Beggars Can't Be Choosers

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#2 of Beggars Can't Be Choosers

Master Kalais keeps a closely guarded secret - in public, he is respected - even feared, as rightfully they should, as he is a powerful Magi. In the privacy of his own estate, he lets down his defences and reveals himself for who and what he his. His sexuality preference is for males - he's been known to dabble with females - but his predilection is for the males. In this society, such a crime would be punishable by death - usually rather torturously.

In his private estate, he is free to be himself, and to teach this shy, frightened young companion he purchased - he will not be harmed. Kalais is not like his previous Masters, he will not force the frightened Vulpine's paw, but he isn't going to let him get away with disobedience and open refusal of an order given to him. He gets Raefox to open up to him, which Raefox does - and Kalais is both frightened and angered, by what stories the Vulpine tells him...

Beggars Can't Be Choosers

Chapter Two

  • Revision Two -

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

8th July, 2019

All rights Reserved

Kalais continued nibbling on the carrot, as he paced the dining hall and pondered. When he heard the soft clip-clop of Katelyn's hooves, he stopped his pacing then turned about to look at her, and the freshly bathed and dressed young fox he had bought from the slaver.

"Master Kalais," Katelyn spoke, as she curtsied before him, and then flicked a glance at the young fox beside her, who made a half-hearted bow, his eyes rolling in fear and confusion. "He is here mi'lord."

Kalais put down the carrot, and then walked towards them both, his majestic form moving lithely beneath the robes he wore. As he drew close, his newest acquisition squealed and shied backwards, but Katelyn merely squeezed the young fox's paw and nodded.

"Easy young one," Kalais whispered his voice soft and comforting. "Its alright, I will not hurt you, and neither shall my stewardess Katelyn. I know nothing of your past; however, such will not concern us. As of the moment I bought you, you now belong to me. Do you understand?"

"I - yes...sire." Stammered the young fox, his ears flattening and eyes remaining downcast.

Kalais nodded, and then Katelyn released the fox's paw and took a step backwards, where her tail began swishing from side to side, as she watched Kalais and his new servant. Katelyn fully expected this young vulpine to shriek and run - she had seen it before, and as her muscles tensed and she prepared to catch the fleeing fox, Kalais gave her a slight nod and she relaxed. Stepping closer, Kalais reached out his paw and gently stroked the trembling fox's cheeks, his claws caressing the cheek ruffles.

"Tell me young one - what shall I call you?" Kalais asked.

"Master Kalais..." Stammered the still timid young vulpine. " name is Raefox, sire."

Kalais smiled, and then tenderly lifted Raefox's head up, so the young vulpine looked into Kalais' eyes. Katelyn watched with interest, her own ears pricking forwards as she kept her silence and continued watching this exchange, wondering which direction it would end up taking. Would this young vulpine refuse to do Kalais' bidding? Or would, as she suspected, be submissive and acquiesce to his new master's whims? Slowly, Kalais walked around the quivering Raefox, looking him over from ear tips to toes and back again, admiring how the silk tunic and breeches clung to the slender form of the fox.

"Disrobe for me young one," Kalais whispered, as he stepped in close behind Raefox and breathed into his ear. "I wish to peruse you further."

"Master!" Raefox yelped, as his tail frizzled and he tensed.

Katelyn took a single step forwards, but Kalais raised his paw and Katelyn held her position at his unsaid instruction.

"Raefox, you belong to Lord Kalais, so do as you are told!" Katelyn snapped brusquely, as she flattened her ears and glared at him.

"Katelyn, please - he is, young, we shall teach him how it works in my mansion," Kalais admonished her gently, his voice calm and soothing.

"Master - I, forgive me. I spoke out of turn." Katelyn whimpered, as she hung her head shamefully.

"Now, my dear filly - " Kalais favoured her with a shy smile. "You have no need to ask of my forgiveness. Now, Raefox, I shall ask you once again - please disrobe and stand before me."

Kalais sat himself down, folding his long robes around his ankles, then smoothing it down. Whimpering piteously, Raefox slowly reached up and untied the bindings of the tunic around his throat, then he reached down with his black furred paws and grasped the hem of the tunic. As Kalais watched on with interest, Raefox began to twist and squirm, wriggling his way back out of the tightly fitting tunic. At first, it seemed as if Raefox would need assistance, but then he twisted once more and as his pale creamy stomach fur was revealed, Kalais breathed out with a short, sharp gasp. Katelyn smiled to herself, watching as Kalais squirmed in his chair, then regained his composure. For beneath the fur of this vulpine, now bathed, scented and cleansed, Kalais could see the malnourished look of one who had long gone without regular meals. As Raefox pulled off his tunic, Katelyn stepped forwards and took it from him, then she stepped backwards.

As Raefox paused, then glanced over his shoulder - his paws clasping the knot that bound his breeches and kept them up, Katelyn merely raised an eyebrow inquisitively at him. Raefox moaned and turned his look back to Kalais, then he coughed shyly into his paw.

"Continue, please - " Kalais whispered, as he rested his chin on a paw and gazed at the half-dressed vulpine. "Do not mind Katelyn, she very loyal servant and steward."

Raefox whimpered again, then squeezed his eyes tightly closed and untied the cord belt, then with a soft whisper of cloth - let the breeches slide down his thighs and calves. Now, as naked as the day he was born, Raefox stood before Kalais, who gazed upon Raefox's naked form. Raefox was short for a fox, barely five feet three inches tall, with the characteristic rust-red fur on his body; the black gloves on his paws that come mid-way up his forearms.

From the underside of his muzzle, down his chest, stomach and groin, was a creamy white, and as Kalais' roaming eyes took in this slender, almost effeminate young fox, who stood trembling under the gaze of the Whitetail, Raefox trembled nervously. Adding to his distress, was Katelyn's paw resting on his nape. He was quite smitten with this young filly, and it was only through a herculean effort, was he stopping his desire from showing in his long, slender sheath that hid his maleness from Kalais and Katelyn. Raefox's scrotum had retracted almost painfully tight against his groin, and as Kalais began delicately stroking Raefox's chest, Raefox flinched and whimpered piteously.

"Shh," Kalais whispered, as he looked up into the distressed young fox's eyes. "I will not hurt you, I promise."

Raefox whimpered again, then squeezed his eyes tightly closed, as the conflicting scents of the young filly behind him, and the masculine musk of the buck before him assaulted his senses. Kalais had Katelyn turn the young vulpine around a dozen times, each subsequent time slower than the last as Kalais looked Raefox over, from ear tip to toes and back again. At Kalais' gentle touch, Raefox shrieked and shrunk backwards, but Katelyn's paw tightened on his nape and she pinned him in place.

"Easy Raefox," Kalais murred, as he paid a comforting paw on Raefox's shoulder and squeezed comfortingly. "You will find, I am a very gentle master. I do not ask for much from my servants, merely their honesty, obedience and loyalty. For this, my servants are lavishly rewarded."

As Kalais stroked Raefox's gaunt chest and ran his claw tips over the half-starved Vulpine' ribs, he shook his head slowly, long tubular ears slapping from side to side. Raefox squirmed and trembled, not knowing what to make of this strange, enigmatic Whitetail, or his equine steward. Trepidation and anxiety fought with conflicting emotions, as Kalais continued his gently probing and stroking caress. As Kalais stroked Raefox's tender stomach, Raefox squealed and flinched, and Kalais chuckled softly.

"A little ticklish, are you?" Kalais asked, as he glanced up into Raefox's eyes.

"Yes...master - " Raefox gasped, then he tensed as Kalais reached lower.

With a short, sharp inhalation of breath, Raefox's eyes widened like dinner plates as Kalais caressed Raefox's sheath, his sharp claw tips sliding through the fine down like fur and pricking the skin beneath.

Master - " Raefox gurgled, as he trembled and fought the urge to pull away.

Kalais stroked again, then traced his claws down and under Raefox's scrotum, tenderly caressing the furred orbs that clung so tightly to Raefox's groin.

"Now, my young, frightened vulpine, - " Kalais murred, as he let his paw remain there and squeezed ever so gently. "Be honest with me. Have you ever been...well - have you ever been with another such as I?"

Confused, frightened and lost, Raefox stammered and whimpered, as tears welled in his deep brown eyes. Painful memories of his former cruel and vindictive master flooded back in on him - especially the memories of being taken repeatedly against his will, and used as a male uses a female.

Kalais was surprised by this sudden emotional outpouring, and he rose swiftly, then wrapped the hysterical young fox in his arms and pulled him close. Raefox lost what self-control he had left, and clung to Kalais like a leech, burying his muzzle against the stag's robed chest and he wept like a heartbroken faun, as Kalais glanced over Raefox's head and into Katelyn's eyes.

For over half an hour, Raefox wept helplessly, and Kalais held him soothingly and tenderly rocked him, until the young fox cried himself into broken sobs, his body and spirit exhausted.

"Katelyn," Kalais sighed softly, then tenderly rubbed the back of the crying vulpine's neck. "Please take him to the guest chambers, and get him something to eat."

Katelyn raised her eyebrows, then stepped backwards, gave a deep curtsy, then turned and held out her paw to Raefox, who glanced between Katelyn and Kalais, his muzzle wet with tears and eyes red from his crying.

"Come with me, please." Katelyn asked, as she gently laid her paw on his.

Disengaging, Kalais smoothed down his robes, a distasteful look on his muzzle as he ran his paws over the wet parts of his robes, then he held up a paw and Katelyn stopped. Stepping closer, Kalais reached out with both paws and laid them either side of Raefox's trembling muzzle - then he lowered his head and placed a kiss on the young fox's nose.

"Go get a nice hot meal, and sleep young one...we will talk more tomorrow. You are exhausted, both emotionally and spiritually. Katelyn will see to your quarters and make sure you are comfortable."

Choked with tears, at the kindness this buck was showing him, Raefox was lost for words and as Katelyn tenderly squeezed his paw, he enfolded her in a tight grasp and buried his muzzle into her shoulder and began to weep again. Katelyn draped an arm across his shoulders, then led him from the main dining hall, her hooves clicking on the marble floor as she led him away. Kalais watched them leave, then he sat himself down on his chair and picked up the half-eaten carrot he had started on earlier. Turning it end for end, he sat lost in thought, before he put it back down, then rose and made his own way from the dining hall, heading for his private study.

Indeed, he had much to think about, and much to do. Although his own desires burned hot for his young vulpine acquisition, Raefox's unexpected reaction to his inquiries, made him skittish and nervous. An ache in his groin he had borne for far too long, ever since he had first laid eyes on this young, slender fox - and before he slept this night, he had to relieve this ache - one way or another, but he did not think this night, he would fulfil his promise to Katelyn, and finally bed her....

To Be Continued...

Beggars Can't Be Choosers

Beggars Can't Be Choosers Chapter One - Revision 2 - © Cederwyn Whitefurr 8thJuly, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Passing through the crowd, a regal looking Whitetail stag moved without pause or break, his finely tailored robes and cloak swishing...

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