The Lynx and the Panda

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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A sleeping red panda is teased by his partner as lusty fun between long-time lovers ensues...

A trade with Cassius that was an absolute blast to work on!

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

The Lynx and the Panda

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

A trade with Cassius

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The lynx yawned and stretched his arms back over his head, although it was a rather more discreet motion and flex than what he would normally give, considering the red panda sprawled across him with his head in his lap, sleeping soundly off in dreamland. Running a paw across his face, smoothing back his light whiskers with his fingers, Killian smiled down at his partner, Cassius, and shook his head, although he was still very careful not to shift his weight too much, the flat screen TV on the opposite wall to the sofa replaying an old episode of a sit-com that both of them never quite seemed to get enough of. Shirtless, he rolled his shoulders back comfortably and swallowed a light laugh at just what his partner would have said if he was caught shifting like that. They never tired either of teasing one another, their bond and relationship solely growing stronger with every passing ear.

And yet, still, being shirtless with just his jeans to cover the lower half of his body, had most certainly become a necessity, considering just how warm their place tended to get even as the evening slipped into a cooler time. Although it was spring, he hadn't quite shed out all of his winter coat and felt the heat in the change to the warmer seasons a little more keenly than most.

Despite the remaining fluff coating his chest and arms - at least, that much of him that was on view - muscle still showed through clearly and that was just why his red panda boyfriend poked fun at him, saying that he was always putting himself on show. In all honesty, when they were alone together, they were as bad as one another for joshing and laughing, winding each other up to high heaven and back again, despite it being an entirely different case when they popped out to the gym together. In the gym, it was a headphones over ears deal where they hunkered down and blasted through the workout, usually only interacting if it was to moan about some annoying arsehole taking up equipment at one of the busiest times of the day. And if there was one thing that Killian most certainly hated, it was a busy gym.

But he didn't have to worry about that, not when he was home with his partner after a long and exceptionally busy week. Other times could sit by the wayside after all was said and done, leaning back into the comfortable, old sofa that they always said that they were going to replace but never really actually got around to doing at the end of the day. It was too nice and too comfortable, a reminder of where they had begun when they first got together and the memories locked up in 'things' were sometimes more difficult than they cared to admit to let go.

And yet the knowledge that they got through the most difficult of times together lay in one another, Killian smiling down at the softly sleeping panda, his lips ever so gently and slightly parted in sleep. They'd come through a lot together, some things that nobody had thought that they would ever be able to come back from, but it had all proven to be worth it in the end, just for the simple pleasure of being with one another. Running a finger over the red and white lines of the panda's muzzle, the lynx purred, eyes half-closed in such sleepy pleasure that it truly was a wonder that he too did not slip straight off into dreamland right then and there. There was something alluring in the prelude to sleep, after all, in how Cassius' chest rose and fell, chest covered by one of his favourite tank tops with a logo on it that always brought a smile to his lips. He liked the little things like that.

The little things were just what made up a relationship and, sometimes too, the things that made a day just all the more interesting. And one of those supposedly little things was about to take place, most erotically, at that very moment...

Innocuous. It was innocent. And, yet, it was not. Moaning in his sleep, Cassius rolled over, turning so that his cheek was pressed to the lynx's crotch, red tail flipping off and over the edge of the sofa. Killian laughed softly, chest vibrating in a gentle, soothing hum, and he shook his head, still trying to do his best to not disturb the sleeping panda. Really, he was particularly cute when he was sleeping, although that fact in itself was not solely because he was cute all the time.

That could have been it and, above all else, Killian was a gentlefur even when his lover's nose was pressed into his crotch, rising and falling with the gentle shift of his own breath in sleep. The lynx swallowed hard and tried to slide his eyes back to the screen, although he had long lost interest in the film that was playing, something that the streaming service had, apparently, decided was exactly the right choice to continue playing after the sitcom had ended. He may have been interested in it at another time but it was more and more difficult to keep his breath slow and even as Cassius squirmed in his sleep, pressing his snout into the lynx's crotch with, highly pleasurable, increasing pressure.

He did everything he could to not be affected but, well, he didn't exactly shake his lover awake either, it had to be said. The red panda grunted and paddled his paws in his sleep as if he was dreaming about something that would, later, make its way up into a truly spectacular sort of dream, but it was something that was destined to go unheard and unknown as Killian toyed with Cassius' hair, twining and twirling the slightly longer strands between his fingers in a futile effort.

Against his will, however, he could not help his body from reacting, something very lustful thickening and swelling up between his legs. It was a bodily reaction that no male in his right mind could have possibly have held back from but it still caught him off-guard all the same, the lynx nibbling less than delicately on his lower lip and groaning in the back of his throat. Cassius wriggled, an elbow slinking off the sofa, but his nose pressed between Killian's thighs, snuggling deeper as the lynx's breath grew ever-increasingly raspy.

The TV flickered, an action hero of some kind slamming a punch into the gut of the bad guy. Yet it felt only natural to relate such simple terms to an extravagantly crafted scene when he was so distracted, striving to keep his hips pinned down into the sofa at all costs. If it had happened at any other time, perhaps, his course of action may have been already evident: wake up Cassius and have a good laugh about the whole thing, as funny as it was even in the moment. They'd talk about it days later and laugh and laugh for years to come about the time that Cassius tried to give him a blowjob while he was sleeping! Imagine that! Over time and retellings, the story would become exaggerated over and over again and they'd forget the original moment, although the laughter and good feeling of it, of course, would remain.

And yet that was not to be the case as the panda murmured in his sleep, the shoulder strap of his tank top sliding down, exposing a greater chunk of rich, red fur, nuzzling into Killian's balls even through the protective layer of fabric. Wearing only shorts for the warmer spell in their home, the lynx huffed sharply, exhaling a rough breath through both nostrils at once. The thing was, that funny little conversation they'd had the other night... Well, it had come about all of a sudden, giggling and being a little silly after the gym (yeah, okay, pre-workout sometimes had that effect after a particularly intense session: they didn't talk about it), wrestling playfully as Cassius pinned the lynx to the kitchen floor. Cassius had growled and shaken his muzzle in what was supposed to be a 'threatening' fashion but, in all honesty, just came off as rather deranged, sending Killian into fits of barely suppressed laughter, chest shaking.

"Got you!" Cassius crowed, tail lashing as if he was suddenly a feline himself going in for the kill, his butt wiggling in preparation for the pounce and the strike that would bring an end to all, in the rough world of the animal kingdom. "And you thought you lifted more than me!"

Of course, they both had strengths and weaknesses in different areas and it was all part of the fun and the game and Killian was quick to show off what he had in his back pocket too. With a saucy wink and a lick of his lips, the lynx tucked his hind paws around his partner's legs and flipped him over onto his back as quick as anyone could have liked, a throw from a defensive position that could have put any street fighter to shame for what they could or couldn't do with their body. The panda landed harder than expected, breath rushing from his body in a rush of air, grunting as two large paws came down on his shoulders, pressing them back into the somewhat cheap linoleum that peeled in the corners of the room but, really, was not anywhere near the top of the list of things that they wanted to replace then - at some point.

Locking eyes, they panted, staring one another down, but there was only one in that moment that could submit, as much as otherwise they tended to flip back and forth. After all, the fun of sex and all that lark was in the realm of mutual pleasure for them and roles could be amended and blurred as they needed. That said, the lynx did rather have a liking for being on top, tongue snaking out in a pink swipe to lash along the side of his muzzle, shivering confidently as a little ripple of pleasure coursed through him.

"You're such a pain..."

Grumbling, the red panda slid his gaze away but he was not really annoyed at anything, just making a point as he checked back to see if Killian had fallen for it, if he'd taken the bait and thought that Cassius really was annoyed at him. All that met his gaze, however, was a smirking feline muzzle and Cassius rolled his eyes dramatically, exhaling in a noisy rush of breath as he let his head tip and thump back with a little more force than was necessary against the floor.

"Damn it."

"You silly thing," Killian purred, kissing Cassius on the nose with a brief, hot lash of his tongue. "You'll do anything to get there, won't you? Teasing me... Hm. Why, I bet you'd even let me fuck you if you were asleep!"

The panda mewled and struggled but he was in a bad position to fight back, Killian too easily grabbing the upper paw and trapping Cassius' wrist too close to the side of his head - not quite wrenched but at such an angle that to struggle free would most certainly cause him pain. It wasn't anything to do with sex, he tried to say, and he most certainly wouldn't let Killian do anything to him when he was sleeping, yet his cheeks heated up and the cat kissed and nuzzled him until the truth came out in a rush of hastily whispered breath, where such secrets were best placed and carried.

"Unnff... Maybe..."

But the answer was already known as Cassius moaned and Killian kissed a path down his neck, teasing the truth from him as he whispered all the things that he would do to him even while he was unaware of it. And the truth came out all too swiftly in the hardening of his cock, murmured words snatched away in moans as he too imagined just what could be done if he was lost and away in dreamland while reality was entirely more erotic than he could have imagined. Humping and grinding up to Killian's waiting paw, a hasty agreement and lustful wanting was made in that, well, if either of them was asleep, more than a casual grope was most certainly something that would not go amiss.

It was likely that Cassius had forgotten about that but it was hard to imagine that those flustered, heated words could be revoked in such a moment, the lynx breathing more and more heavily as his chest rose and fell, cock striving to harden up. Only the boxer-briefs under his shorts kept it somewhat in check, however, although the bulge was evident, as thick and heady and as desperate for attention as Cassius would have loved - if he'd been awake, that was.

Breathing harshly through an open-mouth, Killian spat a muttered curse, head pounding with the drive to hold back his pleasure. In his sleep, Cassius moaned and pressed his face harder into his partner's crotch, even curling a paw around the lynx's thigh as if he was imagining something more even then, something that had to keep him in place, even starting to lip and nuzzle more fervently, as his dream rolled on.

He didn't want to swear but every obscene word that he knew crossed the lynx's mind, hips rocking and grinding wantonly even as the red panda lipped and even mouthed at his crotch, the bulge there, evidently, an easy hold for a keen mouth. And his lips felt so very good even through the barrier of the traitorous fabric, desire curling up within him, something that he needed so very desperately. It was hardly as if he didn't want to cum, of course, or that it had been a long time since they'd last 'done the dance with no pants', but a long work week made him want his partner more and more, cock drooling thick rivulets of pre-cum even within his underwear. And if he was that sensitive under his clothes, who knew just how hot things would be when the clothes were off?

Could he get his shorts off? The lynx rumbled a laugh, as shakily aroused as it was, the panda fidgeting and moving, tongue snaking out softly to swipe a damp line across his crotch. And he couldn't help himself then and there: he moaned, arching his back and pushing his hips up, glutes tensing with the strain of contracting to put his pride on display.

Cassius stirred, mumbling something in his sleep, and Killian held his breath, not even a whisker on the lynx's face, complete with handsome tufts of luxuriously groomed fur, moving. There was no male on the entire planet, of course, that would not want such a moment to continue, although it could only have been made even better by the removal of his shorts, feeling that gorgeously hot muzzle sliding down over his cock, sealing it back within the lips that coaxed such pleasure from him. The fidgets continued and Cassius grunted into the bulge in his face, licking and nuzzling even as he worked through whatever it was that his dream was telling him to do. Truly, at that point, Killian could not quite decide whether his lover was dreaming about giving him a blowjob or perhaps even simply eating ice cream. Even in hindsight, neither of them was to know.

But when Cassius' lips half-closed around his half-hard shaft, aching for better attention, the lynx could not help but let out a long, low moan, the volume rising more than he had before. It was too much for a sensitive shaft and his balls ached to spill their load too, the panda juddering against him even as he panted, completely and utterly incapable even in the moment of holding his breath, of trying to appear innocent in spite of the circumstances. As Cassius turned the flat of his cheek to his thigh, Killian grunted, tail twitching even as he rocked his hips for more of those truly delectable, delightful fidgets.

Yet it was not to be as Cassius paddled his way back upstream through the river to consciousness once more, rising thickly and slowly as if the dream itself was striving to hold him back. He yawned quietly, pushing his nose into Killian's balls to a plaintive, needy, chuff, and stirred slowly, licking his lips and bringing moisture back to a mouth that, all of a sudden, seemed far too dry for any sense of comfort at all.


The red panda blinked and rubbed the back of his paw across his face, inadvertently brushing and pushing more forcibly too against his partner's crotch. It took Cassius a moment to realise just where he was, coming back to reality with a forceful thump and groaning as he lifted his head. But what filled his vision - or, rather, cut across it - was the bulge of something that should have been very familiar to him but was rendered alien in the very moment of waking.

Cassius blinked again and tilted his head to the side, lower jaw ever so slightly slack. Just what was it that he was seeing? It didn't make sense but there was Killian above him, smirking down with a grin that threatened to stretch wider, wiping that entire smirk off his face. What was going on there? And why was he... The panda growled softly to himself, working his mouth. Why did his mouth taste like cloth?

And then it hit him, the aroma of a male's musk and arousal managing to seep through even his waking confusion, groaning lowly as his ears folded back softly as much as they were able, sweetly and gently submissive and shy. He swallowed hard and Killian chuffed a laugh, ears twitching, but it seemed awkward to stay in the position he was in and just as weird to leave it, a cock and balls just inches from his face, wet with his saliva and, well... Cassius gulped, sheepishly waving his tail back and forth. The rest, surely, was evident! But how? And why?

"You enjoying yourself down there?" Killian asked with a lazy grin and a wink that was full of meaning, whiskers quivering as he barely withheld his glee. "You were, hm... Do you remember anything?"

Half-pushing himself up with a squeak and a blush that even seemed to shine through the pale fur on his muzzle (no one would ever actually be able to see any kind of blush through the darker red-brown of his face).

"You're so easy," Killian continued, stroking his partner's head as Cassius could not help but lean into his paw, relaxing into the lynx's touch like he had done each and every time he had had the pleasure of it before. "You wanted my dick so badly that you're trying to get it in your mouth when you're sleeping? Damn, even I didn't think you were such a horny little slut..."

The words could have very much so been taken out of context if delivered in the wrong way and yet Cassius shivered deliciously, a tremor running through him from head to toe, fur fluffing out just a little more on his tail. Goosebumps lined his skin and he groaned lightly, sheepishly looking up as he pushed his tongue out again, deliberately this time, to tease out over the achingly hard and wanton bulge. It was uncertain whether the moisture found there was just from his saliva (good lord, had he drooled?) or if Killian was so horny that his pre-cum was actually seeping through but, either way, the latter was a hotter thought and Cassius' skin prickled with heat.

"Mmmph..." Moaning, he pressed his nose into the lynx's crotch, a familiar paw winding into his hair, tufts thickly sticking out between Killian's fingers, and teased harder, allowing his partner to grind him down into his rampant need. "Maybe... Maybe I am..."

Oh, it was good to say, as much as one may have otherwise have begged and claimed to be anything but a slut, anything else but it was hard to deny when he was so hot and bothered. Cassius did not have the presence of mind, right then and there, to wonder just what the hell he'd been dreaming about but his own cock pressed out through the front of his jogging bottoms, the loose fabric better allowing his shaft to throb to full hardness - unlike, of course, the trouble that Killian had experienced throughout the whole ordeal.

Yet it was not Cassius' tingling loins that were in need of urgent attention but the dominant paw of the lynx taking charge, yowling like a feral as he humped and ground Cassius' face down into his crotch, taking charge. If he wanted something, after all, there was no sense in beating around the bush about it! And Cassius did not fight him one bit, moaning with arousal as he grunted and lashed his partner's crotch oh so very eagerly with a hot, wet tongue, pressing down so hard that it truly was as if he thought he could get to his fleshy shaft even through his shorts. A sub could dream, right? And, well - Cassius had!

Hissing and grunting, the lynx struggled to contain himself, a wild glint in his eyes. He would have liked nothing more than to take his partner hard and fast right there and then with no ceremony to it but, ah, there was so much more pleasure in a slow burn. The light from the TV screen glanced of his fur, leaving it illuminated on one side along the tips, half of his face and ears cast into darkness. But Cassius was not even looking up at him as he lost himself in the musky scent, need getting the better of him as he humped his own hips desperately, devoid of sensation that he so desperately craved as he luxuriated his attention on his partner alone.

"See... Look how badly you need this."

Cassius closed his eyes, the words washing over him like a warm draught of water pouring down his head, trickling down the back of his neck, leaving a tingle in its wake.

"Such a little slut for my cock, you can't even get hold of yourself for long enough to get my shorts off."

He shuddered. Oh, that one hit the spot, mouth almost seeming to fill up with lustful saliva, drooling as he imagined being really that needy, so desperate to please that his brain fogged up and he could do nothing else but whimper, the little slut that Killian said he was. But was he really like that? Was he really that far gone that he couldn't even think straight? The fact that he could barely answer that question for himself in his fogged-up, spinning mind, even the old living room seeming strange to him as he fell into a different perception of his own reality, should have given him the answer right off the bat.

Killian loomed over him, a divinely dominating, powerful figure that disappeared into the relative darkness of the room. Neither of them had thought to bother putting a lamp on earlier and so the only light in the room came from the ever-changing screen of the TV, flickering and shifting with the course of every passing moment. Licking his lips, he tipped forward, putting his face closer to the red panda's as he let out a long, roiling hiss of pure desire.

"What does it say about you if I can't even keep my dick out of your mouth when you're asleep?" Killian hissed, his voice taken on a raspy, husky, tone. "Are you that easy? Really? Tell me."

But all Cassius could get by his lips was a moan, which, in all honesty, kind of did a pretty good job anyway of answering the question for the lynx anyway. Growling, Killian rocked up his hips, lifting his partner from the seats of the sofa, and fumbled to undo the button and zip on his shorts. Being helped by eager red panda paws, however, did not make the task any easier as both of them hankered for what lay within, his cock aching for full release, drooling desperately and slick around the tip with his own desire.

And then the sofa was gone, the strong, muscled arms - oh, god, how he loved those arms - of the lynx manhandling him down to the carpet, shoving the coffee table back. No, no - that would only get in the way and that wouldn't do. The lynx hissed and dropped his shorts, kicking them off as Cassius near enough lunged for his crotch, eyes wide and mouth already open, pink tongue poking out and panting as if he had suddenly become a canine, reduced to such need in a moment where maybe he could have been more settled in himself.

Yet the lynx had the ability to seemingly rip him out of his own body and, sweetly and lovingly, mould him to something new, becoming nothing more or less than a desperate slut on his knees, panting and gyrating as he yearned for something in his mouth, up under his tail - anything. He just needed something to sate his need!

Killian purred, hips wriggling from one side to the other in an effort to release the built-up tension found there, although there would not truly be any complete release until his seed was spent deep into his lover's maw. And such a sweet maw it was too, open as it was, the panda's eyes crazed with desire. He had not realised himself how very possible it was to become addled with lust with the right partner but, well, Cassius delivered that aching, oozing desire in spades time after time again. And he loved him all the more for it, watching just how his lover's pupils dilated as he languidly teased him, pumping his cock with long, slow strokes of his paw, tugging the skin gently back from the slick head.

"Something you want here, slut?"

Such a name... Cassius felt in some other part of his mind that, perhaps, he should have been annoyed and offended at being called such but it was just as well that he was already on his knees for the word alone made him weak. Yes... Oh, yes, he could be that for Killian, just as long as he got the sweet treat of his cock. Opening and closing his mouth soundlessly, he begged with his eyes alone, breath coming in great, ragged, heaving gasps, his chest rising and falling so violently that one would have been forgiven for imagining it to be an exaggeration in itself.

He stuck out his tongue for that hot length but all that greeted him was a lewdly wet slap across his face, drawing a gasp from his lips. Cassius swallowed a groan, mouth still open for what was to come, but Killian insisted on holding out, tail twitching wantonly even as he teased him, drawing out the moment and the dominance and control he held over him in the prelude to something even more alluring.

"You want it."

That was never in question and Cassius grunted, eyes wide, as the lynx finally thrust between his lips, pushing his cock straight up to the back of his mouth without actually forcing the tip to the back of his throat. The bodily reaction could not be helped on that one and it was a very different brand of dominance to force the gagging reaction, the stream of watering eyes as a needy submissive party tried to take it before they were ready, mentally prepared for the strain of pleasing with amazing head. Yet the thickness of it spreading his lips wide was all Cassius had wanted, cock aching for its own release, sliding down and down and down and very carefully taking in the full length with the fur of Killian's crotch tickling his nose.

And yet he could not resist the allure of groping and fondling his own shaft, the pulsing rod drooling thickly - probably more in his mind than it actually was. Cassius grunted thickly, humping into his own paw as he suckled wantonly, desperately, seeing nothing before him but his partner's rod. His world narrowed in and in and he couldn't breathe, eyes half-lidded, yet there was no way that the lynx's shaft could actually block off his ability to breathe: that was a porn star move. No, he just forgot to breathe as he tried to grind himself to climax, paw fluttering back and forth as if he didn't quite know whether or not he was 'allowed' to get off, 'allowed' to cum. And the not knowing was almost as delectable as having it spelt out for him.

Smirking, Killian languidly lashed his tongue along the side of his snout, thrusting into the red panda's mouth with a smug groan.

"Go on then," Killian encouraged him with a purr, eyes half-lidded with lust. "If you're that needy, get yourself off."

Cassius shuddered, ears slanting down and to the sides, submissively softening. It was degrading, not to even get off by his partner's paw while he was right there and yet still a form of mutual pleasure that had him flexing and curling his toes, every nerve-ending in his body tingling with desire. Yes... Yes, he would. His paw curled around his hard-on even through his joggers and the red panda could not help but moan around the lynx's cock, striving to keep up the best he could. It was harder than expected while he was trying to jack himself off at the same time and yet he could not spare not even a second to wriggle and squirm out of his own clothes, leaving him scrabbling for the delicious scraps of pleasure that he was able to glean.

And yet his head swam on undulating waves of pleasure that were by no means rooted in physical sensation. No, lovemaking and just raw fucking too ran so much deeper than that, an exotic thrill thrumming through in the simple, base act of having his muzzle used as if that could possibly be all he was to Killian. Of course, that was not true but it was the thought of it in the moment that was hot and had him rocking and grinding all the more fervently, slavering on his lover's dick as he pressed his tongue up to the underside and tried to match the lynx's motions, all for the sake and drive of giving him even more pleasure than he already was.

Killian's fingers found his hair, tightening in it for grip, strands protruding thickly between his fingers. The red panda barely had a moment in which to gasp before his head was dragged back and forth, hauling him forcibly by the hair. It was something that, of course, came with a twinge and throb of pain but it was funny just how adrenaline and raw lust could overpower that line of pain, turning it to a blur of pleasure in but the blink of an eye. The submissive fur gasped and groaned, putty in the lynx's paw as he was dragged, his mouth fucked with ever-increasing speed and determination. It was harder and harder to keep his tongue and lips in all the right places, turning it into a rather sloppy blowjob, all in all, but that was hardly something that Killian was at all going to complain about as he leaned over his partner, breath rasping through his windpipe as he heaved for breath, eyes wild and fur clinging more damply to his skin in some places, inner thighs divinely musky.


Perhaps there had been more that he had wanted to say about what a slut his partner was, words to make him hard and degrade him in such a sweet manner that he would have the panda cumming right there in his joggers, but Killian couldn't even get them out past his lips. Whatever words that he'd had to say were born and died on his tongue, tufted ears slipping back as he hammered in harder and harder, caught up in a frenzy of lust that simply could not be contained. That hot muzzle, the feel of Cassius' lips trying to pull and suckle on him even as he controlled each and every little motion the panda made... It was all too much, far, far too much, as he fucked and huffed, his grasp on Cassius' hair slipping even as he lost himself, the need to orgasm rising thick and fast in his gut, a need that had to be fulfilled.

There was nothing else for it. Snarling like a wild animal, he bared his teeth and hooked a finger into the corner of Cassius' mouth, drawing it open and still for him to press his paws over his partner's cheeks, holding him in place for the grand finale. It was not for the pleasure to be offered but for him to take as Cassius grunted around him, not just a little surprise in the sound. The red panda tried to keep up with him the best he could, pushing his tongue keenly out to lash along the side of that shaft as he pounded in, but that in itself was a tall order and not even an eager one like the red panda could be expected to maintain such a frenzied, desperate pace, his own shaft demanding vivacious attention all the while.

His shaft pressed up through his joggers and Cassius gasped as that cock was suddenly ripped from his mouth, tipping forward instinctively as he strove to follow it. Yet that was not where the kinky lynx planned on finishing in the flickering glow of the TV, his fur tinted with the hue of some kind of explosions: that film was one that they were just going to have to re-watch at another time. Grasping his cock in one paw, he yanked Cassius' head back and out of the way, forcing him to bow away from him like a statue poised for someone's admiration and attention, jacking himself off furiously. The wet, slick slap of a paw on lewd flesh filled the room even as the red panda grunted, pawing himself off vigorously, and that brimming ecstasy spilt over in the sanctity of Killian's mind.

Wave after wave of pleasure washed over the lynx like stepping into a blissfully hot shower - only better. Much, _much_better. He rasped out a howl as he ejaculated, managing, just about, to direct the spurts over his partner's crotch, smeared into his joggers by his rampantly, desperately groping paw. Cassius shuddered and heaved a sigh that could have been of desire or relief - perhaps both in equal measures - leaning back on both paws with his arms trembling to put his crotch and need on show for the lusts that they shared together.

Breathing heavily, he slowly came down from his high, although pleasure, as always, was quick to slip away through his fingers, something that could be held but only for a time. And yet it was a warming, softening reality that he returned to with Cassius blinking up at him, the hard bulge of his cock still showing through his clothing and a fresh coat of creamy seed staining them.

Killian smirked, unable to keep the humour from showing on his muzzle. Well, that certainly was one was to get the red panda to get the laundry done...

"You next..."

The lynx murmured huskily, pressing his hind paw into Cassius' bulge, and the panda whimpered, muzzle turning down with the wetness of that half-hard cock still against his muzzle as he too worked himself towards completion. It should have been a muzzle, perhaps, wrapped around his cock that got him off but, somehow, it was all the better for having been his paw, pumping and grinding breathlessly into his own perverted hold until he expelled his need in a rush of heat.

Howling and grunting, head twisting back and forth, he fought and fought to regain some sense of himself but only moaned all the more loudly as the slick wetness of Killian's cock seeped into his fur, tainting him sweetly. There would be many more nights, he knew, even as he shot his load into his own underwear, the clinging, damp sensation drawing a delectable shiver down his spine even in such a moment of rampant need, but the time where he was right there and then was the most important of them all. Killian stroked his head and muzzle, murmuring to him even as his cock tried to re-harden, striving to plump up again for the next round even though he needed, of course, just a little bit of time to rest. It was part of the male condition, to need that time, and Cassius whimpered, cheeks hot and flushed as he ran out of breath, struggling to pump himself to completion through the old, soft fabric of his jogging bottoms.

It was not the most satisfying of climaxes, that much was fair to say, but it was the kind of one that only left him wanting more as Killian's cum soaked into his joggers, leaving a dark stain where his cream had painted them only moments before. Cassius moaned, barely having regained his breath even as he panted and tried to grin, lips stretching wider and wider as he fought to catch his breath. Yet that was a mission that would, surely, not be completed until much later in the night and he knew that well enough, leaning into Killian with a low chuff of a laugh that was all that he could get out, chest tight with desire and gut aching for more.

After all, the night, as it was, was still very much young!

Studs at Work

**Studs at Work** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _A YCH round for Raiyoku, tigereye7669 and Paint Horse_ _ _ _ _ Hard at work, the farm hands grunted and sweated in the noonday sun, refusing to give up on the tasks of the day when...

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Claimed in the Breeding Pens

**Claimed in the Breeding Pens** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ ### _A YCH for Aegisofz, Paint Horse and bnbuehler_ _ _ _ _ Siana breathed heavily, the Aelysian with blue skin not quite knowing what to do with herself in the tight...

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