Beggars Can't Be Choosers

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#7 of Beggars Can't Be Choosers

After a lengthy conversation after dinner with Lord Blaze, Lord Kalais is 'assisted' with a problem, by the Palomino Mage. Lord Blaze gives him 'suggestions' on how to pleasure the young maiden Unicorn Katelyn, and finally, she will get her most heartfelt desire...

Beggars Can't Be Choosers

Chapter Seven

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

21stJuly, 2019

Lord Blaze looked over his wine glass, twirling it delicately between his fingers as he thought for a moment.

"What troubles you Lord Kalais?" Lord Blaze inquired, tilting the glass this way and that, his eyes watching the Whitetail closely.

"You know my - predilections - " Lord Kalais stammered, then set down his glass as he began pacing in fright and agitation.

With a final swirl of his wine in the glass, Lord Blaze downed it and set the empty crystal glass on the table, before he leaned back and placed two fingers upright against his chin, the others folded.

"What does your predilections have to do with anything?" Lord Blaze inquired, flicking one ear forwards in curiosity. "This is your mansion - here - your word supersedes even that of the King himself."

"I - bought him - " Lord Kelarnis murmured, as he trailed his hooflets along some of the ancient tomes that were stacked nearly on the shelves. "A Fox..."

"He was last time I looked, shall I change him to something more pleasing? Oh, maybe a sensual young Whitetail Doe?"

Lord Kalais snorted and shook his head slowly. "I still don't know the magicks you used that night..."

"Trade craft secret - " Lord Blaze nickered in laughter. "So, distractions aside - whats your fears?"

"I promised dear Katelyn...something I fear I might not be able to live up too - she has been so patient, waiting all these years, yet I doubt I can fulfil my promise to her!"

"Ah, now we reach the crux of the dilemma." Lord Blaze commented, as he shook his head slowly. "It isn't that dissimilar to a male you know!"

'I've never - been with a woman, I _thought_about, just doesn't sit right with me."

"If she were mine, I swear, I'd have bedded her multiple times!" Lord Blaze snickered. "She's brilliant, beautiful, patient to a fault and -"

"You always liked the equines - " Lord Kalais chuckled ruefully as he scratched the back of his head with his hooflets.

"I'm a stallion - of _course_I like them!" Lord Blaze laughed softly. "You're trying to evade the question. Now, why do you feel you're not capable? You're a male, young, virile and handsome in your own right - so wherein lies the problem?"

"She's never been bedded - " Lord Kalais murmured, as he turned away and trembled. "I'm terrified of hurting her!"

Rolling his eyes, Lord Blaze stepped over, then placed his paws on Lord Kalais shoulders, turning the quivering stag around, and then lifting his head to look into his eyes.

"You sound so self-assured you can not do this...yes, Katelyn is a virgin, a filly - it will hurt her the first time, that's part of it. She has waited, what, five years..."

"More a decade or so..."

"Really?" Lord Blaze snorted through his nostrils in surprise. "I give that filly too little credit! Now, you will consummate this relationship - with her - and grant her her wish..."

"I can not!" Lord Kalais whimpered, pinning his ears back.

"You can, if you believe you can..." Sighed Lord Blaze, as he held the stag's eyes locked on his. "You only think you can not, as you've never factored into your thoughts, what Katelyn desires? Have you? She loves you - with all her beautiful, young heart - she desires you, I know this, and I'm sure, you do as well!"

"I just - " With a sniffle, Lord Kalais trailed off, as he swallowed in fear. "I don't know the first thing..."

Smiling, Lord Blaze leaned forwards, then kissed the anxious stag on the forehead. "Hence your fear little one! Is it different than your usual partners? Yes, it is - if you permit me, I will impart unto you, many years of memories - with females, it might assuage some of that guilt and confusion that lays in your heart."

"Please, me?" Lord Kalais whimpered, tears welling in his eyes.

Smiling, Lord Blaze nodded, then placed his hands either side of Lord Kalais muzzle and stared into his eyes.

"I will give you the suggestions on how to please her, it will be up to you how you choose to implement them."

Eyes wide, the stag sniffled and trembled in fear. "Will it help me fulfil my promise?"

"Only you can decide that..."


That evening, Lord Kalais asked Katelyn to dine with him - this wasn't so rare as to be unexpected, but he put on a spread and finery, that left her staring wide eyed in bewilderment and confusion.

Beautiful silver candelabra adorned the table, the finest dishware and cutlery were set out with extreme care and precision, even the vegetarian meal was above and beyond anything he had ordered prepared previously.

Katelyn sat at the end of the dining table, feeling out of sorts and place, surrounded by a banquet that was expected for the nobility - even a King or Queen - not someone - something - like her...

"Please my dear, sweet filly - indulge - tonight is for you, I have a very special gift little one, that I will bestow on you later, at your convenience." Lord Kalais smiled, gesturing at the fine meals.

"Master, I am unworthy - " Katelyn began, ears pinned and eyes wide.

"Nonsense, you have been my faithful and loyal servant ever since you were a foal - tonight, you will be wined and dined, pleasured and pleased, now, please - eat to your hearts content."

"Will Master Blaze be joining us?"

Shaking his head slowly, Lord Kalais replied in the negative.

"No one will be joining us, my sweet filly. Tonight is just about us, I promise."

To Be Continued...

Beggars Can't Be Choosers

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