick, but does it have to end so soon?" Penny whispered shyly, coyly looking at him through her long eyelashes.

"Well, it is nearly 10pm - " Patrick began, then blinked as Penny placed a paw on the side of his muzzle, turning his head to look into her eyes before she pressed her furred lips against his, one paw sliding down his belly and firmly gripping his sheath through the trousers.

"Mmmph!" Patrick grunted, eyes widening and tail rising like an Arabian.

"There - " Penny panted, as she smiled and caressed his cheek. "That wasn't so nasty, was it?"

"No..." Patrick blushed, his ears flattening. "I'm not very...."

"I can smell your fear young colt - come - my dorm isn't that far away, and I am one of the fortunate ones...I have a single room all too myself!"

Patrick blinked, then glanced around - waiting for some of his friends to leap out and surprise him, playing an epic practical joke - but the quad was mostly empty apart from late night students heading to their quarters.

Taking his paw, Penny smiled shyly and let the started Stallion diagonally across the quad and touching her key-card to the entrance lock. It buzzed and she pulled open the doors and stepped through, still leading Patrick. He felt he was doing something wrong - but they had co-habitation dorms on this campus, it wasn't a _bad_thing, just felt - unsettling to him.

"Relax, you're going to go to pieces!" Penny snickered, then caressed his paw and led him up a flight of stairs then down a long hallway.

"Much better than my got carpet!" Patrick murmured.

"Oh, please!" Penny laughed, then stopped outside the door and held her lanyard key-card to the door lock. With a click, it unlocked and she pushed it open.

"After you!" Penny smiled.

Shyly, Patrick entered her quarters then Penny followed, letting the heavy door click closed behind her. Patrick was astounded at the room, it was easily at least double the size of the room he shared with his room mate! Penny slid the lanyard off and dropped it onto the counter.

"Make yourself comfortable Patrick, I won't bite you!"

Patrick nervously sat on the edge of the bed, tucking his quivering paws between his legs as he looked down at his hooves. Penny unclasped her blouse at the back and slid it off her shoulders, before she glanced back at Patrick, who flinched and stared at the ground.

"Really, you're so nervous - never seen a Doe undress before?"

"No..." Patrick stammered. "I've...I mean, I've dated women before, of course - "

Raising an eyebrow Penny chuckled as the dress slipped down her sides and hung off her wedge-like tail for a moment, as she shook her hips and let it slide to the floor.

"We don't bite..." Penny smiled, as she turned around and placed her paws over her breasts, then sensuously slid her paws down her pale belly, making an exotic flourishing gesture when she reached her hips. "Hard..."

Nervously, Patrick swallowed and giggled, ,then Penny walked over and gently lifted his head up and kissed him long and deep. He sighed in pleasure, then whickered in fear as she pushed him backwards so he fell back onto the bed.

"Move up please!" Penny smiled at him.

Carefully, Patrick walked himself up the bed using his palms and rump, then as she nodded he stopped and she walked over to the side of the bed, then pulled out a long, ornate silk scarf.

"Do you trust me..." Penny whispered, as she caressed his left cheek.

"Sure..." Patrick murmured, intrigued and confused by the scarf.

"Lift your head stud..." Penny grinned.

Obediently, he lifted his head up then blinked as she wound it thrice around his head until he couldn't see a thing. He manoeuvred it so it even cut off most of his hearing as well, pinning his ears down against his head. Next, she chuckled and kissed his cheek, before taking his left paw and snapping a steel handcuff around the wrist, leaning over him and following suit with the other one.

"HEY!" Patrick squealed, then blinked as he felt something firm shoved in between his jaws and strapped tight behind his head. "Mmmph!"

"shush, let me show you a good time..." Penny snickered, caressing his chest with her hooflets. "First, lets get rid of this..."

There was a series of tugs and Patrick felt the buttons on his shirt torn away and the shirt itself opened up, before a warm, moist tongue lathered over his chest and began circling his left nipple. Patrick gurgled and struggled, wild with pleasure and lust that caused him to twitch helplessly.

As Penny straddled his thighs, she tugged at his belt, then as he bucked against her, she whipped it off his trousers with a quick slash of her wrist, then next come the button on the tightly fitting jeans.

"I've always wondered about you horses..." Penny murmured, as she leaned down and began nibbling at his belly fur, feeling him shake and buck.

"Mmph!" Patrick protested, feeling her paws unzip his fly and start sliding the pants down his thighs until they pooled around his ankles.

Penny straddled his thighs, then leant over and began passionately kissing, nibbling and licking his chest and throat, as Patrick grunted and squirmed.

"Shush little colt, let me show you what an aroused Doe is capable of..."

"MphHhh!" Patrick's moan was muffled by whatever she'd stuffed in his muzzle.

As Penny worked on arousing Patrick, which to her surprise and pleasure, didn't take long at all as she felt the firming member pressing against her belly, she wiggled down his thighs an wrapped both paws around the impressive length and lifted it up, gazing hungrily at it.

"So the rumours _are_true..." Penny breathed then leaned down and exhaled a long, drawn out breath against the sensitive tip.

Patrick grunted and bucked, accidentally smacking Penny in the chin with his penis, before she growled and slapped him sharply on the belly with a loud crack.

"Watch it..." She snorted, then giggled and rubbed where she'd slapped, as she used her soft tongue to slurp from the head down to the scrotum and up the other side, getting the full taste of the stallion.

"Mmmm, you taste as good as you look - although I don't think I can please you that way...I'd rather not have a dislocated jaw, so I guess I'll just have too..."

Patrick's mind fell away, as she resumed licking and using her hooflets to tease and caress his length. When she was satisfied, she knelt over him, and guided the warmth under her tail, then teasingly flagged her wedge-like tail against his penile head, almost driving Patrick into orgasm there and then.

Carefully, Penny situated herself, then as she pressed herself down, Patrick's paws clenched into fists, the hooflets digging into his palms as Penny gasped and felt herself slowly mounting the impressive member inside herself.

"They...weren't kidding!" Penny panted, taking her time and being careful, slowly working her way down.

Patrick's blunt teeth ground together, as he squirmed and panted, his nostrils flaring as Penny snickered and pushed herself down further and grunted, holding herself there as her thighs quivered. Powerful muscular contractions began to squeeze and ripple along Patrick's member, as he gasped and squirmed in helpless pleasure.

"Easy colt..." Penny gasped, as she slid herself a little further, just pausing above the medial ring as she felt her muscular contractions squeeze like a hot, velvet lined glove from the flaring head to the medial ring against her labial folds.

Patrick tried to resist, but the sensations built and built, then as Penny slid the medial ring into her folds, Patrick gurgled and twitched, before he bucked twice and penny squealed in fright and alarm, before she felt him begin to tremble. Gripping him tight with her labial folds and vaginal muscles, she grunted and shuddered as Patrick bucked his hips against her.

He began to ejaculate in strong, powerful spurts deep inside her, and penny felt the hot spray of his orgasm as it flooded her vaginal tunnel and quickly squirted into her very womb. It seemed to go on forever, pulse after pulse after pulse, soon she was discomforted by the sensation as she pulled back slightly and felt the sticky semen squirt down his shaft.

"Woah..." Penny murmured, then she arched her back inwards, her paws gripping at the coverlet on which she knelt as her own orgasm come from the left field and totally blindsided her. Her body contracted its muscles, crushing down on the stallions length inside her as her own vaginal fluids joined the sticky, slippery puddle that sluiced down his shaft and spattered on the bed.

"That..." Penny gasped, as she slumped forwards, her tail wildly flagging as she shuddered in post orgasmic exstacy. "I can see why girls like you stallions..."

Panting heavily, Patrick gave a weak nod of his head and mumbled something that was suppressed by the ball gag in his muzzle. Penny shuddered and kept a tight grip on her vaginal muscles, as she weakly reached up and untied the ball gag, slipping it from Patrick's muzzle and dropping it onto the bed.

"I never imagined - ever- it could be like...that..."

_"Oh..."_Patrick gurgled. "Oh my dear...sweet doe - you think we're done?"

Penny blinked, then lifted her upper body up, looking into his eyes as she pulled the blindfold off. "We're...not?"

"No my dear, we stallions have...very good sexual stamina and recuperative powers...just saying - you didn't have any plans for the rest of the night...did you?"

Penny's eyes widened in surprise and mild fear, before an eager smile spread across her muzzle and she flagged her wedge-like tail eagerly.

"I'm only getting started..." Patrick snickered. "Oh, believe me, you'll learn quickly, why its not a smart idea to get a stallion all riled up..."


Locker Room Tales - Chapter One -

Locker Room Tales Chapter One - Ebony and Chuck © Cederwyn Whitefurr 3rdAugust, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Ebony sprawled on the bed, his dark brown eyes staring blankly at the textbook that lay before him. His ears slicked back as he rubbed at...

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Locker Room Tales - Prequel - Hung-er Games -

Hung-er Games © Cederwyn Whitefurr 2ndAugust, 2019 All Rights Reserved. It was boisterous in the locker room, as over thirty studly, masculine males moved around either undressed, dressed or clad just in towels moving too or from the showers from...

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Under the Moon's Gaze

Under the Moon's Gaze © Cederwyn Whitefurr 1st August, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Grazing beneath the full moon's light, the Kangaroo grazed peacefully. Her ears flicked and twitched at the annoying biting insects that pestered her but they were...

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