Her Craving

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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Holly has been lusting for her boyfriend's father but she can only look for so long...

This is a prologue to the Seducing His Father series!

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

Her Craving

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

A raffle prize for Fyrdrgon

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Holly giggled as she leaned into Hiss, the cougar's arm and both tentacles wrapped around her waist as if he was specifically trying to keep her close. It was really too warm for two furs such as themselves to be so close, however, and the skunk pushed him away a moment later, pink nose wrinkling as she fanned herself as if to say without words that she really was too hot for anything else.

And it really was that kind of perfect sort of day that one only got from time to time. They were coming to the end of their schooling - at least, what was required of them - and looking ahead to their futures, although neither of them was really looking at moving away to college. There were good colleges around them that would set them on a good path in life, although Hiss did muse and dream about the city, all the promises that would entail. It was one way that he was different to his sister who was quite a party dragon but rather preferred the quiet solitude of being on her own too, out in the wilds with no one around. Whether or not Helena found someone in her life, eventually, however, to fulfil that bare act of sweet solitude and peace with was a question that Holly had asked and not gotten any kind of satisfactory answer from.

But that was okay: that was for Helena and not for her. She didn't have to worry about it, her place secured even though final exams were looking. She was an adult in every right and smiled as she leaned back against Hiss, despite wondering just how she could be an adult and still not have a drink. She'd gone on a semester abroad to England, part of the UK, a year back and the underage drinking had hardly shocked her despite the fact that they were a hell of a lot closer to being of the legal drinking age than she had been.

That, of course, had not stopped her from drinking and she'd shared more than one with Hiss back behind the school, the little thing that made her squirm in ever closer to him, sharing things with the cougar, even though he was a half-demon, that she'd never shared with anyone else. They hadn't even slept together at that time but the lack of that allowed them to be intimate in other ways, passing words between one another as he drew shapes and patterns on the palm of her paw, staring up at a starry sky in the backwoods that did not seem to be of their earth and planet.

Of course, it was something different. Something far, far different to anything she'd ever had before but Holly was still learning, the skunk teetering on the cusp of her life, toes wobbling and calves burning as, still, she hung back. It was one thing to know where she wanted to go and an entirely different thing to leap and snatch it all up for herself but she wanted to learn and she wanted to grow and, above all else, damn it, she deserved a day off too.

That was just why she had taken the day to go out with Hiss and his family: Ropes, his father, Fyr, his mother, and Helena, his sister. There was Hiss too but she knew him well enough that she didn't even add him to the count and tally in the privacy of her own mind, flinging herself back on the brightly-coloured beach towel with her arms stretched out above her head. She'd prepped like mad for her exams and she had to force down the pull of guilt that threatened to rise up from her gut, turning her from relaxing times to stressful times. Everyone said just how much those end of school exams mattered to one's career but she had to believe that she could do it, otherwise, well...she wouldn't. Holly had tried her best to explain that to Hiss but it hadn't gone over very well, the cougar blinking slowly at her as he tried to comprehend before laughing sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck and admitting that she really was a smarter sort than him. It would be pure chance if he got the grades he was looking for but he was working with a tutor to crank things up another notch, intent on achieving even if he didn't quite like the methods needed to get there.

It was a testament to her independence that neither she had offered to sacrifice what she had too little of in order to help him or vice versa. They did not go too far out of their way for one another but enjoyed the best parts of coming together, paws fumbling and lips beautifully clumsy in the darkness. Oh, they needed one another and they needed that hasty release of teenage lust too, if only to know that there was more than stress and a daily grind that sought to bore into their very souls. It was just an expenditure of passion, something that two bodies required to function - at least their particular two bodies. Maybe the rest of their beings and natures were not quite so carnal but it had given her something that she had, perhaps, needed for a long time but not been of an age to understand. If she'd not been so busy, however, looking after her family, it would not have been entirely untoward to consider that she may have come into her sexual life at another time. It was just as well, in light of that, that she had found such a passionate lover in Hiss and, even then, she shivered at the mere thought of his claws lightly digging into her, cock slamming, grinding deep...

"Fancy one?"

Ropes grinned, startling the skunk from a daydream that she really shouldn't have been having in front of his family, Holly's blush seeping beneath her white fur. Luckily, her fur was still thick enough that she could just about fly under the radar on that one but she shook her head, feigning innocence even as Hiss buried his mouth against his should and snickered obnoxiously. Cats.

"Oh, no, I don't drink," she said, although she wasn't really convincing anyone as even Fyr gave her that kind of 'look' over her shades, seagulls cawing and flapping for scraps behind the red dragoness. "It'd be too strong for me, I've not had a sandwich yet."

"I'll make it weaker for you."

Ropes winked and parted his lips as if to say more but Hiss puffed up his chest, the cougar's tail fluffing up as he sought the challenge that his demonic cougar father had, inadvertently, laid down before him.

"I can hold my drink, dad, you don't need to make it weaker for me."

"Oh, look who thinks they're tough now!"

Smacking him lightly upside the head, Helena taunted him, plopping down on her own towel with a roll of her eyes and a smear of sun cream on her red snout that had not yet been rubbed smoothly into her scales. She was a strange sort of fur to Holly in the sense that, physically, she had two pairs of breasts but Holly had not found it all that difficult to become used to the demonic influences running through the family, all coming from Ropes of the underworld itself, of course. No one could mistake the cougar for anything but a demon with his four tentacles and his glowing, white eyes.

Still, he was kind and she accepted a drink off him anyway with a murmur of thanks as Hiss and Helena squabbled like the siblings they were, his fingers brushing hers. And maybe it was that moment that started it all but it was certainly the first day that Holly looked at the cougar in a different light.

Through her sunglasses, she knew that he could not see just how her eyes raked his body, taking in the light definition of muscle that was visible through the lighter, creamier fur of his chest and stomach. A fur had to have quite a bit of muscle in comparison to their body fat to show through fur - a fact that many had lamented when being able to show off just how physically attractive they were. That was just why the preference had moved on to whiskers, tails - things that didn't really have to have a body look a certain way to show through. A cat could weigh two-hundred pounds or three-hundred pounds and it was not as if their tails could gain weight, lending an attractive curve and flick for the eye on numerous magazine covers.

A demon of lust's body, however, did not seem to conceal everything and all was as true as it was possible for her to make it, to see it in its truest form. Every inch of him oozed raw sexuality in a way that Hiss' body, while admirable, simply could not. He didn't seem to need to do anything at all to maintain it, those abs that any femfur would have ached to run their fingers down. And he had been kind, soft with her but with a dark edge of flickering fire behind his look, the lines of muscle that begged the eye, something more.

Ah, yes... It was the need for more that drew her in time after time again, the skunk's breath catching and bikini suddenly feeling just a little too revealing before him (or not revealing enough) as his eyes grazed her again, too fleetingly. That thudding of her heart and sweating of her palms wanted more than his eyes on her - at the very least, they should have been locked on as she stood there in nothing but her fur, chest heaving with passion and a smirk even to match his lined across her face.

She could stand up to him, she was sure of it. It did not cross her mind that his wife was sitting right there across from her, leaning back against the cool box as she read her book, the water glittering invitingly before them. She hadn't seen them be intimate together but it was a given, surely, that they kissed when the 'kids' (adults though) were not around, wanting their privacy in some manner after so many years with youngsters in the house. And yet the feeling of guilt simply did not manifest itself, leaving her with a dry mouth and eyes locked onto one of Ropes' tentacles as it dextrously scooped up a football, tossing it to Helena with shocking flexibility and accuracy.

Holly swallowed: hard. Just what more could that tentacle do? Hiss was right there but the clench in her nether reasons was not because of him or for him either, although the younger cougar was woefully ignorant in just how he had been surpassed. She'd never had all that much of a moral compass anyway; growing up in Holly's kind of life had sent that off-kilter and, really, it was about time she took a little more fun for herself too.

There was only one thing a lusty femfur like her could do.

With Ropes before her, Holly breathed a smile and sipped from her drink, the stronger liquor chasing away any last remaining semblance of doubt that she may have possessed. The cougar flashed her a grin and a wave that she could not have known was perfectly crafted and poised, his tentacles even lifted so that her eye would run up along them, the demon knowing just what tentatively delicious prey he could snare, drawing into his sweetly lustful 'trap' from which only pleasure came. Holly only saw a male, and, oh, what a male he was, that she wanted to chase, hunting down to claim as hers above anyone, all, else.

Oh, yes... She savoured the notion, eyes half-lidded, lost in the nuances of desire, muscles tightening as if in anticipation of a moment that was not yet to come. In time, Ropes would be hers.

She would see that her craving was sated.

Bound by Sweetie

**Iron Author** **Bondage** ** ** **Bound by Sweetie** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Silver_ _ _ The dragon squirmed, breathing raking through his small, puckered nostrils over and over again and yet it...

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Sexually Transmitted Desire

**Sexually Transmitted Desire** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by anonymous_ _ _ _ _ "Shit!" Jael cursed at the alarm clock, ignoring her pounding hangover as she leapt out of bed, the otter anthro fighting to...

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