Tis the Season

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#2 of Tis The Season

Holly and Cameron, two young Mule Deer Anthromorphs, madly in love, wake after hours of passionate lovemaking before the fireplace on Christmas Morning. At first, Cameron notices something out of place - two strange presents sitting on the fireplace mantle. He didn't place them there - neither did Holly, his beloved. Curious, he opens the one addressed to him, passing hers to Holly. Whilst they both know their parents and very few friends have keys to their house - they don't remember hearing anyone - so who left these strange, enigmatic 'gifts'?

Cameron decides to open his, with rather - confusing - concequences. Holly opens hers, only to find that some things are better off not being meddled with - when the 'gift' seems to take control of her body and forces her to drink its contents, as it did Cameron.

What is it? What will it do to them? They're unconscious, unaware and with nobody knowing they're potentially in a great deal of trouble...

Twas the Season

Chapter Two

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

7th July, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

Holly grunted, feeling her lover tucked in tight behind her, the strong scent of musk and their lovemaking filling her nostrils. It had been wonderful, Holly couldn't deny that, as her eyelids slowly opened and she moaned, then closed them again.

"I don't want to get up - " Holly grunted quietly.

Behind her, come the exhausted snore from Cameron, his arm over her belly and holding her close. Gently, Holly slipped his arm free, before she climbed to her knees and stayed on paws and knees, feeling her body reluctantly obeying her order to stand.

As naked as the day she'd been fawned, she smoothed down her belly fur and quivered, the growing urgency in her bladder compelling her towards the bathroom. Her cloven hooves clicked on the floor, as she trailed a paw along the wall as she yawned and scratched her ears.

After her bathroom break, she washed her paws and returned to the living room, gazing lovingly at her partner, who'd rolled onto his back. His muzzle hung open, tongue lolling as a low snore come from his throat. Quietly, Holly walked over and knelt down behind his head, before she chuckled quietly and began licking and nuzzling his large, expressionate ears.

"Mmph - " He grunted, swatting weakly with a paw.

'Wake up sweetheart - " Holly snickered, licking down the outside of one ear, then up the other side.

"Dun wanna - " Come the mumbled reply, as again, his paw raised, hovered a moment, then fell back onto the faux fur rug with a thud.

"Its Christmas love - the snow has come, there's like, a good two feet of it outside and I'd like my present please!"

"Gave...you...night - " He murmured, more asleep than awake.

"That? That wasn't my present!" Holly giggled, as she leaned down and kissed his forehead, then pressed her lips against his and kissed him long and deeply.

"M,mmm - " Cameron moaned, before his pale eyelids fluttered and he peered up at the underside of her chin and throat. "Yummy..."

"Yes, I know - " Holly snorted, then playfully slapped his well muscled chest, feeling the tenseness in it. "Get up lazy bones!"

"Make me..." Cameron grunted, as he slid a paw around her head and gripped her nape, kissing her again.

"You..._really_want me to do that?" Holly grinned, as she lifted her head and looked at his impressive sheath and licked her lips seductively.

"Urf, honey...no - " Cameron moaned, as he giggled faintly and rubbed at his eyes. "You broke your buck last night."

"Oh, I doubt that!" Holly laughed shyly, before she stood over him, then held her paws out to him.

Reluctantly, Cameron gripped her paws with his own, and between then, they got him to his hooves. Holly held him gently, as he swayed and shook his head, then yawned so widely, Holly could have reached down his throat.

"Tired deer is..." Cameron began, before he frowned and shook his head.

"What is it Cameron?" Holly blinked, instantly coming fully alert as she sensed her partners nervousness.

"On...the mantle - " Cameron muttered, as he disengaged his hold of Holly and walked over, feeling the residual heat from the fire warming his belly, groin and thighs.

On the mantle, stood two small boxes, about three inches square, beautifully wrapped and with a silver ribbon and bow holding them closed. Attached were little cards, with an intricate calligraphy written script.

Cameron took them shyly, holding them in his paws, as he frowned.

"Did you do this?"

Holly frowned deeply, then shook her head. "No, its beautiful..."

He shook them cautiously, hearing _something_inside move ever so subtly, his sensitive ears struggled to make sense of it.

"Somethings inside..."

Without a thought, he gave one marked _Holly_to her, and he slid the bow off, then gasped as it sparkled in his paw, before crumbling to a fine powder-like dust.

"What the..." Cameron blinked, then used the hooflets on his other paw to poke and sift through the powder. He shuddered and threw it into the fireplace, where it went up with a soft foomp sound and a small cloud of silvery grey smoke.

"What was that?" Holly gasped, eyes wide.

"I have - no idea..." Cameron blinked in confusion, as he quickly dusted his paws off.

He held the box for several minutes, fear mixed with curiosity, as he examined it from all sides, even upside down, before he gingerly opened the package. Nestled inside was a small vial - perhaps glass, perhaps crystal, with a small cork stopper poked into its top near the thin neck. It held a pale liquid which was semi-viscous, clinging to the vial walls, before sliding back to rejoin the fluid. Curious, he frowned and unstopped it, before he gingerly wafted it under his nostrils.

Scent like a in-season doe hit his brain like a sledgehammer, and he gasped and visible reeled, as he shook his head and shuddered from ears to hooves.

"Wow..." He gasped, feeling the urge burn like the height of rut and the smell filling his mind.

'What is it?" Holly asked, frowning and nervously holding her own box.

"Open...yours - " Cameron moaned, before he backed up and flopped heavily into the leather recliner, his body quivering.

"Honey?" Holly whimpered, her ears splaying flat as she looked at him.

"It's...alright - go on, open yours!" He nodded. "I'm wondering..."

Holly reluctantly pulled the ribbon off, then she dropped it onto the ground as it, like Cameron's, crumbled to a fine powder. Her quivering hooflets peeled the lid off and as Cameron's was, so was hers. A small vial, like a mock potion flask from her L.A.R.P. Days lay in the box.

Curious overriding her common sense, a rare thing for the young Mule Deer, she took it out and held it in her paw. Like his, it was a clear substance, liquid, similar viscosity. He unstopped her vial and took a quick sniff. Her muzzle wrinkled, before the sensation like Cameron, overwhelmed her senses. A strong, powerful musk scent filled her nostrils - overriding any thought and scent, but below it w as the distinctive odour of a stag during the rut. That scent she couldn't deny, it smelt just like how Cameron did - only a thousand times stronger.

"I..." Holly gasped. "What _is_this...."

"Honey - are you...sure..." Cameron shook his head, then he seemed to become some unwilling puppet, as he lifted the vial to his lips and in one quick swallow, drank down the surprisingly sweet liquid.

Holly watched, before she felt her own arm lifting, and she gripped it with the other one, but it refused to obey her. It was like _someone_was controlling it. Inexorably, it drew the vial closer and closer, before it touched her lips and was poured into her mouth. Sweetness, greater than anything she had ever tastes, assaulted her tongue and throat as her head tipped back and it slid down her throat.

"What...what was...was..." Holly held a paw to her head, the vial falling from her nerveless paw and shattering on the floor. "Cameron...Cameron...what's..."

Holly dropped to her knees, then fell on her side, as all power to her muscles and tendons suddenly felt like she was electrocuted, without the pain. She lay there, moaning and trembling, only with a supreme effort, did she lift her head to see Cameron unconscious in the recliner.

"No...what...what's happening..." Holly gasped, as she forced her arm to stretch out towards the phone, only to fall short by a paws-breadth.

Holly whined in frustration, demanding her muscles respond, but the paralysis gripped her tight - then her head fell to the floor and her eyelids slammed down and she knew no more...

To Be Continued...

Tis the Season

Tis the Season © Cederwyn Whitefurr 7th July, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Cameron carried the oversized plush teddy bear in his pale, furred arms. His hooves and calf muscles ached abysmally, he was tired - physically and mentally. His young doe...

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Spring Break - Epilogue -

Spring Break Chapter Nine - Epilogue - © Cederwyn Whitefurr 6th July, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Raine and Rodger returned to University and continued their respective studies. One day, Raine come home an found a letter addressed to her had been...

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Spring Break

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