Breaking in the 'Doe'

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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Roe, is a young Anthromorph gay Whitetail Stag. Having sent away for a new 'toy' a friend recommended to him, he's beside himself with fear and nervousness, waiting for its arrival. Whilst he's no 'virgin' in that regard, when he finally gets it, he is more afraid, as its larger than he was lead to believe - but being young, adventurous and filled with that Whitetail curiosity - he decides to give it a chance...

Breaking in the Doe

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

6th July, 2019

All Rights Reserved.

Roe paced anxiously, the young Whitetail's tail was flickering from side to side, as he nervously nibbled at his hooflets on his left paw. It was a terrible habit, he knew that, but he couldn't stop himself. His black tipped ears were flat, and he couldn't stop trembling.

He'd been woken out of an exhausted sleep that morning, by the incessant ringing of his cell phone. Groggily, he'd answered it, more asleep than awake. He'd listened, muttering yes, and a few other things his still fogged mind couldn't recall. He'd had breakfast then showered. He had scrubbed himself from ears to hooves, feeling the musk flowing off his lithe body. Sweat had followed, turning the water that swirled down the drain a creamy colour. He'd shuddered and giggled nervously, unable to help himself.

Freshened up and in new clothes, he nibbled his hooflets again, as he kept pacing, waiting for the delivery truck that was due any moment. Each time his sensitive ears heard a vehicle, his heart leapt into his throat and he moaned, only to peek out through the curtains and force himself back to calmness.

"It will come when it comes - " He told himself sternly, then giggled and wrung his paws.

He had ordered something special_for himself, an early birthday present, and he was more than a little excited to try it out. Fear nibbled at his mind like a stalking predator - as he wondered if this time, he might not have gone a little overboard. His enthusiasm and eagerness had overridden his more rational mind, he knew that _now- as he imagined what it would be like.

With a nervous squeal, he jumped as his thoughts were interrupted by the 'beep beep' from outside. Trying to calm himself, he smoothed down his short and took a few deep breaths, before he walked sedately to the door and opened it, watching as a German Shepherd stepped from the truck and walked to the side. Opening a door, he touched some electronic device to a package, then nodded. Quivering, Roe watched him as the delivery agent opened his picket gate and strode purposefully up the walkway.

Roe couldn't help himself, he gazed from paw pads to ears at the German shepherd, who stopped at the door and smiled politely.

'Good morning Sir!" He spoke, even his voice had a Germanic accent. Roe thought he'd just dissolve then and there, so fast was his heart beating in his chest.

"Sir?" Inquired the Shepherd.

"Oh...sorry!" Roe stammered, then accepted the tablet and electronic pen, before he signed for the delivery and handed it back.

"Thank you, have a good day - and enjoy!" Smirked the Shepherd, as he handed over the package.

Roe couldn't help himself, he giggled hysterically and nodded. "Oh, I'm sure I will!"


Roe walked back inside, his heart thudding even faster, as he nervously sat o the couch and held the discretely wrapped and taped shut box in his quivering paws. After a few moments, he used a letter opener to unfasten the tape, before he opened the box and looked down.

"Oh...oh my..." Roe gasped, as his eyes widened.

His quivering paws slid into the box, then there was the crackle of the packaging as he wrapped his fingers around it. He moaned softly, as he lifted it up, feeling the weight, then trailed his fingers over the package, swallowing nervously at the firm knot near the base.

"I don' does ..." Roe moaned, then giggled, before he used the letter opener to split open the packaging.

Unwrapping his new acquisition, he put the packaging back in the box, then held the toy in his paws, trailing his fingers over and around it, as he shuddered and began panting. It was larger than he expected, as he felt the slightly ridged tip, the veins that felt _so_realistic. Carefully he slid his fingers down, then swallowed as hi fingers trailed over the large, yet surprisingly supple knot.

His fingers barely encircled it, before he giggled and swallowed again, quivering.

"I_know_I'm...talented...." He nervously laughed and stood the toy upright, admiring the workmanship and attention to detail. "This isn't a German Shepherd as I was told it'd be..."

He put the toy aside, then dug through the box, his slender paws wrapping around the bottle of lube, and then at the bottom, he found a printed piece of paper.

Picking it up, he read the care and cleaning paragraphs, nodding and smiling to himself, before he put that back in the box. Setting the bottle on the coffee table, his paws and mind turned back to the toy. Again, he caressed, stroked and felt it, his mind whirling with the pleasure he was sure it was to bring him.

"No time like the present!" Roe giggled, as he juggled both toy and lube bottle, then stood up and made his way to the bathroom.


For several minutes, he deep breathed and scrubbed himself from ears to feet, then turned around and splayed his paws on the glass - his hooflets clicking as he felt the hot water work its magic on his body and muscles. Finally, wet, relaxed and at peace with himself, he turned the shower rose to the wall and looked down at the toy that sat forlornly on the shower floor.

Kneeling down, he picked it up, giving it a good soaping with the goats milk soap, to remove any residual contaminants, before he rolled it between his paws and pondered. Sticking it to the wall, he giggled as it hung there, and he fondly recalled memories of his youth, with a sexy young wolf. Their love, in hindsight, had been wild, reckless and well - immature. That wolf and he had fulfilled their teenage desires for exploration and lust - and many a time, Roe had squealed like a maiden, tied to that wolf.

He gasped and shuddered, feeling his sheath squirm of its own accord then he squirmed as his member slid from the sheath, flicking and firming as it did. Shyly, he washed the toy from tip to base again, appreciating how it stayed stuck to the tiled wall. He knelt down again , then crouched and retrieved the bottle of lube. Squirting a palm full into his paw, he lathered the toy, then contemplated and added another paw full, rubbing it under his tail and feeling its slickness.

Carefully, he flicked his tail upright, feeling water droplets spatter from it, as he glanced over his shoulder and eased himself backwards. It took a few experimental tries, as he slid the toy up and down the wall, before he found a comfortable place to push against it.

As he carefully mounted - he felt the flared tip slide easily inside him, before the slightly thicker shaft which made him moan quietly. His body quivering, he pulled forwards and mounted it again, making sure the lube was giving his spinster and passage a good coating.

"Urf - " Roe grunted in surprise and pleasure, feeling the firm shaft slide itself deeper and deeper, the tip rubbing against his prostate and making him grunt. Again, he dismounted, feeling his own male-hood flick and tremble, as he panted for a moment and pushed backwards harder. With a gasp, he felt it slide fully into him, his tail touching the wall and the firm knot pressed tight.

Panting, his paws on his knees, he held this pose for a while, before he swallowed and gently began pressing backwards. He felt himself being stretched - the lube easing the strange feeling, but also helping to ease the growing discomfort from his rump.

'Just...a little...more - " He murmured, then squealed in surprise and fright as the knot popped into him, tying him to the toy and his rump slapped wetly against the shower wall.

He gasped, feeling the incredible feel of the toy inside him as he wriggled and moaned, lost in the pleasure of his first tying with the toy - before he squealed and gasped, his penis throbbing and the boiling arousal in his groin exploded as he began shooting thick strands of ejaculate across the double shower, it splattering against the wall.

"Oh..." He moaned, tail flagging and body shaking, as his anal muscles squeezed down behind the toy and rippled along it, almost how he'd milked that young wolf, all those years ago.

His body responded, again forcing an explosive orgasm from the young buck, adding to the scent of salt and his semen as he gasped and braced his paws either side of him, before they slipped and he shrieked, the toy driven to its base inside him.

This time, the orgasm was unlike _anything_he had ever experienced before or since - as it felt like an actual feral wolf had driven itself deep into his body. He shrieked - it was unable for him to control it, as his scrotum visibly flickered and his penis throbbed achingly as a final explosive orgasm of Cervid semen was shot from it - splattering over the ceiling and hanging there, like some white Stalactite before his knees gave out and he slumped to the floor, the toy pulling free with a loud slurp.

Sprawled on the floor, the buck shuddered and moaned helplessly, feeling pleasure beyond _anything_he had imagined, the water cascading over his body and washing away the sweat and semen that dribbled from his length.

It was going to be some time, before he found the strength to stand - he was pleased - very pleased - and in awe of what pleasure this toy offered him...


Spring Break

Spring Break Chapter Six © Cederwyn Whitefurr 6th July, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Raine blinked, then stared, before he muzzle fell open and she stared unseeing, before Nathan laughed nervously, then tenderly closed Raine's muzzle. "You - " Raine...

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Spring Break

Spring Break Chapter Five © Cederwyn Whitefurr 5th July, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Reuben laughed softly, then Raine heard the sound of a kiss to what she assumed was the nose of Nathan. "Nathan, dear... don't take this the wrong way, but you're...

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Spring Break

Spring Break Chapter Four © Cederwyn Whitefurr 5th July, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Next morning, Rodger was walking back towards the shared bedroom with Raine, clutching a glass of water between his paws, when the bedroom door of Nathan and Reuben...

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