Claimed in the Breeding Pens

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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Two more females are bred in bondage in the breeding pens...

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

Claimed in the Breeding Pens

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

A YCH for Aegisofz, Paint Horse and bnbuehler

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Siana breathed heavily, the Aelysian with blue skin not quite knowing what to do with herself in the tight bondage. She would have normally have stood on two cloven hooves with her hocks pointed at such an angle that the weight of her body adjusted itself to allow her to walk on two legs, her skin blue and pristine, with paler slashes marking her thighs, waist, upper arms and even beneath her breasts too. Of course, her breasts would not have normally have been on show but The Breeding Pens was an establishment that tended to frown on clothing being worn when, really, it was just another barrier to the main event.

Rolling her head, carefully from one side to the other, arms and legs drawn up behind her back in a hogtie, she tried to focus on keeping her breathing slow and calm, focusing. She had to be relaxed, or else it would hurt more. Balanced on a bale of straw as if she was posed in some sort of artificial stable or barn scene, everything around her had been carefully constructed down to the reinforced painted white fence that was designed just so randy furs could fuck and breed against it without any fear that it would not bear their weight adequately. It would have been a handy design for her if she'd wanted to truly spread her legs for her partner to be.

Such a stupid bet to lose... Blowing a strand of pinkish, reddish hair (the shade changed with the seasons), which tapered off to blue closer to the tips, she shuddered and tested the limits of her hogtie once again, although she already knew that it was no good. Why, the cruel bastard that had hefted her in there (of course, believing that she had signed up to everything entirely of her own free will) with a smirk and a chuckle, the grey stallion dumping her there with a crude stroke and slap of his paw on her full backside. Although Siana had squealed and sworn at him in her own language, he had hardly been bothered by her outburst in the slightest, the scent of her arousal still thick and heavy in the air as he strapped her tail up too, the long, thick appendage needing to be well out of the way for what was to come.

Ah... To be in heat as an Aelysian was a conundrum indeed, the feral, primal mind conflicting with what the sensibilities of evolution and intelligence wanted. There was only so much, however, that she could do to push back against it and, well, Aaronne had known just what buttons to push. Maybe he'd known that she'd lose the bet all along and end up going through with the 'punishment' for losing, the conniving fool that he was. But there wasn't all that much that she could or could not say about him being a fool when she was the one tied up on display and he was probably at home, laughing at her folly.

Next to her resided a participant in the breeding sessions who appeared as if she had been there many times before: a small, stout mare, who went by the name of Taylor, with an expression that flitted between annoyance and arousal many times over as if she simply could not make up her mind just how she was feeling at any given time. Trotting back and forth through the straw at a brisk clip-clop of energy, she nickered and pawed, winding her fingers together over and over again as her blue tail lashed. The rest of her body could have been a replica of a small draft horse (good where pulling loads for the feral types in smaller, more constricted, areas had been required in times long gone by) and she didn't boast a particularly slim figure as a result, her light bay coat splashed through with cream along her underbelly, stockings stretching up to her hocks.

Of course, she was naked too and the round of her belly could not be ignored. Taylor had been quite quick to correct Siana, after all, when the Aelysian had made some snarky comment about her already being pregnant: not her best move by far, but wasn't hindsight such a wonderful thing? She was on the naive side, personally, but it was only the predicament of, once again, finding herself way in over her head that drew a rise to her sharper, less tolerant side, the strain in her shoulders growing more and more with every minute that ticked by.

"Why are they keeping us waiting?" The equine squealed, stomping a hoof down into the floorboards, all carefully styled for maximum effect and eroticism. "Unnff... It's been so long already!"

Her lips wiggled and she shook herself off, a good bit shorter than Siana but there was not much difference in their heights when the blue-skilled woman was down on her front, trying her best not to let her chin drop too low. She didn't want to be too submissive, after all, but there seemed to be an ingrained element to it that came with the smooth grip of rope around her body. Against her will, she tensed, the stripes on her body glowing faintly as her arousal grew. If only her heat did not grip her so... Maybe then she would not have had as many children as she did already, but they were a very pleasant aftermath of losing control of herself and her senses in the heat of the moment. Her pussy ached for more and she swallowed a groan, head spinning faintly as the room tilted around her. No, she had not said 'yes' this time. And she doubted that the stud that entered to claim them and their cunts was going to ask the question when the permissions had all, for any legal effect, been given already.

"Maybe that's well enough for you but you can have him all to yourself, if you like," Siana said, her voice coming out perhaps a little bit softer than she otherwise would have liked. "I don't mind... It'll be nice to watch too."

But she didn't want to watch. At the mere idea of watching and doing no more, she whimpered and pulled against her bonds, panic clawing at her heart as much as she tried to shove it down, back where it belonged and out of the realm of rationality. There was nothing rational about the desire to breed when it came to an intelligent species but it hardly seemed as if her body was going to get away with that as Taylor flicked her tail, unknowingly showing off a particularly luscious sex, her folds almost tugging apart as if she was a feral equine demonstrating her complete and utter readiness to be bred over and over again until she was heavy with foal.

Snorting heavily, Taylor rolled her eyes and grunted, nostrils flaring as the little pony huffed and quite clearly made herself known.

"Don't say that now or I _will_take him all for myself. What can you do about it, all tied up like that?"

It was strange how breeding sessions could bring out the best and the worst in furs, although no one, truly, could be held entirely accountable for how their hormones wreaked havoc on them. Many femfurs who were angling for a little one, after all, held off on sex or masturbation for weeks beforehand, riling themselves up into a frenzy of breeding lust from which there was simply no going back from. It could not be helped and Taylor had been left chomping, quite literally at the bit to feel a hot length inside her, her pussy very wantonly clenching down on nothing as if she was already imagining his cock plunging up inside her, filling her completely.

Shuddering, she grunted and slipped a hand down between her legs, spreading her thick, plump thighs for her own attention, ears slipping down submissively to either side of her heat - not in the traditional, angry pin of an equine so scorned. Oh, she needed it so badly... So, why wasn't her breeding stud there for already, fucking her, covering her, cramming every last inch of that studly cock up into her?

And that strange blue creature, saying that she didn't really want to be bred - oh, Taylor could read between the lines well enough! And in her state of arousal and desire, need rising up thick and fast from the pit of her stomach as she pushed two fingers roughly and crudely into her already sodden pussy, folds sucking in around her digits as if even that part of her wanted something spreading them open, holding the prize in as deeply as possible. As Siana's eyes landed on her, shimmering with barely withheld lust - one, after all, could not truly thrust away the desires of their body after all that had happened over the course of a breeding life - she moaned for extra effect, wickedly and cutely (it was impossible not to be cute with her short, plump stature, after all) riling up her partner in breeding more and more.

Siana swallowed hard but that did not stop her from locking eyes with the pony, her tail twitching and pulling helplessly at her bonds, pussy dripping as her stripes glowed and glowed more and more fervently. She needed it! And yet she didn't want it either, her mind twisted and warped so much that there was simply nothing that she felt she could do to change the course of her path, driven on to a breeding through the moans and sweet little nickers of the equine before her, gyrating her hips desperately just so that she could slam her fingers in even deeper, searching for that bundle of divine nerves inside from which she could derive even more pleasure from.

That was just what breeding was about, after all: the lead up of pleasure, the pleasure itself and the aftermath of pleasure. And Taylor wasn't going to waste a single moment of it, heaving and panting as her breasts rose and fell rapidly, desperate as her nostrils fluttered at just the moment that a new scent entered the scope of the room.

Let the strange one have her moment... She would have her stud!

"Whatever! I'm just here to get bred and, oh..."

"Ladies, ladies... There's plenty of me to go around..."

The hog grunted as he ambled into the room, a smirk on his piggy muzzle and eyes gleaming with delight for what was to come. How could Hamm not, after all, when he had two lusty females primed and ready before him to be bred? Every ounce of him oozed power and masculinity, his skin a roughened up sort of pink with a coarse coat of hair that did nothing to hide the flesh and folds beneath. He had little physical protection in terms of hair or fur - the ruffled up 'mane' around his head, framing his two, white tusks, did little in that regard - but he was hefty and bulky enough that any opponent would most certainly have thought twice about taking Hamm on and, well, Hamm was powerful enough that he could have slammed them down quite easily without a second thought and gone off to sate his needs elsewhere.

Siana's jaw dropped and she moaned involuntarily, turning her head away as if to hide a blush that could not be seen through the barrier of her blue skin. How could one male raise such need in her, the very base of her tail quivering as if she was both trying to clamp it down and flip it up at the same time? The long hair draping from the tip flicked back and forth, one of the last parts of her body that she could, at least, freely move for herself as Hamm stood here, his large, meaty paws on his hips and that smirk plastered quite clearly, growing more and more by the second.

They didn't need to know his name. They only needed him to breed him. And that was something that the boar could deliver to them in spades and spades, long into the night - for as long as they could take his cock, in fact.

His cock, of course, was already hard and throbbing, drooling and glistening with a virile string of pre-cum that spoke of his studliness right then and there

"Come here, pony," he grunted, jerking his head sharply. "Show me what you got..."

And there was nothing that Taylor was possibly going to do but obey, her natural inclination towards the submissive side of sexual life in the midst of her season bidding her legs to move quickly, dropping to her knees at his bidding. She moaned as his fat and heavy balls hung over her muzzle, the weight of them nearly enough to make her head bow down before him, but there was not much lower that she could go. Hamm chuckled throatily as he grasped and squeezed his shaft in one paw, dropping out a thick spurt of pre-cum right on top of her muzzle, marking her as his before the breeding had even begun. But there was so much to enjoy there and the mare lost herself in rubbing her face into his balls, pussy clenching down eagerly and tail flipping up, self-control well and truly lost.

She didn't need it. Hamm wound his fingers into her mane and pulled in her closer, putting on a show for the bound one who twisted and jerked weekly in her bondage, eyes glimmering with something that he, as he was, could not discern. And yet that was not something he cared about - as long as he was getting his rocks off. Whereas some males came to the pens out of a sense of duty for the females of the city, he was there solely for his own pleasure and hissed through his blunt teeth as Taylor adored his balls, lapping at suckling sweetly at all the flesh that she could get into her mouth.

And yet it was not enough. It would never be enough as he rolled his head back with a thick grunt that spoke of male desire. Sure, he may not have had the ripped body of other studs at the pens but it was the dominance that made him one who was requested whenever he was in, given to the ladies that the staff at the pens thought needed him and his cum the most. He could shoot his load over and over again and still be ready for more, grunting and squealing out deeply through climax - loudly enough, he was sure, that everyone else in the pens knew of his power and virility. Fingers tightening in Taylor's mane, he moaned and pushed against her, although his eyes were on the blue, faun-like creature (hey, he didn't need to know her species either in order to fuck her, some kind that he'd come across in the past) and all that her sweet, sweet little mouth could do for his fat dick.

And she was just at the right height for him too as he stepped up, hooves thudding dully into the floorboards, much larger and more dominating than those delicate ones belonging to the pony could ever be. Taylor hustled to follow him, wanting more, her hips rocking and grinding, his cock only just out of reach. But she could not push him so far as to take her right then and there, his attention on the warm-up round rather than the main event that she well and truly was hankering for.

Siana gulped and whimpered as he advanced, cock swaying and bobbing before her lips, his mission obvious.

"Suck me off, little slut," he grunted, eyes narrowing. "I see you're a rough one! I know your kind."

What he did or did not know of Siana's species, however, was by the by as she swallowed hard and pulled back, striving to deny the screaming, pulsating needs of her body as if that in itself was such an easy task and feat to achieve in the first place. But he wasn't about to take no for an answer and crudely hooked his thumb into the corner of her mouth, yanking her jaws wide and forcing the head of his cock, skin pulled back behind the fat glands, into her maw, straight over the protests of her wriggling, squirming tongue.

And she may as well have been lost right then and there, breasts tingling with oversensitivity, wanting to lactate as her kind was known to do. It was both an attribute that granted them great pleasure and usefulness in the world and a curse, yet another way in which the body could desire another's touch while the mind reeled away.

"Oh... Don't waste your time on her!" Taylor begged, rubbing her muzzle submissively on his thick leg, the hog's body dwarfing her. "She won't suck you off as good as I could!"

Her words fell on deaf ears as Hamm ignored her completely: her time would come. For now, he had a hot, wet muzzle sealed around his cock, even if he had to hold it open to get what he craved. But that must have been just why she was in bondage, wanting a little more force and lust than most, he could only reason. Not that any other answer would have made him hold back at all but he gave her everything he had, slamming into her mouth over and over again, although her lips were strained to their limits. Siana groaned around him, eyes rolling back into her head, and yet the strain of her jaw, the deep-seated ache thrumming through, was nothing in comparison to the increasingly desperate pull on her shoulder blades, body craving a release of tension in multiple ways at once. Yet there was no telling just when she would be released and she moaned inadvertently as she closed her lips around him, his fat, grubby thumb still wedged in, a little nuance of control that made milk leak ever so slightly from her heavy breasts.

"There..." He laughed thickly, words barely discernible through his lust. "Better now, breeding whore?"

Maybe that was all she was. Maybe she only needed to be that, her own desire clawing at her soul and dragging her down. Breath raked obscenely against her eardrums and Siana moaned around him, lost to his will. Just how could she refuse him even if she had been free? The only place at all that her traitorous legs would have carried her to would be right back at his hooves where she belonged - right where Taylor was having the time of her life, adoring his musky, sweaty balls.

His cock slid over her tongue, pre-cum spilling forth where it could either be swallowed or left to drool from her mouth as if she simply was not capable of it, Taylor's cries to be bred carrying over the clamour. But she could not do anything more than strive to breathe, suckling him deep into her mouth in the futile, fragile hope that getting him to climax sooner would, at least, mean that she was not bred.

It was a futile hope.

The hog moved around behind her as if in a dream, the world around Siana moving in slow-motion. As slow as it was, she simply could not keep up with it, panting heavily as her breasts tingled with lactation, the little pony even giggling rudely and helping her out with a quick squeeze, eyes alight and tail lifted in anticipation. Hamm pressed his shaft to her swollen folds and she grunted in the back of her throat, Taylor's weight bearing down on top of her as the mare wiggled into position. Truly, the only reason that she was able to perch over her head, tail draped down over Siana's face, was due to her smaller frame, hooves spread wide as she showed off her pussy to Hamm, leaning back on one hand for balance.

But it was time and the hog wasted not a single moment of it, slamming in deep and hard to the needy pussy before him. Siana screamed but it was not a scream of horror but of unexpected orgasm, sensation and ecstasy ripping through her. She could not have said just where it had come from, her pussy squeezing down on his wickedly thick length, clit untouched, yet there was nothing in her that could ignore it, panting and heaving for breath, every mark on her glowing in stark evidence to her arousal.

"Huh... I knew you couldn't resist me..."

The boar snorted and rammed his fingers up into the needy equine's pussy as he fucked Siana, multi-tasking as only a true stud male only could, the mare squealing and grinding onto his paw as if it was the last bit of pleasure that she would ever again see in her life. Personality, of course, melted away in the throes of orgasm and she moaned out like the needy breeding whore in heat she was, her mind swamped by ecstasy. Why had she ever complained in the first place? Of course, she would come to a very different conclusion later on with a belly full of seed and cum trickling down her face from his later spent orgasms but that was not for the moment.

No, all that mattered then and there was that he kept slamming and grinding into her, uncaring for her pleasure even as he inadvertently gave her everything that she could have possibly wanted and so much more too. His cock reached places inside her that she had never even known existed - or, at least, that was just what her lust-addled mind told her. She could have resisted, of course, but, well, she knew already that that was futile, mind rolling and turning on a tide that was not of her own design. The straw bale scratched her breasts coarsely and the pony above her moaned, Hamm's face descending to her pussy where he licked and slurped greedily, dragging his fingers from her sex for the sole purpose of sucking them clean.

One thrust after the other, one blending into the next and then the next... Siana's world rolled in pleasure even as Taylor gulped and moaned for him to get her off, pussy slick and dripping with her arousal. She had no shame and her tail lifted for him, flicking into Siana's face, but the mare wasn't thinking of that. All she was thinking was just how she could get more than his fingers into her, tongue curling up and around her fat, throbbing nub of a clit in a way that made her head spin. And yet she could still take that little jot of voyeuristic pleasure, a wicked sort of glee, from watching his fat length of fuck-meat powering into Siana, stretching open folds that were by no means those of a virgin. Taylor moaned, grinding up into his paw, unable to find the words with which she could beg for more, head rolling back as she fought for even the simplest notion of balance.

Yet there was one caught up in even deeper throes of pleasure, grunting through another orgasm as pleasure powered through her - just like his dick. There was no telling just where the ecstasy emanated from, only that Siana couldn't tell one sensation from the other, the clash of pleasure in her mind too much to bear. But he fucked her harder and harder, ramming the bale across the floor as he shoved his piggy nose into Taylor's sex, grunting and half-squealing in his lust for the both of them.

And then it hit her - the jets of cum flooding her pussy over and over again. Maybe if he had been truer to his species, it would have been a different kind of orgasm, but all the boar was interested in was hosing down her passage with every last drop of seed he had cradled in his balls. Spurt after thick spurt filled her, flooding her with so much semen that her body could not help but push it out as orgasm bid her to squeeze down on his cock, rippling and massaging as she languished in the sheer, raw delight of ecstasy.

Yet it was not to last as Hammbone the stud boar took his pleasure from her, growling deep in the back of his throat as he groped and squeezed her buttocks: just another tool from which he could take his pleasure from her. Siana was just a passing fancy as Taylor, after all, groaned for him, shaking on top of Siana as if her short little legs would tremble so badly that she would no longer be able to hold herself up in place, pussy juice trickling desperately down her inner thighs.

"Now for you, pony..."

Dragging his dick rudely from Siana with nothing more than a pat on her arse, as humiliating as that alone was, Hamm grinned, lips stretching wide over his teeth, a flash of white. A hint of sweat gleamed on his body and Taylor rushed to get into position, leaning against the very fence that Siana had frowned at earlier, wondering at just how it could have been so much fun if it had actually been something that she was in the mood for. It was funny how things went like that, pleasure twisting in the heat of the moment, Siana's heart in her mouth as she watched.

Hamm, of course, was nothing but 'considerate' - considerate of his own pleasure, that was - and wiped off his hard cock inside Siana's mouth before moving on from her, leaving her to play an exhausted voyeur, at least for the moment. Her time would come again and she could not help, in her state of overdriven pleasure, sucking off his shaft, lips closing softly around him in reverence for his might and power. After all, she just wanted to make him happy too in his breeding of her and what was so bad about that?

His cock slammed into Taylor as if he knew just how to penetrate her, hefting her smaller, stouter form up against the fence to get her at the right height. His still-hard shaft spread her open as she squealed and accepted his length, hooves kicking out as she strove to take him deeper, even though she was dangling in midair, entirely subject to the wills of the dominant male.

And his cock driving into her made everything better, easing every last tension and desire that she had not even known was there from her body, soothing away the ache. Of course, it did not disappear entirely as she tried to hump back, squealing and begging him to fuck her harder, to pin her down and take her as a female oh so very desperately needed to be taken, hard and fast. She didn't need niceties or anything of that manner, just his cock powering into her, balls slapping up against her pussy as he drove in as deep as he could possibly go, forcing her body to accept him.

"Yes! Oh, yes, oh, yes, oh, yes!"

She could not help but scream and cry out, orgasm washing over her, brought nearly to the edge by his snuffling muzzle and tongue before but not quite getting there. Juices splattering to the ground, she belted out her pleasure with all the passion in the world, tail hiked up high to expose the soft and sensitive dock, but HammBone was not paying attention to that. All he cared about was the thud and thrum of pleasure that coursed through him with each and every rampant stroke, his ego swollen with the might of his cock. No wonder he was in demand whenever he came to satisfy his lusts when he could fuck and keep on fucking, taking the mare as if he truly was a stallion himself.

But he was no stallion: he was a boar and he'd have an orgasm like one too!

Taylor groaned and panted, lips parted in bliss, one orgasm crashing into the next. Just how did he do that to her? She wouldn't have wanted the moment to end but, all the while, his seed went to work inside Siana, seeking out the eggs inside her that were just ripe to be fertilised, something entirely done against the will of her mind while her body craved it. She moaned, eyes half-lidded as she took in the scene before her, tongue hanging out as if she could not quite contain herself, the seed kept within her by the angle of her hips pushed back and up, tail hiked high.

They wouldn't leave there without a bellyful of seed that would promise to make their bellies swell over the coming months in the very best of ways.

The boar grunted and claimed her, bearing her down to the ground and pinning her there, hips hiked up to his for each punishing thrust, taking her as feral animals would. And the mare let her too, neighing and whinnying and submissively tipping her muzzle down even as she climaxed around him, losing track of where one burst of pleasure stopped and the other began. That was fine, all fine, just as long as she got those thick, juicy shots of cum pouring into her too, pussy clenching and massaging his length with the passion only a mare could divulge until he heaved out a groan that could only depict orgasm.

Cum poured into her, filling her tight pussy and spilling out thickly down her thighs, pooling on the ground beneath him. The only part of her still on the ground as he lifted her legs up was her forearms, tentatively balanced as he controlled her and dominated her in every last possible way the little mare could have ever desired or even dreamed up for herself.

Panting with her cheek on the floor, eyes half-lidded, body slowly, so very slowly, sliding off his fat hunk of a cock, the mare smiled, just briefly touching Siana's bound and lustful gaze with her own.

Both of them knew there was plenty more where that came from. And Hammbone wasn't going anywhere yet.

Not if the needs of two females ready to be bred all over again had anything to say about it.

Breast Lovin'

**Breast Lovin'** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Latios4_ _ _ _ _ Karissa smiled as she walked down the street, attracting the usual stares that didn't bother her anymore. It had been more of a thing for a young...

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From Rider to Ridden: Part Two

**From Rider to Ridden** **Part Two** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Bukefalos06_ _ _ _ _ Lyra swished her tail in the stall, standing with her nose to the back wall, eyes cast down. She'd woken up several times...

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Fluff Transformation

**Fluff Transformation** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Artoochu2014_ _ _ _ _ Umoko grunted softly as she hefted up the large cardboard box, weighed down with computer equipment that was yet to be uncovered. A new...

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