Spring Break - Epilogue -

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#9 of Spring Break

Raine and Rodger return to their modest little home, and back to University, where they continue their respective studies. One day, Raine comes home, to find a familiar addressed letter shoved through the mail slot, addressed to her. It brings with it joy and sadness, as Raine becomes homesick and heartsick, missing her two fathers every day she's away from them.

Spring Break

Chapter Nine - Epilogue -

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

6th July, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

Raine and Rodger returned to University and continued their respective studies. One day, Raine come home an found a letter addressed to her had been poked through the mail slot. Taking the letter, she slipped her boots off at the entryway and made her way to the kitchen, where she prepared herself a light snack.

After consuming this repast, she carried her drink out to the living room, and smiled, inhaling the scent only Rodger had - the rich, musky scent of a well pleased wallaby.

"At least he's clean and puts down a towel!" Raine chuckled to herself. "Now - about this letter, its from Reuben, I'd recognise his writing anywhere!"

Opening it, Raine sipped from her drink, then smiled as she heard her fathers words in her mind as she read the letter.

Dearest Raine, greetings our dear daughter, I trust this letter finds you well, fulfilled, in all ways, and happy. We miss you terribly, you know you and Rodger are always welcome back anytime!

"Damn it Dad - " Raine sniffed and wiped away a tear, getting heartsick and homesick.

Thank you for the birthday present - you'll be pleased to know, we bought a lovely thick cushioning pad for the headboard and wall. No more dents from dear Nathan's head.

(Nathan here love, oh, I -love- those toys you bought me! I love them...)

Raine chuckled, she couldn't help herself.

Ahem, Reuben back again, Nathan keeps trying to steal the pen off me. Well, thank you -very- much you cheeky little vixen...that harness you bought? Tsk! Well, you'll be pleased to know it works...I don't try to drive poor Nathan through the wall as bad as I once did.

Oh, Nathan -really- loves the toys, did he mention that? How's dear Rodger enjoying his? Maybe he and Nathan can talk on the phone some time - Nathan might be able to give him some tips...like he -really- likes his toys - not just the tips! The whole length - where does it go?

Raine wiped away more tears, she was laughing that hard she thought she'd surely pass out from a lack of oxygen.

Well, time to sign off now little one, my love and Nathan's to you and Rodger, as I said, you're always welcome here - anytime, call us, and we'll be at the airport, faster than Nathan during the rut gets off...

Love now and forever

Reuben and Nathan


Spring Break

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Spring Break

Spring Break Chapter Seven © Cederwyn Whitefurr 6th June, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Nathan parked the car in the undercover lot, before he looked sideways at Raine, who frowned and looked at him. "Rain, my dear, sweet daughter - " Nathan...

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Breaking in the 'Doe'

Breaking in the Doe © Cederwyn Whitefurr 6th July, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Roe paced anxiously, the young Whitetail's tail was flickering from side to side, as he nervously nibbled at his hooflets on his left paw. It was a terrible habit, he...

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