Satisfying the Stud Bull

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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A fighting bull goes wild with lust after winning a match: it's time to bring in a pro prostitute to satisfy his hefty needs...

This was completed a while back and I did not receive feedback on editing - if you are the commissioner, please feel free to still drop me a line, of course! :)

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

Satisfying the Stud Bull

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Big Moo

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Big Rick bellowed and beat his paws on his chest, the massive bull rippling with muscle, even with his hefty gut, as he leapt, legs bent to take the force of impact. The stud bull's fists clenched like meaty hams, so huge with his towering height also at play that one would have been forgiven for looking twice at his roughly coated brown-furred body. His black horns almost looked out of place with how small they ended up in comparison to his chunky, blocky head, nostrils flared for snatches of breath and lips moist with saliva. Tree-trunk legs thundered and he howled, swinging his head back and forth as if he was already searching for the next opponent, the next one who would dare to stand up against him when he was far more than just another wrestler to take on in a fight, genetically modified beyond the wildest dreams of anyone who had supported the original projects.

Truly, a stud wrestler was the best of the best.

His opponent lay before him, heaving and fighting for consciousness even as the support staff on hand rushed to ensure he was okay, although a concussion in wrestling was not so common as it was in boxing, the fighting sports each taking on a different nuance of injuries. Of course, there would always be the issue of air deprivation and soft tissue injuries especially during the course of a standard fight, where even a hold that clamped down on opponents hips could leave their head and neck in such a position that they, in a sense, made it difficult for even themselves to draw breath.

The stag that had been punching a little above his weight certainly fell into that category. He couldn't match Big Rick for the sheer volume of muscle layering his hide but, truly, there was not a natural soul alive on the planet that could stand up or match up to the genetically enhanced bull. Grunting and stomping, he circled the arena even as his manager, Preston, waved his paws at him, the much smaller peacock striving to get him to calm down, although they would soon come to know that such calm was going to take more effort to achieve than originally thought.

"Rick! Get over here - you won, you lummox!"

But Big Rick was too far gone, eyes half-lidded and hazy, not even really seeing what was there before him. His head sailed back, horns gleaming in the stark lights overhead, as he ripped down the front of his wrestling vest, the short legs of the pants giving up just as easily as the massive might of his fat and ready cock sprung out for the attention of the crowd. They gasped and leaned forward, intent on the erotic display before them, camera flashes popping off in all directions as he masturbated lewdly, a huge paw with hoofed fingertips sliding up and down his veined, throbbing cock as if he was going to ejaculate right then and there.

"By gods..."

The ref gaped and tugged his collar out from his neck as if to cool himself down, a Golden Retriever who was, suddenly, very much out of his depth.

"God... Can you..." He shook his head and gestured at the peacock manager, who was as dumbstruck as the ref as the bull rampaged around the ring, seeing nothing but the red mist of lust that he had, all too abruptly, descended into. "Do something? Stop him! He's going to be out of there and tearing up the stands!"

But the peacock pressed his beak together, tail-feathers flattened down in a glorious sweep that still somehow managed to appear demurely beautiful as the nearly ten-foot-tall bull roared and spent a load of cum over the arena floor, barriers rippling and bowing out dramatically as he leaned back to show off his lust, his virility and desire drawing moans from the crowd too, as much as the ushers strove to get everyone and everything in order.

"What the hell are we going to do?"

The ref snarled, the danger of the situation catching up at him as he grabbed Preston's collar, yanking him forward as if he was forgetting the very manner of rules and decorum of the fighting rings that he himself fought to uphold each and every day of his working life. He was not solely there to keep the fighters safe, whether they were wrestlers or those engaged in other martial arts, and had an eye on everything, although Big Rick with his bulging muscles beyond the realm of reality was far from anything that he had ever before had experience in. And that fear drove him on as a thick, creamy flood of bull-seed washed across the arena.

Brushing himself off, the peacock smiled, surprisingly serene considering what was happening. He was far from, of course, but, even in his line of work, appearances truly were everything.

"Well, when things have escalated this far, you really can only bring in the best of the best..."

The ref blinked at him, ears flat to his skull, tongue hanging out as he panted from the sheer stress of the situation at hand. What Preston the peacock meant, however, still remained to be seen as Big Rick bellowed out his pleasure all over again and swung his suddenly dark, beady eyes around, searching out a victim who could, maybe, satisfy his lusts to the extent that a horny stud truly needed.

There was only one who could.


"You want me to do...what?"

The zebra blinked and pushed herself back on her hooves, eyes shrewdly narrowed. Although she was made up fully with her upright mane combed through with luxuriously expensive oils (only the best for her, what with the money she made), she appeared to be in a state of undress, even though it truly was just her usual wear. A tight dress that had had to be custom made and tailored just for her, although it did not seem to cover much at all even as she pursed her lusciously plump lips and eyed up those before her, a peacock and a rodent of some kind with a twitchy nose who seemed to be striving to look anywhere but directly at her, which, considering her size, was a mean feat indeed.

Izabella, after all, was a zebra boasting rather a lot more muscle than the standard femfur that one saw walking about those days. Of course, it was for a purpose in her case for there was a part of her body and physique that especially required a bit of extra support and that reason alone lay in her massive bust, breasts hugely larger than her head and threatening to spill out from her tight dress entirely. There was little support to be had for her boobs there and she teased at the low-cut neckline with her fingertips, hips swaying lightly from one side to the other as if she could not quite keep herself still, anticipating something more to come that even her wildest dreams, horny and leaving her soaked between her thighs, could not have come up with in the realm of her subconscious mind. Her ropey tail swung back and forth lazily and she took in their measure with a look that truly had seen it all before.

Preston smiled and took her arm, leading her down a narrow hallway that her tits nearly didn't fit through, the dress cut so high up her thighs that, really, it was not all that much of a dress anymore. The peacock did not say it out loud but even he wondered what it was supposed to cover.

"Yes, my dear. It seems that some of the modifications requested have triggered a sort of, ah... Well, I can only describe it as a 'horny rage', if I may be so crude. He needs the pleasure of a lovely companion."

Izabella laughed and shook her head, although some of the tension released from her shoulders. It was not so bad when she was back on familiar ground again, it had to be said. And she was an expert in her field too, of course. Smiling confidently, she tilted her head, brushing a strand of hair back and away from her forehead, her stance ringing through with confidence. Just what was another male going to do to intimidate her? In the end, they really were all the same...

"Trust me, hon, I've seen and heard it all before and that sure as hell isn't crude. I'm sure I can take care of that for you, genetically modified beast-bull or not. Where is he?"

Preston inclined his head back to the steel door at the end of the hallway, from which rising moans and bellows emanated, shaking the frame as they grew in pitch and volume, perhaps the bull somehow managing to sense their approach. Even that had her taking a step back and she looked between Preston and his rat assistant with her lips pressed together.

"You've got to be kidding me."

But Preston was deadly serious, fanning out his tail-feathers in a futile attempt to make himself seem just a little more impressive than he actually was. A peacock, after all, was elegant but not dominating. That was Big Rick's job.

"In there. You'll find everything you need and there's nothing to worry about."

Izabella laughed, a light, tinkling sound that didn't quite seem to suit her saucy lips and body. They really must have been trying to scare her but that had to be all part of the game too, considering just how much they were actually paying her! Her stomach tickled with anticipation of what lay in there, the monster that they were bigging up to be bigger and scarier than he actually was and she could not help but lick her lips, already imagining the bull pinned down beneath her with her pussy squeezing every last drop of cum from his cock and balls.

"Because he'll be too interested in fucking to worry about anything else, yeah, I gotcha." She didn't say that that was all she was interested in too, right then. "All blokes are the same, whether they are jumped up on quick kicks or what."

Her perception of the bull may have been off, not being one to follow the wrestling news or the like, but she was about to find out just what sexy Big Rick the stud bull had in store for her. And a hefty paycheque waited in store for her at the end of it too so just what did she even have to complain about? The familiar tingle of desire stirred up and curled up through her stomach, nipples rising into needy nubs that easily protruded through the fabric of her dress, hastening her along her way as the door swung open before her.

And then she was in, the door sealing behind her snugly into its frame. What had once been a plain bedroom with reasonable furniture, like an upscale hotel room, lay before her and she blinked, taking a moment to focus on the massive hulking bulk of the bull crouched down in the very centre of the room. Rick glared at her, his expression overcome with lust, both paws frantically working at his cock, although the liberal painting of seed around the room, the wooden bed frame cleanly broken in two, spoke a told that it was by no means his first orgasm of the day.


Her eyes nearly popped out of her skull as she took what would be the only moments she'd have to gawk at him. To say that he was ripped was an understatement as he was grotesquely huge in a beautiful sort of way. If not for his rough coat, he could have been carved from marble and poised as a statute - a very lewd, wanton statue with a cock that made her legs quake, pussy tightening eagerly. She wouldn't be able to clench all that much around a cock of that size, that much was sure!

Grunting, Big Rick tipped towards her, cock drooling such a violently huge volume of pre-cum that it was as if he was cumming right there and then, lost to his lust and driving after passion that one male could not claim for himself. Izabella clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth and smirked, eyebrows raising. She could still take him. And it looked like she had a right stud on her paws that time!

"Now, come on, big boy, we've got a lot of work to get your randy tail settled down here today..."

And that was just where her size and bulk, the weight of the sexy, curvaceous zebra came into play. Of course, they couldn't have tossed in just any other with him, that much was clear, and she grinned, ego inflated as she puffed up with pride. She'd have the stud bull taken care of good and proper, mark her words, and, wow, that cock...

Ah, Izabella had said that she'd never seen anything like it before but that length was bigger than anything she'd ever even taken before! Licking her lips, time seemed to slow around her as he fixed his eyes on her form, breasts wobbling and wanting to break free as she paused, ears pricked and her tail lifted as if in anticipation for the eroticism to come. As gifted as she was in the department of her own body, a genetically modified bull who only lived, clearly, to fuck and fight may have been more than she could take on but Izabella was a zebra who was up for a challenge.

Big Rick bellowed and she gasped, taking a step back as her heart leapt into her throat. But it was too late to back out or wish that she'd maybe come a little more prepared - not that she would have wanted to flee in the first place. Her gasp broke into a sexy little smirk as he lunged for her and she reached for him, bodies coming together, the distance closing between them as she leapt.

The bull was too slow to tackle such a move and she came down on him tits first, the soft masses of seductive flesh wrapping around his face as he bellowed like a creature driven by lust alone, snorting and heaving into her breasts. But he was strong, so very strong, and Izabella cursed in an unladylike fashion, toppled to the side as he clawed at her dress, the black fabric that really was not designed to stand up to anything much anyway tearing down the front, no longer good for anything at all.

In a way, however, that disrobing set them on evener ground, Izabella leaping away and skittering on her hooves while he followed. But he was not to be the dominant party in the interaction and if she wanted to walk out of there (and have any clients at all for the next several months), the escort would have to use every trick in her book to calm him down and satisfy his needs one way or another.

It was somewhat to her advantage, however, that his lust made him dull to the senses, enhanced beyond belief, that had made him simply such a formidable opponent in the wrestling arena, dominating all those that dared challenge him. Rick bellowed and grunted but she caught his paws with hers as he grabbed for her, twisting them up and to the side and hurling him back into the wreckage of the bed with a sickening crunch.

His cock did not soften and she pressed her advantage, dragging in what wanton snatches of breath that she could spare for herself, eyes wide and every nerve-ending in her body singing as if it was on fire as her legs slammed down on either side of his torso. Her thighs squeezed, pinching down and down and down, and the bull's fat length slapped up against her buttocks, a hyper monstrosity that mad her tail flip up instinctively, desire controlling all else.

"Set yourself down," she growled, managing, just about, to pin a paw back as she heaved for breath, breasts rippling with each and every little motion of her body, fighting with his massively overpowered strength. "Fuck!"

But her natural taste and instinct for being the dominant party in such a liaison was well and truly put to the test; him being modified to such an extreme in the very makeup of his genetics surely had to give him a damn unfair advantage! She was stronger than most but, damn, the bull was giving her a workout!

No, there was only one way to quell his need and his rocking thrusts, the body slams that would have sent a lesser fur flying. She couldn't hold him down for long and, really, that was only because she had his arm twisted at a weird angle too, causing him pain simply to cut through his rage. He needed her desperately and yet he could not slow his own frantic pace to see that she was right there to give it to him, flexing her muscles and parting her lips for the two words that would re-establish, at least in her own mind, just who she was and what she was there to do.

"Poor calf..."

Ah, there it was: the zebra in charge. How could that one have slipped her mind? Even as he twisted and snarled like a predator, a meaty paw squeezing and groping her tit, seeking purchase to take her, he was a male that needed satisfying and, really, Izabella had always been the only one to take on the truly difficult cases time after time again.

Smirking with coy dominance, she flipped about, demonstrating surprising agility considering the weight of her tits but Izabella had had many years indeed to get used to their weight and size. She only needed a moment but the bull was already grabbing for her as she pressed her lips to the tip of his cock, boobs squeezed around and a thick dollop of pre-cum smacking her straight up in the back of her mouth.

It was not instant as she trapped his torso between her legs, thighs spread so wide that she laughed to think how lewd her buttocks must have looked, shoved up on his chest as if she was prostrating herself before him. If she'd just wanted to be fucked, she could have gotten straight on all fours and gotten it but she had to keep her position on top, controlling all she could even if the situation before her threatened to tip sickeningly out of control at any given moment. Yet he slowed, a growl devolving into a long, lusty moan, her lips straining and straining around the head of his cock to absolutely no avail.


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Of course, in her desperation to get him calmed down, she'd forgotten about his size, although just how that was possible was another question entirely. Grunting, Izabella tried to force her lips wider but it was an impossible feat and she gasped and gurgled on liberal amounts of pre-cum, his shaft already slick with the seed of many previous climaxes. But she still had her tits, of course, to do the dirty and she pressed them around his cock in the best semblance of sensation that she could, groaning and squeezing with her biceps and triceps to get them all the way around without leaving the far side of his pounding, blessed shaft without anything warm to cradle it.

Of course, he was bigger when she was squirming on top of him, the difference in size between them evident in just how little way her legs reached down him. Izabella grunted, lapping and swirling her tongue around the head of his cock, but there was no way she could possibly get her pussy ground back onto his muzzle for her pleasure, twitching in frustration. No, her ecstasy would have to come from another way and she rubbed her tits down on his overfilled balls with kinky desire, laughing lightly as her breath washed over his cock.

Torn between the need to be on top, to win, and not have her stop whatever it was that she was doing, the bull blinked dully, lower jaw falling slack. Confusion flooded his eyes as he rocked his hips and groped her arse and thighs lewdly, but there was no longer so much force behind his actions that her muscular form had too much trouble holding onto him. Still, the act of simply giving him a boobjob turned out to be rather like riding a bucking bronco, wooden from the broken frame splintering beneath them, although Izabella could at least be grateful for the fact that there was a mattress for some cushioning.

Up and down, she moaned and arched her back, breasts squeezed around him and eyes rolling back into her skull. Even on top, sometimes it was hard not to take leave of her senses entirely and, damn, he was so big and lustful... If he wanted to, in his right mind, he could slam her down and take her, but there would be a glorious fight for who would be on top beforehand, that was for sure!

But he was a glorious stud to behold and she slathered her tongue over his cock-tip, the colossal girth bearing down across her tits. As much as she tried to squeeze them harder around him, there were physical limits to her natural body that he just didn't have, a fat finger pushing lewdly into her pussy as she moaned and strove to arch back against him if only so that she could have more of her pleasure too. Sure, she was an escort but she was one who liked to get her rocks off too! Fat nipples swollen with lust, she murred lightly around the slick glands, the thick medial ring begging her attention as he pumped up even more with blood, the sheer size of his magnificent member beyond belief. For a moment, Izabelle wondered just who was the lucky one there.

And then it hit her. She hadn't been able to catch it in time as they rocked and he slammed up against her with the need of a feral animal but his orgasm blasted the zebra in the face, coating her muzzle in cum even as Izabella whimpered and gasped out, eyes wide. She rushed to seal her lips around the head of his cock but there was no stopping the deluge as the thick veins plumped out along the length of his shaft, a boob springing away from his girth, need rising and rising, flush full of desire unlike anything that she'd ever seen before. It was then that Izabella truly knew how out of her depth she was, lusting after the massive, genetically modified stud bull, cum splattering over her tits in such a hefty dose that she may as well have just dunked her entire body in a vat of it.

That too was an appealing image and she moaned, fingers trembling as she reached into the shreds of her dress for the condoms stored there. If she'd been more in her right mind, she would have realised, of course, that the condom was never going to fit but that did not stop her from tearing the wrapper open with her teeth and making a face at the bitterness of the lube within. Why couldn't they make it taste nice? But, no matter how much she tried, there was no way in heaven or hell she was going to get the condom, pathetically small, over the bull's cock, the zebra growling under her breath as he groped her arse and came back to his senses in the heated afterglow. Just one orgasm was by no means going to cut it for him and she only had so much time!

Fuck it!

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Desperate, Izabella did the only thing she could do, standing with her boobs bouncing and his cock jutting up straight towards the ceiling with the rock of his hips. For the briefest of moments, she truly felt in a position of power above him, but all of that changed as she sank down, pressing the tip of his cock up to her achingly sore and flushed pussy-lips. It was too much too soon but she was soaked and he dripped in his own cum, still spurting lightly as she bore down, moaning loudly, forcing him inside. Her body strained and screamed to accept him, the girth too much for her to really take, and yet failure was not an option as she grunted and he 'helped' her down with a heavy paw on her hip.

Facing the stud that she had been asked there to please, Izabella stubbornly maintained eye contact, tail flicking with the tension lining her muscles. And she felt every last inch of him pushing deeper and deeper, the girth even appearing to become larger before the thicker, plumper, medial ring that would put her to her limits and beyond. But what even were limits if not yet another thing in one's life merely set out to be broken?

She swore and she spat and may have held back just a little if not for him thrusting up, grinding in another few painfully erotic inches that didn't get her anywhere near as close to the hilt of his shaft as she wanted to be. A dull, aching throb of pain pulsed through her as she rolled her head from one shoulder to the other, bearing down and puffing out her cheeks as he planted his cloven hooves into the floor, eyes a little clearer and a smile on his carved, handsome muzzle.

"Mmmph... Deeper..."

Well, at least him now being able to talk meant that she was doing her job right! Yet being on top no longer seemed like quite the best place to be as the fat, flatter tip of his mighty rod squeezed up to her innermost barrier, her cervix, and she knew in her gut that that was not the end. Not even she was able to take no for an answer when it came down to her own body, moaning out a surprise orgasm that dragged her mind down right along with her body. She could not resist the allure of breaking limits as her body rippled through with pleasure, dragging him deeper and deeper, cervix shockingly bowing in as he forced and demanded entry, slamming his hips up to her at just the right moment.

Big Rick didn't take no for an answer either.


A cry of ecstasy and her orgasm shuddering off in shocking ricochet to the next, a driving, beating, pounding pulse that could not be contained, heralded the thrust and grind of his cock into her womb, penetrating her most intimate area. Izabella's head spun as her breasts heaved with breath, rolling as she bore down, forcing herself to go the whole way now that she had begun. Never again would she be able to say that she hadn't taken a cock that large, the cock of the wrestling bull who could fuck any female into a state of stupor. But she had him, controlling the situation as he grasped for her, squeezing and grabbing her tits with a rough touch that only served to send further ripples of ecstasy to her already lust-addled mind. Maybe she was falling as far as he had been in his horny rage?

Izabella didn't care. It was too good to push down, her pussy woefully trying to squeeze around him, needing more, wanting more. The head of his cock jabbed lustfully up into the back wall of her womb and she squealed out another orgasm just as his was beginning. Her crotch slammed down flush against his and she dragged in a hasty breath, eyes narrowed with the strain, every muscle in her body screaming from the sheer effort of taking his massive. But all the zebra had to do was raise her hips a little and that small amount of stimulation alone was enough to have the bull bellowing and grinding, fucking up into her through another orgasm that flooded her womb, filled up straight from the very back.

He could go no deeper, ground into her softness, the hit of her belly, but his cum had to go somewhere and their driving thrusts as she bounced and he slammed up squeezed out more and more of his cum from her terrifyingly stretched pussy. Her pussy-lips ached the most and the drool of cum flooding out was almost soothing, hot and wanton, soaking his crotch and pooling like a water leak on the floor beneath their blissfully conjoined bodies. The medial ring popped in and out of her womb and she howled out her pleasure, the rubbing tease sending her head spinning and spinning, yet she had not stopped climaxing and doubted that she would until his cock, once again, was out of her.

And then she would be forced to face the monstrous size head-on, a dom on top but taking on her biggest challenge yet, the bull slowly, so very slowly, coming down beneath her. It was only an edge off his rampant, desperate charges but he was focused on her and the only way to keep him calm was to keep fucking him, gyrating her hips as the already exhausted zebra strove to clench her passage around him, all for his pleasure and to coax another orgasm from him.

Each orgasm, however, was willingly given and Rick grunted as she rode him, fur soaked with mostly his own cum, although there were some of her juices in there too, a divine cocktail that could later be sampled. The medial ring pulsed with each mighty spurt of cum and the night had only just begun, their bodies rocking and grinding together through ecstasy after ecstasy, no telling line between where one climax began and the next ended, words blurring as she pressed down against his gut, eyes rolling and braying for all the fervent ecstasy both she and her body were able to provide.

Izabella may have sweated. She didn't care. His musk swamped the air along with the thickly heady scent of masculine cum, her nostrils flaring and puckering with snatches of breath as her lips curved up in a lewdly one-sided smile, pussy strained and aching for more.

Her night of pleasing the stud bull had only just begun.

Claimed in the Breeding Pens

**Claimed in the Breeding Pens** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ ### _A YCH for Aegisofz, Paint Horse and bnbuehler_ _ _ _ _ Siana breathed heavily, the Aelysian with blue skin not quite knowing what to do with herself in the tight...

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Breast Lovin'

**Breast Lovin'** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Latios4_ _ _ _ _ Karissa smiled as she walked down the street, attracting the usual stares that didn't bother her anymore. It had been more of a thing for a young...

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From Rider to Ridden: Part Two

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