Locker Room Tales - Prequel - Hung-er Games -

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#1 of Locker Room Tales

A group of friends, having grown up together, build dynamic and interesting personal relationships throughout school - now they're in college - these relationships build into a complex arrangement - not that any of them mind...

Hung-er Games

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

2ndAugust, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

It was boisterous in the locker room, as over thirty studly, masculine males moved around either undressed, dressed or clad just in towels moving too or from the showers from which wreaths of steam issued like the jaws of some dragon. Musk and testosterone competed against each other along with the acrid odour of sweat.

Seven stallions, part of the track and field team headed for the showers.

"I'm telling you," Patrick grinned, as he stripped off his towel, revealing the lithe form of his finely toned body, muscles rippling beneath his golden pelt. "We Palomino's are the Gods gift of equines!"

Mocking laughter come from the other stallions.

"Sure, sure," Grunted Ebony, a powerfully built Freisan, who tossed his head and his long silken mane swished behind him. "I've seen it, its a pencil!"

Staring at Ebony, Patrick snorted and hung his head. Everyone knew Ebony not only was the favourite of the girls and a lot of the males out there too. Ebony was openly bisexual, loud, proud and as out there as anyone could be.

Towering a good two feet over Ebony, come Chuck, a shire stallion, a bit slow, but the heart the size of a mountain and loving of life and everything. He rested his three fingered hand on Ebony's shoulder and squeezed gently, making the black furred Stallion quiver and twitch his tail.

"Ebony here, he's got it where it counts - " Chuck grunted, his voice slow and deliberate, like someone pushing a boulder uphill. "Aintcha Ebony? You like the Fillies and the Colts..."

With a snort, Ebony tossed his head again and tried to look all macho and dominant, which was met by laughter and derision from the other stallions.

"I'm hung like a shire!" Ebony grunted, sounding hurt, but the smirk on his face told otherwise. "A good ten inches on the slack!"

"Balls don't count - " Come a mocking laugh behind them, as Chester, a Thoroughbred entered the shower cubicles.

He hung his towel over the wall and stepped under the shower, letting himself relax under the steaming hot water and the others chuckled as a good nine and a half inches of equine pride was hung towards the floor.

"Oh my..." Ebony gasped, before Chuck cuffed him across the head.

"How's_your_ balls Chester? Healed up yet when that lesbian filly you got all hot an hard over kicked you?"

"It is was an honest mistake!" Chester snorted, his ears flattening.

This was met with a riotous burst of laughter from the other equines.

Turning about Ebony placed his paw on Chuck's belly, then looked up into his lovers eyes.

"This stud? He's at least twelve - at least - and as thick as a beer can!"

"Shush foal..." Chuck grunted, stepping from one large hoof to the other, as he chuckled good naturedly.

"You'd know Ebony - " Come another voice. "You've had almost every Stallion in the state!"

"Oh, at least once!" Ebony snickered.

"So, Chester, you really should get those looked at friend! I don't think they're meant to be that colour - or that size!" James sniggered as the Paint stepped into the showers, already swinging in the breeze. "Admire it ladies! Eleven inches of hot, studly stallion pride!"

"Uh..." Ebony gurgled, eyes widening before Chuck pinned him to the wall and lifted the smaller Freisan up to stare into his eyes.

"Behave missy..." Chuck grunted.

"Oh, let the bitch look you big hunk of horse meat!" James playfully teased. "Like what you see Ebony? Look, but no touch princess!"

"So mean..." Ebony murmured, glancing down, then into Chuck's eyes. "Mind putting me back down stud?"

They all laughed teased joked and chuckled whilst they showered, their camaraderie and bond was strong and unbreakable.

"Paws up how many here have taken Ebony for a ride - be honest!" James laughed.

All the paws went up, making Ebony squeal like a filly.

"Confirmed, the Freishan's a slut..." James laughed good naturedly.

As they showered, at first, nobody noticed the small Falabella who clopped around gathering up wet towels and discarded clothing, stuffing it into a large canvas bag he dragged behind him.

"Hey Shorty!" James snickered, then collared the tiny horse, lifting him off the ground and setting him on the wall, so they could see him as he hung his head and clasped his small paws in his lap.

"Oh...hello - " Come the timid murmur.

"Oh, no teasing the poor little fellow!" Patrick snorted. "Hey Christopher, don't let these guys bully you, its all in good spirits - great work at the track t he other day, your antics really brought the crowd to life for our side!"

"Thank you - " Blushed the Falabella as he nervously looked at the naked bodies of the other equines who towered over him.

Relaxing, the stallions gathered around, comparing sizes.

"Damn it!" Snorted Chester.

Ebony was revealed to be the second largest out of them all - in girth and length, nobody could compare to Chuck's impressive member.

"May I - " Come the quiet voice, as Christopher pushed forwards.

Making room for him, they all pointed and laughed at Chester, whose scrotum a beautiful multi-colour pattern of mottled bruising was forming.

"I couldn't help but notice, you were all trying to act like immature foals..." Christopher spoke quietly, yet calmly, before he dropped his trousers and relaxed the penile muscles.

Their laughter died on their lips as something fell with a thump onto the shower floor and then Ebony's high pitched girlish squeal pealed out as they all stared at the Falabella, who it would be said, become without trying, an equine tripod as the other stallions stared in shock and awe as Ebony squealed laughter.

Under the Moon's Gaze

Under the Moon's Gaze © Cederwyn Whitefurr 1st August, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Grazing beneath the full moon's light, the Kangaroo grazed peacefully. Her ears flicked and twitched at the annoying biting insects that pestered her but they were...

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Private Show

-Authors Note: Whilst this features Master Kalais and his slave Raefox, it is in no way implied or reffered to be canon to the Beggars Can't Be Choosers Story Arc, it was written purely as an exerise in a writing group on Telegram, I hope you enjoy...

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Fire and Ice - Reforged -

-Authors Note-: This is a complete re-imagining/rewrite from the original Fire and Ice I wrote, back in 2003, I'd like to imagine my artistic talent has improved since be the judge :) Fire and Ice - Reforged - © Cederwyn...

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