Studs at Work

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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Studs at work on the farm get down and dirty for some lad only fun!

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

Studs at Work

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

A YCH round for Raiyoku, tigereye7669 and Paint Horse

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Hard at work, the farm hands grunted and sweated in the noonday sun, refusing to give up on the tasks of the day when there was still a fair deal of work to be done. A tiger, a horse and a zebra sounded just like the beginning of a bad joke but there was no joke to be made about the work they were doing in the golden field, hay cut down and baled up, all ready to be collected. The rolling path of the field stretched out before them as if it went on forever and Michael, the horse driving the team of, ironically, heavy horses (ferals, not anthros, that is) on while they pulled the cart behind that was swiftly becoming stacked with bales.

The wheels ground over with a creak that spoke of the number of times, years upon years, that that same cart had been used to collect hay, keeping on regardless of how it was abused. And the horses threw their weight into the collars, drawing them on as the zebra called up cheerily, taking his cues from Matthias who helped him heft up the bales along with his own when Qadir tired just a little quicker than him. It had to be said, however, that the tiger's muscled physique helped more than a little in that regard.

"Alright..." Michael called, keeping a close eye on them as he glanced back yet again, one ear flicking down in concern as Qadir huffed and puffed, fighting to keep up with the surprisingly steadily rapid pace that the draft horses set. "We should stop for a break. Do you want me to take over for a while?"

"What?" Matthias called back, the blue-striped tiger grinning widely in a flash of sharp, white fangs. "We're fine! Aren't we, Qadir? We can keep going?"

The little zebra - well, little in comparison to Matthias with his muscle easily showing through his T-shirt - groaned and tried to nod, happily amenable to whatever they wanted to do despite his slowing down. Truly, even the tiger was getting more and more tired with every passing second, hefting up a bale with a thicker grunt than usual, T-shirt soaked through to his fur with sweat, although defining the lines in his musculature, as a result, was a pleasant side-effect.

"Y-yes!" Qadir chirped, although his breath was stolen from him, whipping away any further words that he may or may not have had.

It was as good a sign as any that Michael's call had been right and, although he was more of a follower than a leader when it came to new situations, he slowed the cart, drawing the reins back in one paw while he set the whip aside. Positioning the cart with a little clunky difficulty beneath the overhanging branches of a thickly deciduous tree (he didn't really have enough knowledge about such things to accurately tell what kind of tree it was further than that), Michael slowed the team and gestured to the others, reaching beneath his seat for the waters and food that had been pre-packed for them that day.

The tiger and zebra fell on them like locusts, Matthias growling with sheer pleasure as he tipped his head back, getting half of the water over his face and down his chin, fur slickening down to his skin. Qadir was more restrained, sipping at the drink with his large, soft lips that seemed too big for the bottle itself, eyes half-lidded in the simple little pleasure of just having his thirst sated.

For a moment, there were no other sounds, all three of them relaxing in the shade, birdsong cutting through where, before, there had been the snort and shift of the horses and the rattling cart to contend with. The fields seemed a lot quieter without them hard at work, even though Matthias' eyes rolled, tugging at his shirt as if he was trying to get at least the semblance of a cool waft of air up beneath the already soaked fabric. Like so much else in the world yet on a much smaller scale, it truly was a futile effort.

"Unnff... Is it right that we're paying for this?" Matthias grunted, fur sticking up in clumps of sweat around his neck, fur poking out of his T-shirt as if it was striving to escape. "It was meant to be...huff...god damn it..."

But not even he had the breath to say what the working holiday was supposed to be: a time where they exchanged a set period of work for free board and food. It wasn't entirely a bad deal but perhaps a deal that may have been better planned for easier times of year than collecting hay off the fields. To add to the experience, they'd not been passed over a trailer or a lorry of any sort to get the bales but a pair of draft horses, snorting and shaking their heads in gleaming, immaculate tack. Those had been interesting at first - and more than one joke had been made about Michael taking the reins, although he had, ultimately, been the one to drive the team - but the displeasure of work that was hard on the muscles took over soon enough for the amusement to quickly fade away.

It was interesting though and all of them had signed up to do something that was out of the ordinary, so there really wasn't all that much that they could complain about. Muscles ached from being hard at work and Michael insisted on going back to heft up the bales, since driving the team who seemed to know just where they were going anyway was such an easy job. Matthias smirked, pulling off his T-shirt to air as the horse's eyes trailed down his chest, muscle so very easily showing through the fur there in stark, clear definition. Not even the stripes curling around to his chest and abdomen could hide his tone and the tiger flexed covertly, further drawing the equine's attention to one of his best features.

Michael swallowed hard, exchanging a look with the other ungulate of their strange little group. Although they'd all been sleeping together in the shared accommodation, the old bunkhouse, they hadn't really looked when, perhaps, they should have done so already. A body could tell so much, after all, and Matthias' muscle spoke of hours on hours in the gym, working away the ill times of the day in the best way he knew how. Of course, he was hardly a cat who wanted for company but there was a benefit to taking time to oneself too, something that he by no means was shy to do.

And it was nice too when others appreciated it, toying with the belt of his jeans, only wearing boots to protect his hind paws from the work of the day. His tail lashed as if he was out in the wilds like his ancestors of olden times, stalking prey, but the sweet brown and white equine was not something that he would usually go after. He was not a typical bay in colour or shade but Matthias licked his lips lewdly, rasping across his muzzle as his whiskers quivered, imagining just what it would be like to run his tongue over the stallion's delectable flush, muscle hidden by rising through subtly.

Yes... There was a better way to recover one's strength than drinking and eating, although he was sure that that would come later. But before he could act on it, Michael was blushing and making some kind of excuse to make good his escape, stammering over his words like a teenager all over again. A growl sucked down in the tiger's throat, need rising and seemingly destined to not be sated, but Michael was already gone, keeping his hips angled a little too obviously away from the tiger who could not take his eyes off that round, tight rump, tail tugged through the hole in the back of his canvas trousers.

Damn... Just what was a fine piece of ass like that doing not making a move? He shrugged and shook his head, although he was still one to watch Michael walk away, the hypnotic sway of his tail drawing another soft growl up to his muzzle, lips vibrating gently. Who, after all, could have resisted the lure of such a fine treat and what was Michael even thinking to pass up a stud like him? Little was he to know what was truly going on, the equine panting lightly as he disappeared behind the hedge with a moan on his lips and eyes rolling back into his head, ears splayed softly as the want for something more pulled at his soul.

Matthias grunted and squeezed the plastic of the empty water bottle to a flattened pulp, tail lashing. Denied for no reason... What was up with that? Yet he had underestimated the quite one all over again and Qadir giggled as he pushed up against the tiger, eyes wide and plaintive, although a request such as his simply did not need to be vocalised. Matthias would have taken a step back in surprise if the zebra's weight had not crushed against him so pleasurably, a purr rising up from the back of his throat as the anxious swish of his tail slowed and stilled, just the tip flicking back and forth gently as his need rose once again.

"Well, well, well," he purred, regaining his cockiness in what seemed to be no more than the blink of an eye. "What have we here?"

Such a line but it was a line that always brought a smile to the lips of his so very willing prey, Qadir's ropey tail flicking and thwapping lightly against the backs of his thighs. Although the zebra was shorter than him, there was not too much difference in their heights, despite the obvious and alluring power differential between them. Grunting softly, Qadir rocked up against him, gently allowing himself to be borne back against the wood of the cart, ears flicking from one direction to the other as if he did not quite know what to do with himself or, very possibly, believe his luck in the heat of the moment.

"You're looking at the horse... Michael."

It was a silly statement and yet still the type of one that didn't need to be answered as a hard bulge ground up against Matthias' leg even through his jeans, impossible to ignore. It didn't matter where Matthias' eyes had been when they were there and, well, it would have been idiotic to state that they weren't interested in the same thing. A submissive could still take the first step, truly putting one's best hoof forward, and Qadir inhaled deeply, taking in the tiger's musky scent, thick and heavy with intoxicating, studly sweat, as his nostrils fluttered wantonly.


Smirking, Matthias curled his fingers through the zebra's short, thick mane, seeking a hold on the crest of his neck when the hair proved just a little too short for any real grip, Qadir whimpering and pushing up against him. But then he was going down, down, down... All the way down to the ground where the hard-baked earth came up to meet his knees with a dull, sharp thwack. But neither of them were really thinking about their level of personal comfort in such an erotic situation where the name of the game was pleasing their needs above all else.

And it was the tiger in true charge that lusted, tongue swiping along the side of his muzzle as he undid his belt, kicked off his boots, let his jeans slide down to the ground. All that remained on his body was the sweaty, damp mess of his boxers, pleasantly reeking with the masculinity of the day.

Qadir couldn't help himself but it was not as if he would have had any choice in the matter, yanking his T-shirt off in time for a fat length of tiger-meat to press up to his lips, demanding entrance that was glad to allow. The hot length was unforgiving, slamming right up into the back of his maw - but he was an equine at heart and truly had the best designed muzzle to take every last inch of cock that Matthias had to offer him.

Exquisite. His head rolled, languishing in sensation, the illicit nature of what he was doing out in public. Oh, he was normally a zebra who was quite in demand but there was little one could possibly draw back away from when a cock ploughed between his lips, stretching them so sweetly wide that it was far better than any kiss, however deeply lustful a kiss could be. He moaned around the tiger's cock, eyes rolling languidly back into his skull, palms dry and paws reaching for those heavy nuts too, wanting to adore and caress every last inch of the tiger that he was simply allowed to. After all: waste not, want not.

Matthias hissed and leaned over the smaller zebra, legs splayed and braced as his tail flicked back and forth, the ticking hypnotism of an old-fashioned cock. There was nothing old-fashioned about the tiger, however, as he growled, whiskers quivering, relishing in the studly power of the moment, muscles taut and ready for action. Glutes tensed and he drove in, confident in his ability to use the zebra's mouth as nothing more than a hole to be fucked and to be thanked for the opportunity afterwards too. It was, after all, just one of the benefits of being a stud.

Yet that tongue pressed up to the underside of his shaft, squeezing and caressing, set his muzzle twitching and quivering, claws pricking out on the very edge of what control could be held in his paws. Maybe he was overly lustful after the work of the morning, need ramped up, but he could not hold himself back and neither did he have any need to as the zebra slurped and lapped over his cock, playing across the tip with a little quirky grin whenever he was allowed to draw back, chest heaving, for at least a gulp of breath.

No... They needed more, two males in the prime of their life, hot and wanton. It was all Matthias could do though to drag his shaft from such a sweet pair of lips, ears flat and a snarl on his lips that turned him into a true predator in the sweat and grime of the moment. There was nothing pretty about how he hauled Qadir up, intent on his own need and his need alone. Nothing else mattered to the lust-starved and addled tiger as he turned him about, a cream of pre-cum still clinging to the zebra's dark lips as if in testament to just where his mouth had been. But his rounded buttocks called and the tiger wasted no time at all in ploughing them in the best way that he ever could have possibly imagined, cock squeezing between to seek out the sweet pucker of his tail hole, flexing and loose and ready for him, head swimming with desire.

It was too much for them, hips grinding together as they cried out, Qadir's tail hole stretched impressively wide, taking everything the tiger could give him and more. Although he was comfortable on the bottom, the wantonly slutty words pouring from his lips spoke of a different liking, demanding what he wanted with the conniving sweetness of one who well and truly knew just what they were doing. His tail hole squeezed around Matthias' cock even as the tiger let out a head-spinning yowl of pure pleasure and the zebra smirked, despite not truly having the breath to utter what the heat in his loins begged him to.

"Fuck me harder."

"Is that the best you've got?"

"I can't feel you yet..."

He needed to get Matthias riled up beyond the point of belief and the tiger fell for it hook, line and sinker, slamming into the kinky little switch (or was he technically, in that moment, a power bottom?). Yowling, he drove in harder and faster, lips pulled back from his teeth in a feral snarl, slamming Qadir down and pinning him there, claws pricking and digging in through his striped skin as orgasm built in the pit of the kinky zebra's belly.

"Take it!"

Not his most eloquent but it would have to do, further words ripped away on a snarl of pleasure, that hole growing tighter and tighter around his cock with every passing second as Qadir brayed out his climax, painting the side of the cart with a cream of seed. Of course, there was one privy only to the sounds of lust, even if he was, at that very moment, engaged in a good time all of his own too...

Michael peered out from behind the edge, eyes wide as the cart rocked and jostled, creaking as the horses stepped forward and back, eyes wide and rolling with an edge of white. Just what was going on back there? Of course, it could not be said that some part of him already knew and he groaned deep in the back of his throat, jeans slipped down and his cock in paw already, fingers closed around the thick length of horse-meat as if he had been planning to use it in the unprecedented liaison to begin with.

Ah, but a surprise was the name of the game and he moaned softly, walking with a stuttering, juddering step back to the cart, knowing exactly what he would find there. He hadn't bothered to take off his jeans but that would come in due course as the grunts and groans from the wagon rose in pitch and frequency, cut through only by deeper, more guttural sounds of exotic lust and pleasure that made his knees quake, shuddering to be part of it.

Of course, there was no elegant way to join and he sucked in a breath, the striped hide of Qadir coming into view first, swiftly followed by divinely blue stripes; they were impossible to mistake for anyone or anything else. Spellbound as Matthias pinned the smaller zebra up to the side of the cart, ignorant to the needs of the horses, Michael swallowed hard, mouth too dry and cock throbbing, pre-cum drooling from the tip in thickly viscous beads.

He wanted it to be him. Oh, he'd thought he had not wanted that and had had to go off alone to take some space and time for himself but his tail hole clenched down as if already imagining just how sweetly wonderful that cock was going to feel crammed up in there, the light lick of sweat tainting the air between them. The sun beat down outside the shade and he hovered, shifting his weight from one hoof to the other as he pumped his cock, yearning for the sensation of something other than his own paw even though he very much doubted that anything like a muzzle or a tight hole wrapped around his cock was on the cards for that particular day.

And that was just alright with him.

"Er, guys?"

Michael blinked, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly as the tiger pounded the zebra, Qadir grunting and squealing as he kicked out, his thick, ropey tail swishing back and forth wantonly. Of course, they did not have to pause to acknowledge him, hips working together in the pursuit of studly carnal bliss, wanting more from the day that any manner of work or oral sustenance could provide.

The tiger would not resist a chance to show off, however, slowly slipping back to his back (demonstrating considerable strength in the process) so that Qadir's legs spread, riding him as he ground and slammed down, legs shaking even as he moaned. His cock throbbed as hard as ever and Michael whimpered softly in the back of his throat, knees buckling before he could stop himself. He was lost before he'd even acquiesced to the desires warming in his loins and that was, truly, just the way he wanted it to be, grass tickling his bare knees as his mouth simply watered at the notion of taking one of their cocks - it did not matter which - deep into his wanton muzzle.

"See something you like, pony?"

Cockily pushing the boundaries, Matthias snarled luxuriously, lips pulling back from his teeth as if to demonstrate the difference between him and the two prey animals before him. He was the one in charge, the one who held every last drop of the power, and he was going to show it too. Snapping his fingers, he pointed to the zebra's cock and Michael trembled, ears slipping down as he knew with a throb of lust just what was wanted of him, even shy of the luxury of words.

Down and down his mouth descended, wrapping around the other equine's shaft as if it was meant to be there. The thrusts of the stud tiger rocked Qadir up perfectly, seeming to thrust into his mouth even though he was not honestly moving at all of his own accord, the switch caught up in the moment and squealing as a hoof jigged, threatening to kick out. His tail slapped down against Matthias' stomach but the tiger barely noticed, snarling as he planted his feet and hammered up into the zebra's tight breeding hole.

"Fuck yes!"

An exclamation like that could only come at the point of orgasm but it was one lost to Michael as the equine moaned and suckled on a fat cock so like his own that he could almost imagine it was. The thick medial ring pulsed beneath his tongue as it slipped deep, erratic in its thrusts and driving over his tongue as if Qadir was the one truly holding him down, fucking him in place. The order of fucking had well and truly been established but the tiger still resided at the top in every last ounce of his masculine power, heaving for breath, driving up with all the strength he had in his body for his ultimate pleasure and sweet, sweet climax.

Michael didn't see the tiger filling Qadir's rump with cream but he felt it, the zebra's cock twitching and throbbing within his maw as he took him deep, pre-cum spilling into his mouth as if Qadir too could not contain himself. The zebra could not quite cum again so soon, however, and Michael was left wantonly sucking on an over-sensitive length of stallion-meat, desperate for the cream contained within as his own cock was left woefully without any attention at all.

It was not to be - at least, not yet. The tiger heaved a grunt and shoved Qadir up and away in search of far sweeter and more alluring prey, eyes locked onto the stallion that gasped and moaned, clutching his own shaft for some semblance of stimulation that would push him too over the edge. But Matthias was not a feline that was about to be inconsiderate to those around him when they so kindly offered up their bodies for his lust and attention, the zebra slumping to the ground in a state of sexual exhaustion that could not, for the moment, be overcome. Better to rest and come back with his lust risen once more.

And then Michael blinked, a large, muscled rump in his face, the feline tail lifted high so that the pucker of a tail hole was on show, musky and sweet in its very essence. But it was not there as an offer of any kind where he could sink his shaft but a sense of desire that only a soft little equine tongue could possibly provide.

"Get your nose in there, pony, nice and deep..."

And then Michael pushed forward, eyes wide and a snort on his muzzle, lips quivering for the passion that only he could deliver. That tail flipped up and Matthias groaned as a hot, wet tongue squirmed across his anal ring, giving it and the musk that was to be found there the sweet attention that he had craved all along, dominance thrumming through him as he trembled.

"Better than a water break, pony," he groaned, rolling his hips lightly in time with the lusty sweeps of the stallion's tongue, questing in more and more, digging deeper. "Clean me off and maybe I'll have a treat for you too..."

There was no question just where that 'treat' would come from and Michael redoubled his efforts with a groan, eyes half-lidded with pleasure as his own tail flagged desperately. A second tongue joined his, two fleshy, equine appendages seeking out that thick ring of flesh that they were not destined to stretch open with anything more than what resided within their mouths.

But that was alright as they slurped and shared the spoils, shoulders pressed together as the zebra moaned, vibrating lightly against Michael as the stallion's tail flagged too high, twitching back and forth. He needed something up under his tail too and while a tongue may have been nice it was a thick, throbbing shaft that he longed for, the heat in him not being at all ready to settle for anything less at all. Matthias purred, rolling his hips back against them as Qadir too nuzzled in, although he'd already had one orgasm, the dominant soul a kind one too at heart. And there was never any reason to not give a partner what they wanted if it was what he desired too...

"Get down, pony."

As if in a dream with the sun dappling his light brown and white coat, poised for summer, he eased onto all fours with such a trembling whinny that he could have, in that little instant alone, been mistaken for a mare, eyes wide and his tail lifted for the tiger's attention. The prick of claws digging into his hips as the muscled stud got into position could not be denied either but neither was he going to deny the tiger himself as he eased his cock up under his tail, pressing and questing for entrance that was, shamefully, easy to acquire.

And then he was in, Matthias letting out a feral yowl as he sank in half his length, lending strength to where he had thought energy may very well have been lacking, crouched for better leverage. His thighs burned but he was male enough to bear through it, snarling and hissing as he slammed in, forcing the equine's tail arsehole to accept every last inch of his cock that he was willing to give.

Michael howled and clawed at the ground but all he managed to do was cut lines through the dust between blades of grass, churning it up as the feral horses snorted and stomped, wondering just when they were going to get back to work, still clad in leather traces. There would be time for them shortly and their due care given and it was not as if they were not used in the slightest to the element of patience. Michael's heart pounded, mouth too dry even as he tried to cry out for more, gyrating back and begging incoherently even as another pair of soft lips pressed to his.

As he was fucked, Qadir kissed him passionately, cock jerking and spurting pre-cum in that overly lewd, equine fashion - too ostentatious for less wanton company. But they were all in the same boat and Michael moaned out into the kiss, needing his pleasure to be sated too. It was not an equine shaft pounding into him but something even better, the muscle behind each and every driving thrust that Matthias gave driving him forward across the grass, shoulder grinding into the cart, which at least provided some semblance of balance.

Sweet grass. A warm, wet kiss that made his head spin. His tail hole stretched out beyond compare. Something tightened in the pit of the horse's belly and he tried to hold off, hips bucking and grinding as if he had suddenly becoming a wild stallion in the bronco ring, intent only on throwing his very willing rider off and into the dirt. Yet Matthias growled and hung on, riding him harder and faster than ever until the stallion could not help but kick and squeal out in the bliss of climax, balls tightening up to deliver throb after throb of delicious cream into the dirt beneath them.

That orgasm was nothing compared to the one of the tiger, however, driving in deep and hard, only pulling back a little as if he was loathe to draw back further than truly necessary each time. Matthias snarled, lips pulling up from his teeth, and worked his glutes with raw ferocity, a feral animal that could not be stopped even as Michael moaned out for relief and slumped down to the ground, arms too weak and shaky to hold him up with the taste of dry dirt in his mouth.

And yet, when he climaxed, he filled that pony-hole with every last drop of cream he had to give, balls churning and churning even as the tiger let out a deep, guttural moan that seemed to rise up from the very pit of his being. Cum oozed out around the length of his cock, Michael's tail hole simply unable to contain it, and the stallion grunted as he pressed his face into the dirt, head spinning and a smile pulling at his lips, however tired he was. He wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else, even though it was better just to close his eyes for a moment, forget reality and just languish in sweet sensation instead.

It was a good way to spend a summer afternoon indeed...

Yet when Michael blinked back to full coherency, his sense and grip on reality returning, Qadir stood before him with a length of coarse rope from the cart in his paws and a twinkle in his eye. The tiger raised an eyebrow, cock half-hard but swift to return to the job it was intended to, ever the virile stud who could go over and over again without even the break or respite that lesser furs would have needed.

Shaking his hips cutely, the zebra stretched the rope out between his paws, a devious grin pulling at his lips, the kind of one that forced its way out regardless of how one strove to hold it back.

"How about these next..."

Grinning, Matthias shot him a sultry wink and a smile that could very well have charmed the bales right up into the cart itself.

"It's as if you don't even have to ask!"

Claimed in the Breeding Pens

**Claimed in the Breeding Pens** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ ### _A YCH for Aegisofz, Paint Horse and bnbuehler_ _ _ _ _ Siana breathed heavily, the Aelysian with blue skin not quite knowing what to do with herself in the tight...

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Breast Lovin'

**Breast Lovin'** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Latios4_ _ _ _ _ Karissa smiled as she walked down the street, attracting the usual stares that didn't bother her anymore. It had been more of a thing for a young...

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