Tis The Season - Finale -

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#4 of Tis The Season

Whilst Holly sleeps off their first shared lovemaking, Cameron drags himself to the shower to clean up. He remembers helping Holly do this, but he's inexperienced - never having had to 'take care of feminine issues' before, but finds it not unpleasant, just - a bit unsettling. Soon, he uses one of Holly's toys to exeriment - for how better to find your limits, when you've been transformed into a anthromorph doe - than to play?

After a while, Holly, now a buck, comes to see what the noise is about, and shows -him- how it feels, to be mated, whilst pleasuring yourself with the toy - an experience he had done with her, many a time, to Holly's pleasure - and now - its his turn....

Tis the Season

Chapter Four

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

9th July, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

Cameron, frustrated and curious, began to explore his new body. He found it responded differently than what he was used too. His muscles weren't as strong, he felt lighter in his step - often crashing a hoof down each time he stepped, until he got used to the new musculature beneath the fur.

"How will I explain_this_..." He moaned softly, as he stood in their shared bedroom, turning from side to side as he stared at himself in the mirror.

Curious, he stroked his feminine paws from throat to chest, tweaking the nipples, before he gasped and shuddered. Pleasure unlike anything he'd ever experienced flowed through his body, making him stumble and fall backwards onto the bed.

'I never imagined..." Cameron panted, laying on his back, his knees folded and cloven hooves resting on the carpet. "Those times when I was pleasuring dear Holly - her squeals and moans..."

He frowned, then shivered as he circled the alveolar of each nipple, feeling them firm to small humps - the sensitivity sending his mind reeling. He pondered for a moment, lot in the pleasure, before he felt the tightening fur of his inner thighs.

"I better...do something about that - a shower...a shower is what I need!"

Carefully, he got back to his hooves and moved carefully - bracing himself against the wall, before he paused and ears slashed backwards. He thought he heard a moan, or a grunt from Holly, but as he frowned, he come to realise a Doe's sense of hearing - and even smell! - was way stronger than he realised. He could smelly Holly's musk and the drying semen on his fur, his own sweat mixed into it, the smell not unpleasant, but - growing more irritating to his sensitive nostrils.

"Shower..." He told himself, then nodded, before taking another few tentative steps, before stopping again. "If my breasts feel that good, and feeling Holly making love to me..."

With an almost childlike giggle, he hobbled over to the cupboard and began pawing through it, until his fingers found the toy he'd bought for Holly, last Christmas. It was long, seemingly impossibly long to his eyes - with an inflatable knot at the end and a tube leading to an inflation bulb. His mind made a picture, that it looked similar to what vets used to pressurise a blood pressure cuff.

"I've always wondered..." Cameron giggled shyly. "Guess I'll find out for myself!"

Carefully, he made his way to the shower, feeling the sticky inner thighs and moaning softly. Once in the bathroom, he set the toy aside, before carefully stepping into the shower and adjusting it to an almost scalding level of heat. Taking the specialised Cervid bottle of shampoo, designed specifically for their physiology and fur, he squirted some into his paws and rubbed it onto his chest and belly until he had a rich, creamy lather.

Delicately, he scrubbed with his hooflets, then slid the paws down to his groin, his palm rubbing over the sensitive labial folds as he squirmed and giggled, then dug his hooflets into the matted and sticky fur on his thighs.

For thirty minutes, he scratched, rubbed and bathed, until he felt clean and comfortable. He thought about using the toy - but remembered what had transpired between him and Holly earlier...

'Clean up first doe - " Cameron giggled softly, he couldn't help it, then he shook his head and rested a paw against his forehead. "Wait...I'm a buck, not a doe."

Look down... Come the voice in his mind. His voice - distinctly effeminate and not the usually self-monotone, masculine voice.

"I_was_ a buck - for twenty years... How can I suddenly just _change_my way of thinking?"

I'll handle that - now, you know what Holly does after mating? Well - you'll need to do that, you've watched her enough times...it can't be that hard...

"Hard, oh har har har har - " Cameron groaned, leaning his head against the wall, remembering how it felt as Holly slid inside this feminine form the pleasure of her mating with him - even if_it was inexperienced, almost bestial in nature...sure, it hadn't hurt_that badly...in time, he was sure, she would control it better...

You loved every second of it....

He did, he couldn't lie to himself. He remembered back to his younger days, when he and Holly were first mated - how many times their lovemaking had been wild, frenetic, inexperienced and - over all too soon, Poor Holly left frustrated and annoyed at his, as she called it, 'five second wonder'

We were young, inexperienced at mating and - well - a buck's blood runs hot. Especially during the rut.

_"_I can't deny that - " Cameron grunted, as he stepped from the shower, thankful for the anti-slip tiles he'd had installed.

He reached out to the cupboard beneath the vanity, before opening it and his slippery paws gripped the douche that Holly kept under there. He understood it's purpose in principle - but had never thought to ask her how it felt - it'd just never entered his mental horizon.

He unscrewed the top, filling the bulb about three quarters full of water, not really knowing how how it _should_be. Returning to the shower, he washed his paws clean of the soap, before holding it in quivering paws and looking at it.

"How hard can it be?" Cameron muttered, before he braced one cloven hoof on the seat, which gave him better access to his labia.

Carefully, he slid it inside, feeling the tightening vaginal walls as they gripped at the firm plastic, before he squirmed and shivered.

"Brrr..that's cold!"

Carefully, he eased it deeper, until the rubber cap was pressed firm, and he gently squeezed the bulb and squealed in fright and pain. Hot water squirted deep inside, soaking the sensitive vaginal walls, then there was a sickening sucking sensation as the semen and water was slurped into the bulb by its suction as it reinflated.

"Ugh - " Cameron panted, his body shaking.

Sliding it out, he emptied it, turned the water temperature down and filled it again, before shuddering and repeating the procedure. It took four tries, before he was sure he was clean - but did it a fifth time - just to be sure. He slid it out and crouched, his knees bending, as he relaxed pelvic muscles and squatted. A stream of water at first gushed from his folds, spattering his hooves and ankles, before easing to a dribble and finally stopping.

"Poor Holly, now I understand so much..." Cameron shuddered.

His mind began to turn to _other_ideas - possibly, more pleasant ones, before he set the douche aside and took the toy, holding it in his paws and frowning, the water streaming down his back.

"I really shouldn't just go at it- " He muttered, trailing his fingers down the 11" long shaft. "I don't yet understand this body...I _know_Holly sheathes this to the base - but - can I? Should I?"

Once more, he slipped out of the shower and clattered through the cupboard until he found the lube bottle that was kept in here. Squirting a little into his paw, he frowned, then added three more pumps, just to be sure it'd be enough. Rubbing his paw up and down, he felt the lube dribbling from his paw and he giggled nervously, ensuring the toy had a tick, sticky yet slippery coating. Carefully, mindful he didn't dribble any on the shower floor, he stepped back in.

He looked at the toy, before he pondered, then again, braced one cloven hoof on the small ledge, and slid the toy about two inches inside himself.

"Mmm..." he gasped, shivering and tail flicking twice, water spraying off it. "This feels - nice, I'd never imagined..."

A little eagerly, he slid it deeper, taking about half into the feminine depths, feeling the lube ease the mounting.

"Wonderful...just how it feels when I mount Holly - so - warm and - is this how it must feel for her, when we make love?"

Sliding it back out, Cameron began a sensual masturbation of himself with the toy. Easily, it slid in and out, the lube swirling and coating the vaginal walls, before he trembled and slid down to the base and panted.

"Oh..," Cameron gasped. "Exactly how it feels, mounting dear Holly..."

Taking the bulb in his quivering paw, he nervously gave it two squeezes, feeling the knot slightly inflate within him.

"Nope, barely feel that - Holly claims it feels amazing..."

Again, he squeezed it, feeling the knot inflate with each pump, until it was about the size of a golf ball and Cameron grunted, then shuddered.

"Mmmm, I see why she likes it now...lets be a little more - adventurous..."

Carefully, one squeeze at a time, Cameron inflated the knot more and more - until it was about the size of a squash ball - then he moved ever so slightly, his mind falling away as he felt it pushing firmly against the fleshy nub his mind told him was the clitoris.

"Oh...oh my..." Cameron panted.

He began wriggling the toy gently back and forth, finding the pleasure of doing such was overstimulating him beyond anything he'd imagined. That firm knot slid deeper, then as he pulled the toy back, it pressed firmly against the clitoris, sending pleasure searing through his mind and body.

For an hour, he masturbated himself with the toy, his mind imagining some vulpine tied with him, the hot breath on the back of his nape, firm paws cupping and caressing the breasts - one of his own, happily obliging - as the other wriggled, pulled and pushed the toy inside him.

"Uh...oh...no...no...what...what's happening to me - " Cameron gasped, as his spine curled and he began shaking, before a rush of adrenaline, pleasure and fluids gushed from his stretched labial folds and spattered to the shower floor as he squealed like a hind.

"That..." Come a weak croak, before a masculine laughter pealed forth. "Is a doe's orgasm love..."

Cameron shrieked as another one struck him, then he turned his head to look at Holly, who gripped the door frame tight, using it to hold herself up, as she snorted and looked at him.

"Naughty doe...playing without your buck!"

"It - I - " Cameron's voice cracked and he squirmed and panted.

"I know exactly what you're doing love - " Holly chuckled again, as she stepped over and opened the shower. "How did it feel? Amazing, I bet..."

Cameron blushed, his ears flattening, then he blinked and looked as Holly stood there, the firm erect member slapping against the belly.

"I want to show you something _else_pleasurable...little Doe...if you're up for it?"

Cameron swallowed nervously, before his eyes widened and he stared at Holly, who slid in behind him and wrapped her paws around his thighs, gripping the toy gently and giving it a teasing tug, feeling Cameron gasp and shudder.

"You've mated me before - whilst I've used that toy...now I think, its only fair..."

"You wouldn't..." Cameron moaned, his head to the side, as he looked back at Holly.

"Wouldn't I? We need practice love...what a better way to do it - than after my dear, sweet doe is already relaxed and pleasured?"

Cameron swallowed nervously, before he giggled, his tail flagging gently against Holly's penis, making her tremble.

"Stop that...or I'll forget how to take it gentle..."

"Make me..." Cameron giggled, then remembered himself, how many times he'd made that same threat to Holly - only now - it seemed so much more frightening - but also alluring...

"Oh, believe me little doe - I intend too!"

Cameron groaned, as Holly snickered and tweaked the toy again, before Cameron squealed and trembled.

"Don't fret little one - we'll have a lifetime together, to explore each other all over again - to express our love, our desire and experiment with our new roles - who knows - you might even make a wonderful mother for our fawns..."

Cameron tried to answer, but Holly gave the bulb another pump, before she grinned and picked up the lube, giving a few squirts into her paw, then timidly caressing the firm Cervid length.

"Relax little one, I'll be gentle...I promise..."

Cameron didn't doubt she would keep her promise - but he trembled all the same - as Holly took herself in one paw, guiding herself under his tail and pressing the firm head against the tightly puckered sphincter.

'That's it love, easy now..."

Cameron squealed as he felt Holly start to mount, the lube making the abnormal mating much more pleasant than he'd expected it would be. Once a third inside him, Holly slipped her paws around his hips and held him gently, before she started a careful, sensual humping - easing a little closer each time, as Cameron squealed and grunted in surprise and pleasure.

'It won't hurt...now, just relax, let your stag show _you_how it feels lover... "

Cameron grunted, then squealed, as Holly thrust forwards a bit more forceful, giving the toy bulb another squeeze, before he gripped Cameron's nape with her teeth and chuckled.

"I've...always wondered - now - I get to find out...Payback's a bitch, isn't it?"

Cameron had no words, as Holly gripped the toys base, twisting and pushing and pulling it, as Cameron gasped and pushed back, sliding Holly deeper, as the Stag trembled and giggled.


Tis The Season

Tis the Season Chapter Three 8th July, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Holly gurgled, one outstretched paw weakly scratching at the faux fur rug as consciousness reluctantly returned to her mind. It was like some frightened animal, one timid inch at a...

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Beggars Can't Be Choosers

Beggars Can't Be Choosers Chapter Five © Cederwyn Whitefurr - Revision Two - 8th July, 2019 All Rights Reserved. For nearly three hours, Kalais shared the pleasures with his new Vulpine acquisition, Raefox. Raefox had never imagined a master as...

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Beggars Can't Be Choosers

Beggars Can't Be Choosers Chapter Four © Cederwyn Whitefurr -Revision Two - 8th July, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Her dark pupils dilating, Katelyn paused just inside her masters bedchamber and let her eyes adjust to the darkness. Blinking...

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