Sweet Mating

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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Two deer-like gods come together in the forest for loving breeding and passion...

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

Sweet Mating

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by LunarPearl10

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She stole up on him like a dream from the sweetest possible realm of the subconscious, an image of glory and beauty all wrapped up into one divine being. At first glance, to the uninitiated, she would have simply have been classed as a doe, a normal deer with nothing all that special about her, but there was much more to Kaliaei than met the eye. Around her neck hung a draping of rich, green moss that was fused to the very fibre of her being, what made her different from normal deer, mushrooms sprouting from it that grew and replenished themselves as the seasons passed. They were not a parasitic variety and did not feed off what lay beneath her soft brown coat of fur, her crown of moss and mushrooms taking the place where a male's antlers would, at least traditionally, sit. As a peacekeeper of the forest, there was no mistaking her for any other deer with the twitching, white bob of her tail as she smiled, waiting for the king to notice her, to finally allow her into the scope of his attention. No, she was no ordinary deer but a Sheridian of the woodland realm and the king as well that she sought out so very sweetly in the season of the rut was one and the same as her.

Akurah stood tall and proud in the middle of the clearing, a shaft of sunlight falling over his coat, a dark, luscious brown that spoke of good health and power, a little taller than the doe who had struck off that morning in search of the sound of his cloven hooves. In a way, his adornments as a Sheridian were more subtle yet larger still than hers, the draping of shrubbery around his neck taking the part of royal adornments. His fetlocks were similarly clad in the shrubbery, both of which were dotted with purple-blue berries - the shade of them seemed to change depending on just how the light hit them. Akurah, the king of the forest's crowning feature, however, was most certainly the gorgeous, orange bloom shot through with lines of yellow atop his head, antlers draped softly with moss too as if he had just brought his head out of a cool forest pool, dripping with beads of moisture.

But even the king had his admirers and, in all honesty, he was quite one to admire too, even if he was yet to take a mate for his own. Mating, of course, was something that happened each and every breeding season, the stags under his command in rut as he surveyed his kingdom with a regal air, above the cacophony and yet still sweetly enjoying his own during that time too. It was a mate, truly, though that he sought for his own and the little Kaliaei had caught his eye right back when she'd chanced to step into his side of the forest, each ruling separate areas without ever really knowing that the other existed. It must have, however, have simply been divine intervention that had served to bring them together for there was no turning back from the very first moment that their eyes met, changing their fates irrevocably, forever intertwined.

"You surprised me, Kaliaei," Akurah said, raising his voice to cut across to where she had posed herself sweetly on an outcrop of rock, all quivering anticipation as if she already knew just where her path must lead. "Are the pickings good on your side of the forest this fine day?"

But Kaliaei was not a doe who had any interest in small talk at that moment, the air crisp and fresh as sunshine filtered down from the canopy of deciduous trees stretching their boughs, oh so very kindly, out above them. It provided welcomingly delicious shade and she held her smile as she approached him, despite the nerves churning in raw anticipation in her gut. There was only one thing she could see herself doing and, well, she had to dig up every last scrap of boldness in her body to see it through with her king.

"I've been searching for you," she said softly, although the doe spoke with a sense of presence as if she knew that she did not have to raise her voice even in the slightest in order to be heard. "And watching..."

The king smiled gently but could not help but take a step back as she advanced on him, her steps slow and subtle and yet still managing to close the distance between them. It was hardly as if, after all, the stag would have wanted to flee from her or turn away her advances, only that they were moves that he did not quite yet understand. She, after all, was a doe on a mission and doe, even at that time, who was very much in need, fluttering her eyelashes at him as she smiled, her beauty devastating and more than enough for him to catch his breath, any sense of strength and masculinity he had wavering in the face of her desire.

"What are you..."

Yet that was a question that, for the moment, would have to go unanswered, Kaliaei circling him slowly, savouring every last nuance and edge of his form, drinking in all he had to offer her. Power radiated from him but it was his personal bubble that she sought to enter, a twig crunching lightly and dryly under her hoof as she met his eyes with both confidence and yet trembling vulnerability that could never again, not from that moment on, be matched. Her lips grazed his cheek and then were on his neck, a nibbling kiss that could only mean one thing.

Or maybe... He flushed, stuttering and stammering in place as his regal façade dropped at last, trembling in the moment as she giggled and kissed his throat - a place where no deer should really have been at all comfortable in being kissed. What did she want from him or was his mind simply jumping to the conclusions that he hoped for? Her worship of him, softly kissing and nipping at his fur, could mean nothing at all, her sweet adoration a working of his most rampant, wild imagination.

And yet he could not concoct the words that emerged from her warm lips next, the doe seeming to angle herself just so, allowing him to look down the length of her body, quite deliberately, to her twitching, bobbing tail.

"You're divine," she said softly, the worship and adoration ringing through her tone. "Oh, Akurah... I've watched you for so long and wanted you for long... Please..."

It was a begging plea that he knew not how to answer - at least as yet. Oh, how Kaliaei wanted him, wanted to serve with him as an equal too, although her natural inclination had her legs quivering and wanting to buckle, to bow before him in the manner that all does in the course of the rut really wanted.

Or, at least, she did, the sweetness of actually making the move to bow her head in submission far too alluring to be cast aside for any sense of pride, the length of her body rubbing up sensually against his as he gasped and grunted, the white edge of his eyes showing in the coarse grab of nerves.

"Kaliaei..." He whispered, juddering as he tried to round his back, hindquarters dropping, simply overwhelmed by sheer sensation. "What... Oh, my dear, are you...ah..."

It was difficult to concentrate with her lips on his neck, kissing and nipping along gently and sweetly as if she was afraid to hurt him. Even then, however, Kaliaei should have known that she would never, truly, be able to harm the king.

"Are you sure about this, Kaliaei?"

He could not stop saying her name, but what she went on to do chased so very many other thoughts from his mind, her nose questing down the length of his body with a light giggle, knowing what she wanted even if things such as that had never before happened for the two of them. There was something about being a ruler of the forest that could separate one from others and it was about time that they both changed that matter for themselves, enjoying the passions that their kind subjects enjoyed too in such high regard.

That didn't mean, of course, that Kaliaei did not let out a shiver and soft grunt as she nuzzled under his stomach, seeking out the softness of his large sheath and balls, heavy and full and simply begging for her touch. She had looked before, of course, and been discreet enough about it, although they had lured her in and, somehow, managed to fascinate her too. It was strange to think about but it was probably one of those things where she would find herself better served by simply allowing instinct to take over, her lips parting to brush his balls with the softest, lightest and most reverent of touches, the warmth of him searing through.

"I need you. You're... Oh, you're so big! Ohhh..."

She could not help but moan against him, bowing down on her forelegs beneath him to put herself in a better position to adore what she had found, Akurah's back hunching and rounding as he panted heavily. She took her time - what rush was there? - to enjoy the soft feel of his balls, nuzzling into them and running her tongue over the tender orbs, heavy within their furred sack. The doe lost herself against him, finally able to give in to the hot rush of breath that she could not help but unleash over his sensitive nuts, the stag above her trembling as if he was on the edge of being unable to contain himself. She'd watched him for so long, after all, seeing those balls jiggle as he walked, that it would have been impossible to not press her nose into his sheath and simply enjoy his soft musk, eyes rolling back into her head in raw need and, of course, pleasure above all else.

Seemingly lost for words in the heat of the moment - my, oh, my, was that not a moment for the usually intimidating stag! - Akurah chuffed and stomped, briefly jigging a hind hoof in the air as if he could not contain what was rising up inside him. Was it pleasure or something more primal, something more animalistic and completely against one of his status? He could not have said but he could heave for breath, flanks darkening with sweat in cow-lick curls, as he shook his antlers from one side to the other, struggling to contain himself.

"To feel you inside me," she breathed, worshipping his balls with her lips and tongue. "Oh, the size of them... You're so warm... How could I have not seen this before?"

The stag licked his lips, chuffing lightly. He may have been the king of the forest but exposing the vulnerable side of him...ah... Now that was very much something that may not have been at all possible for Akurah if not for the many conversations he had shared with Kaliaei through the course of their time together, many nights spent before dancing fire pits flashing across his eyes. Maybe he was trying not to lose control of himself so quickly but it was harder and harder to form even a single coherent thought, something stirring deep inside him that he had never before really paid all that much attention to before. And why would he have done so when his sweet doe and soon to be queen had not yet come into his life?

His heart warmed, heat flickering up as if a fire had indeed been lit within his soul. He'd made the right choice in waiting for her, as tense as he was now that the moment had come right down to it. His excitement showed too, Akurah stretching out his head and trying to shake just a little of the tension from his neck as she lipped at the very edge of his sheath, breath brushing the fold of it in such a caress that it was all he could do not to fall prey to baser, more animal-like instincts right then and there.

What he could not hold back, however, was the slow slide of his cervine shaft slipping out, slenderer than it was thick and with a certain tapered elegance fit for a king. It plumped up readily into her touch, although there was not much to 'grow', per se, due to the make-up of his body as a deer in its base, just the length forcing his sheath to lightly pull taut around it, the skin of it glistening ever so faintly in a pink, delectable hue.

And Kaliaei could not resist it, not as much as her chest tightened in anticipation, that delicious cocktail of nerves mingling with pleasure as the heat under her tail and between her hind legs drove her on and on too. There was little she felt she could have done other than take the very tip of his achingly hard shaft into her mouth, tasting him and testing his reactions even as her heart soared, pounding so very much harder than it ever had before. She needed him: there could be no question at all about that. The slickness of his shaft slowly pushing down the length of her short muzzle to tickle the back of her throat lightly was all too erotic and she could not help but moan out her pleasure around him, hindquarters pushed up as if for Akurah's attention.

Huffing, the stag rolled his antlers as if to dislodge something from them, head swimming as the breeding lust and want came upon him. It was a wonder, really, that he had not truly experienced it before, the heady euphoria making him want to grunt and yelp and bark like the rough and ready stag he truly was, needing his doe as much as she needed him. And, oh, she was ready too even as she tongued his cock and balls so very sweetly and lovingly, preparing him for what was to come, whimpering softly and letting his balls weigh softly on her nose as she drew back with a breathy gasp, nostrils fluttering.

"Oh, Akurah..."

A few simple words were all that it took for him to moan, his blood up and pumping, and yet he was still putty in her hooves as she nuzzled his sheath, taking her time in feeling the softness of it, although she had no need to convince or sweeten him up anymore to breed her. No, her kind stag was already ready for her and all Kaliaei needed to do was to enjoy herself, languishing in the all-encompassing warmth that overcame a doe who simply needed to be rutted. She had never truly had any fear at all of anything being done against her will, but there was a seductiveness to giving in that simply made her head spin, need rising up and up until it flooded all sense of reason and rationality: just as it was supposed to be.

Before her king, lapping and nuzzling at his balls - oh! So heavy! How much seed he would have to give her! - the doe murmured against him, unable to help herself from taking her time to enjoy him even as her hips rocked and ground as if she was already imagining him powering into her, just how good his hard length would feel driving into her most sacred of places, the heated tunnel that simply ached for him like nothing else ever before. She wanted him there, deeper and deeper, and the submissive doe hungrily took his shaft back between her lips, suckling on his thick, full length as if there was no longer anything else in her world but the length of his cock.

It was a narrowing of her world, in a sense, as the rest of it expanded, Akurah gasping and shaking and coming more and more into himself, finding out just how he could rock his hindquarters in order to spear, lightly, into her mouth. He was not like one of the aggressively dominant stags that she had seen during previous ruts and, truly, they had not held any appeal for her: she needed that_connection_. And just what could be better there than her ruling beside him, if he would have her, while serving his every sweet breeding lust and need each and every single night for the rest of their lives together?

Oh, that would be her dream indeed and she pursed her lips hotly around his cock, suckling on it as if it was the last thing she would ever do, the last scrap of pleasure that would ever, so very kindly, be granted unto her. The tip pressed into the back of her throat and her eyes fell half-lidded as she concentrating on swallowing, allowing him just that little bit deeper. It was all the better, after all, to worship and pleasure him that was what she had to do for her sweet king - she simply would not allow anything less than worship to take place as she broke her hold on his delicious shaft to lap over and nuzzle into his heavy balls, solely wishing for every last drop of that heated seed to be planted into her womb.

She couldn't hold herself back - not for one second more! Although, to her surprise, Akurah was right there with her, chuffing and stomping with his eyes brighter than she'd ever had the good grace to see ever before. He was divine, a deity in his own right, and her heart turned over wantonly to see him standing so tall and so proud, muscles quivering even as he grunted softly, eyes fixed on her as if he simply could not take them away. He clearly needed her and she turned around for him, presenting her hindquarters as her need swelled within her, her very own heart seeming to grow ten times as large for the sheer prospect of being so very, very close at long last to receiving the love that she had craved for so long.

Akurah shook lightly but instinct took over, his lips curving into a soft, warm smile, remembering his position in the forest. He was the king and, well...maybe now, maybe just maybe, he had a mate and what a glorious mate she would be, her little white tail lifted for him to show the flash on the underside, although it was not the dark pucker of her tail hole that he was interested in but the sweetness of her sex beneath, cunny practically twitching and pulsing as her body as well as her mind begged him to mount her. But she was torn between two opposing actions, a part of her wanting to worship his cock and balls all over again - and yet she simply couldn't do that if she wanted his shaft inside her too!

There was only one course of action that instinct would allow the needy doe to take as she rocked her hindquarters, begging him with her eyes to mount her, to cover her, to take her as dominantly as the stag she knew he was could. She needed his weight on her back more than anything else, all that had ever been promised to her and more as their bodies, finally, came together in the lucidly lewd domain of carnal, intimate bliss.

"Make me your queen."

A simple command and yet the first one that she would give so demurely yet powerfully as his queen for not even the king of the forest had the will in his heart to resist such a doe. She fluttered her eyelashes at him and his heart pounded up into overdrive, drumming a beat to which even his hooves would struggle to dance at a given ceremony. Before his mind caught up with the actions of his body, he was up on his back legs with a cervine bugle, tucking his chin down and pushing over her back in the search for the slit of her warmth.

But he was not experienced with a lady and the shift of her body beneath him threw him off as his tapered length slid over the lighter, creamier brown fur of her inner hind legs, dropping too low as he chuffed in frustration. Luckily, however, Kaliaei was right there to help him along, legs trembling as she took more of his weight onto her back than was strictly necessary and positioning herself just so, the tip of his cock teasing into the very entrance of her breeding warmth.

And then he was in, instinct taking over as he gasped and grunted and covered her as a stag was driven to do, head spinning with raw instinct and desire as they, beautifully, collided. It was impossible for a stag to describe the slick sensation of a doe's pussy wrapped around him but Akurah could well enough finally experience her as he'd craved to for so long - just without even actually realising it for himself. His balls swung lightly as if they were trying to brush the fur of her backside, but he couldn't quite get in close enough for that just yet, as much as he was desperate to try.

"Oh..." She moaned, rolling her head before him, barely able to even contain her pleasure. "More... More! Breed me!"

It was a carnal cry indeed and one that, at any other time, would have seemed out of place coming from her lips, but Akurah powered in like a stag who had covered her many times over already, devolving into the sort of animalistic mating that made her head spin and her heart simply swoon for him. There was nothing, surely, that her king could not do for her and his hot rod of desire pounding into her needy passage over and over again teased on inclinations and sweet niggles of submission that she had never before had the pleasure to touch on. If she had not been braced and trembling with the stag up on her back, Kaliaei would have been sorely tempted to simply fold to her knees before him, lay and prostrate herself on the grass before her king in a sweet gesture of her complete sexual submission to him.

But she was right where she wanted to be, exhilaration coursing through her veins as she took each and every last one of his breeding strokes, the stag powering into her over and over again. Akurah could not have possibly have stopped if he'd tried, need taking over his body as he thrust and ground, even managing to scoot his hindquarters in a little bit closer again to really seal every last inch of his aching shaft inside her soft, tight cunny. There was a little ridge of thickness in the middle, part of the 'bone' that ran down the length of his cervine shaft, and she grunted and yelped as that teased over her folds, the very entrance of her cunny the most sensitive at all. Yet the doe could not have anticipated just how that cock would tease up against a patch of nerves inside her that sent stars leaping and dancing as if on a show all of their own behind her closed eyelids, wanting to feel and experience even as she shut out the sight of the forest clearing before her.

No... Better to be there in the moment without allowing her mind to be distracted by anything else. Every thrust he gave, feral and raw and desperate, stole breath wishfully from her lungs, although Akurah could not have been taking it for his own either as he grunted and heaved over her. His shaft twitched inside her, a part of him that was well and truly beyond his control, and Kaliaei whimpered, his balls pushing up closer and closer to her hindquarters even as he sought to claim her completely and utterly.

He was an animal... There could not possibly be any other words for it, for what he delivered to her, tongue hanging slightly out from between his lips as his nose dipped reverently down towards the back of her neck as if he was trying to get closer to her still. Akurah's heavy balls churned with desire, thrumming through with stringent urgency that simply could not be ignored as he slammed in, both of them prey to breeding instinct, pleasure driving them on and on and on to their ultimate ecstasy. The over-sensitive throb of his aching shaft would have been too much to bear if he had not been so close to climax, panting heavily and wantonly as he crammed her full, the desire to mate overcoming all else that could have possibly have made itself at all known in his mind.

No... Nothing more existed for them than the other, the grind of his shaft powering into her, the doe rocking back into his thrusts as much as her body would allow. She heaved for breath, flanks juddering in dark sweat, and squeezed around him, unable to control her body as she tried to milk him for all he was worth, the need to mate searing through her like the most potent of aphrodisiacs. There was no restraining it as she moaned, hanging her head and swinging her nose back and forth, hindquarters rounding ever so slightly as her hocks flexed and dipped, struggling to bear his weight and pounding thrusts.

And just when they thought they could not be any more into their first breeding together, the end result foretold in the grind and hump of his rampant shaft, he managed to find something deeper inside him still, taking all up another level. The stag grunted and slammed in, caught up in animalistic desire as he gave himself over to the lust of his body, breeding taking over his mind in the very best of ways, he could not have restrained himself physically even with the will of his body and the land under his control, cock thrusting into her hot tightness over and over again as her passage rippled around him, seeming to beg him to climax, to seed her full and give her just what she needed.

Opening and closing her mouth soundlessly, it was all Kaliaei could do to keep herself at least somewhat upright and shaking, struggling to bear the powerful force of his claiming thrusts as he made her feel all the things that she'd wanted from him, cock throbbing and pulsing, those first drops of true pre-cum leaking from him in pure, animalistic excitement. Akurah may have been a deity but he was a deity who needed something from her and she was practically begging him to give it to her at the sake of all else, humping back lightly against him with every last bit of strength she had left in her body.

There was little she could do, however, in her current position to grind back at him, submitting completely to his domain, as sweetly and kindly as it was given. He was not a king who would force anything on her - of course not - but a king who would rule and allow her every last drop of delicious servitude beneath him that Kaliaei could ever have asked for, licking and suckling at his cock and balls for nights on end. It was with that thought in her head, his shaft in her mouth in the realm of fantasy even as reality lifted her up, that the doe climaxed with a raw scream of delight, her shriek echoing through the cries and carrying flocks of songbirds up and away from their evening roosts.

Akurah would have had words for her if he was not so preoccupied with thrusting and filling her, his thrusts even managing to speed up as he crammed her roughly full of every last inch of his cock, everything heating up when it came right down to the moment of truth. His body needed something from her, the grip of her rippling, twitching passage simply too much to bear as his balls swung up to her, bouncing powerfully off her fur and folds as he could not get a single fraction more of his cock into her between each and every bone-shaking stroke.

The king of the forest was just where he needed to be.

His own climax shot into her before she even had a moment in which to recognise what was happening, the stag letting out a bellow that too alerted all woodland creatures in the near and far vicinity as to what they were doing. His balls twitched and pulled up ever so slightly in raw, animalistic need as he unloaded into her, the thick, virile spurts of cum carrying the flow of him deep into her sex. As orgasm flowed through him, he hunched down even further over her back, laying his muzzle against the base of her neck as he panted heavily, eyes rolling back into his skull from the sheer force of pent-up tension leaving him in one great, big, mating rush.

It was perfect: everything it had ever been meant to be and so much more too. The stag's cock twitched within her, spurts of cum flowing thickly and strongly as his orgasm lasted for longer than it would have if he had been a mere feral deer. But the king could keep going, his virility as lustful as he would turn out to be, now that he had the mate he'd always been meant to have right there at his side. She was all he would need on a cold winter night, her hot sex draining his balls over and over again as they enjoyed the force of their lust and love in the best way that mates possibly could.

His body was still cervine, however, and no prey animal in essence could keep on climaxing forever as the stream of cream tapered off slowly, allowing him to dismount in a mass of sweat, head hanging. But, despite all that, their lips curved up in soft smiles and when they came together for their first kiss as a mated couple, the thought of the stickiness and tiredness of mating was completely and utterly wiped from their minds.

One breeding session, however, would never be enough to sate a newly mated couple and they enjoyed one another's lusts again very shortly after that first time, Kaliaei giggling as she lay down for him and flicked up her tail in open invitation. It was a stranger position for deer but something that had mirth bubbling up genuinely from their bellies even as they bred and kissed, tongues tangling together in sweet lust as they played them back and forth between their muzzles. On and on their breeding went, coarse and crude and everything that both of them could have ever wished it to be, his cock wet with her juices and still hard and so very ready for more.

Mating was not the half of it, however, with so much to explore as sunset cast its glowing, crimson and orange rays over the forest, filtering lightly between the trees, leaves rustling even while the rest of the forest left the creatures to their lust, enjoying one another completely and utterly. Kaliaei had the chance too to fully caress and adore his balls and cock with her tongue, feeling his balls with her hooves all for that added tint of sensation, their weight making her want him even more, so virile and strong and proud. He eagerly returned each and every last pleasure to his queen too, her slit well-seeded and a fawn surely well on its way to growing within her belly.

Ah, the spring after the rut would bring so very much for the two of them but there was still something very powerful to be said for curling up together, side by side with their legs kicked out, sleepily naming constellations with his seed drooling from her pussy and the taste of him still thick in her mouth and on her lips. Their rule would be powerful and far-reaching and never again would there be a pair that were better suited to one another within the realm of the forest they cared for and protected, bringing peace and prosperity for the rest of their years.

Sighing softly, Kaliaei nuzzled into his neck, leaning into Akurah's steady, reassuring weight, his moss-laden antlers outstretched above her.

The king and queen of the forest were finally home.

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**Servicing the Stallions** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Takoda Tiger_ _ _ _ _ The tiger swayed on his knees, the stable cast into a shuddering, buzzing, flickering light. The lighting strips overhead needed...

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