Breast Lovin'

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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A dragoness with lusciously hyper breasts gets some special attention from her lover...

A pleasure to write up for you!

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

Breast Lovin'

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Latios4

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Karissa smiled as she walked down the street, attracting the usual stares that didn't bother her anymore. It had been more of a thing for a young dragoness in high school a few years back to be ogled as she simply walked along by, going about her business just like any other fur in the world, but she could not blame them, not really. Children had been cruel but there was nothing anyone could do to stop her or say that she should not be out living her life simply because, well...her figure was a little different to that of others.

Her white scales: those were quite normal, prettily normal. Brown horns too were just what Karissa had been born with, pointing up like the corners of her lips so often were. The sun glanced off her pink hair and large, feathered wings (although she had long ago lost the ability to fly with them) and she hummed a tune to herself, a sway and a bob to her step as she paced by the park, one ear 'pricked' to catch the sounds of ducks and geese splashing away. Someone was probably feeding them in there; she'd have to remember to get a bag of bread or seed for them next time, something that they'd like to eat, although she was sure that they most certainly were not wanting for any kind of food as the months warmed up, edging softly into summer.

But it was her chest, to be crass, that drew the most attention. It was fair enough, really, even though most ladies didn't like their breasts to be stared at, but the dragoness had been a H-cup back when she had started dating her sweetheart in high school, which was bad enough and big enough for a growing teenager. Getting all the way up to a P-cup too by the time she'd graduated with her sweetheart (oh, how she adored him!) was an interesting challenge for graduation photos but the two of them had made it work, arm in arm with caps on and gowns on and her chest, well and truly, taking centre stage. No one, however, could take away Karissa's achievements regardless of how her body looked and she'd learned to embrace her body fully, enjoying all it had to give her and allowing and encouraging her lover, Ricky, to play with them as much as he desired.

Ah, Ricky... She couldn't keep the smile from her lips just thinking of him, tail flicking as she hastened along her way, breasts bobbing with the sway and movement of her body all the way. Her kangaroo boyfriend that she'd been with for years, even moving away with her so that they could go to the same college together. He was really special like that, always putting her first above all else, and he had been the first to reassure her that she was beautiful just the way she was. The brown kangaroo with reddish tints to his fur across his shoulders and dorsal stripe had an easy smile, as quiet and studious as she was, and they had fit together so kindly that no one who knew them could have imagined them ever not being together, they worked that well with one another.

And there was something in particular that very day that she wanted to coax her lover into, although she was quite sure that it wouldn't take all that much to get his paws on her again. The dragoness giggled lightly to herself, tail swishing, and imagined just how good his lips felt on her breasts all over again, trying to close over an oversized nipple. He had been able to suckle those into his mouth before at one point but it had been difficult even back then, the kangaroo quiet by nature and, truly, never being one to open his mouth all that widely. He liked to stay on the sidelines but his passion came out in the bedroom as they had their first times with one another, coming together sweetly and learning just what each other liked and disliked, experimenting and pushing things just a little bit further whenever they felt comfortable with just how they were with each other. It was her breasts, however, that really came into their own in the realm of lust and Karissa embraced all the pleasures that they could hold for her, much larger than her torso and surely set to become even larger than her whole body, growing continuously. Unless she intervened somehow via severe, drastic medical means, they would grow for her entire life but she didn't worry too much when there were so many other things to do and enjoy. They were still growing, of course, but her breasts very much were as much a part of her identity as her passions in life were and Ricky loved them too.

Ricky loved her and he loved them, her body and all that she was in the intricacy of herself. Karissa chirped to herself, bouncing lightly on her hind paws as she made her way to the steps that led to the squashed little townhouse student accommodation (really, they had been lucky to get a place nearly to themselves with only another roommate who was, at that time, away visiting family). It was perfect, all just simply perfect! He wouldn't deny her - as if he ever had! - and her scales already tingled at the thought of his touch, his fingers sliding down beneath her breasts, cradling and feeling out the luscious weight of them. Besides, it was her birthday. And, of course, Ricky wanted to make her happy. In fact, the 'roo wanted to see her so very happy indeed that he would do absolutely everything and anything that she asked of him.

And she couldn't wait to see just the look on his face as he saw what she had in store for him too!

The door swung open and she edged inside carefully, her breasts making it a little more difficult to squeeze through the doorway. Had they grown a lot more in recent weeks? Her clothes strained around them a little more each and every day, seemingly, but sometimes that could be put down to Ricky mixing up the laundry again, as he was known to accidentally shrink things from time to time. When she was ever growing out of her clothes, it wasn't all that much of a problem for Karissa though.

"Karissa? Karrie? Is that you?"

She couldn't quite tell where his voice was coming from but it could only be Ricky, the dragoness hastily closing the door on her own heels with the tip of her tail. At least that part of her was still somewhat mobile!

"Of course, it's me," she called back sweetly, dropping her shopping bags by the door to be dealt with later. "It's the birthday dragon!"

It was not something that she would have said to anyone else, being so shy, but Ricky brought out her playful side, the side of her that wanted to be flirty and cute and, sometimes, just a little bit more promiscuous than she may have otherwise have been without him. He really brought out the best side to her and her heart flip-flopped sweetly as he stuck his head out of the little downstairs kitchen, wiping off his paws on a towel with sheer warmth and love glowing from his hazelnut eyes.

"Hey, sweetheart."

Her smile softened, eyes crinkling in warmly at the edges, as the kangaroo folded her gently into his arms. Ricky could not, of course, hold her like a normal fur would but they had long ago worked out just how to allow their bodies to mould in against one another, fitting together like two jigsaw pieces - even if, admittedly, they had to think a little bit more about what they were doing even in the course of normal embraces and 'lovings'.

But nothing would ever compare to his arms around her, in the small of her back as his chin rested cheekily on her large bosom, eyes wide and imploring.

"And how was your day, darling?"

He meant it and genuinely so too, something that the other femfurs at her place of work always complained that the males (or sometimes their female or other mates too) did not do for them.

"It was wonderful..." She purred, eyes half-lidded as the lightest curl of smoke trailed up from her nostrils. "But it's going to be even better when you give me my super special birthday gift..."

The kangaroo grinned, nose twitching. Wasn't she a saucy one now when she wanted to be?

"Oh? And just what would that be? You surely didn't find what I bought for you already now, did you?"

But it was just a joke and a little bit of a game that played back and forth between them, Ricky drawing her in closer even as his muzzle made a little indent into her breasts, only lightly resting there. Karissa could not resist leaning in for a kiss, tipping forward onto her toes and trusting him to both bear and catch her weight if it became so urgently required. Her lips found his as if they were meant to be there and he moaned into her, ears quivering in surprise but he still leaned in against her to return the kiss all the same, tongues flickering up and out to brush against one another tenderly as they came together in the way that only true lovers ever could.

Yet it had to be broken, if only for a moment, their hearts pounding and lusts up, panting ever so slightly more than they had been before. Winking with a little jiggle of her chest and her hips (both kind of went hand in hand when it came to that, all parts of her interconnected), she curled her tail around his wrist, towing him lightly after her, back towards the stairs.

"Follow me."

Swinging her tail back and forth as she ascended the stairs, the dragon forced her lover to follow the sway of her hips, a siren and a seductress both rolled into one. Wearing clothes only meant that he was incited to undress her sweetly with his eyes and Ricky was already hard and blushingly wanting by the time they reached the bedroom, tail tucked down as much for balance as for some semblance of support, for that was just what it was there for. Karissa, however, constantly threw him off-balance and off-kilter in the very best of ways, leaning back against the bedroom door with a sultry grin pulling at her lips, the smoke curling from her nostrils simply impossible to ignore.

"Oh, love..."

She undid the buttons on her shirt - a ladies blouse that was the easiest, tailored item to fit over her overly large chest - one by one, forcing him to draw his eye down and down and down. Ricky held his breath, suppressing a groan that he didn't really have to hide from her, although he did not want to break the magic of the scene. Karissa purred and parted her lips, releasing her breasts in a swathe of pink, satin lingerie that caught the light in a shimmering line, the curtains drawn so that the bedroom softened in a glow that cast off the glare of the outside world. It was hard enough to find lingerie to fit her at the best of times but the custom-made set hugged her figure, supporting her breasts to the extent that that was possible, nipples pushing lightly through the fabric in an easily discernible shape that could not be mistaken for anything else.

Gulping, Ricky did let out a moan as she pushed her breasts into his paws, dwarfing them completely. What did she do to him?

"These are what you are going to be paying attention to for my birthday gift, sweetie..." She breathed, eyes wide and insistent. "The longest, the best session... I want it all... Everything that you've ever wanted to do to my tits, I want you to do right now!"

A far cry from the shy little dragoness who had, before, tried to cover up her breasts and hide away from the world, it would have been impossible for Ricky to resist her even if he had been so inclined to take that bath. His lips, however, were on her chest, the rise of her cleavage and smoothly scaled flesh above the fabric, before she could even blink, bowing sweetly to her love and whim as she asked him for all he had to give and he so very willingly gave every last little drop that she could ever have desired for herself. There was nothing, nothing at all, that Ricky would not do for his sweet dragoness and as nice as that brassiere was, it had to come off.

He undressed her lovingly, removing her jeans too and her underwear in full, fingers tracing a path over the satin, admiring just how her choice hugged her form. Although he joined her in nudity, it was her breasts, of course, that demanded the most attention and he nuzzled longingly into them, lusting after what was already right there before him, plump and ripe and ready for the taking. He nipped lightly at her nipples, drawing a fresh rise of a moan to her lips, and Ricky lapped over both in turn, groaning and hissing as he lavished attention on them as if it was the last thing he'd ever do.

Shuddering and trembling, flat on her back on the bed with her breasts pulling lightly down on either side of her body, subject to the force of gravity, Karissa moaned and caressed his head, his ears, his shoulders - every last part of her lover that she could reach. She cried out for more, moaning out his name as her pussy throbbed and every last inch of her body flared up as if with an inner fire, the bed sheets rumpling up beneath her body as she squirmed.

More... So much more. Karissa heaved a breath, the weight of her breasts crushing her chest as she wriggled and teased her tail up against her lover, hugging him in the only way she could in that kind of moment and embrace. He heard her and did just as she bid, however, fingers digging in harder and more roughly than ever before, trusting her to tell him just when she was happy with the worship or, of course, whether or not he had gone just a bit too far. There was only so much, of course, a body could take and an aggressive session of worshipping may have just been what her mind wanted even if her body was not quite up to the task as yet.

But Karissa sometimes too proved to be a tougher sort than he gave her credit for and the dragoness panted and moaned out her lust, begging for more even as he heavily massaged her tits, eyes wide and cock throbbing with his own, pent-up, desire.

"God, your tits are so fucking amazing," he hissed through his teeth, massaging and kneading them luxuriously even though his paws were far, far too small to do them any kind of adequate justice. "So huge... Big... Warm... Hot."

Under him, Karissa quivered and moaned, lips parted in the slight sheen of lip gloss that had almost been smudged off completely. Still, it left her lips with a delicious gleam that he could not help but lean in to kiss, the kangaroo as caught up in her spell as he always had been, since the time that they had first met back in school, in fact. He kissed her deeply as she squeezed what she could of her arms around him, using her tits to hug him as he slipped between them, easing luxurious into their plush softness. Scales should have been harsher on his skin and fur than they actually were and he moaned into the kiss, passionately deepening it as he allowed his sweetheart too to do everything she wanted to him.

"You think so?" She murmured huskily, eyes alight. "But they're so huge and heavy... So unwieldy! Just what's going to happen when I can't walk anymore with these big things on my chest?"

Ricky groaned and shook his head, but he was too far gone in his adoration of her for such a notion of functionality to truly matter all that much.

"Oh... No... Fuck..."

"And my back aches!" She chirped, furthering her complaints with a gleam in her eye, knowing just how she was riling him up; she did know her sweetly lustful Ricky, after all. "Oh, just so much... Maybe you'll give me a rub-down later, Ricky... All over!"

Of course, she did not mean that he would solely be rubbing her back and the kangaroo grunted, swallowing hard as she nipped at his lips, wings fluttering even though they could no longer carry her weight. But that was fine. Ricky was there and he squeezed her tits, fingers digging in luxuriously as he loved every last inch of her that he could possibly get his paws on, heat coursing through him like never before.

And then he was the one on the bottom, laughing and giggling as she forced her breasts gently around his head, his nose instinctively diving into them. He inhaled deeply, her perfume tickling the back of his nose, and kissed them with reverence, not able to get his paws up to adore them too in that way, her hyper breasts commanding attention that he was, most certainly, privileged to deliver. To think that such a wonderful dragoness had chosen him over all other furs! His heart swelled and swelled with love for her and he squirmed luxuriously as he was pinned down, his vision completely filled by the swathe of her white scales, the round of her soft breasts calling him in and in and in...

"Tell me," she whispered huskily, eyes dancing and the tip of her tail curling wantonly back and forth. "Tell me what you think of them, sweetie."

"Gorgeous... Fuck. So fucking hot..."

He could barely get the words out as she pressed her breasts down around his head, smothering him and sealing away his words even as she sweetly moaned to coax them out of him. Straddling his legs, she pinned his knees together with her strong thighs, playfully leaving him with no escape at all as she teasingly forced him to be the object caressed by her full breasts, the weight of them heavy around his head, blocking out external noise.

"No?" She queried, head tilted. "You don't think they're too...crushing? Too heavy? Oh, such a weight on me... And everyone's staring at them, looking at them, thinking how hot they are..."

Ricky tensed, shuddering beneath her, breasts around his head, sealing away all words that he may have been able to utter. Yet her teasing was not something that the dragoness expected a response from as she moaned and heaved a wanton sigh, squeezing her breasts down against his cheeks with even more pent-up desire than she had done before.

"Oh, fuck..."

Karissa hissed and rolled her head back, grinding down onto his legs, although her pussy, most certainly, was not the object of attention for the moment - not when she had something so much larger to draw his need out, smothering her lover in her, well, love. Ricky didn't need to breathe though, his moans muffled as he kissed her breasts over and over again, adoring them with little laps of his tongue that said far more than his words, as quickly and as muffled as they came, could.

"Such smooth scales... I love your nipples so much, these great, big, fat nipples!"

To accentuate his point, although his head was well-covered, chest heaving and fluttering in frantic breath, he wormed his paws and some of his arms out from beneath her with a great deal, grabbing her nipples, one in each paw. Yet the words to convey just how much he adored them were muffled by her breasts, curses and swears streaming out one after the other as he nipped lightly and lovingly at her scales, tail swinging out to thump the bed as if that action alone would relieve some measure of the tension building within him too.

"They're so heavy, sweetie," she panted, kneading her tits around him, a warm embrace that no normal hug could ever come close to. "Oh, I don't know what I'd do without you to help me with them, they'd just weigh me down until I couldn't move!"

But the notion of that did not matter to Ricky; she was who she was and it was the dragoness that he loved above all else. The kangaroo took her breasts into his mouth, of course not able to get his lips anywhere near around them in their entirety (that would have taken a completely different scenario and route!) but lapping and teasing over all that he could reach, lost in lust and moaning out her name over and over again.

"So god damn beautiful," he moaned into her tits, suckling at what scaled flesh he could softly press into his mouth. "Gorgeous... Hot... My sexy fucking tit-goddess..."

All the while, he squeezed her nipples and pinched them lightly - he knew well enough that they could take the rougher treatment, all translating as pleasure for her - and Karissa moaned, her lust rising more and more as her hips rocked urgently. She needed more from him, the words that made her heart sing and lifted her up so - made her feel so much stronger and more passionate that she had ever felt without her sweet lover of a kangaroo.

"Need you," he panted. "Fuck, cover me with your tits, I don't want...ah...don't want to see anything else... Fuck!"

The last word came out with more force than he intended, squeezing her nipples and pressing his face into her breasts with shivering force, cock twitching and jerking as if he was not going to be able to contain himself, not even then. Somehow, the kangaroo managed to hold back even wrapped up in the dark, soft warmth of her breasts, panting and whining as he muttered out all the things he wanted to do to her, how many different ways he could pleasure her, all the things that people said about her humungous breasts, wanting her, adoring her, lusting after her.

"Cream on your breasts... So much fucking cum, around your nipples... Your lovely fucking breasts," he moaned, tongue out and tracing a path across her scales. "So big... So fucking big!"

Yet it was her nipples that his paws returned to over and over again, the little shivers and moans that she gave in return to his attention driving him on in the right direction. Being so close to her, encased by her tits, he could not fail to notice just how she trembled when he brushed them with his fingertips, circling nipples so large that they may as well have been teats, her body so ripe for the picking that she may very well have been the very image of a sex goddess of fertility, just as she was in his ever-loving imagination and dreams.

"Want to suck them so bad, Karrie," he groaned into her chest, head spinning, chest tight from the lack of air but not caring one bit about that either. "So stunning... Shit, I don't know what I'd do without you... Press down on me, Karrie, let me suck your damn lovely nipples... Please!"

He was as desperate for it as she was, squirming in lust as his shaft drooled pre-cum, her needs coming above his. But Karissa was not about to allow her lover to go without, per se, as she panted open-mouthed, a little drool, embarrassingly, splattering down onto her breasts as her long tongue hung out of her maw. Such was the way of long-time lovers that a little embarrassment went with the territory but neither of them really noticed in the end, too caught up in their passion for one another to really care. It was a good thing, however, that neither of them minded swearing in their lustful session of amorous breast worship!

"Get them in your mouth then, darling," she hissed, although she lost some of the power behind her words as she devolved into a moan. "Suck them... Love them!"

It was hardly as if that was something that Ricky needed to be told for a second time, the kangaroo grunting happily as she lifted herself up just enough for him to breathe. Not that he didn't want to be smothered beneath her, of course, but sometimes he needed... Hm...

His eyes misted over as he zeroed in on her nipples, the pink areola calling him. The fat nubs of her nipples perked up to meet him and the kangaroo could not help a lustful little moan as he suckled the first one into his mouth, not caring from which side it came from. No, he just needed to be there, lusting after her and loving her, adoring her breasts in every which way she could think of. He squeezed it between his lips and moaned, sucking it into his mouth as deep as he could, playing his tongue across it with all the desire he could possibly muster, lifting him up and up and up all to please his gorgeous breast-sex goddess of love and desire.

But something was different and that was quickly revealed as a hot rush of milk squirted into his mouth, the kangaroo putting too much pressure on her breast as he tried to suck something from her that he had not known was even there. The dragoness gyrated her hips and panted heavily as she rocked and squeezed her boobs even harder against him, a deeper desire within her chest calling her on to the ultimate thrill. Yet he could not be surprised for too long as instinct kicked in and he grunted around her nipple, sucking hard and fast to attempt to drain her of the milk that lactated freely from her swollen, yearning nipple, the flesh thick between his lips.

"A little gift from me to you," she groaned, eyes rolling back into her head as something tightened within her loins, closer and closer. "Oh... Oh, fuck, Ricky!"

She cried out his name, passion and amour getting the better of her as she squirmed, the massive flesh of her breasts jiggling and wobbling frantically. But she could not hold back her orgasm as her milk poured into his muzzle, the kangaroo sucking fervently and reverently. For it was, as she said, a gift and it was hardly going to be a gift that he was ever going to consider turning down in lieu of some other pleasure, a lesser pleasure than what she so freely gave, her sweet, creamy milk filling his muzzle over and over again.

There would be no possible way for him to drink her dry but he would try - oh, he would try. There was so much that they could do for her and worshipping her breasts, her wonderful nipples, was only the beginning of it. Ricky moaned around her nipple as he sucked and sucked, reluctant to draw back even though the dribbles of milk that he, very aptly, milked from her, squeezing her tits and nipples with both paws, was too sweet to simply swallow down like nothing more than a glass of water.

And it was the trickle of milk teasing over her over-sensitive breast that set Karissa off well and truly, moaning out the name of her lover as orgasm pulsed through, a rippling wave that settled her heart beat into a drawn-out climax all at his paws. Ricky smiled and ground his shaft up against her, easily rubbing into the underside of her glorious boobs, but it was not for him to enjoy in the moment - not that kind of enjoyment, at least. Massaging and kneading her breasts, he induced them to squirt lightly, the thick jet of cream soaking the fur of his neck and chest as his excitement and lust for her grew more and more with the span of every passing second.

He ran his tongue around her nipples, scooping up every last drop of sweet milk that he possibly could, his moans mingling with hers as the kangaroo drew out her orgasm. There seemed to be no end to it for the rocking, whimpering dragoness, trying to cradle him with her tail as her wings flapped helplessly, a few stray feathers drifting off. But there was no sense of control over her own body as he latched on to her nipple again, Ricky groaning and grunting from the strain of struggling to manipulate her body, squeezing her tits together so that her nipples were, at least somewhat, closer.

Maybe when they were bigger and softer, he'd be able to get both nipples into his mouth at once. The kangaroo dreamed, suckling on each in turn as luxuriously warm milk spilt from his lips, trickling down his front, the aroma of it more alluring than any other aphrodisiac that he could have possibly have been presented with. It covered his entire front but he could not stop, having to keep going as her moans rose in pitch and desperation, one orgasm of the dragoness' rolling seamlessly into the next as he coaxed further ecstasy from her with the miraculous touch of his lips and paws.

He knew her body better than she knew it herself and Karissa's head spun as she wriggled in place, tail trying to hold him but lacking the energy and the strength to do so. But that was oaky, all okay, as he whispered his adoration to her, making her giggle with the curses and swears that seemed out of place coming from his otherwise gentle and serene lips.

"Amazing, fuck... You're so fucking amazing..."

"I love you so much."

"Fucking gorgeous."

"More than I deserve."

Her eyes glittered and Karissa snaked her head in close, eyes wide and muscles quivering as if there was still some tension left there, as yet unreleased and waiting. For she had a little note of information that would set her lover off, perhaps just enough to show him just how much love she held for him in her heart, although he could no longer feel the beat and pound of it behind her overly large breasts, which commanded front and centre attention.


His ears pricked but she made sure he heard, caressing his muzzle and turning her chin up to her, a grin on her lips.

"I'm the biggest now," she said, unable to keep the grin from her face as it stretched her lips wider and wider, teeth on show to demonstrate the sheer depths of her glee. "My boobs! They're the biggest in the world, wide world! Isn't that wonderful?"

It was not a question that he needed to answer as he swore colourfully and humped against her, spilling his load right then and there, her moans rising above even his. His seed mixed with her milk as he took a nipple back into his mouth to keep himself occupied, locking himself down and in the moment, seed pouring out and out and out, marking her scales. Or, at least, it would have marked and stained her scales if so much milk had not squeezed and sloshed out down her tits already, blurring the line between what had been produced by her body and what he had shot onto her.

But that news... Oh... Could that be true? He should not, really, have lusted after such a physical feature so strongly but it was impossible to resist Karissa wanting him to lavish attention on them, so much so that they sometimes seemed to swell to even fill the span of a single room or more. He groaned, nestling in as close as possible, tail swinging lightly back and forth, his dragoness cradled just where he wanted her to be, eyes half-closed in the sleepy afterglow.

The notion that they did not deserve one another was a little of a jest, both of them thinking, in play, that they were not good enough for each other but that was just one of the things that kept them working so well together as the years passed and they looked ahead to the pleasure and times of life to come. He ground his shaft against her breasts, smearing cum lightly into her soft and pliable scales, but neither of them actually noticed his continuing orgasm as anything more than a rush of hot wetness that was lost in the spill of her milk and the mutual pleasure searing through their lots and addled minds.

Right where they wanted to be, wrapped up in each other's love and lust forevermore. Just what could be the better for the two of them that loved her gigantic breasts and loves so much?

"You know..." She giggled breathlessly, trembling against him. "I really am the biggest in the world now, I wasn't just saying that... Though maybe I should say it more often if you react like that! I did it, I measured. And I even had the doctor check!"

If he had not already climaxed, that notion alone would have sent Ricky straight off into peals of pleasure but all the kangaroo could do was draw her in closer to him, panting and heaving as he nuzzled into her, sexually exhausted in the very best of ways.


That was all he could force out, his lips on her breasts, kissing over and over again as he languished in the afterglow. But that could not have come close to just how his heart thudded powerfully to hear that news, his desire for her growing once more even though he had already climaxed, a crude and harsh kind of orgasm.

"That's just for us to know though," she breathed, trying to fold a wing around him despite the size of her boobs. "Our little secret... Can you keep this secret between us, darling?"

She trembled and he moaned, although that would have to be agreement enough as he lusted for her, wanting more and more. But there was no rush and there most certainly would be plenty more where that came from with his sweetly hyper dragoness. Karissa was all that he would ever need.

He suckled her breasts as they came down together slowly, love swelling with the pump of blood and, of course, milk from her nipples. Her areolas grew softly sore but not even Karissa could bear to tear him away from her as she draped her tail over his legs and moaned, clasping one paw of his in hers just to feel that little bit closer, to hold their connection. Ricky squeezed her hand, stomach feeling too full and swollen with her milk, but he could not help himself from simply making the most of her lactation, drinking down so very much until she had to tug her nipples gently away from him, a giggle on her lips and a smile in her eyes.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

They could not have said in hindsight who said it first but it was all par for the course for them as sexual exhaustion sweetly took hold and they sank down and down and down, slipping into a deep sense of relaxation as they recovered. Sleep had to be had with heavy eyelids, of course, but that was all well and good when they would wake again, safe and serene, in one another's arms. Just where they should always find themselves.

There would be more fun for the birthday dragoness in due course... For now, however, a nap was on the cards. Head resting on her breast, halfway to self-smothering, Ricky smiled faintly.

It was already an excellent birthday.

From Rider to Ridden: Part Two

**From Rider to Ridden** **Part Two** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Bukefalos06_ _ _ _ _ Lyra swished her tail in the stall, standing with her nose to the back wall, eyes cast down. She'd woken up several times...

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Fluff Transformation

**Fluff Transformation** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Artoochu2014_ _ _ _ _ Umoko grunted softly as she hefted up the large cardboard box, weighed down with computer equipment that was yet to be uncovered. A new...

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Sweet Mating

**Sweet Mating** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by LunarPearl10_ _ _ _ _ She stole up on him like a dream from the sweetest possible realm of the subconscious, an image of glory and beauty all wrapped up into one...

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