Sexually Transmitted Desire

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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A herm otter contracts a STD that makes her need to orgasm over and over again. However, stubborn thing that she is, she insists on going to work anyway... Not a good idea!

What an interesting story to work on! Please note that the character in this one is an amputee but this is not for fetish purposes, just how the character is. Really allows some creativity in the scenes and I hope I did this lovely otter justice!

This story has been available for early reading one to two months ago on Patreon and SubscribeStar (SubscribeStar contains extreme content)! Please check the tiers on the following links if you would like to support!



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As always, I am open for commissions starting at 30 GBP per 1,000 words - please e-mail arianmabe[at] for more information or see my profile!

Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

Sexually Transmitted Desire

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by anonymous

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Jael cursed at the alarm clock, ignoring her pounding hangover as she leapt out of bed, the otter anthro fighting to get to the point where the clawing grip of the day to come didn't seem to want to drag her back into bed quite so much. Of course, that was a daily grind with her philosophy of living life both hard and loud, as fast as she possibly could, but she was going to give it a damn good shot. It was something she'd learned to do a long time ago, considering how she'd lost her arms: something always worth mentioning considering the fact that it was, without fail, the first thing that others noticed about her, regardless of where they were or who even they were.

Her golden coat needed a good brushing out but she didn't have more than a few minutes to lurch into the shower and stick her head under, flattening her unruly, tousled mop, so it would have to do with air drying too that day. Although Jael was not entirely female, her anatomy forced her to pay a little closer attention to her body than she may have liked to, bending down flexibly to make sure she got into all the nooks and crannies with the sponge clasped in a hind paw. Her soft sheath and balls needed attention too and she huffed even through the bubbles as her shaft tried to peak out, fleshy and wanton even after so much fun the night before.

But there was no time for that even when a hermaphrodite otter was in need, work calling. And she kept that little secret, in most part, from her place of work, ensuring that no one unscrupulous took advantage of it. Having no arms was bad enough in one sense of it, as well as she had learned to live without them, and she didn't need anything else to draw attention unduly to her just when she felt that she was finally fitting in at least a little.

Stopping by the door in a smart ladies suit and polished, black shoes, she didn't even have time for a bite of toast, slipping her prosthetics on now that she didn't have to worry about twisting and contorting to wrangle the false arms in. They had not been set up in their usual spots for her the night (or just earlier that morning) before when Jael had come in from all that...ooh...

Thinking of just what she'd been up to, hot, sweaty bodies grinding lustfully and wantonly up to one another, just how the German Shepherd had felt against her. And hadn't there been a cute little donkey too, a jenny, out in the alleyway? Huff, now that was a good time...

Need curled up thickly from the pit of her belly, more powerful and urgent and she should have had any right to expect, and the otter, quite rightly, drew back from it in surprise, even as her shaft pushed eagerly out from its sheath, clearly wanting more and eager for it too.

And yet there was no time, no time at all. That need and all the others, like eating, would have to wait until she'd caught her breath.


Shaking herself off, she scurried out the door, putting the urge from her mind. It was nothing, nothing at all, just like it was every other time. Just a bit horny, a little worked up after that stud of last night. And who could blame her?

But the day was set up to be far more interesting than Jael had initially given it credit for.


The problem was that Jael was already committed to her work day by the time that she realised that maybe she wasn't just a little bit horny. In fact, the poor otter was rather a lot hornier than she'd realised, twisting and grunting in her computer chair as she tried to find a position that didn't make her cock ache, bulging out against her suit trousers under the cover of the desk. Her cheeks burned beneath her fur and she tried to busy herself in paperwork that blurred before her eyes, panting lightly and squirming, the prosthetic arms that made the very life that she had so difficult in itself clacking lightly against the very mechanisms that held them together, need clawing at her soul.

For it was not just any burning desire to get her rocks off that made her pussy so wet and her cock hard even out in public and she knew it was far, far too late to backtrack and head for home. Sexually transmitted diseases came in many forms and this was one of the common ones, which, ironically, served well to make the problem ten times worse in the spread. Less of a disease but more erotic desire, all she wanted to do was to fuck, her balls swollen and shocking over-sensitive, not to mention just how her pussy kept squeezing down over and over again on nothing at all!

The computer screen blinked at her, eyes glazing over, not truly seeing what was laid out before her. What work had she actually had on that day? Nothing seemed to make sense as her cock hardened, drooling and twitching as she stifled a groan, curling over and hunching into herself as she fought and fought to hold back the pants that so very badly wanted to rise up.

No... No! Not at her desk! But it was coming regardless of whether she wanted it to or not and the otter's eyes rolled back into her head, arms hanging by her sides for she feared what could happen if she tried to manipulate them to grip the desk, as much as that may have actually have allowed her to hold back just a little bit more. No, orgasm was something on both sides of her gender equation that could not be denied and she blushed heavily, a creeping heat slithering by beneath her skin as if she had been caught up in the coils of a true serpent of lust, passion throbbing to a crescendo.

Perhaps it should have been a more dramatic orgasm than it actually was but Jael shuddered through it, filling her underwear with cum and praying, hoping against hope, that it would not seep through, soaking through that fabric and more again still. Her pussy was another problem entirely and she could not squeeze her legs together as tightly as she would have liked as her balls were in the way, the pesky things swelling up even from that first and single orgasm alone, throbbing and begging in that unspoken language of lust for more, so very much more.

"Jael! Are you listening to me?"

She started, eyes snapping up to the white rat that occupied the next cubicle over, the half-walls affording some very small measure of privacy in an open-plan office environment. But Jael wanted far, far more privacy than what she currently had as Johanna scowled at her, the white rat's lips pressing together with too much lipstick, a fleshy, slender tail slapping the underside of her own desk in a fit of clear annoyance.

"Oh, uh..." Talking in the afterglow was hardly Jael's strongpoint as the otter huffed and squirmed. "Yes... Sorry, I was somewhere else then."

Somewhere else more pleasurable than listening to her, no doubt, even though the need to cum again and again had not even left her mind, not sated or satisfied in the slightest as she struggled to keep her breath steady and even, cock twitching and bubbling more and more pre-cum from the tip. She didn't even want to think about her cunny, the sodden fabric pressed up between those soft folds. Thankfully, the rat was not one to really hold a grudge when she had an audience and chattered on, leaning over the dividing wall with her breasts spilling heavily out over the top.

"Anyway, what I was saying, Cindy's off with this beaver lad, total loser, and..."

But she tuned out then - not that she would not have tuned out normally to such dull conversation. Maybe it would have been better if she had, at least, been a little more invested in Johanna's private life or whatever it was that Cindy was up to but the itch and the burn... She twisted and turned in her chair, stifling her grunts as Johanna rattled on and on, not caring really that she wasn't being listened to, the rat engaged only with having an audience, regardless of whether or not said audience was a willing one.

"Excuse me!"

Jael's cheeks burned as she shot out of her chair and streaked down past Accounting as if her heels were on fire. Considering the direction that she was heading in, it was quite plausible that many thought that there was something quite wrong with her in the digestive tract but she could not bring herself to care about that as she heaved and thought only of satisfying that need in her belly, the driving swell of it that could not be halted by anything other than satisfying it.

She only hoped that that would prove possible.

The copier guy, a lithe otter with a charming smile, eyed her as she ran past, an eyebrow cocked cynically. Just where was she off to in such a hurry? And yet she could not even pause for a quick flirt, wheeling around the corner into the bathroom and locking herself away as she huffed and panted, fumbling to get the stall door locked and secured against anyone who may have, very unfortunately, looked in on her. She couldn't get herself out of her clothes quickly enough and ripped her shirt off too, a prosthetic tumbling to the side as she jostled it out of place. And yet she could not even spare a moment to consider grabbing it back to somewhere safe as need clawed at her mind, screaming and champing for the release that her body so terribly needed.

It was the ladies room that became her hasty sanctuary, of course, as the unisex one tended to raise too many questions when one was not 'out' at work and, well, Jael just couldn't make it down there in time. Huffing, she sat back on the closed hid of the toilet and shimmied her trousers down, her smart clothes quickly becoming more crumpled and dishevelled than she would have liked at any other time for work. But needs must as she demonstrated her shocking otter flexibility, leaning all the way down to take her own cock into her mouth, eyes rolling back into her skull at the same time.

Heaven. It was simply heaven and she gave a little otter squeak around her own shaft as she shuddered, orgasm throbbing up thick and full and strong. It could not be held back and she did not even try to, although maybe it would have been a wiser idea to check that she was, indeed, alone in the bathroom before she went to town on herself. Alas, that kind of STD didn't exactly allow for common sense or very much thought at all, a shiver rippling through her as her balls seemed to grow even larger, although it was not all that much. She could not face growth there of unprecedented proportions but it still wouldn't be very comfortable until she could be treated.

However, treatment was pretty much the furthest thing from her mind as she squealed in climax, humping and grinding into her own mouth as she suckled cum from her cock like a whore in a brothel. Of course, she could have astounded many others with her feats of flexibility but she rather did enjoy using them for herself. Oh, it was just what she needed, her tongue pressed up to the underside of her shaft as she growled around it, humping and grinding all for her ultimate pleasure and release.

Of course, it came upon her quickly, quicker than the first time when she hadn't even had anything more than the stimulation of her clothes against her dual genitalia, filling her mouth quickly as she moaned and swallowed down every drop. Again... Was that a second climax? She couldn't tell one from the other, losing track of just where she was and what she was doing as every muscle in her body ached, desperate and struggling for the release of tension against all odds and all else.

And that copier guy... What was his name again? Connor? Damn... With him in her mind's eyes, Jael shivered and twisted, slithering down to the floor and bumping the prosthetic that had dropped to the side, skidding half under the stall wall into the next one. So heady was her need, however, that she didn't even notice, arching her back at an angle of sheer desperation to bring her hind paws up to her shaft, groping and squeezing and masturbating herself as fiercely as she could. It was more difficult again still to tuck a rounded heel up into her pussy, teasing her sex, but the strain was worth it as she clamped her jaws shut to seal away a howl, head spinning and spinning as her own arousal slickened out across the linoleum floor.

It was too good to keep masturbating and her body simply would not allow her to stop as she groaned and clenched her jaw so hard that it ached, eyes closed against the will of the outside world. Nothing mattered for Jael but pleasure as much as she wanted it to end just so that she could escape from it, head rolling back and tension lining her neck. Too much! A moan burst from her lips and she climaxed again, shooting her load over the bathroom floor even as her crotch ached for something less than release. Peace would have been blissfully received at that point but the thing that she needed to do in going to visit the nurse or doctor for treatment, well... She had such a good track record when it came to absences at work that it would be a shame to spoil all that!

But the door opening to the main body of the bathroom snapped her eyes open again, lips open in a soundless gasp as more and more cum pooled below her on the floor, mixed with the arousal and juices of her feminine side in a slick cocktail. Jael had barely a moment in which to yank her limbs away from the door, prosthetic rattling lightly where it caught the bowl of the toilet, heart in her mouth and so much more desire flooding up within her, an unstoppable storm from which there was no escape at all to be had. Alas, the otter lady had forgotten something that would take her humiliation to the next level, eyes wide and only one arm secured onto the nubs of what remained of her natural ones.

Jael gasped. Her arm! Where was it? What if they... And yet she could not even finish the thought in her own mind, heart hammering and movements jerky, clumsy, wild in her desperation. Skidding around she lunged for her prosthetic arm but it was too late - gone under the stall wall! Her jaw dropped and she considered reaching under and groping around for it but her hesitation cost her the opportunity as the other fur, whoever they were, hummed a tune to themselves and merrily entered the next stall along, completely unaware of just what they would find there.

"Oh... Oh my!"

Jael quailed, although the need to climax yet again did not allow for all that much embarrassment. Truly, it was all she could do just to keep her breathing steady, even though that was pretty much a losing battle by that point too. The other fur must have been just as embarrassed as she was for they hesitated for quite a while before the fingers of her prosthetic awkwardly slid back across the floor towards her like the demented claws of a beast that she could not think of a name for in such a state of abject, fervent desire.

"Here you go..."

"" Jael cringed, slinking her body away to the other side of the stall as she reached for it, almost wishing that she didn't actually have to take it. "Thanks..."

The otter's cheeks glowed red beneath her fur and she hustled to try to clean up, cum marking the hem of her trousers even as she swore under her breath, voice low even though she was well aware that she was no longer quite alone or nowhere near as alone as she would have liked to be. She hunkered back and down as far away from the door as possible as the other fur hustled through their business and got the hell out of dodge as quickly as possible, hardly even pausing long enough to wash their paws. But Jael had what she needed and quickly twisted up on the toilet seat with one hind paw up on the back and her tail curling out for balance, bending down fluidly at the waist to, once again, suckle her cock deep into the back of her maw.

It put a strain on her neck and her delts ached something terrible, a line of pain nothing to the aching, gnawing need in the pit of her stomach. Her sex seemed to itch but in a state of arousal rather than hurt, sensations twisting and contorting so that they bounced between what was pleasurable and what most certainly was not. There was nothing, it seemed, that Jael could possibly do to control herself, to call a halt to events, moaning lustfully around her own cock as she drank down every last drop and more that her drastically over-productive system had to offer.

Eventually, however, she had to acknowledge that her throat was dry for something more than just cum and dragged herself back off her cock with a slurp and a heave for breath that would not come.

"Damn it..."

Should she go to the emergency room? No... No. That would be too much for a simple STD. The clinic would be open later that day: she could go then. Awkwardly, she fumbled to clean herself up, fingers clumsier than usual as she forced them to work and to bend. Of course, the prosthetics were not nearly flexible enough or suitable for masturbation and that was just why she had to resort to such drastic measures but they made her clumsier still in other ways too, knocking the toilet roll dispenser off the wall with a clatter and a bang that both had her wincing and delving back into the realm of debauchery all over again.

After another round of masturbation, Jael finally managed to clean herself up with more than a little difficulty, fighting the urge to keep going. She licked her lips, mouth too dry for comfort, and dampened the hem of her suit trousers, getting at least most of the stain out of it. If anyone asked, she would say it was detergent leftover in the fabric and that would just have to do. It was surprising though that she was even able to think up an excuse as she staggered from the bathroom, waddling, and straight into her direct manager: a leopard with a perpetually stern expression that may or may not have known that he was supposed to be managing her, what with how busy he was on a daily basis.

"Ah..." Lennard paused and smiled, clearly fishing about in his mind for her name as Jael swallowed a groan and tried to stand squarely, cock trapped in place by the band of her underwear. "...Jael. I'm glad to see you're ready, Browns Co. are here already and we've bumped the meeting time up. I trust you're ready?"


She swallowed hard and swayed, although probably looked more unwell than she cared to admit - so much so that even the noticeably aloof leopard looked a little concern, Lennard tipping towards her.

"Jael? Come again?"

Oh, if only!

"What..." She blinked, back ramrod straight even though every last nerve-ending and sense in her body screamed at her to curl over and get her goddamned mouth back around her cock all over again. "What meeting?"

Lennard gave her a strange look. A very strange look.

"It's been on the cards for months, Jael. We need you in there to take note and have them typed up for distribution, nothing new to you. Are you feeling quite alright?"

It would have been the perfect out but she'd been trying to get a paw in the door for months with the bigwigs, the powers that were in the company and, truly, she was so much more than just a clerk, an administrator to bustle about doing all that admin ladies were so well known for.

So, instead of saying that she really was not feeling well at all, Jael straightened her back and put on her best smile, angling her hips just so with her underwear in place to keep her cock in check.

"Of course! I just had another project for Cassandra on my mind. I'll be right there!"

The leopard smiled and nodded but she very much doubted that he would even remember their interaction as he bustled off with far more important things on his mind than one otter who quietly bided her time away in the corner of meetings. It was not her purpose in the company to be noticed or in the spotlight but, if Jael was not careful, she was about to find herself there for all the wrong reasons!

And, so, that was just how she ended up in a corner of a meeting room with a half-desk that exposed everything beneath the smooth wood to the view of anyone that cared to look over at her. It was most certainly not designed for ladies and it was so small that anyone wearing a skirt would have been showing off far more than they intended to at work. Jael couldn't even cross her legs for some measure of privacy due to her dual gender and flushed heavily as she scribbled away, not really sure what on earth she was writing down as the meeting that she had chomped at the bit for ran on and on, not seeming very interesting in the slightest. But she had to work her way through it somehow and sweat trickled coldly down the back of her neck, dehydrating her even further, as she fought and fought not to gyrate her hips.

That, of course, did not stop her orgasms from coming, one after the other. Without direct stimulation from her mouth and hind paws, they were slowly but they were still very much there, balls aching and pussy drooling with what had to be close to breeding lust, a sense of madness. Her juices soaked through her trousers and stained the chair she was sitting on as she tried to appear as calmly nonchalant as possible, eyes and noses of those attending the meeting twitching in her direction, one by one.

To say that Jael was glad to escape, hanging back so that she could whimper and waddle, cock remaining hard, she at last conceded defeat. No, it was too much: off to the clinic she had to go or, hell, even the emergency room! No amount of embarrassment was worth continuing the work day.

And yet she may have made good her escape too if he had not been there, the otter who had played a starring role in her fantasies stepping forward to greet her. Maybe that would have been it if not for the infection but she lunged for him with a hiss and a growl that could have been construed as flirty but was truly feral in nature, spinning him around and into a supply closet as their lips clumsily collided, tongues tangling.

Although surprised, he returned every bit of her lust with his own, taking control and groaning into her mouth as he undid her trousers, as fervent as her in the urgency of his rapidly rising need. And Jael couldn't get her head around what was happening, where his paws where going, the shudder that went through him as his paw found a cock above her pussy, exploring her body and then deepening the kiss into a hard, desperate embrace a moment later.

He knew... Jael panted for breath. But what did that mean for her? And the STD! She couldn't pass that on to him!


He took her closer into his arms, bearing her back against the racking, jostling boxes of paperwork and neither of them giving a damn. Jael's head swam pleasantly, hormones bouncing off the walls. Oh, yes, yes, yes, oh yes - this was what she'd needed all along! Just him, a cock, a willing partner, someone to stoke the fire of her need... But, no, she had wanted him, wait, still wanted him, but it was the STD in her system, that thing that made everything seem hotter and more alluring than it was! Wrenching herself back with a gasp, Jael stared at him wide-eyed, trembling and frozen in place. They shouldn't be doing it in a store room!

She shouldn't have done it in the bathroom either but, well, that had happened, that little voice in the back of her mind said. But she was stronger than that, she told herself by way of reply, paws on his chest as she tried to put some distance between them but Connor closed the gap with a groan the instant she put it there.

"Connor, I can't..." She groaned as he kissed her neck, paw on her cock, pumping luxuriously as if he had all the time in the world. "I... You..."

His paw squeezed her shaft, knowing what she was and still not letting up, hot breath on her jawline, her lips...

"Jael, it doesn't matter to me, seriously..."


She pushed him away then, taking a forceful step back even as orgasm claimed her, shooting her load all over the stockroom floor. Connor stared at her wide-eyed but there was still an explanation to come as she held up her paws, the palms of the prosthetics quivering.

"No... I have..." Her cheeks burned. "An STD. The kind..."

And then comprehension dawned on him and she didn't have to say any more, the male otter's face falling in an instant.

"Oh... But... It's okay though, isn't it? You're okay? I thought we had a thing going, I was going to ask you out for coffee."

Chuckling breathlessly even as her lips parted in orgasm yet again, pussy clenching down on an imaginary cock, she could not resist. He knew and yet he still lifted her up against the wall, trousers down and cock seeking out her pussy. Her balls pushed out of the way as he sank home and she screamed out her climax without thinking of the repercussions, the tension in her loins growing and growing until something snapped inside her! Her cock went limp instantly and she moaned, although the pleasure and the need to cum was still there, release. He pressed closer, hammering into her, and didn't even notice that the STD had pushed her so far, cock unable to ferry the onslaught of semen out anymore, leaving her more denied and needy than ever without any way to truly take any kind of edge off.

But that did not stop either of them from humping and moaning, the otteress in question hissing through her teeth as she begged for more, spitting out every dirty word and curse she had in her extensive arsenal until he could not help too but fill her with cum, a heavy load ploughing into her sloppy, messy cunny. He would understand why she pulled away but tried to stay her anyway, Jael struggling into her clothes with only a little assistance and a crazed laugh that echoed strangely off the walls in the enclosed, narrow space. Only a little shame-faced, he stuffed his cock back into his boxers and grinned, taking a chance with a cheeky peck on the cheek that made her heart flutter in all the right ways and her loins tighten in all the wrong ways.

Sucking in a deep breath, Jael groaned in the back of her throat, willing her breath to steady, her heart to stop pounding so vehemently. No wonder the infection spread quickly...

She had to get to the clinic before she found herself jumping his bones all over again.


Lying in bed later that night with at least the edge taken off her need, Jael's embarrassment was, at last, slowly simmering down with the quick injection they had given her. She'd been too far gone to really recount what the drug of choice to halt the infection in its tracks had been, although that was probably a good thing, considering just how dismissive the nurse had been. But no amount of tongue-clucking and disapproving glares was going to stop her from getting what she needed and it was with a distinct sense of relief - and very sore genitalia - that she closed the door of her own home behind her, never wanting to masturbate ever again.

And yet there was still one part of the equation left unaccounted for and he popped up on her phone at that very moment, a smiling face cutting through the noise and clamour that had made up her lustful day. Against herself, Jael smiled and opened the text message, eyebrows shooting straight up.

Well, a dick-pic was hardly unexpected or unwelcome but the state of his throbbing cock, veins pulsing out, and his overly large, swollen and obviously tender balls was something else entirely and, despite being the cause, Jael could not help but wince in sympathy. A text claimed dominance and she scrolled down to read it, clapping a paw over her mouth as a little giggle burst free, glad, at the very least, that he could not hear it.

Connor: Damn it! I'm going to get payback for this! x.x

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Jael: Congrats! You're now patient zero!

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Connor: That's not how it works, dumbass.

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Jael: Something sure as hell worked for me...

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Cruder things followed as she promised to help him with his need when he was 'better' (meaning not contagious!) and even helped him relieve a little of the pressure over the phone, even though it was only her voice and his paw that had to work together to an explosive end. Many ends, in fact. When Jael fell asleep at last with a smile on her whiskered muzzle, Connor was still very much going at it long into the night, stubbornly waiting until the clinic opened the next morning.

Perhaps she had finally found an otter who was simply as stubborn as her when it came to holding out!

Sinner's Garb

**Sinner's Garb** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Mirath_ _ _ _ _ It did not happen where it was supposed to. Maybe an abandoned warehouse. The, now underground, drug processing facility. Such a fancy way to...

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The Lynx and the Panda

**The Lynx and the Panda** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _A trade with Cassius_ _ _ _ _ The lynx yawned and stretched his arms back over his head, although it was a rather more discreet motion and flex than what he would normally...

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Studs at Work

**Studs at Work** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _A YCH round for Raiyoku, tigereye7669 and Paint Horse_ _ _ _ _ Hard at work, the farm hands grunted and sweated in the noonday sun, refusing to give up on the tasks of the day when...

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