Spring Break 2 - New Year -

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#1 of Spring Break II

It has been ten years since Raine's 21st Birthday, and much changed for the young Vixen. Having finished her University degree and graduated, she later met and fell in love with Lillian, a young, shy Eastern Grey Kangaroo who had been left with a child in her womb, and her boyfriend bailed on her. Raine loved Lillian, and their relationship, whilst rocky at first, become strong and deep. They married in secret (Something Reuben never forgave Raine for), shortly before the birth of Tyrone, Lillian's joey. Now, Lillian is involved in a minor rear-end collision, so they keep her in hospital overnight - but Raine is in a panic, fearing the worst...

Spring Break

New Year

Chapter One

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

22nd June, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

Lillian sat in the car, tapping her curved claw tips on the steering wheel as she waited at the red light that held her immobile. With a single paw, she reached between her legs and scratched at her black tipped tail that was uncomfortably laying between her legs.

"Stupid human designed cars - " Lillian grumbled, as she braced her long black feet on the firewall before she flexed her feet and stretched, her rump feeling most ill at ease.

Glancing out the windscreen, Lillian stretched again, flexing each foot before she adjusted the rear vision mirror, before the young Grey Kangaroo's eyes widened in terror a second before she heard the squealing from the tires behind her.

It happened without warning and suddenly - she barely felt her heart drop to her feet, before there come the crunch of twisting metal and shattering glass. White powder exploded as she felt herself thrust forwards by the impact, the airbag crushing her into its embrace. Pain lanced from her tail and her neck, as she gasped and panted.

"How could it get any worse - " Lillian gasped, as she started pushing at the deflating airbag that had erupted from the steering wheel. "Raine's going to murder me..."


Raine strode into the apartment, both paws clutching heavy paper bags loaded down with groceries as she backed into the door and pushed it open, panting and walking into the shared apartment.

"Are you home yet Lillian?" Raine called, then frowned as she moved down the short hall and put the groceries on the kitchen bench. "Lillian?"

Silence greeted her.

Moving through the apartment, she checked baby Tyrone's room - but the cot was empty. Moving to the bedroom she shared with Lillian, the bed was made and the room clean. Frowning, the Arctic Fox moved back to the living space, nearly stumbling over some of Tyrone's toys that littered the floor, before her glacier blue eyes fixed on the answering machine which blinked a red light.

"A message?" Raine blinked, then walked over and her index paw pad touched the play button.

"Raine - " Come Lillian's voice, the sound of beeps and some odd hissing sound was heard in the background.

Frowning, Raine felt the adrenaline squirt into her body, chilling her to the bone as her black tipped ears flattened.

"Raine, calm down - " Lillian's voice was rough and hoarse, but identifiable. "I know you're panicking, I can tell, I know you well love. I've been in an accident - the car has been written off..."

Raine moaned and her brush of a tail frizzled and she kept listening.

"I've been injured, but nothing serious! So, stop crying and listen, please?"

Sniffling, Raine dried her eyes with her paws, trying to be brave and hold herself together.

"I got a fractured tail, a broken wrist and some severe whiplash. That's all - but they want to keep me in for observation overnight and - "

Raine didn't hear the rest, as she dashed into the kitchen and upended her handbag, assorted things scattering and rolling off the floor as she fumbled with shaking paws until she gripped her cell phone. Hurriedly, she tried to punch on her fathers numbers, but her quivering fingers miss-typed on the keypad that seemed to double and treble as her eyes streamed with tears

Drawing a shaking breath Raine wiped it and started again, then pressed the call button.

"Come on Dad...answer!" Raine sniffled, her whole body shaking.

After a dozen rings, there was a click and Nathan's curious voice answered.


There was a grunt and Nathan's giggle, before there was other noises as Nathan panted and Raine rolled her eyes.

"Dad!" Raine squealed in frustration and fear. "Lillian's been hurt - car crash and -"

"Reuben!" Nathan squealed, as he panted heavily into the receiver. "Woah, Raine, honey...wait - who...Lillian's been...Raine? Raine?"

Raine dropped the cell phone and fled the apartment, crying in fear and panic.

"Raine...we're coming...well, Reuben's coming and...Raine? Raine?"


Raine was beside herself, nearly crashing the car as she rushed to the hospital, he car sliding sideways into the parking lot before she leapt from the car leaving the keys in the ignition and the car unlocked and ran towards the entrance of the hospital.


Raine was beside herself as she babbled incoherently at the Nurse on Duty, finally managing to find out where her beloved wife was in the hospital. Barging into the ward like a white snowstorm, Raine nearly bowled over some staff as she ran to Lillian's side and threw herself over her kangaroo lover, smothering her muzzle, cheeks and forehead in kisses.

"I'm alright!" Lillian laughed weakly, pulling the oxygen mask from her face, then weakly turning her head to look at the sobbing Raine.

"You...you sure? You're not got internal injuries or - " Raine whimpered, shaking with fright.

"I'm...fine honey, some minor injuries - nothing serious, now, please - stop your wailing and crying!" Lillian coughed and smiled weakly.

Raine stammered and blubbered helplessly, cradling Lillian tightly against her chest and refusing to let her go.

"Love...please!" Lillian squealed. "I...need you to go to the daycare, pick up Tyrone...please? I need you too look after him for tonight, they're keeping me overnight for observation and...things, just a precaution!"

Raine sniffled and wiped her eyes with the back of her paws, then nodded and glanced at the clock, her eyes widening as she seen it was 5:42pm.

"It closes at six Raine, so...please - go now? You can come back later, okay?"

Raine kissed Lillian on the cheek, then gave her another hug and walked towards the door, before pausing and looking back, torn between her indecision and her need to go pick up their son....


Raine pulled up outside the Daycare and parked in the bay, before she rushed up to the door. Shoving it open, she panted and moved purposefully up to reception, her brush frizzled and muzzle hanging open as she slapped a paw against the counter, trying to reign in her breathing.

"May I help you?" Asked the young Wolfess behind the counter.

"I'm...here to pick up - " Raine panted, then twisted around and walked to the water cooler, filling a paper cup and gulping down the cold water, before taking another and another. Crushing the cup, she dropped it into the bin, before returning. "I'm here to pick up our Son...Tyrone Blackmane?"

Frowning, the Wolfess tapped on the computer, glancing from Raine to the computer and back again, before she looked Raine in the eyes.

"Forgive me miss, but you don't exactly look like a Kangaroo - I can't verify you as a custodian, Mrs. Blackmane usually picks up her Joey in person..."

With an exasperated sigh, Raine slammed both paws on the reception desk, before she dug through her purse until she found her license and handed it over.

"I'm her wife...I'm Raine -"

"I'm sorry - you're not authorised - "

Her eyelids narrowing, Raine fought the rage that threatened to boil over within her. "I'm her wife - if you want to call Blackwood Hospital, tell them to connect you with room one-four-nine, you'll have a hard time talking to her as she was in an accident -"

As realisation set in, the Wolfess swallowed and began typing on the computer again.

"Master Tyrone, oh, here you are..."

"Thank you - " Raine growled, as she was buzzed in and walked down the hallway.

"Mumma!" Tyrone squealed and hopped over, then grabbed Raine around the shin, his sharp claws digging into her fur and muscles.

"Ow, Tyrone!" Raine giggled, then knelt down and held her paws out, laughing as the Joey fled into her arms, wrapping his arms around her neck.

Raine gently picked him up, cuddling the squirming joey tight, as he giggled and squealed, licking her cheek.

Tyrone nuzzled her again. "Mumma?"

Raine smiled and cuddled him, walking down the hall and letting herself out, as she carried him to the car.

"Yes Tyrone, you'll be coming home with me tonight, we'll get something to eat on the way, maybe some ice-cream?"

"Skeem!" Tyrone squealed and started struggling in marsupial excitement.

"Yes honey, we'll get some Skeem, now, be good whilst I tuck you into your seat, okay?"

"Skeem!" Tyrone repeated, but tried to hold himself still as Raine began clipping him into his baby seat.

"Alright, yes, we'll get some skeem, then go home and get you changed, and go see mumma, okay?"

"Skeem...mumma?" Tyrone blinked, then nodded rapidly. "Skeem! Mumma!"

Raine chuckled and scratched the squirming and giggling joey under the chin, as she affixed the last of the buckles, then closed the door and walked around before opening the drivers door and sliding into her seat.

"Skeem! Mumma!" Tyrone squealed happily, waving his little paws, before his head snapped to the right and he leaned forwards, looking at the birds that perched on a bench. "...Urbies!"

_Urbies?_Raine blinked, as she twisted her head, as she started backing up the car. "Oh, birdies!"

"Urbies, Mumma!" Tyrone squirmed, gesturing with his paws.

"Birdies, Tyrone, birdies!" Raine chuckled. "Lets go home, get some skeem and go see mumma, okay?"

"Skeem! Mumma..." Tyrone agreed happily, kicking his little feet and nodding eagerly.

To Be Continued...

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