Spring Break 2 - New Year -

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#2 of Spring Break II

Raine brings little Tyrone home to hers and Lillian's apartment, only to find herself met at the door by Nathan, Reuben is not far away. At first she is a little confronted by their unexpected arrival, as they said they were going to go check of Lillian - but all is soon forgiven, as its decided that after dinner, they'll all go cheer her up, something Raine thinks is a lovely idea.

Spring Break

New Year

Chapter Two

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

23rd July, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

Raine pulled into the driveway, then unbuckled Tyrone who dozed in her arms, his body limp and like jelly.

"Come on little one," Raine chuckled, as she held him on her hip and walked up the path to the door, then as she reached for it, it opened from inside. At first, Raine was scared and it showed in her widening eyes and flattening ears, before she seen Nathan standing there, beside himself with stress and grief.

"Oh honey - " He began, then clutched Raine close, holding her tight as he cried piteously.

"Dad...please - " Raine sniffled, barely holding her own emotions in check.

"Mumma?" Tyrone's sleepy inquiry come.

"Yes darling, we're home - come on, lets get you fed shall we?" Raine sniffled, then tickled the joey under the chin.

"Skeem mumma?" Tyrone giggled, then nuzzled against her armpit.

Nathan raised an eyebrow, as he disengaged his tight hold, then smiled weakly and stepped back, letting Raine into the house.

"Skeem?" Nathan asked, closing the door quietly behind them.

"Tyrone's name for ice cream." Raine laughed softly, then carried him to his room, where she laid the sleepy joey down and checked his diaper. "Good boy, no nasties!"

"Asties!" Tyrone giggled, then as she tickled his belly, he giggled and squealed, trashing his legs and arms. "Mumma, skeem?"

"Soon darling, mumma needs to make you dinner first, then we have skeem, okay?"

"I remember doing that for you, when you were a baby - " Nathan snickered, as he leant against the doorway.

"Dad!" Raine moaned and rolled her eyes, picking Tyrone up and blowing raspberries on his belly, making him giggle. "No in front of the...J.O.E.Y"

Nathan laughed, that infectious giggle of his, before he grinned and shook his head. "That's my girl, look at you! All grown up, married and with a child, I never imagined - "

Raine rolled her eyes and cuddled Tyrone adoringly, holding in in her arms as she tickled his belly and made him giggle.

"Well, technically, he's not my son, he's Lillian's joey."

"I know that - " Nathan snickered. "I could have wondered how a Vixen could conceive a Joey..."

Shaking her head, Raine made her way to the kitchen, then slipped Tyrone into his high chair. He sat there giggling and burbling to himself, before he started tapping his short, blunt claws on the plastic tabletop.

"So, what does he eat?" Nathan asked, genuinely curious.

"Insolent Whitetail's - " Raine snorted, then laughed at Nathan's pained look. "I'm kidding Dad, no, he's not on solid food yet. So we still feed him the special Marsupial milk, just like we would a feral joey. It's in the cupboard above the microwave. You'll find the teat and bottle in there too."

A loud thud was heard, then the distinctive clip-clop of cloven hooves, before Reuben entered carrying a dozen packages from which heavenly smells come.

"Hi dad!" Raine smiled, then waited until Reuben put down the food, before she crushed him with a strong hug.

"Urf - " Reuben grunted, then made a face that made Nathan giggle. "You been working out Raine? You're stronger than I remembered!"

"Oh, you know, a bit here, a bit there - married life has been good to me and - you both didn't have to come, I panicked and - "

Reuben took her paws in his, gently squeezing them as Nathan come up behind her and wrapped his arms around her, squeezing Raine between them.

"We're just across town honey, its not like we were on Mars or something!" Nathan chuckled. "Besides, we're your parents - its our job to panic and overreact when our child is hurting or scared! Now, tell us what happened, obviously, be delicate - we don't want to upset little Tyrone!"

As quietly as she could, Raine gave them the condensed version of what Lillian had told her.

"Oof," Reuben grunted. "She was lucky it wasn't far worse! How is she holding up?"

"Oh, you know Lillian - she'd not shout if a shark bit her..."

"Seriously thought Raine," Nathan pet her paw comfortingly. "You know you can call us anytime - we're happy to help!"

"Mumma? Ilk!" Tyrone interjected.

Both stag's looked at the joey, then at Raine, who chuckled and nodded.

"Yes bubba, ilk!"

"Ilk?" Reuben asked.

"His name for his milk, he's learning so much every day - it's amazing, soon he'll be talking non-stop!" Anna rolled her eyes and stood up, then preparing the milk formula for him.

"I remember when you first learned to talk - " Nathan began, straight faced and innocent looking.

"It was getting you to quieten down, was the hard part!" Reuben laughed softly, then walked over to Tyrone, who giggled and blew raspberries at him. "Hello little one, I'm Reuben, you're Tyrone!"

"Roo!" Tyrone grunted, clenching his paws into fists as he grew impatient for his dinner.

"Close enough," Reuben laughed and gently stroked Tyrone's chin. "They grow up so fast..."

"I wouldn't know - its my first time being a mother!" Raine laughed softly, then measured out the water and began shaking the bottle, mixing the milk formula.

"Nathan, Dad...would you mind feeding Tyrone?" Raine asked, as she began rummaging in the cupboard for plates.

"Sure, I think - " Nathan giggled, then accepted the bottle and teat. "How do I - "

Raine rolled her eyes. "Just hold it up for him, he knows what to do..."

"Mumma, ilk!" Tyrone squealed, staring at Nathan, who blinked, then smiled and held the bottle.

Nathan giggled as Tyrone grabbed his furred fingers, then eagerly began suckling the teat, his pale throat rippling as he drank.

"Hungry little thing, isn't he?" Nathan blinked, watching Tyrone drink half the bottle in a few seconds.

"He certainly does love it!" Raine chuckled, as she assisted Reuben in dishing up the vegetarian dinner.

"Speaking of Does, after dinner, would it be too much bother if we went and seen Lillian?"

"Not at all, I promised Tyrone, we'd go see her, so you're welcome to come with if you like?"

Nathan glanced at Reuben, who raised an eyebrow.

"Is that a good idea honey?" Reuben asked.

"He will not understand whats wrong with her, but I think it'll be good to see her, it'll cheer her up if we bring Tyrone. Hey Tyrone, want to go see mumma?"

"Mumma?" He murmured, still clutching Nathan's fingers with his small paws.

"Go see mumma in the hospital?"

"Mumma...skeem!" Tyrone nodded.

Reuben chuckled softly. "Takes after you Raine, you loved your treats more than dinner most of the time!"

"Hey!" Raine laughed softly. "Who doesn't love a treat?"

Nathan began to say something smart, before a glance from Reuben made him shut his muzzle, so Nathan just giggled instead, then shook the bottle as he felt Tyrone drink the last of the milk.

"Skeem ow?" Tyrone blinked and let go of Nathan's fingers, then looked at Raine.

"Skeem..ow?" Nathan frowned, as he walked over to the kitchen sink and removed the latex teat and washed it and the bottle.

"Soon honey, skeem soon, okay?" Raine nodded to him. "Dad? Skeem, ow is his way of asking if he can have ice cream now."

Shaking his head slowly, Nathan chuckled. "Are you _sure_he's not your son? You were just like him - always wanting desert before dinner!"

Nathan sat down, and began his dinner, whilst Reuben laughed and nodded at Raine, who blushed beneath her fur and flattened her ears.

"I was not, I was a princess..."

At that, both Whitetail's burst into hysterical laughter, and even Tyrone joined in, his high pitched giggle infectious and adorable.

To Be Continued...

Spring Break 2 - New Year -

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