Beggars Can't Be Choosers

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#3 of Beggars Can't Be Choosers

Frustrated at his inability to seduce Raefox, Master Kalais relieves himself in the privacy of his own bedchambers, whilst his Chamberlain, Kelsie, gives Raefox a night of pleasure - just not the way he imagined it. Kalais doesn't mind - so long as she keeps her word, and remains pure, for he promised her, one day or night, he'd grant her her wish, and truly, make the young, frustrated filly a mare.

After Raefox is bathed, pleasured and falls asleep, Katelyn retires to her master's bed, snuggling up with the stag, dreaming that tomorrow, he'll consent and grant her wish...

Beggars Can't Be Choosers

Chapter Three

  • Revision Two -

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

8th July, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

His mind in turmoil, emotions of distress, confusion and lust fighting within him, Kalais swept from the dining room, his long robes hissing against his furred ankles like angry snakes, his head lowered and paws clasped behind his back. His striding hooves clicked loudly against the floor, as he flung open the door of the dining room and slammed it closed behind him, the boom of the door resonating like a thunderclap throughout Kalais mansion.

Striding with purpose, Kalais made his way past his study, where he intended to retreat for solace and peace, and then his wandering led him to his opulent bedchamber. As his paw reached out and grasped the silver door handle, he froze and stared incredulously down at his shaking paw. With a sigh, he closed his eyes and squeezed his paw into a fist, before relaxing it and placing it back onto the door handle.

For Kalais was a true master of his own emotions, yet, now, they fought and squabbled within his head like unruly children. Emotions swelled to heights never experienced by this stag before; a longing for his new acquisition, anger, resentment, fear and lust all conflicted within his mind screaming at him like banshees.

Throwing open his bedchamber doors, Kalais strode into the room and pulled the doors closed behind him, before he rested back against them and exhaled deeply, striving to reign in his conflicting feelings and thoughts. After several deep breaths, he regained his composure, then slowly ran his paws over his furred cheeks and sighed. It had been a harrowing day, Kalais had no doubts about that - and all he desired now, was a nice long bath, then a rest. He would put things to right in the morning, but first, the ache in his loins was his primary concern.

For ever since laying eyes on that young Vulpine at the slaver's, Kalais knew he had to own him - and given time, love and gentleness, would know the young fox as a partner in his goose-down filled bed. As Kalais reached up and unfastened the clasp that bound the robe around his neck, he groaned and flexed his shoulders, before he reached down and grasped the hem of the robe and pulled it off his furred body. Now naked, Kalais rose and stretched languidly.

Standing just under six feet tall, from his black painted cloven hooves, to his ear tips, Kalais was a well muscled young anthropomorphic whitetail buck. He stood five feet eleven inches tall, his woodland brown fur well groomed and polished, particularly his muzzle. Here, the unmistakable black muzzle stripe of the whitetail ancestry was evident either side of his cheeks, and his deep brown eyes were widely spaced, kind and capable of expressing a wide variety of emotions.

With a sigh, Kalais ran his black hoof-paws down his well muscled chest, then onto his stomach. Here, his paws slid down over his muscled stomach and then he cradled his aching furred scrotum in one paw, the other slowly entwining itself around his trembling sheath. As his claw tips contracted around it, he moaned softly and arched his hips upwards, sliding the sheath between his loosely grasping paw.

Yet another low gasping cry escaped him as he gave himself into the emotions that filled him - and began stroking his swelling sheath harder and harder, gently caressing his aching scrotum. With each gentle stroke, Kalais grew increasingly unsettled, as the pale pink tip of his member slid from the top of his sheath.

Groaning with lust, Kalais squeezed his paw around his furred sheath, then began running it up and down, exposing a little more of his long, slender member - before pulling the sheath back up over it. Each time the sensitive tip was covered by the sheath again, Kalais gasped and his hips bucked against his paw. Again he stroked himself, then again, as he closed his eyes and slumped back onto his bed and lay there, moaning and shuddering in pleasure.

Soon, Kalais gripped the bed cover with one paw, as he submit completely to the lustful emotions and began bucking his hips upwards, his fully engorged member sliding up and down through his lightly grasping paw as he groaned and writhed in the pleasures he was bringing to himself.

Faster and faster, he worked his trembling member, as he felt the familiar tightening of his scrotum - and the rapidly rising orgasm it was to bring. Yet consumed with lustful thoughts of the young Vulpine, Kalais was helpless to stop himself, or the orgasm that now coiled within him like a viper poised to strike.

"No...not yet!" Kalais gasped, as he writhed on his bed, caught in the pleasures he was giving to himself.

Helplessly, he fought the sensations, but one final thrust of his hips, which had seemed to gain a mind of their own, and he shrieked like a maiden hind on her wedding night, as his orgasm seized him in its embrace and sent shock-waves of pure pleasure racing through him. Sky-rocketing skywards, his semen pattered back down over his trembling stomach, as he clutched his throbbing member in his hoof paw and caressed it.

Again and again, his aching scrotum gave up its hot, wet offerings. Each release made Kalais writhe and buck his hips, as his mind exploded with imagined thoughts of what it would be like to bury himself within that young Fox, his paws wrapped around the slender length of the vulpines member, and feeling his new partner's orgasm, right before his own.

With these thoughts flooding his mind, Kalais gave one final gasping moan, before his whole body shook as if stricken with fever and his eyes rolled back in his head. Slumping backwards onto the thick pillows, Kalais slipped into an exhausted, yet satiated slumber - unmindful of the semen that was soaking into his stomach fur, and by morning, would stain his bed coverlet as well.


Katelyn led the sobbing young fox to an ornate guest chamber, where she sat down on the edge of the four poster bed, then gently cradled the vulpine in her strong, supple arms.

"Hey, come on now little one," Katelyn whispered, as she tenderly caressed his damn cheeks with her hoof paws. "It's alright now. You'll be well looked after by Master Kalais, I promise."

"He..." Stammered Raefox, as he bravely tried to bite back his bitter tears.

"He is unlike any master you can imagine," Katelyn smiled, then pulled Raefox's head against her ample bosom and began stroking his nape soothingly. "He is gentle, compassionate, loving and kind hearted."

"Yet he - he wants to..." Raefox wailed, as a new burst of tears erupted.

"Yes," Katelyn admitted, as she began rocking Raefox. "His...pleasures, do not often lay in one of my sex. Master Kalais' sexual preferences are...not widely known. Yet I can tell, from your reaction when he touched you, that you are not..."

Flinching, Raefox tried to pull away from Katelyn, but she held him tenderly, but tight enough so that this weak, half-starved fox couldn't escape.

"You were poorly mistreated Raefox," Katelyn sighed, then caressed his nape again and cuddled him close. "I promise you, Master Kalais will not ever raise a paw against you."

Raefox fought against her for a few more minutes, before the hurt, anger and fear drained away and he clutched her tightly in return, burying his muzzle between her breasts and sobbing heart-brokenly.

"Why did he choose me?" Raefox wailed, as he used a sleeve of Katelyn's dress to dry his eyes. "He won't like me as a sexual slave - my former master's told me I was useless to them and they had me beaten terribly because of it!"

Katelyn nodded, having suspected as much, then she tenderly lifted Raefox's muzzle, making him look into her deep, piercing blue eyes. As she held his gaze, her paws reached down and rested lightly on his thighs. Raefox twitched and flinched unconsciously, but Katelyn merely smiled and then wrapped her paws back around him and pulled him close again.

"Mistress - please, do not do that which I think you are planning!" Raefox gasped.

"I am saving myself for our master," Katelyn admitted, as she caressed Raefox's wet cheeks. "However, that does not mean I can not show you pleasure, to help ease your fears - does it?"

"He..." Raefox moaned, and then pushed himself backwards. "He'll have both of us flogged, if you dare!"

Touching Raefox's nose with her left hoof paw, Katelyn merely smiled and stroked his cheek.

"No, he will not. You have much to learn, young fox - and I am sure, you will enjoy your lessons." Katelyn chuckled quietly.

Katelyn placed her hoof-paws either side of Raefox's shoulders, then carefully pressed him backwards onto the bed. He resisted at first, then submit and wriggled backwards until he was propped up against the pillows.

As he watched, Katelyn rose from the bed, and then unclasped the ornate broach at her throat which held her gown in place. Placing the broach on the table, Katelyn smiled at him, and then she held her paws up above her head and slowly let her silken gown slide down her body. Raefox watched, as the silken gown, which clung to the young Unicorn filly like a second skin, slipped down towards her hooves with the unmistakable soft rustle of silk.

Katelyn stepped from her gown, then reached up and tweaked each of her nipples with her hooflets, until the small pink buds poked shyly through the pale fur that covered her breasts. Turning slowly, her long silvery-grey tail swishing from side to side, Katelyn stretched languidly, intentionally bending over and teasingly lifting her tail to show the tight muscles of her thighs. Barely visible, was the pale creamy mound that hid her unbroken sex.

Turning back around, she placed one hoof up on the bed, then carefully slid her paws down the outstretched leg, until her body was aligned with it, a breast either side of the outstretched leg, then she placed it back on the floor and proceeded to outstretch the other leg and repeat the stretching exercise.

Raefox gasped, unable to withhold his gaze and awe with which this young Unicorn filly was enticing him with her sensuous movements. He felt the stirrings of his erection, and then he yelped and hurriedly snatched a pillow from beside him and placed it over his groin, so as to hide the swelling sheath from the filly. Katelyn merely crept up onto the bed, and then she knelt there, knees slightly apart and her tail sweeping back and forth behind her, as she smiled seductively at the obviously distraught young vulpine who coughed, then cleared his throat and moaned helplessly.

"Am I not attractive?" Katelyn asked, as she reached up and ran her hoof paws over her breasts teasingly.

"You...yes!" Raefox gasped, as he began quivering.

Carefully, Katelyn reached up and grasped the pillow - and pulled it from Raefox's feeble grasp. As she did so, he squealed and hurriedly curled into the fetal position, quite obviously embarrassed and ashamed that he had allowed this enticing young filly to arouse him so.

"Raefox, please - " Katelyn murred, as she caressed his nape. "Let us share this night together. Let me pleasure you, as only a female can, especially one who has been highly trained in the arts of seduction, pleasure and other things."

"I - mistress," Raefox moaned, as he glanced over his shoulder at her. "You must not do this, I beg of you!"

"I am not your mistress, my young vulpine. I am a servant, like you. Now - come, let me give you a night of comfort and pleasure, that you have long been denied." Katelyn chuckled, and then nuzzled his nape.

Raefox moaned softly, but Katelyn's' gentle persuasions won out, and he uncurled from his protective posture. Katelyn wasted no time, and rolled him onto his back, then looked down at the trembling young fox before her. Whilst he was thin, almost gaunt - his exposed member showed no sign of such mistreatment as the rest of him did.

Over six inches in length, from its sensitive tip down to the base, and quite thick at the base, just below the knot that she knew was there, he was quite a well endowed young fox. Katelyn whinnied quietly in pleasure, then her surprisingly sensitive hoof paws wrapped themselves around Raefox's member, then she smiled at him - before she lowered her head and began nuzzling his twitching member with her soft, velvet-like furred nose.

"Oh..." Raefox groaned, as he squirmed and quivered.

Without giving him a chance to catch his breath, Katelyn opened her muzzle and her broad tongue flicked down and around Raefox's member. With a sharp inhalation, he bucked against her muzzle, and Katelyn pulled her head back.

With a chuckle, she lowered it back down, and then licked his member again, before she took his entire length into her mouth and her furred lips paused just above the swelling knot. Her skilful tongue slipped over and around Raefox's member, and her powerful throat muscles began contracting and expanding - adding to the already incredible pleasures that she was bestowing upon this vulpine.

Indeed, Raefox had given oral pleasure to dozens of others, as best he could without risking his sharp teeth touching the male to whom he was pleasuring, but nothing he could ever do - could hope to match the overwhelming sensations that Katelyn was giving him.

One hoof paw supporting her weight, the other squeezing his swelling knot gently, Katelyn's' head rose and fell - as she lifted her head up, until only her lips touched the tip of his member, before she slid it back into her mouth, that incredible tongue. Each downwards stroke sent pleasure streaking through his body, as he tongue slid down to lap at his knot, then the upwards movement caused Katelyn to contract her throat muscles, which increased dramatically the suction against his member.

"Oh...Katelyn, - stop...please!" Raefox gurgled, as he began pawing at her shoulders.

Refusing to stop, Katelyn gave a barely felt shake of her head, as she lowered her head again and again, each time - Raefox came closer and closer to his orgasm. After a dozen times, the final downwards thrust of her muzzle and tongue was too much, and Raefox arched his hips against her muzzle, then Katelyn closed her eyes and her ears flattened as she felt his member pulse in her grasp.

Knowing what was coming, Katelyn gave herself up to it, and then she began to swallow quickly, as Raefox humped her muzzle harder and harder, unable to control himself. With a low piercing cry, he began ejaculating into the back of Katelyn's' throat. As it spurted over her tongue, Katelyn's' eyes widened and she blinked, as the distinctly unfamiliar taste of a fox's semen assaulted her taste-buds. Swallowing this salty liquid, she wrapped her now slippery tongue around Raefox's member and began to milk him for all he could offer her.

"No...please!" Raefox rasped, as he clutched at her mane and tugged it. "Mistress, stop it, please!"

Katelyn flinched at the mane pulling, not enjoying it at all, but the pain from that was easily forgiven, as she continued to use her throat muscles and tongue to elicit another orgasm from Raefox. This one was almost as strong as the one before it, and its viscosity was even more so, much to her surprise.

Despite his wails for her to stop, Katelyn ignored them, as she did enjoy pleasuring Raefox in this way, but she was disappointed the young vulpine lacked the stamina to last longer before his orgasm. It had not been her intention to suckle him until he reached orgasm, rather, she had planned to bring him close - then switch to her capable and surprisingly dexterous hoof-paws, so she could look into his eyes at the moment his orgasm consumed him with its irresistible pleasure.

Finally, his orgasm's expended, and barely conscious, he crumpled backwards onto the bed, as Katelyn lifted her muzzle and licked the last of his semen from her furred lips.

"Oh Goddess..." Raefox rasped, as he lay twitching and helpless.

"Not quite," Katelyn giggled shyly, then took his paws in her own and squeezed them tenderly, rubbing his furred fingers with her black claw tips. "I am - a little ashamed my young friend, as it was not my intention to bring you out so quickly."

"I have - I mean - never experienced - " Raefox gurgled, as he squeezed her paws tightly. "How..."

Katelyn blushed beneath her fur and flattened her ears, then giggled shyly. "Many years of training, my friend - many years. I was raised from a very young age, to be a courtesan. One who was to be given to a powerful noble, maybe even a king or queen, and to obey him - or her - without question. If they desired me for pleasure, then I would offer myself without hesitation or regret."

Raefox moaned and wriggled into a more comfortable position, as Katelyn came to stand beside him and she leaned down, and then licked his cheek.

"Sleep now little one, you've had a stressful time." Katelyn whuffled, as she caressed his cheek with a hoof-paw. "I will answer more questions of yours tomorrow, if you want to know. As it is, I think master Kalais will want - to talk to you. Remember, he does like you, and not only because he wishes to make love to you. Trust me on this Raefox, you were bought to be his bed partner, but if you earn his love - you will be much more besides. He will never force himself sexually upon you, but will wait until you are comfortable and willing to - "

Katelyn blinked, and then looked again. Raefox's eyes were closed and from his slow, steady breathing, he had lapsed into a deep, dreamless sleep. With another gentle lick to his cheek, Katelyn smiled down at him, before she retrieved her discarded gown and picked up a silver candle holder with its burning candle.

As she left Raefox's bed chambers, her shadow cast itself upon the dim walls, as she headed down the passage towards Kalais' bed-chambers, her hooves clicking softly. Her mind was turning over what Kalais had said to her earlier that evening, in that, he would take her into his bed and finally make her a Mare, after all these years.

For even if Kalais did not wish to bed her this night, he still enjoyed the warmth and comfort from having her naked body against his - and secretly, Katelyn enjoyed the loving embrace of the strong, well muscled young Whitetail buck. Often, her thoughts were of what it would be like - when he finally did bed her. As she clopped her way down the hallway, heading for Kalais' bed chambers, she shuddered and her fur prickled as she imagined Kalais' powerful and quite large member within her virginal body.

She had no disillusionment that the first love making would hurt her; she knew that, but the pleasure would far outlast the pain. Even if Kalais only bedded her once, it was all she could ever have asked him for. Pausing outside Kalais bedchamber, Katelyn looked down into the candle flame that she held in its silver candle-holder.

"I wish," She breathed, as she stared into the flickering flame. "I wish, I wish my wish, that my master will grant me my fondest wish."

With that, Katelyn gently blew upon the candles flame and extinguished it, before she placed it down on the table and entered Kalais's bed-chambers, closing the door quietly behind her.

To Be Continued...

Beggars Can't Be Choosers

Beggars Can't Be Choosers Chapter Two - Revision Two - © Cederwyn Whitefurr 8th July, 2019 All rights Reserved Kalais continued nibbling on the carrot, as he paced the dining hall and pondered. When he heard the soft clip-clop of Katelyn's...

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Beggars Can't Be Choosers

Beggars Can't Be Choosers Chapter One - Revision 2 - © Cederwyn Whitefurr 8thJuly, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Passing through the crowd, a regal looking Whitetail stag moved without pause or break, his finely tailored robes and cloak swishing...

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The Hunt

The Hunt © Cederwyn Whitefurr 8thJuly, 2019 All Rights Reserved. I was challenged to do a thousand word short tale, based on this premise - I hope you enjoy... Lifting his antlered head from the creek where he and his herd had been drinking a...

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