Locker Room Tales - Chapter One -

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#2 of Locker Room Tales

Ebony the Freisian is bored and lonely, so decides to alieviate some tension, little knowing his room mate at College is due back any moment...

Locker Room Tales

Chapter One - Ebony and Chuck

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

3rdAugust, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

Ebony sprawled on the bed, his dark brown eyes staring blankly at the textbook that lay before him. His ears slicked back as he rubbed at his eyes and shook is dark head.

"I'll never pass at this rate!" Ebony sighed in frustration.

He'd been studying for hours, and the complex maths in the text book began to swim and blend as his eyes lost focus again before he snorted through his broad nostrils and slammed the textbook closed then let his head fall onto the book as he exhaled in exasperation.

His fur inky black, it seemed to drink up the late afternoon sunlight that shone in through the window.

"I'm so bored!" Ebony moaned, as he used his three fingered hand to clutch and pull at his ears.

Rolling over onto his back, he let his head hang down over the end of the bed as he stared upside down at the chair and desk opposite the bed. Contemplating something pleasurable - but ultimately futile, Ebony ran his hooflets down his belly and along his dark velvety sheath. Even this failed to alleviate his boredom or even spark his usual lustful desires.

"Nope - " Ebony grumbled. "No relief there..."

Rolling back over, Ebony stood up and began aggitatedly pacing the room. His luxurious black tail brushed the floor then began to swish back and forth as he paced, tapping his jawline with one hooflet as he tried to think of _somethin_g to do that'd help him relax and ease his bored mind. Gazing out the window that looked down onto the college quad - Ebony rested his paws on the window sill and watched the hustle and bustle of fellow students.

Bored with that, Ebony turned around and sat on the window sill, tilting his head back and staring at the ceiling.

"I don't want to study, I just don't-" Ebony moaned as his paws slapped the wall. "What's a bored, frustrated horse to do?"

Ebony resumed pacing from the window to the door and back again, his fingers flexing and unclenching. He knew he should be studying, he was lapsing behind in his grades and with the half-yearly major exams coming up, that contributed nearly fifty percent of his final grades, Ebony had had enough of textbooks, lectures and boring hour after hour of reading and re-reading things he felt were beyond his comprehension. Well, so it felt anyway.

"What good will half of this really be in the real world?" Ebony asked himself, as he stroked his fringe back and pushed it up behind his black furred ears. "Calculus and trigonometry will _that_help if I end up sitting at a desk as a clerk or..."

Slapping the wall again, Ebony grumbled and walked over to the bed, then a crooked smile spread across his dark furred lips. Kneeling down the slid out the under-bed drawer and gazed at the assortment of toys he had placed there. Some were equine in size and form, some were canid and...

Shocking..._Ebony's mind whispered. _You even have some human like toys!

Like a foal caught at mischief, Ebony giggled and felt a tremble ripple through him like some ghost caressed his spine.

"What do I want..." Ebony muttered, trailing a hooflet across the assorted toys. It's _always_such a decision!"

For you? Come the mocking voice in his head. I don't think they make a toy that you would feel anymore foal...

"Hey!" Ebony squealed and giggled, blushing and slicking his ears back. "Well...that's probably true..."

Closing his eyes, Ebony held a quivering paw above them, waggling it back and forth before the hooflet stabbed down at random and when he opened his eyes, they went wide as he moaned and giggled helplessly. By pure fate and circumstance, he'd chosen one he enjoyed quite thoroughly. He knew it intimately, and as he wrapped his left paw around it and lifted it out he couldn't help but snicker.

In length, shape and texture it was about equivalent to a cross between a paint pony and a cob sized horse. Holding it in one paw, Ebony pondered and nodded, then placed it on the bed and slid the drawer closed again.

"What Chuck doesn't know - won't hurt me - " Ebony snickered.

Walking to their small but functional bathroom, Ebony opened the medicine cabinet and took out the large bottle of lube that was stored in there.

"Never hurts to be prepared!" Ebony laughed quietly, then spent several minutes admiring himself in the mirror. "Such a fine young stud!"

His ego satiated, Ebony took the toy and the bottle then moved into the shower.

"First things first - clean horse is good horse! So my Dam told me..."

Turning on the taps, Ebony squealed at the gush of freezing water that soaked him from chest to thighs in a heartbeat, before he pounded the wall and then the hot water started flowing. Taking up the specially formulated soap, the Freisan began lathering himself from throat to thigh, using his blunt hooflets to get down against the skin.

Once he was satisfied with this, he turned around and splayed his paws against the wall, letting the hot - borderline scalding - water rush over him from mane to ankles. This served a dual purpose, one - it got him clean - not that he really needed a shower, and secondly it would ease his tired muscles in preparation for the pleasures that he was eagerly looking forwards too.

Once he felt relaxed enough, Ebony picked up the toy and held it between his paws, gazing down at it longingly.

"Poor substitute for the real thing - but a horse needs to make do I suppose!"

Sitting it on the shower floor, he angled the shower rose against the wall and squirted a generous amount of the lube into his paws, then began rubbing the toy from the base to the slightly flared head and back again. Once he was satisfied it had a suitable coating, he gently picked it up and stuck it to the wall in front of him. He idly noted there was a discoloured mark on the wall where he always put it, then he giggled and turned about.

Clutching the base of his long, thick tail, he lifted it up and held it to one side, before carefully stepping back.

"Not yet, nope, got to be..." Ebony squealed and his eyes widened, as he took another step and the first three inches of the toy slid effortlessly under his tail and inside him.

"Ooo - " Ebony grunted, then dropped his tail and squirmed in delight. "Feels...nice..."

Eagerly, he pushed backwards until he sheathed the full length inside him, his own sheath beginning to grow and swell as he lightly caressed it, powerful muscles squeezing the medium firmness of the toy within him.

"Mmm, just like dear James..." Ebony squirmed and gave a nervous click of his left hoof on the shower floor.

Taking himself in his paw, he began sensuously stroking the firming length, using the webbing between the thumb and middle two fingers to grip just below the head as he stroked downwards. His quivering grip flicked over the medial ring and Ebony grunted, bucking his hips like a Stag, before he blushed and shuddered, pulling himself forwards and feeling the toy slide from within him.

" good too - " Ebony moaned as he pushed back, feeling it slide effortlessly back inside him - then as he passed the medial ring on the toy he grunted and flinched, his muscles tightening before he slammed back against the wall with a wet slap.

"Urk..." Ebony grunted, imagining it was a real stallion who had just plowed deep inside him, as he pulled forwards and repeated it, his left hand sliding down his length in time to the backwards thrust.

For what felt to Ebony like an eternity, the bisexual young Stallion lost in the pleasurable experiences, bringing him closer and closer each time.

Finally, Ebony barely mounted the toy, then he bit his lower lip and thrust back with all he had, slamming the toy inside himself with joyous abandon, his rump smacking the wall behind him as he squealed and used both paws to hold his throbbing length before pulse after pulse of his sticky, hot semen splattered against the wall in front of him as he whinnied loud and long.

"Oh...." Ebony grunted, feeling his relaxed muscles turning to what felt like jelly, as he slid forwards then crumpled to his knees, the toy sliding out of him with a wet squelch as he knelt on the shower floor, holding his half-erect length in his paws a few dribbles oozing out to swirl down the drain. " It's never...been_that_ intense..."

Ebony was barely conscious as he heard the loud thud of the door, then the unmistakable heavy hoof fall of his partner and room mate.

"Hey..." Come the slow, methodical drawl. "Eb...Ebony,"

"Oh dear..." Ebony murmured to himself, eyes widening in fear and embarrassment.

"Be right out honey!" Ebony squealed, then slapped both sticky paws to his muzzle.

There was a moments silence, then the bathroom door creaked open and Ebony felt like he wanted to dissapear down the drain. A huge paw dwarfed the door handle, as Ebony seen the hoof almost as broad as his head, then feathered fetlock and the dark brown of the muscular shin and leg as Chuck crouched his seven foot plus form to peek into the bathroom.

"Naughty little foal...aintcha?" Come the chuckle from the Clyde.

"I..." Ebony blushed and squirmed, still overwhelmed by the orgasm, before he pulled himself upright and began showering again. "I was frustrated..."

"I can see that." Chuck grinned, then backed himself out of the doorway, leaving the door open. "Good thing it was me..."

"Oh, please!" Ebony snorted, then scrubbed his muzzle under the hot water. "You at least got manners - you'd not come and join me and make me squeal like the filly everyone claims I am!"

"Tempt me not foal - " Come the voice from outside the bathroom.

"Promise?" Ebony shot back, grinning as he turned around and scrubbed at his black furred rump.


Drying himself off, Ebony stepped from the bathroom, watching as Chuck peeled his athletic clothes off. To say the Clyde was a big boy was an understatement. Ebony felt like a foal next to him, but knew Clyde was a sweet, gentle stallion who showed remarkable compassion and gentleness.

"Coach says I got some promise - " Grunted Chuck, as he peeled the skin tight shirt off and dropped it on the floor.

"Let me help with these" Ebony grinned, moving over and wrapping his paws around Chuck's hips, untying the belt and releasing the athletic pants then pushing them down the Clydesdale's thighs and legs.

"Mmm, I need a shower, stink worse than that time that poor skunk got a fright and musk sprayed half the lecture room..."

Ebony frowned, then burst into laughter. "I remember _that!_Still, you smell like a well worked horse to me..."

Ebony licked from the base of Chuck's tail up his spine to just below his shoulders.

"Taste just fine to me too..."

"You're a weird one Eb..."

With a snort, Ebony flicked his ears, then walked around to look up at Chuck. Suddenly, Ebony jumped up, wrapping his arms around Chuck's neck, his hooves and legs around his hips as he rubbed himself suggestively against Chuck's leathery sheath.

"Says the stallion who doesn't mind making me squeal like the mare I am!"

"True..." Chuck grunted, then gripped Ebony under the thighs and held him there. "Might make you squeal yet, little filly!"

"Promise?" Ebony giggled, then stretched up to lick the underside of Chuck's muzzle.

Turning them about, Chuck backed up to the bed, then sat down the bed groaning in protest at the weight of the Clydesdale and the smaller Freisan.

"No promises..." Grunted Chuck, as he positioned Ebony better. Ebony sat on Chuck, his legs either side of the stallion and folded backwards so he was kneeling, his tail draping over the end of the bed as he wriggled and nodded in eagerness, then gasped as he felt the firming member beneath his tail.

"Oooo - what have you been feeding this monster?" Ebony squeaked, as he rose, then looked down into Chuck's eyes, licking him from the bridge of his muzzle to between the eyes.

"Cheeky Freisan fillies..." Chuck grunted, as he took Ebony's hips in his massive paws, then guided him downwards.

Ebony gasped, feeling himself slid onto the length that pushed against his rump. Inch by inch, helped by the copious lube Ebony had thoughtfully used, Chuck eased Ebony downwards, until perching him just above the medial ring and feeling Ebony panting and trembling in pleasure.

"Naughty girl...aintcha Eb? You want this stud to breed you?"

"Yes please..." Ebony gasped, eyes wide and a weak smile spreading across his lips. "Long, deeply and thorough..."

Ebony whinnied as Chuck grinned and pushed Ebony's hips down, sliding the last half dozen inches until Ebony's scrotum rested against his own.

"Oh..." Ebony gasped, head tilting back.

Chuck bit down on Ebony's shoulder, his strong paws gripping Ebony's hips as he started a sensual rocking, feeling the smaller stallion tremble and grunt helplessly.

"Oh, yes...that - do that- " Ebony squealed as he felt the powerful Shire take control of their lovemaking.

Chuck grunted like a feral, as he began pushing Ebony up past the medial ring, then slamming him back down again. He was never amazed at his flexible and eager Ebony was - as Chuck wasn't as small horse - not by a long way - yet it never seemed to bother Ebony in the slightest.

"More...!" Ebony gasped as he clawed at Chuck's back with his blunt hooflets, panting helplessly.

Eagerly, Chuck complied, thrusting with eagerness and enthusiasm, Ebony's rump smacking against Chuck's groin with louder and louder slaps. Biting down harder, Chuck shuddered and panted heavily through his nostrils, until Ebony squealed long and loud as Chuck plowed himself back inside, slamming his groin into Ebony's rump as he convulsed and Ebony clung to him, moaning and trembling as the stallion's semen was shot deep inside him.

Pulse after throbbing pulse flooded Ebony, who gasped and writhed in the pleasures beyond his wildest dreams. His strong muscles squeezed and milked the member for every last drop, as Chuck gasped and shuddered.

"Damn you...Eb - " Chuck gurgled. "Don't..."

Ebony ignored him, squeezing down again and again, refusing to let Chuck dismount until Ebony was fully satisfied.

" been...holding out?" Ebony wheezed, as he leaned back and stared into Chuck's eyes. "I haven't been that fulfilled - in months."

"Should thought about this - " Chuck grunted, as he used one paw to gesture. "No towel..."

"Oh...yeah - about that..." Ebony blushed, hanging his head in guilt and shame. "Umm..."

Chuck twitched and grunted, then one one quick move he stood up, pushing himself deeper into Ebony, who clung to Chuck tight. Carefully, Chuck moved to the bathroom, before he awkwardly half crouched, almost bending Ebony backwards until his head touched the floor as they moved into the bathroom then tried to stand up as best he could, but the ceiling was just that little bit too low.

"So,'re we gonna..." Chuck pondered in that slow, adorable way he had.

"I'm not...hey!" Ebony squealed, as Chuck gripped him by the waist then pulled himself back, whilst pushing Ebony forwards.

With a slurp, Ebony slid free and a large puddle of Chuck's semen splattered onto the floor, before Chuck grunted and dropped Ebony flat onto his back.

"Ow...hey, watch it you big lug!" Ebony winced, then rolled over and stood up, rubbing at his rump and feeling the stickiness. "Oh, that's just lovely...I just showered!"

"Well, you should thought about it before getting all flirty!" Chuck grunted, then snickered and backed out carefully. "Do me a favour - clean up little filly?"

"Why, I'll..." Snorted Ebony, then giggled and looked around for a towel to wet and clean up.

"Hurry up, I'm hungry!" Come Chuck's grunt from outside.

"You're hungry? I could eat a horse!" Ebony shot back.

"Oh, sure you would filly...a nice bit of horse tube steak shoved down your throat..."

Ebony nickered in laughter. "You know me too well..."


Locker Room Tales - Chapter Two - Patrick and Penelope

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