Bound by Sweetie

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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A dragon gets caught up in some cheeky bondage...but just how long can he last with the little dom Sweetie?

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

Iron Author


Bound by Sweetie

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Silver

_ _

The dragon squirmed, breathing raking through his small, puckered nostrils over and over again and yet it never seemed to be anywhere near enough to soothe the burning from his lungs. The room around Silver was pretty simple but it was not set up like a bedroom that would have brought a sense of eroticism to his loins, legs spread as he lay on his back on a plush bed indeed, spread-eagled with his paws tied, very securely, to each corner.

Silver had thought about untying the knots; that should have been the first thing that any self-respecting dragon thought of doing, much less one that looked as fearsome as he did with his large horns pointing straight back and thick mane of dark hair spilling down the back of his neck. The knots, however, had been tucked away from prying claws and he cursed under his breath, sweating beneath a new shirt that had been bought for the party and, well, now seemed like it was going to be worn for a first in a very new kind of activity.

How had he gotten caught up in this? He flushed red even through his light scales, eyes downcast and lips parted, tongue drooling out as if he had suddenly lost all control of the muscles that could have retracted it back into his mouth. His eyes gave the illusion of glowing in the darkness, with their red hue, and he eyed the figure silhouetted against the window warily, some sounds of the party, which was still very much in full swing, drifting up from the rooms below. But, of course, anyone who disappeared off to a bedroom during such a party was only going to ever be assumed to be having a splendid time so that was hardly any comfort that someone may be able to hear him.

No... Whether he liked it or not (he probably was, actually, going to like it rather a lot), Silver was all alone bar the not so innocent face that had brought him up there to begin with.

The seductress who had lured him there was dressed in less than him but he still felt more vulnerable before her, guts churning with conflicted need. A small, petite mouse, she giggled as if caught by some joke that he was not privy to, her grey ears twitching and pink, fleshy tail curling around her ankle. Despite her demeanour, her sparkling eyes held not one bit of shyness and the latex ensemble that cupped and pushed up her breasts in a slender corset would have drawn the eye of any male, not just him. The panties, well, those had not been on show when she'd lured him with the sway of her small hips alone into the bedroom but the slip of shiny latex barely covered anything now as she flirted back and forth, quivering in sheer anticipation.

But in anticipation of what? Ah, that was something that he was still, very much, to find out...

The mouse bobbed and teased him, trailing her paw over his front and down the line of his stomach as if she was going to go further - but now quite yet. Everything, of course, was going to be done on her terms and she had no worry of what she was going to do to him. Ah, the dragon indeed had been slippery of tongue with a few drinks in him and, even as he sobered up, the tightness of excitement lining his body rang through to an experienced eye, as much as she moved like a youngster who had never before held a whip in her paw. But Sweetie had always thought to herself that there were different strokes for different folks and this kind of domination (and the, so very sweet, resulting submission, of course) did not always have to come with a snarl and the crack of a bullwhip. And, sometimes, especially with her, it even came with a giggle and a bounce.

Under her touch, Silver growled and twisted, although he was already gone and lost to her whims, the hardness of his cock rising eagerly without her even touching his bulge. Sweetie chirped, whiskers quivering, pushing up onto her toes as she leaned over him, demonstrating shocking balance as her nose twitched and the tip of the whip teased across his obvious bulge. It was hardly as if he could hide it or even deny it but, still, he tried, groaning and turning away in his bondage even as a hot flush of aroused embarrassment seared down his neck for all the right reasons.

"So, sweet..."

She giggled, tickling him with the end of the whip, although Silver was in no position or state of mind to know that she had no intention of using it. A sweetie dom like her, after all, had to have her stage props and, well, it was all for the show of it, dah-ling!

He was so cute though and she'd have to have her fun sooner or later or the poor dear was going to pop while he was just tied up there - and she couldn't have that! Oh no... Silver panted more and more heavily as she unbuttoned his shirt, undoing each one with a little flourish, revealing the grey plate-scales of his stomach, running all the way up to the underside of his jaw. That was not all of it, however, as she teased his belt free, fingers dancing lightly to a beat that only they knew across his crotch, revealing, bit by bit, the might of his shaft, lusty and throbbing even though the drake in question could not have quite said just why he was so turned on.

Maybe that was part of Sweetie's appeal in unlocking inhibitions and desires that had, so far in life, laid dormant, unknowingly secluded where one could not have a single bit of fun from them. Silver had not explored this side, oh no, but she was about to show him another world of pleasure entirely when he had to let his orgasm come from her, unable to do anything at all in the thrusts and grinds of his hips to get it for himself.

And nothing could have prepared him for the moment that her lips closed around the head of his cock, drawing him up softly into the back of her maw with no small measure of skill. For a drake that was not left wanting for any kind of sexual interaction on his usual basis, he should not have responded with such a lusty moan, the sound rolling free from his lips before he had even a heartbeat in which to call it back to his maw. Silver clamped his jaws shut a moment later but the 'damage' was done and his body trembled, muscles beyond his control as he instinctively strove to get his paws down on her head, guiding her and showing the mouse just what he liked, but was restrained, of course, by her delectable teasing.

Forced.... Well, it was being forced to remain still in the very best of ways as she giggled around him, a little vibration travelling through his crotch, balls aching. He pulled and he pulled but there was little he could do in such a position, desire curdling up within him, easily reaching boiling pitch in his gut, a churning mess that had to be spilt at some time or another. Her lips caressed so warmly and her tongue teased up to the underside of his shaft. He didn't even seem to need to show or tell her what he liked or wanted, the dominantly wicked mouse teasing him right up to the very edge of orgasm as if it was nothing at all to bring him there.

And then she let him down again, laughing with her breath tickling his cock, her whip played between one paw to the other, her hips astride his and crotch grinding up to his shaft as if she was going to let him enter her. But it was all a show and she posed with her back arched, bosom trembling, putting on every last bit of the display that Silver need from her, the dragon's jaws agape even though he didn't seem to be able to such in very much breath between them at all. Just what was up with that?

"Not yet."

He groaned and twisted, yanking at the ropes to no avail: Sweetie knew her knots far too well for such a crude pull to break free. He was hers to do with as she willed but the mouse intended to do so very much for him, Silver's jaws opening and closing in a soundless please, the powerful dragon unwilling to beg even at the very moment that his aching, pulsating cock needed it the most. The warmth of her pussy seared through her undergarments, as little as they covered, the folds of her sex taunting him with what he could have had if he hadn't walked into her grasp, the teasing touch that lured him to a more sensual state of sexual play than could have ever have been possible for him if he'd been free and unrestrained.

No, bondage opened up other routes for fun and Silver was only just, understandably, coming to know of that, striving to hump up against her but only managing to move his hips just a little. Panting and groaning, the dragon even broke into a whimper that may have softened the heart of another top but no Sweetie. No, that sound meant that he was ready for more and it was with a giggling squeak that she lifted her hips, tugging her underwear aside - and sank down on his cock without any warning at all.

He didn't need it but he felt every inch of her warmth engulf him, better than any maw possibly could have been, head spinning, cock throbbing, lust rising. Yet such orgasmic pleasure was not his to claim immediately, hissing through his teeth as his eyes rolled back into his skull, horns digging into the pillows and, no doubt, ruining them.

He did not care, could not care, didn't know anything else as he moaned and tried to beg without words for release, the tenacious little mouse pausing and staying just so whenever she felt the twitching throb of his cock that signalled he was getting a little too close to the edge. She was the best for a reason and flirted with him, letting him see her smile, the wink of eyelashes that were seductively long, enough to make the heart of any male pound so very hard. He needed her and, in another way, she needed him too, his cock filling her nicely, stretching her out as she groaned, just for him, and rolled her hips on his aching, desperate dick.

Closer and closer... She could balance the dragon on the edge of pleasure for hours on hours if she so chose but that was not the name of the game as she rippled and clenched down on his cock, her muscular control imprecise but effective all the same. He just needed a taste of the fun she could provide, a different kind of sex, and she parted her lips breathily as the lust inside her too rose and rose, cumulating in a mouse-ish squeal of climax that had her slender tail thrashing and hips slamming down all the way on his cock.

And that was more than enough for Silver, the dragon wrenching at his bonds with such force that it would not have been at all surprising if he had managed to lift the bed from the floor, snarling and heaving out through an explosive climax that did all it could to rip him from every last sense of who he was and more. Pulse after pulse of driving, claiming pleasure coursed through him, tossing him up and away on a storm that he did not know the sense of, the solidity of the bed beneath him seeming to fall away as his balls were, finally, granted the relief that they so craved.

Of course, there was only one place that his sordidly pleasured mind could come back down to in the sweetness of the afterglow, although even that held a different air to it in the lick of orgasm, restraints appearing tighter than ever, even though that was due to his own body rather than them. Silver groaned, tongue lolling out once more, but there was no respite to come and neither did he want it even as his over-sensitive cock throbbed for relief, twitching within the mouse as she caught his eye with an impish, hardly satisfied grin. And he knew right then and there that he wasn't going to be allowed the time to recover that his body, like any male, so sorely needed, the edge of too much ecstasy combining with the desire to orgasm all over again in a cocktail that some part of him simply could not wait, still, to savour.

"Ready for more...stud?"

And, even though he didn't really have much say in it, muscles screaming for rest, the bound dragon challenged her stare with a smirk and a hiss all of his own, eyes lit up in the mockery of one who had not yet, quite, met their match. There was plenty of night left, after all, and the party would well enough go on without them.


In bondage, walking away simply was not an option.

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