Textile Negotiation
When Dai's gloves come to life - namely his newest, satin pair - some negotiation with the lustful, kinky garments is due...
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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe
Characters © respective owners
Textile Negotiation
Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)
Commissioned by Daikyi
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Dai sighed, tapping his fingers on the kitchen table, the wooden seat opposite him pulled out already as if to offer to a visitor. And yet the visitors that he was expecting (did they count, really, as one or as two?) did not need a seat at all, if even the table, to conduct any sort of their business.
It was a familiar environment to the bunny, the little house that he called his own, a staircase leading up from the living room and a small but comfortable kitchen combined with a diner. He didn't need much in that regard, being out and about as much as he was, and the only thing that the brown-furred rabbit collected for himself was, well...the gloves. And it was the gloves themselves that seemed to have taken it upon themselves to change everything.
It had all been well and good until he'd brought that satin pair home, that very special hue of violet that should never have caught his eye so. He swallowed hard, although the lump remained in his throat, and he sweated anxiously. Things could have been so very different if he had left it at that, if he'd never followed the kinky, erotic experience home from that quirky little shop. It could have been left there without any further intervention but, alas, he had pushed his luck and wanted to see, wanted to try to find something more, as deluded as that was in the realm of hindsight.
But maybe he could figure them out now. Maybe Dai could suss just why the gloves came to life, why they wanted him as much as he wanted them too, jacking him off and using him for their pleasure, growing more and more lively with each time they took him. It was hardly non-consensual with how much he enjoyed it but even the experiences themselves left him with a heated sense of wrongness, unease churning in the pit of his stomach as he tossed and turned and tried to avoid crushing his long ears into the pillows in fit after fit of sleeplessness.
He had to know. And that was just why he made his way upstairs and reverently drew the purple satin gloves from the cupboard where he kept all of them, although he was quite sure that they could have all have found another home for themselves if they thought that their lodgings were no longer becoming of them. Laying the satin gloves that had started it all over his fingers reverently, he carried them with due care back to the kitchen table, laying them out before him.
And then...he waited, scratching the back of his neck. Just how was he supposed to start something like this? It had always been the gloves that had come to him so far...
No response, of course. Dai cringed. He'd have to be more eloquent than that. But what - what could possibly live up to the expectations of the tenacious thrills and joys that those very gloves had brought him, leaving him moaning and squirming and panting through climax after climax? They had made his life a hundred times more interesting and he could never again go back, simply, to the way that things were, shedding the steel shackles of that kind of life for something vibrant and explosive in many more ways that only one.
He sighed. Yes, there was really only one way for it, even if it was going to leave him feeling rather stupid at the end of it.
Taking the gloves in hand, he held them as he would a lover's hands, interlocking his fingers between the soft folds of one, the digits loose and lacking in life. But that would all change soon as he murmured softly, eyes half-lidded with the words that could not be said out loud and yet, still, would have to come, as much as they made his skin itch with nerves, stomach turning over repeatedly. He brought one of them to his lips, brushing the tip of a finger in a kiss, whiskers tickling, as he sat and waited and, above all else, hoped.
And Dai was not to be found without hope as a shiver rippled through the gloves, the lines of light playing beautifully off the satin which also seemed to, rather miraculously, repel any semblance of dirt too that could have found itself on the fabric. No, they did not deserve in any such way to be so sullied and maybe they knew that too as they slowly inflated, taking shape and form on their own quite simply as if there was a pair of invisible hands or hands between them - whatever term it was those days that furries preferred to use. He liked them both, using interchangeably.
Fluttering away from him, the gloves tucked from his fingers and bobbed, one clenching into a light fist with a finger extended, wagging at him: admonishing. Dai swallowed and suppressed the urge to roll his eyes - well, what else was he supposed to do to awaken them from their clearly self-inflicted slumber? - accepting it without comment. It was more than he could have expected from such a greeting, winging it as he went and taking every last shot well and truly in the dark.
"Um...hello," he said, fumbling over his words as they clung stickily to his tongue, loathe to be released into the air between them. "I'm...glad you came to see me here today. I have something that I want to talk to you about."
That seemed to surprise the gloves as they rippled back, held loosely as if they didn't quite know what poise or gesture would suit the moment best. Of course, the universal code for a shrug was easily shown even without the shoulders in the picture and they posed themselves with the palms up, the more tasteful evening mood lighting of the kitchen shimmering over the satin in tentative waves, fleeting in its beauty.
"Well... Okay, yes then."
There was no good way to start and he rubbed the back of his neck, striving to appear casual. And yet just what on earth at all could be considered casual about having any manner of conversation with a pair of gloves? He glanced at the kitchen window, looking out onto the small back garden, but there was no way that a neighbour could spot him even as the gloves floated back down to gently rest on the edge of the table, listening to him even without any appearance of ears. But that would have been even more disturbing if distinguishable human features had appeared on them, quite frankly...
"I'm not sure why you're here, besides the fact that I bought you," he started awkwardly, but he had to begin somewhere. "And you can't really be owned either - you're just here. You could leave at any time and yet you don't. So... Why do you stay here?"
The gloves bounced, a little shudder beginning the motion, and appeared as surprised as a pair of gloves could possibly be for the little fluttering motions of the fingers reminded him of someone who was grasping 'thin air', quite literally', for an answer that eluded them. They paused for a moment, appearing to think, and eventually placed the palm of one flat, tilting it from side to side: not sure. The second glove curled into the typical gesture of 'thumbs up' with the thumb pointed to the ceiling.
Well, that was even more confusing than it had been to begin with! And yet the rabbit had to plough on, his curiosity prompting him to try even though everything was even more difficult than he could ever have initially expected.
"Alright... It's okay then, I guess, is what you mean. Does that sound right?"
The fingers of one pressed together into a bluntly tapered point and 'nodded' rapidly. Well, at least they could do 'yes' and 'no' questions to get going with. That was something at the very least.
"Would you like me to keep you somewhere else in the house? Somewhere that you can see more?"
The gloves considered the question and shook from left to right, a clear 'no'. Or as clear a negative response as Dai thought he was likely to get.
"Well...okay, I'm sure you will try to let me know if there's anything that you'd like to change, but I don't want to keep you here against your will, no... No, not at all. Do you want to leave?"
Another 'no', this time punctuated by the gloves 'leaping' up and bopping him on the nose, however light the motion was. He squeaked, muzzle wrinkling as he jerked back, if only slightly. The bobbing and fluttering that they produced, rocking and tensing alternatingly, could only be construed as laughter and Dai too allowed himself a rue if nervous sort of grin by way of reply.
"Alright, okay, I guess I deserved that one. I think that was obvious with how you jump me all time..."
For things had escalated more than only a couple of times and he groaned lightly in the back of his throat in recollection, the depth of emotion and stirring that accompanied the memory surprising even him. The brush of one of the gloves against his cheek surprised him then as he blushed and leaned into it without thinking, heart pounding far too hard to be at all comfortable, although the touch was unlike anything else. Without the lure of orgasm or any kind of sexual stimulation, he could enjoy the feel of them lightly rubbing against his fur, letting him guide just how much pressure there was, allowing him to simply be just as he was.
"Why did you come here?"
It was a question that no manner of charades could answer but the gloves tried - oh, how they tried for him. There was a passion there that, truly, was untold and something that could never again be spoken of, so discreetly sweetly did it embody itself. They ran down his arms, smoothing his bare fur flat in the right direction, linking between his fingers as they clasped both of his hands at once, a fervent tension in the tightness of their fingers around and between his. However, that was one that he most certainly was not able to decipher and, briefly, Dai cursed inwardly the fact that he had never learned sign language when it had, before, been presented as an option to him. That may have made things easier but, then again, even he could not know just how much or how little the gloves actually knew. Questions could be asked but, so very often, the answers were not something that one little rabbit could glean any sort of meaning from.
"Okay..." He breathed, the gloves pressing tenderly against his lips as if to open his mouth. "I can't say on that one. But why are you still here? Where do you come from? And why do you move? How is any of this even possible? Can you tell me what happened to you?"
But he asked too many questions at once and the myriad of responses that they gave blurred into one another, the gloves rushing to reply. How could they answer such things without the eloquence of the silent communication of sign language, after all? One could only ask the question if they could understand the answer, to be fair.
And understanding the answer wasn't the half of it. Fingers spread out into a fan, they snapped closed and bobbed to the side, paddling as if swimming. But they moved on before Dai could even shake his head, conveying his distinct lack of comprehension, drawing shapes in the air with just a single fingertip that moved far, far too swiftly for his eye to keep up with. Making a face, he held up a hand, unknowingly speaking without words himself too for it felt a little more polite, and the gloves ramped up into overdrive, fluttering all over him, smoothing and caressing, stroking his whiskers. The sheer sensuality of it as he blushed and tried to shrink shyly back could not be missed by any stretch of the imagination and Dai whimpered softly as they ran down his stomach, resting on his thighs, the hint of a touch brushing his crotch.
Whether or not that in itself was deliberate or not was entirely up for debate as he grunted and tried to ask more, clearer, questions, wondering at where the gloves had come from, how they were magical and, the most important one still of all, just why they were there with him, what they wanted for him. He could not imagine even in his wildest dreams what a pair of duly magical gloves could possibly want from him, living his quiet, simple life, and they squeezed his hands tenderly, lending him to imagine a lover clasping him tightly, arousal stoked more than a little as he stuttered out his words, ears folding softly back down the length of his rabbit skull.
However, in the end, the gloves ultimately failed to convey their meaning in a parade of charades and eventually balled themselves up into tight fists of frustration even as he reached for them with all the compassion he could draw on, lips twisting in sympathy. The gloves rocked as if they were going to pull away but allowed the embrace, Dai's hands folding around them carefully, shielding them from harm even as he took efforts to not damage the satin in any manner, still seeing them as another fragile pair in his collection that required his utmost respect at all times.
Drawing their 'hands' into his own hands, he held them tightly, securely, letting them know that they had a place right there with him regardless of anything else, the answers that they could or could not give.
"I'm sorry," he murmured, sliding his gaze away as his cheeks tingled with a blush of shyness, embarrassment licking at his heels like the muzzle of a dog that desired attention from their master. "I can't understand you... Let me just ask one and we can work out the rest later - maybe I can get you something to write with that won't damage or stain? But...why are you here? What do you need from me?"
That was one that the gloves knew the answer to, at least, even if they needed to enter another kind of charade entirely to make their meaning well enough known. They squeezed his crotch as if they were drawn there by an invisible thread, Dai's heart in his mouth. Not knowing what to do with his hands, he clenched the edge of the table and moaned as they caressed lightly, shooting up again all too soon to mime out a very clear explosion with their fingers, fluttering and dancing like violet fireworks. The wrists of the gloves even pulled into different shapes, not as long as evening gloves in the traditional sense but still with a little more length to them than day to day pairs, adding to the effect and Dai could not help but laugh in delight, clapping his hands despite the stir of arousal heating up in the pit of his belly.
An exclamation of delight seemed to please them and they fluttered back down into his waiting hands as he held them, heart pounding as if he had really been watching fireworks.
"You want..." He tried not to say the word but it came out crudely anyway. "You want...me? My...uh...shaft?"
Well, that was about as polite as it was going to get, lewder words still sticking in his throat. But that was not quite it as they dove down again, leaving his hands empty, and squeezed his shaft hard through his trousers, a trickle of pre-cum seeping out. Gasping, Dai's head rolled back, even though he did not try to stop the gloves in the slightest, heat spreading down his neck and through his chest, want and need intermingling in a delicious cocktail of potent intoxication that he had revelled in with them time after time again.
"My..." He blushed, heavily. "Oh... My cum. You want that?"
Ah - so that was the trick! They went mad at that, bobbing and dancing and giving him all manner of 'thumbs up' signals, the tips bobbing so hard as they pressed together that he feared for a moment that they would topple into the table itself. He would, of course, strive to catch them and save them if that happened but he took his time in thinking it through, letting them settle even as the gears of thought turned in the privacy of his own mind, drawing his own conclusions from both their interaction and their earlier behaviour.
Something about him infused them with energy...and that was alright. The details did not need to be any more than that and he smiled as he folded his own hands before him, ears shyly laid back as if he did not quite dare raise them in the presence of a power that, by far, overshadowed him in its generosity.
"Thank you," he said at last, choosing the shortest, simplest words in conveying the depth of his meaning. "I needed you then, back in the shop, and I need you now, maybe more than I can say. If you need my seed then you can have it anytime that you want it - you already seem to understand that I need to still do things like work and I'm glad of that. This..."
The words stuck in his throat and he cleared it with an awkward cough, the gloves before him perfectly still. Why were some things so difficult to say?
"You let me live out a fantasy of mine over and over again and," he said, taking one of the gloves and kissing the back tenderly, "I will forever be grateful for that. Thank you. Thank you ever so much for all that you have done for me."
The gloves froze for a moment and then slowly slithered free from his grip, hovering before him as if to study him. He wondered if he'd said something wrong - had that been too much for them? - but they merely shrank back and shifted from one side to the other, not quite seeming to know what to do with themselves. Regardless of what life they had led and lived before they had come into his life, he was willing to do all he could to sustain them and their innate magic, thanking them for each and every gift they laid upon him. Really, for a rabbit like Dai, it was all he could do as they allowed and assisted him in playing out his fantasies, seeming to know just what tickled his fancy before even he knew it himself.
Smiling as genuinely as he could, putting all of his emotion into his face, whiskers quivering, he spoke again.
"Thank you. Sincerely."
It did not take the gloves to come to their senses again, however, settling into a new notion of being as just the one floated to his hand and gently linked its fingers with his. This time, there was none of the usual ripping his clothes off and dragging him to the bedroom, oh no - they knew that Dai was going to follow either way and, this time, there was a sense of something sweeter in their touch, the sensation of satin against his hand. He could hardly help himself from admiring the beauty of the old leading the way up the stairs as they towed him along, the one in his grip controlling the situation, although he was left with a sense that he could have honestly have taken his hand away at any moment and they would not have minded too. They just wanted to give something back to him.
In the bedroom, they perched him on the bed and caressed his face with all the tenderness that could ever have possibly have been dredged up from the world, stroking his fur and even teasing between his whiskers as he trembled and let out the lightest, breathiest moan ever. So kind... So gentle... There was nothing he would have ever wanted to do to have any of it stop, wanting it all to continue on and on and on, all for his ultimate pleasure and the lust of the gloves, the essence of him that fuelled them on and on and on.
But it was not to last - at least, not that part - and the gloves floated over to the glove cupboard and opened the doors, revealing the many pairs within that were still quietly dormant. Flitting inside confidently, they rifled through, seeming to be looking for a particular pair. And there were oh so many of them to choose from even though the bunny could not help but wonder just why they did not simply enchant the rest of them too, making them do the 'finger work', as it was. 'Legwork' just wasn't going to cut it.
They, however, seemed to find just what they were looking for and selected a long pair of white evening gloves with a distinct seam - one of the very first pairs that he'd ever actually purchased for himself. He'd cared for them well over the years and the fabric still shone a crisp, startling white in testament to that, the enchanted pair floating them over to him and holding them before him.
Uncertain, Dai took them hesitantly and held the 'hands' in his as if they were already alive and enchanted. And yet they were limp and lifeless, even if not without the promise of such.
"I... What do you want me to do?"
They, thankfully, were determined to make that quite clear quickly enough and the white gloves twitched in his grasp, inflating as they came to life, filled out with magical 'air', something to give the body of them sense and substance. They filled out from the tips of the fingers back, solidifying in his hold, and he sucked in a breath as they squeezed his hands, radiating warmth even as he returned the soft embrace, more tender and tentative than any they had ever seen fit to grace him with before. But now everything had changed and the dynamics were shifting, gently but certainly.
They demanded a kiss kindly, the tips of the fingers breaking from his hold to flutter up to his lips, stroking and teasing. Maybe they remembered all that had gone on before, all that had passed between them, or maybe it was just an action and a memory he was set on attributing to the gloves. It didn't matter, not really, as he allowed them to gently part his lips for a deeper sort of kiss, the light fabric teasing over his lips as he delivered just what they wanted of him before soaring away, simply as light and as graceful as a feather.
With that, the satin pair sent more and more out, darting forward to place them before Dai before returning to the cupboard over and over again to find more and more, intent on something that he could not discern. The bunny blushed at the latex pair that had seemed to like his backside so much also floating up to his lips for a kiss, the two of them setting the tone for more to come.
More and more gloves from his collection come to life, the leather even passing through, as he adored his whole collection, each one requesting a kiss from his lips. And they did not just want a kiss either as some stroked down his arms, fluffed up his ears, even teased across his crotch and stomach, maybe just to see him squirm. It was hard to keep track of everything even as the silver satin pair flashed before him in that delectable play of light that had drawn him to them in the first case, pressing up over his cheek even as he devoted a kiss reverently into the palm itself.
More and more - goodness, did he really have so many? He would have been embarrassed to uncover the true depths and reach of his collection if not for the fact that he was enjoying himself so much, every inch of his skin tingling with need, flush with desire and raw, pounding excitement. A short pair of matte satin gloves with a looser, wider opening for ones hands or hands took his cheeks between both of them before accepting the kiss while another shiny pair in a dark shade of forest green teased him briefly, flitting back and forth and playing a little game that only they knew or understood any sense of meaning to.
All of them, however, were beautiful, very much so - and all in their own way too. There was nothing at all that could compare one to the other, each one holding a very different meaning and place in his heart, but all with memories that warmed him from the inside out. Whether erotic or merely sensual, they were all so very special to him as the gloves, each and every one that had passed by him, floated around his head in a circle, the spinning spiral growing larger and larger with the full force of his whirling collection.
Finally, the very last pair bar the purple satin, which he could not honestly say that he thought he owned for himself, came to him. Of course, they were his favourite material also, being satin, and rang with a deep, royal blue reminiscent of noble times. They were closed in around the wrist and extended to cover just behind the wrist without actually stretching down any length of actual arm, the hem without elastic. They, however, did not float up to his lips for the kiss and reverence that he had come to expect to be required of him but turned around, offering the openings of the wrists to him with a soft shiver of fabric that sent ribbons of light dancing over them, reflecting and beautifying as they were so apt to.
What was he supposed to do but accept such an offering as he slipped his hands and arms reverently into their openings, fingers wiggling into the spaces for them as the living fabric rippled around his fur and flesh. Beyond the realm of what was and should have been possible for them, they tightened and sucked in against his arms, the hole at the end sealing softly around his limbs as if they were simply meant to be there, fitting him perfectly. All the while, the massive flock of floating gloves before him wiggled their fingers and shifted fluidly in and out of one another, shimmering where the light played just so, although some of the darker, more matte pairs were destined to be the shadows behind the light - at least for the moment.
Like a flock of birds, they moved seamlessly in and out of one another, Dai swallowing hard as he lifted his hands - but wait! No! He wasn't actually lifting his hands up at all but the gloves were and they lifted him right up along with them, the other gloves flying under his arms, his legs, his buttocks, all helping hold him up and, of course, strip him slowly, tenderly, from head to toe.
No clothes were ripped but they did not take the time to fold anything either (maybe that was something he could request of the satin pair at another time?), leaving him bare but for his fur and, of course, the blue gloves secured around his arms, fingers seated right where they belonged. Supporting his body where he could not, hovering over his bed without touching the duvet, they turned him horizontally, resting him on a floating ripple of gloves, the support beneath him changing and shifting with every passing moment. However, somehow, they managed to still make him feel more stable than ever and he chuckled breathlessly to himself, head spinning with the sheer enormity of the magic around him.
"Oh... Oh, my..."
A breathy exclamation was all that they really needed to know, well and truly, that he was ready for the next step, the myriad of sensations stimulating him through satin and silk and leather and latex making him moan and grind up into nothing, shaft emerging slowly. Of course, they had all the time in the world to enjoy themselves and the gloves were not going to leave him denied for any length of time at all as the long, white pair rested on his legs, hands clasping his rigid, pulsing length and going to work, pumping in long, smooth strokes, one hand following the other. They barely left him without any stimulation at all as they swapped over, sending him off shivering and panting and whimpering as if he was going to cum right then and there, already so very needy that he simply could not hold himself back. But was that not what they wanted anyway from him?
They did not restrict themselves to his crotch either, teasing over the rest of his body too in due course even as the majority of the gloves took care of lifting him, ensuring that he would not fall. The royal blue stain pair drew his arms out from his body, making him spread his fingers, and he moaned at the tingle of sensation, all too wickedly intimate tucked up in the very slight webbing between his fingers, claws rounded off nicely so that they would never cause any harm or damage to any of his gloves.
Around and around... They did not hold him level in the air as the latex ones claimed an ankle in each hand, pulling his legs apart with what he could only determine to be a shiver of raw delight. Fluctuating, they bobbed and wove, letting him feel weightless as the mass beneath him shifted, all controlled by the dancing puppeteer of the satin pair that had started it all, their detailing setting them apart where, otherwise, they may have been well placed to blend into the mass and simply become one of the crowd.
Fingers trailed over his neck and throat, one of his most erotically vulnerable zones, and he arched up, panting as his cock was masturbated, yet not yet allowed to cum despite his churning, anxious balls. His skin crawled but then the purple satin gloves were right there to reassure him, cheekily walking up from his crotch on the tips of two fingers, a sexy stalk that should never have been seen on such an article of clothing. And yet they were far more than just that as they performed a little dance and a jig, spinning and flirting obviously, fingers tucked over one another as if they had something to hold back, something to hide.
But it was just a touch of shyness that came to the forefront of their sweet interlude as they tipped down to press their cuffs up to the bunny's lips, his whiskers quivering out straight in surprise. It was as much of a kiss as gloves were able to give - well, kissing the fingers was a one-sided affair - and he blushed heavily, moaning long and low as he kissed them deeply, respectfully slipping his tongue inside as they nuzzled up to him, requesting rather than demanding more.
Of course, that left one of the gloves out of the kiss and they weren't going to be misplaced or set aside while Dai and the glove enjoyed kissing, his ears softening back as he leaned eagerly into it. No... They sent the white pair of evening gloves packing from his cock and the rabbit quivering in readiness for more, his little cotton-tail twitching maniacally as if to release just a little of the tension held there.
To say that it was mind-blowing would have been an understatement as the rabbit whined and twisted, although everything he did was from pleasure and not any desire at all for escape. Just what, after all, could he want to escape from? Two gloves that he lusted after the most - okay, they may very well have become his firm favourites, if only in part for their own mind and will - stimulated him, the kiss deepening even further as he moaned. The gloves tipped him so that he was somewhat upright, leaning back, comfortable in both their hands and arms, although the blue satin gloves kept his arms outstretched, spread, to either side of his body. It was a makeshift bondage, in a way, but one that he squirmed deliciously in, delighting in the restriction as his legs instinctively tried to kick out, muscles aching for freedom while his mind revelled in the lack of it.
Sensations, however, could not be ignored as his fur was caressed and the fingers of the other glove folded around his shaft, jerking him off wickedly and teasingly. They knew just how far they could go, bringing him to the edge over and over again, as he ground his teeth together and moaned, begged, even, for release that would not be granted until the gloves thought that he had 'earned' his reward. In all honesty, they were just working him up so that his final orgasm would be even better than if they had let him climax immediately, even if it did not quite feel like that in the depth of the moment itself.
The kiss was strange but he languished in it, enjoying all that he could. There was no sense of awkwardness that was required to be present, after all, in experimentation and he could run his tongue around the inside without any shame, exploring and shivering as they allowed it all. Did they know just what it meant to him to be allowed to explore so? Oh, it was so good and so much... Even the kiss seemed like it could very well be enough to get him off but the gloves were pros at what they did, flitting with a fingertip to direct another pair - hm, they must have been silk ones - to grope and massage his balls, reminding him very directly of all the cum that he had to spill, a load unspent and wanton still.
He needed it... And yet they would not allow it until they were ready, coaxing him to the brink with the pulsating flutter of satin over and over again, controlling his orgasm. Dai panted and writhed all the more desperately but it was all wonderfully futile, as if the gloves themselves had dipped into the depths of his psyche to dig up just what would make him squirm and squeal the most.
But the stain gloves did not intend to use the palm or fingers of the glove to stimulate him and instead slipped his shaft into their opening, taking it deep and closing around his length as they worked their way back and forth, delivering a sensually erotic massage unlike anything that he'd ever had before.
Dai moaned, the need to cum thrumming through his mind more powerfully than ever, hips rocking and grinding and thrusting like a mad-bun. More! He needed more! But they relaxed around him, holding him on the very edge as he whined and tried to thrust over and over again, other gloves rushing to hold him in place, pressing down on the bones of his hips and the flat of his thighs too. Maybe they thought he was desperate enough in his need to throw them off and, well, no one really wanted him to topple back to the bed in a truly untimely and ungainly fashion.
However, the glove on his lips had come time to bid that sweetness farewell, fingers switching around to tease into his lips, hooking one digit luxuriously into the corner of his mouth, slightly damp with his saliva. Tugging Dai's head down lightly, it shivered in seeming delight as the other glove pumped his shaft and the bunny gave a barely restrained squeak as something pushed up under his tail too, the squeeze on his balls and pressure diving softly and sweetly into his tail hole driving him crazy with lust and raw, unbridled need.
But all he could do was enjoy and let the scene of the gloves and their erotic need play out before him, a toy in their hands and a tool that could also supply them with essence. They needed his cum too, after all, so he didn't have to worry that his orgasm was not going to be fulfilled at the end of the day too, even if he may rather have liked several orgasms instead of one massive one. Maybe that too was something that he could mention to the gloves.
They all worked together seamlessly, what he determined to be another satin pair pressing digits up into his tail hole, co-ordinating their pumping thrusts with the one wrapped around Dai's shaft, suckling his hot length into their opening over and over again. Better than any hand, although not quite above the grope and grip of gloved fingers, the opening closed around him and drew him in deep, right up to the hilt each and every time. There was no part of him left untouched as the gloves spread open his anal ring more and more with each thrust too, allowing another glove and another finer to squeeze in, stretching him just as they pleased.
No bunny could hold out forever but he would commend himself after the fact for just how long he did hold out for as they ploughed lusciously into him, moans coming in a long, low, continuous stream. He rocked and humped and they allowed him a little more movement, the semblance of freedom that only they could grant, although that left him with the tenaciously intrepid conundrum of his current position. And, truly, he could not have possibly have made it any more perfect than it was, filled under his tail with more and more, the gloves pressing all four fingers together as if in the prelude to fisting but, really, they were perfectly shaped and tapered in to provide just the right stretch that sent his head spinning off into overdrive.
Closer and closer... They didn't stop that time, driving him up to the edge and over as Dai cried out his pleasure, twisting and humping fervently as he filled the glove with a deluge of cum, tail hole contracting around the digits crammed up into his tail hole - and he would have taken more too if he'd been asked! But they did not ask, trusting that they provided all of the pleasure that he needed and the bunny's toes curled and flexed, shooting his load straight into the gloves that pumped him harder and faster than ever, seeming to grow more and more excited as they were filled with his seed.
Of course, the seed did not simply pool in the fingers of the glove but seeped into them, becoming a part of them as he fed into their power. It dissolved in a fizz of magic as soon as it touched the satin, leaving tiny vibrations to spark back into the bunny's dick. Panting heavily, Dai tried to thrust harder and faster still but the gloves held him firmly in place for the final spurts, the gloves up under his tail stilling slowly just so he could feel in excruciatingly mind-blowing detail just how stretched out his was, how perfectly and wonderfully they filled him. Truly, it was an experience that he never wanted to stop.
Alas, all good things, in the end, had to come to a close and the bunny groaned without the breath to actually do so as the glove finally slipped off his softening cock, allowing it to lay down against his thigh, perfectly clean and dry as if he had never cum at all. Such was the magic of the gloves that not a drop of mess was left behind bar the sweat and matted fur on the so very lucky bunny himself. The ones inside his tail hole too drew back, careful not to hurt him without the assistance of lubrication, and Dai grunted thickly, nose twitching as he was left gaping and wanting more, to be filled again as soon as he was released. Did everything really have to end so soon? Yet the warmth of the afterglow settled upon him like an aromatic cloud that came with its own weight and calming influence, drawing him to the end of at least that session with a faint yet satisfied smile on his lips.
As he floated back to the bed, clad in the haze of afterglow, Dai smiled languidly, his eyes half-lidded, sleep creeping upon him as if he was ready to slip away already. They didn't have more for him - it was a reward, after all, and not something they technically needed from him - but the gloves let him be, each one flitting up to his lips for the briefest of goodnight kisses before returning to their designated places in his cupboard, knowing exactly where they needed to go.
Only one remained, resting on his chest with the 'hands' folded together as if they were clasped by a lover, watching him attentively and caring for his needs. And yet Dai did not even possess the sleepy strength in that moment to lift his hand and thank them for all that they had done, although, in all truth, it had been the satin gloves that had been thanking him for understanding just why they needed to do what they did, gleaning their sustenance to continue on in life.
And that was fine, just fine. Better than fine, in fact, as long as he got his pleasure from it too - maybe tied up next time? He'd have to mention it to them when he had the chance but, right there and then, all he had to do was relax in the warming afterglow, slipping down and down and down into the bed as he murmured and made soft, incomprehensible noises that meant nothing at all and yet everything both at the same time. The purple satin gloves nestled into his chest, settling in to watch over him as he came back his senses.
His time with the enchanted gloves and the spell that they wove had only just begun.