Farm Life

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#2 of Farm Life

Penny adores Chester, but she fears for his future, as one of his recurrent epileptic fits strikes him - leaving her torn between seeking help, and staying with him, not that there is anything the young Doe can do to help the Colt...

Farm Life

Chapter Two

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

16thJuly, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

Penny was oblivious as Chester cropped the grass around her, his own mind starting to fragment before he snorted and shook himself.

"Focus, Penny said to focus - concentrate on what I'm doing not on...other things."

With a low murmur, Penny subconsciously moved her head, making it more comfortable as she slept on. Warmed by the sun on her back.


Penny's dreams returned, to a time before that fateful day, when shed seen her beloved human running towards the paddock. Confused and curious in equal measure, Penny had trotted along happily after him. Her mind filled with love and contentment. For all was right with her little word; that world in its entirety was her owners farmstead. Penny never strayed, she stayed here because in her mind - here was home - she was safe, loved and cared for by this human.

"Get the..." Shrieked the human, Penny's ears hearing the word she had heard many times before. It meant nothing to her, but the actions and anger she sensed in her humans tone - spoke volumes.

He snapped, snarled and screamed in rage and fear, rushing to where the beautiful chestnut foal lay convulsing and kicking, His mother stood nearby, before she neighed and tossed her head, pawing at the ground and mock charging at the human, before he stood his ground and snarled at her. Curious, Penny leapt the fence without a thought - then trotted over to stand about six feet away - watching.

"You poor little baby - " Sobbed her owner, as he crouched and scooped up the convulsing foal.

What's wrong with him? Why does he shake so?_Penny's mind thought. _Is he sick?

Penny blinked, not understanding - never seeing the other mare snap her hind hoof out and nearly kill the foal, all she knew was her owner was upset and crying - and this display of grief made her fearful and sad. Carrying the foal, her owner opened the gate and the squealing, frightened mare followed. Penny following last of all.

He took the colt to the stable, laying him gently on the straw, before he called for help. Penny walked over and looked at the colt, getting a loud snort from the frightened colt's mother.

What happened to his head ?

Penny thought, as she frowned and looked at the forehead, which was now pushed inwards and bleeding profusely. Her musings were interrupted, as she squealed and felt strong hands grip her by the shoulders as she was forcibly pulled backwards.

No, let me go! Fright seized Penny, as she began to struggle, then realised the hands belonged to her owner.

"Penny, stop it!" He growled, then smacked her shoulder hard. " Please, get out of the way - Chester needs us and we can't work if you're in the way honey! Go...go home!" friend - Penny bleated, but her cries made no sense, before she squealed as she was slapped again.

"Go home - HOME!"

Penny's will broke, and she bolted from the stable - crying, her loud, heartbreaking bleats fading along with her cloven hoof-beats.


Penny shrieked, awakening with a snort as she leapt to her hooves and shook with fright, her shoulder still stinging, before she shuddered as Chester whinnied in confusion and surprise.

"You..." He began, then went blank, before frowning and shaking his head, knocking it against a foreleg. "My head hurts again!"

Carefully, Penny walked over and she nuzzled him, before draping her head over his lowered one and pushing him down carefully. He laid down for her, then Penny snuggled in close and nuzzled his shoulder.

"I know honey - I'm alright, I promise! I had bad dreams - you remember what dreams are?"

"Bad ones - " He frowned, almost reverting to baby babble, his eyes haunted and distant.

"Focus on me Chester - " Penny whispered as she rose, then walked around before him, pressing her forehead against his, feeling the healed wound - the dent in his forehead making her want to shudder. "Look at me, here, in front of you - focus your mind on my voice..."

"Nnnnn...." Chester began, before his eyes rolled back and he began kicking and convulsing wildly.

"NO!" Penny shrieked, watching as the convulsions tore the young colt apart, his legs convulsing wildly, teeth grinding and body shaking.

Torn between her indecision to stay and her need to get help, Penny could only watch helplessly as the seizures grew worse. For nearly ten minutes, his hooves scratched and gouged at the ground, tearing out grass and scattering dirt, as Penny moved behind him, bleating helplessly as she couldn't do a thing to help him.

At last, the seizures began to ease, then finally stopped and Penny lay behind him, laying her head on his sweaty shoulder, trying to give him comfort and respite, before he gasped and weakly opened his eyes.

"What..." Chester began, as he lifted his head, but Penny snorted and he lay it back down, his body shaking. "What...happened to me?"

"You had - " Penny frowned, trying to remember what her master had called it.

"Another?" Chester sniffled, as if reading her mind.

Penny rose, then walked back around and lay against Chester's belly again, nuzzling under his foreleg, until he lifted it and she snuggled up against him.

"Master said he wanted to do something to help you - " Penny whispered quietly.

"I know he did, but what can they do?" Chester sighed and gently pulled the doe closer, then felt her weak tail flicker against his sheath. "Stop that..."

"Sorry - " Penny laughed nervously. "I can't help it at times - "

"You...know how - " Chester shuddered, then lifted his head, turning it to nuzzle at her cheek with his nose and lips.

"It wasn't anything I done intentionally - it - just...does it, you understand?"

With a snort, Chester lipped at her ears, then shivered.

"Get up please Penny." Chester sighed, he started to twitch.

Penny extricated herself carefully, rising to her cloven hooves, before she watched as Chester shuddered and carefully rose, his forelegs out in front, pushing himself up before he dragged his hind hooves over and stumbled to his hooves, then shook himself.

"Are you alright?" Penny asked.

"Almost..." Chester grunted, then splayed his hind legs out, his length dropping from his sheath and in seconds, he began urinating in a strong stream.

Penny watched, she couldn't help it, shuddering at the thought of what she and Chester had, over the past two years - shared and enjoyed. Penny knew in her heart, it was wrong - Chester was a stallion, by birth and by right. He wasn't anywhere as large, either in length or girth as is proud and noble father - for this Penny was thankful.

Mind you, that Stag she had seen early one morning. A proud, majestic beast, or so she imagined. He strutted and marked his territory with his glands and urine, asserting himself by rubbing his neck chest and between his antlers, all over the grass, trees and shrubs. He wasn't anything like dear Chester here...but when she'd smelt the glandular marking and the urine - a part of her felt the urges. She couldn't resist the instincts that burned within her and..

A warm, velvety nose brushed against her rump, then hot breath followed by a broad, rough tongue slurped between her labial folds, probing deep into her warm, moist tunnel and slid out again. Instantly, Penny crouched, her hind legs twisted out at the bottom and thighs quivering - in the mating stance of the willing, receptive doe.

"Damn you...Chester!" Penny squealed, as she shuddered and stood back up, twisting around to stare at him.

Chester merely snorted softly, then flicked his tail. "What?"

"You know what you did..." Penny growled, then shook her head, and started laughing quietly.

"Maybe?" He snorted, looking all proud and regal, then nickering in laughter.

"It_has_ been a while..."

"Some turn of the moon and half again!" Chester snorted. "I've been thinking you've ignored me!"

"No...never love - " Penny admitted, as she nuzzled his neck. "'s difficult for me you know."

Chester frowned, before his ears swished back and he nodded understandingly.

"Walk with me, please?"

Together, the two bonded friends walked off towards the woods.

"Just because it's been a while - doesn't mean I have forgotten how it feels!"

Chester snorted, then nuzzled her shoulder. "You sure about that?"

Penny snorted back, then returned the affectionate nuzzle. "Guess we'll find out..."

To Be Continued...

Rennae's Tale

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Rennae's Tale

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Changes We Make

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