Beggars Can't Be Choosers

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#4 of Beggars Can't Be Choosers

Raefox submits to Master Kalais, and they two of them share their affections - but not how Raefox imagined it. he expected his new owner to be dominant, force the frightened fox into submission and take him 'as a stag takes a doe' - but he is surprised and alarmed, when Kalais decides to see for himself, just how pleasurable his new companion willingly being Raefox's partner. He enjoys himself immensely, to the relief of Raefox, whilst Katelyn is a little frustrated - wishing it was her her master was bedding, not their new, upstart Vulpine.

Master Blaze, Master Kelaris' own teacher of Magick, comes unexpectedly to pay a visit to his former apprentice, only for Kately, apologetically, to inform him that Master Kalais is -curently occupied- using his Magicks, Blaze reads Katelyn's mind like a book - both surprised and pleased at what he sees in there, before giving her a present he knows she adores and loves to eat as a treat, a beautiful red rose.

He informs Katelyn, he shall return 'another time' to pay his respects to his former student, when he is 'not indisposed'

Beggars Can't Be Choosers

Chapter Four

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

-Revision Two -

8th July, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

Her dark pupils dilating, Katelyn paused just inside her masters bedchamber and let her eyes adjust to the darkness. Blinking owlishly, Katelyn saw Kalais laying sprawled on his bed - as naked as the day he'd been birthed. His impressive, bulging sheath caught the young filly's eyes - and she moaned softly - imagining what it would be like, to have her master buried inside her dark, virginal depths.

Indeed - the day - or night, Kalais bedded her and made her a mare, Katelyn was sure would be the best day of her young life. Often, she had dreamed of what it must be like - to lay enfolded in his strong arms, inhaling the scent of his masculine sweat and to feel him within her, their bodies intertwined and...

Katelyn whiffled softly through her nostrils, stopping her thoughts in their tracks - before she got herself all worked up. It was not her place to wonder, or to question when and if her master would take her - it was his right, and when he decided it was time, then Katelyn, through her years of training - would give herself willingly, body and soul, to her master - with no hesitation or regrets.

As quietly as she could, she crept across the carpeted floor, her hooves muffled against the thick rugs - before she shed her robe and snuggled in beside Kalais. He moaned in his sleep, then rolled over and grasped at her with his hands - and Katelyn merely snuggled into his embrace, then let her eyes close and wait patiently for sleep. As they lay together, both furred bodies naked and intertwined in a gentle embrace, it was a scene of beauty - a regal, majestic stag - and his young - virginal unicorn filly...


Early the next morning, Katelyn awoke well before her master, and she crept from his bedchamber, to prepare his morning breakfast. A niggling worry brushed against her mind, and she paused from preparing Kalais' breakfast.

Quietly, she clopped down the hallway, to the servants quarters, then cracked open the door. Poking her nose in, she saw the young Vulpine laying curled on his bed, shivering and crying almost silently. Glancing back up the hall, Katelyn sighed and stepped in, then closed the door behind her. Raefox raised his tear streaked muzzle to look at her, then Katelyn merely held her arms out. Raefox ran to her, then buried his head against her breasts and began sobbing piteously.

Cuddling the crying young fox, Katelyn frowned and stroked his nape tenderly, trying to soothe him.

"Little one," Katelyn whispered. "What has you so distraught?"

"I'm scared - he...I mean - he will..." Raefox bawled, clutching Katelyn tightly.

Katelyns' ears flicked and she sighed again, then tenderly disengaged Raefox from his tight embrace and held him at arms length, gazing down her muzzle to look at him.

"Raefox - you, like me - belong to Master Kalais. I...I know you're scared - but please, believe me - he is a very gentle, compassionate and loving master. If he desires your attentions, please do not be afraid - as he would never intentionally hurt you. Forget your past - what other masters may have done to you, or made you do, that is the past, and let it remain there. Now, dry your eyes little one, and come have some breakfast." Katelyn smiled, then licked him between the eyes and squeezed his paws with her own.


After breakfast, Raefox was sent to bathe, and Katelyn began clearing away the dishes - but a soft cough from Kalais made her pause, her ears flicking backwards as she put down the heavy tray on the edge of her masters dining table.

"Katelyn - " Kalais spoke, his voice quiet, almost a whisper.

Katelyn involuntarily shivered, then she slowly turned about and hung her head, showing the proper subservience and respect, accorded to her master.

"My dear, sweet filly - " Kalais smiled, as he examined first one paw, then the other, settling them on the table before him.

"Master?" Katelyn moaned, feeling an unusual nervousness sweep over her.

" think - " Kalais began, then rested his chin on one paw, and gazed at Katelyn. "I made the right choice, in this young fox? Oh, believe me - I can smell his terror from a hundred yards away - God's only know, what terrible things he was made to do, before I bought him."

"Master, you know, it is not my place to question - " Katelyn whispered, her long, tubular ears drooping backwards.

"You may speak freely, my dear Katelyn." Kalais reminded her. "We are alone, and I would hear your thoughts."

"He," Katelyn began, then shivered and sniffled softly. "He is terrified master - I think he has been so cruelly treated, by others in the past - it has..."

Kalais merely quirked an eyebrow, and Katelyn wrung her paws and began to cry, feeling pity and remorse.

"Master - forgive me, I...I pleasured the young fox last night, in our quarters - but not...I mean - I'm still pure sire - he scared and frightened, and I wanted to show him..."

"I know, my dear, sweet, gentle filly - you done well to mask his scent on yourself, but I could still smell it, when you come to my bed last night." Kalais sighed.

"Please master - it was - I mean no disrespect - " Katelyn wailed, falling to her knees and clutching her paws before her, in a piteous begging gesture.

"No disrespect taken, now, rise young one - " Kalais smiled, as he gestured to her. "I would hear your thoughts, my young courtesan. Do you think - he will - prove pleasurable?"

Katelyn slowly rose, keeping her head submissively lowered, and ears flat against her neck, as she wrung her paws and felt her tears trickling down her muzzle.

" young master - I fear - he may be too emotionally disturbed, to please my master, as he would wish." Katelyn admitted at last, her voice cracking to sobs at the end.

"When he has bathed, send him to my chambers Katelyn - I wish to speak with him, and prove to him, if I can, that he has nothing to fear from me." Kalais told her, as he rose, smoothed down his ornate robes and strode from the dining hall.

Katelyn nodded to Kalais' back, then picked up the heavy tray and walked back towards the kitchen.


Raefox, dressed in a simple tunic, which to his mind, seemed unusually short - barely passing past his upper thighs, had received Katelyn's' orders and he stood nervously kneading his paws together, outside Kalais' bedchamber. As he untangled his paws, and reached out to knock, the door cracked open and Kalais smiled at the nervous, young Vulpine, then stood aside and bade him enter.

His nerves almost overcoming him, Raefox cautiously walked in, keeping his head lowered and his tail tucked between his legs. Kalais watched the young fox's cautious movements, noting how the sickly scent of fear clung to him. Quietly, Kalais closed the door behind them, and he returned to his large chair, where he sat himself down and Raefox obediently stood on the thick rug before the chair.

With shaking paws, Raefox unclasped the tunics ties, and he let it slide to the floor, where it puddled around his black socked feet. Naked beneath the robes, Raefox whimpered and tried to cover his sheath with his charcoal-coloured gloved paws, but Kalais merely raised an eyebrow and Raefox whimpered again - then dropped his paws to his sides.

"Master - I...I will do anything you desire - anything at all." Raefox wailed, then dropped to his knees and wept helplessly.

Kalais let the fox cry for several minutes, before he rose, then reached down and clasped Raefox's paws with his own, and tenderly lifted the vulpine back to his feet.

"Do you trust me - " Kalais asked, his eyes gazing adoringly at the snivelling Fox.

" are my master, you own me - and I do as you command, sire." Raefox whimpered and swallowed.

"That was not what I asked," Kalais whispered, his furred thumbs lightly stroking over Raefox's trembling hands. "I asked - do you trust me - will you give to me, freely and without hesitation - your trust?"

"Master - I..." Raefox moaned, torn between his past memories - and his inner-fears, that this Stag would be just as cruel and inventive in his punishments.

Kalais held Raefox's gaze, almost as if he'd hypnotised the helpless Vulpine, before he lowered his muzzle, and clasped Raefox behind the head, and pulled him close. As Kalais's furred lips touched Raefox's, he moaned softly and Kalais smiled at him - before he pressed his lips firmly against Raefox's and began to passionately kiss him. At first - Raefox gurgled and struggled - but Kalais merely grasped the terrified young Vulpine nape with his paws, and moaned in pleasure.

For several minutes, Kalais kissed Raefox, until Raefox gurgled and moaned - his fear slowly sluicing from him and his eyes closing. Almost like a pair of terrified animals, Raefox's paws encircled Kalais' back and he experimentally cuddled his new master.

Kalais broke his kiss, then kissed and nuzzled Raefox's cheek, nodding his encouragement - and feeling the first urging of his arousal. Expecting to be struck at any second, Raefox remained timid and afraid, but Kalais only smiled at him and resumed kissing Raefox. One of Kalais' paws slid down Raefox's chest with such sensual, casual moves, Raefox didn't even realise it - until Kalais' paw lightly encircled Raefox's sheath and felt along its length.

"Master!" Raefox squealed, pulling himself back, but Kalais merely pulled him right back, then stroked his nape with one paw, the other caressing Raefox's sheath.

"Shhh..." Kalais growled. "If you are to be my servant, I would know you well, and I promise - you will not find it...unpleasant."

Kalais resumed kissing his new servant passionately, and his paw began to slowly caress and stroke along Raefox's surprisingly lengthy sheath. Kalais curled his paw around the young vulpine furred sheath - then using the webbing between thumb and forefinger, he squeezed a little more firmly - feeling the growing arousal of the fox.

"Urrgh - " Gasped Raefox, as the sensation of Kalais caressing him down there, made his mind turn to jelly and his knees quiver. Never, had Raefox had a master or a mistress - pleasure him so - they always made him pleasure them instead, sometimes - in what seemed to be unnatural ways.

"Shhh - " Kalais smirked, and kissed Raefox again, pressing his furred lips to those of the gasping Fox, Kalais' tongue sliding past Raefox's lips. "Give yourself to me, young-one, and I will pleasure you, in ways I suspect - you never imagined."

Lost in the pleasure, Raefox moaned and his eyes rolled, as he felt his erection swelling his sheath - the tip of his penis slowly poking through the tight opening. Kalais' skilled paws drawing it out a little at a time - his gentle grasp squeezing tighter and tighter with each stroke.

For thirty minutes, Kalais kissed, caressed and stroked Raefox, bringing the young fox pleasure beyond imagining, yet his skilled paws never truly brought Raefox to full erection. Raefox groaned and trembled - his scrotum tightening with each caress - and he felt the fear - long remembered - of many a master, who had done similar - only to deceive the gullible young fox, and then throw him onto the bed.

They would wrench up his tail - before violently sodomising him. As if sensing his new servants misgivings, Kalais broke his kiss - then his strong arms lifted up Raefox, and he carried him to the wide, luxurious bed. Laying him down on his back, Kalais smiled and reached over to his bedside desk, retrieving a small container.

It contained a fragrant oily-like substance, that Kalais rubbed into his paws, until they glistened in the candlelight- then he began rubbing his sticky paws up and down Raefox's sheath - paying particular attention to the pale fox-hood that peeked shyly like a frightened animal from its den.

Raefox giggled and squirmed, feeling his master stroking him intimately, yet the purpose for the fine oil, escaped Raefox. Kalais at last finished, looking over his handiwork - and idly noting that for a young Fox, Raefox's swollen sheath was quite well endowed - and Kalais groaned in delight. As Kalais straddled Raefox's hips, Raefox's eyes widened and he realised, what Kalais had planned for him.

"Master...please - no!" Raefox squealed.

"I promised - I would not hurt you, little one - " Kalais moaned, as he threw his robes over Raefox's belly, and wriggled a little closer.

Raefox gasped, feeling Kalais' tail brush against his partly exposed fox-hood - and as Kalais tenderly pressed Raefox down - he lifted his tail - and twitched his hips. Raefox had never been mated like this - it was always his masters, who had sodomised him - but as he felt the tight sphincter of this strange, enigmatic Whitetail press against his penis.

Raefox gurgled and squirmed helplessly. With slow, sensual rocking motions, Kalais began to mount Raefox within him, feeling the incredible pleasure as Raefox gurgled and bucked beneath him. Inch by slow, lovely inch Kalais pushed his hips down - feeling the cooling oil helping him to become firmly mounted along Raefox's lovely length.

"Oh...oh..." Raefox began to stammer, his paws clutching at the bed sheets, feeling the indescribable pleasure of his entire penis - buried inside the tight, moist anal passage of his new master.

Kalais knew well about candid-type physiology, and as he began rocking back and forth, he felt the knot beginning to form at the base of Raefox's fox-hood. Kalais was experienced, in this sort of lovemaking - and he shuddered, before relaxing his muscles - and wriggling his hips downwards.

Raefox shrieked and bucked, losing his self-control, as he felt his knot pushed firmly against Kalais' tail - then he humped again and again, almost instinctively - and Kalais uttered a short, sharp gasp, as Raefox lunged once more - and his knot squeezed past Kalais' tightening sphincter, and locked them together.

" - " Kalais rasped, his eyes widening, as he felt the knot expanding even more within him.

"Master - please - I..." Raefox moaned, and tried to push Kalais back, but the effeminate buck merely clasped Raefox's paws and pushed them back onto the bed.

"Shhh - " Kalais grunted, his body electrified with the pleasure of this young vulpine fully within him.

Raefox whined and squirmed, helplessly torn between his fear and the pleasure of making love to this strange, yet loving Buck. Kalais could not have dismounted if he had wanted too, which was, as he rocked carefully against Raefox, listening to the vulpine's gasps - far, far, from what Kalais desired. So tightly did the knot bond the vulpine to the Buck, it would have caused terrible wounds to Kalais, and likewise, brought his young, frightened partner much agony as well.

Kalais gave himself willingly to the conflicting emotion of pleasure and pain, indivisible and he welcomed them both. Being tied to Raefox was almost borderline agony, but the sensations and stimulating pleasure whilst doing so - was something Kalais had long forgotten. Each gentle movement, made Raefox gasp and squirm - and Kalais felt ever-more-grateful for the special oil - an oil he had used many a time, to permit such lovemaking - and its secret purpose - was to prolong the sexual encounter much longer than was normal.

"Yes, my sweet, gentle lover - " Kalais gurgled, tipping his head back and groaning in delight.

Raefox felt each and every squeeze from Kalais' body - and having been bred by many females, some like him, others human - Raefox had never known the pleasures of lying with a male like this. Every one of his cruel, mean-spirited previous owners, had hurt him terribly - yet Master Kalais, not only let Raefox do this - but actually seemed to genuinely enjoy acting like a female... Well the pleasure was undeniable - not as sensual and warm as being tied to a female of course! Even still - it was an experience, Raefox prayed, as he moaned and felt Kalais begin rocking harder - he would get to experience whenever his new master desired.


Katelyn paused outside her masters bedchamber, then as a piercing cervine squeal erupted from the room - even through the thick walls and wooden door, Katelyn froze, and flicked her ears. Again and again, the Buck's cries pealed forth, and Katelyn at first mistook them for pain - but she soon realised master Kalais was becoming acquainted with his new...partner, and he should not be disturbed.

Blushing beneath her fur, Katelyn clopped back to the main hall, where a large, palomino stallion sat patiently, nibbling on an apple, with his large, blunt teeth. Katelyn bowed her head respectfully, her eyes lingering only for a second on the stallions emerald green robes, before pausing at his highly polished hooves.

"Master Blaze," Katelyn whispered in her sibilant voice. "I regret to inform you, Master Kalais is..."

With a soft whiffle of laughter through his nostrils, Blaze chuckled and flicked his golden coloured ears, that poked through the hood he wore.

"Master Kalais - is indisposed, am I correct?" Blaze asked, gazing at the trembling young Filly before him, from beneath the shadows of his hood.

"Yes Master." Katelyn whispered. "If you have wish, I can give him a message - I promise, I will tell him, the moment he is free..."

Blaze twirled his fingers slowly, then Katelyn' s mind opened to him, and he saw the reason for the nervousness in the young Filly. She desired Blaze - the urges which this brave, young filly fought down - even Blaze himself had to admire her strength.

He knew she would do things to him - things - he could barely imagine, yet her loyalty and love belonged to her Cervine master. Blaze also read in her mind, that Kalais was otherwise...busy...and knowing his long-time friend as well as he did, Blaze merely grunted and waved his paw before the filly's eyes, breaking the magical bond with her mind.

"I will call again another time." Blaze smirked, giving Katelyn a knowing wink, which she did not see.

Blaze made a strange, enigmatic gesture, then a beautiful, long stemmed rose magically appeared in his hand, and he rose, then held it out to Katelyn, whose velvety-furred nostrils twitched, as she inhaled the sweet scent.

"A pretty thing, for a pretty filly!" Blaze commented, then snickered again. "Go on, I know you like much to look at and smell, as to nibble on."

Katelyn blushed beneath her fur, and her small paw crept shyly into Blazes', and plucked the rose from his palm. Blaze smiled, then reached out and pulled Katelyn close, before giving her a gentle kiss between the eyes.

Katelyn groaned in pleasure, then blushed deeper and pressed the rose to her nostrils, inhaling its sweet, lovely scent. Blaze in turn, flared his own nostrils - taking in Katelyn's own beautiful scent - a scent that sent sexual stirrings through his body - a scent of a young Filly - who was crying out to be made a Mare.

"Patience little one," Blaze whispered, as he kissed her forehead again. "Your master loves you - and he will grant you your wish, you just need to be patient."

Leaving the embarrassed Katelyn to begin plucking the delicate petals off the rose, Blaze chuckled and left Kalais' mansion, heading back home to his own.

To Be Continued...

Beggars Can't Be Choosers

Beggars Can't Be Choosers Chapter Three - Revision Two - © Cederwyn Whitefurr 8th July, 2019 All Rights Reserved. His mind in turmoil, emotions of distress, confusion and lust fighting within him, Kalais swept from the dining room, his long robes...

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Beggars Can't Be Choosers

Beggars Can't Be Choosers Chapter Two - Revision Two - © Cederwyn Whitefurr 8th July, 2019 All rights Reserved Kalais continued nibbling on the carrot, as he paced the dining hall and pondered. When he heard the soft clip-clop of Katelyn's...

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Beggars Can't Be Choosers

Beggars Can't Be Choosers Chapter One - Revision 2 - © Cederwyn Whitefurr 8thJuly, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Passing through the crowd, a regal looking Whitetail stag moved without pause or break, his finely tailored robes and cloak swishing...

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