Beggars Can't Be Choosers

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#6 of Beggars Can't Be Choosers

Master Kalais and Master Blaze, combine their magicks to remove the terrible memories Raefox has of his previous owners. Once this is done, Raefox is exhausted and the two Magi, one Whitetail and one Palomino, retire for dinner and drinks. After this, Master Blaze confised in his former mentory, about his own 'desires' - Master Blaze reminding him, that once, Kalais was a slave, but was loved, cared for and taught all that he knows - the Whitetail and the Equine growing up to become lovers.

Beggars Can't be Choosers

Chapter Six

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

13th July, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

Raefox was trapped in the webs of magicks the two herbivores had weaved between them. Kalais maintaining his magickal bond to Raefox, whilst Master Blaze did the heavy work - probing into Raefox's terrifed mind. It was done gently, with considerable care and attention, Kalais holding Raefox's gaze - one ear twitching for the subtle words in the archaic language from Master Blaze.

It took then four hours, before Blaze nodded and gestured, as Kelais moved forwards ans slipped his arms under Raefox and held him, before Blaze released the vulpine from the magickal bindings.

Raefox's body went limp instantly, as Kalais looked at Blaze, who nickered and nodded.

"Surprised he lasted that long - " Blaze whuffled, then shook his head. "No, before you ask Master Kelais, no, I will not divulge what I saw."

"Mayhaps this is for the best - " Kalais shuddered, before he gently carried Raefox back to the master bedroom.

'He will sleep, probably for two days - damage was extensive, I won't lie - but it has been healed to the best I can do. I'm not truly gifted in the healing arts - but we have done what we can to help. I'm sure - you and he will - "

Kalais blushed, his inner ears turning crimson, as he laid Raefox gently down on the goosedown quilt.

"I'm sure we will make many fond memories..."

Nickering in laughter, Blaze nodded. "Do you ever miss it?"

Twisting his head, Kalais looked at Blaze, who flicked his ears forwards.

"Do I miss...oh..."

With a chuckle, Blaze moved forwards, wrapping his paws around the robed stag's hips and holding him gently. "I often think of my dear, sweet doe..."

Kalais squealed and trembled, feeling his tail frizzle and flag of its own volition.

"How many times did you make me a doe?" Kalais giggled shyly.

"In which sense?" Blaze snickered, as he bit gently on Kalais' shoulder. "As a _Doe_doe - or as my lover and partner? We had something good - for quite some time, you _were_quite a slow apprentice, if I recall."

"Only because I chose to be!" Kalais grunted under the bite, his head tilting back.

'Watch those antlers!" Blaze admonished him, then chuckled again.

"Care to reaquaint an old nag with his doe?" Blaze whispered, then lipped playfully at Kalai's ears.

"Dinner first - maybe some Elder Hollow wine?" Kalais murmured, his tail flagging faster.

'"I got something a young doe can eat - " Blaze grunted, then pulled Kalais back, letting him feel the firming sheath beneath his robes.

"I'll get to that soon enough..." Kalais grinned, as he slipped out of Blaze's grasp and moved towards the bedroom door.

"Aye, better fatten up the doe, I don't want her broken - "

Kalais snorted, then looked over his shoulder. "You know, love such as ours - "

"It is, what it is youngster - you've kept my secret - as I've kept_yours_!"

Kalais giggled, he couldn't help it. He prefered males over females, that was not really a secret - common knowledge amongs this staff and servants - of course - they had been magickally compelled to never speak of it.

Suddenly, Blaze placed a paw against the doorframe, then he looked at Kalais.

"Do you think - one day - people like us, will be able to live free, and without fear of the current punishment for our 'unnatural predilections'."

Kalais frowned, then thought a moment. "What two consenting adults do in the privacy of their own room - how does it affect the Kingdom, its people, etc? It's a silly, archaic law!"

"Easy!" Blaze snickered, placing a paw on Kelari's shoulder. "I see you still get that beautiful tail in a twist!"

"Sorry..." Kalais muttered, as he opened the door. "It - it just...gets to me, you understand?"

"I do little one, I - you mentioned dinner and wine?"

Rolling his eyers, Kelaris huffed and shook his head slowly.


After a lovely dinner, the two retired to the large library, where they sat and enjoyed their wine.

"A beautiful choice, commendations on the selection Mater Kalais, Katelyn outdone herself!"

Smiling Kalais sipped his wine and nodded, swirling the wine around in the crystal goblet.

"When_are_ you going to fulfil her wish?" Blaze asked innocently, glancing at Kalais over the wine glass.

"I..." Kalais began, then his ears flattened and he shook his head. "I wish I could - she has served as my confidant, my friend, my - "

Waving a paw, Blaze swept all that away.

"We both know that - my question - was _when_are you going to stop tormenting that dear, sweet filly...and make her a mare?"

"I'm...afraid - " Kelaris admitted, then drank down his wine in two quick swallows.

"Ah, the crux of the problem! As I thought," Blaze nodded, then reached over and plucked the glass from Kalais' trembling paw. "I suspected as much. Your experiences with women...are ="

"Once..." Kalais murmured. "I was only fourteen, barely a buck..."

Blaze blinked slowly, his eyes widening. "That _does_explain a lot... So, not being indelicate my friend - but you..."

"I'm more drawn to males - " Kalais moaned, buring his head in his trembling paws. "I've always been this way - I - don't really know any other way! How many males have I seduced? Had under _my_tail? Been _their_willing doe?"

Petting the trembling Magi Stag's knee, Blaze nodded softly.

"Master Kalais - this - gift you have, it is a beautiful thing! It is not something to fear, or be angry about! Whatever powers that be - gods, or otherwise - they gave you this - gift- it is, honestly, a beautiful thing. You are kind, gentle, compassionate - a perfect lover and partner. You give so much of yourself, with little thought or care for your own desires and needs!"

"I can not help it - " Kalais murmured. "I remember being...what I was, my earliest memories..."

"Shhh - " Blaze spoke calmly, yet knowing if he tried to use his magicks on Kalais, his own would snap back at him in defence. "I remember - I bought you as a two year old - in our calender - you were...cruelly mistreated by those humans! I remmeber my friend - I took you, I sensed the magick within you, raw, untapped, untrained! I took you, fed you, taught you to read and write and to conjure the magicks within you! In time - I become your lover, and you become mine!"

"I'm not so certain - " Kalais shuddered, as he looked away, his eyes dark and haunted.

To Be Continued...

All Our Sin's Remembered

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