Under the Moon's Gaze

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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Under the Moon's Gaze - Aleisha, a Anthromorph female Grey Kangaroo finally found love, but not how she expected it - falling for and marrying a female Timber Wolf anthromorph, by the name of Kessica. Kessica loves and adores her damaged, frightened Kangaroo Doe, and would do anything, to anyone, to protect and care for the one she loves.

Under the Moon's Gaze

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

1st August, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

Grazing beneath the full moon's light, the Kangaroo grazed peacefully. Her ears flicked and twitched at the annoying biting insects that pestered her but they were mostly just mild annoyances and irritations. Off in the distance, her hearing picked up the sound of something - unusual - and confusing. As it approached, she stood up, her eyes staring here and there as the ears swivelled and locked onto the strange, unusual sound.

Here and there, a beam swept across the chest high grass catching her attention. Blinking, her eyelids met like a pair of chaste lovers before parting again. In her paw, almost forgotten, she clutched a handful of sweet shoots she had just pulled from the ground, as her ears flicked forwards, her head turning to watch this strange movement.

As the light swept across the field, she stood immobile, then chewed twice on the stalks in her mouth before gasping in alarm as the blinding eye of the beast swept back and illuminated her.

Eyes watered and the pain of the bright, blinding light felt like it was burning her eyes out of her head. Fear gripped her and she was helpless under its gaze - incapable of fleeing as her dazzled thoughts told her - yet she remained immobile.

She felt something slam into her chest with searing agony the likes she'd never experienced! A heartbeat later, there come a deafening crack like summer thunder.

Pain tore through her as she gagged and was spun half-way around by the force of whatever had struck her and she felt blood and her sudden inability to breathe. Trying to scream, the Kangaroo flinched and fell, laying writhing on the grass as she choked up blood...

As that unknown beast's eye swept the grass again, she lay gasping and choking helplessly. Trying to claw herself away from it, she gurgled and coughed. It seemed to hunt her down mercilessly, its gaze falling back on her and locking itself to where she lay.

It moved towards her, irresistible and implacable, like some predator with nothing but blood-lust and hunger in its grows and roars, some wispy smoke coming from behind it. It moved with intent and purpose, and the Doe was incapable of fleeing from it - as her body refused to obey the panicked messages her mind sent.

No matter how much she tried, no oxygen reached her lungs that started to burn and scream from deprivation.

Clawing futilely at the ground she couldn't even get her long slender legs under her - she was helpless, could only choke on the blood that filled her throat and threatened to drown her - or so it felt.

As the beast moved towards her, it come to a stop. Its low threatening growl reaching her ears. She tried to cry out, to make a sound, but only a bubble of blood that burst on her furred lips was all she could manage. Holding her paws up in a threatening manner, her vision began to blur and darken as the oxygen in her blood was depleted and her brain began to starve.

Two thuds were heard and strange silhouettes appeared.

"Nice shot, too bad you didn't kill her outright, I told you, use the hollow point rounds, but no - you wouldn't listen to me -"

"Yeah, I don't want a hole the size of my fist in the hide out the back, do I?"

These two things made sounds she didn't understand.

Moving towards her, one grabbed a hind foot and dragged her backwards, then as she clawed and struggled, she was rolled onto her back and something grabbed her painfully by the ears and pulled her head up. She felt the coldness of something against her neck - then pain almost to rival what she had initially experienced flashed across her throat and her carotid and jugular were severed as blood gushed from the wound.

It wasn't quick - as her terrified heart pumped her precious life blood out - staining her chest and belly, then splashing across the grass...


Aleisha screamed breathlessly, sitting up in bed - her body soaked with the cold sweat the nightmare had induced in her young white furred body. Her paws gripped the coverlets as tears slid down her muzzle and beside her, her partner awoke with a snort and sat up, then hearing the weak cries from the shaking Kangaroo Doe next to her, quickly wrapped her in a tight embrace.

"Aleisha? Honey - what's wrong?" Kessica whispered, nuzzling the right ear cup with her cold, wet nose.

Aleisha was a few moments composing herself, the nightmare having chilled her to her very soul.

"It...a nightmare my beloved, a terrible, frightening nightmare - " Come the weak voice as Aleisha reached up with her left paw and touched her scarred throat.

Noticing the unintended paw to the throat, Kessica whimpered and her ears flattened, as she cuddled Aleisha close.

"Were you dreaming of that again love?"

Shaking her head, Aleisha dispelled Kessica's fears. "No..."

Dubious, Kessica climbed out of bed then walked around and pulled Aleisha close, resting the sobbing Kangaroo's head against her warm furred breasts.

"Want to talk about it my beloved?" Kessica whispered, as she caressed Aleisha's neck gently, trying to soothe her partner.

"It...was nothing - " Aleisha's weak reply come. "A dream - nothing more..."

Snorting, Kessica leaned back placing both paws on Aleisha's pale

shoulders, gazing at the crying Kangaroo with a look of sternness and sympathy.

"Must have been some horrific nightmare - come on - I'll make you a nice hot bowl of tea and get you settled, alright?"

Aleisha shuddered, then wiped at her eyes with the leathery paw pads and nodded, before Kessica peeled back the bed covers.

"You're soaking wet! First thing young one - you're getting showered!"

Aleisha trembled, naked as the day she'd been born, as Kessica marched her into the en-suite and turned on the shower.

"Nightmares don't usually leave you quaking like a joey and soaked to the skin in sweat - truly, what happened?" Kessica asked, as Aleisha shivered again, wrapping her arms around herself as she crept into the shower.

As Jessica bathed, Kessica kept a close eye on her, smelling the sour stink of the Marsupial's sweat, the scent of her fear - a smell which Kessica had to resist hard, as instincts were still a part of her - and she began washing Aleisha's back, feeling her tremble and quiver.

"I..." Aleisha whispered.

"Wait until we're out of the shower love, I can barely hear you at the best of times!"

Aleisha nodded and picked up the soap, holding it in one paw as she began scrubbing her chest. Kendra reached around her and gently plucked it from her paw, before beginning to lather her lovers back with the specially medicated soap. Aleisha quivered and sniffled, before lifting her muzzle up to the hot water that streamed from the shower rose and washed away her tears and let it run over her head.

Leaning forward, Kessica gently nibbled Aleisha's right ear edge, feeling the Kangaroo squirm and tremble.

"If you weren't so scared and shaking - I'd take advantage of a sweet young Doe like yourself - " Kessica murmured, then slid her paws around Aleisha's belly and gently massaged the wet pouch.

Aleisha reached down, placing her own paws over those of her lover, before she quivered and nodded - still afraid and filled with fear after that horrific nightmare. With a gentle squeeze, she quivered and resumed using her short blunt claws to scratch at her pale fur, ensuring the soap got through to her skin, as Kessica did the same for her back.

Turning her lover around, Kessica placed her paws under Aleisha's chin, then lifted her head up.

"Look it into my eyes love - " Kessica murmured.

Sniffling, Aleisha's eyelids parted, her glacial blue eyes gazing into the rich hazel of the taller Wolfess.

"You don't need to be afraid honey - it was a nightmare! I'd never, ever hurt you - not now, not ever!"

Aleisha blinked, then hey eyes widened as Kessica pulled her head forwards, her furred lips meeting the wet ones of the Kangaroo. Aleisha's mouth opened as she drew a startled breath and Kessica smiled, before her broad, rough tongue slid into Aleisha's muzzle. Their tongues met and collided, as Aleisha gurgled deep in her throat and Kessica kissed her lover long and passionately.

"Mmmm..." Kessica sighed, as she broke the kiss and touched her cold, wet nose to Aleisha's warm, dry one. "That's my dear, sweet kangaroo that I know and love...alright! I think you're as clean as you're going to be - so lets get you dried off and a nice hot bowl of tea into you!"

Aleisha snorted and shook her head, her long, wet ears slapping from side to side as she turned back around and twisted off the taps. Kessica stepped from the shower then fetched an oversized fluffy towel and began vigorously drying Aleisha's back, tail and legs.

"I'm not...incapable - " Aleisha's soft whisper come. "I can dry myself..."

"Leave me my simple pleasures, now, sit!"

Aleisha's eyes rolled and she sat on the stool, then lifted one of her long hind feet as Kessica dried it off, then the other. Standing back up, Kessica began happily rubbing down her partner from throat to ankle. It took two thick towels and nearly twenty five minutes, until Kessica was satisfied that Aleisha was dried enough, so she wouldn't catch a cold.

"I am half arctic fox!" Aleisha snorted, then crept up on her tippy toes then kissed Kessica's nose.

"I know - its why I'm extra careful drying you off, you're twice as fluffy as a normal kangaroo should be!"

With a snort, Aleisha wriggled out of the Wolfess' grip and walked off towards the kitchen, her heavy tail dragging behind her. Kessica watched her, surprised that her Arctic Fox father's genes had only given Aleisha her luxuriant pelt - and her ice blue eyes.


Aleisha sat at the breakfast table, her elbows on the surface as she leaned forwards, clutching her muzzle between the velvety paws. Kessica busied herself with preparing the tea, then glanced over her shoulder at the quivering white furred kangaroo who slicked her ears back.

Setting the kettle to boil, Kessica come over and sat down, gently taking Aleisha's wrists in her fingers and pulling them away.

"Honey, you know I love you with all my heart, now please little Doe - open up to me? Why are you so hurt and traumatised? What is wrong? It can't just be the nightmare that has you so spooked - almost like a feral!"

Aleisha glanced over at her lover, her head downcast so she looked through her eyelashes, before she swallowed and sniffled.

"It - I can not do it justice, it just..." Aleisha whispered, then trembled visibly.

Giving her lover time, Kessica gave Aleisha love and support through her touch, gently using her furred thumbs to rub the back of the black paws.

"It - felt - so real, so..." Aleisha shivered again and sniffled. "It was like it was happening to me!"

Frowning, Kessica gently released Aleisha and walked to the bathroom, coming back with a box of tissues which she set before Aleisha, then gently held her left paw, gazing into the crying marsupial's eyes.

"Can you tell me about it honey? I'd do anything to help you, you know that, don't you?"

"It - it was a feral kangaroo - beneath a full moon - " Aleisha stammered, then plucked a tissue from the box and dried her eyes.

Kessica listened attentively, her ears pricked forwards. "Go on -"

"She was sweet, young and innocent - just minding her own business - yet it wasn't like I was some - observer - it felt to me, like it was me - I was eating the grass, it was so real."

Kessica blinked, never having experienced a dream or a nightmare like this, so she was captivated and entranced, listening to the sibilant voice of the Kangaroo who sat before her.

"To use our expressions, she was spotlighted - frozen in fear and terror - unable to break free. Next..."

Aleisha burst into tears, snatching her paw out of Kessica's grasp and clutching her muzzle in her paws as the tears come and the gasping, choking sobs as her emotions boiled over. Rising, Kessica moved behind her and wrapped her strong arms around Aleisha's body, holding her gently and resting her head on Aleisha's shoulder.

"Honey? No...please, don't torture yourself - let it go! It was a nightmare, maybe your subconscious was putting together fragments of a whole collection of memories..."

"It felt so - so real!" Aleisha whimpered helplessly. "I...felt myself get shot in the chest - I couldn't breathe! When they come over - I tried to do something - I was helpless and...and...they slashed my throat!"

Kessica held tighter, shuddering herself as she felt Aleisha completely lose what little hold she had on her self-control, the hysterical sobbing and convulsive body shaking nearly tearing her apart.

"Hey, honey?" Kessica murmured, stroking Aleisha's neck. "Honey? No...it was a bad dream, come on, don't cry little one... I don't know how or what triggered it - but you're safe, loved and cared for! I promise I'd never let anyone hurt you!"

As the kettle began to whistle and squeal, Kessica quickly turned the gas off and come back, before she took Aleisha's paws in her own and pulled her to her feet. Aleisha resisted at first, then clung like a limpet to Kessica, burying her muzzle against the wolfess's' breasts as she cried like a terrified joey.

Kettle ignored, Kessica held Aleisha tight and firm, letting the crying Kangaroo exhaust herself, as she offered comfort and love, until at last Aleisha sniffled and slowly stopped trembling.

"I'm...alright, thank you - " Aleisha murmured, as she took two tissues and dried her eyes, then blew her nose.

Stepping back, Kessica held her at arms length, her eyelids narrowing predatory as she snorted. "No, you're not alright! You can't lie to a predator my beloved - you're scared and hurting. I can't begin to imagine how that nightmare must have felt. Truly I can not, but know that I love you, care for you and would do anything I could to protect you - even if that means watching over your dreams, if only I could."

"I know - " Aleisha sniffed, then dabbed at her nostrils again, then smiled weakly. "How - about that bowl of tea?"

Favouring her with a look, Kessica licked her lovers forehead, then turned away. As soon as Kessica's back was turned, Aleisha reached up and placed her claws against the scar on her throat, then shuddered violently from ears to tail tip.


Dressed and presentable, according to Kessica anyway, Kessica held Aleisha's right paw and led her out of the house and across their expansive, well manicured backyard.

"Where are we going?" Aleisha asked, wide-eyed.

"Somewhere!" Come the cryptic reply from Kessica, as she gave that adorable wolfish grin. "You need to get out more young Roo - cooped up inside the house won't do you any good!"

"I - " Aleisha began, then sighed and followed her partner.

They walked out the back gate and into the forest, Aleisha's ears flicking and twisting instinctively.

"Don't think I don't notice your instinctive reactions - " Kessica gently admonished her.

"It can't be helped - " Aleisha nervously whispered, then squeezed her lovers paw. "I know we're thousands, if not tens of thousands of generations removed from our feral ancestors...mostly - but some things are just instinctive to us!"

"Are all you Macropod's so - high strung?" Kessica playfully teased.

"You're a predator love - of course that plays a part in our natural fear and such!"

"Oh, I couldn't eat a whole kangaroo - " Kessica snickered, then reached out and draped and arm around Aleisha's shoulder and hugged her close.

Aleisha's eyes widened, then she giggled in that low, adorable laugh she had that never failed to warm Kessica's heart.


After wandering what felt randomly, which was exactly what Kessica was doing, Kessica brought Aleisha to the small grove where they'd completed their mating bond that night, five years ago.

"Just as beautiful as I remember - " Aleisha whispered, her eyes drinking in the trees that hung with Old Man moss, the large stone in the centre naturally weathered and shaped like an altar.

"Its not as beautiful as you my beloved!" Kessica smiled, taking her partners paws in her larger ones and squeezing them.

"I remember - how nervous I was, as you got down on your knees and..." Aleisha stammered, then blushed, her ears flattening.

"Like this?" Kessica asked, as she knelt down, then looked up, holding Aleisha's paws in her own, her bright hazel eyes glistening with love and compassion.

Aleisha felt the tears start to well in her eyes, before Kessica stood back up and placed her paws on her lovers muzzle, then using her broad, rough tongue, licked the salty tears away.

"Don't cry, please?" Kessica murmured. "I brought you here, to show you there is still good and life and love in the word my dear, sweet, tormented Kangaroo - I would show it to you, if you would let me?"

"I - " Aleisha's eyes widened, as she fearfully looked around, her ears flattening again. "Here?"

Smiling, Kessica moved away to a particularly large oak tree, then retrieved a tightly bundled package, before bringing it back and setting it down on the rock.

"What - " Aleisha began, one ear flicking forwards as she gestured at


"A little something I'd prepared - well - more than a little something

  • "

As Aleisha watched, Kessica untied the leather straps and put them aside, then carefully unfolded the outer waterproof skin. Inside was a tightly folded thick woollen blanket which she took out and shook out, then set aside. Next was a thinner sheet which she also shook out. Taking the straps, Kessica looked thoughtfully at them, then glanced at Aleisha and grinned that predatory grin she had when she was thinking of something evil or naughty.

"No..." Aleisha whispered, holding her paws up, palms out and claws slightly curved. "Do not even think about it..."

With a chuckles, Kessica put them back on the waterproof skin, then wrapped it up and set it aside. Spreading the large woollen blanket on the ground, Kessica then lay the clean sheet over it.

"Almost...wait, no - this won't do at all!" Kessica growled, and crossed her arms over her breasts and frowned.

"Whats wrong love?" Aleisha asked.

Kessica snorted, then scooped it all up and lay the blanket like an altar cloth over the granite stone, before placing the sheet over that.

"Better!" Kessica nodded in satisfaction, idly noting how the stone naturally sloped towards one end.

"What are you doing - " Aleisha squealed in fright as Kendra suddenly grabbed her.

Kessica grinned, sliding the pale legs either side of her hips, a her blunt claws dug into Aleisha's thick furred rump.

"Now, you're all mine little Joey - " Kendra murmured, then kissed

Aleisha's nose adoringly.

Feeling Aleisha's heart thudding in her chest, Kessica moved carefully and lay Aleisha down on her back, laying on top of her and nearly completely covering the quivering marsupial's with her larger canid body.

Bracing her paws either side of Aleisha's head, she grinned down at her and touched her cold, wet nose to Aleisha's warm one, then smiled at her.

"What...are you doing?" Aleisha gasped, eyes widening and staring up into the hazel ones of the wolf.

"Nothing, why, do you think I should?" Come Kessica's reply, before she grinned widely and her broad, rough tongue slurped from the nose to between Aleisha's ears. "As I said, I couldn't eat a whole kangaroo..."

"You wouldn't...not - here!" Aleisha squealed breathlessly.

With another lick, Kessica snickered as her dexterous fingers began plucking at the buttons that held the sky blue blouse closed on Aleisha's chest.

"Yes..." Kessica murmured, as each button was unclasped and she pressed her nose into the soft, silken fur and nuzzled adoringly, feeling Aleisha's squirm and her soft giggle. "Still ticklish..."

Another and another button followed, as Kessica nosed aside the blouse, rubbing her cold, wet nose between Aleisha's small but firm breasts.

"Stop...that..." Aleisha gasped.

Another button was unclasped, leaving just one and Kessica licked with her tongue from the collarbone down to the slit of the pouch opening, before her fingers teasingly trailed over the edge, feeling Aleisha gasp and squirm helplessly.

"I've...always wondered - " Kessica began, as she undone the last button and nudged the blouse completely open, gazing down at the snow white fur as soft as goose down. "Why an anthromorph kangaroo doe still retains a pouch..."

Before Aleisha could draw breath to answer, Kessica snickered and delicately held the pouch open and stuck her nose into the velvety, fur-less skin. Aleisha bucked and squeaked, the chill of the nose sending her into low orbit - but this was quickly forgotten by the long sensual slurp of Kessica's tongue.

"Maybe...its because I can do this..."

Sliding a furred paw delicately up Aleisha's quivering shin, Kessica felt the skirt and slipped her fingers under it and started walking her claws up Aleisha's thigh.

"Squeal for me little one - " Kessica murmured, feeling Aleisha giggle and squirm helplessly, the ticklish sensations driving her mad.

"Nnnnnn" Aleisha gurgled. "Nnnoooo..."

"No?" Kessica snorted, then licked the inside of Aleisha's pouch again, trailing the cold nose after it. "So we're going to play that game are we? Very well..."

Kessica's fingers slid further, the brushed against the panties and walked their way from one side to the other and back again, listening to Alisha's breath catch in her throat, her panting growing worse Hooking a single finger into the waistband, Kessica grinned and started teasingly sliding them down Aleisha's furred thighs.

Nervously, Aleisha placed her long feet on the blanket, then lifted her hips slightly, facilitating her lovers ease of removing then as she lay back down and felt then slid down her shins and off her long feet.

"Mayhaps this needs to come off too..." Kessica whispered, as she licked and nibbled along Aleisha's belly, then placed both paws on the skirt.

"You wouldn't...." Aleisha murmured, then squeaked as Kessica in one smooth stroke, stripped the skirt off and let it dangle from one finger, before dropping it.

"My, my, my - " Kessica's muzzled was wreathed in that predatory grin again, as she looked down at the naked Doe before her. "So many delicious places to start my feast - where oh where shall I begin!"

Aleisha giggled and squirmed, placing her feet either side of the stone alter, awkwardly curling her toes to give her a little relief. Kessica continued to look down at her, before she smirked and straddled the stone, leaning forwards and rubbing her nose against Aleisha's pert breasts.

"Stop...no...not..." Aleisha gurgled, as she squealed and thrust her his up against Kessica.

"Yes, that..." Kessica grinned, one paw between Aleisha's thighs as she teasingly tickled the labial folds with the pad of a finger, her tongue and lips licking and lipping at the aureole of the right breast.

Expertly, Kessica's finger continued to tease and tickle, whilst she began gently suckling on the nipple just like a Joey would nurse from its mother. Every sensual lick made Aleisha cry out and squirm - more so when Kendra giggled deep in her throat and slid her index finger into the tightening folds down below.

"Urk!" Come the strangled gasp as Aleisha bucked against her.

"Now now - " Kessica snorted, as she lifted her head and gently clamped Aleisha's muzzle closed. "Shh...enjoy my dear."

Kessica smirked and resumed nuzzling and suckling, her finger tickling the vaginal walls before she teasingly rubbed the paw pad against Aleisha's clitoris and began tickling it.

Muffled by the paw that held her muzzle shut, Aleisha's grunts and moans were quite stiffed. Kessica snickered and continued to gently nurse and tease, feeling Aleisha's body responding quickly to the sensual pleasures. Kessica knew from experience, it wouldn't take much to push poor Aleisha over the sexual edge - it was both arousing and amusing - and the kangaroo's scent quickly changed from nervousness and fear - to a sweeter, more tasty scent of pleasure and trust in he wolfish partner.

For twenty minutes, Kessica brought Aleisha to the height of orgasm again and again with her finger - holding her there on the precipice, only to pull her back again. Aleisha's body began to squirm and tremble with the urge that seized her and her paws gripped Kessica's nape painfully tight.

At last, Kessica sniggered and paused, lifting herself up and kissed her way down Aleisha's sweaty body. Kissing and nuzzling the pouch, Kessica gently began nibbling lower and lower.

"Don't you...dare - " Aleisha's weak moan reached Kessica's ears.

'Don't...what?" Kessica giggled, then pushed her freezing cold nose against the wet, slippery folds.

Aleisha's whole body bucked and Kessica laughed, pressing her paws against Aleisha's hips an holding her still as she used the broad, rough tongue to slurp into the depths of Aleisha's folds. Sensations that Kessica knew intimately well flooded her nostrils and her mind as her tongue curled and slurped into places and positions no male could ever hope to achieve.

Kessica's nose pushed as far forward as it could her sharp canines gently pricking the vaginal folds as her tongue lapped and swirled recklessly.

"Urk..." Aleisha suddenly gurgled and her body convulsed.

Damn it Doe! Kessica swore to herself.

Kessica grunted, then began slurping feeling the crushing muscular contractions as Aleisha's orgasm struck her hard and powerfully. Aleisha's claws gripped the sheet and the blanket, almost tearing them as her spine arched off the altar and she tried to scream, but only a weak whisper gasp come from her xontracting throat before she crumpled back onto the altar and panted as if she'd run a marathon.

Pleased with herself, Kessica continued tormenting her beloved mate with her tongue, until at last, she kissed, licked and nibbled her way back up - never touching the scarf or the throat, then pressed her furred lips against Aleisha's and kissed her long and passionately - sharing Aleisha's scent and taste with her.

"So - " Kessica murmured, rubbing her wet cheeks either side of Aleisha's, imprinting her with the scent of a well pleased doe. "Did I do well?"

Aleisha's eyelids opened a crack and she shuddered, then a weak smile touched her lips before her eyelids slid closed again.

"I'll assume that's a ..." Kessica blinked, then frowned. "Did you just fall asleep on me?"

Gently she lifted one of Kessica's paws then let it go watching the paw slap onto the sheet with no resistance at all.

"Well, that's gratitude!" Kessica snorted, then laughed softly, as she lay herself over her lightly snoring lover and cuddled in close. "You rest now little one, you're safe, warm and comfortable - I'll stand watch over your dreams...I promise..."


As the Wolfess drifted into peaceful sleep, snuggled up tight to Aleisha, neither were aware as behind them, two spectral forms stepped from the forest. One was an anthromorph Stag, imposing, powerful and almost seven feet tall to the start of his antlers, the other was a beautiful woman dressed in flowing gossamer silks, almost as insubstantial as fog itself.

"What a - " Grunted the Stag as he stepped closer, his eyes narrowing in anger.

Placing a hand on his forearm, the woman halted him, before she smiled softly and shook her head.

"Lord Cerunnos, this was a beautiful thing - they were mated here, devoting their life, their love and their souls to each other - and to us, do not forget that."

"Lady Gaia, they defile our altar with their - pleasures!"

With a soft chuckle the Lady shook her head. "Do you not remember? Centuries ago, our children would express their love for each other and us - with the High Priestess - or with the High Priest, beneath the full moon! How was that any different in honouring us and their bond, than what these two have shared?"

Snorting, the Stag shook his antlered head. "Long has it been since this glade was blessed in that way...do they still believe in us?"

With a sigh, Lady Gaia walked over, then gently ran an almost spectral hand over the Wolfess and then the Kangaroo.

"Some do - not as many as there once was - but this lovemaking was a beautiful, gentle thing! We should be honoured by their gift. For magicks such as theirs in this time and place - is a rare thing..."

Shaking his head, the Stag snorted again and stalked back off into the forest. "A predator and her prey..."

"Indeed - " Gaia smiled, then turned to follow Cerrunos. "It's not unheard of..."

Unmindful, both Kangaroo and Wolfess slept on, their dreams filled with beautiful imagery and thoughts, completely oblivious of what had transpired here...


Private Show

-Authors Note: Whilst this features Master Kalais and his slave Raefox, it is in no way implied or reffered to be canon to the Beggars Can't Be Choosers Story Arc, it was written purely as an exerise in a writing group on Telegram, I hope you enjoy...

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Fire and Ice - Reforged -

-Authors Note-: This is a complete re-imagining/rewrite from the original Fire and Ice I wrote, back in 2003, I'd like to imagine my artistic talent has improved since then...you be the judge :) Fire and Ice - Reforged - © Cederwyn...

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Farm Life

Farm Life Chapter Two © Cederwyn Whitefurr 16thJuly, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Penny was oblivious as Chester cropped the grass around her, his own mind starting to fragment before he snorted and shook himself. "Focus, Penny said to focus -...

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